@jiveturky3000 22 сағат бұрын
@John-po9vg Күн бұрын
I actually loved the 5th edition blood angels codex, the Sanguinor is awesome, also the fact that he turned the Necrons into a fully fleshed out race of dr evil like characters was amazing and inspired me to collect about 15,000 pts of super evil space baddies. Also Kaldor Draigo carving a name into Mortarians heart was sick!! Thankyou Matt for making my hobby a far richer place:)
@brianfoley3925 2 күн бұрын
Alan and Micheal are more than sculptors of miniatures...they are artisans of History.
@mikeking6143 3 күн бұрын
Great interview!
@joshua9490 3 күн бұрын
Seems like a nice guy. I doubt he was solely responsible for all the controversies. Afterall, he's doing a job and creating to a brief. I doubt he ever got free reign on any project. But his heart certainly seems in the right place.
@foreshame7370 5 күн бұрын
2nd edition is still the best edition😊
@lorddiabetusiii 5 күн бұрын
I still think the 6th edition Necron Codex was goated for what it's worth, even if it was a slap in the face for the lore that was established beforehand. People seem to forget that we got Zanndrekh, Obyron, Anrakyr and especially Orikan and Trazyn (!) all because of him and that Codex.
@johnfarscape 5 күн бұрын
He was the best thing to happen to other games companies, driving people away from 40k, and towards Warmachine and other systems, I went over to bolt action and flames of war and Mantic. he continually destroyed game balance due to what seemed to be a complete lack of understanding of game mechanics and interaction, he made a mockery of the points system, he made it impossible to play Ultramarines without feeling ashamed and dirty, and people just making excuses not to have to play them, I had an army from 2nd edition, and ended up selling them as I couldn't stand to look at them anymore. when he wasn't messing up the rules, he was making awful lore, I had grey knights since the metal rogue trader ones were relesed, and he made me hate them. I spend years trying to figure out what was wrong with him, some people thought it was due to him not having any direct contact or interactions with people, and just spent too much time with his cats, but eventually I decided he must have secretly hated GW and did as much damage as he could to their company on purpose, I was playing through the ward era, and I can say that every single person I was playing with, and everyone I knew from the gaming community strongly disliked, or even hated everything he done. He didn't just pick on space marines, though. I remember him even managing to even make Craftworld Iyanden disliked. I even remember people cutting their hair so they didn't have a similar haircut to him. For people that wasn't there when he was involved with GW, the best way of describing it, was imagine the Female Custodes Gaslighting reaction, but having a persons name attatched to it, and having that person repeatedly doing it, to lore and the armies you love, again and again and again. . . It was only this year that I finally managed to let my harted of the Ultramarines fade enough to start a new army of them again. Listening to ward still not understanding that Ultramarines were never the template chapter, still annoys me, although I think he might have hit the nail on the head when he said it was because" thats how they were explained to him" . . . Maybe if he had bothered to read earlier codex and lore, rather than just accepting someone elses innacurate descriptions, he might have had a chance of producing something the fanbase would have enjoyed. I think ultimately though, the fault lies with Games Workshop for not checking more thoroughly what he was doing, and for not getting at least a few actual fans to read over his work, and advise him more, I remember a lot of people saying that his rules wrighting was proof that GW had stopped play testing with experienced gamers. There are too many examples of times he upset people, but there are a load of what was ward thinking Facebook groups you can join to view the details. Watching this interview, he even seems unaware that a large number of people actually love still playing 2nd edition and even rogue trader, so finger nowhere near the pulse as usual 😂
@alexfenner2579 6 күн бұрын
Really loved the elf books for WFB. Thanks for writing those Matt it was great how joined up they were!
@banhammer7243 6 күн бұрын
I never understood the hate towards Matt Ward, it's not as if he could have written any thing he did at GW and it not being passed as OK by the GW higher up.
@jeffk3801 6 күн бұрын
MF'r looks like Temu Kevin Smith.
@vincentjackson3472 6 күн бұрын
Great review as someone who has just fallen for thee middle earth realm! I'm looking at getting started in this and found this really helpful!
@TrulyLoathsome 6 күн бұрын
Matt Ward the bad man. (I jest, of course). Honestly a lot of his writing was a breath of fresh air. At least his books were fun! He was severely underappreciated. Keep being you everyone and do what you love!
@BlauJen887 7 күн бұрын
Good interview. "How you interact with fantasy worlds is upto you......" change fantasy worlds for ideas, religion, politics etc. as needed and you have good life advice from Mr Ward. The point of ideas, is surely they are only ideas and your are making them up in your head. "I learnt to take the bits I like" ... sound advice indeed, from a writer of storries about crusading space facists.
@fboylan16 7 күн бұрын
I don't hate him as a person. I do blame his poor writing and lack of understanding of game balance for ruining my hobby for several years.
@magunra3k 7 күн бұрын
the hate towards Matt is as much a fiction as the stuff he writes, he is a GW legend , someone should interview Paul Sawyer AKA Fat bloke and find out why he went from editor of white dwarf to answering phones in trade sales.
@terraneaux 7 күн бұрын
Ward's fluff was fine, the codex creep was out of control. Dunno if that was an edict from on high though.
@skywalkersindar7463 7 күн бұрын
I'm very happy that we got War of the Ring and would love to see a second edition with more playtesting
@Darksky1001able 7 күн бұрын
I still never want him touching 40k ever again.
@CaptainWwowW 5 күн бұрын
Lol same
@johnfarscape 5 күн бұрын
100% agree
@foreshame7370 5 күн бұрын
Show us, on the ultramarine, where he touched you...
@David-li4uw 5 күн бұрын
@marcelfranich5042 2 күн бұрын
Or anything Warhammer fantasy…. you 40k guys are no special orphans 🙄😂
@christopherbroga4700 7 күн бұрын
great interview thanks so much. I appreciate very much all the years of work that this man gave to our hobby.
@drunkenork5373 7 күн бұрын
You can't ever accuse Matt Ward of coming out with a bland codex. Bland codexes are far worse than OP codexes. People wait years for these things to come out and its entireley soul destroying to get a bland weak ass codex.
@jasonpaulson9116 7 күн бұрын
Nahh. I hate Robin Cruddace more.
@patinho5589 8 күн бұрын
Our liege! He did say that all space marines follow the ultramarine model and regard Guilleman as their liege! (From what I understand)…. And people didn’t want their chapters following Guilleman!
@MadMax-el2el 8 күн бұрын
Having been on the receiving end of Matt's flights of fancy i can say. I don't hate him, just his writing. the power creep and escalating imbalances of a game suffering from inconsistencies, was unpleasant. In fact it is why i went from hiatus status due to school, to outright quitting 40k originally. Mistakes were made i came back for 8th quit before 9th. but i need to thank Matt, due to his BS codices obliterating anything remotely looking like game balance. Combined with GWs ridiculously secretive and slow release schedule and inability to balance the damn books. It gave me the opportunity to grow beyond the artificial boarders of GW. Find better games from game compies that actually give a sh t about their games not just the models. Don't get me wrong i will still meme the hell out of his writing, but i don't hate Matt. How could i? I have never met him, i have only been standing across the table from his BS writing. Going wtf.just happened, oh right you won because book says so. Go go ultra smurffs, yah. Oh F off he wrote Grey knights as well? Joy.
@fboylan16 7 күн бұрын
@johnfarscape 5 күн бұрын
Same, the Wardinator was the best thing for every other games company, I discovered Bolt action, flames of war, Warmachine, Malifaux, none of which would probably have happened if he hadn't of made it impossible for me to contine to play my Ultramarines without people wanting to spit in my face.
@nathanbuxton3271 8 күн бұрын
It was very interesting thank you for the video. Thank you also to Matt for all of his contributions to our hobby.
@colummccrudden101 8 күн бұрын
I dont think we hated him as such, i think people just liked to jump on the Ultramarine hate wagon. In retrospect, he was probably just very good at making us fight Ultramarines and hating them instead.
@noheartfourteeneightyeight 8 күн бұрын
he ruined the hobby for years, then the rest of the hobby caught up with him and the whole lot is rotten to the core now,
@eBuddy89 8 күн бұрын
Perhaps add time stamps regarding your questions for such a long video?
@lordy6666 8 күн бұрын
Brilliant lore writer, awful awful rules writer and should avoid rules and balance creation at all costs.
@Jimmyjazz1414 8 күн бұрын
>Brilliant lore writer Tell me you are American without telling me
@lordy6666 8 күн бұрын
@@Jimmyjazz1414 How dare you! I'm British beef.
@Jimmyjazz1414 8 күн бұрын
@@lordy6666 and you find him a brilliant lore writer? Alas, how low have the once great fallen
@lordy6666 8 күн бұрын
@@Jimmyjazz1414 I do! I'm one of the few that enjoyed large portions of the end times though. And yet I absolutely despise AoS lore/background, weird uh? Don't worry though I've not forgotten how Mr War ruined an entire edition of Warhammer (7th ed) with just 3 horrific armies books. Matt wasn't alone in the shocking rules writing though it must be said, I think the problem may have had something to do with the fact that none of the book designers were actually competitive players. GW did a good job employing from within the community with AoS, the likes of Ben Johnson were great additions. Having said that AoS balance has been fairly poor when releasing new books, I imagine that is the intention though to sell models before fixing them in the updates that they now produce. CA does the same thing with DLC for Warhammer Total War, all the new DLC are usually overpowered until sales wear off and then they get balanced.
@SirBrasstion 8 күн бұрын
Much of the ridiculous stuff he wrote makes sense with thought and context. It was just horribly dumbed down to sell the new and cool thing to idiot readers. And I put that on the people who told him what to write. Examples: Every codex compliant chapter has Guilliman as their spiritual liege because he wrote their art of war. Had GW emphasised the inner conflict over this fact and it would've been fine. Necrons and Blood Angels being too honourable to continue fighting and tag-teaming Tyranids only makes sense when you accept the retcon to Necron lore and explain the uneasy truce which was upheld because of other urgent priorities. Grey Knights butchering Sisters makes sense with how power from sacrifice works. But then, asking anyone who writes for GW to understand chaos and the warp is too much.
@mlpsh6995 8 күн бұрын
I loved deep striking Land Raiders.
@WGRevival 8 күн бұрын
"You can't stop people being wrong" - words to live by. Matt's Frostgrave novels are tremendous, by the way. Well worth a look if fantasy's your cup of tea.
@WGRevival 8 күн бұрын
Excellent interview. Thanks both!
@platexproductions 8 күн бұрын
He ruined Necrons. The OG Necron 3rd Ed codex was incredible, so much better than the modern codexes - then he made it a meme. Their lore is so less interesting now they have named characters that speak, they’re like everything else.
@Culexus101 8 күн бұрын
I liked the idea that the C'tan were divided into an unknown number of shards but that's about the only thing I liked. They could've kept the C'tan as the rulers whilst giving the Lords some personality. Not the goofy personalities they gave them though...
@platexproductions 8 күн бұрын
@@Culexus101 Necrons to me should be like Dark Crusade. Hordes of personality-less mechanical alien husks with murderous intent for anything living. It never needed to be more than that.
@Culexus101 8 күн бұрын
@platexproductions they basically sold their souls for a way to beat the Old Ones. They won, and now their only purpose is to harvest the living to feed the insatiable appetites of the C'tan. I could see the Lords finding purpose in the building of Empires, but it's all in service to the Star Gods.
@Tehstampede 9 күн бұрын
I did not think he sounded like that lol Honestly I liked the Space Marine codex he wrote initially. I enjoyed the previous one by Graham McNeil more because it had more flavor, but I played Dark Angels and enjoyed using the Ward dex with Cato as my HQ for army-wide Ld10. Matt probably did get a raw deal but it was mostly a meme among other 1d4chan nerds like myself; I think the wider 40k fandom either had no opinion or liked the stuff he put out. The Khornate Knights fluff thing was beyond stupid though, to be fair.
@ravenRedwake 9 күн бұрын
Man, you *wanted* a Matt Ward codex, at least I did. The fiction/fluff was bad or questionable, but the rules *fucked* Everybody jerks off to a shrine of the elf and furry lover Phil Kelly, but Matt Ward wrote the best codexes hands down, they were powerful, and you didn’t have random units that were just shit.
@cmxpiipl 9 күн бұрын
I could never hate him for he co-wrote my all time favourite army book. 6th Wood Elves, which was miles above the backstep they took in 8th ed.
@Jimmyjazz1414 8 күн бұрын
6th wood elves armybook was so broken gameplaywise that people didn't wanna play them out of respect/pity/fear of reaction of the opponent His 8th edition dark elf army book made my DE so cringy (and OP i may add) i stopped using them
@middle-earthinmercia 9 күн бұрын
The thing about the Matt Ward hyper negativity is you never actually meet anyone in real life who feels that strongly. Seems like a really interesting fellow fan! @entmoot Videos Really do have to say, this and the other interviews you've done with former GW creatives, for us are 10/10 here in Mercia. Honestly think they are some of the best content made in the hobby sphere. That first one with Rick was part of the the inspiration to get on and create our podcast. Look forward to the next one!
@EntmootVideos 9 күн бұрын
Thank you so much, you’re too kind to say! I’m running out of people relevant, who aren’t currently GW and will talk to me… but there are still names in the pipeline! H
@alihannicholls31 5 күн бұрын
Love all of these interviews, Harry. They’re so interesting. As a youngster I think lots of this goes over your head, but it’s fascinating to hear the inner workings from those working on MESBG at the time (and other Warhammer games). Thanks for the content!
@wesleyejackson 9 күн бұрын
Seems most hated Matt due to some flavour text in Codexes he authored. Flavour text!Commercially commissioned prose designed to sell toy soldiers. People need to get a fucking grip.
@Jimmyjazz1414 8 күн бұрын
If only that was remotely true
@MariusGage 9 күн бұрын
Matts books were great. Everything people hate for the space marine codex was lifted from 2nd ed
@alexandergoldnatznworeptil9652 9 күн бұрын
Banner of the world dragon: 2+ ward save against magical attacks for bearers unit (unit of dragon princes could equip) Meanwhile deamons: 👹
@alexc8209 9 күн бұрын
This is a great interview thankyou. I started off thinking that Matthew reminded me of Dr. Robert Chevalier from Gentlemen Broncos BUT by the end of the video I liked him and I could relate to or appreciate pretty much everything he said. I think GW makes big decisions that I dont agree with but its the GW leadership who should get the flak, not the guy in the middle. Anyway it was a great interview so thankyou.
@chris.awilliams7138 9 күн бұрын
I feel like you could have asked some more hard-hitting questions about what he had control over what he did and didn't have control over, and some of the more specific instances which upset fans. I appreciate that responding too candidly to such questions may have put him in a precarious position with GW. But even he knew you were dancing around these issues and said as much.
@EntmootVideos 6 күн бұрын
It’s a fair point - some of those questions have been lost in the edit. Assuming you’ve watched the full length version, he essentially said that the bosses decided the direction of the stories and development of the game, he put flesh on the bone. He often didn’t have memory of why some decisions were made (or had conveniently forgotten) and you’re quite right, he still works with GW so didn’t want to anger anyone. And to query specific instances of writing people were upset by felt a bit too personal to me, plus there are so many things people have criticised to specifically ask about each felt unfair - a lot of this stuff was over a decade ago so it’s unlikely there’d be a satisfying answer. But in the full one he talks a bit about some of the reasons for changes to Necrons, Space Marines and The End Times.
@EntmootVideos 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching though, and the reasonable comments
@maxmallas6753 9 күн бұрын
Shadow and flame is still an absolute banger. No sbg supplement will top it
@Tobydigital 9 күн бұрын
I don't understand why people have to have their mic sensitivity so high that you hear every spit-swapping gurgle between every word, it's f****** annoying.
@ay2deet578 10 күн бұрын
Our spiritual liege
@krissteel4074 10 күн бұрын
I think on the main subjects that doesn't get touched on very often is age and experience when it comes to a skill set, for about 15 years I used to do writing for technical and operations manuals. Extremely interesting stuff (no it isn't) which if I'm being perfectly honest, the stuff I wrote 24 years ago just isn't as good as the stuff I wrote 10 years ago and would be much worse than what it would be now if I picked up a keyboard in anger. The real problem that everyone hates to hear though is that you're really only as good as the company you're writing for. If that company doesn't have the depth of experience, documentation, accountability and even in some cases, integrity- then you are quite shit out of luck trying to make that happen on your watch because its a very big job. So you do the best you can, with what you have and hope that at the end of the time you have to do it, it doesn't suck Sometimes it sucks a bit, but lets face it, no one very got a dose of ionizing radiation, got dipped in fuel or ate 10,000V on the job of playing war games so its ok if it sucks a little bit. No one died, some people got a bit sad but it probably didn't lead to any long term harm and life moves on. That's sort of the advantage of being an old grump, when I got into GW products in the early 90's and it sucked a bit back then, it kind of sucked in the 2000's a little bit, it sucked in the 2010's and there;s some suck going into the 2020's. But its not all bad! That's the thing, its till got some good bits in it even if you don't like it and there's really nothing stopping you from gathering friends and living in a period which you enjoyed a product. I really like Star Wars and Star Trek, they're complete garbage and terrible now, go back 30 years though and its pretty good. That's just how life goes sometimes. Its going to change, maybe not for the better but you tough it out and just keep going or in the case of a hobby, you can walk away at any time that suits you, no one gets upset about it
@EntmootVideos 10 күн бұрын
You’re absolutely right, I should very much have asked the question “what would have done differently” it’s kind of a key question and I’m kicking myself I didn’t think to ask it!
@matthewward5319 8 күн бұрын
@@EntmootVideos Well, as I stopped by … let’s answer it. What would I do differently as far as rules writing? (As that feels like the focus of this thread.) Honestly, I’d make fewer compromises. I spent *a lot* of time trying to avoid creating edge-case FAQs for things that really didn’t matter (and almost invariably still created FAQs anyway, because <<waves hand at vast pile of interconnected and inconsistently written systems spanning 3 or 4 game editions>>). You *can* write something to cover all those cases, but it’s seldom worth it and you often damage the core of what you’re doing along the way, whether that’s in terms of clarity, balance or points values. These days I also have a better idea of when I’m being stubborn and when I’m being right. It makes it a lot easier to fight for what’s important and save your strength for it. Hugely important when your feedback can arrive from a dizzying array of sources, not all of whom have taken the time to work out if *they’re* stubborn or right. Being an author teaches you that: trust yourself, but check that you’re right to do so.
@jmaccsarmiesofmiddleearth 10 күн бұрын
Incredible interview absolutly love that
@Ingethel- 10 күн бұрын
I can't say I ever 'hated' the guy but....... Grey Knights slaughtering Sisters of Battle for their holy blood, Papa G being seen as the spiritual liege of all other chapters and the infamous Chaos Demons army book for WHFB was bound to draw a lot of negative attention from a well established fan base.
@IVIaskerade 9 күн бұрын
Plus, I think his books were the start of codex creep, where when the GK came out they were just so much better than most other armies in a way we hadn't really seen before.
@mehblarg5011 9 күн бұрын
Wasn't he the infamous CS Goto pen name, yeah he can't write shit.
@Culexus101 9 күн бұрын
@@IVIaskerade Sort of. The last few codexes of 4th ed 40k were an attempt to make much more restrained and balanced army lists than what had gone before but with 5th ed GW changed direction and upped the average power levels back to something closer to early 4th. Matt wrote about half of 5th eds dexes and they were all solid books that could produce at least one competitive list. Grey Knights and Necrons weren't that bad as they lacked easy access at AP1 melta weapons and since 5th was a mech heavy format that stopped them really dominating. Matt was really good at writing codexes that looked busted on the surface but which turned out to just be really solid in practice. There's a solid case that Guard and Space Wolves were the two best dexes of 5th and he didn't even write them.
@prestonpowell9222 8 күн бұрын
@@Hax268 I guess I just find it stupid the best force to combat demons really needs some holy blood to get up to par. Someone's clearly never heard the term 'grimderp' but if you like what Ward wrote, that speaks for itself.
@SirBrasstion 8 күн бұрын
@@prestonpowell9222 There is a science to the subjective nature of the warp and chaos undivided. The gods and daemons have no more control over their nature than we do the physics of realspace. Innocent souls are sacrificed daily to maintain the Astronomican so it wouldn't surprise me if the sacrifice of zealous souls and the smearing of their blood empowers the individual(s) responsible. It was terrible writing for an idea with potential.
@Timmie17 10 күн бұрын
Awesome interview Harry. Looking forward to meeting you this weekend in Belfast! Hope you don't mind me approaching you
@EntmootVideos 10 күн бұрын
Thank you!! Absolutely not! Please say hello!
@leesweeney8879 10 күн бұрын
He wrote stuff about stuff he knew nothing about.