Fly vs spin fishing for SEA TROUT
@SUNILKUMAR-wi1zw 7 күн бұрын
Hi ,I hope you having more fun by doing fishing at your free time . Nice video n good guidance. I moved to Gothenburg from India few days back . I love to do fishing but I’m a beginner , so I can you please tell me the best fishing spots near by Gothenburg for both sea and lake fishing 6 күн бұрын
Hi! Hope you will enjoy staying here in Sweden! Fishing spots depend largely on what fish are you aiming for, your mobility (car/bike/public transport) and what fishing gear you have. The easiest for you this time of the year will be to use spinners to fish perch or to do bottom/feeder fishing for roach. If you want to have one allround rod, I would recommend to buy "Fiskeset kolfiber, 240 cm" from Biltema or more advanced from fishing gear brands and go to lakes around.
@SUNILKUMAR-wi1zw 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for your advice😊 . What you’re saying is absolutely true. I always move through public transport and also I have a fish gear caperlan khaos 5000 with me . Can you suggest some good lakes around Gothenburg with in Zone A. And also is gula kortet permit is enough to do fishing in which you suggest. Another one , Is fishing in sea side is free ( means not required any permits) ? 6 күн бұрын
For sea fishing accessible by public transport I can recommend the west sides of Stora Amundön or Lilla Varholmen. Here you will find access to rather deep water from the shore. Top and middle layers of water can work for mackerel, garfish and sea trout. Bottom layer can deliver cod and flatfish. Regarding lakes, what part of Gothenburg are you at? I personally go to Rådasjön and to the east towards Landvetter
@SUNILKUMAR-wi1zw 6 күн бұрын
Oh ok, thanks for the explanation. I stay in Lindholmen. Is gula kortet permit is ok to do fishing in Radasjon? 5 күн бұрын
Yes, Rådasjön is included in Gula Kortet. You can download their guide on the web and check which lakes are included and what rules apply.
@PaulDanciu 7 күн бұрын
nice!but the water is to cold 7 күн бұрын
It's definitely warmer than in spring or autumn 😀
@PaulDanciu 7 күн бұрын for me is always cold ! As i come from warmer region
@PaulDanciu 15 күн бұрын
Garfish love savage gear , next video i will post i get so many 🎣🎣 Sea trout this bad success i have it,not so many 15 күн бұрын
Different areas work in a different way 😜 It also depends on luck 😀. But this Savage Gear Seeker is really good for sure
@PaulDanciu 15 күн бұрын is the lure,when i didn't get anything, she will bring me something...🎣🎣
@benlamaletie9319 15 күн бұрын
Another great video! Sea trout have definitely been avoiding me as much as they can haha. I went all around Björkö and didnt see a single fish. However pike fishing has been fantastic! Getting fish every session at stora hällungen. Will be trying the waters around Kristianstad next week. 15 күн бұрын
My friend lives at Ucklum just below Stora Hällungen 😀
@benlamaletie9319 15 күн бұрын such a great lake. Absolutely loving pike fishing. There's some huge ones hiding under some of the wharfs. Just using a 25g 12cm MTF roach and it's been fantastiskt! Especially since I'm using a light 4 piece travel setup
@Markjt01 15 күн бұрын
Great video ! What was the name of the app for sea depths you mentioned in the video? 15 күн бұрын
Now it is called Skippo 🙂
@Markjt01 15 күн бұрын
Enjoying your videos, keep them coming!
@whitetroutchannel 16 күн бұрын
at least the gar saved a blank day, my seatrouts are also very picky with rising temps, good video as always love seein the swedish shorelines 👍👍🎣 15 күн бұрын
Thanks mate!
@MrSve 18 күн бұрын
Hello! Great video my man, what is the best time of the day for sea trout? 18 күн бұрын
Hi! Here in Sweden it goes well any time of the day in April when water is still cold. May becomes more tricky with water warming up. As a result in June it is around sunrise and sunset when I try to fish sea trout. Alternatively, it can work during the day if there is strong wind and a lot of waves that make water murky.
@anotherangleUK 22 күн бұрын
Great video, nice to see the fishing in Sweden. Thanks for sharing.
@NT4XT 23 күн бұрын
Cool. Glad to see inspectors, we call them game wardens, are serious, and present in Iceland. 🙂
@NT4XT 23 күн бұрын
Totally answered my ?. I searched "sport fishing Iceland," and all the videos that came up were fly fishing, with fly rods-reels. But where I grew up, trout fishing rivers, my best luck was spinning gear with spinner baits, Mepp's type. Spoons worked too. So here we see, higher percentage strike ratios, and higher percentage catch ratios, on spinner type baits, cast via spinning rods and reels. I envy you guys 👍😎👍 Thanks for sharing.
@tomknapen9912 27 күн бұрын
Thanks for the interesting videos, much appreciated! Do you by any chance have any advice on the diameter of the leader? 27 күн бұрын
When I fish with a lure only I use 0.35 mm fluorocarbon. I use the same for sea trout and mackerel. When I fish with Sabiki rig, I usually buy ready ones and it is supposed to be able to lift a couple of fish, so here I use stronger main line and the leader in this case is 0.6 mm
@benlamaletie9319 28 күн бұрын
Some big garfish cruising through super shallow today at Lilla varholmen. Got a bite from a seatrout almost directly at the shoreline. Saw it follow all the way and bite. Sadly was using soft plastic and it didn't bite far up the lure enough to reach the hook 28 күн бұрын
Great that you enjoy fishing here in Sweden! 😀 Garfish can give really crazy fight. Do you have them in New Zealand?
@benlamaletie9319 28 күн бұрын no we don't have garfish in New Zealand. We have a fish called a piper which looks similar but a lot smaller! The next biggest bill fish in New Zealand is marlin haha so nothing in between like a garfish. We have some very interesting species for sure
@benlamaletie9319 28 күн бұрын a good example of a fish we like catching in New Zealand is a Yellowtail Kingfish. Give it a Google search, they put up a very good fight. The boys on the ITM Fishing Show give a good view on fishing in New Zealand
@CalmDown-ej4su 28 күн бұрын
I caught a gar fish Thursday on the west coast 28 күн бұрын
Yes, they are coming 😀. I caught one during my previous fishing session
@whitetroutchannel 28 күн бұрын
some days are just not meant to be!! do you guys have a name for the baby seatrouts? we would call them "finnock" in northern ireland and scotland 28 күн бұрын
Sometimes shit happens🥴. We just say "havsöring" for sea trout, both baby and adult. Was fun anyways to catch the small one
@whitetroutchannel 28 күн бұрын its always good to know a new generation of fishes is coming threw thats how i view the baby 1s, who knows you might even see him in a few years when he has a few more pounds on him 👍
@haiderabdulhassan3a545 Ай бұрын
say la illaha illa allah muhammadun rasullulah
@coconutfleetsleeper5717 Ай бұрын
Those are great lures, I mostly use the smaller ones, I think it's ~12-15g infact I'm going fishing now, I'll start with one of these just because 😊
@benlamaletie9319 Ай бұрын
Are there any good spots in Göteborg you recommend that are easily accessible using public transport? Ай бұрын
You can try Lilla Varholmen, south of the island. But it's getting warm now and more difficult to fish sea trout. Try to fish during sunrise and sunset (not sure if it's going to work with public transport during these hours). This video is actually from Hästeviks Badplats, not far from Lilla Varholmen
@benlamaletie9319 Ай бұрын thanks a lot! I was looking at a spot on Google maps around that area so I guess I'm on the right track for now haha, I'll give it a shot this evening. Just bought a new fishing setup yesterday. I'm here from New Zealand, can't wait to catch my first Swedish fish
@Onlyfins100 Ай бұрын
Great video
@coconutfleetsleeper5717 Ай бұрын
May i ask where you fish? (not the spot, the area) I fish on the swedish westcoast, Göteborg is home, but i fish the entire coast😊 i usually dont catch any trout when the "belone" is around, but sometimes moving 20m can change that fast. Theyhunt the same grounds but dont mix, atleast in my experience 😊 Ай бұрын
I fish in two areas: one is from Marstrand to Kode, another one is Kungsbackafjörden
@coconutfleetsleeper5717 Ай бұрын nice, there's some really good spots over there :) I've had the most insane trout fishing around kode and nordreälvs mynning, that is numbers not size. The big trout I catch in the northern gbg archipelago. I grew up on grötö, it's still my favourite place to fish since I know it so well:) pretty much all of the 10 islands in "Öckerö kommun" is as good as it gets if you know where to go:) Ай бұрын
I got my few largest trout on the South from Gbg but for numbers it goes better to the North 😊 That's my experience. I am sure there are pretty nice places at Öckerö. But I was more trying Öckerö and Hälsö for mackerel fishing from the shore. Hopefully with warm weather they will come soon here 🥹
@coconutfleetsleeper5717 Ай бұрын my friend whent by boat yesterday and caught 60 makrill in 2 hours, just West of vinga, so they have arrived 😀 -if you want to check out really good makrill fishing from the shore, check out heestrand, its insane! Deep all the way to shore, fresh oxygenated atlantic water hitting from the west, you can see the schools of fish on the surface as they entering the bay 😀 ❤️ -and the road up there is beautiful driving in the spring/early summer. I really recommend it as an budget fishing vacation
@MyLajoska Ай бұрын
Ja då gäddan har kommit.. vart fiskade du.? Ай бұрын
Hej! Det var tre olika platser mellan Marstrand och Kode
@MyLajoska Ай бұрын
Mhm.. då har vi gädda även närmare Gbg .. 1maj såg 2 gubbar som fick makrill vid Smitten .
@ysvysv2068 Ай бұрын
Good fishing! Let's go fishing together around Gothenburg Ай бұрын
Hi! I am quite spontaneous with fishing because a lot depends on the family. On top of that I always move, try new spots, explore. So, it's not easy when it is sea trout fishing. It can work if we go bottom fishing, I was always interested in trying bottom fishing for cod (torsk). Have you tried it in Göteborg area?
@Fishingletsgo Ай бұрын
They have arrived 😂 Ай бұрын
Yes, it's getting warmer so garfish is around. Soon time for mackerel 👍
@Anders5Jensen Ай бұрын
Odd question. I have the same rod as you, but I suspect that there is something wrong with mine. My suspicion rose when i put it on a weight. So even though it sounds weird, can I ask how much does your rod weight? Nice vid, by the way :D Ай бұрын
Do you have Parabellum CCS 9'2'' 279 cm? I can try to weigh it. Does yours feel too heavy or too light?
@Anders5Jensen Ай бұрын Yes 279cm 10-30g It feels too heavy Ай бұрын
I got 171 g (without the reel)
@Anders5Jensen Ай бұрын
Thank you 😄 Though I am really confused now. Mine weights the same, but every tackle shop I can find, who list the weight if their rods, claims that this is a 155g rod.. All my rods is off with a gram or two, but 16 grams over weight? It about 10% off. Ай бұрын
Hmmm. I could assume that cork could absorb a bit of moisture so there might be a difference between new and old, but if you got the same weight as I, then it is confusing
@alivtech3215 Ай бұрын
So nice! Your lires are so nice. From where do you buy lures? Ай бұрын
Hi! I usually buy online at for example or in local shops
@jslcharger Ай бұрын
I normaly use seeker isp 23 and 28 gram, 400g fish and bigger bites on these no problem. In early spring i fish with 60g lures at high speed, big trouts get triggered effectively by this i found out by accident when fishing for cod and pollock. Ай бұрын
Thanks for your feedback. What is the length of those 60 g lures? I think that's what is quite important
@jslcharger Ай бұрын They are compact, similar in length to a 28g seeker isp. I use them in the west coast of norway for fishing in strong current, my favourite is fladen herring jig in red/yellow, but stingsilda is good as well.
@PaulDanciu Ай бұрын
Fiend, u didn't post from a while...With this savage i get many trout here on SWEDEN Ай бұрын
Yes, it was winter and quite cold, so not much fishing. Now it's getting better. As soon as time allows, I am trying to take out a fishing rod and fish😁
@barqmash3184 Ай бұрын
Where exactly do you fish? Is it in Kungsbacka? Ай бұрын
Hi! No, it's close to Marstrand
@dingyang690 Ай бұрын
Nice one! I got the same lure yesterday, but not try yet. Is this place north or south of Gbg? Ай бұрын
This is North close to Marstrand
@whitetroutchannel Ай бұрын
great video, i like to change things up too and see the differences it can make and it worked great 4 u mate!!!, i made a custom seeker once from an old chipped 16g one i had, stripped all the paint off it till it was raw finish then painted a black strip along its back, its a killer for them,
@Shuu554 Ай бұрын
what kind of fishing reel? SG2? Ай бұрын
Exactly, SG2, size 4000
@Markjt01 Ай бұрын
Great videos, thank you for sharing your knowledge.
@Markjt01 Ай бұрын
Your videos helped me to catch my first sea trout duirng the last few weekends (also north of Gothenburg) 👍
@Outofluckpikefishing Ай бұрын
Nice to see someone on here fish in the area I also fish, for pike. I'm living in Svängsta 300m from ABU factory but grew up in Angered. My mother lives near Härlanda Tjärn. Have you fished there? Got large carp and other big ones, but not so many places where you can fish if you want to keep your feet's dry. Still are in GBG every month, almost. Always have my rod and reel with me up :) Which lake is this, if I may ask? No need to answer, I do think I know but just can't remember which or were, many many small lakes around GBG.
@Outofluckpikefishing Ай бұрын
I would suggest fishing in Vättlefjäll north of Angered/Lövgärdet but be prepared to meet big groups of teens that might like and want what you have in your hands. Ай бұрын
Hej. This is Rådasjön. Caught some zander (gös) here as well. I had some plans to try Härlanda Tjärn, but there were always some other priorities😊 It's in my wish list. For me the best fishing place is in the middle of nowhere, so probably not Angered. I tried once Surtesjön though. Skittfiske!
@ahmedo9797 2 ай бұрын
Hej, vad använder du till tafs och vilken diameter?😊 2 ай бұрын
Hej. Jag kör med fluorokarbon tafs, 0.36 mm💪
@fishingcampborneo 2 ай бұрын
great job friend..always succes
@alfonspersson 2 ай бұрын
Snart är det premiär i södra långvattnet igen😄 13 april. Du borde testa då för det hugger bra den veckan
@jb7595 2 ай бұрын
Vad fiskar man där? 2 ай бұрын
Jag är upptagen den 13 men 14 kommer funka. Vi får se 😊 2 ай бұрын
@alfonspersson 2 ай бұрын
Fina fiskar😁 Hade själv ett bra fiske i Hjuvik med en godkänd
@MrBatsaap 2 ай бұрын
Nice opening of the season! I like your videos and the fact that you explain your lures and everything you do. I'm planning on going to Gothenburg around the 16th of April to do some Sea Trout fishing as well as some multi-day hikes in which I would like to combine either sea trout or rainbow trout fishing with some hiking. Do you have any recommendations for places to fish? Any local fishing store? And is possible to camp around that period near to Gothenburg? Thanks! 2 ай бұрын
Are you on Instagram? Can you send me a message over there, it will be easier to communicate. Too much text to write here
@whitetroutchannel 2 ай бұрын
that was a great start for the opening day!! its always good to get back at the seatrouts after the long winter, well done mate 👍👍🎣
@amzadsadikbd 2 ай бұрын
@AnglingSpiders 2 ай бұрын
Nice job with the spoon and a fantastic looking spot 2 ай бұрын
@mattishallberg00 2 ай бұрын
what is the name of the lake? 2 ай бұрын
It is Kullsjön. You can check the license and rules here
@whitetroutchannel 2 ай бұрын
cant go wrong with a seeker!! 👍👍🎣 2 ай бұрын
Yes, this is a magical lure 😁
@johnk4819 3 ай бұрын
Never grab a zanders behind the head or tail... it stresses him out so much he's dead. He only grabs at the gills.
@danduran2860 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for all the great videos and helpful tips. I can't wait to get back to Sweden and challenge some sea trout.😊
@jaapvliet 4 ай бұрын
Why do you do not more afford to be carefull with the fish? If you catch a fish and you are not killing it you must not get it first jumping around at the stones or other dry area,s and make your hands first wet because they have a protection of slijm on ther skin. 4 ай бұрын
Well, it's hard to wet your hands when fishing from rocks. I release it because it's too small. When I fish sea trout I wade, net the fish, wet my hands before release
@jaapvliet 4 ай бұрын that i agree that it can be difficult but we must not forget that children also see this and We must be a good example for them how we treat the fish/animals. I put a small towell or basket in my bag and at the shore i make this wet or fill the basket by putting it into the net to catch the water then suddendly its easy. It is not to put you in a bad light but we must be carefull with what we have on this earth. I am now in götenborg but i live in Blekinge län(Vilshult) and go back this weekend. If the better weather is arrived maybe we can go fishing for havsöring or lax or gädda. Gädda is my favourit but i would love to catch a lax or havsöring one day. Greets Jaap 4 ай бұрын
It's not allowed to fish sea trout and salmon now on the west coast around Gothenburg. The season starts on the 1st of April. Lakes are partially covered with ice, hopefully there will be better weather soon 🙂
@donhughes8465 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. My brother lives nearby. When I visit him next summer I hope to fish there, too! :D
@TangyTrip 6 ай бұрын
Hey bro I have a question. How do you connect the fluorocarbon leader to your main line? With a knot or fishing swivel? And in that case do you let it go inside the rod rings when you cast? Thanks for answering and for great videos! 6 ай бұрын
Hi! I use a knot. I melt fluorocarbon until I get a small blob on the end and then tie using a uni knot
@TangyTrip 6 ай бұрын Thanks for answer :) and great videos 👍🏼👏🏻 6 ай бұрын
@@TangyTrip Found the video from where I learned this way of tying the leader: or search for HOW-TO | Tying A Fluorocarbon Pike Leader With Mikko Seppänen | Sufix®
@fishingbuddyph8786 6 ай бұрын
@fishingbuddyph8786 6 ай бұрын
Mackerel is so much fun to go after. When they are schooling, it's almost like a non-stop action. I noticed that you were just reeling your line in after casting. Try jigging on your retrieve to give your spoon a little more action. That seem to always work for me. Sad to say, but Mackerel Fishing, at least where I go here in the Northeast (U.S.A.) is just about over. Thanks for sharing! 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips! I usually do spin stops but not much jigging. Will try!