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@outdoorsforachange 3 күн бұрын
Good luck!
@tinyboatfishing1 2 күн бұрын
@Pappylachia 3 күн бұрын
Some detours are ridiculously convoluted and time consuming--this looks like one of them! Have fun when you go fishing this afternoon!
@tinyboatfishing1 2 күн бұрын
This is a just nuts construction project. All that for installing a turn lane from the north bound side when the problem always has been cars pulling out from the side road into the path of oncoming on the main route. The turn lane will solve little if any. Should have taken a day or two and hung a sensored stop light. There are stop lights in either direction of the intersection so it's not like there aren't any more in the area. To the east of the highway it is very rural/wooded very fast so there isn't many roads like there are to the west in the grid layout of the typical farmland so fewer options to the east side. But I'm scouting back roads and seeing if any _might_ be less a pain. lol
@outdoorsforachange 7 күн бұрын
Nice channel goals!
@user-bt4me9vq4r 7 күн бұрын
Like a Kid on Christmas opening a present .The joyful reaction. .
@Pappylachia 7 күн бұрын
Arlene and I used to keep some Saugeye, when we fished PIedmont and Clendening lakes back in the day. Taste just like Walleye--delicious.
@tinyboatfishing1 7 күн бұрын
Saugeye is good eating. Like I said, we used to keep a few here or there. Slowly got away from it. Don't really know why. No special reason for sure.
@Pappylachia 7 күн бұрын
On this Memorial Day, it's appropriate to Thank You both for your military service. Hope you catch some bass with those critter baits. You might want to consider adding some new items to your Wish List? Maybe some 20 lb braided fishing line for Sonya's new reel?
@tinyboatfishing1 7 күн бұрын
How have you been? Yeah, told her, "no pressure but you need to catch some." lol And Thank You!
@Pappylachia 8 күн бұрын
Amazon described the color as 'pink', but I think the purple looks better. Hope there's lots of fish to be caught with your new reel. ps--You might consider adding the 50 lb braid to the wish list...
@tinyboatfishing1 7 күн бұрын
It does take on a little different hue in brighter light, sunlight so it may well fit the description of pink. ;)
@outdoorsforachange 8 күн бұрын
@outdoorsforachange 10 күн бұрын
Nice update.
@Pappylachia 14 күн бұрын
32K views---WOW, that is outstanding!! Might be a good idea to post new random pics of the current season in late July, and then more again in November?
@tinyboatfishing1 13 күн бұрын
Yes. We're a little astounded at this too. lol. We're looking at something like that.
@outdoorsforachange 16 күн бұрын
Getting tackle ready the day before a fishing trip is just as fun as the fishing itself.
@tinyboatfishing1 15 күн бұрын
Yes! Thank You! I am not the only one who thinks so. :)
@outdoorsforachange 16 күн бұрын
Fun day at the pond!
@outdoorsforachange 16 күн бұрын
God bless them all for their service to our Republic.
@tinyboatfishing1 15 күн бұрын
Thank You brother.
@outdoorsforachange 16 күн бұрын
Can't wait to see your boat videos when you get it out on the water!
@tinyboatfishing1 15 күн бұрын
Can't wait to get it there. But they're coming. 🚣
@outdoorsforachange 16 күн бұрын
I watch the ten day forecast religiously. When I saw all that rain coming it made me sad.
@tinyboatfishing1 15 күн бұрын
We're not allergic to rain. If we are out and it starts no problem. Have ponchos and stuff. Been there done that many times. It's awful hard to go when it's already raining. lol. We've had so much so far this spring all the waters are up and cruddy. And still cold, everyone we know who has and is actively fishing says the bite isn't really on yet. I am so anxious for it to break and true summer conditions set in. At least dry anyway.
@outdoorsforachange 17 күн бұрын
Did someone mention BLT's, I'm hungry!
@Pappylachia 19 күн бұрын
There's something about putting your hands in the soil and planting, then nurturing, new life, that is good for the soul. My late wife Arlene and my wife Kathy both were avid gardeners. Both beautiful ladies. Sonya is the same--beautiful, with a beautiful soul. You and I are very fortunate fellows, Ken.
@tinyboatfishing1 17 күн бұрын
This is a small patch just for some fresh "homegrown" tomatoes and peppers. And the joy of bringing something along to fruition. And yes, there is something about that.
@Pappylachia 21 күн бұрын
Better weather should be here soon. Hope you and Sonya have a great fishing season!
@Pappylachia 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for posting, and thank both you and your beautiful bride Sonya for your service! May you enjoy a long, healthy, happy retirement together. ❤❤
@tinyboatfishing1 22 күн бұрын
Thank You!
@outdoorsforachange 25 күн бұрын
Our youngest daughter is named Abby and we both hate snakes too.
@tinyboatfishing1 25 күн бұрын
Oh lord I am not fond of them at all. And neither is our Abby as you could tell. The video went silent and abruptly ended/edited out when I discovered I was actually standing on it's head/neck area. The following reactions was not suitable for human consumption. lol. A check a little later showed it had deceased from that standing on it as it's head was crushed. Good! We remember a video or two of yours where your Abby was along camping.
@outdoorsforachange 24 күн бұрын
@@tinyboatfishing1 haha, justice.
@outdoorsforachange 25 күн бұрын
Looking forward to the AT videos!!
@tinyboatfishing1 25 күн бұрын
There is a section and a half, but will do the 2 whole sections to make it "official" down there. I was saving them long ago to cap off my section hikes. And then life. Then it gets pushed back, you know how that can go. This year isn't looking very promising but without fail next year at the latest it will be done! By then. Even late fall-off peak season is a possibility. ;) We have the appropriate gear for colder weather. I've spent this winter pouring over trail maps and topo maps till I won't need any when the time comes and I'm anxious to do it and with todays tech come back with good picture and video memories.
@outdoorsforachange 24 күн бұрын
@@tinyboatfishing1 will be an epic trip!
@outdoorsforachange 25 күн бұрын
Crack head thieves and crazy car jackers on this video! I'm glad you were prepared!
@outdoorsforachange 25 күн бұрын
I'm working on a tent review video, too. Loving yours!
@tinyboatfishing1 25 күн бұрын
We're down to 4 tents now. I gave our son one of the bigger ones we had. A green and tan colored one. Perfect for the young family he has starting out now. We hope to have some more tents/camping vids soon. Well, soon as our current monsoon season ends anyway.
@Pappylachia Ай бұрын
My first fish of 2024 was also a 12" largemouth, on a small 'original' Rapala floating minnow last week. No further bites that day. The action on Rapala's balsa wood baits is amazing.
@Pappylachia Ай бұрын
Looks like you had a good start to the season. Thanks for the new video!
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
I have been two other times, the abruptly short saugeye trip. That was UNplanned short. Myself and two friends caught a catfish each when fishing for saugeye alone. The rest of the time was spent all huddled together with our backs into the wind trying to avoid frostbite. Wasn't much to video lol. Sonya and I took the granddaughter on the eclipse day and I caught 2 bluegills and let the grand reel them in so officially to her they were "her" catches. This being our first time out where we both had nothing but fishing to do was a great day. It seems the weather has Finally broke and looking forward to hitting it regular now. I'm glad her season started with that bass for a change.
@Pappylachia Ай бұрын
Warms my heart to know that Sonya is an avid collector of fishing tackle and gear. My Arlene and I always enjoyed spending time in the fishing aisles at Cabela's and Wal Mart. Collecting lures and assorted gear is part of the enjoyment of fishing. Sonya obviously treats her lures with respect and has them very well organized. Good for you, Sonya!
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
I was stunned at what she had stashed away. Obviously I knew of and/or participated in her acquiring it over the years but had lost track of everything she did have. lol. She, we, don't hit a store with fishing gear that we don't at least browse. And yes, she takes great pride in some of them. ;)
@Pappylachia Ай бұрын
This is exactly how my late wife and I felt about being on Clendening and Piedmont lakes on our pontoon boat. Both of those bodies of water are largely undeveloped, with rolling, wooded hills and wildlife. We never felt bad if we didn't catch fish. Glad you two feel the same way.
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
We have always tended to lean on the undeveloped lakes for this reason as well. The hills, woods, seclusion, peace and quiet to enjoy the whole package. The insect sounds in the video is typical summer sounds that we recorded and to me they are most relaxing. We have the famous Buckeye Lake 10 or 12 miles away, 1/3rd closer than our usual go-to Rush Creek. Pass it by as it's Way to busy and near every foot of shoreline is developed into lakeside houses. Many trips over the years long before and after our dabbling with youtube there would many times I couldn't be bothered to bait a hook. Living the moments were far more rewarding. Sonya and I had conversed early on in our channel time, that we really didn't have a hard core "dedicated" fishing only channel and that was fine. There had to be some others out there that pursued and done the things we do. If we goof off and walk the woods a little, that's fine. If we anchored in the shade and kicked back for however long, fine. If we caught some fish, that's fine and if we didn't, that's just fine too. lol. The total package is what we enjoy. And accept our belated condolences for you late wife. We hit 40 years last December and are reluctantly starting to get to the point or age one of us will go someday and both find that unimaginable.
@outdoorsforachange Ай бұрын
You have new intro pics!
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
Looking to freshen things up a bit.
@Pappylachia Ай бұрын
Mother Nature always has the last word. Glad you moved to higher ground. Thanks for putting together this interesting video. Stay safe, you two!
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
We never got flooded at home but marooned in or out when it came up. These were regular events. Regular enough anyway to where one certainly doesn't miss that aspect.
@johnbechtle9077 Ай бұрын
Happy Birthday 🎉
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
She says Thank You!
@Pappylachia Ай бұрын
Happy Birthday, Sonya! Best wishes for good health and a happy year!
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
She asked to pass on her Thank You!
@tbdandthings 2 ай бұрын
Its absolutely wild, around 10pm i checked on the river on the manning rd bridge and it was touching the bottom of the "t" supports on the bridge and it seemed like the river was about 100 yards wide
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
Yes it is wild you are more than right. I heard it was over at Manning and Everette earlier and all around Owens Corning. 13 south before crossing the bridge before the Moose Club in front of the Circle K was under water and probably still is. I dug around and found other older vids of people kayaking the Licking in normal times to see a reminder how high those bridges like you mentioned are and the water just under or touching the decks now. Heath PD and FD just finished evacuating their section of Licking View Drive along the river down there in their territory. Lot of rain. Fortunately we missed the terrible storms and tornadoes that hit more south of us. And calling for rain the next couple of days.
@outdoorsforachange 2 ай бұрын
Happy Easter. Good luck with the camera hunt!
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
And we hope you and your family had a Wonderful Easter also! I'm a little leery of spending _too_ much on a camera. While we don't 'abuse' them, they seem to get ran thru their paces lol. Clamp mount pop loose and camera tumbles... sudden unexpected rain showers... ;) God Bless!
@jenniferlennington5831 2 ай бұрын
Well done TinyBoatFishing...this has been going on for a long time. I'm gonna get a permit myself this year, and look forward to wetting a line with you and your wife. Call these so-called Public Servants out, loud, and often, things will change.
@tinyboatfishing1 Ай бұрын
Thank you. Sorry about the delayed response. We don't get comment alerts for some reason. Their shenanigans are getting worse year by year. Time to have some accountability. And yes we plan on being there frequently and by all means say hello and wet a line with us!
@outdoorsforachange 2 ай бұрын
Grilled dogs and boat maintenance day. Fun day for old timers like us. 😅
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
Like you, trying to get this health thing back on track after slacking off for a year. Hotdogs are by far not the healthiest thing around but everyone was in the mood for hotdogs, home made sauce and slaw. But a "free day" here and there never hurts. Much anyway. ;) Done some off camera checks of the boat, trailer bearings, lubed the winch, hitch latch and so on. Minor pesky necessary things. The day passed too quick for much else. But yes, a fun day for us.
@outdoorsforachange 2 ай бұрын
I need to get some lights on my yak and canoe.
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
I admire you kayak fishers. Really do. If I could swim or even reasonably so I'd give it a try. Anyone who lands fish and keep it upright is fine by me. lol. With that I'm not afraid of the water but also recognize I WILL flip it sooner or later. We do not mind kayaks in the least. Please don't think we do but we've had a couple experiences with kayaks with no lights well after dark that was well, frightening. After dark we never move about the water above idle speed or trolling motor only. Last year(?) we had an unlit kayak cross in front of us with no lights and it was way too close for comfort. Just a shadow of something moving in front of us. Killed the power and lit it up and it was a Pi**ed of kayaker yelling because we almost ran him over. We exchanged "pleasantries" and went on about our separate ways. But yeah, we want to keep watching your vids so keep yourself safe and if you 'yak after dark, light her up. ;)
@outdoorsforachange 2 ай бұрын
Spring fishing is coming right up!
@pappylachia3188 2 ай бұрын
Good project for the nice days we had yesterday and today. Now that the boat is cleaned up, (nice job, Sonya) you two must be really anxious to take 'er out and do some spring fishin! Looking forward to that first fishing video of 2024! Thanks for the new video.
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
We're both biting at the bit to get out this year. Last year was so late in starting. 50s and 60s temps and rain every other day all spring last year got us out late. I, (ken) DID get lines wet and caught a catfish already on that saugeye trip. Real short not much to it video. Sun set and it was pitch dark fast. Most of that trip was huddled up, backs to the wind, bundled up trying to figure out between us what were we thinking going out that day. Hoping to get that first joint fishing vid out asap!
@pappylachia3188 2 ай бұрын
My late wife and I caught plenty of saugeye at Clendening and Piedmont. Most productive bait was always a live ribbon leech on a plain rounhead jig, 1/4 or 1/8 oz.@@tinyboatfishing1
@Pappylachia 2 ай бұрын
My favorite 'old age' saying: You're never too old to act immature!, lol. Glad all is well with your ticker. Wow, those onion rings each look like a big donut!
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
I tell her if we stop acting young, we'll stop being young. I'm a major onion ring fan and I have never seen rings this big anywhere. Whatever batter they use is also over the top on flavor.
@outdoorsforachange 2 ай бұрын
Getting older is worrisome at times. It's not for the feint of heart. Wowza on the onion rings!
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
No it's not for the feint of heart at all bro. Not at all. All is good with the heart. A little diagnostic and existing stent maintenance was past due and needed. Those rings tho. Wow! They had a fantastic batter on them too. I skipped the meal, too soon after sedation, wasn't feeling just kosher yet but snacked on a couple of her rings. lol. I'ma gonna go get some of my own here very soon. lol.
@outdoorsforachange 3 ай бұрын
I love the Rebel Grasshoppers, too.
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
I've got near the full line of the Rebel crawdads and the bumble bee finally but haven't caught anything on him yet. I don't know why it's taken so long to get the grasshopper? Fishing the pond growing up had to walk thru our hayfield to get to it, caught grasshoppers in the field on the way to use as bait. They seemed to do ok if memory serves correct. Granted a farm pond is a little different than a lake. But I kinda like the Rebel line of lures in general. They seem to offer lures that's a little different in patterns and colors in hard baits.
@robertmceuen3630 3 ай бұрын
I'm in Ok and usually over 65, no permit required. I'm 70 so I hit as many "city lakes" as I can. God bless.
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
65 is our magic number here for free lifetime permits. These aren't bad- so far, only $5 each. These lakes/ponds are decent fishing. One can go wet lines and catch Something without having to mount a big expedition somewhere. Head up the road a couple miles and the lines are wet. No real traveling or getting ready to go somewhere farther. Thanks for watching!!!
@Pappylachia 3 ай бұрын
I still remember the afternoon that a 4" ringworm took a few nice largemouth from the reeds, while fishing from shore. Hope Sonya has similar luck with hers! The Heddon Sonar, and other similar blade baits, is killer on fall walleye/saugeye/sauger. |Very nice collection of tackle, Sonya! Hope you get to use them all this year. Hope you're feeling better, Ken. It's no fun to get sick on the road.
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
I, Ken, haven't seen or familiar with the ringworm. But never been a big artificial guy either. Going to have to keep the blade bait in mind for the fall saugeye here. I'm pretty bent on catching one or more now. It's become a pursuit. lol. And yes, feeling better. Just an off day I guess.
@outdoorsforachange 3 ай бұрын
Hope you're feeling better!
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! Am better. Too much good food and then riding in a backseat on top of it I guess.
@outdoorsforachange 3 ай бұрын
I need to get a cool intro like yours.
@tinyboatfishing1 2 ай бұрын
We're looking to change ours up a bit, something fresh for this year. Different pics, make it a little shorter. We didn't put the intro on some vids of the past and promptly heard about it so we keep doing one. lol.
@Pappylachia 3 ай бұрын
Spending a quiet Tuesday evening, watching your videos that I hadn't seen yet. I now realize that you both are dealing with health challenges. You both are included in my daily prayers. Thanks for sharing.
@Pappylachia 3 ай бұрын
Good going, sir. Props for not taking your bride for granted, even after 40 years.
@Pappylachia 3 ай бұрын
Wow, that's the tackle box of a true fisherwoman! Fun to see what's in your collection, Miss Sonya! Thanks for sharing, Ken.
@Pappylachia 3 ай бұрын
Best part was 'The End'. 😊 Your fishin' buddy is such a sweetheart. Stay healthy and safe, you two--spring is less than a month away!
@tinyboatfishing1 3 ай бұрын
It was a big ending. lol. She blushed and said thanks!
@outdoorsforachange 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad to see things held up like you knew they would. Spring is coming!
@tinyboatfishing1 3 ай бұрын
This is probably the most snow we've had at one time in a couple years or so. Overall this has been a very mild winter both snow and temps thankfully. But just wet enough and cold enough to make it miserable and mud. Prior to this cover frame I had a 12 foot 2x6 with metal straps that locked into tabs inside the boat that kept the board elevated and the cover pitched. It worked well. That board went the way of the dodo and faced with making a new- and much lighter- frame. And at that time also had a nice big garage for winter storage. After we got done putting this pvc frame together was leaning on the boat looking at it and it occurred to me I really could have went with bigger diameter if I had thought about it.