Drift Free Xbox Controllers
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The State of PS5 in 2024
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The Next PlayStation Showcase
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@ovigilante2k5 2 сағат бұрын
What is the name of the emulated used in PlayStation Classic? Is it a custom emulator developed by Sony or is it a emulator that “we can find” in the internet?
@AzumiRM 4 сағат бұрын
Nintendo have NEVER named a console "2". So i doubt they will start now. After the Famicom was the superfamicom followed by the nintendo 64 then game cube and so on. The super Famicom was not the Famicom 2.
@CaptainSNES 10 сағат бұрын
on par with series s sounds like a great place to be but they would also NEED to have an ssd to keep the games from feeling even worse after a few years being on the market, and along with that we would need to easily be able to add ssd storage as nintendo is famous for including minimal amounts of storage, I could see this thing releasing with in the range of 64 - 128gb of storage and at the VERY most 256gb of storage. with power levels akin to the series s I could pretty easily see 100+ gigabyte games coming to the system in its lifetime
@markdunn7822 12 сағат бұрын
All of these games suck so much that people are most hyped about freaking Astro Bot… come on guys
@z06e 14 сағат бұрын
The new Switch should run almost all the games at the highest quality and provide 60 fps in almost all games without sacrifing the contents in the game or its graphics
@KidTokyo_ Күн бұрын
Snake Eater Nov.17th. (As per leaked GameStop Ad)
@JasonXME Күн бұрын
NSA (Nintendo Switch Advanced) NSSS (Nintendo Solid State Switch)
@TalysonMoreira Күн бұрын
Why are you talking as if you were at 2x speed? Breathe man...
@newbmystic1729 Күн бұрын
Had my switch for 4 years
@jayevans20 Күн бұрын
I don't understand the hatred from PS fans or fanboys. Phil said they're porting more games to PS. I mean yeah, Xbox gamers have game pass but PS gamers would have to pay full price but none of that should matter if you're not willing to get an Xbox. It is what it is.
@Chr1s8o8 Күн бұрын
Why is the Xbox better than the PlayStation? Gabe Newell: “BECAUSE IT IS!”
@R.B.90 Күн бұрын
I get people hate gamepass but here me out. I'm a casual. I play a few hours a week. Back in April I started diablo 4, finished it in May. Start immortal of Aveums, was loving it with the FSR boost but won't finish it cuz Octopath Travellers 2 is out. Bit now I'm thinking I want to play Starfield after seeing the Shatters Space dlc n knowing it got a big update recently. That carry me to July where I'll jump into Flintlock, then I get Stalker 2 in September, and the Diablo 4 expansion in October. In between there there's Shatter Space I assume n then I end the year with CoD, Avowed, Towerborne and Indy. That doesn't even include the random 3rd party drops we get on gamepass every month. For the 3-5 hours I game every week it's an incredible deal.
@silver4silver Күн бұрын
I Liked the seamless gaming iteration presentation, but the roster was just okay okay. I guess I was hoping for something new or refreshing like say......QUAKE 1 reimagined, a true 3d D&D rpg game that is actually good. Instead of a gears game, how about a new IP that involves platforming, but again high quality. The imagination has no limit and while establishing old franchises can be healthy and profitable there needs to be unique introduction to never seen before IP material.
@avalons343 Күн бұрын
The oy games that were 'pure' CG we the blizzard cinematics.
@iseptimus Күн бұрын
No. It really wasnt. And the disc less xbox is just f'ing lazy.
@Barkdoggz-xk3vv Күн бұрын
Returned immediately. 1) the Adjusting headband reverberates sound with every single minor head motion. 2) the components inside the right earcup are not secured. It is a major engineering flaw to not secure components internally. The entire batch is bad and forever will be. Unfortunately a stain on the Sony brand. To test this, just tilt your head to the left and hold or give a slight shake and wait for it. One of the components will (slam) collide with another and pound your eardrum pretty good. I speculated it was the Battery that’s not been secured appropriately. Either way, it’s major flaw. P.S. do not try to lean right and mirror the effect, this is why I suspect it is the battery as the headset is charged on the right side. Leaning left, it slams. Leaning right it sits against the inside of the ear up. (Whatever it is). I Apologize for the negative review, but I didn’t get sent mine. I paid $150 for them and was disappointed the second I put them on.
@mreel3488 Күн бұрын
Why do people complain when they say 2024 or 2025? I mean if they announce a firm date and then they change it, the same people who complain about no release dates complain about the dates being changed. You can't win. I'm happy they announce what year, gives games coming next year a possible 18 months more to get the game right. And the ones announced for 2024 (Avowed is coming November 12th by the way) will give a release date when they're 100% sure they can release it.
@TewaAya Күн бұрын
Can this be used as a kvm? I've seen a controller 6 years ago from eta prime with 2 usb ports to bypass controller movements with mouse and keyboard.
@AlvinWillistonDavis Күн бұрын
They did show gameplay for Fable, and it wasn't a CG trailer for Gears, this is real time in engine as pointed out to Geoff Keighley, the game will look like that in real time. And the thing that I find is annoying with xbox is everyone putting them towards dates especially as they are giving studios time to deliver, so things may slip and everyone attacks them for missing dates. So don't set dates, tell people when they are ready to put them out because then they aren't putting pressure on the studios or their marketing. This was a great showing and as a gamer it spoke to me directly.
@JDD_MD Күн бұрын
9:30 Pricing is literally posted on their website rn. $449 for the current and digital model. The 2T is $599.
@pse2020 Күн бұрын
Only fishy thing was no date...
@Amberclad Күн бұрын
Feels cheap compared to the real thing, also doesn’t look quite right when compared to the real thing
@larrytaylor2692 Күн бұрын
I loved their show also but at the same time still feel like I got nothing truly great to play any time soon. So hopefully they start pushing some of these games out and they are ready for release and not buggy messes.
@KevinKenson Күн бұрын
Very true. We have a lot to look forward to, but it would be nice if we got some games a little sooner to also lessen how big the backlog is about to be lol.
@gustavof2241 2 күн бұрын
Idc much about graphics, I'd like to see some stylus action on the Nintendo Switch 2. Had a blast with it on the 3DS and wanna see it evolve 🙂
@frankciscovelazquez1155 2 күн бұрын
This state of play 2 lol All of the game is going to PlayStation
@senorsnipey1595 2 күн бұрын
The sheer quantity at this showcase was impressive. It definitely beat Sonys State of Play as Sony must still be working on things behind the scenes. When it comes to length and games I am interested in, they came out about even as there was only 1 title I said no to in the State of Play which was Weebo trash but Concord looks very solid. Better than any of these other 5v5 shooters I have seen including that Punk FPS Microsoft showed off. The other thing is Sony Finally has me wanting VR2 bc it will also work on PC soon. Microsoft had a lot of filler. Games like WoW felt generic with a lot of its designs. That Moonlight game looks cool but un inspired like they were just checking boxes tbh. Perfect Dark doesnt even seem like perfect dark...like at all. Too serious while the godfather of the series had prudently placed comic relief. State of Decay 3 suffers the same way the others did. It lacks identity. Id much rather play tlou part 1 and 2, Days Gone and Dead Island 2 than any of those games. Gears looks cool but I hope it isnt just relying on nostalgia. Without Cliff Blezinski at the helm these games have lost their charge. 4 was ok but still very disappointing and 5 took me too long to get into mind you I heard good things so I need to get back in. Only games I am really looking forward are CoD BLOPS 6, Snake Eater, Gears, Perfect Dark, Indiana Jones and maybe a few others but thats about it and so.e of these are coming to PS5 so Sony fans shouldnt be upset. Microsoft can have a win from time to time...more importantly Sony can take an L on the occasion. Cant always win.
@180ballybollock 2 күн бұрын
The best start up screen of any console
@MoxmOne 2 күн бұрын
I was at the showcase in la it was awesome we got free jackets and hats including breakfast and lunch! had a blast
@KevinKenson Күн бұрын
Sounded like it was a great time! Glad people got to enjoy it.
@tonywize9166 2 күн бұрын
Ah the ps3. The only PlayStation I didn't buy. That generation I went with the 360 which clearly had far better triggers on the controller. Sony won me back with the PS4 tho. I had a PSP back in the day but my mom wouldn't get me the Vita when it came out 🤷🏾‍♂️ I heard it was like a PS2 for your pocket.
@VeritabIlIti 2 күн бұрын
Kevin, why are you harping about release dates? Are you a stockholder? Hard release dates RN are just asking for a rushed launch or delays.
@fightrudyfight5799 2 күн бұрын
Xbox cooked and Sony got burnt! It was an A tier presentation.
@Peterstarzynskitech 2 күн бұрын
I will say, I wish sony would also do a big show.
@fordgtguy 2 күн бұрын
Fable was in-game, so was State of Decay 3.
@ccrash_1302 2 күн бұрын
It can be used with the PS5
@ocean2zx 2 күн бұрын
Xbox is coming back finally
@pruett89 2 күн бұрын
They NEED to ensure all these games actually come out!
@mbarrow360 2 күн бұрын
Doom TDA looks amazing
@BOBBY-xd5wd 2 күн бұрын
That gears is not even a CG it is realtime
@ImViruxx 2 күн бұрын
As a PlayStation fan I’m happy af for a new Gears game, one of the few franchises I like from Xbox
@MouseCIick 2 күн бұрын
Watch Microsoft will closed down these studios before they can finish their games.
@tseabrook89 2 күн бұрын
The 2TB Special Edition is just the Halo Edition w/o Halo stickers. Same glitter effects on that Edition. And I already have a 8TB external.
@flexingmecha 2 күн бұрын
I feel like using this as a console controller then keeping your phone in there you can use it for chat or discord maybe? Seems like a useful way to multitask
@louis1443 2 күн бұрын
Yes it was great
@JRevo96 2 күн бұрын
Gears of war E-day trailer was a goosebumps moment for sure
@KevinKenson Күн бұрын
Good to see the bros being bros again
@bigtnaples Күн бұрын
Also, apparently it was entirely in engine and not CG at all.
@jamiep4674 2 күн бұрын
Expedition 33 looks incredible. Always a pleasure to see a new IP get such a nice production value. Especially a turn based RPG!
@KevinKenson Күн бұрын
Yes! Super excited for this one. Feels like such a refreshing new IP, I can't wait for it.
@Shannon-ul5re 2 күн бұрын
The new console prices were listed.
@twilightofthegods33 2 күн бұрын
This may be off topic, just curious what type of camera you use for your videos? They always look so high quality. 😊
@KevinKenson Күн бұрын
Thanks! We always have our gear listed, but camera for this one was a Sony A7IV
@fredynuts 2 күн бұрын
9/10 xbox 3/10 ps
@toohurt6 2 күн бұрын
It was aiight
@chilly6470 2 күн бұрын
If you like first person shooters, it was great, I suppose.....