21 күн бұрын
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 13 сағат бұрын
Echssssssss. X is indominatable, X is unstoppable, X finds intolerable the white collar of Arcadia. This is his cityyy. Continuing immediately from your review of the previous issue, it's more fun, fun, fun. I love the mystery of missing details surrounding first that group of rampaging cyborgs stalking the streets, and now this “club of motorcycle enthusiasts” Chaos Riders. They're kinda like the demonic Black Skulls biker gang in the 2018 movie “Mandy”, but forging more of their own badass identity. Like Horsemen of the Apocalypse or the four Dark Judges of Judge Dredd lore. Even though the bikers in Mandy looked more like those evil Judges, heh. Okay, that's enough, I'll go and wait for the next issue's review with anticipation. Thanks, Marinus, have a badass end to your week!
@darrenwashington9842 17 сағат бұрын
Dude! The editor needs to bring X back! The comic book is so rad, guy! Thank you for sharing your comic book! Take care and Be safe!
@darksydeiscomics1891 17 сағат бұрын
He needs to come ASAP!. We need to go back. Back to badass, unfiltered comics🤩. You too, my friend. Have a great day!!
@darrenwashington9842 11 сағат бұрын
@@darksydeiscomics1891 You're welcome, buddy!
@darksydeiscomics1891 2 сағат бұрын
@@darrenwashington9842 🙌
@GenuineComics Күн бұрын
You're finally taking my advice and doing series with shorter intervals? 😃 I have heard of X, but never had real interest in learning more about it. But it looks like something I should pick up!
@darksydeiscomics1891 22 сағат бұрын
I'm learning 😁. I'm gonna see how people react to it by doing shorter intervals. Lets see what happens! X is great. It's balls to walls but it's not gritty for gritty sake. There is actually a compelling story behind this
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 Күн бұрын
Hmm, this makes me want to read The Shadow Kingdom, lying on the table in front of me, instead. After this is over, I'm gonna do that. Lesbos. What, what are you laughing at? It's a Greek island. Anyway, dammit. I should have expected that, being an all-woman cast, and being done on Vertigo too. I used to be diplomatic about it but now I am so sick and tired of that intentional, artificial subversiveness after such forceful B.S. for so long. This follows a formula, a repetition, a familiar path that's been tread and tried before. Maybe bogged down, during “slowed down exposition time”, with a Randy Zimmerman level of overabundant masses of text explanations (yeah, another hot night has passed since I started this comment, and since I began reading Russ Leach's Kull graphic novel). This art style's alright I guess, upon second regard it seems to suit a fantasy world and setting, but I think I'd rather look at a Dark Horse title if not a cleaner, tighter Vertigo series. The anachronistic dialogue, as ever by modern dummies in the form of personal, ad hominem insults, sucks yet again. “Reconnoiter” is one full term - also, “reconnaissance” - for the military shortform term of “recon” which means to scout and surveil for intelligence. Yeah, see where this is soon it deflates itself. On to that Robert E. Howard material, now. Thanks nonetheless for looking at another Vertigo book, Marinus, and have yourself an excellent weekend!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 Күн бұрын
... ...Siiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhh... The predictability of disappointment and at least failure of modern comic books over the past decade and a half - no matter the source, no matter how legitimate in the medium of “comic book” (Disney's Marvel, illegitimate, AHEM!) - has become tiresome in its predictability. If not obviousness. These six covers promised more, in your unboxing. A maturity, an intelligence, by the creative team in general and the writer/creator specifically. The cover images invoked an awareness of '70s, gritty/exploitation horror, and of the bleakness and grimness of films like "The Hills Have Eyes" and, yes, even "Them!" (1954). Even the “It Came From the Desert” video game. I know by referencing those I'm obviously fixating upon the giant spider(s) but that was the most enduring image element and story supernatural creature. “Story”...what. The hell. This has turned out, for some while already and not only with this issue, to be conceived then proceeded with by a meandering, if not clueless, if not mentally affected, man. I struggle to make sense of this when all of the elements had seemingly such easy potential to coalesce into a story that made sense, with substance and fulfillment. Every thread is lost, left to dangle. BURN this and this trend of shallow, 'modern' miniseries. All of this crap didn't happen with a healthy American comic book market's ongoing series. I spite these hacks. Let's leave this behind and get on to worthwhile (older) comics. Again, as ever, thanks for making the personal sacrifices for this waste, Marinus.
@darksydeiscomics1891 18 сағат бұрын
Probably on of the most boring and bad written comic that i've ever read. They just throw in stuff to see what stick? How did her son change into Bird-man? What was the Elk and it's purpose? Why did Spider-person ride a giant spider and where did it come from? Why did police-guy want with the town. Where did these magical poles came from? Plant people huh? Mother Earth birthing...something? All these random things ....It's shit! The covers looked som,ething special. bah! "Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product" (-_-). I have no clue where this story was going. The writer probalby thought that this was theory. Stop smoking weed, mr. Spurrier. Never gonna read this 'comic' again. Modern writers man. It makes my blood boil. Thank you for suffering with me makes all the way to the end. Onwards to better books., have a great weekend, Mike!
@TSPH1992 Күн бұрын
Whoever made this knew how to do proper dialogue
@darksydeiscomics1891 Күн бұрын
Straight to the point!
@marktheshark7588 2 күн бұрын
It's an alright comic.I do like the art in it.But it's an okay issue.I'll give it a 6.5/10.
@darksydeiscomics1891 Күн бұрын
Very good score. I rarely do scores, but yeah...6.5/10 is more then enough for this issue
@TSPH1992 2 күн бұрын
Time to get back to good stuff
@darksydeiscomics1891 2 күн бұрын
Indeed. Better ones are coming soon
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 3 күн бұрын
Hey, look, Acroyear on the cover with his helmet off! I dunno what I expected his head to look like, but it wasn't that, either. Oh, he looks 'better' in Kelley's detail, during his appearance in Arcturus' inner flashback. Neither Commander nor Captain, Arcturus' rank is Lord Commodore 64. Or, maybe Rear Admiral. Every facial close-up, though, one can see that this artist is Kelley Jones. I'd had no idea of a change in styles from early in his career. It's as though he, too, kept comparing his close face drawings with everything else he illustrated in a given story, and thought “I'd rather draw EVERYthing like I do faces; shading!” Well, if nothing else Marinus, Arcturus is following the naval tradition of “a captain goes down with his ship.” Cough, okay, I'll say that when it comes to the time “lines” and “periods”, just go with the opposite of your natural reflex - hah! What, you're censored for speaking the word “sex” in a video that you post under Google? Really? Just that one word, as a 'sentence'? Well, it seems like nobody encountered thus far knows who the Makers are. Maybe these “goofy” little aliens in this and the previous issue do, but if so they're not letting anything slip. Fascinating, is what this series continues to be. Even this, a second, never-mentioned or praised volume which could be denigrated for some reason as being “not as good as” the original, (cult) popular volume of Micronauts. I don't know that, that's merely speculation of one possibility. Even though, yes, more mysteries and questions unfold here and add on more layers of depth and/or complexity. Even equal and valuable character development for ALL, such as finally Bug here. For an IP that I am pretty sure I knew of earliest as an action figure toy line (whether or not that came first or simultaneous to this) I easily see why this comic is nonetheless highly regarded. For quality in all ways, that comics used to commonly take pride in publishing. Anyway, this is long enough. I'm still in, for Micronauts is unique, at least to your channel's reviews. Among a plethora of unique, reviewed series. Thanks for another entertaining one, Marinus, and have a great day! It's hot here.
@darksydeiscomics1891 17 сағат бұрын
Swamp things cousin? he has the same nose lol. xD I have a t shirt with Commodore 64 text and logo.😆 yeah i have to lloks twice too. he really changed his stle. This feels more comic book-ish. LOTS of shading ahhaha. True. Like a tru Captain (altough he is not a captain). You broke my brain, Mike😅 Time line/period arrgghhh. Google is not in favor for certain words :/. I wonder what they look like. Maybe they are the Beyonders??😬. The OG must be even more fun than this. I almost got it complete. I have to be patient. Iwant to know more of these gang backgrounds. I'm pretty sure in Vol.1 they get highlighted more. There were toys for Micronauts??🤓. They also stay true to the adventure and scifi part. It's feel like a pocket dimension outside Marvel . A new batch of series are coming Mike. Let me know what you think about it :)./ have a great weekend!!
@austinwillcut4919 4 күн бұрын
Batman vs Aliens and Batman vs Predator 1-3 are fun ones.
@darksydeiscomics1891 4 күн бұрын
I have Batman/Aliens lying around here. Thanks for reminding me, Austin. I'm gonna make areview about it. 😃
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 4 күн бұрын
That's really too bad about Greg Land's scandalous truth, of cheating over skill. Well, this still wields CrossGen's consistently strong colours. That arrow that flew at Mordath's castle wall...I presume that was an archery-sized, regular arrow that can be shot by one man with a bow? Or is it a huge arrow, like those released from a medieval ballista? Either way, what happened to that arrowhead? Magic, I guess. ...And then, the lightning chest arrow! Mordath has very bad luck in this single issue with pointed projectiles piercing his defenses, both archetectural and bodily. Thrice! I guess...Aidan scattered those pieces, because...that's how this series' creator/writer decided to set up the “sojourn” of the title. Yay! The Legend of Zelda, this is not. Whaaat? Cultists are conspiring to resurrect a powerfully supernatural, long-deceased, bearded megalomaniac? It's the setup to Return to Castle Wolfenstein! Hmm...although, Sojourn began in August of that year (2001) while that awesomely enjoyable game was released near the end of November of that same year. Anyway, the heroine-to-be is HOT, even though it's apparent on the text-free preview pages at book's end, that close-ups of her character were traced. Hey, her name's “Arwyn”? Also, as in Arwen, the elven character in The Lord of the Rings who was Aragorn's love interest??? For which, the first Peter Jackson film ALSO was released that same year...! Well, this has an interesting-enough fantasy comic premise. I'd be interested to find out how the main protagonist Arwyn is developed and where she's taken. So, carry on, Ser Marinus, in the interest of more CrossGen exposure. Thanks for opening up another book by this publisher that I hadn't yet seen. Have a good rest of your day and a better night!
@darksydeiscomics1891 3 күн бұрын
Yeah despite being all traces and such, it's not a bad book. Magic indeed ( i think) no way a normal arrow can do that. Can i joke about an arrrow to the knee? No?😅. yeaaaah. Find all the Dragon Balls to summon the big Green Dragon. uhm i mean arrow. Who could've thought that would happen? Oh no!!! Really. What a coincidenc!! Yes, yes and yesss. That is NOT a coincidence. They wanted to ride on that fantasy wave (not a bad idea). Number #1 is coming and i'm curious about Arwyn and her friends. Thank you sir Mike of Canada. More titles are coming ( i have to find Mystic). Glad i could showcase it :). On the to the next one!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 4 күн бұрын
Nooo, that's an M-16, the U.S. Marines' standard deployed firearm during the Vietnam War, with a harpoon shoved down into the barrel for some reason. Haha. Only Barb Wire in chaps. Note, also, the emblem of a scythe pinned to that sinister guy's collar lapel, on the final page. Well, since I'm still reading ahead, of course - I'm going to read all of volume one that I have, naturally - I won't divulge much more. Other than to say, with issue #17 read and #18 next, there are still details about Elisa's past and identity being revealed. Thankfully, since a couple of times I've wondered if the narrative would begin to wander off and leave threads and holes, but no. The art has remained of good quality through various artists who've come and gone, as well. So, I'll say stick with reviewing this for as long as you want to. Thanks for this video, I enjoy hearing your perspective on something else I'm reading. More Dark Horse! Have a great day, my friend.
@darksydeiscomics1891 3 күн бұрын
😨What? An M-16? With a harpoon? whyyyyy? Children of the Corn?, haha you know way more about Ghost then i am. Very refreshing😄. Wow that far off? It must be a big reveal then!? Wauw that is then good stoytelling if they go on about it. Will do that, Mike. i'm enjoying this immensly. yaaayyy. 😁. I love old Dark Horse comics!!! have also a great-not-so-hot-day, Mike!! (i hope)
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 5 күн бұрын
If it had been Orlando, Florida she'd hassled then she would have had to contend with having her orb kicked by that town's resident team of superhero basketball players, Orlando Magic. Interest in this issue is based around the Emerald Empress and her evil eye. Evidently. But since I don't know anything of her other than as a member of the Fatal Five, any more info is welcome info. And, how she's supposedly an empress yet one of the subordinates of the team she joined, under whoever that team leader is. Why does Sensor Girl wear a mask? Her costume looks like a space Crusader. Anyway, wrapped up story, more or less; neatly and happily, more or less. More interesting and enjoyable than the Legion #1 issue you reviewed just previously. Thanks for more explanation on this army of universe-trotters, Mr. Dark Syde. I'm gonna go try to cool down, have a great day and don't overheat!
@darksydeiscomics1891 4 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂 Probalby! I knew some of her lore, but i didn't know there are other "meat puppets" that are in thrall by the Orb. That was new! Well yeah, I'll aks Dr. Doom if he is a real dokter😅. I probalby will never be seen again xDD. Look up her OG costume when she called herself Prinsess Projectra. That one was wayyy better. This was a nice oneshot, Fun and informative :). Glad you liked it Mike. More is coming. Have agreat day!!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 5 күн бұрын
(I'd thought I'd posted this already, but it's getting but here now, AFTER posting, reading and replying to my comment for its follow-up!) Hey, this is the same writer as for all of Dark Horse Comics' “X” series. I was looking through a listing of all 25 issues...just going by the covers I glimpsed at, I'm wary that the tone and 'style' don't change, despite Grant being the writer from beginning to end. Traitor....? is his name?...looks like the brother of the Executioner from Marvel's Asgard. Jean Loring murdered Sue Dibney in...Identity Crisis, I think? And then some, even though I didn't read that story. I picked up what I know from geoff Johns' run on The Flash, Blackest Night, and you. This is wonky but maybe all will be explained in the second part. Maybe not. Ah, either way, thank you for another dedicated review. 'Til undead Sue Dibny marries Kyle Rayner, have a good day and see ya later, Mr. Dark Syde.
@darksydeiscomics1891 4 күн бұрын
Uhm ithought so too!? Weird. Waht? what a difference in quality huh? This was not his best. Hope there will be changes. Yes i for about that. He has the same facial features. yeah 😔. What a story that was. I need to read that again. You've seen how that story ended lol. 🙌🙌🙌 lol She probably ends up in a fridge according to Kyle's luck😅
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 6 күн бұрын
I'm sure I've glimpsed that signature cluster of statues of many Legion members before, but a close-up in particular is still eye-catching. It makes sense, to upgrade and outdo any League or Society statues in the distant future, but mainly since there are about a million team mates, all named “Boy”, “Girl”, “Lad”, “Lass” and all those variations of same. Vulnerable to lead??? That's quite the disabling handicap, especially on a planet such as EARTH. Uh, that is, Terra...and why do some futuristic franchises refer to Earth as Terra, instead? Wildfire's new costume makes him look like what's-his-name, Grandpa Explosion, the member of the Freedom Fighters in the radiation suit. Like him, or like a firefighter Speed Racer. Or something. This is all “by-the-numbers”, yes. The blonde at the end even pulls an 'Admiral Ackbar', shouting about a trap. Haha, what's with you caling the new girl “this creature”, anyway? This could improve. Abnett thus far has shown himself to be a much more capable 40K writer than comic book writer. Continue onwards, Marinus. For justice...of more subscribers. Thanks for this bit, have a good day, see ya later.
@darksydeiscomics1891 5 күн бұрын
Legion overall are a great Superhero team. It's about time i picked this up and read it. Yeah . A reboot was probably inevitable at one point (if this is a reboot). Cosmic Boy, Star Boy, Invisble Boy, Ferro Lad, Matter Eater Lad, Dream Girl, Chemical King, Karate Kid (no joke), Sun Boy, Phantom Girl, etc. I can go on forever 😅. Mon-el was put in the Phantom Zone for a millennium because of the lead poisining. In the 31st Century, they had a cure and got him out of the zone, making him a member of the Legion😄. So much lore!!! Grandpa Explosion😂😂😂. You mean the human Bomb lol. hahaha indeed. That was a good one! I don't know... it just came out of my mouth. I meant to say; Saturn Girl. But i had brain freeze. Will do that, Mike! Onwards it is!!! Yes more is better!! You too, Mike😃
@austinwillcut4919 7 күн бұрын
This issue is where they changed the artist, but it looks almost exactly the same as the artwork in the first three issues.
@darksydeiscomics1891 6 күн бұрын
Right!? That's impressive :D
@austinwillcut4919 7 күн бұрын
I think all the Dark Horse Aliens comics are sequels or just set after Aliens: Book 1-Earth War, not sure where the new Marvel Alien comics fall into since I haven't read them yet. More than likely those are just reboots.
@darksydeiscomics1891 6 күн бұрын
I think so too. Unfortuanlty i don't have earth war. Love to read that.
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 7 күн бұрын
Weird, how Black Lightning had an Afro in his team's own book but then, later in the pages of Justice Society of America 2006, he's instead chosen the husband-and-father “Mr. Clean” head. Hah, yeah, that's my first observation of this cover and issue. Do you mean, not “hive” but “colony”? Aaahhh, I really like the lighting and the coloring through the entire top half of page 10, where Batman talks to the prison's warden. First, the lowering-sun colours of the late-evening sky...then the lighting from the lamp in the darkened office, and especially across Batman. I think that wardenr's not only getting fired, but being sent to a prison cell, himself. Considering he directed the murdering of prisoners. Who knows, in Gotham especially, though? This is a not-bad “bottle episode” of an issue, which is a TV series term but could sound less critical than a “filler” issue. Even though, like a “time-waster”, that's exactly what these are. Well, maybe more “killing” than a waste. There was entertaining art and writing to experience. Thanks for more from the Outsiders, Marinus, and enjoy the end of your week!
@darksydeiscomics1891 5 күн бұрын
I was the times, Mike. It was the 80's after all. Colony. Yes that was it. She was part of a colony called the Aurakles. That was a cool shot. Very well done. They really nailed that shot. Not sure how he found out the warden was croocked. batman just told me 🤔. Hmmm. Throw him in jail!!!😆. Filler is the right word, with the "villain of the week". Not a bad one that is. Yes will do that. There is a fun one from Crossgen coming up, Mike ( i assume it's fun. i haven't read it yet lol ). Have agreat day!
@StephaniexBecca1600 8 күн бұрын
If you noticed the TV in the store, it says “Carnage in Los Angeles”. So while, a Terminator is pursuing Lucy Castro, it is understood that the OG Terminator (Arnie) is pursuing Sarah Connor in Los Angeles, hence why this is a different Terminator skin than Arnies. Skynet probably did this to prevent confusion in the event of Sarah and Lucy running into each other (highly unlikely). This is also the point of the story in which Arnie gets destroyed. By Lucy being pregnant already here, her child is already about a month or so older than John Connor. Meaning, Lucy is already pregnant, but Sarah was just getting pregnant around the time that Lucy already was. Makes you wonder just how many other women did this happen to? 😂
@darksydeiscomics1891 7 күн бұрын
You're right! . Interesting. So two stories with two women in the same timeline, pursuit by two different Terminators. Could it be that there are multiple, potential saviours and that Skynet wants to get rid of it IF John Connor dies. Wauw. I like to see that story. What a cool idea, Stephanie!!😃
@StephaniexBecca1600 7 күн бұрын
@@darksydeiscomics1891 Thanks!
@StephaniexBecca1600 7 күн бұрын
@@darksydeiscomics1891 What if they literally made a TV series off of that alone (or even a Comic Book Series) and it focuses in on Sarah, maybe even Lucy finding the men and women who Skynet could potentially be targeting, but by it being 1984, they would have to go off of news and or police reports alone. That way, they if they are not close, they could find people, make connections so that they could get to their potential resistance members and/or babies in time ☺️
@darksydeiscomics1891 7 күн бұрын
@@StephaniexBecca1600 That would be awesome. i wish they rebooting the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I really enjoyed that series. With modern budget and effects i could be really good.
@StephaniexBecca1600 7 күн бұрын
@@darksydeiscomics1891 I’ve always felt that way! That series ended so early!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 9 күн бұрын
That's one classic-style, magazine-format of the '70s style, cover. Worthy! Spectacular Barsoomian designs all-around. Across two separate artists, even. Very faithfully reproducing and interpreting E.R. Buroughs' imagination. As was done commonly and strongly in the '90s. Gods, I miss the '90s, Marinus. Sure, the Internet wasn't remotely back then what it is now, but still, I miss the '90s. I'd even take back the first few years of the 2000s. You interrupt with a good point, in a conversation between Tarzan and Carter - how does Tarzan know of the “Nine Rays” of Barsoom, or the solar system? I don't remember you mentioning that coming up in either previous issue when Tarzan was speaking with other characters. That IS strange choice for coloring, in the panels wherein Tarzan and Dejah are having intimate conversation, to make Tarzan's own body pigmentation so dark, too unnaturally darkened, even accounting for any change in lighting (which itself is demonstrated in a mid-page panel). And then it continues on following pages - what happened to his tan??? I must have missed something, because that begins to look intentional for the rest of the issue. Atmosphere vegetable, huh? Plant; as in, nuclear power or hydro power. John Carter calls Tarzan “sir” because that's a signature part of his Southern accent and dialect. In the Disney movie, the lead White Martian (the cultist-like “Therns”) played by Mark Strong even points that out to Carter when he first meets John. This ending is a bit sloppy with some strange, contradictory behaviour and dialogue by Carter. As though he was possessed. I still find this overall enjoyable. Partly, I coast on the nostalgia. With Dark Horse, in general...maybe that's due to my initial missed opportunities of not reading more DH back then. Yeah, good enough, I'm gonna get some reading in, and you enjoy your weekend, Marinus of Jarsoom.
@darksydeiscomics1891 5 күн бұрын
It's beautifull. Classic scifi designs. I wish it came back. Me too, Mike. I miss it so much 😥. The word was more balanced and quieter. We have too much information at hand with a push of a button. I watched and old video from the 90's on YT when people were interviewed about the rise of cellphones. Look for this Dutch video: Mobiel bellen in 1998 door Frans Bromet. I believe YT will translate it for you. I wish i could go back. People were way more relaxter then. Allright back to the comment 😂. True. I haven't mentioned it, because there is no dialogue about that all. He looks almost like a black man if he hadn't have that white features on his face. really weird decision. Mustve been the Moons of Barsoom blocking the sunlight🤣. Well it looked like the top of a giant plant 😂. Really? That's a thing 🤔? Interesting. That one threw me off. His behaviour was very questionable. Same here. As if as almost every DH comic back then had the same, awesome tone that i'm missing for many years. You too, Mike of Barssoom!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 9 күн бұрын
Well, it's got an eye-catching cover... Here's Steven Grant combining the idea of “What if The Atom actually grew BIGGER than the Justice League?” that he, or somebody, wanted to implement, together with a just-fine “trapped inside Green Lantern's ring” concept, a combination of plot ideas that doesn't quite 'jibe' and line up. Oh, and it turns out to be a cover gimmick that doesn't last, anyway. Traitor and his backstory...snore...send in Lobo to show him how it's done, to mop him up and dispose of him in seconds. Some decently drawn spacescapes and special effects. The “biofields” plot element is the MacGuffin that self-defeats the main objective of Traitor and comapny. All kinds of question from a ring created by Hal's willpower Green lantern ring. Such as, what's the warranty and limit of usage on that thing? Wow, a prime example of this series being an equal alongside Legends of the Dark Knight overall, this is NOT. Or, not even comparable with The Brave and the Bold. At least this particular Green Lantern/The Atom two-issue story. This is one rushed ending. Not enough of certain events were shown, only talked about having happened, explained away, off-page. Too bad. Oh well, ya win some with Batman, you lose some with this two-parter. Maybe the following Wonder Woman story's good. Anyway, thanks as always for your look into this attempt, Darksyde. Catch ya later, and have a great rest of your day and start to the weekend.
@darksydeiscomics1891 5 күн бұрын
Allright catching up time!! Cover is indeed something to look at. Lol yeah. I have seen better 'trapped inside the ring " concepts. happened before. yep. hahahah Lobo cuts this guy up and sends him home in bags! It was a bad excetuted one. i might add. Good question. If Hal dies, the ring will find another suitor 🤔. Nah. There are better stories in this series, This was not it. Pretty weird. They introduced a boring character that's been defeated by Abin Sur and this guy is 'the scourge of the galaxy"? Hahahaha not even close. Can't win em al. Mike! Thanks for watching, friend. See you next time!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 11 күн бұрын
Alice's father is a mad scientist monster. Bring in Peter Cushing to arrest him! Or to run him through with a rapier, that'll do. The Wonderland mental animals are nuts. The colours of that imagination world look like Wonderland, from the book pictures and the 1951 Walt Disney animated film. With only a single issue remaining in this SECOND volume, I still don't know where volume 2 or this series overall is going. Nor is it clear who could have been the other half-contributor to Alice's pregnancy. Immaculate imaginary land conception? Don't drink the Hatter's tea, Alice; it's gotta be loaded with drugs. Yet, yes, this is fine. Its setting and approach to the subject matter are both different. Thanks for carrying on and narrating through this madness, Marinus! Have a great, wonderfully sane, day.
@darksydeiscomics1891 10 күн бұрын
He still runs free. The police are not looking hard enough i think. Mr. Harker is too busy chasing after the Prince of Darkness🤣. I never read that one. Damn. Is it that close? Anyway very cool. True. The plot is mystery i thniks. The guess is that the nutjob guy she was hanging out with in Vol.1 is the father orrrr....she was being r...d by someone. Pretyy dark stuff. Well she is alreayd loony. A sip of tea won't hurt her 😅. One more mad issue coming, Mike We'll see if it payes of. Stay safe for now and drink alof of water, my friend!🙂
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 11 күн бұрын
One hundred and fifty unboxing video presentations. You are the man with the collection, at least in the Netherlands it must be so. Thank you for sharing, revealing and introducing all of these comics. I still owe you of photo, similar to the one I'd sent Dave last year... Today over here, my window thermometer read 37 degrees Celcius. In the shade, out of direct sunlight, in the early evening. This is also the place that was hit with one week of minus -50 degrees in January, becoming literally the coldest place on Earth during that week at various times. The rest of this month is due to stay around 30 degrees. It's 10:45 PM and the sun still hasn't fully set yet - by 11:00, it will. Then daybreak comes around 4:15-4:30 AM and it's light out again. I have all of Bagley's run on Amazing Spider-Man in digital form, of scans of the floppies. If a trade or more likely Epic Collection is published then I'll pick that up. Lex Luthor's mechanical hand - did he eventually have a clone of his own hand created in a lab to replace his replacement? More flashbacks to 2099 in the '90s...I remember all of those Spider-Man 2099 covers. Yes, I still own all of them but I haven't looked through 'em in...decades. I forget why Miguel O'Hara is hitch hiking along a highway in the midst of a desert. Argh, West Coast Avengers floppies are pricey while the second omnibus is practically extinct. Maybe I need to look more on eBay...although, that's probably more like finding and picking issues one-by-one. Wow, the “Composite Avenger”. Yes, that was the original Ghost Rider who had a grudge with Mockingbird from an earlier issue. Poor Pym. But YOU are rich in comic books. Congratulations, thank you for showing off again Marinus, haha, have a great day and the rest of this week and see you on your next one!
@darksydeiscomics1891 10 күн бұрын
that's....a lot!! I buy all of the books, Mike! ALL OF THEM!! lol. Take your time. No hurry :). It's hre hot and then cold. Sunny and then rainy :/. Typical DUtch weather bah!. -50?? That's cold. never felt that kinda cold ever. We have the 'mdeium weather all the time here. Not that cold or warm just me'h. Nice. He is one the best SPiderman artists. Good question. There is a story line, but i forgot. Maybe iwill get that eventually in the future. I only read 3 books of Spiderman 2099 in total so it will be a nice suprise for me :). Yeah and that is expensive too :(. getting therm all one by one. Not fun. I can remeber that story vaguely with GR and MB. Rich or obsessed, Mike? .probably the latter. Yeah you too. have great sunny day :)
@marktheshark7588 13 күн бұрын
The art in the book looks amazing.Icon has always been one of my favorite Milestone heroes.Great review Darksyde👍
@darksydeiscomics1891 12 күн бұрын
Thank you, Mark 😃. This really a fun book. I'm totally suprised. The art looks great, the story is good, a cool hero and sidekick. Can't wait to read issue #4!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 13 күн бұрын
“Time to let Ol' Painless out of the bag.” - Mac, “Predator” Great face-off image for the cover. Haha, the intimidating, daemonic-looking monster adversary...Kevin. Kevin the Monster! That would be Feige. Icon seems solidly enough made for a series and character I'd never heard of. Art looks a lil Ultraverse but still DC. Development for the immediate primary characters is coming along. By the way, you mean to say “mayor” rather than “major”. Hah, but anyway besides that good random, unknown pull from out of the longboxes of the world, Marinus. Thanks for another review and see you at the next one; have a great day!
@darksydeiscomics1891 11 күн бұрын
What a movie!! 🤩. I like the cover alot! The name is silly hahah. They barely use his 'monster' name at all. I agree. It has the same level and fun factor so far. Hope the serie continue with the same approach. I did?. Damn. yeah yeah yeah😃. A nice suprise indeed. And thankl you for your watch time, Mike :). Have a great onetoo!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 13 күн бұрын
Immortal Hulk cover of Mister Terrific standing before, and watching, a wall of video screens - that's the exact same stance as he was shown in on the opening spread in the latest issue of Justice Society of America that you've reviewed up to this point (issue #13). Also, that title was taken in a “horror” direction, during some run or another? And it wasn't unsuccessful? Hmm. Betsy Ross, transformed? Repeatedly? What the grumble, grumble... By the way, Marvel's long-dead - there is only corrupt DisneyCorp, and “Their Way”. Shadow of the Bat #61: Great-looking Batmobile, must be mid-'90s or late '90s, with that post-movies design of the car. I own most of that series in the form of several softcover TPBs; those issues that I didn't already have as part of the Cataclysm storyline (and maybe that of No Man's Land, too). Brian Stelfreeze covers! Catwoman: the Jim Balent costume, is how I think of that outfit. There's another series for you to complete (or at least, all of Balent's long, most-of-but-not-entire-series's okay to not collect that title compeltely, and only just to the end of Balent's run as artist; I did. No injustice done to the character as the writing was falling off by then, too). The New Mutants - Claremont was a better writer than Louise Simonson was. Her early New Mutants issues, of a couple years or so maybe as successor to Claremont's writing were okay, but then... By the time Liefeld came around (yes, HIM) eventually to the final writing it was overdue refreshment (YES). X-Men...ah, I would take all of those issues. Eventually, I will, and read them for the first time too. Batman: Dark Victory, the sequel to The Long Halloween. I have both of those in the “Absolute” oversized, hardcover in slipcase edition. Stylized world. Well, a fine prologue and intro to your follow-up unboxing to come, of a milestone number of unboxings. BIG pack-aaaaage! A lot to unwrap, unbox, bag and board...and, oh yeah, don't forget to read and enjoy! Thanks for your opening salvo of a look, Marinus! Have a great start to your week, see your next one soon.
@darksydeiscomics1891 10 күн бұрын
OMg! That's true!!! What a coincidence/ Actually it was agreat hit. There are scenes he was dismembered and still was alive. Yeah she was the Harpy first, then red She-Hulk and then..Red Harpy? I don't know lol. yep this is probably the last series that i\m gonna buy and they dont get a cent from me :p. The cover of the Bat comics looks awesome!!! I really need to start the Cataclysm story otherwise it will never happen. Same with with Knightfall :/. Me too. It's the be4st. Simple but great. Itry to get all of the books. but i barely started. the best way to get is to buy the whole bulk. I'm gonna buy the omnibus and sell these smaller floppies. I miss to much story here. Liefeld??? he was in here too?Hmmm okay! It will take alifetime to get rhough this lol. Is this then the cvomplete set Iahve the Long halloween. Is there another sequel after this? Istill have two big ones lying around here xDDD Pfff so many boooookssss . Enjoy your day Mike \
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 10 күн бұрын
@@darksydeiscomics1891 The Long Halloween, then Dark Victory: I'm not aware of any other sequel following those two storylines. However, I also have in the oversize 'Absolute' edition and by the same creative duo, "Haunted Knight". That collects the multiple annual one-shot Batman Halloween stories that Loeb and Sale published before doing The Long Halloween.
@darksydeiscomics1891 10 күн бұрын
@@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 Nice. Halloween stories is always (although a bit too harmless i think) fun!
@smackroscoe 14 күн бұрын
“Style over substance”. Yes, very true. Considering the state of commercial comics, I’ll happily take it. Artwork is wonderful. 👍
@darksydeiscomics1891 14 күн бұрын
Ow yeah. The writing nowadays is abysmal. So the pretty pictures are welcome.
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 14 күн бұрын
Somebody...Mignola wrote this, what!?...has been paying too much attention (that is, any at all) to the lousy Americanization-Hollywoodization of Kong/'Zilla and a bunch of people called Monarch. What with flashbacks/settings/briefings in the past of giant monster encounters. “This story, three issues 'long', was 'inspired by' some pencil sketches in a Mignola sketchbook”...uh, okay, that's some light fluff for a basis. At least Mr. Mike has used another artist who's drawing a style that's copycat to Mignola's own signature Hellboy style. Style, style...too much, and I guess we'll have to look to our hardcover Compendium collections for the Hellboy substance. I've still got Hellboy in Hell to read, eventually. Cheers anyway for your efforts, and I'll join you for your burning of this next issue, to be continued. Have a great day, Marinus!
@darksydeiscomics1891 13 күн бұрын
I need to read more of Mignola's work to see if there a pattern with his work, sinds he mostly writes stories pretty good. I just looked at the pretty pictures the whole time. Yeah. Like the alot. Very similair style but also different. Me too. I'm halfway the compendiums :). They are big pills and i love it. Yes i will do that, Mike, because i think the ending will not be great ( hope i'm wrong). You too, Mike. "Till the next one.
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 14 күн бұрын
The mere proposal of combining these two title characters is hilarious and immediately open to many darkly humourous possibilities...which all come down to violence. There's some fine, Lobo-appropriate visual variety and attention to detail in this artwork. Colours scattered across the spectrum, like here, always helps too. Also: a page of fire. Weird and wild, 2000AD humour combined with Lobo's Vertigo-like comedy this one-shot beheld the fun sensibilities that the involved IPs deserve. Cool and slick; the fraggin' end. Anyway, I'm gonna go read some '89/'90 Marvel comics while sitting out in the cloudless sunshine. This weekend's the beginning of a heat wave here, free of rain, for at least the next couple of weeks. Beware Mean Machine ever 'doing' ANY “butt thing”, my friend - otherwise, thanks for another fun review of fun comics and have a great cap to your weekend, Marinus!
@darksydeiscomics1891 13 күн бұрын
This was so fun. Great art and great writing. Perfect!! It was a visual feast, Mike. I forgot how good it looked when i bought it new many, many years ago. That fire page!!!! So good! Fragabooooom!!! Nice. it's finally sunny here too after weeks of me'h weather☔⛈. Hope summer is coming soon. I doné with moody looking days. headbutting is his main hobby, i guess lol! You too, Mike. Have a nice pinocolada, just drink too much🍹😄
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 15 күн бұрын
“Now that is one big pile of shit.” - Dr. Iam Malcolm, Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park Stick out your tongue between your pursed lips and make a farting noise. And that's that. Since Google has consistently, pointedly censored any of MY attempts to discuss this whatsoever. So, that's it from me folks, thank you and good night! (On to an actual comic book of worth)
@darksydeiscomics1891 14 күн бұрын
That is a classic line. xDDD i will do that. 😕 That sucks man. They really don't like you somehow. You will like the next one, Mike. I promise!!!
@58underground 15 күн бұрын
Another great review. I agree with you this storyline is a borefest. Unnecessary nonsense.
@darksydeiscomics1891 15 күн бұрын
hey man! Thanks for the compliment. Yeah it was straight up garbage!
@user-wp2xq9es7j 16 күн бұрын
Act of God. Not gods.
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 16 күн бұрын
...And, in keeping with the encouraging and optimistic theme of JLA: Act of God - back to this story! The lineart, especially the close-up faces, looks so good. Maybe Bruce's unusual hair growth during one month in the Batcave like a dwarf was a side effect of coming off of the Venom. The various behaviour idiosyncracies and unprecedented symptoms really effectively convey the sense of Batman being strung out. The two adversaries are as evil as corrupt Gotham can make citizens be. You should know that I like this series overall and this is one of its stand-out stories. Still more to come, good job reviewing this, have a good one Marinus!
@darksydeiscomics1891 16 күн бұрын
Lol. from one depressing book to another :D. I like the art a lot. The colors compliments it. It's well done. 😄🐍. I need that Hair growth formula sinds my hairline is receding xDDD. I liked that aspects alot. We see the extremes in his behaviour. What a crazy story so far. I believe you. This is one of the "i will never forget this story" types that is burned in your m,emomry....foreverrrrrr. Thank you so much, Mike. have agrewat weekend!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 16 күн бұрын
Now, back to Aaron Lopresti's favourite science fiction series ever, no matter what the format. Preferred over Star Trek: TOS, it's said! Besides, “The New DC - There's no stopping us now”, in the lower-left cornerbox. Do you remember what that was specifically referring to, by the way? The character of Babe is a lot like the old comic character of Baby Huey. Childlike mind in an oversized body. This issue was heavy on character inter-relationships development. Lastly, the ship that Martin encounters at the end looks very bird-like, while all of the tech overall still looks very good. Maybe a somewhat slower issue but necessary and also therefore adding variety to the overall roster of issues. Thanks for more classic '80s sci-fi, Mr. Dark Syde! Have a great entry to your weekend.
@darksydeiscomics1891 15 күн бұрын
I love TOS. It's the best Star Trek period. That being said: I love Atari Force. It's scifi that i need in my life. I didn't even see it. Mmm not that i can remember. Was that the 'new' logo back in the day? Hmmmm Not familair with baby Huy. I will look it up. YES! Like a Klingon vessel?. "Go to warp 6, Mr Sulu". Yeah it doesn't feel like a filler at at. It brings a lot of new stuff between Chris and his father. Yeah!!😃. More is coming, usual lol. Hope you have a drier weekend then i am. It's raining cats and dogs here!!!🥲
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 17 күн бұрын
Ironically, the culmination of Clark and Diana's reunited relationship and revelation that she will have or already has a child with him is what caught my attention the most up to that point, haha. What was happening with the other characters was varied but though I'd seen it before for a couple of parties and not for others of those characters, it wasn't really grabbing my attention at that point. Yeah, I agree with your own conclusion, particularly in regards to Clark. But, ah, there's no explanation provided. I wanted, and had expected, an explanation. Particularly with the not-surprising development with Diana and Clark's son at the end. Overall, some fun-enough rides of separate characters's journeys here but it wasn't that gripping. An okay “what if” Elseworlds tale. But, hey, you get your due props for expanding on the DC universe, yet more, Marinus. Have a great end of your week!
@darksydeiscomics1891 16 күн бұрын
It was very unexpected, but cool that they threw it in. hahah I can imagine. I was more curious about how Kyle was handle Sonar. Conclusion: Not good!! It was a entertaining Elseworlds and that was about it. I have more coming 😁. Maybe i will show you a book that might interest you. Who knows. Have a great weekend!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 19 күн бұрын
One more issue and that's it? This is surely an introductory volume meant to set up another set of issues. There's a lot that's still unanswered for a final, fourth floppy of this light and breezy miniseries to have to divulge. At this kind of pace, more than four issues at a time should be planned and published. The dark colouring is both atmospheric and obscures the reader's ability to see details. That darkening does make a suitable nighttime visibility effect, though. It's all a bit muted and bland, overall. Which also suits the world, I guess, and makes those dark gods' visuals stand out more. Back and forth on opinion of the colorist. The looser, cartoonier illustration style is also somehow compelling; I think I'm personally drawn to comparing the style with multiple artists in black-and-white that I had an affinity for, shown in both Mad and Cracked magazines which I read in my youth. It is different and varied from most lineart styles seen in comics. Well, whether this wraps up or dangles for continuation like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book, I'll see ya at your next review and all of those in-between. Thanks, Marinus! Have a good week and don't let any sorcerers inside after sunset.
@darksydeiscomics1891 17 күн бұрын
I hope there is more to this after the last issue. I'm invested! Who are Dark Gods? what do they want? whu is the Crusader here? Why does he have magic sword? Questions, question. Totally agree. It's the books biggest flaw! The textures are hard to read. Nice!! yeah i have seen this art style before. It's one of the reasons i picked this up. The line art is way thicker and bolder and....daring? I like that: the choose your own adventure book. If well executed, it could be good. Hope you like the more/different content i'm doing, Mike. Whoooo 'locks doors' xDD See you, Mike and have a great one!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 19 күн бұрын
Well, this continues on the uplifting trajectory from the first issue...that is, sinking to even lower, depressing depths. Clark/Kal sure gets annoying; even just in alienating Lois then Diana. And then the Atom is becoming atomic!? Hmm, this could have all been engineered by Luthor from its inception but according to his inner monologuing from issue #1 that wasn't the case. He's simply taking full advantage. Well, bring it on - let's see if the final issue really drops the most grimdark yet on the heads of everybody in this DC (Else)world. Maybe the entire damned planet gets blown up, Games Workshop-style. Thanks for whipping this out, anyway, Marinus. It's good, simply also pessimistic. Have a great day and I'll see ya at your next one!
@darksydeiscomics1891 18 күн бұрын
Never ever have i seen our heroes at this lowest point/ Yeah he is abit out of character. You need to find out in the last Volume :). There is a couple of Grimdark in there, Mike. ow man!! hahaha that would be the icing on the cake lol. Dark and darker, Mike. Hope you have sunny, uplifting day :)
@baginamonolog 19 күн бұрын
Have been hunting down this series due to your showcasing them. Have found #'s 1 and 3 so far; love 'em! Keep up the good work
@darksydeiscomics1891 19 күн бұрын
Nice!! I hope the rest soon. And thank you. I like the seriers alot and i hope it pays off. 😀
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 20 күн бұрын
Wow, looks good - especially that opening flip/splash page spread and it all seems to be Giffen's most Kirby-like issue yet of this shortlived series. Including some Barry Windsor Smith-like kaleidoscope of rainbow colours during the Kevin-to-O.M.A.C. transformation. Eh? The 'beast' Maxwell Lord was fighting against suddenly became a non-threat? Kevin just walks away from his fiancee because he retains his Kevin awareness inside of O.M.A.C.'s body? Sounds like the distraught impulse of a teenager, not a presumed young adult who's engaged to be married. Yep, this is too rushed but with foreknowledge of what was gonna be done with this main character, it's plain to see why this was done. Preferable to an unresolved cliffhanger, of any kind? I'm sure. Additionally, since O.M.A.C. was transferred over to a team book. Still, once more I'll look up the second-hand TPB of these 8 issues that was cheaply priced. Thanks for showing some enjoyable New 52 art, designs (the Bio-Gators) and beginnings of some interesting plot points here and there in this title, Marinus. Have a great rest of your week!
@darksydeiscomics1891 19 күн бұрын
That is one his best pages i've seen him do. DAAAAAMMMN!!! Truuuueeee!!. Yes! And yes!! More Yessssss!! that was some weird shit man. There was definitly more stories to tell and content to draw and they axed before they can do it. If you can get it cheap i think it's worth it. Overall the book is good, i think. I live the bio gators and the exploding female robot lol. Hope you have a great day, Mike. It's leg day today so i'm not looking forward to that 😭. Still i have to do it!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 20 күн бұрын
Did you mention this storyline in a recent video, either review or unboxing? I think so. What a downer. This is an...odd effect, to explain, for it to happen to such a variety of entities whose extra-human powers “come from within” or however broadly that has to be termed for maximum explanation possibilities. It's gonna turn out to be yet another cosmic being just one level below the Anti-Monitor's... Oh, John Steel. Too bad, I liked him. Well, it's terrible and desperate but doesn't seem like the situation feels 'hopeless', yet. That'll be for part two to set up. So, thanks for a depressing interlude of a comic, Marinus, hahah, and I'll be...melancholy, to see your next video. 😛 Have a great day!
@darksydeiscomics1891 20 күн бұрын
Not in an unboxing ( maybe i just mentioned it), because i bought these new back in the day. I thought so too. Basically 'normalizing' humans won't take a way their powers. It's changing their biology, like fron being Kryptionan/Martian/etc to human, but what about the Green Lantern? It does NOT come from within....weird.'s not an entity or villain. Thatis the tone for this book. Alot of that hopelesness :(. I gonna red the next =chapter and gonna do a review for later :). lol See you on the next one and have a manic Monday!! xD
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 20 күн бұрын
Ceeping Japanese horror. Building up. Of what I've seen of the genre, which is only what you've reviewed, the manga portrayals of horror may be overall more effective than the American ones I've seen. Or even the Western in general, including Alan Moore's From Hell. Or maybe the Japanese horror manga are effective in a different way than the U.S.'s/West's...I haven't read From Hell in awhile and remember the film adaptation more. I think that with the casual attitude towards the people-eating of a group of main characters who are focused upon - both, as presented narratively by the author as well as the family member's own ease with a stranger (even though an isolated-assigment cop) - is telling the reader that there is more to be revealed and unravel about this quaint mountain village. Along with other elements such as the mysterious ritual and the spontaneous rage. This is definitely interesting and I'm intrigued enough to want to know the rest of what happens with this story. I do wonder about the strange title, though, and what that's supposed to mean. I suppose that mysteriousness is itself a hint that there's more depth to this manga's weirdness to come. Thanks for another look at another spooky book of interest within a Japanese genre that thus far has not been disappointing me in piqueing my curiosity, Marinus. Watch what you eat and have a good day!
@darksydeiscomics1891 20 күн бұрын
Asian horror is way more...disturbing. That is the best word i can describe it. It's not the blood and gore, it's the way they show imagery that gives you a certain feeling. And they do a great job with it. Same. Normally the big reveal comes later in the volumes, instead direct in the beginning. So there must be more to it and what's up with crazy cop that went missing? Good question. maybe that is how asian people pronounce it....maybe? Glad you liked this overview. I'm still figuring out how to do this without spoiling too mych. Anyway. Thanks for taking your time, Mike. have a great CANADA DAY!!!! 😃
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 20 күн бұрын
Another combo and/or collaboration, similar to others you've reviewed recently. You're on a roll. Larsen's composition of dynamic poses for Superman in action look good. I know him from his Spider-Man work which I was fond of back then and I still am now. At least his notorious drawing of feet suited Spidey's costume! Lex is looking a bit Kingpin-shaped on that reveal page after 8:35, though. Larsen's Lois Lane looks like his Mary Jane Watson-Parker, espeically when Lois is confronting Dragon on the street. Whereas on the final page of this story, Lois looks like a WB animated series rendition. Not having any experience with Savage Dragon's comics - although I remember the TV ads for the action figure toy line back then - I see a correlation between the make-up of groups of characters by Larsen and those created by Dave for his Genuine Comics, obviously through Perfect 10. An influence in design style too, I think. Somehow, I took more to Larsen's Marvel-and-Image-first style being applied to the DC universe, more naturally than I could try to adapt to Jim Lee's version, as in your previous Wonder Woman one-shot review. Maybe it's the overall, base page compositions that make the difference in my mind; I'm not sure. Hmm, wonder what Savage Dragon's personality problem is; maybe it's a reflection of Erik Larsen's own? Thank you for yet another review, “Syde of Dark”. Supes was fun, Dragon was unlikable but the many unfamiliar characters were fun for a one-off. See ya at your next one!
@darksydeiscomics1891 20 күн бұрын
I'm feeling good man :). I like his art alot. It's very dynamic indeed. hahaha yes. Fat you mean xD. yeah samebody and hair. Swap it for red and you have MJ!!! Definitly. I'm sure Dave is influenced by Larsen's work. Larsen i a big leftie prick that can't shut up. Too bad he has a good position in Image, otherwise he wouldbe booted fro the company. YEAHHH thanks man. I had some fun too :D. I got more in store for you, buddy. See you laterrrrrr.
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 21 күн бұрын
Jim Lee's art is as distinctive as ever but it never really suited Detective Comics' characters. Not beyond Lee's sketchbooks; not after X-Men and Image Comics. And this being after Lee's Fantastic Four: Heroes Reborn, which I loved and still do with its TPB as a recent purchase, that's all that I can see here. 2001...yeah, this certainly is. In beyond-tanned “Steve Trevor”, in Stan Lee's overall writing. I'm in the midst of reading Fantastic Four in the early #60-something issues, and Lee was an idea man. You're not familiar with Spanish, heh heh, you don't say - your Spanish-speaking characters in this issue sounded...Transylvanian? Hollywood Transylvanian, haha, a lot of the time. Listen to GrimDark Narrator if you want to hear an actual Transylvanian native. ANYway... This story takes its longwinded time before finally getting to Wonder Woman's introduction and inclusion to the story...not until you're more than 60% of your way through your review. What, and this non-Greek chick just transforms into...wait for it...the MANTLE of Wonder Woman!?!?!? Bogus! What a robbery. No Diana, I don't like it. Nevermind some bastardized Steve, The mythological story could've been made a bit less expository to make for a Wonder Woman tale but again as great as Lee's art looks - and it does - this just doesn't seem to fit with DC; “Elseworlds” approach or otherwise. Lee's too manga-derived for this specific Golden Age-originated world. And Lee was still an open a$$hole by this point. But anyway, I suppose it's still experimental while at the same time respectful of the source(s) enough that this is preferable reading to anything the corrupt mainstream puts out for consumption in these troubled times. I've been longwinded enough myself here, so I'll go on to your next. Thanks, Marinus, and have a great day!
@darksydeiscomics1891 20 күн бұрын
I liked his mature tone in Wildcats. he can draw good ladies too. Now he is too busy ruining DC comics 😤😤. Indeed. Stan Lee has knack of creating fun story lines and character. Just put MAN in the tilte and it was a hit 😜. Hahahah Let me suck your blood😝. ow i like to hear that. I could learn from that muahahahah. Yeah. the setup was a bit slow. It would've been better if the book was a big longer with more pages. That was the intetion from Stan Lee. A complete different origin and background (non greek). Waht did i miss with lee being a$$hole?? Was there some controversy? Back in the day i pciked up everything that looked good. Story was secondary. I've learned alot through the years. You too, Mike. have a great day and i see you....on the next video :)
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 23 күн бұрын
Boot-ay! I like this comic's style. Certain similarities are shared with Savage Sword of Conan. This is beginning to feel more like that than anything else, to me. However, you make a good point about the obvious (lack of) facial expressions. Conan's not cold in his homeland! Cimmeria and the fierceness of its winds, its winter-y weather, are in his very bones! No matter where he roams! ...By Crom. I think the colours are moslty fine. Depending on which page(s) one is looking at. Maybe more so at the beginning of this issue's story, when the two main characters are not as far North, into Cimmeria. At first I would have excused that far-North atmospheric multi-coloring especially when the Northern lights were flaring. But the kaleidoscope smear of so many together was too much. Despite that, this was still mostly pretty good Conan entertainment. More of Picts, and from within interactions with a Cimmerian perspective, is interesting. Good to see Conan done well thus far in these times, and gratitude to you for going over it, Marinus!
@darksydeiscomics1891 21 күн бұрын
It's classic looking art. I like that a lot!! Except for same expressions :/. Ok ok ok i'll stop bitching😁. Still....... I nitick. It's not that bad, but i'm a bit alleric to ' modern coloring'. Yeah that's what i mean. You don't have to 'die-by-a-1000-colors'. It could be less. We definitly gonna do more, MIke! I was suprised how good it was. Titan is doing a very good job. Makes me a very happy, Marinus😆. Untill th enext one, Mike!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 23 күн бұрын
Oohhh, Rick Leonardi. After your recent unboxing that included Spidey 2099, I'm eager to see where his style went after that. Crowe the first officer: “They didn't want me for some reason.” Uh huh, would that happen to be due to Crowe being non-organic? Followed by “You're a lot stronger than you look”, “I don't need it” (taking a look at her wound) and her coldness over being kissed...yep! I was right. Hey, Arrow and Canary...oh, glorified cameos. Kyle fell for a ro-bot, nyah, nyah, did he ever tell Jade? Not in this alternate universe experience, no way! Yes, Salaak is alive in the original, true DC universe. Plus, Ash was the name of an ex-Lantern? The same name as the android that goes haywire in Alien. This was a bit average, and the presence of at least one of the two 'crews' (including the group of ex-Green lanterns, let's say) led to predictability. But, it was to-the-point. Coulda been worse. Even with cartoonish Aliens (and their teeth). Thank you for another video of Dark Horse material, Darksyde. Have a great day!
@darksydeiscomics1891 23 күн бұрын
Wait.. that is the same guy? I didn;t know that . Eactly. I knew immediatly something was off. Not badly done, but we are in this comics too long, Mike. They can fool us!!!!!🤣 Hahah maybe he wasn't with her at that time Ah alright. So this was never canon in the first place. Not sure why this wasn't a Elseworlds then. Not sure. I didn't recognise Ahs at fiorst glance. Ow yea. Good catch. It was not bad. It was pretty ok. Even the goofy toony Aliens ye shahha. I got another Alien crossover for you soon, Mike. STAY TUNED!!!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 23 күн бұрын
Woo, this cover. The title text reminds me of that similar effect seen in some '70s or maybe also '80s TV series. And the image above of the chair is both imposing and even older-looking sci-fi. Even though it's not so directly connected to this plot. Interesting use of cutesy character designs, particularly the anthropomorphic animal-based ones, to tell a violent, dark and grim story. With such brutality being what ignites puberty for the main pigeon character, apparently. Half a dozen issues and this world remains compelling to me. Other authors could take notes from Rick Remender. Thanks for the review, looking forward to the next one, again, so cheers once more Marinus and have a great end to your week.
@darksydeiscomics1891 21 күн бұрын
Simple but effective (if you know what happens in the previous issues😉). Feels a bit 'euro' with all the talking animals and weird creatures. We have alot dark and grim stories in Europe. Pigeon guy has enough. I'm curious who that will develop later in future issues. Same here, Mike😄. Rick is a very good story teller. Not everything he does is gold, but he know what he is doing. More cool stuff is coming my friend. I changed the current format a bit :)
@TSPH1992 24 күн бұрын
I never liked the concept of character X kills Universe. It's a lazy concept
@darksydeiscomics1891 24 күн бұрын
It is. But it was new at the time and not taking seriously. Now it's a gimmick to draw in potential buyers
@richardgrzela1381 25 күн бұрын
Wow the first couple pages are the best so far. Wow! The Creature is amazing! Well done by all. Thrilled that you shared a sneak peek finally! Thank you!
@darksydeiscomics1891 24 күн бұрын
😄Thank you, Richard. Glad you liked it. It's always though to create something unique. Hope people will jump on board when we are gonna launch!🙏
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 25 күн бұрын
This was a gimmick that never actually appealed to me. Not beyond the gag of a single-panel newspaper comic strip, anyway. Oh, look, another writer who's consistently disappointed me in any material recently covered in your reviews. As soon as you said 'moon', I knew it would be a nuke that was used. It was the only way to take out such a group of assembled super-beings, with the Moon being isolated enough to use the nuke without harming innocent bystanders. Frank Castle didn't kill the Marvel Universe, Marvel Comics going public on the stock market in 1995 did. It didn't happen overnight, or even the next year, but it did happen a couple of decades ago. Then it was made official and final by literally selling out to a former brand that made itself into one of the megacorporations of the world. This was well-enough conceived for the simplistic concept. That two page spread that Frank straddles, including the background mugshots of more super-people that he's killed, feels like a bit of a cop-out after setting the objective of killing the Marvel universe. If the Punisher's set to take 'em all out, then show that. The colors look like Malibu's early-digital colours that Marvel had bought Malibu for, at the end of 1994. I'd rather read one of the Punisher's own series, but I'm thankful for your video efforts anyway. Take care and see ya later, Marinus!
@darksydeiscomics1891 24 күн бұрын
True Garth Ennis has it's misses, but for me this is far from it. taking a step back and looking back on my review, there are some flaws in the execution. Yep Nuke + Moon = bye bye heroes. xDD true. I guess at that time they thought i was a good move. How the might has fallen. When i bought this, it was new and different. I still enjoy it from time to time. I like Frank punishing these 'heroes'. yeah i get that. You can't show every kill otherwise we have 300+ pages of content. ( not that i mind seeing that 😛). Colors are ...classic? Nice. I am to please (although it not always hit the mark). You have great day, Mike. See you soon!
@mikefanofGDNgenuinedarksyde703 25 күн бұрын
Finally, for an Aliens/Predator series, the story goes into space. And, Aliens appear at last, in a way, I guess. That redheaded security chief is a tough momma, so as to be able to hunt down Big Mama. She also looks like Black Widow in that outfit. Her hair colour, too. The cut looks a bit too butch though so ideally the chief's engineered hair grows back to its previous length ASAP. That was one talk-y dream of Willem's. One could wonder why this Predator is even bothering to house and 'keep' this human. Those black marketeers (criminals) are going to get a Predator for a surprise aboard the ship they'll try to steal, and Karyn can subconsciously dredge up preprogrammed fighting skills to defend herself with. So, the next issue should have some action and violence. In spaaace. Yeah, this presented a good change of setting, while the personal mystery continues to inch along, bit by bit. Thank you for this reivew, Marinus, be well citizen and see ya next time!
@darksydeiscomics1891 24 күн бұрын
yeah ..sort off. Right? I remember Black Widow with short hair and black grey suit. back in the day alot of women had that hairstyle in the 80's and it was ...fine i guess. Too much talking dammit. But wonder how the scientist is in all of this. What is his deal and why does Willemn needs to answer to him? Nice. I look forward to that part when they are getting decimated spaaaaaaccceeee!!! yeah finally we getting soem answers...sort of. I'm happy with that. Thanks for watching, Mike. have a great day!