ZZZ is a FIGHTING GAME!?!?!  - Nyaru Reacts
Rosemi Under Fire!!! - Nyaru Reacts
14 сағат бұрын
Niji AX WAS A DISASTER   Nyaru Reacts
16 сағат бұрын
Vtuber community goes MASK OFF - Nyaru REACTS
Niji Fans ARE MAD - Nyaru Reacts
@GunthersLoyalSoldier1307 2 сағат бұрын
Can anyone ever trust Vshoujo after that Nux drama? I feel like they should’ve gotten shit on more after that.
@JabelldiMarco 2 сағат бұрын
More than enough fighting game for my capabilities....
@KevinKillNation 6 сағат бұрын
With all due respect, I think what Kat said might come back to bite her.
@KevinKillNation 7 сағат бұрын
Think "sports entertainment." People who role play in pro wrestling is kind of like how people role play in VTubing.
@KevinKillNation 7 сағат бұрын
You look good for your age. I'm 36 and I look half my age.
@ChristSaves984 7 сағат бұрын
Games are typically Multi Genre Wuwa and ZZZ are hack n slash Fighting games. Your correct it is indeed a Gacha game (monetization model not an actual tag) , but it is also a fighting game because the gameplay loop is your Physically fighting waves of mobs by manual button inputs. So, you can call it a fighting game. Its like Saying GTA is an Open world game. correct, but it's known for being a Third person shooter Open world. Which separates it from other Open world titles like Genshin which is also open world. Wuwa Tags: Open world, Gacha, Fantasy, Hack n slash, Action, adventure, RPG, Anime ZZZ Tags : Gacha, fantasy, Hack n slash, action, RPG, Anime But many game stores will not have "Gacha' listed but instead just Free. gacha isnt really a "type of game" more of a type of monetization of the Free game.
@JohnnyYeTaecanUktena 8 сағат бұрын
If ya wanna be even more confused about Loli's and Shota's, you can be considered one based on how you act as well so it's not just about looks and since Men age like fine wine we can retain a very youthful appearance especially in the face for over 10 years past the age of 20 and especially if we shave and stay shaved as then people will mistake us for teenagers all the time. Don't even get me started about people that have no head of hair as either they went bald or shaved it all off since they were balding but suddenly Men with no head of hair they look very young even if they are old as fuck like 60's or 70's as us Men just age like fine wine. So this whole Loli/Shota debate always confuses me as Humans are historically bad at telling people's age just by looking at them, BUT as this may sound weird you can tell if someone is underage by the hormones they give off if you are physically around them, which is even more disturbing when you think about someone that looks like a kid but is actually an adult as adults actually give off pheromones as people instinctively no matter how much they wanna deny it seek out the people with the best DNA as their mate to reproduce. Still i can't help but feel sorry for the actual IRL lolis as no matter what they will face discrimination based on looks even if it is not intentional by other people. I can understand to a existent as i grew up with a resting "Fuck with me i dare you" face and i was known as the kid who always carried spare sharpened pencils so there is a reason why no one every approached me or bullied me. Well there was this one time and i accidently missed the kid's leg by a centimeter and he looked mortified and never messed with me again and this was well over 10 years ago. I have also had a reputation as the quiet kid who hates people as i never tried to make a effort to talk to people in middle school because i did not know anything about them, half of the people in the school also thought i was mute as they never heard me talk. The only times i would talk is when there was no one else around or a handful of people as it was my nerves for the most part so i also got a reputation then as "The kid who pays attention to everything despite being special needs" Seriously a lot of geniuses or talented people in general are actually special needs as regular school work and they way they teach is just boring to them so they don't wanna do it as it is not stimulating just sleep inducing
@stardustdragonx3612 8 сағат бұрын
Most people will come in since know the difference between loli and the "con". Someone just simply said they like nezuko's from demon slayer transformation and they got called a weirdo.
@bowserjrimacasualshutup6754 Минут бұрын
and yet, *they themselves* had to come to that conclusion in the first place to call them weird it's usually the people that call others weird for fhe most benign shit that are the actual weirdos
@devilkazumi578 9 сағат бұрын
Was zzz really that boring for you? Lol I didnt play it because i already have too many gacha games as it is lol wuwa, arknights, bluearchive and nikke already keeps me busy lmao
@mistahzombify9617 9 сағат бұрын
I’m so confused because I’ve been basically raised in Tokyo and loli has always had a negative connotation unless something has changed in 10 years since I moved to the states
@JohnnyYeTaecanUktena 10 сағат бұрын
My question is, why do they always wanna ban porn? And if it is not porn it's video games but for the porn part kids are not supposed to be on that stuff anyways so it is the parents fault for not moderating or not caring about it. Like leave us responsible adults alone like stop punishing us as a whole for what the shit irresponsible adults that has kids when the y are not supposed to either mentally or financially do. As literally just like a gun ban there is no way in hell a federal porn ban is going to happen in America. I would also like to say for people to mind their own fucking business like if they don't live in a specific country then their own political beliefs does not fucking matter to that country. This applies to everyone worry about your own fucking country first as outsiders will literally change nothing for any country, as why should they listen to you when you do not live there? People say the world doesn't revolve around America but they way people act...yeah it fucking revolves around America But yeah as a American I wish that all these ill intent tourists stop warping our politics and fuck right off as it's bad enough that our politicians from both parties fucks us right in the ass so we do not need Non-Americans warping our politics fucking us even harder. I am willing to bet it is because they are jealous that they don't live in the land of the free, and guess what? we do not fucking want them. We want free thinkers and entrepreneurs not sheep following the governments every whim as the US is built upon the government having as little control as possible with US the People having the most power the in country Yes i know my wish is a bit selfish and unrealistic to come true as America in a sense rules the world as most of the population makes their money off of American services such as KZfaq, Twitch, Twitter and other things such as Google ect ect so the entire world has a invested interest to see that America does not fall or it is back to the stone age in economy. But still it is just fucking frustrating on people chiming in when they don't live here with their politics on what they think America should do or should not do, as we are the land of the free Americans choose dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery otherwise the world will fall into stagnation as everyone is following what America does
@Ecco_The_Dolphin 10 сағат бұрын
5:44 my mexican neurons just fired up and then short circuited. You're also based asf, keep up the good work, you're quickly becoming my favorite
@tanekochi 10 сағат бұрын
People like her, are the one responsible about how internet somehow ruins the term 'love'. To them, it's always going to be related to sax...ophones. There is no more such thing as familial /parental love, friendship, loving self, etc. From what i know, people who are into loli/shota just have the urge to protect those characters as if she/he's their younger sister/brother. Sure, there will always be bad seeds but it's pretty much an anomaly to begin with. Sadly people (especially normies) will always associate the most extreme cases as if it's the standard / common practice.
@writhes7170 10 сағат бұрын
I never really understood why some people use the phrase 'some apparent reason.' Clearly, the reason is not apparent if someone needs to cite this phrase in place of the actual reason.
@ernestmerto9743 15 сағат бұрын
"On behalf of the Asian delegation, we don't own this person"... because "soup" But in all seriousness, I agree that she should just stay in her lane and leave these Vtubers alone. I wasn't aware of the group until this drama came out, but they don't deserve to have this kind of attention.
@LMTthe1st 11 сағат бұрын
I already don't consider her an Asian because of her "soup" opinion. If she's Vietnamese, we do not claim her as one of our own.
@ramshyam9695 16 сағат бұрын
If a guy in your company doing this kind of wierd things and you're aware of that, aren't you partially responsible too. People are getting bombarded for saying something this simple like "you are happy to see someone big fall", which can push you toward self guilt trip. Charlie just had a debate with sneako about age of consent, and both were wrong in my opinion. Charlie support kids injecting themselves with something which can permanently scar them and sneako supports marriage before 18 because he recently became a almighty saint😂.
@kamikaze00007 18 сағат бұрын
The human species evolved to develop a brain that can understand the basic universal concept of age, as well as the intelligence to understand context. These people do not seem to have both.
@OutsiderAus10 18 сағат бұрын
They never go after the big name loli vtubers like Gawr Gura. She recently released her own cover of Loli God Requiem and the response from antis was dead silence. They know they can't do anything to Gura, her fan base is too huge and will absolutely annihilate them, so they go after smaller vtubers instead. It's all just virtue signaling and bullying.
@CapitalistRexus 18 сағат бұрын
This is basically the Red Scare of 1940s where everyone was afraid of communism so bad that even the car salesmen was considered one. Unfortunately American education was nothing more than sitting down and watching a 10 min video presentation with out of context tomfoolery. And just like those peons, this type of propaganda allows for the real predators to muck about unopposed, like Sneako and that Andrew Tate fellow. Just because people have the same opinion as you about Kris Tyson doesn't make them good people. Look at EDP, he's learning how to blend in with the crowd and he's found people who haven't known about his meetings with minors. He says the same thing about loli and Mr. Beast so it purifies him and sooner or later down the line, he'll be considered the Bloodhound of P3do Hunting, which doesn't make his allies any pure than distilled water.
@KurayamiRyu 18 сағат бұрын
I finally went private because of individuals like tourists attacking me and other Lolicons. All the drama was badly affecting my mental health negatively.
@zetsumeinaito 18 сағат бұрын
I wish reporting internet harassment/bullying would actually net a result. Even if there's law criminalizing it in most states, nothing really happens.
@GunthersLoyalSoldier1307 18 сағат бұрын
The Loli debate is so fucking cancer! How many shounen anime have kids getting the shit beaten out of them or killed? Of course the argument will be “Killing and beating are part of real life whether we like it or not and I’d rather have that than Loli”. If ya gonna advocate for Loli to be banned then ya might well ban every violent genre in anime! These crazies would still be wrong to advocate for it but at least they’d be consistent but they lust after the My hero academia male characters so they can’t do it XDD.
@RaccAttack77 19 сағат бұрын
Part of me wishes some of the bigger loli vtubers and their audience would take notice. She wouldn’t be that ‘big’ if Gura’s audience wanted to do something about it 😂
@degeneratex2 8 сағат бұрын
lol no way would they "take notice" they dont wanna risk their lively hood of a career. sad but true
@KenithLemley 19 сағат бұрын
I'm 22 and I'm not this retarded, Jesus.
@zetsumeinaito 19 сағат бұрын
Ah yes classic "news channel" but no journalism integrity nor research. Just a grifter throwing shade for clicks. PS: I'm talking about the tourist Kat, not Rev or Sunako.
@rorygasai6611 20 сағат бұрын
i dont have a problem with the loli or the lolicon stuff but theres nothing wrong with finding it uncofotable or wierd tbh. for me idm cuz no one is getting hurt and the characters are not based of real people or are real in the first place. they are just pixels at the end of the day. what enoys me the most is that they make a huge fuss about cartoons and not much fus about real people or children being exploited like the past couple weeks with the irl youtubers.its sad to see tbh. but agen i will say theres nothing wrong with being uncofotable with it or finding it wierd exc. plz be civil and not call people monsters or put horrible labels that could ruin a persons life just for a cartoon plz. i rant alot sorry about that and agen as i always say sorry for bad spelling.
@rorygasai6611 20 сағат бұрын
btw rebecca from cyberpunk is best girl like the person from chat sead absolute based.
@rorygasai6611 19 сағат бұрын
sorry rambeling 1 more thing i wanted to mention. i've been around anime for more then half my life, i,ve seen it all from dark stuff to light stuff, you can guess what dark stuff lol. ive never had a problem with any of it, more then 12 years in. i still love anime and watch most stuff that comes out. just wanted to say that because i just wanted to let people know im not a torisy XD. i started with highschool dxd of all things but now i watch stuff like vielet everguarden and fruits basket or kimetsu no yaiba. the highschool dxd era of my teen years was me being wierd 😅
@CapitalistRexus 17 сағат бұрын
They definitely won't say anything about Islam and how it is normalized. Hell, Muhammad was a freak back then and if he were alive they'd be having him on podcasts with Keemstar talking about the downfall of society.
@worldx1091 20 сағат бұрын
As someone who's also young (today I became 21!), I really can't stand these tourists, they're fake anime fans, who don't wanna take the time to learn the culture of the community, and are slowly destroying it from inside due to ignorance, it's so frustrating
@NyaruSunako 20 сағат бұрын
mhmmm these are just tourist trying to dictate our community that has been like that for ages before they joined before anime got popular and being part of the mainstream audience.
@sephuris5555 22 сағат бұрын
How the fuck do you play azure Lane and not know what a loli actually is?
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
even idk lol casual anime goer probably
@fireheart6267 18 сағат бұрын
Never underestimate the capacity for mental gymnastics
@SleepyRulu 22 сағат бұрын
I miss old days when people like this who attacked lolis and lolicons considered weirdos.
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
I personally still call them weirdos cause im like bruh its just a pixel
@MrToonlink53 21 сағат бұрын
I still remember when these types were widely made fun of. People would tell them to go back to Tumblr and stop being soft, how I miss those days
@ShionfromYT 20 сағат бұрын
They believe because you like "short character" that it makes you a creep. For example, liking Kanna from dragon maid = pedo!
@SleepyRulu 10 сағат бұрын
@@NyaruSunako I done same thing since these people like attacks artists like myself. I considered them losers and weirdos.
@tanekochi 10 сағат бұрын
People nowadays forget that -con is just an abbreviation of 'complex'. Which originated in Japan. Complex = コンプレックス = Ko N Pu Re kKu Su コン = Ko N ロリコン = Ro Ri Ko N = Lolicon -con in lolicon and shotacon used to have the same description as siscon / brocon. But somehow people don't see siscon / brocon as negative terms...yet. Pretty sure twatter normies are going to invade more of our territories sooner or later.
@date5960 23 сағат бұрын
I miss the internet back in 2007. It was so peaceful
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
simple times thts when a lot ppl didnt have internet cause it wasnt so robust as how it is now
@ShionfromYT 10 сағат бұрын
@@NyaruSunako It's too late to turn back now..
@GeekBot404 23 сағат бұрын
it's unfortunate what it has come down to...
@christopherpage2622 23 сағат бұрын
Are you referring to the fact that riricore has made the decision to quit vtubing and is graduating because of the distress from all the harrasment? I hope she's able to do well in the future and if she ever decides on vtubing again I'm sure she'd be able to.
@iDrKx Күн бұрын
extremely unrelated but yeah iirc mw2/3 silenced shot is shooting and cancelling shot with a throwing knike; usually you would get no sound on shot and this wacky top right recoil pattern, you just unlocked memories lmao
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
I remember cause I grew up and saw those lol
@iDrKx 21 сағат бұрын
@@NyaruSunako yep, same here
@connorjohnson9371 Күн бұрын
Dark things that happen are the forces behind revealing who people truly are. I like tricky but lost all of her respect for her with that tasteless comment, then her attempting piss poor damage control. Internet is hell, nice video tho, u got a sub.
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
mmm mmm Gotta call the shenanigans out. It is just uncalled for wasnt necessary for her to do that, But hey it thats what she wants to do let her do it so she can find out and learn her actions.
@connorjohnson9371 20 сағат бұрын
@@NyaruSunako on today episode of fuck around and find out vtuber edition lol
@seishinrosu Күн бұрын
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE LOL I just have no idea wht be happening this yr tbh
@KevinKillNation Күн бұрын
Kingdom Hearts 2 is the best.
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
yes even till today I still enjoy it
@KevinKillNation Күн бұрын
I would play WWE games for several hours and take a break.
@prometheus1815 Күн бұрын
In my opinion, the difference between these action rpg gacha games and fighting games is that in Gacha games, the ultimate goal is to deal as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time, while in most fighting games, its to extend combos to deal a lot of dmg. because the 'winning condition' is different. in Gacha games, the time you take to defeat the enemy matters more. meanwhile in fighting games, while there is a timer, the goal is to defeat your opponent , the less time they have to attack you because they're being comboed, the less damage or opportunity to do damage they can do. Gacha games have predictable computer controlled enemies (usually) with signs before they attack which you can exploit, fighting games especially against other players do not have that kind of predictability because you're playing against a human. And anyway, I get what the guy is saying, Wuwa isnt a fighting game, you can cancel attacks and extend combos, but its not a fighting game. but Wuwa and ZZZ both Soulslike either... I've played DMC my whole childhood, its definitely more similar to that. its a hack and slash Action RPG.
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
of course course a action rpg 3rd person hack and slash game. I just dont know where these ppl are getting these analogy from that ZZZ is a fighting and Wuwa is a souls like game.
@DaedLizrad Күн бұрын
People calling wuwa a souls like are stupid, I don't think it could be even considered a souls lite, it's just an action focused rpg. There's a better argument for it being a roguelite considering one of its endgame modes is a roguelite mode.
@NyaruSunako 21 сағат бұрын
even idk where this is coming from either its weird tbh.
@Vinsenneth Күн бұрын
Fucking thank you for your entire rant on the soulslike thing. Like holy shit, I swear sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane person. I saw everyone before the game came out say that Wuwa was a "soulslike" and I'm like.. Brothers are you all fucking dumb? DMC, Bayo, Astral Chain, Nier, and Scarlet Nexus are RIGHT THERE. It's a fucking Action RPG. It has more in common with all those games than any kind of Soulslike or soulsborne game. I still see people say that and I'm like brothers IT'S NOT THAT. Adding a fuckin parry or boss moveset memorizing where you need to learn their patterns doesn't auto make a game a soulslike... I know you know this, but like good god I'm happy finally one other person has said this.
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
idk where these ppl are getting this from to be honest ill probably make a video when I make my who did it better 1.0 video.
@prometheus1815 Күн бұрын
some people think High boss dmg per hit = Soulslike. which it isnt.
@iDrKx Күн бұрын
people just forgot Hack and Slashes apparently, it is what it is I guess Elden Ring brainrot or just haven't seen enough Vergil memes (even tho.. they are literally in Wuwa lmao)
@devilkazumi578 9 сағат бұрын
Wuwa combat kinda reminds me of devil may cry
@TheZephyrsWind Күн бұрын
Hole ego, Batman! I'd love it if, to justify this video he's like "well there's fighting in it... So TECHNICALLY it IS A fighting game! Y'all just a bunch of haters."
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
hey at least I can do negative edging in the game LOL so I guess its considered as a fighting game XD
@darthchilde8880 Күн бұрын
btw would really like to see u clear zzz endgame with two buttons.
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
nah im good games to boring for my attention spam. Rather go play another action rpg tht has my most interest like dmc5, KH, Nier, Astral Chain, bayonetta, personally not gonna go through shit just to get to the "best part of the game"
@darthchilde8880 Күн бұрын
@@NyaruSunako well the game su have mentioned are def better but the way u called out zzz as mid game and said ud can probably clear most of its content while button mashing seemed like a real bad take , cuz the game may be mid for u but not for evryone. cuz ur just proving urself factually wrong by saying all that. and id never understand how wuwa is harder than zzz when both of them r just dmg checks and no difficulty except endgame.
@dal4268 Күн бұрын
fighting game enjoyer here, we generally don't mess with gacha and p2w aspects. the reason why publishers struggle to get into fighting games is because players there are less inclined to play a game that doesn't respect their time and dedication. patches that actively nerfs gameplay and forces players to spend money exacerbates the notion and reinforces players into gravitating towards traditional fighters.
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
wait fighting games have gacha stuff now? Geez guess it has been a long time since I started playing some fighting games. Tbh my time was wasted with ZZZ since it just didnt hook me. Asmon has the right opinion on it and I agree about the game.
@dal4268 Күн бұрын
@@NyaruSunako i miss mistyped there. what I meant to say was that people who enjoys fighting games dont mess with that kind of stuff. there has been mmos that has fighting game aspects but the underline problem is the monetary and predatory practices by devs and publishers that completely nullifies and devoid any complexities and fun that these games offer and reinforce players to be less inclined to put time and money in a game that doesn't respect them.
@dragoneater2596 Күн бұрын
L take lmao from how you're speaking you're definitely not on shiyu defense 9
@prometheus1815 Күн бұрын
idk man seems like another Abyss with the same non aggressive, bloated HP, pool of generic enemies again.
@iDrKx Күн бұрын
@@prometheus1815 to be completetly honest shiyu 5 still is hp sponge but AI aggressiveness is a little turned up, so I guess there's that but the game has potential I think if they introcuce some mechanically demanding things like multi targets or way way way bigger move lists but who knows; might stay hp sponge forever lmao; like Nineveh (Withering Garden boss) with a bigger move list I think it could be very close to something actually fun and engaging; but idk just my opinion
@RayRahu Күн бұрын
Nyaru, the negative edger of Wuthering Waves.. but yeah, maybe the gatcha wars is replacing the console wars. I find ZZZ mechanics to be much deeper than WuWa; the problem is perhaps that there isn't much that requires players to explore/master those mechanics.. at least, not yet. ZZZ has dodge-counters, switch parries, etc. that make it look flashy.. but under the hood, ZZZ has Anomaly Build-Up to trigger Effects tied to that element, as-well-as Disorders that occur when elements clash/override each-other. And THEN there's that Stagger mechanic that Downs the enemy and opens them up for Chain Combos.. which is the other flashy bit. As-far-as I understand, Wuwa doesn't have elements react or even inflict status effects? Characters can access special move-sets through the Forte Circuit, while ZZZ has the EX Specials. Not to mention that ZZZ has entirely secret move-sets/abilities that the tutorials don't even mention (Anby can deflect bullets when she is rushing through gunfire, Nicole has a few moves not listed in her tutorial, etc.). I'm playing them both side-by-side, I dunno.. I see a lot more depth in ZZZ.
@mizunochie Күн бұрын
@@RayRahu yes wuwa don't have element reaction or element advantage, the only thing is some enemy's have resistente to their own element, dunno if is all of then. 5 star echoes, bosses echoes, DEBUFFS the enemy to receive more damage of it's element, for example inferno rider DEBUFFS the enemy to receive more fusion/piro/fire damage.
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
no I have to object on that personally ZZZ mechanic as gameplay is pretty average at best. The Design on how to tackle things I guess but still has the paper rock scissor design from genshin. TBh at the end of the day they both are easy cause its a gacha game. I dont find them any difficulty wht so ever. There mechanics are pretty bare bones compared to other action rpg, But hey at least I get to negative edge all over ZZZ at the end of the day LOL
@captaindanger13 20 сағат бұрын
wuwa was originally gonna have element reactions and stuff but they removed that during the betas.
@mizunochie 20 сағат бұрын
​@@captaindanger13 your point is? In my opinion, more points to Kuro for removing it and allowing more freedom of choice in fight.
@RayRahu 18 сағат бұрын
​@@captaindanger13 Hope they bring it back; would add a much needed layer of complexity to the combat.
@Decadiea Күн бұрын
Lets call Wuwa what it is, its Anime Devil May Cry with rpg elements. Its not a fighting game.
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
yes or a "souls like" its just a Action rpg is all
@SDGkarim Күн бұрын
zzz difficulty is just damage check with time limited shit
@darthchilde8880 Күн бұрын
literally same in wuwa tho? only challege is in hologram same with zzz endgame.
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
all gacha games just have it in general for "endgame stuff" to keep player retention. I prefer something that keeps me hook and ZZZ does not keep me hook. For me its painfully average game.
@devilkazumi578 9 сағат бұрын
​@darthchilde8880 the enemies on wuwa actually attacks while in zzz they barely do anything that's the difference
@darthchilde8880 4 сағат бұрын
@@devilkazumi578 nah enemies on zzz attacks too ,actually they attack more often than in wuwa in endgame only story mode is somewhat easy.
@devilkazumi578 36 минут бұрын
@darthchilde8880 Mr poke literally did zzz blindfolded I doubt he could do that in wuwa
@de_vix Күн бұрын
@NyaruSunako He is the only MF that should be praised for being the only fighting game player 😂😂 also 3:55 nah there are some bosses in hollow zero like the two ballerina boss and in shiyu dense floor 6 upwards the bosses are hard lol so in story related content the fight are easy but in the modes I mentioned the combat becomes harder and you lowkey have to think of cycles and combos for you to be able to clear it so you probably just haven’t gotten to that point yet lol
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
idk this man needs all the praised. Probably not gonna do it just feels to much of a chore to even getting at end game. so I am just gonna just log in do dailies and thats it. Unless they completely get rid of all the TV system then maybe ill play it. Atm that is literally all I do with the game cause I play PGR more then ZZZ and I enjoy it a bit more.
@de_vix Күн бұрын
@@NyaruSunako PGR is a great game😌 and lol the way we cope with the tv is watching something on our second monitor while clearing it lol also you are in luck in the dev notes for next patch they are reducing/ making it faster to clear the TVs and yh zzz actually has hard bosses that you legit won’t clear with just using two buttons especially the ballerina twins and some other bosses you haven’t seen yet will off you as asap if you are not careful lmao
@distritochristianangeloa.157 Күн бұрын
​@@NyaruSunako Shiyu Defense doesn't have TV so that is that. TV for me is good because it is different puzzles than open world which I kinda get sick of but yeah we have different preferences
@KevinKillNation Күн бұрын
Isn't the age of consent usually 17 or 18?
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
just recently he victim called out it wasnt right of what Kris did.
@mizunochie Күн бұрын
They are actually Action RPG games, because you can level up and get stronger. so if you can't beat them right now you farm mats level up/power up and beat then up later.
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
NO NO its A FIGHTING GAME u can KARA CANCEL and NEGATIVE EDGE in this game lol
@mizunochie Күн бұрын
@@NyaruSunako no no you Kara cancel the negative edge XD
@RaccAttack77 Күн бұрын
I will say, even if the Shadman piece wasn’t a real person, it shows a pattern. And to be clear, I’m not saying all lolicons are actual pdf’s, but it’s definitely a space where they think they’d be welcomed. Like Z-philes with the furry community
@NyaruSunako Күн бұрын
mmm mm understandable I dont accept the weirdo pdf ppl. Yea cause I consume those content and everything under the sun. Granted of course there are some tags tht I WILL NOT RE READ again. Like I said I was fine with the fictional stuff of shadman granted I only came across one of her works but LONG time ago didn't it was shad. Until shad came in the new for drawing keems daughter and im like wht y?!? thts just WEIRD
@KenithLemley 19 сағат бұрын
Ive fell upon some really weird ass tags and im traumatized by many @NyaruSunako