Suggested I LEAVE Diablo Immortal
4 сағат бұрын
BEWARE - Don't Be a Victim!
12 сағат бұрын
The BEST 5 Star Gems in Diablo Immortal
INSANE Prices Right Now in Diablo Immortal
@xrisku 57 секунд бұрын
Too much to do. I was not one of the players begging for more. I liked the game how it was. Pets - I still cant be bothered to figure them out.
@badmintonmalaysia7529 9 минут бұрын
20k platinum for sleeping bial could be cheap for you, but not for majority of us. majority of us not spend much money (yeah i know you said u are a small spender, but we spend much more lesser than u). make the store prices much lower please. to buy the orbs for 1 time seems like we pay for a complete game..
@kelvinmajere 13 минут бұрын
for me still #Blizzard #Netease rigging #diabloimmortal battle grounds matching, so i drop 2-3 rank tiers every time after I gain 1 tier once I reach gold. The mismatch is so obvious and the pattern every season is so blatant - skill or even p2w stats are useless against #Blizzard #Netease algorithm controlling your frustratingly seamlessly endless lose streaks to hinder your progress to make you play throughout the season - why would anyone wanna 'play' such a game, much less pay? p.s maybe initially I ranked up to legend very quickly and stopped playing BG after and now #Blizzard #Netease sandboxes my account in repeated endless losing streaks all season long, I dunno.
@vinylen 51 минут бұрын
For me that play when i have the time, it's to much todo now and some new event is just for people with highreso. I play the game with no money spending it's harder but more competive for me
@V1K1NG-Diablo Сағат бұрын
No more updates no more new classes - Just need to been fix all black screen , crash game , lag , market things like this basic and it's possible agree with you
@moanseliii6349 Сағат бұрын
This game needs more cosmetics for low spenders. Improve set items. Balanced Moba like PVP for low or high level players to have fun. Fix lag issues. Improve matchmaking. I hope this game will have an e-sports tournament.
@SilverEnergy Сағат бұрын
Whats my main deals 1. Pvp balance 2. Pve mode for higher reconance with lets say 10% better drop rates but mobs 200-400% stronger 3. New pvp types king of the hill, capture the flag, weekly tournament 4. Weekly, monthly fastest dungeon, rift, so on 5. Weekly, monthly highest kill streak, most pvp kills, moust pve kills so on 6. Possible to costumyse charachter mix helms, both wep/shields, chest, shoulders, pants (eaven if it looks funny,) 7. Mix pets skills and ultimates for 5000plat per random roll 3 max stats pets needed. 8. Better shadow quest system simular to immortal one 9. Better way to merge charms some way to lock in what i want lets say something like familyars. I destroy a rune to get some stuff that i use to lock it in on both sides what i want to changes and what i want 10. More attributes to rare and legendary mobs like ultra small, ultra big, multyply to 5 mobs, multyply to 10 mobs, 2x hp, 5x hp, 2x dam, 5x dam, and so on. So somtimes they are to strong to take down by yourself if its a leg its hard. 11. Each hour 1 mob is triggerd randomly on each map that is world boss, 100xhp, 15x dam, 3diffrent atributes like thunder, multiply, lava, freeze, roots, so on and no new is spawed before the old one is dead. Rewards top 5 players get leg with odds for triples 5%, others 10% odds to get leg equipment
@Naggie_ Сағат бұрын
My personal feeling after over two years of playing, not missing a single day of play since launch, has been the ever decreasing correct information given to the players. In the beginning, just as ECHO said, the game was smaller. I believe that means the game mechanics were simpler and easier to explain and write for the in-game tool-tips. A more game modes appear and more stuff gets added, it either gets harder to write information to the players, or the developers feel so rushed that there's not anyone translating it from Chinese to English. A good example is this on-going Bout of Realms. There was no information about it apart from that is was PvP and you'd be in a party of 4 players. Some servers apparently had a clickable info-button somewhere, but not all servers. Much like the server merges only had information to some players and not all. I've been given info from those info-buttons, and even there it does not say the game mode is a daily activity. It says the date it starts, and when the finals are. It also says what format these PvP games are (which I had no clue about until the first game came). The (hidden) information also says that you are competing against players on your own server to see who's the best PvP group on the server. That is a lie. You're playing against other servers in your region. I think is error is from bad translation. This is just one of many similar issues I've felt the game gets more and more of. The players are not given any clue what the developers are trying to give them. Some players might think exploring the unknown is exciting, but very few MMORPG/ARPG players feel that way. We are here to grind and improve our builds and gear. Improving is done by incrementally getting stuff which is better. Not knowing how stuff works makes us unable to improve. Why should we spend 7-8 hours each day at maaaaybe possibly get something which we have no idea what it does for our character's performance? We need clear and somewhat exact information about what the new patches have for us. Speaking of patches, I've seen a trend in patch notes too. Ever since the old Shadow War system was replaced by the Alley of Blood type of Shadow War, that patch note had a handfull of direct lies in it. And in every patch note since then, there has been at least a few lies every time. Some may think this is exciting with a roulette of possible things to come in the game. But many of us also feel discouraged to play when the lies become obvious. We are human. Humans don't appreciate being lied to over and over. It's basic psychology. We need clear and correct information from the patch notes. For the in-game mechanics, it has also been clear that new classes are a big hit for the developers. They want the players to play them, test them, and experience something new. I applaud that sentiment, but there's a good way and a bad way of doing that. Making everything new incredibly overpowered to get players to test it is not the way to go. Blood Knights were overpowered in all PvP-related game modes when they came to the game thanks to the never-before-seen beneficial effect of "Untargetable". That beneficial effect later got slightly nerfed on BK and was also given to a few other classes. Then comes the Tempests with multiple sources of Untargetable and ways to have that at a 100% uptime while dealing damage to enemies. The PvP game modes are once again unplayable, unless you're a Tempest. I've seen other comments on this video asking for class balance. Overall the game has decent class balance, but the new classes ALWAYS get overpowered at release. I wonder if the developers need to start a QA department. The lag has been bad, but that has been bad in many other games too. There has been solar storms killing internet service providers (ISP) all over the world the last few months. The developers are not at fault for that. As for myself, I left the game yesterday. It's been les and less fun. I haven't been having fun in the game for the past year. It's been things on a list to do, but nothing that gives me that dopamine injection. It's like going to work and hating it there. The best way to feel better is to find a new workplace. So that's why I'm no longer playing the game. The response we got from the community manager about the server merges was the straw that broke the camel's back. I've just been playing until my Boon of Plenty ran out.
@MrNissangtr34 Сағат бұрын
@user-nz5zi6gc8j Сағат бұрын
Yes, fixing the mechanics only (plus bugs) should be a bi-monthly maintenance focus.
@tomiponni Сағат бұрын
I stand at cr35000 and its really a pain to raise my cr. I cant do Inferno 1 raids. Only way seems to be upgrading but im totally out of gold. And legendaries and sets are hardly an upgrade anymore
@richardssecretsentertainme2203 2 сағат бұрын
I suggest that the market has its own "Suggested Retail Price".. Cause it's not worth it to sell some leg gems and leg runes for the price that you can almost give it for free..
@chosen_one13 2 сағат бұрын
The lag and freezing in bgs in ridiculous...havent even been doing many bgs because of it
@Jmeister. 2 сағат бұрын
Echo the whiner
@jgb6888 3 сағат бұрын
As long as you players still pay, nothing will improve because theyre still earning.
@Camersan 3 сағат бұрын
Seriously though, here I go... 1. Make Separate Servers for the Players that ONLY want to do PvE or the Players that want to do Both. They did that for WoW, why not here as well? 2. Weekly BP Cap Doubled to 4,800. I usually reach 2,400 by Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning. 3. It takes 400 Extraction Points to obtain your Legendary Essence of choice, so Increase the Cap to 400. Yes sometimes you can get 2,5,10, or even the remainder of your Currently Selected Essence, but those don't happen often enough to make it an obtainable Goal for a Player to get EVERY Essence for EVERY Class. At least not at the Rate they Release New Items/Essences for All Classes & New Classes Period. 4. 1 Possible "Fix" for the lack of Platinum, or just how Difficult it is to Accumulate, make ALL NORMAL GEMS Unbound! IF Players Need to use them for their Character/s & Rank them up, they will? Personally I don't like Hunting for Hidden Lairs myself...They don't Spawn often enough & too many People trying to be the 1st to get Inside. INSTEAD what I would do is make them (Normal Gems) Drop more often in both Dungeons AND Open World Farming? 5. Make it so Normal Gems up to Rank 5 can Drop in Dungeons/Open World. Not at a Absurdly High Rate, but also NOT at a Ridiculously Low Rate either? Ranking Up Normal Gems just to Rank 5 before you start Needing the ECHO Crystals is annoying enough... 6. You can Exchange Reinforced Scrap Materials for Beguiling Dust. You also need to be able to Exchange (Down) Flowing Shards to Beguiling Dust, & Beguiling Dust to Reinforced Scrap Materials? *Please don't be Cheap with them either...) 7. I would also like to see Different Type of Goblins added to the Game like you did in D3. 1 that Drops A LOT of Gold. 1 that Drops A LOT of Scraps &/or Dust. 1 that Drops A LOT of Normal Gems... Those are just SOME of my Ideas, I have MANY More, but I'll Stop there for right MEOW... PS: Let Precious find her way back Home to Greta PLEASE...😭💔🐈🚫👧
@nickmiro6648 3 сағат бұрын
I think market is okay since it’s not inflated and thus if you sell that’s the new price trade which is easier for us small players. But I was thinking I wish we can trade off cosmetics to maybe plate or orbs, I just want to dispose those and make use to something else.
@RichardPeterson-uz1xz 3 сағат бұрын
Their approach to how pvp works is absolute trash.if there is anything I want to see change,it's making pvp much more ballenced,and approachable by all players,regardless of their income. Not all of us can afford to drop thousands of dollars on a game just to get the ability to be a d1ck.and blizzard has made pvp a core aspect of the game in multiple ways.but what most of us see is a whale as you people call em obliterate everybody else.this renders all of these game modes pointless.but I think we all know blizzard won't hear reason and logic and will continue to milk their cash cows.and these poor idiots don't even realize they are being used and abused by long as they got a clear cut ability to seal club everybody I doubt they even care they are being farmed by a developer. Outside of that garbage I would absolutely support more classes.hell,add all classes from all diablo titles and let there be variety.
@vidasbanys 3 сағат бұрын
I would just add we need to have a bit more luck and crazy unique legedaries. Im talking about that a player who farms a lit and far far away suddenly gets and epic item. Like in old days. And maybe he is a low spender but that item makes him a GOAT for that season. Thats a proper improovemet.
@vidasbanys 3 сағат бұрын
Bro i hope you read this and btw much love to you. BLIZZARD DOES NOT GIVE A… sorry but lets be honest. Im in diablo since d1. I had the horadrim beastiary printes and hang on my wall . But blizzard changed. Ive spent around 10-12k on the game now ive checked … ive asked very kindly to chage from spanish server to english one. The answer was… we really admire you as a player,but… ofc i know rules are rules, but at the end of the day its all about the money. Platinum is rare to get as fck nowadays sorry. Anyways. Most of us are still grinding and loving the game anyways.❤
@freehandaamh850 3 сағат бұрын
Too lag.. and the game is shit
@SEN-uw9ks 4 сағат бұрын
we need to quit DI simple Will blizz listen to u guys ? hell nah 😆
@Flacko-eu 4 сағат бұрын
Cant play terror rift anymore since it’s too laggy. Server seems not to be able to handle it. I’m from eu server. Game also constantly crashing, while it was fine 1 year ago. Market is too expensive here. Some gems sell for max price. Cheaper market would be nice as well.
@showmeyourbumhole 4 сағат бұрын
I just want to play in portrait mode, warcraft rumble feels good that way, I don't mind brawl stars landscape because that's like a 3 min game, idk just what I think
@Camersan 4 сағат бұрын
All I Care about is Greta being Reunited with her Kitty "Precious".
@smh7422 4 сағат бұрын
Reduce market max prices substantially
@philipsmith3871 5 сағат бұрын
Do a thorough debug, logged on last night for Shadow War and had to do a Total Update, which occurred recently for ????, so missed War and Clan lost final by 3 points, frustrating +++
@irama4821 5 сағат бұрын
Nice nice content echo, hope the letter sent to blizzard, especially lag issues (more in pvp mode) and drop rate of legos. Keep it up
@GaddTV24 5 сағат бұрын
i think alot of player experience burn out because how demanding this game is and they dont even realize it. Game is amazing, i wish they could clean up the PC client tho. im looking forward to the update road map in the future and more end game content
@Phoenix19901 6 сағат бұрын
1.Reduce the amount of normal gems to upgrade 2. Make new contract quests 3. Make new side quests 4. Beatle pass skins for all classes
@joethehobo89yt24 6 сағат бұрын
Learned a lot! Thanks
@panpan7744 6 сағат бұрын
There's nothing that we can do about the market. It's just the same with how economics works in real life, when the demand is low the prices goes down.
@coldspell8676 6 сағат бұрын
Flying mounts please. I’ll pay anything
@j.andres3006 6 сағат бұрын
Echo is a whiner...prices are natural... stupid
@armelspew 7 сағат бұрын
Please advise the devs to have the REFORGE LOADOUT included when we activate loadouts via the armory/pet.
@marcoramos767 7 сағат бұрын
I love the game, but I quit like a week ago, and honestly, it's a relief not having to do so many task. For me the worst thing is there are too many activities at specific times: vault, terror rifts, events, kion/shadow war, tower, RoE, and even pvp, they are just not compatible with real life, I mean, what are they thinking? They want ppl to put money on their game, but we either work or play since the game became such a heavy burden. It makes no sense, if you are a heavy grinder the game is capped on everything, so you get "almost nothing", if you play casual, you loose that little "almost nothing" every day and you gonna be way behind in the long run, so what you really have to do is to play whenever they want and do whatever they want. That's literally a job, and not a rewarding one
@KemianScott 8 сағат бұрын
By far my most favorite game!!! I‘m very sad that I am unable to play every single day like I used too and hope to be able to again in a couple of months. As a casual, not big spender, the only issue I really noticed was familiars not picking everything up like they were supposed to. I know that this was addressed in a recent update, but it could still use a little bit more tweaking. Either way. I still love this game and can‘t wait to be able to get back to more regular gameplay. Thanks!
@dariuspgomes 9 сағат бұрын
L9ve your channel and videos man, but Are you complain about market, because you want to sell as high price possible to get profit.. but you are not thinking about other players that cannot buy. Market with low prices are good to all.. except to who want to sell to get more $$$$$$$$$ plat
@ECHOGamingDiablo 9 сағат бұрын
That is not how it works man. I am actually not caring about selling as I am a buyer. It is the value of the crest and the lack of reason to buy and sell. It’s the whole game economy which is down because of this. The low prices I have actually benefited from but that doesn’t mean it is good for the game
@michaelscott8765 9 сағат бұрын
Change the safe house contract, it's too long and annoying
@ChrisRaber-j2j 10 сағат бұрын
The lag in any event that has a lot of players. I play on a PC and have so many bugs... Also have friends that play on top of line iPads and crash like every 10 min.
@diablolucifer6780 10 сағат бұрын
It's not a buyers market when you can not earn platinum in the game. It's only a buyers market for whales who spend real money to buy platinum and then buy up all the cheap gems. Because the market has crashed the price of platinum, obols,crests and packs should be reduced accordingly. You can't expect people to keep spending if there is no value for money. One crest get you a 1 star gem value 500 plat
@Slowride1369 10 сағат бұрын
Need to remove players res and make everyone even in my opinion.To date the game is so unbalanced. Stop giving us classes with STR,give us a class with INT class
@OmniaNactus 10 сағат бұрын
1) Upgrading gear ranks has taken far too long. We either need more trash loot drops or more salvage when we salvage those items. 2) Players with Inferno 2 levels of Combat Rating has led to the paid catch up resonance mechanic being ineffective in battlegrounds. 3) There are too many group or PvP focused events. 4) The Hilt Vendor. Let us spend our hilts. Telluric Pearls and Legendary Crest are a special case which should remain unchanged, but why is our spending limited for mystery legendaries, or salavge etc when the currency itself is already supply limited?
@bigdeboatl23 10 сағат бұрын
It's too expensive. Getting 5 star gems sucks
@thegrymlife6483 10 сағат бұрын
For all we know Blizzard probably doesn’t have creative control when it comes to Immortal. Netease probably has control over most of it.
@dellboss7056 10 сағат бұрын
More to the game a
@BullsEyE1986 11 сағат бұрын
I use a PC and the server lag is HORRENDOUS! Game closes at times when changing gear, and the inarious skin lags the loading time REALLY bad!! or Im stuck on a 100% but somehow the other players on mobile are already deep in the dungeon or defending the Vault..Its happended where ill load into defending the vault and by the time it loads im already dead stuck on 100%.. The PC client is really in a bad state right now..
@maine-ly 11 сағат бұрын
I am running a Red Magic 8 Pro 16gb ram, 500gb memory, internal fan and external fan cooler. I get lag but I also have the setting pretty much maxed out. I found if I go high on resolution but not ultra I get significant battery savings. Either way I get lag with 60fps, high resolution, etc Some days are better than others. I’m trying to button smash less frequently and I think that is helping.
@Mattiekins 11 сағат бұрын
More storage. Storage is woefully inadequate
@Semiazas-ks7bo 11 сағат бұрын
I would like a way to reroll affixes and CR on legendary items. Reroll affixes and slots on greens. Halve the amount of things to cap and double their rewards. Same rewards but less time taken to grind them. I also want something to spend my dust and scrap on. Im caped so find many events completely unrewarding.