@lnsflare1 10 күн бұрын
I wonder if N's backstory was deliberately modeled after the legendary backstory of the Buddha, but instead of being sheltered from the suffering of the outside world so that he would become a prophecized super king and then giving it all up to become a buddha the first time he accidentally encountered other people's suffering, he was raised to become a king by only exposing him to the suffering of pokémon and then gave that up to essentially become a buddha when he was exposed to the happiness of unabused pokémon.
@lnsflare1 10 күн бұрын
FWIW, Digimon has been having some really good stories recently. That said, it's own analogue to Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Digimon World: Next Order (which, to be fair, probably came out on the Vita years before PLA and is just continuing the long running Digimon World series' pre-existing isekai formula) doesn't really seem to be mentioned along the lines of Cyber Sleuth, Hacker's Memory, or Survive (the three of which are basically diet Shin Megami Tensei games), so maybe they flubbed that aspect.
@joeyjose727 10 күн бұрын
I’ve heard the name Lies of P but I had no idea what it was, this was fascinating and I never would’ve known about it if I hadn’t watched your Engage review (which I disagree with in some ways but it was still very funny)
@Bunni89 15 күн бұрын
Am I the only one who wasn't surprised about Giratina changing forms? I assumed people were overblowing how surprising it was until I saw that montage there 🤔 Idk it just seemed logical to me that the Pokémon that's well known for having two forms would use them. When I saw it was in Altered Form I was like "that's weird they wouldn't pick it's more iconic form for a final boss fight- ohhh it'll probably change". I'm not saying this to boast or anything, I'm just realising maybe I never got the appeal of the Volo fight cos I just missed a major twist everyone else found exciting. Maybe I just think weird...
@Bunni89 15 күн бұрын
....wait it was challenging?? Damn then I think I just ruined it for myself by finishing all the sidequests before I got to that fight. I was probably overlevelled...
@Odovakar340 20 күн бұрын
Look, mom! My comment appeared in Engage Girl's video. I'm famous! This was another video of yours that I thoroughly enjoyed. You're quickly becoming one of my very favorite creators on this platform. This video must have taken extensive research and hard work to produce; I'm incredibly impressed. I miss your funny barbs at poorly written shenanigans but hey, gushing over a well-written game, acknowledging its efforts and spreading the word is more important! It's refreshing to hear of a game with such strong thematic consistency. I very rarely touch on themes myself when discussing or writing about video game writing because it's such a nebulous concept that, depending on the work and person consuming it, seems to change its meaning. I fear I may be a little bit damaged from talking about the worst written Fire Emblem games and listening to people essentially arguing that, so long as something is brought up in passing, it qualifies as a theme and is therefore good writing. I feel as though a theme, or at least a strong one, is something that seeps through every crack of the game. Really skilled writers can tie it not only to the main characters, but also the antagonists, support characters, main story and minor quests but in very different ways. The best example I can think of that does this is Knights of the Old Republic II, an unfinished mess that to this day probably ties its cast to the themes of the story better than any other game I've seen. ...A mid 2000's Star Wars game that is basically held together by chewing gum, tape and prayer. To be honest, I've not tried Lies of P. When it launched, I went "this is just a rip-off of Dark Souls featuring edgy Pinocchio" and sort of wrote it off in my mind. Your video has convinced me I made a huge mistake judging a book by its cover, and I'll now see about getting it and hoping my computer can handle it (as well as my poor gamer skills). Funnily enough, that's the second South Korean game dealing with heavy themes that I wrote off in part due to visuals, the other being a very fan service heavy gacha that I only tried after a friend said the writing was actually good. Once again, thank you for a very interesting video and what promises to be an interesting gaming experience. I look forward to your next video regardless of what you'll cover, but hope it'll be Three Houses!
@CamelinCD 17 күн бұрын
@@Odovakar340 NAHH NOT “ENGAGE GIRL”💀💀💀…… I agree, it sounds like a very tall task to tie a core theme into every aspect of a story, and there is the worry that it might come off as forced if it’s unsubtle, but I think some of the most universally loved works are a result of that approach-or at least, they can appear that way. It starts off sounding like a restriction, but then becomes inspiration. Lies of P uses that to its advantage well. Thank you so much for your continued support!! :^D I’m glad I’ve managed to pique someone else’s interest in this game.
@Odovakar340 5 күн бұрын
@@CamelinCD I think you hit the nail on the head with it becoming an inspiration rather than a limitation. In a weird sense, it's kind of like when you write your first real thesis at university. At first you might want to choose a broad topic that you can write a lot about, but the quality of the paper would suffer because you'd only manage to scratch the surface of what you've decided to write about. I apologize for bringing it up in like all of my comments, but what I like about Knights of the Old Republic II is how it ties everything to its central themes and the variety of in how it goes about it. Among others, I'd say the themes of that game are being able to move on from traumatic experiences and heal, something that is done in both a literal and figurative sense throughout the main plot and side quests, and something that practically all important characters are in need of. There is one primary conflict from which the trauma stems but everyone's perspective of and role in it are so different, and through the main character you also have to deal with things like institutions meant to provide some form of succor failing to do so, adding a level of betrayal and isolation to everything. Naturally, the villains are good because they, in different ways, embody what happens if you fail to heal or move on, turning the dark mirror trope into a much scarier and more personal part of the story. Similarly, if you play as a dark side character, you practically act on your worst impulses, too damaged by your past to ever turn a new leaf, a tragic failure. It's just so beautiful how it all comes full circle and how, despite being an infamously unfinished game, complete the writing feels. It's a game I look to when I write things myself, and I've tried applying the "always ask why" mantra you championed in the Engage video as well, a "test" I believe the game passes with flying colors. I hope to one day be able to write something that'll inspire people in a similar vein. ...And then I look at Fire Emblem Fates for a guide on how not to write something. Sacrificing entire themes for player pandering lessgooo!
@TwilightWolf032 21 күн бұрын
Family is only the center piece of Engage's writing because of Intelligent System's current obsession with royals!
@zaythleon5847 23 күн бұрын
Watched the beginning of this video and just realized... after putting 60 or so hours into that game i never beat it lol
@unripetheberrby6283 27 күн бұрын
Yeah the first, or main, issue I had with PLA is the dialogue, too much too much, heck too little, replace or delete it please, ugh :c 52:57 Omg thank you, that's so true, for so long-
@matthewchi5292 Ай бұрын
It is actually criminal that this doesn't at least have a million views. Without a doubt, one of the best LoP analyses on KZfaq. I loved how much research you put into looking up the entire history of Pinocchio and how it reflects on LoP. You did a wonderful job showing all the themes of the characters, story, and world building! I loved the thematic shots of gameplay incorporated into the video. I never realized how beautiful the game actually looks without all the UI in the way. I hope you get big someday!
@CamelinCD Ай бұрын
That means so much to me 🥺🥺!! Yes, Lies of P is gorgeous, especially on PC. I never realized how big a difference console vs PC made before I committed to this project, and capturing the footage was a lot of fun. Thank you so much for watching :,^))
@Sina-dv1eg Ай бұрын
I started playing Fire Emblem when I was 8, as the first RPG I've ever played. The weapon triangle is so ingrained in my brain that I automatically apply it to other games unintentionally. I'll be playing literally anything. Zelda, Elden Ring, whatever, and I go, "That enemy has a spear against my sword. I'm doomed", until I catch myself being delusional. This has nothing to do with the main points of your video. It was just when you mentioned that you thought it was a bad idea to add the weapon triangle, my brain immediately went "but it wouldn't make any sense NOT to have swords be strong to axes!" and it's kinda funny how broken I am
@CesarR1037 Ай бұрын
Your videos are awesome. I love the commentary and your humor. You gotta upload more!
@CamelinCD Ай бұрын
I’m cooking up my next script now! Thank you :-))❤️
@CesarR1037 Ай бұрын
@@CamelinCD shit, just noticed I hadn’t subbed. I am now, looking forward to the next video
@Sogotistics1 Ай бұрын
I feel like with fire emblem engage I did learn a bit of the characters, and there was a story but not enough info of the characters or story. They had the ideas, right. But the execution was awful 💀. It was mainly just tell tell ( like you mentioned ) instead of showing. And also rushed imo. Like a lot of information that was told could have been shown and they could have added on top of that information, make it interesting and develop a story. I love this game( especially Diamant :> ) but I wished there was just more, it feels flat and I look at the characters and I see the potential in all of the characters that could be added on to learn more about them. Of course, do not make a whole paralogue for all the characters but something for each of the characters so that we have an idea of why the characters are the way they.
@Sogotistics1 Ай бұрын
Also they needed to have some conflict like verbally. Like, some of them being like “oh I forgive you let’s move on” and I was like 💀 Edit: the lack of consistency too and is just mind boggling despite me loving the characters and games 💀
@Sogotistics1 Ай бұрын
Also this was an amazing review and I learnt a lot Also educated me on story writing overall which I always love to hear, well done ^^ I was commenting along while listening and I agree with it all.
@Cleruian Ай бұрын
My main issue was: the design of Alear already made me think that I would probably not enjoy it... it's so "busy" and self-contradictory. Compared to that, FE3H was so much better with the design of the students, heck, even Perry in FE:Fates pulled off the "two color hair" in a better way than Alear. And you can't tell me "Past Alear" at 26:32 doesn't look 10 times better than "Toothpaste-hair Alear".
@Slimebawt Ай бұрын
Well written and presented. Subscribed!
@Borchert97 Ай бұрын
It felt like there was one more step to the story which was closure, seeing the results of a resolution, like this was supposed to be how Hisui became Sinnoh, but we don't really see any development post-Volo? Like there should've been a quest where an entire new town like Jubilife Village pops up or something. Show us where certain characters went, is Volo being searched for? Did anyone see what became of him? Like in Sun and Moon we had the ending with Lusamine and Lillie leaving for Kanto and I thought that was a great way to end the story, BW had this with N leaving, ORAS's Delta Episode ended dramatically with you stopping the meteor and Zinnia leaving as her role has now finished. This game had a slow build-up to a wild twist and climax, but then everything just goes back to how it was and it's almost like the whole thing never even happened, there was no change, the region didn't develop further, we didn't see any characters grow or move around, "Pokemon Trainers" as a concept is still in its very early stages.
@desdar100 15 күн бұрын
That's called colonialism, and a lot of that what does historically begin after the rest of the village got used to using Pokemon. The village only being in that spot makes it so for the time being, that it doesn't feel like the villagers are trying to encroach on the tribes territory, but having them greatly expand themselves all over the area put them at war with the tribes that they claim to maintain a peaceful treaty with. We all know IRL that they wouldn't respect what the tribes would have said but portraying that would have been incredibly tricky
@magmagruntwilliam Ай бұрын
I agree with this video 100% literally only reason I played this was for the combat. Comparing this to 3 houses for example I played through engage once. Three houses I have over 1000 hours, played through every route, and have done solo runs with every student character in the game. I love challenge runs and I have TRIED my hardest to play through engage and do challenge runs of the game but I can't bring myself to do it. I just get bored. Fire emblems fun and somewhat challenging combat is not enough to make up for the lack of literally everything else in this game.
@jrpgqueen3772 Ай бұрын
"What happened ?" Just another great Fire Emblem, after the Three Houses disaster, thankfully. And one of the best at that, with possibly the best gameplay in the serie, some dephts in the strategy/the options. People who plays Fire Emblem for the plot should stop immediately this heresy. Go for Persona or Xenoblade if that's what you seek. Or other tacticals like Ogre or Valkyria.
@eternaldarklight8204 Ай бұрын
I am sorry but Three Houses was not a disaster or a failure in the slightest. There is a difference between disliking a game and calling it a failure. You can dislike Three Houses just as I dislike Engage because it is an opinion. However, saying that its a failure is disingenuous because Three Houses has kept itself alive and loved by the fandom even five years after its release and is still adored by a large part of the fandom. Meanwhile, Engage has had a more mixed year with both haters and likes on both sides of the spectrum and nowadays, fewer people talk about it. Three Houses has its own flaws like the graphics, map design and more but where it truly excelled was the character and story execution and writing where it tried to tell a story about the themes of loss, regret, isolation, and acceptance while also allowing the world itself to feel believable and alive. Meanwhile, Engage had amazing gameplay and graphics but the main reason why people are up in arms about it is because the story and characters' execution left a lot to be desired where the story felt flat in certain aspects of the story and the characters often struggled to grow in either the story or some of the supports. You can like a game but calling something a failure is disingenuous as only time will tell of the game failed or not.
@TheMaestroMizerous Ай бұрын
Wow, that's gonna make people want to play Fire Emblem by acting like a jerk. How about these games have good gameplay AND good stories.
@eternaldarklight8204 Ай бұрын
@@TheMaestroMizerous I wasn't acting like a jerk, I was just saying that calling Three houses a failure was a lie since it did so well. Besides all I want is a fire emblem game that does well in gameplay and story
@cyromancer7416 Ай бұрын
🤦‍♂ Alright, let's bring out the Kaga quote (again): "I call it “roleplaying simulation.” It’s a new genre. Basically, it’s a strategy game. But strategy games typically are kind of “hardcore” and dry. (laughs) You only care about winning or losing the battle, and there’s no space for the player to empathize with the characters or story. I love strategy games like that too, but I also love RPGs. By adding RPG elements, I wanted to create a game where the player could get more emotionally invested in what’s happening. I wanted to make a strategy game that was more dramatic, something where you would really be able to feel the pain and struggle of the characters. That’s why characters can’t be revived once they’re killed, to impart a sense of gravity and seriousness. In turn, I think the result is that the more love you have for your characters, the more rewarding the game is." - Shouzou Kaga (the original creator of Fire Emblem, source: shmuplations.com/fireemblem/) The genesis of the series, from the interview with Fire Emblem's original creator that I posted above, was to merge a compelling story with characters that the player could get attached to, and strategic gameplay. The reason why permadeath even exists in the first place is to get the player attached to the characters. To put it bluntly, I think you really should not be lecturing people about Fire Emblem since you have shown that you clearly do not understand what Fire Emblem is supposed to be about, and the fact that Intelligent Systems put so little effort into the writing makes me doubt that IS themselves understand why the series was great to begin with. >People who plays Fire Emblem for the plot should stop immediately this heresy. Go for Persona or Xenoblade if that's what you seek. Or other tacticals like Ogre or Valkyria. Oh, and I can say the exact opposite here - people who play Fire Emblem solely for the gameplay should immediately stop this nonsense. Go for gameplay focused SRPGs like Advance Wars, Mario and Rabbids or XCOM if that's what you seek.
@eternaldarklight8204 Ай бұрын
@@cyromancer7416 This is all I want, a Fire Emblem game with good gameplay and story
@victoriascholl4607 Ай бұрын
Fire Emblem Engage is sort of a tribute to older games from the Gameboy Advance & DS/3DS. The characters attached to the rings are from those games. The fell Dragon was a recurring storyline, it would raise up again after many years and the descendent of prior heroes with the Emblem mark would have to stop it. I own seven Fire Emblem games. I didn't like the warriors game.
@Sandy-rw2fj 2 ай бұрын
I was so sad when I couldn’t rematch volo
@Snakeskin94 2 ай бұрын
This is a good video, but it highlights a problem in the Souls community. Every other review singing P's praises says almost verbatim "I wasnt going to give this game a try because no one does it better than fromsoft not once not ever but this pleasantly surprised me." This speaks how narrowminded the FromSoft community really is. I don't think you are necessarily but when you say "I'm not missing out on much" tells me you weren't willing to try until Anderson told you to. There's good games in this sub genere but this elitism that FromSoft themself don't even want people to feel posions people's opinons on other games.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah I agree with that to an extent. This may come as a surprise but I just don’t really play very many video games like that (as in, I don’t really try a new game unless it’s *really* praised by people I trust or from a series I’ve enjoyed in the past), and I don’t really devote a “fan” status or allegiance to a series like that, I’m just picky about the new games I do spend my time/money on. Barring Lies of P I have a strong feeling I wouldn’t enjoy very many if any of the non-from souls-likes that are out at the moment more than From’s *best* based on what I’ve seen from the most acclaimed ones, but I definitely don’t think From is above being challenged or dethroned, or that other souls-likes can’t be good or anything like that. Lies of P is actually only challenged by Sekiro in my favorites of this genre haha. So you can take that as me just being picky about trying a game unless I’m positive I’m going to enjoy it. Thank you for watching :^))
@Hhhbrother 2 ай бұрын
Fire emblem characters really feel like sentai villains of the week with how simple they are.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
@Hhhbrother 2 ай бұрын
@@CamelinCD I can defiantly hit the griddy to that
@RotomLandry 2 ай бұрын
I had the same misgivings about the potential for cringe lying within this interpretation. For that reason, I had no intention of playing this game. I will now make the time to play through this game. Liked, subscribed, I look forward to the next upload.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for watching!! :^D! Hope you enjoy LoP ;)
@Pm3m_Dia 2 ай бұрын
IS still struggling to competently write a fire emblem story ever since Kaga left. I thought they had something with the Tellius titles but now it's just a trainwreck for 6 games straight (not counting echoes). Also, do we deserve better? The slop being churned out by the entertainment industry is slurped up with such enthusiasm that you get verbally harassed if you even make an effort to criticize it.
@0mni42 2 ай бұрын
After playing Lies of P and watching a few of the other adaptations of Pinocchio, one of the things that has really struck me is how differently the connection between humanity and lying has been portrayed depending on the creator. In the original, Pinocchio is basically human from the get-go in terms of his desires, personality, behavior, etc.; he becomes a flesh and blood human when he becomes a responsible child who obeys his father, works hard, and doesn’t lie. Becoming a literal human is a result of becoming a *good* human (by the standards of the author’s time and place). But in modern adaptations like Lies of P and the one by Guillermo del Toro, obeying the authorities and always telling the truth are presented as the robotic, inhuman options, while lying is portrayed as useful, empowering, and the mark of a real human. When Lies of P lets you choose between a truth and a lie, the truth is usually a harsh one, and the lie can be the only way for the player to express kindness to the characters. Obedience is similarly associated with inhumanity--and in del Toro's version, fascism and war. Maybe it's because the original was written for children and the modern ones are more adult-oriented, or maybe it's because modern times have changed the way we view lying and obedience. Hell, maybe it’s because the original was written for only an Italian audience while the modern ones are designed for international appeal. But either way, it's fascinating how the story has mutated.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
It’s definitely true that the relationship between lying and humanity has taken on an identity of its own in recent adaptations of Pinocchio! I do somewhat disagree with that assessment of the original book when compared to newer versions, though, maybe because in the original, I don’t think lying or humanity is the focal point. I’m more aligned with the book’s most recent translators’ interpretation of Pinocchio’s message in that regard…“Get educated, get informed, don’t let yourself be manipulated”. I don’t think the book necessarily says being a “good human” is what makes Pinocchio human, and that not lying and obeying authority is what makes Pinocchio a good human. I think there’s too many instances where authorities are criticized in the book or take advantage of Pinocchio’s naïvety to his own detriment for that to be the case, like the book’s satirical portrayal of judicial systems. I think the book mostly just portrays how children’s self-interested and ignorant desires can often lead them to being manipulated, and that kids who learn who and what has their best interest in mind, even if it isn’t fun or instantly gratifying, won’t be manipulated by bad influences. In that way Pinocchio becoming human isn’t necessarily a literal take on what makes someone human as it is in our modern Pinocchios (because as you said, he was always pretty human when he was a puppet, just very childish), and instead is a metaphor for growing up and socialization. The biggest difference between Pinocchio and Lies of P then is who it is that has Pinocchio’s best interest in mind. The book makes the assumption that it’s the parents, which is a fine one to make in most cases, especially considering a parent who takes the time to read their child a book like Pinocchio likely does want what’s best for them in youth, but Lies of P switches up who it is that’s out to get Pinocchio. To me, that’s what makes it so successful in portraying that “get educated, get informed, don’t let yourself be manipulated” message the translators claimed Pinocchio was about at its core, and why I don’t think it necessarily mutates the original’s message. The player has to set aside their expectations of parents, and of the original story’s characters, in order to find the true enemy pulling P’s strings! I do totally agree though that Lies of P and other adaptations like it have flipped the script of the original to more international/adult appeal. Otherwise Gepetto wouldn’t be evil at all in LoP! I just think the game takes a lot of careful consideration to preserve the original story’s intent despite that, and that’s what I like so much about it 🥹. Thank you for watching, and for leaving this comment! :^]]]
@0mni42 2 ай бұрын
@@CamelinCD I'll admit I'm less familiar with the original work than you are, but isn't the conclusion about him becoming a real boy because he got a job, supported his father, was responsible with money, etc.? Granted, the book was released in a serial format so this probably wasn't the plan from the very beginning, but it's arguably the most important part of the story when it comes to how it's been remembered. And even if it isn't the major point of the book, it does still have that lesson about lying being bad though, right? Maybe the more accurate way to say it is that modern takes on Pinocchio focus on some parts of the original (lying, humanity) and invert them, while ignoring a bunch of the book's other messages. Thanks for responding! I really enjoy your content, and I hope you can continue to make more of it. Also always nice to find another Joseph Anderson fan in the wild. Hope our funny dragon man comes back from the grocery store soon. :P
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
@@0mni42 Oh, yes, that’s definitely true! I just think the full context of the book seems to agree there’s more to it than lying bad and being obedient/“good” makes you human. Pinocchio only ever really lies-or at least, his lies are only highlighted and wholly condemned in the form of his growing nose-to the Blue Fairy, and he does so to hide things that are clearly to his detriment. And Pinocchio only becomes human, or grows up, when he *stops* obeying his own self-destructive whims and predatory advice from people that want to harm him or steal from him, and starts listening to and caring for people who care for him in return. So then yes, I totally agree with that statement; it’s more or less those secondary ideas which serve a greater moral in the original story that are highlighted by most of Pinocchio’s modern adaptations. Thank you very much :,,,))!!! Heck yeah Joe fans stay winning ✌✌
@Geswert72 2 ай бұрын
I stopped playing Lies of P after a few hours, but I will watch this video 20k times to keep the upward momentum going 👍
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! You gotta keep playing LoP though you're depriving yourself peak 😩
@erendiranigarcia8326 2 ай бұрын
please please please talk about three houses PLEASE
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
On the docket...! 😈
@readtherules7101 2 ай бұрын
@@CamelinCDthree houses video essay in current year?? hell yeah
@gothphoebe 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad to have someone echo pretty much every issue I've grown to have this game.
@NeverUseAnApostrophe 2 ай бұрын
Excellent explanation and exploration. You should check out Zuldim's video comparing the literary work to the game to see some interpretations that you might like, like how Simon Pristis Manus is meant to be the whale/shark that swallows ("the one to swallow even god") Pinocchio at the end of the story to save Gepetto (the submarine is named 'Pristis') and that Simon is Giangio's/Paracelcus's son. There's also a decent theory that Lady Antonia was the "legendary stalker" that ignored Carlo's request to train under her before he died. Given the teaser ending, where do you think they'll take the Oz direction? I would like to see them combine the fable worlds with the idea of a grander cosmic horror that is the writer and the game plots, so in that way if we get Dorothy and P teaming up, P is literally the Tinman.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
I've been meaning to watch that video! I've heard the theory about Antonia before, which I'm mixed on, but never the one about Simon and Paracelcus. For some reason, that sounds really compelling to me... I'm interested to see what Paracelcus' role is going to be in the next game. That said I can't say what I think the next game is going to be about for sure since I'm only just getting around to reading the Wizard of Oz. I've always liked the idea of Carlo/Pinocchio being the Tinman of the game's universe, though. That would be so clever. Thank you for watching! :))
@NeverUseAnApostrophe 2 ай бұрын
Commenting just so more people can see this.
@nickioleary8577 2 ай бұрын
Characters I thought felt really misused were the bandits. They felt really pointless, and it honestly bothers me because they had some potential. Here’s a way I thought the Miss Fortune sisters could’ve been used better, or at least conveyed their desire to help more. After the player is banished but before they meet Volo, they run into the trio. Coin and Clover are quick to pick a fight, but Charm notices the forlorn expression on your face. She (probably passive aggressively) asks what’s wrong and you tell them that you were banished. Charm, who was once a member of the Galaxy Team, empathizes with your feelings and offers to help or shelter you (though still in a stand off manner). You then have a cutscene with the four of you around a campfire and they each hint at or briefly explain why they left their respective settlements; mainly that they didn’t agree with them in many ways, to the point that they no longer wanted to even associate with their groups, and ultimately found a family in each other (I don’t know if they’re actually related. Given their appearances and that they’re from different clans I don’t think they’re blood related). You all spend the night together and say your goodbyes in the morning, needing to find a way to solve the whole red sky problem. Charm gives you the advice to find your own family like she did, and that doesn’t have to be the one you’ve stuck with this whole time. You leave and then we have the scene with the Shinx and Volo. Also, later I think they should be the ones to find the ore for you; they roam all over the region, it isn’t a stretch that they’d recognize what you’re looking for. They claim they’re only doing it for themselves, but maybe it can be hinted that they’re also doing it for you, since they formed a small kinship with you. AND, the advice Charm gives could be even more impactful if, like in PMD Gates to Infinity, the player staying in Hisui was their decision. They decide that, even if they have “real family” back in modern day, they’ve found a new family here in Hisui. Or maybe the hurt their new family caused them was something they couldn’t forgive and now want to start over again and find new/old family in the life they once knew. There was SO MUCH more potential that these three had and could’ve done to influence the story and the player, it really is a shame they didn’t do much in the grand scheme of things
@samf.s.7731 2 ай бұрын
Your video needs more views. I like it when someone breaks down the thematic substance of this game and not just narrates the lore. Also, someone asked about the eye color on the subreddit for the game, and I don't think anyone managed to put it together... That's just you! That's an excellent observation/eye for detail you got there 😊
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Agh thank you so much!! Yes, I totally love lore videos on soulslikes (I’m a total Vaati shill) but I know if I tried something like that I’d be worried about getting too many things wrong haha. Maybe I could do a video like this one on some of the fromsoft games? 🤔 Thank you for watching & for the kind words :,^))!
@eastonthompson2876 2 ай бұрын
Great video. I wanted to point out something that I couldn’t help but notice. I find it compelling that this game is made by a South Korean developer. I don’t know that I’m super qualified to comment on South Korean culture but the very little that I know about it is telling about the story of Lies of P. The short version is that there a culture war going on not only in South Korea, but other Asian countries as well, that is intense where the younger generation is shouldered heavily with expectations brought upon by the older generation. In that way, one could see that as a manipulation. At least to me there seems to be a hint of social commentary which is really fitting seeing that the original was just that. The original message of Pinocchio, as you pointed out, was coming to know your responsibility as a human through your own experience. In contrast, it seems to me that the core of Lies of P is to not let anyone dictate your responsibility or place in the world but to instead find your own. It’s a look from two different perspectives: one specifically for a western audience, ie post unification Italy, and the other specifically for an Asian audience, ie modern Japan, South Korea etc. There’s always a theme of breaking free of an oppressive system in jrpgs that I love to look at. It gives a clear look into how the developers feel about their culture at large and what they think is the solution to that issue. There’s a great video by a channel called Moon Channel that goes into greater depth about the trope of “god slaying” in rpgs that I think lends a lot to this conversation. He’s also a lot more eloquent and articulate than me so go watch him instead lol. Anyway great video. My feed has been getting rather stale lately so this was a pleasant surprise. Can’t wait to see what you do next.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! Yes, I agree that lots of that sentiment finds its way into Lies of P. Like the conflict between Carlo and Gepetto in comparison to the original Pinocchio’s ending, it’s not inherently a responsibility to care for your elders that the game rejects, but rather a responsibility that’s so unrequited it becomes, like you said, just another form of manipulation through preconceived tradition. Stories like the original Pinocchio are great because of how timeless they are. Whether we’re in the 1800s or 2000s, we’re always facing the same human problems over and over again, although now more than ever it feels like younger generations are given the short end of the stick. So I think you’re totally right that Lies of P is very relevant! It’s awesome that they could revive an old story like Pinocchio in a way modern audiences can find new connection with, while still keeping its meaning intact. Thank you for watching & for writing such an insightful comment :^)!
@MrCactuar13 2 ай бұрын
So Gemini=jiminy is something that NASA insists on being the correct pronunciation instead of admitting they might be wrong (or maybe we're the ones who were wrong all along). But anyway I guess it's time to read Pinocchio but with everyone yas-ified in my head
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
OH I didn’t know that lmao. So I guess it might also be a pun on the part of Disney too? And heck yeah read Pinocchio there’s lots of connections/references I didn’t mention in this video and it’s just a good little read! 😎🤌 Thanks for watching :^]
@evangedeon2194 2 ай бұрын
Dang, you're telling me to read? Hmm. Maybe I will. It's been enough years since last time. Yeah
@ripdito 2 ай бұрын
u genuinely sound like red fox lol
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
LMAO Thanks 🙏
@samf.s.7731 2 ай бұрын
​@@CamelinCDmissed opportunity to say "Ciao Bello!"
@leftovernoise 2 ай бұрын
Ngl, I saw the first 3 or so cutscenes in engage and then skipped literally every single scene and dialogue for the rest of the game. I enjoyed the tactics. But I couldn't take captain Colgate seriously
@toffeemart 2 ай бұрын
omg fortnite
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
@SarcasticShinyZoroark 2 ай бұрын
What was the song played at 1:03:31? Once I get enough money I need to play this game, I’ve been interested in it for a while :3
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
That song is-brace for it-“Proposal, Flower, Wolf Part 1 (GOLDEN)”. Very big name I know lol. Yes, very highly recommend LoP! Thank you for watching :^]!
@princepookie3316 2 ай бұрын
Simon Manus' middle name is Pistris so he is most likely based on the dogfish from the original story.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
This is also true. He has a very loaded name LOL
@BumroyV2 2 ай бұрын
Excellent video. When Joseph Anderson spent little time on the story in his crtique, I assumed it wasn't much worth talking about. I'm glad to have assumed so wrong. I'm also glad you talked about how adaptation can be deeper than even retaining the same themes. 2023 actually had another similar adaptation: the Doom mod, MyHouse . wad. I borrows heavily from the novel House of Leaves, but, apart from single reference and what is effectively an easter egg, you'd only know if you were familiar with both. It’s very interesting stuff. I recommend PowerPak's video on the mod if you're interested.
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Yes, I do understand why the story of LoP often goes unmentioned in review settings, since its gameplay is so good and is still very much its central draw. By comparison, there are a few things I’d like to see them improve upon in the future with their storytelling (more on a scene-by-scene basis, in things like the localization & some dialogue), but I really do think what they’ve written with Lies of P is remarkable, and deserves all the praise & encouragement! So I’m glad to help do that if I can. I looked into that doom mod you mention and, wow, what an interesting way to tell a story! I’ve never really delved into the world of mods for any game, and so it always surprises me what modders are capable of. I’ll have to watch that video (and maybe check out that book too while I’m at it)! Thank you for watching :^))
@ErikLobsel 2 ай бұрын
This is by far the best video on this game so far! I've recently beaten the game (it has been, what, about a week of nonstop brainrot? lol) and this game quickly became just my favorite thing ever. It has everything that I love in media, done in such lovely way. It's good to see more folks talking about the story and themes!
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Argh thank you so much!! :,,,,)))) I know what you mean. I was given LoP as a Christmas present last year (the poisoned gift…) and I’ve been in the trenches ever since. Cannot get this twink out of my head. Rest assured the brainrot will continue lol, it’s just such a great game. Thank you so much for watching & for the kind words! :^Dc
@peaceribbon8322 2 ай бұрын
Wasn’t really interested in Lies of P but this video might get me to play it at some point, and your analysis was super interesting and detailed. Nice work! Admittedly I’m the sort of person who tends to view stories with messages like Lies of P with a degree of skepticism due to the Paradox of Freedom, a philosophical observation that freedom of thought is in fact an idea that has to be transmitted in order to be learned and therefore ‘free thinking’ is ultimately a learned dogma in itself. Still, in questioning the presented premise I am in a way taking the game’s advice, which seems wrong because I’m being wary of the game’s message to be wary, hence the paradox! :P
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Oh that is so interesting…!! In a way I think the game may acknowledge that paradox as well. Something I neglected to bring up in the video (I wish I had now) is that, when the player kills Romeo, his last words are “maybe this is what true freedom feels like”……so, even this character whose whole purpose is to be like the representation of freedom and choice for Carlo realizes that to be *alive* is to be tied to something; be that your emotions, or an ideology of “free thinking”. Maybe then the game’s truest message is not “don’t be manipulated”, but rather try, to the best of your ability, not to be manipulated, because lies and tricks (and sometimes falling for lies and tricks), are innate to human beings! Thank you so much for watching & leaving this comment :D I got to rant a little more haha. (Oh and, yes, if you can’t tell, I very highly recommend this game. I didn’t get into it too much in this video, but the combat is incredible. Like, giggling-kicking-my-feet-in-the-air tier combat, that’s how tight the action is!)
@dinar8749 2 ай бұрын
Hope you cover fire emblem again.
@drecksnoooob648 2 ай бұрын
As someone who hasn't played Lies of P, it appears to me that the immense significance of Trismegistus is unduly overlooked. The mythical Hermes Trismegistus is a combination of the Greek god Hermes (messenger of the gods, guides souls into the afterlife) and the Egyptian god Thoth (god of wisdom, judges the dead). According to myth, Hermes Trismegistus was said to have lived among humans and inspired the philosophy of Hermeticism, which is more or less the root of most Christian and Islamic traditions of magic (the D&D kind, not the Las Vegas kind). One of its core ideas is the search for a singulary divine truth. Hermeticism has been discarded quite recently with the advent of modern science and has been hugely influential for many centuries (for some definitions of "recently" and "influential"). In fact, some early scientists like Isaac Newton were Hermeticists. As you see, this one single name, Trismegistus, addresses multiple themes central to the game like communication, truth, death, magic and more. I don't know much about the lore of the game, but I think the name-drop deserves further study. Evidently, when you started the video with a history lesson, your one mistake was _making it too _*_short_* . EDIT: I sure hope the fact you wear the Blue Fairy's outfit isn't some subtle cry for help
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Oh yes that definitely does sound purposeful on the writers’ part… Ergo is considered by the Alchemists under Simon to be a “universal truth” of sorts. I did encounter a little of that in researching, but aside from relating Lies of P back to Pinocchio and the original story’s creation to make the point that it honors the intent, I wanted to primarily focus on the progression of Lies of P’s story in a vacuum, and how it manages to represent its ideas even to audiences that aren’t familiar with the references it makes. The lore dump is solely to introduce concepts that are important toward that end…although knowing the details like that makes it so crystal clear how much thought went into this game! Also LMAO don’t worry the dress is not a cry for help I just think her design is gongeous 🫣
@asocialwizard 2 ай бұрын
I've seen interpretations of the story where Pinocchio is a new person separate from Carlo at the end, but i liked how you started referring to him as Carlo at the end more. i like how it builds a theme of self and how it's not tied to flesh nor to other's expectations of what you must be, and how it can be redefined by yourself over the course of your life. it really is cool if there's only one ending where Carlo lives and it's not the one where Carlo's body lives, where his heart is free to be modified, where another's expectations of him are contrary to his self. amazing analysis from Camelin again! at first i thought I'd turn it on in the background while doing something else like i always do with these kinda essays, but i ended up completely abandoning anything else i was doing to listen more intently to the video. the visuals very well correspond to what is being said which makes it engaging to watch the video and every word is clearly pronounced with music in the background translating the game's atmosphere. i wish i could give this video more likes because it seriously deserves them!!! fun Joseph Anderson mention, his streams are initially where i initially experienced the story and since he didn't give it much importance a lot of what was said in this video was new to me. I'm experiencing the game for myself now and this video really makes me want to go play it some more! also i really appreciate the dedication to researching the original story, the author and the times it was written. that's a lot of context that i might've never discovered for myself which is a shame considering how much impact it has on the story. anyway that's it. thank you so much for making this analysis and good luck and inspiration to you for any other video you decide to make. i can't wait to see what you make next!
@CamelinCD 2 ай бұрын
Aah thank you!! I totally agree, I also see the fandom separate the two of Carlo and Pinocchio often, which is all well and good and can be cool, but I prefer to see them as one as well. Geppetto himself says Pinocchio “inherited his personality” despite apparently not regaining all of Carlo’s memories (because of the nature of Ergo?), so I think it only makes sense. To me, the nameless puppet fight at the end of the game is elevated that way; Carlo’s journey as “Pinocchio” is him experiencing the world in the way Romeo wanted him to, unbound by the hurt that held Carlo down when he was alive. It teaches him who and what he can be even without Geppetto, and so to me that final battle is Carlo finally being able to fight and kill that part of him that blinded him to everything else, now that he’s experienced and learned what’s beyond it and how it was controlling him. Such good stuff!!! Thank you so much for watching and leaving such a thoughtful comment :,,)c
@samf.s.7731 2 ай бұрын
I was not sure about whether or not he is Carlo till literally last week when I learned about the plot of Nier Replicant, he is Carlo.. He's Carlo's soul, thoughts, and memories. The nameless puppet on the other hand, that's interesting why it's alive and though the game doesn't delve into it, I know what that is.