American Reacts Trooping the Colour 2024
American Reacts England's Lincoln Castle
American Reacts Why did Sweden Decline?
American Reacts to German Wildlife
15 сағат бұрын
American Reacts to Hever Castle
@andypandy9013 49 минут бұрын
True story. Well, according to my Brother. He was in a pub in Lincoln and fell into conversation with an American couple who were on holiday here in the UK and visiting the city for the day. They asked what the place used to be called before it was called Lincoln because they thought that it was wonderful that we Brits had renamed the place after one of their most famous Presidents! 🤣🤣🤣
@kennethconnell9174 52 минут бұрын
Fuck london
@jamieturner4677 52 минут бұрын
Man that's so good to see a young American finding this hilarious 😂
@seekerofthetruth1298 Сағат бұрын
I had the honour as a British Army Reservist on an exchange posting with the US National Guard in 1990, to witness the changing of the guard at the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. I stood to attention for the duration of the guard change as a mark of respect for the three soldiers who are buried there, and also for the Sentinels performing their duty.I would never have dreamed of disrespecting the Sentinels who guard the Tomb, even though I was a foreigner at the Cemetary. It seems to me that these idiotic tourists think that the Horse and Foot guards on duty in London are actors who dress up in fancy uniforms just for tourists to make fun of. It’s very clear where these people are from and they are a disgrace to their country.
@HanChap2 Сағат бұрын
I lived near Menwith Hill growing up, which is an RAF base used by the USAF. I had a lot of American friends at school because the kids who came to Menwith with their parents, mostly went to local English schools. I LOVED going onto the base. My American friends would often take me to Lakenheath as well, another RAF base used by USAF. I have the BEST memories of those times with my American friends.
@yariendedispo671 Сағат бұрын
France a Military Superpower ???...............😂😂😂 I am French and our generals say that we only can hold a small front of 80 kilometers for 4 days because we have a small army , we have no ammo and no possible conscripts .......... We are only garden gnomes with a big mouth ... 🤣
@Nobby76 Сағат бұрын
i think second guy was talking about europe and not england, Europe has been freed from the uk and now they are getting used to it.. I think that's what he is trying to get at.
@lavender-rosefox8817 Сағат бұрын
Operation nimrod is the most famous Operation as it brought the SAS into the public eye the only good decision thatcher EVER made
@caractacusbrittania7442 Сағат бұрын
Tae hear the pipes of the seaforths at the storming of the bibi ghar... Whereby the saying, coined by Indian mutineers, "the devil's in skirts" Was first spoken. Put em to the bayonet Colonel, and they did, 3,000 of em, Awash wi blood, from head Tae toe, Many a maer earned his shilling that day.
@angyliv8040 Сағат бұрын
Casi todos los partidos son de centro porque se inscriben dentro de un sistema político determinado. Son todo lo mismo. Y los partidos están dentro del sistema político formal. Quiere decir que no pueden salir de ahí. Para mi la diferencia entre izquierda y derecha no existe. Es una gran mentira. Lo digo porque he estudiado como se formaron muchos partidos y los totalitarismos y comunismos. Tienen un origen común. Es lo mismo solo con colores diferentes para manipular a la gente. No sirve de nada votar. Te lo digo de ya. Votes o no estarán en el poder. Y son todos iguales.
@paul1979uk2000 Сағат бұрын
I like the idea behind the UN but it's toothless and it was crazy to think it would work with 200 or so countries, it was only a matter of time before it gets paralysed into being no more than a talking shop. Maybe they should have started the UN on a smaller scale, maybe a democracy club with incentive for other countries to want to change, reform and become democracies to join, it also needed more teeth if it was every going to be useful in being able to do things, after all, imagine the EU if it didn't have the power to enforce anything over its members, it would be useless and that's the problem with the UN, too many countries of so many different views, there are no powers in it to enforce its rules on its members, it was always eventually going to be no more then a talking shop that becomes useless in time. So either it needs major reforms, which is unlikely with how things are going around the world and especially because the US, China and Russia are playing politics, that makes reforms almost impossible, or it needs to be scrapped and started again but only allow like-minded countries in it, maybe a democracy only club that work together to push like-minded thinking around the world whiles offering peaks for other countries to want to change and join, a bit like how the EU does it, there are a lot of reasons why countries want to join the EU and the EU doesn't make it easy with the reforms it demands, contrast that with the UN or the African Union, and you can see why it doesn't work, any country can join, regardless of the structure of the country and no incentive for those countries to want to change, there's the real problem, there's no carrot and stick to want to change and that makes the UN and AU useless in today's world. If reforms are possible, then the permanent members need reforms and those countries should be treated as equals like the none permanent members, the veto rules with 200 countries is crazy and would never work, so some kind of majority voting is needed but more importantly is teeth, if it's lacking that in being able to enforce policies, then it's always going to be just a talking shop, and as much as it sounds like a nice idea to have all countries in the UN, that was a bad idea and it should have been structured in a way that offers incentives for countries to want to change and join, a bit like how the EU does it, and I know the EU isn't perfect, but there's a much bigger carrot and stick for countries to want to change with that then there is with the UN which more or less offers nothing, the UN should have started out small with maybe developed countries at first or democracies only and then offering a lot of incentive to other countries to want to change, a bit like how the EU does it, after all, without any teeth, it was always going to end up being a talking shop. In any case, the African Union more or less made the same mistake as the UN did, they more or less allowed any state, in this case, African states, regardless of their political system and structure of the country, there's no carrot to get real change and it ends up being a talking shop that's abused, basically, the UN and AU should have started out slow and admitted countries in on a case by case basis as they qualify for membership, not just allow countries in for the hell of it, because that makes it toothless, especially when the organisation is limited in what powers in can enforce on its members, and I think the EU did a much better job on that.
@santiagoagustinalvarez3728 Сағат бұрын
I would give up on the idea of changing the structure of the 5 permanent members of the UN, because that would mean that those 5 countries would have to agree to give up their power to veto any resolution against them or against places in the world that benefit them geopolitically and that is not going to happen. I would focus more on having different blocs designed specifically for each continent and subdivisions depending on the regions, such as Africa. And that in these continental blocs no country should have the power to veto, but that the veto should be the product of the agreement of all member countries, and in case of disagreement or not obtaining the necessary majority of votes, the discussion on the conflict should be postponed. And if the conflict escalates and the continental bloc cannot reach a solution among themselves, then the UN is asked to intervene. But the problem will remain which side the five permanent members will be on in such a conflict and how they use their veto power to their advantage. Something very drastic has to happen for that to change, unfortunately as it happens to all of us, we don't make the necessary change until the worst happens.
@Bill-2203 2 сағат бұрын
Maybe the top 15 economies should be on the security council without the veto powers and where a 66% vote is needed to pass a resolution, and perhaps as a way for lesser powers to get representation like those of Africa, countries could make coalitions and combine their political weight to propel themselves into being one of the 15 seats?
@Bill-2203 Сағат бұрын
I suppose with the topic of status Que of the current world order vs the desires for a new world order the truth is no law or council or county can really command control, the only true authority of the world is one’s ability to inforce their will apon others wether that be military economic or ideological. history shows the balance of power to be fluid sloshing from one corner of the globe to the next in the rise and fall of empires and it will be the same for the UN Security Council like the League of Nations before it destined to be irrelevant and eventually replaced with something better suited to the next era
@lavender-rosefox8817 2 сағат бұрын
Navy seals would be more like the SBS or Special Boat Service which is the British naval equivalent of the SAS the us force that is almost like the sas is delta force
@Ayns.L14A 2 сағат бұрын
As someone who served with the UN on multiple operational tours, I can state the UN is a waste of time and money it is a dog with no teeth .
@user-rh2yb4gr6r 2 сағат бұрын
The United Nations is not an organisation created after WW2. It is, in fact the very alliance that won WW2. Not a namesake but the political alliance itself. After the war other nations were added to make the Alliance the UN we know today. Good or bad, it is why we have it the way it is today. The Permanent Security Council members were the five Great Powers that won the war. The structure of the UN is such that the interests of the founding Great Powers are not harmed and that no discord among them might appear that would break the alliance. Hence, the veto power for the members of the Permanent Security Council. Other non-permanent members join the Security Council by rotation but are considered minor members of the alliance and thus do not have veto power. The problem is that WW2 ended almost a century ago and, well, things change with time while the alliance remains unchanged by default. The UN was never supposed to be neither democratic nor equal for all its members, and is quite honest and open about it.
@cygnusx-3217 2 сағат бұрын
> UN commission finds Israel guilty of “extermination,” “crimes against humanity” > UN says Israel using “starvation as a method of war” > UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for a two-week ceasefire in Gaza The result? Nothing. The UN is an institution incapable of standing up to the capitalist imperialist powers who are politically, militarily and economically supporting the g-cide: United States, UnKingdm, France, Canada and Germany.
@JohnWick-xm3vp 2 сағат бұрын
Советский солдат сломал хребет нацистской Германии
@luc999 2 сағат бұрын
I don't know to feel proud that countries are sacred of us
@jennienoppers210 2 сағат бұрын
I am halfway… will you talk about the vetopower of the 5?? It is now talking more then 200 partisipants who are far less equal then other. It is why the 5 not accept the warcrime rules!
@charlesfrancis6894 2 сағат бұрын
Its like all nuclear powers wanting to get together and give up all their nuclear's not going to happen. The five with a veto adds to the farce . The U.N. is excellent for giving lots of bureaucrats lucrative salaries .
@marjoriechung2552 2 сағат бұрын
Who were they paying off in 2014?
@cathycomrie6900 2 сағат бұрын
The bagpipes are a weapon of war as well as a musical instrument
@stoneagepig3768 2 сағат бұрын
This says nothing about the U.K. it does say a lot about Americans though, and none of it is a shock
@cygnusx-3217 2 сағат бұрын
Israel has broken SIXTY TWO United Nations Resolutions with absolutely no consequences. Iraq broke two and got invaded and destroyed by the US for over a decade.
@billyo54 3 сағат бұрын
I have never with your assessments when commenting on your videos Connor, but on this occasion I concur with your reasoning and understand your frustration with this organisation masquerading as a peace council.
@togerboy5396 3 сағат бұрын
The problem with the UN Security Council is that it relies on the 5 permanent nations to be democratic. There was hopes that China and Russia would democratise but they seem to simply go back to being autocracies almost immediately. This isn’t the people’s fault, they’ve been cursed with geographies that are perfect for autocracies. You also raise an important point about the greater game behind the scenes. These five countries are the empires of our modern world, Britain and France use their immense soft power to manipulate nations around them, China is an ancient beast of a country, Russia is the largest country on Earth and the US is the wealthiest. India has always been weakened because of their diversity (which makes them a beautiful country), if their country were as powerful as China, their states would want more devolvement of power. On the contrary the Chinese state has always been culturally centralised under the state, even during times of political division. Ultimately, the entire system was decided by post-war American elites who viewed these four countries as their allies against dictatorships and it has failed them. In the West, the G7 seem to be the “Western Security Council” because they always seem to agree and come to peaceful resolutions. But alas, eternal peace is impossible because of human nature. If we assume all languages come from the Tower of Babel, then any attempt to unite the world’s nations against linguistic and cultural borders will be unsuccessful since our division is divine.
@paul1979uk2000 Сағат бұрын
The real problem is that there was no carrot and stick for them to change, basically, China and Russia didn't have to change, whereas if you contrast that with the EU and countries that want to change, they have to do some major reforms to join the EU and there are a lot of incentives on why they would want to join, the UN doesn't offer any real incentive to want to be part of it or to reform as a country, that is where the real problem is. Then throw in that the UN has no teeth when it comes to enforcing policies, it's basically a talking shop that failed at what it was set out to do, the irony is, it failed in a big part because of the big powers like the US, China and Russia playing politics and the truth is, Russia and China shouldn't even be in there, the video even pointed out that western countries hoped in time that the likes of Russia and China would eventually change and become a democracy. That overall is the wrong way to go about it and I think the EU approach is much better with the carrot and stick, basically there's a big incentive to want to reform and change to join the EU and that gives it teeth to get countries to change, it can also enforce the rules whereas the UN can't, so basically, the UN is lacking teeth to enforce the rules and there is little to no incentive for countries to want to change, that's where the real problem is, and ironically, the African Union have made the same mistake as the UN, basically allowing any country to join without any incentive to change, which is in contrast to how the EU does things that demands major reforms before a country qualify to join.
@duntalkin 3 сағат бұрын
Conner, you got it Before WW2, there was the League of Nations, and that was as ineffectual as the UN.
@andrewmason7207 3 сағат бұрын
penicillin saved millions and still does to me is the most important would have been first on my list. cheers fe scotland
@topguydave 3 сағат бұрын
Connor, you are becoming quite the expert on our history, which is your history too if you delve deep enough. I like the way you really think into things and try and work out why things are as they are. You must be close to taking the plunge and come over to the UK to put all this knowledge to good use.
@stevo728822 3 сағат бұрын
I beg to differ. The cliffs of the Ring Of Kerry are more impressive.
@andrewmason7207 3 сағат бұрын
education is more leaning towards computer stuff. not much hands on , im a retired blacksmith and would love to pass on the skill but no call for it. which is a shame for kids missing out
@carolynmonty7883 3 сағат бұрын
Fascinating sitting with you watching and commenting the Trooping of the Colour. 🇬🇧
@andrewmason7207 3 сағат бұрын
us scots beat the lot for the way the world is now. invented the most used from meds to electical
@amysutt 3 сағат бұрын
Atlee is the best prime minister we have had in my opinion
@RobertWinkley-vr8lf 3 сағат бұрын
Interesting comment regarding just how England holds such a stronghold of world history. We have Universities older than a lot of countries.
@paulhadfield7909 3 сағат бұрын
i watched it all day, was great
@LSMSusan 3 сағат бұрын
You are correct Connor while most people are happy with Aldi own products I don't like a lot of it particularly the bread and cake. Aldi's main draw is what we call 'the middle aisle im sure someone else has mentioned this Edit. No one has 😮 the middle aisle is full of random items from a electric drill, fairy lights for the garden or a pair of slippers. So you go in for some milk and come home with something you didn't know you needed
@alanlake5220 4 сағат бұрын
East od England Showground. Peterborough
@marcusbrown3880 4 сағат бұрын
Gears first recorded use in the 12th century Approx, by a toy maker. Ismail al-Jazari died in 1206. As for how us brits invented so much was our education system at the time, and the drive to experiment, without all that annoying red tape and health and safety. Aswell as our intuitive reasoning, and logic. Probably bred into us over centuries of being peasants. As for those that deem it necessary to inject something irrelevant to a topic of discussion, for example, "the Brits are bad coz they occupied a country", wtf has that to do with inventing the very things you can't live without numbskull. You can never judge a Countries history of achievements, that is positive, and declare it all null and void, because of a few bad apples. And lets be honest, out of all the superpower nation at that time in history, Dutch (Naval/trade), Spanish (Naval,conquering and pillaging), French (Naval,trade and conquering), Italians (Exploring and trade), Portuguese (Naval,Exploring, trade) and British (Naval, trade, conquering, Exploring). Out of all those, which do you consider to have benefited the world better.
@TicketyBoo. 4 сағат бұрын
Perfect? No. But over time, Britain created an environment where it's people could flourish, where everyone mattered, were looked after and encouraged to better themselves. A decent education led to discovery, inspiration and invention which were shared with and ultimately benefited the whole world. A 'true' superpower.
@johnw6389 4 сағат бұрын
"Soldier"..... sol -sun...... dier - to die ...... there is no cause..... it's all a game.... a sacrifice to the sun..... always was......
@johndoe-cd9vt 4 сағат бұрын
The last version of the Rafale, the "F4 Standard" can detect and track any plane with very small signature, that mean, any 5th gen fighter... This was on the top of the list of the roadmap of this version. Its SPECTRA auto defense system uses alternate means to detect and track the stealth planes, like using infrared radars, so basically the stealth shape of the opponent becomes almost useless.
@anthonyfoden9382 4 сағат бұрын
I am very pleased that you waited to see the very end of this video, where the bloody, muddy, death-filled battlefield, three years later, became a field of poppies. What's that song? " Where have all the flowers gone? Gone for soldiers, every one. " This is why the British wear poppies on Remembrance Day.
@vallejomach6721 4 сағат бұрын
Billy Connolly - The Scottish marching to war - Billy and Albert 1987
@ikecarter6011 4 сағат бұрын
alot of if not all alli3d forces train in germany
@suevialania 4 сағат бұрын
@simplyashish17 5 сағат бұрын
In short cricket is like chess played on open field
@user-xk3ej6jd5h 5 сағат бұрын
To all you foreigners how would you like it if us brits went to your country and disrespected your military. These men have fought in conflicts abroad to protect you and your families. In my view when you show this disrespect you should be immediately deported, fined and never let back into our country.
@user-yi9zn6jd9b 5 сағат бұрын
Beautiful video. So sad youngsters dont know truth