@thrawn1stgaming Күн бұрын
honestly Deku is probably my favorite anime protagonist mostly because he is not a complete moron.
@greengem9132 Күн бұрын
To everyone who is saying deku is not a bad character Im sorry to say this , and i hate to say this to deku but the thing is the reason deku has so much hate is because how poorly written and utilized he is as a character Especially since he didn't do anything after learning that hes quirkless all he did was hoping he could get a chance with no training besides writing down hero tactic... That ain't going to be enough to fight a villain with no muscle Secondly he's show some sympathy to the wrong people like bakugou and shiggarki and the league of villains, like Bakugou fuckin bullied deku and he stoll think they are friends especially after that bull shit apology, And secondly seriously why shiggarki hes a fuckin terrorist The story is fuckin conflicting when it comes to character And thirdly hes powers If the story was about deku becoming a hero with a power... Why did he got powers anyway, hes just proving a point to everyone that you can't be a hero without powers And worst of all why give it up for a terrorist because of a sob backstory!? And whats the point of ofa that can destroy afo if he got destroyed by a explosion quirks especially in a weekend state he can still kill people This is why deku is the worst character in history and I hope someone makes a character like deku but better than that geek !
@ahmedaliyu1495 Күн бұрын
Never hated Deku he is a very good protagonist the problem is how the western audience looks at him in the lousiest way like this: he is shy towards girls makes him gay😠,he cries a lot and not working out makes him a loser🤦🏾‍♂️,he should have trained to become the greatest hero like batman😞or Ironman😞 before he gets a powerful quirk("which he doesn't know how to use it like a pro")😮‍💨
@animatedstorytelling1996 Күн бұрын
Yeah. A lot of Shonen fans are so used to characters like Luffy and Goku, I don’t think they expected a more timid protagonist. And it’s clear some of his hate comes from that
@TitaniumCranium77 Күн бұрын
🫡thank you for setting the record straight.
@madbuck2741 Күн бұрын
The multiple quirks didn’t really bother me. I just took it as an evolution in his power, the same way other MCs get their power ups. Plus, the quirks themselves aren’t that powerful, they’re useful due to Izuku’s creativity sure, but that’s about it. And 2 of the quirks that are strong, have very detrimental drawbacks so he rarely uses them. The only ones he uses regularly are Black Whip, Float, Danger Sense, and Smokescreen. Which again are useful and the fights more interesting but not exactly powerful. And an extra plus is the fact that outside of that short fight with Muscular using only 4 of the quirks, Izuku has only ever used these quirks in a fight against Shigaraki (and AFO). Which only proves what you mentioned in the video that it was done to balance out the fight against Shigaraki who is WAY more powerful by the end of MVA. So at the start, I can see why ppl were upset, but looking at it now, I don’t see how ppl can still be mad about it 😅
@madbuck2741 Күн бұрын
At the end of the day, a lot of the complaints against Izuku are ones that these same ppl accept in other MCs or Bakugo himself. It’s so funny to hear ppl talk about EARNING power, but then express love for characters were BORN with their power instead or got it by accident in Luffy’s case 🤣 it’s completely contradictory. Izuku earned by it showing All Might he had the mentality of a great hero and by spending months training his body to be able to take the quirk. Not to mention, he’s the only MC that I can think of that actually BROKE his body over and over to that extent while training with it. So I don’t get the “didn’t earn it” part. Ironically, I’d argue that Izuku is the one of few shounen MCs that did actually EARN his power.
@jaydean9899 Күн бұрын
People who say that didn’t get season 1😂 deku is an awesome protagonist
@zzreed6403 Күн бұрын
Midoriya isn't a perfect Mc, and he's not the worst. He's a great Mc who does embody heroism very well. Yes, he has flaws, but every Mc does. You can have the best back story but very crappy development. Same as how my hero is an amazing anime. It's not perfect, nor is it the greatest of all time, but it's good, it has its flaws and it's ok somethings are forgivable and some aren't but that's all fine.
@animatedstorytelling1996 Күн бұрын
Yeah. Just about everything adheres to that. I don’t think I know a single thing that’s been perfect. At least I’ve yet to watch it. There’s no denying My Hero has flaws. I mean, there’s certainly issues with Deku himself, I won’t deny that. I just think people like to over-exaggerate his flaws
@pirizhock Күн бұрын
People: Deka was handed everything bruh Deku: *breaks his hands for 15938573497450 time and suffers an excruciating pain just so he can fight*
@thedarknessinthelight9824 2 күн бұрын
I NEED youtubers like Nux Taku to watch this
@crystalsuzuhara 2 күн бұрын
Windbreaker is an anime that explain Bakugo as the protagonist xD
@normallid 3 күн бұрын
Deku is one of the bst protagonist some people are just dumb.
@midnightexpress3604 3 күн бұрын
Lifting the sky alone is a struggle, all that weight on your shoulders, no matter how strong you are, you are going to buckle and eventually break under its ever pressing force. But when many hands, many legs, many people standing shouldering the sky, when you buckle. Someone will always be there to give you time and security to stand back up. That is the world of Heroes that Midoria has inspired, a world that whilst it may be without Atlas, still has so many willing to keep the sky aloft.
@EskChan19 3 күн бұрын
Have the people who say that Deku has just started out OP started watching the show at season 6? Because anytime before that he WAS the underdog. He got a quirk that for the majority of the story he couldn't even use. And even when he could pretty much everyone was still stronger than him. It was really only once he started awakening the quirks of the former users that he started to get OP. But at that point he had been through so many battles and situations where he stood up despite NOT being strong enough that he EARNED that. Yes, One For All, used fully, makes him pretty much the strongest person in the verse. But the thing is that he EARNED that through pain and self sacrifice. And to be honest that's the reason I kinda hope that it turns out that he still has One For All too, maybe Shiggy gave it back to him or something, there WAS this foggy mist going from him to Deku before he smiled and said he was curious to see what Deku will do from now on. But it would feel kind of dumb to have the end of the story just reset him back to the beginning. Because like I said he earned his power, so it would be shit to take it from him once he has earned his power. That would be like Naruto ending with him becoming hokage for a day, then suddenly everyone decides to hate him again so he has to go back to sitting on his swing while everyone hates him. Or Ruffy becopming king of the pirates just for the series to end with "And by the way two days after that the age of the pirates ended and Ruffy became a fisher".
@Devorador_de_sonhos 3 күн бұрын
deku is a boring character because there is no conflict, he is a good guy and that's it. After the issue of him learning to use his powers ended, nothing interesting happened to him anymore, he doesn't question whether any villain really deserves to be saved despite the evil things he does to others, he always puts himself in a dangerous situation without even the slightest bit of appreciation for life itself. He has practically no negative character traits: fear, envy, resentment, hate, bitterness, nothing, he is a bucket of altruism and unlimited empathy and that is very boring because it is not real. In the first seasons you could sympathize with his fears and want to see him grow, but then Deku is just a good guy who does good and that's it. People prefer bakugou because he is an incredibly flawed character, and he learns to deal with his weaknesses, realizes that he was a horrible person and evolves
@shallax-op8ev 2 күн бұрын
This is biased and really Immature. You don't understand. You don't want to.
@Devorador_de_sonhos 2 күн бұрын
@@shallax-op8ev ok, you come here, don't propose any counter arguments, assume that I have no interest in discussing the topic and I'm the immature one? immature for wanting a character with more layers besides someone who just wants to do good because yes.
@shallax-op8ev 2 күн бұрын
@@Devorador_de_sonhos it's immature because you think that. That's selfish. And you say bakugou is flawed.but if you actually watched the show there are tons of characters with flaws. Mineta. Kirishima Kaminari MIDORIYA OCHAKO MOMO AND TONS MORE.
@shallax-op8ev 2 күн бұрын
@@Devorador_de_sonhos you wanting more layers is basically you saying it's not good enough.
@shallax-op8ev 2 күн бұрын
@@Devorador_de_sonhos and there more are layers for dekus story. He's flawed because he has no self care. He's flawed because he's weakness is never giving up. That's proven in the manga.
@kevonenoch 3 күн бұрын
I think deku is a bad protagonist and his friends are too much when deku wanted to go solo we get see him get his solo fights then his friends ruin it and a waste considering he is animes spider man who fights villains by himself
@shallax-op8ev Күн бұрын
Are you stupid?
@manuelchacon3437 3 күн бұрын
What most people didn’t recall about Deku is how all his actions and intentions where directly linked to him wanting to Prove he was worth of his power. Even at some points being willing to transfer One for All for the greater good, like in MY HERO ACADEMIA: TWO HEROES movie in the final battle willing to give it to bakugo or When he find out Mirio was quirkless in the hospital, and was seriously considering transferring his quirk to him. HE IS SERIOUSLY COMPROMISE WITH THE CONCEPT OF (TO SAVE THEM ALL…)
@lionsenkei1621 4 күн бұрын
Hes ok just ok. My hero is ass
@shallax-op8ev Күн бұрын
It isn't 🤦‍♂️
@mindduxx 4 күн бұрын
Deku is the perfect representation of heroism and is an amazing protagonist he's relatively the same as spider man and superman
@benjiago6800 4 күн бұрын
my main annoyance is that this whole series happens in what 2 years. there is no actual growing and moving to hero staus. they are stuck in school for8 seasons. like dude let them grow up.
@animatedstorytelling1996 4 күн бұрын
It’s a weird staple to most Shonen Anime. I’ve gotten used to it over the years, but I’ve certainly found it odd. Deku and his friends never going past their first year. Luffy only aging in One Piece via a time skip. I’m sure there’s probably a reason for it, but it’s strange
@diversemike611 4 күн бұрын
Bro cooked with this video 🙏🏾
@ImchautzuCHAUTZU 4 күн бұрын
Not a huge MHA fan He's not the BEST protagonist ever but far from the worst.
@FoundRace 4 күн бұрын
fire video
@Itsamezee371 4 күн бұрын
I hate the fact that people say that bakugo should have inherited ofa because bakugo already had explosion an already super powerful quirk and bakugous personality didint seem like the type of person worthy of ofa because he literally told deku to kill himself.
@animatedstorytelling1996 4 күн бұрын
He also wouldn’t accept it. A large part of his character is he wants to reach the top with his own power. So all the talk of Bakugo inheriting One for All kills who he is as a character
@BoscoSal-ao 4 күн бұрын
Bakugou is a better protagonist than deku😂
@shallax-op8ev Күн бұрын
Imagine you were in your most favorite anime. And some dude whose actually important calls you an extra. And you are. The whole entire show. Not once people ever saw you again. Not once.
@venomouswyverns8819 4 күн бұрын
so its clear you didnt pay atttention to how bakugo actually is until season 3 ep 23 huh? no disrespect your not the only one, but bakugo while yes is a prodigy was no way complicit in his abilities, its shown that he put 110% into everything he does and was much more intelligent than most watchers gave him credit for, his freakout was that 110% wasnt the gold star like he thought but the standard for high profile UA and seeing people who he knew outclassed him was more than his ego could take at the time, but he still bounced back dont think he should lead the story or nothing but hes a much more interesting and complex character than people give him credit for and that starts WAAAAY before season 3 btw deku is an amazing character and as a crier myself no matter what the emotion i really relate to the greenette so thanks for defending the boy
@animatedstorytelling1996 4 күн бұрын
Bakugo did have to work to where he was, but a major part of his earlier character was believing he was the best. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t smart and talented to begin with, simply that he had to alter how he thought and approached things. I never claimed his change came at the end of season 3. This was an immediate wake up call from as early as episode 5.
@animatedstorytelling1996 4 күн бұрын
I do agree though, people are way too prepared to lift one at the expense of the other. What makes Deku and Bakugo interesting is how they’ve been growing and leading together. Even if they weren’t always doing it side by side
@venomouswyverns8819 4 күн бұрын
​@@animatedstorytelling1996 no yeah 110% he thought he was the best and his efforts were gonna shoe him in, his reality check was needed and early, and about the season 3 bit was just kinda words for words sake as it wasnt important WHEN just that nuances of his early charactization seems to elude you (like 96% of the fanbase) nothing wrong with that but it needed to be pointed out, tbh ive only seen like one person truly understand bakugo from begining to end at least on the yt side of things (though i never actively looked for anyone else ive never saw any either)
@animatedstorytelling1996 4 күн бұрын
Got ya!
@motionfist7431 5 күн бұрын
Float and Zero gravity have a massive difference. Deku can't change his gravity or the gravity of other people. All he could do is float and fly in one direction. So the complaint that float makes zero gravity irrelevant never made sense.
@animatedstorytelling1996 5 күн бұрын
A lot of the complaints suggesting he was stealing people’s roles never really did. Some people really just hated Deku and looked for any little way to belittle his journey
@munkhgalamarmend8809 3 күн бұрын
@@animatedstorytelling1996 also that makes no sense having the power similar to a lot of his classmates makes takes those classmates' roles becasue it doenst deku is still a single person he cant do too many things at once he need support from those people
@ManakiGTaiyo 5 күн бұрын
IMO, the series isn’t bad at all, it’s just majority of the fandom is pretty weird…
@animatedstorytelling1996 5 күн бұрын
Yeah…there’s certainly a real weird group in there. I’m still disgusted by the thought there are people that think Eri and Deku are an acceptable ship.
@jasonblack2477 5 күн бұрын
Dekus power isn't even unearned😂. Goku had Talent Luffy ate a devil fruit and Naruto had Kurama from the start lmao
@shallax-op8ev 2 күн бұрын
Naruto earned that respect. He earned the power. Luffy trained to become a pirate. He earned that strength. Goku may have been talented ,but he still earned it like all the others. He trained he focused. He become a saipan. I'm a multi anime fan. I love every character you said I'm this comment. So don't be like that.
@madbuck2741 Күн бұрын
@@shallax-op8ev I don’t think that’s what they’re saying 😅 they’re saying that characters didn’t EARN their power, not that they didn’t work for it. Luffy for example got his power by ACCIDENT 😂 yes, he trained hard to hone it for years after getting it but he still didn’t EARN that power at the start. On the opposite end, Izuku did EARN the power, worked hard to get it, and worked hard afterwards (like Luffy did). It’s because we see the after effects of Luffy, that some ppl are more accepting of it for some reason.
@shallax-op8ev Күн бұрын
@@madbuck2741 oh okay
@shallax-op8ev Күн бұрын
@@madbuck2741 also go to the comments on thai video there you would see there are over like 100 replies on someone's comment check that out fr
@shallax-op8ev Күн бұрын
@@madbuck2741 but thanks thanks clearing things up
@whyhellothair425 5 күн бұрын
Not gonna lie if I thought anyone would take the role of protagonist from Deku I thought it would be Red Riot cause he is basically Deku but Actually interesting character wise
@animatedstorytelling1996 5 күн бұрын
That’s a different one. Can’t say I’ve seen Kirishima suggested before. I think it really goes to show how interesting the supporting cast is though.
@glantshenyego 6 күн бұрын
Not close to rental girlfriend
@animatedstorytelling1996 5 күн бұрын
There’s no saving Kazuya
@thett3167 6 күн бұрын
most people that have issues with deku just ignore the fact that he’s a 15 year old with literally all of japan on his shoulders to that i have to ask, what were you doing at 15?
@torch_warden8177 6 күн бұрын
i remember watching anime, reading books i didnt get at the time and making friends i didnt keep
@Devorador_de_sonhos 3 күн бұрын
yes, comparing a character from a fantasy work with reality, nice argument
@thett3167 3 күн бұрын
@@Devorador_de_sonhos king baldwin was king at 13, what were you doing at 13
@Devorador_de_sonhos 2 күн бұрын
@@thett3167 the guy from decades ago? niiiice argument. I should know how to hunt with a spear, wear animal skin and live in a cave too?
@violettracey 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! I liked when you talked about how Deku inspires others around him to become better. A lot of series focus on just the power of the main character, and have the whole final battle ride on them. That is not wrong, but MHA is just not that kind of story.
@pela10 6 күн бұрын
Great video, great quality, new subscriber
@ajayxerx1511 6 күн бұрын
how the hell was one for all unearned, he had to train to get that power almost everyone else in series was born with a quirk at an early age if anything he is one of the people to actually EARN a quirk.
@NewNotNewbMargieA 6 күн бұрын
Not only did Deku run to save someone without thinking even though he didn't have a quirk, that person was the one who bullied him mercilessly. Bakugou even told him to jump out the window and kill himself. Though I like Bakugou's growth, he doesn't deserve to be the MC.
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
Your friendly bot here fucked up and didn't pay attention to where he was grabbing things from. Uploading a new thumbnail so I'm not pulling someone else's renderings. But wanted to give a quick plug to the creator of the original Deku image: www.deviantart.com/r3dl1on83/art/Izuku-Midoriya-Season-7-Render-1036011706
@striker07927 6 күн бұрын
Hey! That’s my Deku Render in the the Thumbnail.
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
Hey! Sorry, I thought I found official art from the anime. Didn’t mean to grab something you made
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
Did a re-edit with an screenshot from the trailer. Sorry again. I should have paid more attention to where I was grabbing from.
@striker07927 6 күн бұрын
@@animatedstorytelling1996no no, it’s fine, in fact I was actually kinda surprised in a good way when I saw it and pointed it out, I should’ve been more clear on that part, my bad.
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
@striker07927 oh, no worries! It was a great render
@miniwhiffy3465 6 күн бұрын
@Pixieawldzz 6 күн бұрын
Even tho hes a crybaby i still love him as a MHA character
@saikyue4462 6 күн бұрын
I mean Deku is a good protagonist depending on what hes trying to be, its just that this style of protagonist most people dont like in a shonen. Giving up Power to reach an inner child of someone instead of just fucking killing the mf is something no one who watches a shonen is looking for.
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
I kinda wish they’d have gone more into the One for All and All for One relationship. A lot of theories kind of revolved around the idea that both would destroy the other. I remember there being a bunch of quirk singularity theories after the end of the first war. But there’s not really anything in the story that points to this being necessary. It could have been an interesting twist if he had to destroy his quirk to destroy All for One, but I agree. There’s a lot at the end that didn’t make a good deal of sense. I think My Hero got a little to wrapped in its endgame. Like nothing mattered by All for One’s defeat so it was ok, without thinking that even when the story ended, the lives of its characters technically go on…
@saikyue4462 6 күн бұрын
@@animatedstorytelling1996 I mean that kinda did come to life since Deku gave all his quirks including one for all to shigaraki which then conflicted within him and basically killed both shigaraki and all for one. But looking at Dekus 120% fake OFA smash where he hits 5 times at once cuz he used gearshift, it was clear that he could have easily defeated shigaraki like this and just kill him normally, so It was never necessary to make deku quirkless again at the end from what was already established
@DemonbotX 6 күн бұрын
Deku is basically the same as Goku, he works hard to be stronger and master his abilities, if you want to say deku steals techniques from his classmates, don't say Goku doesn't, Goku doesn't have a single technique to himself, but no one mentions anything about that, kamahama, solar flare, kioken, spirit bomb, goku steals, and what about Naruto, he literally stole his first technique, shadow clone jitsu, deku is just the best, he's smart and strong, he cries a lot so, he's emotional
@Devorador_de_sonhos 2 күн бұрын
@@DemonbotX People don't complain about Deku stealing powers from his classmates, I've never seen anyone use that argument. they complain about him suddenly gaining several quirks and being a master of them, it was lazy writing and the worst of all is that some techniques could be replaced by equipment
@tiquezgraham7963 6 күн бұрын
They tend to forget my hero is a love letter to American comics it's not about being an underdog it's about being a good person
@panjamysy 6 күн бұрын
Also, as much as I love Bakugou the best thing about him is his change BECAUSE of Deku. Seeing him go from a nasty bully to a reliable ally to our MC is what makes him a great character.
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
Bakugou has a really interesting change. Honestly, the only thing that makes me wish we got a bit more time before the final war, was I liked seeing how his interactions with Deku evolved. He was a slow burn, but a lot of it really paid off in these last few arcs
@Regerts Күн бұрын
Bakugo's change was interesting because nothing changed personality wise, it was all him learning to be honest with himself.
@animatedstorytelling1996 Күн бұрын
It’s what I personally liked best. Bakugo doesn’t feel like a new character. A lot of redemptions arcs make the character almost unrecognizable. Bakugo is still Bakugo. He’s just more mature about it. And he’s accepted his own weaknesses rather than blaming others. I’m really glad he’s still fighting to be number one, and didn’t just decide that now that him and Deku are cool, he’s ok being 2
@panjamysy 6 күн бұрын
I am so tired of the Deku hate. He is a wonderful MC. Not my favorite character in the series, but very loveable and a very GOOD person. His ability to see the humanity in the villains is a very amazing thing.
@greyworld6242 6 күн бұрын
16:51 I have literally never heard this until now. Also can please do more videos on the other bnha characters. If you’re going to analyze Deku can do it with the others that also deserve it. Also also should wanted to be a hero because of your own reasons be treated as a bad thing? Is that wrong? 20:11 and is that universal fact? The dark Deku arc should’ve been longer. Do you believe their are still flaws with the story in the manga that need to be addressed? Ps. Hori has just announced that the story has 5 chapters left now. Don’t believe me look it up!
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
I’ve been so chronically online I’ve come across about a billion threads for all sorts of things. Which helps with videos like this. A lot of the Black Hole and Spotlight Stealer complaints actually were found via a podcast made by the people that made that abridged series mentioned in the video. But there’s definitely flaws in the story. I personally wasn’t a huge fan of the final war altogether. And thought most of the year between the two wars happened really fast. It doesn’t really bother me that it ends in five chapters. There’s a good deal I’d like to see them cover, but I imagine that the last chapter will probably be 40-60 pages, as a number of manga has done that in the past. Realistically, unless we get a flash forward, we’re not seeing them fix hero society. More likely the series ends with them taking the steps to try and do so.
@greyworld6242 6 күн бұрын
@@animatedstorytelling1996 yeah I agree.
@monke1419 6 күн бұрын
Yeah, it’s true, but like…stain did respect todoroki. Deku showed up and showed with words and actions that what he believes to be the meaning of a hero, and stain spared with him because of what he saw. Then todoroki showed up, did the same thing, and stain actually decided to spare him. He went to stab him, but said that he was a real hero unlike Native, so he changed his mind and went for him, but then Deku woke up and blocked him to save native. Both Deku and todoroki were accepted by stain as real heroes worth sparing or at the very least worth killing iida and native instead. It wasn’t until later tho that todoroki states that stain is now going for the kill for all of them due to being desperate. He even nearly cut off todoroki’s arm. They beat his ass and then he later saved deku from a nomu. He even technically noticed iida’s changed philosophy being that of a hero, but he just didn’t buy that a person could change that quickly, so he was still tryna kill him.
@animatedstorytelling1996 6 күн бұрын
Was just re-watching that fight, and yeah. I’d been so busy trying to dispute complaints I’d seen about Stain and Deku, I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that Todoroki wasn’t a target either. Probably a much better dispute.
@lenabach3047 7 күн бұрын
Just wanted to add my two cents on the 'Bakugou is a prodigy' take. It's true that a lot of things come easily to him on the first try, like doing tricks with balls and skipping stones. And he was born with a quirk that inherently has a lot of potential. But here comes the 'but': He honed that quirk since childhood. When he manifested it, all it could make was tiny firework sparks. To get the fire power he has during the UA entrance exam, he must have used and trained his quirk for years, otherwise it would be much, much weaker. And the mid-air mobility is also a skill he must've first come up with and then seriously worked towards. Not to mention that he probably didn't get abs and super strong shoulders out of nowhere. I can't prove that he put in as much work as Todoroki or Midoriya during the 10-month long training, but he certainly hasn't been sitting on his ass either (considering that he always knew he wanted to be a hero and his prideful, obsessive personality wouldn't have allowed him to slack off). Other than that I really like the video.
@taqresu5865 6 күн бұрын
There are other indicators too, like his battle sense. In many respects he is as observant as Deku. He doesn't let his pride or confidence get in the way of reading the situation. If anything, his confidence is what makes him so formidable because he doesn't hesitate to act accordingly, that winner's mentality, so to speak.
@CookiesNcreeme06 7 күн бұрын
“He’s touched his fellow heroes and students”
@animatedstorytelling1996 7 күн бұрын
@shallax-op8ev 2 күн бұрын
For the past few hours I have had a debate with someone while at work for summer. This is ridiculous. ​@@animatedstorytelling1996
@oettamsues6311 7 күн бұрын
He is literally the incarnation of THE hero. His sacrifice and stubborness, knidness and altruism, he is great! He broke himself to save people, what other things someone should ask to be convenced? Boh