Fate of Drakkenheim Episode 83: Express Yourself
Every Dungeon Needs a Purpose in D&D
@nebulousnoah3913 10 сағат бұрын
Imagine taking Metamagic Adept and twin casting Haste on the Barbarian and Ranger in the party, then using the Splitting to also apply it to yourself
@GeminiLibra73 10 сағат бұрын
The trapper ranger would make a decent BBG. A variation on lair actions.
@cyrilmartin5613 10 сағат бұрын
Love the trapper because it can concentrate on Spike Growth too and really prepare an ambush
@rylielane2308 11 сағат бұрын
Can ya'll do a review/how-to-play video for either the Psion class or the Occultist class from KibblesTasty Homebrew. These 2 classes, I feel, are some of the best 3rd party classes ive seen. I think KibblesTasty are an awesome creator, and think they need more exposure so they can make more content.
@Ferretic 11 сағат бұрын
49:46 so, it specifically says the invocations work with it, right? Basically treat it as Eldritch Blast? ... The range becomes a non-issue with Eldritch Spear.
@BeanzimusPrime 11 сағат бұрын
I think for the skinshifter sorcerer at 3rd level I’d give them the ability to proficiency bonus per long rest just straight up roll on the table. Gives the vibe of emerging control while reducing the sorcery point focus and dependence on small-odds die rolls to use their subclass features
@DapperJef 12 сағат бұрын
No Tamer review?
@user-ww6zx3jb9d 12 сағат бұрын
@Zanbarthegreat 12 сағат бұрын
Holding action for the trap sounds fun
@samuelyoon4490 12 сағат бұрын
Ooh…just noticed the graphic of the B rating slide to the middle…
@mystix7377 12 сағат бұрын
For the Parasite melee attack, if it allows you to take eldritch blast invocations, cant you just take eldritch spear and have a 300 FOOT MELEE ATTACK RANGE??? The shenanigans with multiclassing with that alone is BEGGING for a fighter or rogue or even a monk to abuse that.
@Obi-Ewan-Kenobi 12 сағат бұрын
Trapper would probably excel when.... Monster hunting...
@cedlevesque2000 13 сағат бұрын
Woooowww...that Quebec joke just cost you a subscriber.
@callisid 14 сағат бұрын
For The Parasite, since the melee Eldritch Blast uses charisma, it would interact with Elven Accuracy, hilariously. Just needy to find a way to knock enemies prone and you can go to town. Love the flavour of these classes.
@Skimmer951 14 сағат бұрын
i found playing the biomancer wizard that it lends itself to a pretty interesting buff heavy playstyle and espicially being very defensive if you add the various biomancy spells in the book like the various skin spells. I even get to act as emergency medic if someone goes down with the lvl 2 ability of regaining hp per biomancy spell level. Pop a longstrider (that can be counted as biomancy in the book) on your buddy and boom 2 hp and theyre up. In a really hairy situation i even put haste on my comrade (also counting as biomancy) to get them up and give them the necessary movement speed and extra actions to get out of the way to reposition themselves and chug healing potions. Otherwise a lot of the spells requires you to get up and personal, not like the bladesinger but it really feels like a wizard that dares to take a hit. (I reccomend HEAVILY investing in con if you play one) im so close to getting acess to the feverskin spell and oboy then that happens we will be cooking!!
@mikemitchard6784 15 сағат бұрын
A few things to help Seriously reduce immigration. Stop foriegn ownership of land A gross income tax on all large and up business And lasly link political income to minimum wage
@joshuafrancisco3830 15 сағат бұрын
Zephyr Strike + Unarmored Movement + Step of the Wind (Base 30 + 30 + 10 + 30) = 100ft movement speed!
@gothwarrior1 15 сағат бұрын
I kinda want to play a skinshifter sorcerer on a symic hybrid in a Drakkenheim game flavoring it as contamination. Your mom was contaminated while carrying you, so now this is your life.
@lsamaknight 15 сағат бұрын
I feel like the Warlock could be reflavoured and work with the Nanite Host Sorcere in Dark Matter
@deathlytree434 16 сағат бұрын
As a trapped you can throw a trap onto the tile of an enemy next to an ally effectively cutting off a movement lane to them if they stand in place you could also use an offhand hand crossbow or light throwing axe if you sre low level
@dodobarthel2249 17 сағат бұрын
Share vitality sound actually great for situations where you are trying to protect a bunch of npcs, since you can get them back up when they fall (unless they instantly die of course).
@KnicKnac 17 сағат бұрын
Wasn't Trapper an archetype for the ranger in Pathfinder too? Just sounds familiar
@snowtsukasa6662 17 сағат бұрын
I was a forever dm for the longest time. I hadn't played as a player for my first time in over 3 years as dming. In the players seat, I was so lost. I know the monster manual well. I know the roadmaps for most 5e adventures. As a player, im not looking for that surprise. Im happy to be there. Wish this however, I feel like whenever I do something it feels like I'm trying to take the spotlight. Our group is pretty much the same people and its hard to drop the mindset of being on the dm seat a bit. My best experience as a player comes from Wild Beyond the Witchlight. The dm was new, and was asking me for help setting it up. I had asked to play someone who worked on the Carnival, so i didnt have to play stupid. My character was simple. His job was to make people smile and guide them through the park. The knowledge i had about the ride added a bunch of funny interactions. Loosing hide and seek cause I got into a conversation with a hamster, or sharing with the drama with the swan about things happening in the park. I felt.. useful. My other experiences as a player i feel lost. Not knowing how to inteact with anything and wondering if im meta gaming by knowing we need silver for werewolves, or the value of trolls blood if im playing a monster hunter style character.
@muffin2007 17 сағат бұрын
I want that hat, where get?
@Nexidal 18 сағат бұрын
The Skinshifter is interesting, I'd be curious what is in your bloodline/empowered you. Actually nevermind, I've decided that it means Grandpa was a Ditto.
@brycenakagawa2225 18 сағат бұрын
The key to tanking effectively is to have a high but not unhittable AC. Once an intelligent foe discovers that they need a nat 20 to hit your tank, they are more than justified in just ignoring them and going after anyone else, which nullifies your value as a tank.
@thatguy9337 19 сағат бұрын
Could you do the ryoko’s guide classes next?
@Nbecks11 19 сағат бұрын
Harvest Paladin doesn't say heal "other" creatures in the channel divinity. It could heal itself with it
@Nexidal 19 сағат бұрын
If an Oath of the Harvest Paladin isn't smiting their foes with a frying pan, something is terribly wrong.
@dkfallenangel2111 19 сағат бұрын
@Dungeon Dude you guys forgot to put this into the Tier ranking playlist
@Robbieagray 19 сағат бұрын
Any chance you will cover the Tamer class that also came with Helianna's Guide?
@Zaknyfein 20 сағат бұрын
I agree with Monty that Shield is the Bacon! Shield wins Mage Armor loses!
@DM1LL5T0N31 20 сағат бұрын
I’m surprised it has taken WOTC this long to create a subclass that is based on setting traps.
@DeusTerribilis 20 сағат бұрын
No Monk subclass!? big sad. All the other subclasses are sick though.
@Skimmer951 14 сағат бұрын
hellu! The Loot Tavern crew behind Helianas made some more subclasses for their following book Larsenes Ledger which cover most of the classes not getting anything here with fighter, monk and barbarian and rogue. The monk in particular is Way of the Artisan that is all about crafting and using tools in tandem with your attacks and making little items to store ki points in and stuff like that.
@epigreviews5405 20 сағат бұрын
Tome of hero’s by kobold press has some really interesting subclasses in them. I recommend looking through them. I really like the theme of these subclasses
@KingLief75 20 сағат бұрын
I think one additional thing to consider with the Oath of the Harvest's second channel divinity, is the option to bonus action revive up to 4 party members who are all downed at a 30 ft range. This option is super niche, but it can effectively cancel a TPK by itself. I just think that's worth considering.
@danielquest8644 21 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the recommendation dudes! I got this book because of you, what a great book!
@SixthUsername 21 сағат бұрын
Here's how I see Persuasion vs Deception vs Intimidation Persuasion - Friendly request that has no penalty when you fail other than the person refusing to do what you requested. It is however limited in where you can use it and you can't persuade people to do anything just because you roll high enough. Deception - Quite powerful if successful but could have very bad repercussions if failed depending on the situation (such as failing to lie about a crime). Intimidation - The most powerful and can basically make anybody do anything if you succeed, but if you fail, the consequences are the biggest. The person will like you less EVEN IF YOU SUCCEED and maybe go as far to attack you on the spot if you fail depending on the severity of the threat you're imposing.
@ChasoGod 22 сағат бұрын
Divine Soul doesn't even feel like a Celestial Sorcerer, it's more of a "Deities Chosen One" type thing, so I want a true Celestial/Angelic Sorcerer Bloodline Also I think they need to update all the Sorcerer Bloodlines so they have a list of Bloodline Spells they acquire as they level up. Other sub-classes I want are... Elder Elemental Warlocks, where the Warlock has a pact with Phoenix, Zaratan, Leviathan, or Tempest. It maybe similar to the Genie Warlock, but it would focus more on damage and without the gimmick of the lamp. Elemental Sorcerers, we have the Genasi who are the descendants of the Genies so why not have Earth, Fire, Air, and Water Elemental Sorcerers just like how you want Fey and Fiend Sorcerers. Also other races can have a connection to the Elemental Planes like Dwarves having a connection to the Earth or Fire Plane, Aarakocra having a connection to the Air Plane, ect. Elemental Domains for Clerics, Earth Domain, Fire Domain, Water Domain, Air Domain and we had these in 3.5 as there are deities who have these Domains in their portfolio.
@WarforgedArcher 22 сағат бұрын
I bought this soon as I saw biomancy wizard
@cpmcdonagh 22 сағат бұрын
How inclusive is this guide?
@TL-fz4yr 23 сағат бұрын
I'm a DM in my infancy, but I jumped onto the Helianna band wagon when they first started asking for donations. I love Monster hunter and this book hit my monstrous cravings. I gave my first group an adopted goblin as many do, but I made mine go into the Trapper class cause it filled the gap in wild encounters and it's super interesting. This group fell through but the prospects are still there and super fun!
@samuelhawkins3820 23 сағат бұрын
Oath of the harvest with good berry is Both thematic and epically powerful
@KingStratzah 23 сағат бұрын
Love love love the trapper subclass. If they could detonate their traps near immediately after being thrown then I feel like it’s more an artillerist or grenadier. Also, the feature where traps have disadvantage against you should come at lvl 3 imo. Last thing, a class that can forcefully displace an enemy so that it hits the traps would go super great with this tho Im not sure it’s 100% better to combo that instead of just flat out doing dmg. Still really cool.
@claudiofuentes2591 Күн бұрын
Think you are the Last member of the party alive. For 2 hit points, you can raise the rest of the party
@shuggabear69able Күн бұрын
I have found something called the hexbow which is only the first couple levels of fighter and the rest of the levels in Warlock
@jakewarman7277 Күн бұрын
The rerolling those d12's my actually make savages hacker worth it after maxing charisma for the parasites subclass
@richard_n Күн бұрын
The Pally seems like a healer class. I like the Trapper Ranger since I love shenanigans. The other three are very solid subclasses that would be a lot of fun. I really love subclasses that allow casters to become melee fighters.
@vikteren8723 Күн бұрын
Trapper Ranger sounds like a great class for a DM to use as a Encounter, not quite BBEG but a LT or part of a team when your party invades a stronghold.
@evilsquirrel0573 Күн бұрын
I feel like the paladin based off of harvests and healing people should have had goodberry, a spell that makes a healing food which would work well with its healing buff, and plant growth, a spell that would work fun with RP to literally enhance harvests while also providing some control capability, those would’ve worked better than purify/create food and drink