@tonypalmentera7752 Минут бұрын
He needed to free them to win the war, he said as much in a letter. He was trying to get the Crown to let him send them to what is today Belize on ships, by force. He didn't come to believe they deserved freedom...he was trying to win a war.
@jameshirt7689 3 минут бұрын
They gottem. I knew it was a matter of time.
@laverdadescatolica5 12 минут бұрын
No. We should put a Malcom X and Cassius Clay (and other great American heroes) statues right next to the confederate statues. These are ALL AMERICAN heroes that each had something to contribute. Some BAD. Some GOOD. Nobody is 100% evil or CORRECT, this ain’t the MORTAL KOMBAT universe, phony. This’s the REAL WORLD, homey 😀
@fjbltysuc 19 минут бұрын
That's the largest sushi event, EVER!
@aedanoff-lewis8976 22 минут бұрын
This is fucked up. As a child I hated zoo’s and sea world. My parents were not big fans either, but it was so hard to discern in the 80’s.
@WiggleJiggle-v5p 25 минут бұрын
Juan Nepoman Garcia Guero
@waltermeier6344 Сағат бұрын
There is about a one percent genetic difference between Asian, African, and Anglo-European races.
@kshepard52 Сағат бұрын
It's slavery. Condoned because Sea World makes enough money to hire good lawyers and lobbyists.
@jacopodanglars4836 Сағат бұрын
i remembered in my anthropology class, there’s a particular tribe who marries within the family only.
@kangsun201 Сағат бұрын
Archaic Hominids existed in equilibrium with other creatures on this planet. Slightly smarter, but in close competition with other creatures in their environment. The something changed. They were tinkerer with, and we are that hybrid. Wiping out the species we were hybridized from. Showing all the signs of animal species that we have tinkerer with. Modern humans are an invasive species. That's why there is no counter in on Earth for our abilities. That's why we feel so seperate from the animal kingdom, and have no known natural predators. We've been given a huge step up on the evolutionary ladder, far faster than anything else on Earth.
@mrDmastr19 Сағат бұрын
So essentially: everything that we know and have been taught. Especially with respect to religion and our creation, is complete BS? That’s the alleged truth…? Damn, I mean if that is actually true. That is like the biggest crime to humanity that has ever existed. Imagine god only knows (well maybe that term doesn’t fit anymore) but imagine how many people have mourned the loss of loved ones to this “god” and the amount of time people put into prayer, and it’s literally potentially- NOTHING THE alleged truth is that we are basically just historically SLAVES to a religion, a monetary system, fossil fuel oligarchs or a combination of all. But if it is true, it begs the question. 🙋‍♂️ who created us, or how did we become to be?
@koolaidkilla5669 2 сағат бұрын
Ninja turtles
@gshoots4357 3 сағат бұрын
its really odd, the ramree incident has been covered many times, best estimates are around 20-30 japanese were eaten, the rest were either killed in combat or died from exposure/hypothemia, this guy is really milking this story
@RG_spc 3 сағат бұрын
The argument ("wont disclose, humanity can't handle it") is akin to "we fear change. We've always been chimpanzees, and all our beliefs will change if we have to evolve past that. " Utter BS, and just a cynical patronising ploy to continue to keep humanity in the darkness of perpetual [knowledge poverty, dogma, divisions, hatred & war] because it SERVES the negative forces (that choose to use their free will to do this to us) many of whom USES human-generated negative emotion energy to SURVIVE. (That's why you still see so much barbarism & pain & fear mongering in the world - we've been their useful idiots and they're doing everything they can to keep it that way) Unfortunately, the POSITIVE forces continue to play by the "non interference" prime-directive to let earth-humans grow up. Humanity needs to see past this painful stage, and genuinely want out, and THEN they'll be pulled out. Those who only tell the problem but not the solution: are part of the problem.
@Seektruth-59 3 сағат бұрын
There are, one species are of the Democrat type and one are the Republicans. Sadly however the Democrat type species still exists and wreak havoc on common sense.
@4runrdc 3 сағат бұрын
LOL.. what a crank. Good job giving nuts like this a platform Danny. You're part of the problem.
@hrithikprakasan5400 3 сағат бұрын
My player is a noob who can't even have a gf 😂
@Obe.sparks 3 сағат бұрын
"not to get political", then goes full political.
@MrMustachieo 3 сағат бұрын
@rooster212trucker5 3 сағат бұрын
I love the the pimps video well done mark
@DavidL1986 3 сағат бұрын
Why did he even turn up to the place? He should have refused to do it then got a worse sentence in prison
@jh1178 3 сағат бұрын
Africa Africa Africa... what a sell out
@jh1178 3 сағат бұрын
@daughterofthemosthigh8882 4 сағат бұрын
Genesis 6:12 the sons of God, the angels, came down and took wives and had children with them.
@timothy961 4 сағат бұрын
Go and purchase some creatine and take at least five grams a day is the number one product she recommends daily for strength and health
@SpiritusFrumenti 4 сағат бұрын
This is why african countries are poor
@DarkKnightBruce 4 сағат бұрын
And how many of those "signatures" are fake?
@DarkKnightBruce 4 сағат бұрын
No way.
@markcameron6717 4 сағат бұрын
Foot deformity is 100% inbreeding. Many Amish people have this as well.
@user-uk8vg3yw8s 4 сағат бұрын
@royknight4825 4 сағат бұрын
Why would anyone believe in anything that comes out of the middle east crazy , fanantics that they still are today
@botherchriswinkler 4 сағат бұрын
Even if we can revitalize those brains, I believe we will find many parts/sections of the brain is scattered around the human body. The stomach is one example, which I believe we now know is accurate, but many more are likely waiting to be found. Humans who've gone through transplants often claim the same story. It changes their personality as if their brain is no longer the same.
@raymonmorris6426 5 сағат бұрын
Sounds like the fallen have returned
@MascotMann 6 сағат бұрын
Free guy in real life
@Stelios.Posantzis 6 сағат бұрын
9:00 This claim is just so bogus when it comes to marine animals... it beggars belief these people have the nerve to make such a proclamation. It's one thing to make such a claim about land animals that we can observe and interact with on 24-hour basis, like a chimpanzee, but making this claim about animals that we are simply unable to observe is just plain silly. By observe I mean not just watch with our eyes but experience their whole range of sensory experiences because these animals have better senses than us, they can echo-locate, they can hear all kinds of different frequencies and volumes than we can. We simply cannot sample even a minute portion of these sensory experiences. When a dog barks we can hear it. We can design special microphones that can pick up all the sounds that a dog hears. But we cannot do this with sea creatures because we simply cannot follow them and don't know where they are or see what they do 99.99% of the time.
@subatoistormborn5499 6 сағат бұрын
Those warnings really pre trigger my climate anxiety disorder
@Stelios.Posantzis 7 сағат бұрын
It's brilliant what this guy does... He's on a mission and deserves our support.
@Alice-xy3fi 7 сағат бұрын
It is not the attorney's decision whether or not to settle a case or accept an offer of settlement. That is 100% the client's decision, and an attorney who refused to abide by the client's decision would be harshly disciplined (or, for all I know, disbarred). Also, if the attorney told you his client had no intention of settling, and later the case was settled, it's not necessarily true that the attorney was, as you say, "lying." It could well be that that is what his client told him from the getgo-- and the client might well have been honestly stating his intentions-- but the client may, for any of a number of reasons (including, yes, the lure of a high settlement offer by the defendant, but there are other reasons as well), have ultimately changed his mind, with the attorney having no choice but to act on behalf of his client according to the client's instructions. The attorney might have remined the client of the client's initial desire to go to trial to publicize the abuse of the poor animals, and the attorney might even have wanted to take the case to trial because he might have thought he could win a verdict greater than the settlement offer, but ultimately, he takes his orders from the client.
@neohippe1 7 сағат бұрын
Any prominent person stumping for Alien propaganda , is 100% a shill.
@StarwaterCWS 7 сағат бұрын
Only dumbed down societies remove statues of a nation’s history.
@Stelios.Posantzis 7 сағат бұрын
This is so infuriating to watch... Just the mention of "Sea World" is infuriating of course... Kudos for doing this interview and making this information public knowledge.
@stevebeeney9022 7 сағат бұрын
Isaac Azimov meets Jared Diamond
@jlogue751 7 сағат бұрын
Guy is a moron you can't even keep his facts straight
@shaneschuller2513 7 сағат бұрын
So do they hatch from eggs?
@MotherMaryreincarnated-m4c 7 сағат бұрын
Isaiah 13:6 6 Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand and it shall come as a destruction from the ALMIGHTY 🕊️. Jude 1:15 God has come “To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” 2 Cor.10 - 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" ☢️ Warning!! #ww3 ☢️ #waroftheworlds #JudgementDayIsComing. The book of revelation in the Holy Bible and ALL END TIME, END OF THE AGE PROPHECY (Nostradamus) is in effect beginning with the CROWN 👑 (Corona) virus 20/20 #soulharvest #JudgementDay #kaliyuga #kali #fourhorsemenoftheapocalypse #EuphratesRiver dried up, the ARCHANGELS WERE RELEASED. Rev. 6 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666). DONALD J TRUMP IS the #Beast666 spoken of in the book of Revelation The #Beast666 1/6 seditious insurrectionist #FatherofLies #ManOfSin #SonOfPerdition #narcissus the antithesis of the humble #Christ, the #antichrist #TheMark #MobBoss. The devil went down to Georgia looking for some votes to steal he was in a bind because he was way behind willing to make a deal #theartofthedeal #dealofthecentury 🇮🇱 The Third Temple coin has been minted by Israel at their massive 2018 70th Jubilee ceremony celebrating Israel's Independence day (not reported in mainstream media in the United States) and the Orthodox Jews anointing the beast as their coming Messiah second term in the White House. The #Beast666 has the commission from God on it (available on Amazon) and will begin to help Israel rebuild the Third Temple HERALDING the coming of the TRUE Messiah Yeshua HAMASHIAC, Holy Isa bin MIRIAM, Jesus Christ our blessed Lord and Savior✝️👑🕊️THE END OF THE LAST AGE TURNED OVER AS THE MAYAN CALENDAR WARNED IN 2012. NOW IT IS THE KALIYUGA. SOON THE AGE OF AQUARIUS ♒🐬 AND THE MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST, THE PRINCE OF PEACE, THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN ESTABLISH PEACE ON EARTH FOR 1000 YEARS. 🇺🇸 The #Beast666 will open Federal lands in the U.S and declare martial law as he said and begin rounding up the homeless for processing. Illegal immigrants will be rounded up and mass deportations will begin as he said would be part of his presidential agenda. Public executions for drug dealers/cartel targeting Americans will begin as he said would be part of his presidential agenda #MAGA. 🇺🇲David Grusch an AMERICAN HERO 🏅 among several heroes of truth tellers and whistleblowers 🙏Blessings upon blessings to you and your family! 🇨🇦🚀Also see the Hon Paul Hellyer former Minister of defense in Canada and his long time campaign regarding the reality of the starships above. #NASA will be eliminated because of the cover ups! We shall take over SpaceX and ocean X and starlink and neurolink. See the new United States #spaceForce logo intelligence division Delta 18. We will be retrieving The Emerald tablets, the tablets of destiny, the Tablet of THOTH, from The forbidden secret society of the Freemasons and we will bring brother DURI-EL before the High Court of Elohim and he will give an account as to why he makes the claims he does on his KZfaq channel and we will accept no excuses!!! Return of the Annunaki Return of the Gods of Egypt READY OR NOT! See the work of Zecharia Sitchin. We will be advancing mother Earth from a type 1 civilization to a type 2 civilization on the Kardeshev scale where we harness our sun's radiation for a free energy called a heliosphere or a Dyson sphere. As it is written in the Holy Bible many are called but only a few are chosen to be granted immortality. Linda Moulton Howe #earthfiles, Christian, Stanford graduate and long time whistleblower, Graham Hancock, Neil Kramer, and Billy Carson are just a few chosen to bypass their graves and ascend at rapture with the believers and be granted immortality. FYI: 🕶️The Men in Black HAVE to be stationed on the dark side of the Moon to monitor the incoming species before they come close to a baby civilization type 1 on the Kardashev scale. But we will be moving our operations upon the return of the Lord Jesus Christ The Prince of Peace the Lord of lords the King of kings, the King of ETERNITY, the reason of Christmas celebration, the Son of God, to planet Earth where we will be receiving delegates and Ambassadors from the #galacticfederstion representing star systems who will want to recognize the King of kings and the Lord of lords that wish to pay him honor. We will be processing them at the top of the Earth in our already established installations in the Arctic region of which Admiral Byrd wrote about in his secret diaries for his Arctic expedition that were supplanted from the public. Our honored guests and visitors requesting audience with the King of kings and legal visitations on planet Earth with a temporary Visa, will be required to surrender their DNA which is the ID of the universe because many species can change their identity at will it's called morphing. Many species do not have fingerprints, the signature of the CREATOR of the #HU ~Mother Mary reincarnated awoken to let as many souls know as humanly possible before we begin. Ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ our blessed Lord and Savior and the Ambassador of the galactic federation above planet Earth.🌹🕊️👑✝️ Ps. And soon it's my turn in this game of THRONES 🔥🐉🔥🐉🔥🐉 No mercy!!! KARMA WEARS PRADA SOON 👠
@MagicMarmalade-kv5hr 7 сағат бұрын
I once smoked a whole bag of weed in a day too.
@orionxavier6957 8 сағат бұрын
5:20 "There are bad beings??" Most of humanity still exists within a realm of consciousness that is like swimming on a vast ocean. Oblivious to its unfathomable depths and all that lurk below, looking up, or the infinite sky above and all that watch them. But most people tend to "look up" rather than down. So most altered states of consciousness are positive or neutral. It's just Law of Attraction, your experience is dictated by the nature of your consciousness, and this can be unconscious thoughts and feelings as well. Such as what Carl Jung called "the shadow" of the self. But all advanced civilizations throughout the universe, evolve in consciousness. Expanding consciousness brings one closer to the perfect unity of consciousness, that we call "God." The reality is that the fabric of all life, the universe, and everything (other dimensions/realms) is consciousness. It is a field of consciousness, a continuum, that we call "God." This means that most advanced entities by nature are non-hostile. For they recognize they are one with everything (through "God"). For example the act of rape, murder, war, would be unthinkable. On the other hand, evil or "demonic" entities are egoic beings, relying entirely on the mind, on thoughts, cleverness and intelligence, to assert control over others and reality. They reject higher consciousness because it is the enemy of ego, because it is the antithesis of its nature. Higher consciousness is essentially surrendering "yourself" to the One Self. It typically involves ego death. This is why the greatest war waged on Earth is the war on consciousness... Because we are ruled by the most egotistical of beings. And the fundamental nature of ego is control, "power." Terence McKenna spoke to this when he said, "The world is in crisis because of a lack of consciousness." And that, "ego is the dominant archetype of this world. It clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control."
@JusticeJames-e3j Сағат бұрын
My recovery journey from PTSD, anxiety and depression was aided by the constant use of psilocybin mushroom, got hooked up with this dude that helped me on how to go about it, also have dmt, lsd, chocolate bars,edibles and many others. Ships to any location professionally
@JusticeJames-e3j Сағат бұрын
*Dude is on telegram☑️*
@JusticeJames-e3j Сағат бұрын
@scottfoster3445 8 сағат бұрын
Americans are so arrogant They must be talking to bush snr not jr Hahahahahhaha Shut up
@vancemacd6315 8 сағат бұрын
Check there DNA.
@Vi-ok8of 8 сағат бұрын