@LukeMaynard 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much for coming to this late! I'm always welcoming new reactions, especially now that most of the fan hate has gotten bored and moved back to crying about Star Wars. I really hope you enjoy this series. I think people who know nothing about Tolkien, who come to a brand new fantasy series with no prior knowledge of Middle-Earth, like this show a LOT. Maybe the most. I also know that the enjoyment drops for a few people: of course, bigots, racists, sexist incels who resent the "wokeness" of ths show will hate it. They seem to hate it the most. But then, there IS a group of Tolkien fans ranging from casual-to-serious, who don't care for it, and I guess that's okay too. Anyone who unquestioningly accepts Christopher Tolkien's earliest work, including his somewhat inventive stitching together of "The SIlmarillion," as absolute canon will be really disappointed by the show. I don't necessarily take that book to be canon Tolkien. He never approved it. In the five years after his death, the book as we know it was stitched together by his son Christopher Tolkien from an entire house full of conflicting and sometimes contradictory notes, written by JRRT over about half a century, sometimes in other languages, sometimes in languages no one but he spoke. He was notoriously slow to make final decisions, to the point that The Hobbit had already been in print for a decade before Tolkien, wanting to tie the magic ring in the book into the One Ring in his Lord of the Rings, went back and completely rewrote the Gollum chapter to reflect the nature and powers of the One Ring, and to overwrite Gollum's willingness to part with it for a seething hatred of "Baggins" that made the next book possible. In short, Tolkien wasn't finished deciding how things before The Hobbit actually went. Some of the decisions Christopher made are well reflected in this show. Others are completely gainsaid. And some things are updated for people encountering these stories half a world and most of a century away from the time and the place where they were written. I think Tolkien resented people who dind't understand his work in his own lifetime. But he understood that he was trying to create a mythology for England, and he knew enough about mythology to know it would change over time. In some ways, he might have bristled at the inclusion or invention of new chapters: I think the romantic subplot with "Tauriel" in "The Hobbit" was totally unneeded. On the other hand, he might also look on Tauriel with the eyes of a medievalist and mythologist, the same way he looked on Sir Lancelot in the Arthurian Saga--a very late French invention, never mentioned by the original Arthurian chroniclers, who became an accepted part of the story in the century or so after Chretien de Troyes and Malory, as if he had always been there. If this story doesn't agree with "how things were" in this made-up world, based on what other people have told you about JRRT based on their own understanding, you don't have to enjoy it any less. Tolkien wrote this mythology for England, and believe it or not, England has changed in the last 100 years as well. If the world of Middle-Earth changes to reflect that, as it certainly will over time, that's not a sign that new writers are betraying Tolkien's vision. It's a sign that the story is finally passing into myth. And "myth," unlike "intellectual property," undergoes variance over time. Tolkien wanted to create a myth, and these stories transform from literature to myth, it becomes more acceptable for new writers to develop the orignal work in new directions, sometimes even contradicting what came before. Enjoy this series. Enjoy that it's not quite a literal, completely faithful imagining of Tolkien's Second Age. And enjoy the fact that myth changes over time and this would not be bothering him nearly as much as others seem to think.
@madmun376 19 сағат бұрын
Amazon has Butchered one of the most beloved works of litrature written in the 20th century completely changing the characters and the timeline and making it all up . One of the worst characters is Guy-ladriel who is totally out of character. Elrond is also out of character. what is next for the Butchers bench Wind in the Willows , Lion the witch and the wardrobe war and peace why not have Napolion be a sub saharan native why not have Anne Boleyn be a mandarin queen why not have an Alien space ship attack at the Fall of Gondolin Pfffft! what an utter load of rubbish.
@gottagowork 19 сағат бұрын
Dogmeat isn't "a dog", it's all - well, most - companion dogs in the Fallout universe, with the exceptions being Rex (full companion) and Roxie (temporary/location specific companion which can die). Dogmeat was in Fallout 1, 2, 3, 4, and as a pet in Fallout Shelter, and of course in the show.
@gottagowork 20 сағат бұрын
Maximus is "stupid" - as in, socially awkward - because he's apparently a "low" charisma build; both Lucy and Maximus have a charisma stat of 5, and the effects are failed speech and barter checks. Furthermore, his intelligence is only 4. As for "when the bombs fell", they're just talking over each other. Lucy means when the bombs fell in 2077 during the war, while Maximus refers to when a bomb took out Shady Sands when he was just a kid.
@gottagowork Күн бұрын
There are definitely good and likable characters in or originating from the BoS in the games. Like our friend Maximus here, who later gives a statement about the brotherhood that is aligned with his ideals, but certainly not the BoS. Yeah they're kinda twisted, but not as bad and ruthless as i.e. Enclave, and not as crazy as some of the other cults. All factions in a role playing game shouldn't be good or likable, that would be boring and Diensyesque. Also, characters in game, and even more so on screen, needs to be developed. Having a mystery surrounding them if they are likable or not, to me is a good approach to writing. Even if his backstory is weak for obvious reasons, and Maximus doesn't evolve that much during this season, I'm pretty sure he'll have a more significant role in season 2. The doctor/scientist is Enclave - one of the worst factions in the game - and some of the takeaways from the show alone are; close ties with Vault Tec, researching the "neck thing" (you know what it is by now), researching canine stuff (Cyberdogs?), and are even involved with FEV if you pay close attention to the opening minutes of this episode.
@theladynika Күн бұрын
The Enclave doesn't show up much in Fallout 4, at least I don't remember them. And yeah, there are worse cults in the game, like the Children of Atom, but since there aren't many quests with them, I usually forget. I've been thinking a lot about the show and the comments I've been receiving about the BoS. I realized that I actually like a lot of the characters from that faction; I just don't agree with their ideals. The characters and the story in general need mystery-that's the best writing. I love solving them. It doesn't stop me from being frustrated, though; it doesn't mean I didn't like it.
@gottagowork Күн бұрын
If you like FO4 you should really give Fallout New Vegas a go. FO4 is a better computer game and more polished, but FONV is a better role playing game that definitely is a bit dated now. Btw, the playlist is in reverse order, which may prevent some from watching, but I'll manage.
@theladynika Күн бұрын
I played New Vegas for just a bit, but I had to uninstall it before I did much-not enough space. Now I have more space, so I may play it again. Thanks for telling me about the playlist. KZfaq must have changed how it introduces new videos to it (it used to be oldest first).
@aranerem5569 3 күн бұрын
Hello, have you seen the movie Tarzan The Fearless?
@theladynika 2 күн бұрын
No, I haven't. I think the only Tarzan I've watched was the animated movie.
@aranerem5569 2 күн бұрын
@theladynika I saw Tarzan The Fearless on youtube. It has someone named Buster Crabbe in it
@theladynika 2 күн бұрын
Found it. Not sure I'll react to it, but I'll watch it when I have time.
@arsewynd 5 күн бұрын
Remember when Lucy didnt want to take vault 4 fusion core because of what her dad would think. Well eff you Hank. Moldaver is alive IMO for the very same reason Hank is, she had a private cryogenic pod probably in New Vegas. From the change in her age came out maybe twenty years ago. It is the cold fusion technology vault-tec took from Moldavers company and put on a shelf, IT IS NOT the same tech as the fusion cores, those do not provide unlimited energy. Moldaver went out to fight, not run away she is IMO the current leader of the New California Republic. The city where Hank is going is New Vegas. Moldaver CRYO she had enough money to build her own shelter.
@theladynika 5 күн бұрын
Okay, a lot of answers from Moldaver. And now that you mentioned it (the cold fusion technology), I remembered the conversation she had with Coop that I didn't pay enough attention to. I really need to rewatch everything. Well, they only showed her leaving the building and no fighting scenes, so I thought she had grabbed what she wanted and left. New Vegas. I thought about the city that showed at the end but didn't recognize it. Thanks for telling me.
@gottagowork 18 сағат бұрын
I think the answer may be in her line "Vault Tec bought *ALL* companies I worked for". As a scientist, a highly renowned one at that, maybe Cold Fusion isn't the only tech Vault Tec acquired via her? On a completely unrelated topic, hi Gary 😂 Keep in mind Vault Tec has strong ties to Enclave, and we could see some of the science stuff going on there in the opening of episode 2. FEV included, originating before the bombs fell with West Tec NBC division, who was present at the meeting. Speculating of course, but I'm pretty convinced Enclave is going to turn out to be the ultimate bad faction in the series, despite Wilzig.
@fabiofarrooficial 7 күн бұрын
The 14th Doctor's Tardis and the 15th Doctor's Tardis are the same, just at different points in time. I believe that when the Toymaker shot the Fourteenth Doctor, in The Giggle, the Fifteenth Doctor was taken from the end of his predecessor's life to the present. The Fifteenth Doctor realized that the Toymaker's domain had not yet completely eroded, and also that he had not claimed his prize for victory. He took out a hammer from under a platform and hit the Tardis, bringing his Tardis back from the future. But I imagine that, in the 50th anniversary special, there were 10 versions of Sutekh swirling around Gallifrey on top of each Tardis. 😂
@fabiofarrooficial 7 күн бұрын
Anyway, Sutekh waited until the Tardis went all this way to act. So, all this time, he was inactive, as if he was "charging' himself.
@theladynika 6 күн бұрын
I hadn't thought about that, but him being from the future makes complete sense, especially because the 15th said to the 14th something like, 'I'm okay because you fixed yourself.' In the 50th, if he wasn't sleeping or 'charging' like you said, he must have thought, 'Why are we here AGAIN?'. So funny, 10th time... 'Here we go again!'
@fabiofarrooficial 7 күн бұрын
"What will survive of us is love" is the last line of a poem called An Arundel Tomb by Philip Larkin. It describes the poet's response to seeing a pair of recumbent medieval tomb effigies with their hands joined in Chichester Cathedral. But you probably already know this. I'm more than a month late. LOL
@theladynika 6 күн бұрын
I saw something about it being a poem but didn't look further. Thanks for the info! I like knowing these little things, but I do forget (or get a bit lazy) to research sometimes.
@tribblefluffer 7 күн бұрын
You can consider any dog companion in the Fallout Universe "Dogmeat", as it's used in multiple instances across different storylines. I personally like the Brotherhood of Steel, but not just because of the cool armor, etc.. I like that they aren't portrayed as pure good or pure evil, they are always conflicted, some are true to the ideals while others only give lip service to the rules. Glad to see another Fallout fan who isn't out to dig on everything they don't find consistent or they don't necessarily approve of. Just started your reactions, looking forward to more.
@theladynika 6 күн бұрын
Oh, I only met Dogmeat in Fallout 4, and he only gets the name Dogmeat after you talk with Mama Murphy, so I thought it was the only one. The armor and general style of the Brotherhood are really cool, but their ideals are what I don't care for much. Still, maybe I haven't played enough (and I did like a few of the Brotherhood characters from the game). As for consistency, when it comes to fiction: the longer the story goes on, the more inconsistent it will be. So I just enjoy what I get. I hope you enjoy the reactions.
@tribblefluffer 6 күн бұрын
@@theladynika Definitely! I just enjoy the Fallout world and i'm grateful to have a show dedicated to it that is so well thought out and constructed. Enjoying the reactions, thanks for taking the time to make them!
@arsewynd 8 күн бұрын
IMO the prisoners were killed by Betty and/or Steph, their usefulness as a distraction is over. The worship of Moldaver is because the worshippers are from Shady Sands and Moldaver is a revered leader, if not, the current head of the New California Republic.
@theladynika 6 күн бұрын
Yeah, I thought it was Betty, but I wasn't sure.And I forgot all about the Moldaver worship while I was watching the last episode, and they didn't bring it up, so what you say makes sense.
@joshuajoshua2732 9 күн бұрын
The next episode is confirmed to returning at Christmas. This is one the worst season finales in the history of the show there was all this big build up for weeks as to whose Ruby's mother was like "Is she an alien?" "Is she a Time Lord" "Is she this and that?" and RTD came up with one if the most dullest and most laziest written boring plotlines ever made like "Oh no she's just an ordinary person who abandoned her daughter" that's writing for soap operas not science fiction so that was the biggest disappointment also she wears a big cloak and points at the name Ruby which no can see so that made absolutely no sense i'm kind of getting sick of companions with their families i just want to see space adventures and monsters and Daleks. It would also be nice to have an episode where Ncuti's Doctor doesn't keep crying every episode which I'm not a particular big fan of. Wasn't a fan of the Sutekh CGI dog I would had rather they had a real actor and looked in the same way as he did in Classic Who with the green eyes and the scary mask I am however glad they used the same voice actor. But no this episode for me was a major let down.
@theladynika 8 күн бұрын
Now we wait for Christmas! Yeah, the 'she is only human' line was a bit disappointing, but it goes with the 'everyone is important' theme that Doctor Who has, so I'm okay with it. I do agree with the pointing to the name thing-it makes no sense. But I do like seeing the companions' families. Wilfred Mott is one of my favorite characters in the whole show and one of the reasons why Donna is my favorite companion. I loved seeing him in the 60th anniversary. I think the crying Doctor has to do with the 14th Doctor plot line, where the Doctor has been running without stopping for so long, and now he is allowing his emotions to emerge... or something like that. I don't dislike it, but in 'Dot and Bubble' it did felt weird. I haven't watched the classic episodes yet, so I can't comment much. But weird CGI is part of Doctor Who, really. I don't hate the episode.
@leslieturner8276 15 күн бұрын
The occurrence of the woman Susan that you say that you didn’t notice, she appeared in "Space Babies" .
@theladynika 13 күн бұрын
Oh... thank you! I usually miss a lot with Doctor Who. That's why I love rewatching, there's always something 'new.'
@rasmussenrandy5082 17 күн бұрын
Why is so much of the episode cut out? No conversation between Coop and Barb, no reaction to the one eyed overseer, etc. I wish you included more of the episode.
@theladynika 17 күн бұрын
Two reasons, actually. The first is that if I put too much of the episode in the video, KZfaq will block it. The second is that, especially during the Coop and Barb conversation, I was paying so much attention to it that I didn't really react much, so I didn't think it had much value to include. Thank you for your input, though. I'm sorry I missed the parts you wanted to see. I watch reactors too, and it's annoying when they skip my favorite parts.
@steve8510 22 күн бұрын
Richard E Grant, the 9th Doctor from the comics is now canon (4th face). He plays the great Intelligence in live action Doctor Who.
@theladynika 20 күн бұрын
I didn't even noticed he was there. I'd like to see him as the Great Intelligence again. Do you think we'll have a story with the 4th doctor in it, since they made him canon? Like David Bradley in Twice Upon a Time?
@thelazygamer1639 8 күн бұрын
It was just Scream of the Shalka, he didn't have comics or anything.
@fabiofarrooficial 7 күн бұрын
​@@thelazygamer1639 For anyone who wants to know: Scream of the Shalka was a Flash animated series released from November 13 to December 18, 2003. Almost two years before New Who. There is a novelization and all six episodes is on DVD too. In addition to Richard E. Grant, it features Derek Jacobi as The Master, Sophie Okonedo as Alison Cheney and David Tennant as The Caretaker.
@joshuajoshua2732 Ай бұрын
Alot of reactors seem to miss the entire point of the ending of the episode the reason why Lindy and the rest of the people didn't want to go with the Doctor in the TARDIS was because he was black if you look back at the beginning of the episode earlier you'll notice there's not a single multi racial person in the friend list in Lindy's bubble and as soon as she saw the Doctor she immediately blocked him when he was trying to help her despite their racism the Doctor was still willing to help them but they just wouldnt take his help and i have to say and i know this is harsh but serves them right if something bad does happen to them. Lindy is a not only a racist and spoiled brattish but she's also a complete sociopath she had Ricky killed for her own life after he tried to help her. Nice performance from Ncuti Gatwa when his Doctor goes from his typical smile and laughtng to his anger and outrage. Yes it's an alien planet called finetime as explained in the episode Lindy and the rest of the humans it was not made clear in the episode but it is presumed they were aliens due to a dead body they showed at the beginning of the episode being dragged away that has blue blood.
@theladynika 29 күн бұрын
I didn't consider the race; I thought it was a social (them being rich) thing. Either way, I don't like them. I don't wish anything bad to happen, but I wouldn't help. Maybe I should, you know, be the better person, but I guess they need to learn for themselves. I especially didn't like Lindy. What she did to Ricky was beyond wrong. I'd understand the survival instinct of running and leaving someone behind, but she stopped to "throw him under the bus" for a better chance of survival. I'm still a bit speechless about it. I'm loving Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor. He has the energy and silliness, and also the anger (I don't really like when the Doctor gets angry, but I understand the reasons). I thought that Finetime was the name of the city, but I do talk sometimes when I should be listening. I didn't notice the blue blood either.
@JayJamsSpams Ай бұрын
Nothing happened? She saved the world from going to the brink of nuclear war. That's all 😊
@theladynika Ай бұрын
Yeah, but then she came back! The way I see it, it erased everything she did. That's why I got so upset with this episode.
@JayJamsSpams Ай бұрын
I think there was a one time loop. The first time, the breaking of the circle made the old lady appear. When she died, she went back in time and was there BEFORE the circle got trodden on. So thanks to the warning, the circle remained unbroken, Mad Jack was not unbound, and the world changed. Simple 😅
@theladynika Ай бұрын
Simple! 😂 Nothing is simple in Doctor Who... but I do like your explanation; it does give a reason for everything. I'd still like it if there was more. The movements she was doing got stuck in my head, and I thought there was more to it.
@arsewynd Ай бұрын
Lucy could not just take the chip it needs a special extractor. Norm grows to be my favorite character by series end.
@theladynika Ай бұрын
I'm liking Norm. I don't agree with some of his ideals, but so far, he's one of my favorites.
@arsewynd Ай бұрын
Yes, the dog was under weight. FYI its name is cx-404 not dogmeat which is a n error code for "file not found" That was a MK1 turret which are very poor shots. In The Ghouls defense cx-404 attacked him, which gets you stabbed in the wasteland.
@theladynika Ай бұрын
Well... I get that he had to defend himself (the ghoul), but still, I feel bad for the dog. So funny that the dog's name is 404; I hadn't noticed that. I just thought it was the same dog from Fallout 4, but then again, Fallout 4 happens in Boston. As for the turrets, they are always a pain for me.
@arsewynd Ай бұрын
Best decision of series was to not make it realistic and lean into the game logic. The armor isn't heavy per se, it is operated by hydraulics and servos, not your muscle power. Yes California, Santa Monica. The vault people fought back and there are around two hundred people in each vault, so they did out number the "raiders". Not to mention the "raiders" motivations are not what you think.
@theladynika Ай бұрын
I'm loving that they are keeping the game logic in it. The best part of fiction is exactly that: it is not real life. So the stories can be more fantastical. Yeah, it makes sense that there are a lot of people in the vaults. It's just that most of the faces we saw remained alive, so it felt strange. I'm already noticing that the raiders have something more to them, but I still haven't finished.
@theladynika Ай бұрын
Guys, at 00:55 I was thinking about "Hell Bent", and completely forgot about the "Timeless Child". 😞
@ElMr.Kefiny Ай бұрын
Is this red haired woman the Nany People?
@theladynika Ай бұрын
The fabulous person you're referring to isn't the 'Nanny People' but they do have an amazing sense of style! Let's give the Maestro a shoutout for rocking that look! 😎😎
@ElMr.Kefiny Ай бұрын
What if the guy has fingers the size of Shaquille O'Neal's fingers? He won't have to worry about mushrooms from nuclear bombs?
@theladynika Ай бұрын
Good point! 😂 If his fingers are as big as Shaq's, he might just block out the sun instead! But seriously, let's hope none of us have to deal with mushrooms of that kind.
@Noob_BrazilShorts 7 ай бұрын
Wow, you seem like a nice old lady
@theladynika Ай бұрын
Thank you! You too!! 😉😂