Season's Greetings from NPL
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SI Prefix expansion
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What is Quantum?
2 жыл бұрын
NPL Water Rocket Challenge - Trailer
The NPL Quantum Programme
2 жыл бұрын
@B_knows_A_R_D-xh5lo Ай бұрын
@nikolaimackenzie1432 Ай бұрын
another name for megagram is a ton.
@NicholasEllis-rs3nx Ай бұрын
Rick and Morty werent invented yet
@AdarshKumar-kr2ux Ай бұрын
@carmenlopez702 Ай бұрын
This was so informative and so much fun. Thanks to the organisers and all the participants.
@makkalco Ай бұрын
ThermologyHealth is doing a great job. Just in our own experise and interest of managing calibration for such devices, we're curious what's in plan for calibrating ThermologyHealth device on patients hand, how the deviations will be found and corrected?
@barrycroucher602 2 ай бұрын
Crazy that by accident i am in this film twice 🤔
@spartians4611 2 ай бұрын
ok but why 299,792,458?
@henokbrehanu9426 3 ай бұрын
A meter is defined in terms of second, one of the basic SI units. Doesn't that make it a derived unit?
@henokbrehanu9426 3 ай бұрын
Why exactly that weird number of oscillations?
@ukfmcbradioservicingTango21 3 ай бұрын
There was one where my late father worked at British Steel's Swindon Laboratories at Rotherham I went to the open day in 1969 & still have the brochure about it. With a suitable building & installation, the million volt electron microscope cost a million pounds...the joke was therefore that is cost £1 per volt. My late father was a doctor of chemistry & wortked in a different building there. They loved wasting Dad's laboratory was heated with underfloor electric heating & then temperature controlled swith air conditioners. Richard, UK
@johnbrews9724 3 ай бұрын
How do we establish that the wavelength is in vacuum? And does quantum theory enter into defining what a vacuum is and how to realize it?
@SwayamPrakash-st3wh 3 ай бұрын
Class 11 physics meter concept is finally clear as compared to class 9 😎
@hallofries 4 ай бұрын
thank you :)
@dirkvenezuela7387 4 ай бұрын
p-terphenyl doped with pentacene for anyone who was trying to make sense of the subtitles in that spot.
@TheBBCSlurpee 4 ай бұрын
shoutout madarame baku
@saftheartist6137 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@user-vp2ru3ii7n 5 ай бұрын
Pov : t la a cause de Mme pinel
@NicholasEllis-pl8lj 5 ай бұрын
Underrated statement
@indieshack4476 5 ай бұрын
Joined NPL 50 years ago this month, and got my first Children's Party "Uncle" badge in January 1975. Not sure if it was the same earlier, but my recollection is that the kids party was always Early January but still with a Christmas theme. The children bundled out of coaches into Glazebrook Hall and into the then-empty Ace room.
@barrycroucher602 2 ай бұрын
50 years ago for me this September 2024 !
@indieshack4476 2 ай бұрын
@@barrycroucher602 Which division? Just looked at it again, Glazebrook and the buildings next to it in the footage have all been razed - oh well, time marches on.
@carwashslayer4235 6 ай бұрын
At this point I am watching all my quarter striking clocks to make sure nothing ever happens to my clocks and the mechanism does not break on my clock.
@carwashslayer4235 6 ай бұрын
7:25 love that song.
@ahmadmohmed4448 7 ай бұрын
why did he say that"currently the ampere is defined in terms of the force between two wires" when the classical definition of the ampere is how much electrical charge is flowing past a given point in one second?
@Correct_Opinion 5 ай бұрын
"The ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed one metre apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2×10−7 newtons per metre of length."
@CoruscantMe 8 ай бұрын
So these need cold or vacuum, ideal for placement in Space eh?
@AGCreationsflorida 8 ай бұрын
Why are you fully covered? I work in this industry and everyone is wearing regular clothes, no masks, any health risks with epoxies or ultrasonic machines?
@GuyIncognitoOfficial 8 ай бұрын
Do you produce these videos in house or do you use an external agency?
@user-bo4qp8fi1t 10 ай бұрын
hola gracias , departe de Latinoamérica Perú, un abrazo grande.
@GoldenWingsLittleBirds 10 ай бұрын
0:17 假设你有一本非常有价值的圣经 0:22 有人向你要一本圣经 0:24 圣经所以你所做的就是你说得好 0:27 我不能给你圣经,但我 0:28 我现在可以复印这些页面 0:31 当然这是一个漫长的过程所以你 0:33 你要做的就是开始复印 0:35 翻阅每一页,然后你 0:37 将其折叠起来放入信封中 0:38 你给那个人穿上它,然后把 0:40 它在出纸盘中,你继续做 0:41 当你复印这些页面时,邮递员 0:44 来了收集看看里面有什么 0:46 托盘把它带到邮局 0:48 消失在邮政系统中 0:50 与此同时你还在抄写圣经 0:53 一页一页地把它寄出去 0:55 在信封中一次一页 1:00 另一端的家伙 1:01 不一定收到信封 1:03 按照您发送的顺序 1:04 打开信封取出页面 1:06 看着病人但重新组装 1:09 圣经按正确的顺序现在 1:11 他有一份复印件 1:13 圣经,当然还有邮政系统 1:16 中间不必携带 1:17 敲打伟大珍贵的圣经是什么 1:19 携带的是小碎片 1:23 圣经逐块逐包逐包 1:26 这就是你所采用的数据包交换 1:29 您的原始数据流或您的数据 1:31 设置好然后把它切成小块 1:33 你通过网络传输 1:35 每件作品均单独处理 1:37 通过网络以自己的方式 1:39 收件人收到后将其放回原处 1:41 进入原始块或流或 1:46 基本上就是这样 1:49 这就是你为什么要这么做 1:52 如果你有的话,这与排队有关 1:55 包裹到达,而且都很小 1:57 然后你可以非常快速地排序 1:59 并送他们上路 但如果 2:02 你收到了一条非常棒的消息 2:03 被困在线路中传输 2:05 那么你必须等待 2:06 在其他事情发生之前完成 2:08 有趣的是唐纳德 2:11 戴维斯观察到了这一切的始作俑者 2:15 以同样的方式那么大 2:19 大型计算机将它们的 2:21 为造福于的计划 2:22 运营商为什么我们不能分割 2:26 之间的沟通机制 2:28 终端和 2:29 计算机以大致相同的方式 2:32 基本上出于同样的原因 2:34 因为你需要做什么 2:37 经常运行这些程序 2:40 被放入一条非常短的消息中 2:43 是一个命令或什么东西,并且有 2:45 真正的危险是,如果您使用 2:47 传统方式的电话线 2:49 该命令将被延迟 2:51 因为上面有一条很长的消息 2:53 线所以包交换的起源 2:57 确实很相似 3:00 批处理机制 3:03 发展的原因是通讯 3:05 网络被以大致相同的方式分割 3:08 进入数据包的方式 3:17 你 3:20 当唐纳德·戴维斯第一次提出这个想法时 3:23 他的第一篇论文在内部发表 3:28 1965年,当它实际出版时 3:33 他的两个留下的房客之一是一个男人 3:38 给德里克理发师打电话,他是我的老板 3:40 他们讨论成立一个小型的 3:43 他们所做的研究小组等等 3:47 德里克走过来对我说我希望你这么做 3:48 领导这个小组,你可以 3:51 有两个人为你工作,他是其中之一 3:53 他们所以基思巴特利特另一个是 3:56 彼得·威尔金森对彼得说 3:58 威尔金森是我们的软件专家 4:01 所以我们三个人之间 4:04 开始只是把肉放在骨头上 4:07 尝试弄清楚你将如何设计 4:10 这样一个系统然后当我们到达一个 4:15 我们能够做到的某个点 4:16 发表唐纳德能够发表的作品 4:20 适当的资金使我们能够扩大规模 4:24 团队,然后我们还有其他一些人 4:26 就像这个人在这里工作 4:30 实际构建网络和 4:33 当我们第一次将其部署为服务时 4:37 开始我们只是要建造 4:38 让它发挥作用的东西来表明 4:41 它可以工作,所以它非常简单 4:44 将是一个稻草人系统,但相当 4:49 我想唐纳德很快就意识到 4:53 为了让它产生任何影响 4:56 需要有一个适当的工作系统并且 4:58 我们实际上建立了网络 5:01 我想在服务中上线 5:05 1970年初他就是这样 5:07 指着我写软件 5:08 这不是问题,因为我的意思是 5:11 这就是我的角色,我看到被接受了 5:14 挑战,但我离开不是为了 5:16 见面感觉有点漂亮 5:18 紧张不,因为我的意思是到目前为止没有人 5:21 据我所知他们从未写过任何东西 5:22 在一切都变得全新之前,在哪里 5:26 你开始吗 5:26 所以雪铁龙很早就被拿走了 5:30 我们必须从中编写软件 5:32 来自父亲的坏机器不只是
@GoldenWingsLittleBirds 10 ай бұрын
0:17 假設你有一本非常有價值的聖經 0:22 有人向你要一本聖經 0:24 聖經所以你所做的就是你說得好 0:27 我不能給你聖經,但我 0:28 我現在可以復印這些頁面 0:31 當然這是一個漫長的過程所以你 0:33 你要做的就是開始復印 0:35 翻閱每一頁,然後你 0:37 將其折疊起來放入信封中 0:38 你給那個人穿上它,然後把 0:40 它在出紙盤中,你繼續做 0:41 當你複印這些頁面時,郵遞員 0:44 來了收集看看裡面有什麼 0:46 托盤把它帶到郵局 0:48 消失在郵政系統中 0:50 與此同時你還在抄寫聖經 0:53 一頁一頁地把它寄出去 0:55 在信封中一次一頁 1:00 另一端的傢伙 1:01 不一定收到信封 1:03 按照您發送的順序 1:04 打開信封取出頁面 1:06 看著病人但重新組裝 1:09 聖經按正確的順序現在 1:11 他有一份複印件 1:13 聖經,當然還有郵政系統 1:16 中間不必攜帶 1:17 敲打偉大珍貴的聖經是什麼 1:19 攜帶的是小碎片 1:23 聖經逐塊逐包逐包 1:26 這就是你所採用的數據包交換 1:29 您的原始數據流或您的數據 1:31 設置好然後把它切成小塊 1:33 你通過網絡傳輸 1:35 每件作品均單獨處理 1:37 通過網絡以自己的方式 1:39 收件人收到後將其放回原處 1:41 進入原始塊或流或 1:46 基本上就是這樣 1:49 這就是你為什麼要這麼做 1:52 如果你有的話,這與排隊有關 1:55 包裹到達,而且都很小 1:57 然後你可以非常快速地排序 1:59 並送他們上路 但如果 2:02 你收到了一條非常棒的消息 2:03 被困在線路中傳輸 2:05 那麼你必須等待 2:06 在其他事情發生之前完成 2:08 有趣的是唐納德 2:11 戴維斯觀察到了這一切的始作俑者 2:15 以同樣的方式那麼大 2:19 大型計算機將它們的 2:21 為造福於的計劃 2:22 運營商為什麼我們不能分割 2:26 之間的溝通機制 2:28 終端和 2:29 計算機以大致相同的方式 2:32 基本上出於同樣的原因 2:34 因為你需要做什麼 2:37 經常運行這些程序 2:40 被放入一條非常短的消息中 2:43 是一個命令或什麼東西,並且有 2:45 真正的危險是,如果您使用 2:47 傳統方式的電話線 2:49 該命令將被延遲 2:51 因為上面有一條很長的消息 2:53 線所以包交換的起源 2:57 確實很相似 3:00 批處理機制 3:03 發展的原因是通訊 3:05 網絡被以大致相同的方式分割 3:08 進入數據包的方式 3:17 你 3:20 當唐納德·戴維斯第一次提出這個想法時 3:23 他的第一篇論文在內部發表 3:28 1965年,當它實際出版時 3:33 他的兩個留下的房客之一是一個男人 3:38 給德里克理髮師打電話,他是我的老闆 3:40 他們討論成立一個小型的 3:43 他們所做的研究小組等等 3:47 德里克走過來對我說我希望你這麼做 3:48 領導這個小組,你可以 3:51 有兩個人為你工作,他是其中之一 3:53 他們所以基思巴特利特另一個是 3:56 彼得·威爾金森對彼得說 3:58 威爾金森是我們的軟件專家 4:01 所以我們三個人之間 4:04 開始只是把肉放在骨頭上 4:07 嘗試弄清楚你將如何設計 4:10 這樣一個系統然後當我們到達一個 4:15 我們能夠做到的某個點 4:16 發表唐納德能夠發表的作品 4:20 適當的資金使我們能夠擴大規模 4:24 團隊,然後我們還有其他一些人 4:26 就像這個人在這里工作 4:30 實際構建網絡和 4:33 當我們第一次將其部署為服務時 4:37 開始我們只是要建造 4:38 讓它發揮作用的東西來表明 4:41 它可以工作,所以它非常簡單 4:44 將是一個稻草人系統,但相當 4:49 我想唐納德很快就意識到 4:53 為了讓它產生任何影響 4:56 需要有一個適當的工作系統並且 4:58 我們實際上建立了網絡 5:01 我想在服務中上線 5:05 1970年初他就是這樣 5:07 指著我寫軟件 5:08 這不是問題,因為我的意思是 5:11 這就是我的角色,我看到被接受了 5:14 挑戰,但我離開不是為了 5:16 見面感覺有點漂亮 5:18 緊張不,因為我的意思是到目前為止沒有人 5:21 據我所知他們從未寫過任何東西 5:22 在一切都變得全新之前,在哪裡 5:26 你開始嗎 5:26 所以雪鐵龍很早就被拿走了 5:30 我們必須從中編寫軟件 5:32 來自父親的壞機器不只是 5
@ingeniousmechanic 5 ай бұрын
That's a horrendous translation,at least back into English. I wouldn't know who is at fault.
@Pendaovemercia-ns4hz 11 ай бұрын
@govindprajapat5261 11 ай бұрын
Why mole has a unit mol when it is a pure number like dozen? 🤔
@stemtheviolence Жыл бұрын
Awesome video
@ianmackinlay1894 Жыл бұрын
Does the NPL have a bollocks-bullshit meter?
@user-fg6ro Жыл бұрын
What about ethics, love, beauty, intelligence, ego, pride? How do you measure them?
@alnitaka Жыл бұрын
But what if we get to 1000 quetta-? We don't need any more prefixes. We just simply combine the existing ones in a place-value scheme. For example, the Sun is 2 quettakilograms, a star 500 times the Sun's mass is 1 quettamegagram and so forth. After quettaronna- would come biquetta, where we use chemical prefixes to denote how many quetta there are. So a biquettakilogram is 10^63 grams. When we get to the hundred prefix, one could use adapted English, huna for one hundred and tousa for thousand. This gives us for quantities so large and small that we don't need any new prefixes (except maybe huna and tousa).
@alnitaka Жыл бұрын
I just noticed that "ronnagram" sounds like Ron Graham, who created humongous numbers, much greater than 10^27, in his proofs.
@user-fg6ro Жыл бұрын
10^27 is nothing in front of infinity. Nothing. 10^(10^27) is nothing. And so on.
@tigerlagayan8308 Жыл бұрын
im gay
@user-wi5vk1zi2h Жыл бұрын
@andrewgrant6464 Жыл бұрын
Three gods of measurement
@bennyskim Жыл бұрын
Amazing information
@craigburley4136 Жыл бұрын
Pls hire me 🙏
@raffriff42 Жыл бұрын
Not a word of acknowledgement to the Ministry of Silly Walks, whose hard work and dedication over many decades made this amazing breakthrough possible.
@BryndanMeyerholtTheRealDeal Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: The mass of the sun is 1.989 Qkg (Quettakilograms)
@scmtuk3662 Жыл бұрын
Wrong. The mass of the Sun is 1,989 Quettagrams. You cannot combine prefixes. Otherwise, 1 milligram would be called 1 microkilogram.
@lhuskamikathoria Жыл бұрын
The mass of Ton 618 is 1.31274 x 10^14 Qg.
@BryndanMeyerholtTheRealDeal Жыл бұрын
@@lhuskamikathoria Wow! I haven't seen anything within the range of Quettateragrams…
@lhuskamikathoria Жыл бұрын
@@BryndanMeyerholtTheRealDeal "quettatera" doesn't exist. 👍
@brauljo Жыл бұрын
I'm still annoyed by the fact that the base unit for mass is prefixed. They should've just made up another unit that's equivalent to the kilogram and go from there, or just use the grave.
@brauljo Жыл бұрын
1:26 Based how they only show plant-based foods
@BryndanMeyerholtTheRealDeal Жыл бұрын
We can go to Quettaronna- (10^57) and Quectoronto- (10^-57), then we hit another ceiling.
@creationisntgood942 Жыл бұрын
But we shouldn't
@brauljo Жыл бұрын
Double prefixes are obsolete and not BIPM approved
@BryndanMeyerholtTheRealDeal Жыл бұрын
@@brauljo We still do stuff like undecillion, and duodecillion. There appears to be no reason not to do so, as it saves unused letters for prefixes in the long run…
@brauljo Жыл бұрын
@@BryndanMeyerholtTheRealDeal The problem is that those words mean different things in the short and long scales