Jordan Morris on Youth Group
21 күн бұрын
Kyle Starks on Karate Prom
Daniel Warren Johnson on The Nam
Flash Gordon at 90: Dan Schkade
Best Comics of 2023 (Part One)
Tom Taylor on Titans: Beast World
David Dastmalchian on Count Crowley
@ChrisChaka 18 күн бұрын
Great ep for Father's Day. It was driving me crazy trying to figure out where I knew Sean's voice from until you brought up his work with Arrow films. He has a great commentary (and podcast) voice.
@scootch7 Ай бұрын
loving this comic, I recommend reading it while listening to Messer Chops
@ChrisChaka Ай бұрын
Great interview! The most on-point couples chat I've heard in a while.
@ChrisChaka Ай бұрын
Universal Monsters FMK, hmm? F Dracula (kinky), M the Mummy (he's eternally devoted), and K the Invisible Man (never trust a man without a face)
@LegacyFable Ай бұрын
Man i love this podcast so chill
@ChrisChaka Ай бұрын
Another great Kyle Starks interview. His enthusiasm is inspiring.
@DavidSilva-mn4dz 2 ай бұрын
Love the coldwar setting. And I agree with Brad that The FF needs to age up.
@ChrisChaka 2 ай бұрын
Such a gutpunch of an issue. I hadn't noticed until one of you brought it up, but the square panels are all composed like a 35mm photograph. I also didn't notice the first time how much of the action is so easily inferred from in between the panels. You rarely get a highlighted impact. It's usually just the firing from one side and straight to the aftermath, but your brain fills in the moment of contact. All these years, I thought Mike had been shot through the head, and he would have survived if he had been wearing his helmet. But the last panel does not show where Mike was shot, it could have been anywhere fatal. The purpose of the helmet in the panel is to show how cocky Mike had become, that the enemy had failed to kill him before, and he was too lucky, in his mind, to catch a bullet. The lack of his helmet didn't get him killed, his lack of fear did.
@VactorVerse 2 ай бұрын
@ChrisChaka 3 ай бұрын
Very inspirational chat
@VactorVerse 3 ай бұрын
Great ep!
@jcjdstlry 3 ай бұрын
Love the review! Cheers!
@ChrisChaka 3 ай бұрын
Love a grim and supernatural tinged Western. Intrigued where these guys will go next.
@jackiechambers2726 4 ай бұрын
✅ *PromoSM*
@ChrisChaka 4 ай бұрын
Great interview!
@ernestocaro9802 4 ай бұрын
Man this series is amazing!!! The passageway is great, the tenement I’m on issue #8 and d4mn! I can’t wait to read the whole thing.
@BenjaminHeyman 5 ай бұрын
Never a character i could get into, especially after that godawful movie.
@eranmccandlish5803 7 ай бұрын
✋ *Promo SM*
@VactorVerse 10 ай бұрын
@2tastey 11 ай бұрын
Hey! Great content here! I was looking for an interview with Andrea Sorrentino and boom your podcast appeared! Will be tuning in for future casts!
@Spidercat616 Жыл бұрын
Great podcast! I seem to remember in Silver Surfer #2 that Norrin glimpsed a possible future where he and Dawn had a silver haired daughter who was sadly never born... at least in this reality.
@Spidercat616 Жыл бұрын
Also... that's YOU in that photo of Dawn?? That's awesome!
@johnepple854 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone know if Minor Threats is a graphic novel yet? I got the first issue but haven’t seen it since
@comicbookcouplescounseling8538 Жыл бұрын
It’s coming out on July 11th
@VactorVerse Жыл бұрын
@VactorVerse Жыл бұрын
I want more. And I know I shouldn't. Do this video every year!
@VactorVerse Жыл бұрын
Hearing Lisa say "His head is a DOOKIE" made me LOL very loudly
@santosnathaniel6094 Жыл бұрын
🤘 *Promosm*
@VactorVerse Жыл бұрын
This youtube ch needs more love!
@LegacyFable Жыл бұрын
This channel deserves more love this is actually really good that intro tho amazing
@VactorVerse Жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm on this episode! :D
@lukelizalde7395 Жыл бұрын
Always fun to hear Greg and Todd. I wish Greg did drawing videos like Jim Lee.
@owensreviews625 Жыл бұрын
@owensreviews625 Жыл бұрын
That’s so cool. Can’t wait for Batman/Spawn.
@VactorVerse Жыл бұрын
Another great episode!
@VactorVerse Жыл бұрын
Great episode!
Thank you so much guys! Can’t wait to do it again!
@carlalaurentino9518 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this episode! I can't get enough of the lovely cast and I could listen to Brian, Cliff and Chris talk about their work for hours. I also didn't catch any ill feelings from Brian regarding the representation question, I actually liked how it turned out! I'm sure he was always very aware of this and it's cool that bringing the story to the screen made it possible for them to expand and explore a lot of aspects of the girls' individual arcs in a very respectful and genuine way. Not that the comics didn't do that, but the obvious limitations were there and it's amazing that they can properly approach them now with more time and a few more voices to enrich the wonderful original material. Adina's answer was just chef's kiss, she's a queen! What a great actress, I love her beautiful voice so much. Her dynamic with Jason on the show, although (sadly) kinda brief, was perfect. Nate is a great actor too, very versatile and Larry was a very welcomed addition to the comics lore, his "big brother" relationship with Tiff was very sweet. The girls were perfectly chosen for their roles, they're extremely talented and charismatic and flawlessly brought to life the protagonists. It must have been hard to carry such high expectations but they exceeded all of them with no problem! Hoping for a season 2 with all my heart, they all did a more than fantastic job with it and left the audience with a huge cliffhanger! Anyway, thank you so much once again!! Awesome work, great questions!! 💗
@NerdtasticNews 2 жыл бұрын
Man I absolutely love this Podcast!!! This book is a recent find for me but I fell in LOVE with it instantly!
@user-nf7in4wz5z 2 жыл бұрын
Привет Карина Усаги
@johnm.withersiv4352 2 жыл бұрын
Jon Sable: Freelance was a fun comic. There are some connections between Sable and Oliver Queen at Grell's pen.
@johnm.withersiv4352 2 жыл бұрын
I can't imagine being Jeff Smith and having good years ahead coming off of Bone. Luckily, my creative works have yet to leave me in a position to carry them as weights into the next project. Bone casts a big shadow.
@ShelfOfPenitence 2 жыл бұрын
This is awesome! Was literally looking up something like an interview with Andrea cause I was feeling all stoked for the first little installment of The Bone Orchard dropping in just a few days...not at all expecting something very recent, let alone an interview with both, heavily focusing on The Bone Orchard! Jeff has revealed quite a bit about his way of working and the whole background of things through his Substack, but aside from some tidbits online and as extras in TPBs, it's not as easy to gain insight in Andrea's way of working (such as his unique use of paneling and tendency to use these big double splash pages, often combined), like you asked him about. I'm in the Netherlands, free comic book day isn't really a thing here as far as I know but I'm sure I can read it online soon enough and track down a physical copy in a while. It's not easy as going to the comic store (which are rare here to begin with) and picking up something you like, I have to mail order everything, so I read a lot of comics online and later order what I really want physically. It's a bit of a shame that there's only going to be a hardcover version of The Passageway...cause Andrea's work (the double page spreads etc) honestly translates horribly to hardcover - even trades really don't do it justice, unfortunately. Still pre-ordered it, of course. It's a bit of a catch 22 really...single issues and to a lesser extent TPBs are a decent enough experience, but Andrea's art style really just lends itself best to being read digitally. At the same time, you just want to read their work physically because sitting in front of a screen also kind of tarnishes the experience. If done very well, a motion comic would probably be ideal for things like Gideon Falls and Primordial to really bring the way Sorrentino makes use of the format to life and fully immerse the reader into the experience...but like I said, it would have to be done VERY well. Anyway...even more psyched for The Bone Orchard mythos now, I really feel like it has all the potential to be that 'perfect' horror comic that I (and I'm sure many others along with me) have always longed for, but no one ever made...already dreading having to wait for Ten Thousand Black Feathers...
@thomasgreissfan17 2 жыл бұрын
Fun interview guys! Loved to listen
@KevinAgot 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely love this pod! The Samnees are the best. I found your podcast through a couple of cool stickers you left at one of my favorite comic shops, Comic Logic. I don't go there as much as I'd like to, but when I do, it's a great experience. Keep up the great work. I was hoping the vid would capture ya'lls faces, etc...hopefully, one day. In the meantime, keep up the great work for what has become one of my favorite Top 3 podcasts out there. The joy and excitement you exude has moved me to buy books I never would've bought without your strong recommendation and coverage.
@mannyfreshvideos2574 2 жыл бұрын
I think Sony pictures Animation movie bubble going be come out
@j4yexe 2 жыл бұрын
@NegaHumanX 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry for the long comment. I have a lot of feelings for the FF and tend to word vomit when they are the topic. You know what I've noticed? People often compare Reed and Ben similarly to how many people compare Cyclops and Wolverine. I'm not entirely sure why, but from what I've gleaned from people I've talked to, Ben and Wolvie are deceptively simple. It's not hard for a kid to understand "raw! I'm grump and have spike hands" or "Aw. I'm sad cause I'm a monster" but can be hard to understand "I need to take responsibility for everything" or "I need people in my life, but don't have enough time to spend with everyone I love". Of course all these characters are complicated and interesting, but it's less apparent for quiet, internal characters who keep their emotions to themselves than loud punchy guys who yell out how they feel in a burst of emotional assertion. Reeds outward disconnectedness of Reed and Cyclops can be off-putting for a child and that can make their more mature traits come off as boring adult stuff, while Wolverine having a temper tantrum is cool and powerful. Not that I don't love a good man-pain Wolverine scream. I personally relate to Reed Richards since we both see the world differently from (seemingly) everyone else and we both don't always realize when we are harming the people we love or ourselves. We both feel we need to use our unique perspectives to "solve everything" not just for ourselves or the world, but for the people we love more than anything. On another note, I think the FF get a bad rep because most people learn of them through crossovers with other comics from the 60s. I've noticed that in Spider-Man the Avengers had been written really out of character (less so in their own book, but even there they were very different from their individual books) mostly to show how Spidey thinks differently from adult heroes. The X-Men depicted the Avengers as really level headed and liable while Spidey had them going off on a dime over nothing. Hulk gets this treatment too. He was a misunderstood teddybear in everyone else books but more complicated in his own. It just seems like Marvel wrote each title from the POV of their title character, so if you read Spider-Man the FF where some old people who lived nearby and helped out from time to time, from Hulk they were depictions of the heroic ideal he failed to meet. Has anyone else noticed this? I've also noticed a theme of "FF are old" being almost omnipresent whenever anyone talks about them. I never got why. It's not like Iron-Man or Hulk were that far after the FF. Yes, they were the first family but they are not grandparent rocking on the porch (I know that isn't what that quote was going for, but it illustrates my point really well). Reed is around the same age as most of the Avengers, so why does no one (pre MCU) ever say "they couldn't make an Iron-Man movie. He's a business tycoon type from the 60s. His original suit used attachments that ran on miniature transistors. That's too silly. We need to set his movie in the 60s so the audience can suspend their disbelief". If it's because of the space race thing, Reed's actual motivation to get to the moon was way more personal. There have also been a million alternate reason they went to space in the many retellings of their origins. Why does the FF have to be old timey for people to try them out? I never understood how so many people see Peter Parker as the "everyman" character. He's an asshole. A lovable one, but an asshole. Johnny Storm is the most relatable character to the millennial age that I have ever read. Desperately wanting to feel mature without fully understanding what that means. Always feeling like he's missing something or he's not good enough. Skilled and full of potential but having no clear direction to take himself. Focused on experiences, love and hobbies but always feeling he''s letting everyone he knows down in some intangible way. He's the poster boy for a generation. I love the FF and I wish more people could see past the time in which the original run came out. They do it for every other character, but even the people who like them tend to see them as old, in need of an update or irrelevant. In a time when Every 15-30 something feels like Johnny Storm, when it's so easy to compare yourself to other people and feel misshapen, when it is far more apparent that representation (not just of women but all people) needs to be felt and acted upon, not just seen and where everyone should understand the feeling of self-isolation there is no comic book characters more relevant than the Fantastic Four. Anyway, I'm glad you guys liked their comics. They get even better after the Lee/Kirby run and just keep going up.
@NegaHumanX 2 жыл бұрын
Man, this comment came off as whiny. I have way too many feelings for these characters...😐