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Growing Micro greens | Day 2
Planting Onions in January
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Being afraid to ask for help…
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Late Spring Garden Tour 2022
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@TheJoshflowers 4 күн бұрын
Same here. Exactly as you say it. I’m the baby of 4. I’m 33 now and my middle brother is 40, sister is 42 and my oldest brother is 45. I do everything I can to make a relationship with them. I’ve asked for forgiveness many times, if I’ve done anything, and I’ve tried my best to make dates to hang out. It hurts because I’m doing my best to go out of my way to try, and yet they would rather hang out with each other then me. I don’t know what I did. Ever sense my mother passed away from cancer 2 years ago, they’ve become the most distant to me. I love them and miss my mom so much. The only person I have left is my dad and they don’t see him either.
@THATBIHHHH 7 күн бұрын
I’m going through the same thing right now. I sent her letters, and I got nothing, on our last conversation she told me to leave her and her kids alone, so I can’t be the cool uncle to my nephews, it hurts, it’s sad, but I’m walking away in peace. I tried to make amends but I know shes cold hearted as was our Toxic Father.. woooo hoooo Family, aren’t they “supposed” to stick around through thick and thin…???????
@stephaniemcguire 8 күн бұрын
"I am enough"❤ Thank you.
@madalyndrewno5280 9 күн бұрын
I am going through a grieving process of recognizing I have no relationship with either of my sisters, as an adoptee it feels extremely painful. Your words and perspective feel so powerful and are helping me to accept that I do not have relationship with them and that it will be okay.
@MarilynSisa 11 күн бұрын
i feel you seriously. :-)
@miastroman3383 11 күн бұрын
I am the baby of the three as well
@miastroman3383 11 күн бұрын
I tried to be the peacemaker between my siblings when our Mom passed. It backfired and now my sister does not want to speak to me. It really broke my heart because we talked all day everyday, but she choose to cut me off.. It's hard but I respect her decision
@miastroman3383 11 күн бұрын
I am going through this now.. Thank you for sharing.. Needed this
@customerservicebusters4878 12 күн бұрын
You call it Toxic I call it walcome to Adult hood. I just stumbled on to your channel,if you have children and a husband that’s your family.
@customerservicebusters4878 12 күн бұрын
Look just we had barbecues in the 80s doesn’t mean we do it in 2024
@elderflowerforrosie 14 күн бұрын
hi @wilddmother, I am curious how your relationship with your sibling is now, any reconciliation? any more understanding.
@roseturvey1430 14 күн бұрын
Going through the exact same stuff as you. Scary how similar !
@barbarah4710 21 күн бұрын
I can also relate..❤ Thank you so much for making this video feelings are real. Can you remind me of the music that I had siblings family estrangement in it? I’d like to put it on my Spotify. I grew up in a abusive alcoholic home, and to be honest, I started living with my dad and drinking with him when I was 14 at that point my family made fun of my mom a lot My mom passed away 11 years ago at the same time I had a baby and mostly I felt like my dad and my two older siblings sisters pretty much hang out and drink together and I because I kept not drinking. I wasn’t included to the parties etc. over the years it’s really hurt and I try to work it out and talk with him about it and they told me that I was crazy for thinking that and now both my sisters are not Facebook friends with me and I live for provinces away. There’s been times that I felt so isolated a lonely I couldn’t understand why they didn’t love me or make connections for my daughter I tried numerous times to reach out to them and got rejected. I love how you say you just need to pray for them and pray for healing of your heart and it is true just because your family doesn’t mean that they know how to love. I’m lucky that I have some friends in my life now and will continue to have friends that I can love and they can love me and my daughter
@melanieallen7125 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing because i am going through the same thing, I started thinking about our childhood, then it came together , my sister is a bully, and was really mean to me all the time, mom never did anything about it, she never got in trouble for being mean to me, and she still doesn't , so sister grew up thinking it was ok to be mean to people, try looking back at your childhood cause thats where it starts, so my mother created a monster!!!😢
@mrslvw 27 күн бұрын
I've had sunflowers I randomly planted come up good before but none the last summer. This year I soaked the seed in warm water and let sit overnight before planting. Much better results- most germinating and are growing well (still baby plantings but hopefully will have some big tall blooms in a month or two).
@RovingPunster Ай бұрын
Im growing Kajari for the 1st time. Ive read that after ripening you let them rest a couple days after picking to boost their sweetness. Ill know better later this summer.
@lisafreake5473 Ай бұрын
This video is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for sharing. I’m having a hard time re my sister also. And it breaks my heart. But her actions towards me are always hurtful so I decided to truly distance myself from her. I know this video is old. I hope u are well. Hugsss
@ccalexander1924 Ай бұрын
I think it was big of you to actually sit down with your sister and have a mature adult conversation about your differences. I have not done that with her yet but she makes me so angry that I can’t have that conversation yet. I have learned we are just two different. If we weren’t sisters we would not be friends. We have absolutely nothing in common. What I find so strange is how different my other sis is. My other sis is kind. She doesn’t judge me and we can hang out and have a good time. Like you said we all have our own path in life. Well my path is one without her now bc I’m done trying
@christinep.4238 Ай бұрын
Also, there's many videos to heal from all types of mental & emotional trauma. Keep searching KZfaq, Google, etc ❤
@christinep.4238 Ай бұрын
I wrote a reply to a comment below. Listen, what I lived through is my I grew as an adult was a process...what got me through is God!!! Period. Plus, videos and online groups...mainly began with Narcissist Chronicles & learning. Teaching me to focus on me as nobody else much more!!! Love yourself!!!! Pray for them. Look 2 future & less in rearview mirror 😊
@goldiegreen-ne8yu Ай бұрын
@goldiegreen-ne8yu Ай бұрын
@customerservicebusters4878 12 күн бұрын
Shut up
@orangerouette Ай бұрын
Thank you. My sister became very distant from me when she got these group of new friends. Now she only gives me the stink eye. She treats our mom the same way. Its taking me a long time to get used to this but I'll pull through. Wishing the best to whoever's reading this. ❤
@miastroman3383 Ай бұрын
I needed this video... I appreciate u
@dionnewright2330 Ай бұрын
Wow I can relate
@doubletamify Ай бұрын
Thank you for the update. Yes, I have gotten the same response. Thank you for validating my awareness, strength, and desire to be a complete me...not who they wanted me to be. I have read this over and over when I feel like " their doing it to me again" You can only try to make peace so many times and now they don't even understand they're doing anything wrong because they've done it sooo many times. Please continue this message and to be an inspiration to us all ❤ 😊
@doubletamify Ай бұрын
My only sister my older sister treat me like a piece of shit? I gave and gave and all I wanted was their love? I take care of my mom solely with her having Alzheimers. My sister and niece treat my mother like shit??? Actually my sister and niece hung up on my mother on Easter but I always gets treated 2nd and our plans are canceled when they make plans on my time. My mom will side with my sister and I cry. THANK-YOU for making me feel not alone. You are an inspiration to stay strong!!!!
@AuthenticBenny 2 ай бұрын
hey, what size is the pot to the left.... im looking to transplant my tree to a new pot soon
@queenbutterfly4888 2 ай бұрын
My sister stole my wedding venue, dress, hair, and has been all around jealous. Now she’s pregnant thinking I’m jealous of her when I’m not even sure if I want kids. She’s in competition with me in her own head. My younger sister is also toxic. They are like because my mother poisoned their minds during our parents divorce. My pregnant sister didn’t tell me or anyone on our fathers side that she’s pregnant. They are so weird. I cut them off but they believe I cut them off. Delusional
@imageus2 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your courage. This is very helpful for me right now.
@Wilddmother 2 ай бұрын
So glad to hear that - if you need anyone to talk to I'm here
@shadyfieldhomestead1974 2 ай бұрын
I put my satsuma in the ground back in September and it’s now April and it had flowers and now little fruit all over it. Should I remove all of them off the tree?
@Wilddmother 2 ай бұрын
Your choice - the first year I think it's a good idea only because you want to allow the roots to establish before you allow the tree to fruit so all the energy can go into the roots
@Kevinrowland-dz2ut 2 ай бұрын
I bought my giant sun flowers for yard art / the bees / and seeds / for any home grown fruit or vegi- that will grow in my sandy soil- i bought two different types of AMARANTH, as they have eatable seeds, and are concidered a survival crop/ they grow well in sandy soil , and are somewhat drought tolerant too-i want to get a big patch of jeruselum antichokes / or sunchokes/once you get them started/ they spread on there own/ so they need raised beds to keep them from taking over a big area.CAINT BEAT HOME GROWN FOOD WITH NO CHEMICLES/ stay healthy longer/ not pay crazy food prices/ i wish i would have planted apple trees 20 years ago when i bought my trailer house/ good apples are hard to find these days,with all the chemicles they coat the apples with so the last longer on the shelf.
@Kevinrowland-dz2ut 2 ай бұрын
i like it/ i got 200 giant sunflower seeds i might get planted this year unless i lay some hay on top my spot and let it build food up on top my mostly sand soil. dont mix mulch into the soil or nothing will grow untell the mulch turns into full black soil in 2 to 5 years- though if you lay wood chips or hay on top the soil ,it seeds to feed the roots just fine.
@lorileon2816 2 ай бұрын
Love flexing your beauty don't ya
@johac7637 2 ай бұрын
In the early 90s we lived near a prllet plant, we'd go and shovel the spills, waste from the big sheds, they would sell it cheap, we did the cleaning for thrm, herewe are 2024 and i winter in Arizona, and again live near a pellet plant, at times now i haul it in a 20' gooseneck trailer, sure does the soil building in thr desert dirt. So ive been useing it for 30+ years, and find it interesting how people are getting on board,for me it wasn't on purpose, just a cheap organic source.
@lucy8025 2 ай бұрын
I found this very helpful for a friend's chick who is unwell. Thank you for posting it!
@sweetcreating 2 ай бұрын
I love your video!😂😂 thank you for sharing. I was wondering how to harvest these and if I needed to pull out the stem and all etc.
@Tiare619 2 ай бұрын
I’m about to see 3 out of 4 of my half sisters, my “mother” and her man and my nieces. They’re all strangers and live very far. My mom has been judgmental on the few times I’ve seen her. I saw one half sister and her man 6 years ago. They are just pictures on Facebook and don’t respond much on Messenger. 🫤 I’ve always kept in touch with my aunt a couple states away. She raised one half sister. She is happy that they will come to visit from Tahiti.
@MikeOrganic 2 ай бұрын
Glad to see you back!
@Wilddmother 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@mistyjordan7147 2 ай бұрын
I can relate.😢
@lovenotes5299 3 ай бұрын
Every season brings growth in new areas!
@Wilddmother 3 ай бұрын
And only when I opened my real eyes did I see the truth -
@saraaltahawi3845 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing ❤ Watching both of your videos, truly gave me hope. Grieving an alive person, is the hardest thing one can go through. I’m definitely at the stage of your first video (crying about it). However, this one gave me hope that maybe in four years it won’t matter all that much, or not at all 🤍 peace upon your soul sister.
@beckymcmanus3367 3 ай бұрын
I have had that reconciliation talk with my sister 3 times over the years. Each time she said she would meet up at least monthly to try to rebuild. Each tome she has done no such thing. I have reached out again and again. I no longer want a relationship beyond surface politeness with her she just doesn't care or see any value in me. She never did and never will
@jayceasar2661 3 ай бұрын
you are beyond beautiful and soo gorgeous
@Wilddmother 3 ай бұрын
@laleezy77 3 ай бұрын
All i can say ur not alone!! Im the oldest of 8 girls & there are 4 fathers out of us. & there is 1 that poison the rest. Just 1. I blocked her but she did try to ruin my rships with others. My mom doesnt do anything but tell us family is all we got & we need to be there for each other. Im so over that! Not in my life! If u dont need me i dont need you. Period. Its hard but very much doable!! Normally these type are envious & jealous over things you wouldnt even expect. There is something they like about you & cant get over it so thy do whatever they can to project on to others how they really feel about themselves deep down. So let them keep feeling how they feel its their responsibility to regulate their own emotions..some familues only LOOK close. Soon as that outing is over the cordialness is too until the next one..i got tired of that too. Putting up a front for others to make them look gd!
@Astrologcomedy 3 ай бұрын
I invited my sister who was one of my best friends to my New Year’s party and she cursed me out and told me how much she’s always hated me. In front of my daughter… we’re finished. She did more things after that but not worth mentioning
@Astrologcomedy 3 ай бұрын
I’m not extending olive branches anymore but I respect your tenacity
@sydneyleblanc3054 3 ай бұрын
Curious to know the outcome!
@Wilddmother 3 ай бұрын
Success !
@pamelameltonhuff583 3 ай бұрын
I don't have a relationship with my sister's I don't want to do anything with me on the youngest I'm also 68 years old time's going to fly by and it will be too late I guess I don't realize but it does matter how you treat your siblings life is awfully short I'm heartbroken but they don't care😢
@DiamondTrailRanch 3 ай бұрын
This is great. trying the same thing out with some mammoth seeds myself!
@Wilddmother 3 ай бұрын
Good luck !