Why I love The Witcher fandom
Why I HATED The Witcher 2 at first
Don’t be afraid to start
5 ай бұрын
@Lorifel0 Сағат бұрын
Yes and yes!
@Nocny_Informator 3 сағат бұрын
I for one like the first adaptation, and I was born about a year after it was made, and actually watched it about about seven years ago when I really got into The Witcher and I just couldn't understand why so many people called it shitty
@wrexonus 4 сағат бұрын
Womp womp
@joshprice5041 5 сағат бұрын
I feel like if you learn to separate these shows from reality and just enjoy them for what they are you might feel better.. You can enjoy pirates of the Caribbean, doesn’t mean that’s what pirates looked like
@jan-kim-moon 5 сағат бұрын
Fun fact: Carl Doepler, professor of costume design with a reputation for historical accuracy, was the one who put the winged and horned helmets on the costumes of Wagners' Ring Cycle. The need for historic accuracy was the origin of the tragically inaccurate horned viking helmet trope. Wagner himself actually sought a new kind of emblematic, abstract costume design that would complement his revolutionary music dramas. Source: "Wagner and the Trope of the Horned Helmet" Jim Gritton, University of Greenwich.
@Saje3D 6 сағат бұрын
Must be nice to know everything.
@Red-Renegade-Studios 7 сағат бұрын
Here's the thing man... Unfortunately no one really cares about history me along with you and maybe a few other people actually care about history at all. I for one find it very interesting to know more about our past as a human society. But most people today consider history, "boring" heck I even heard one of my co-workers say, "History doesn't matter because it's in the past." And she was an older woman. History will always remain very important to me because as a person from the past once said, "If you fail to learn from history. You are destined to repeat it."
@Godefroyryckewaert 7 сағат бұрын
Hi, I'm the director of LOGAN THE WOLF. Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate the fact that you took some time to explain your views about that subject. However, at least about our film, you're making a straw man fallacy. You can't complain about us not being historically accurate if it's not what we claimed. Your argument is irrelevent because it's not based off of a existing premise. We wanted to go with a fantasy look for our characters. End of the story. Whether you like it or not doesn't make the argument "dumb". I totally understand you wish we could see more accurate clothing but please don't judge it as shit (as your thumbnail clearly says) only because you'd personally prefer things to be historically accurate and because you think their clothes were already cool enough. It's just a matter of taste. And following your logic, having a man pulling claws out of his hands is way more biologically shocking than an historically inaccurate clothing. Why wanting one thing to be accurate and not the other? I'd totally understand you'd be upset if a movie clamed to be accurate and wasn't. But that's not our case. So please don't say it's dumb or shit. Just say you don't like it, which is perfectly fine. Anywho, I'm glad you enjoyed the other aspects of the film. :)
@classiccraftdestined.7596 8 сағат бұрын
just have the unrealistic stuff saved for fantasy shows and movies but that would also come under fire EVEN THOUGH IT'S A FANTASY WORLD!
@dubellesa 8 сағат бұрын
Perfect Analise.. do you know Olivier Ledroit art in Requiem, Vampire Knight?? If not, take a time to look at
@karolinakuc4783 10 сағат бұрын
@fafiklata 5 сағат бұрын
Polska dla Polaków. xD
@t3tsuyaguy1 11 сағат бұрын
I was so disappointed in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Both Origins and Odyssey made such a huge effort to depict Cleopatra's Egypt and Greece of the Peloponnesian wars accurately. I was really excited to see an accurate depiction of medieval Scandanavia and Britain. Instead, we got History Channel Vikings mixed with misinformed modern day "Viking" mysticism. It was all so disconnected from anything remotely resembling the actual culture and spirituality of the time. I mean for shits sake; they depicted actual Valhalla with the design of a Christian church! How the hell did that happen?!
@chrisrockett5897 13 сағат бұрын
The thing is that the games and shows never claimed to be a real depiction, only to be inspired by it, ESPECIALLY something like Assassin's Creed which mis-matches stuff from all throughout history and folklore because it's fun, so you can't get mad that people are taking inspiration and getting influenced by fantasy worlds they find cool. Vikings is the only show among the list that really doesn't have that excuse since it's on the History channel. So in short, the problem comes from if you're using fantasy to say "yeah, this shit 100% happened to real dudes."
@ShiningBulbasaur 14 сағат бұрын
great vid
@Centuries_of_Nope 17 сағат бұрын
Honestly, I don't even need accuracy. Just give me authenticity. Historical fiction can be absolutely fantastic if everything else is authentic to the period. Just look at Shogun.
@admiraladriel8781 17 сағат бұрын
Totally agreed! Historical accuracy (or at least historical logic (by historical logic i mean logic behind development of certain groups, like you won't wear arabic desert clothes at the middle of northern cold lands etc)) in material culture and weapons is much more cool and beautiful than "artistic" cringe. Remember the LotR movies. This is fantasy world with pretty much historical clothes and weapons with unique fleur of their cultures. And everyone liked it. I live by the motto - if it's practical and\or historical it's more likely to be cool, nice and beautiful. Make your research, don't draw, write or make cringe dear painters, writers and cosplay artisans, the results will shock you
@imacg5 18 сағат бұрын
from the shaved heads with braids hairstyle, layered animal skin fashion, to throat singing, this style looks more like an exoticized mongol stereotype.
@seraphim9429 18 сағат бұрын
As a Greek Mytholgy fan, I feel you. Finding accurate Greek Myth media is so rare, and there’s not many that are TOP quality.
@leolardo69 20 сағат бұрын
banger video
@amelianyoom9545 20 сағат бұрын
1:21 this statement here is exactly what I’m doing, I enjoy mythology and folklore from all over the world but being English I’m especially interested in those closer to home, Celtic myths and stuff are great and Beowulf is fantastic but I’m most interested in King Arthur, it’s a very fascinating literary tradition, I also despise modern historical romance, so I decided I was going to write my own chivalric romance in verse, free verse not alliterative verse because I’m not practiced enough to do so currently.
@pringrings22 20 сағат бұрын
This video has cemented you as one of my top 10 creators on KZfaq. I strongly agree with your points.
@connorcooke1502 23 сағат бұрын
I hate kingdom come deliverance not because of setting or graphics they are fine it was the completely shite controls and gameplay that ruined it for me
@theplushchannels8531 23 сағат бұрын
This is is like complaining about mummy’s bandages being to white lmao
@ServaDerva Күн бұрын
do NOT put Castlevania on the same level as all those other listed shows, that shit is gorgeous
@elementual Күн бұрын
French animation seems to knock it out of the park a lot of the time. If you can find it, watch Dofus: Book 1 - Julith PEAK animation right there. At the very least, look up the fight scene between Kerub and Julith.
@Cruel979 Күн бұрын
On the contrary to your claim about the art style of animation- it's all about the generation. Compare early versions of Spider Man and Scooby Doo etc, then roughly 80s Batman, X-Men etc, and the 2d animation as of now. I do see where you're coming from, bth I do miss unique styles like Vampire Hunter D (the 2000 version if I'm not mistaken), Hellsing OVA style, or maybe even the BNA with their pallete approach
@8BitPowerTrip Күн бұрын
You spent a great deal of time telling me they had bad haircuts and costumes, but like. What do you what? What specifically are they supposed to do better. You talk about how we should worry about what the normies know or don't know, but never clarify for any of them watching. What specifically is so terrible, how would you improve it?
@FerrySoniQ Күн бұрын
@Godless_Guru Күн бұрын
Fantastic planet is an awesome movie, highly recommend if you enjoying heavy metal or star chaser ✌️🤘🖖
@LegacyFable Күн бұрын
Dude u got a man with claws coming out of his hands it literally is a fantasy who cares?
@editorxd9306 Күн бұрын
bro stop the yap
@taka7369 Күн бұрын
Hey, that's almost at my place, right over the border. You should have said something beforehand, so I could show up with more beer. ;) Thanks for telling, I must have passed the Helfenburg roadsign a hundred times now, but now I finally will actually get there.
@jeshus_deus_est Күн бұрын
Are the letters of the videotitle inspiriert by old kyrillian letters?
@FolkWalkCZ Күн бұрын
Yeah, the font is called Kyrillik or something like that.
@vixvox7948 Күн бұрын
one of my biggest complaints is that Japanese animation has a higher minimum 'frame per seconds' allowed that what the west has, I believe but am probably wrong but in JP it's closer to 24/36 frames per second while the west is much less. Yet western animation is far less detailed, especially lately with the rise in HQ JP animation. Also big up Castlevania, what it lacked in art style it more than made up for in choreography and plot.
@karolinakuc4783 Күн бұрын
The more serious and history related topic the more variety in style of animation I think. Just look at "Is the Man Who Is Tall Is Happy" (a series of interviews with Noam Chomsky), Swallows of Kabul or Droga na Drugą Stronę (2011).
@mrp1326 Күн бұрын
Hey, it's awesome to see Volyně countryside, nice video 👍 If I only may suggest something, it is to change the thumbnail to any of the views you show. The current version is not clickbaity enough ;) Can't wait for part 2.
@FolkWalkCZ Күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm thinking about changing the thumbnail.
@mrp1326 Күн бұрын
3:44 the place of power has my vote 😊
@freekmulder3662 Күн бұрын
Well structured argument, linking sources and crediting creators. Very well made video.
@V1RU5420 Күн бұрын
Love the music and the vibe it gets. Although imo it’s juste a little to loud in the final mix compared to your voice narrating.
@V1RU5420 Күн бұрын
Maybe it just the voice that is quiet in comparison. Idk
@FolkWalkCZ Күн бұрын
Yeah, you're right. I'll need to do it better next time.
@V1RU5420 Күн бұрын
@@FolkWalkCZdon’t stress yourself ;) as voiceactor this just stands out to me
@bijaythomas-e5n Күн бұрын
Very Beautiful❤
@fafiklata Күн бұрын
Great episode for the holidays! I've never had any experience with camping. Thank You! 😁
@FireFoxGaming_ Күн бұрын
If I may ask, because I plan on making an anime with culture accuracy and want to show respect towards everyone even the beliefs, if this isn’t what Vikings/Norsmen looked like, what did they look like? cause from what i understand if this isn’t how Vikings/norsman looked, I guess this is more of a Greek barbarian trope having fur like clothing and being violent and uncivilized, I just need to know so that way i properly draw the culture correctly while also giving some beautiful fantasy setting. In this case fantasy is not an excuse to lie about a culture (at least in my show.) I would really appreciate it if you can help me out. 🙏😁❤️
@schnebot Күн бұрын
love the witcher 1 lakeside soundtrack
@crusader2112 Күн бұрын
Very beautiful countryside and forest. Thanks for sharing. God Bless
@JMagician. Күн бұрын
Nice countryside.
@auronwatson2477 Күн бұрын
It's been about 5 years since my last hiking/camping trip. Watching you lads is really making me wanna grab a buddy or two, and go for it lol The countryside there is quite beautiful, and the footage makes me realize just how much effort Warhorse Studios put into bringing their game to life.
@marklaurenzi1609 Күн бұрын
Loved seeing the Vodník statue.
@processing4426 Күн бұрын
Calling that ruin a castle is a bit of a strech me thinks LOL! In any case, beautiful video!
@FolkWalkCZ Күн бұрын
Well, since there aren't almost any distinctive English words for different types of castles and the state they're in I have to use the word castle for everything. But yeah, ruin is probably a good choice of words in this case 🙂
@DawidKov 2 күн бұрын
In a way, this similar to orientalist imagery always depicting Arabia, Persia, and Egypt with the same "desert, camels, turbans" look, while using the Armenian duduk in every soundtrack. What is the point of claiming to depict a specific place or time if you aren't actually depicting it?
@thepbg8453 2 күн бұрын
I have a personal hatred for Hollywood Viking’s. Namely the obscene glorification of the violent culture around Vikings. Vikings (as in the societal role of Viking, not Dane culture it came from) themselves were not nice people: yet for some reason they are seen as some idea of freedom… which often glosses over the fact they murdered thousands of people. Viking culture was viewed even as toxic even by the Danes themselves hence why Dane kings like Canute made attempts to outlaw and constrain Viking culture: cooled with the societal shift to Christianity, which while dull by our standards was appealing to many Dane’s because you didn’t have to murder someone to go to a nice afterlife. Viking’s themselves are historically fascinating, and have a definite cool factor. However the extent they have been glorified as some Neo-pagan equivalent of the cowboy experience, with no gods or masters, heavily misses the actual reality of what Viking’s were.
@jordansandoval7097 2 күн бұрын
I would staunchly say you’ve overgeneralized the American animation styles. I don’t disagree that the french style is excellent and may better reflect the Witcher, but you have given no credit to those other shows. Castlevania, that Witcher movie, and Gods of Olympus are animated beautifully by one specific team. Of course their styles are similar. Moreover, it’s a gorgeous style. I suppose it may be apt to consider it an American art style, in the same way that Anime is Japanese and so on, but within these groups animation varies greatly and I’d ask you not to treat it so harshly while making a point that need not be so poignantly against one art style to raise up another. Just do the latter. You’re throwing shade at too broad a target