The Division 2 Has A HUGE WEEK Ahead Of It
@shawngelegan9020 51 секунд бұрын
This isn't a bug that requires players to engage in a lot of ridiculous steps in order to proc. It requires that you play the game as intended. If Ubi took away all the materials that players acquired from normal gameplay because they fucked up, it would infuriate a significant portion of the remaining player base and significantly hurt the brand. Craft away, this is a W for players and an L for devs.
@jbutry1 9 минут бұрын
It works as intended as far as I am concerned. You create a character, level a character, and then farm or craft your gear. Its the very basic nature of the game. Apparently the devs want players to put a priority on crafting over farming or they could simply shut the servers down , fix whatever they feel is broken and/or roll back the update to previous status without new content until they fix it. The longer the servers are live the more it proves that they don't feel it's a problem. Free to play weekend and selling more style items to new players must be the priority. Gotta keep making that money.
@scottb9387 13 минут бұрын
Rogue is not wrong Many people forget what happened in Year 2 when thousands players got banned for Devs mistake on turrets
@benonthedrum7389 16 минут бұрын
I've always used my reset character to craft my ''unicorns''... Always...
@Ibsmokin 22 минут бұрын
I don’t think anything will happen other than it gets fixed. The real bug is that there are people who have a level 10000+ watch who still have not found a maxed out protection from elites mod. Not even a single one. Also you need to have materials and credits to be able to craft a lot of anything and here’s the thing. Those who have both of those things in large quantities probly have plenty of maxed out gear and guns and probly are only looking for maybe a few things from it which I’m sure are mostly mods. There isn’t really a way to abuse it especially for a new player. Honestly they should leave it as is. The game is six years old for christ sake. There should be a way to craft maxxed out gear items for some players who have put the time in. You would still have to rely on r&g for attributes and it’s not like you can craft everything there. If they Ban people I will uninstall and forget about every one of their games without a second thought.
@Privacy_in_public 34 минут бұрын
With the new gear set. I have a 136 round in st.E
@thebeerman1970 40 минут бұрын
Must be the whole game. Just did the daily projects and got 4 Exotics dropped and I was looting in New York and every other box looted was God roll item.
@Calaxanasgaming 58 минут бұрын
Sounds like a lawsuit in America😂
@Arra-ie2ov Сағат бұрын
It's only for level 30 to 40 😊
@propotato4231 Сағат бұрын
Don’t worry everyone it doesn’t even work….shocking
@redmike3675 Сағат бұрын
hey RogueGold, I've been trying to unlock the recruiter secret comms. they are bugged and it will not let me open the power box to start the lights. I missed the prime target Vikram Malik and only had time to finish the final boss so didn't know I was missing comms when the puppeteers manhunt finished. Now i can't reset the manhunt to get access to talk to the prime targets to finish this. i've replayed the manhunt and have 28/33 and i can see from other youtubes that i'm missing the birdy comms too and the last four secret comms
@lunacy5113 Сағат бұрын
My character that was leveled from 30 to 40 in DC can't play countdown anymore it lets me join but I'm not part of the group I can't get loot and the objectives don't work. Most ppl that create accounts over the free weekend aren't going to be able to do countdown properly if they don't do NYC properly.
@jaewonsong9990 Сағат бұрын
so its pretty much everyone who created a new character since the update is bannable?? pffffffffffffffffff
@johnnyink78 Сағат бұрын
They will be a lot of people getting banned over it I remember all the other glitches a lot of players was doing but ty for all the videos you make
@libra3655 Сағат бұрын
A part of me wants to mess with this, but a part of me doesn't. My account was left alone with the Anderson mission exploit, but I only used it to get to max watch level (which in my case was 500 or so levels). I feel like they could avoid some of this by doing some actual play testing too.
@ruckkess Сағат бұрын
I've been gaming since '79....I have NEVER seen a player base community have to deal with such drama from a game development company, Ubisoft should have just left it with Redstorm..smh...🙄
@PizzaTime727 2 сағат бұрын
I'm done for the next 3 weeks. Manhunt stage 1 was super underwhelming and honestly seems useless to the plot. Regarding these bugs/exploits, fair warning must be given immediately and OFFICIALLY to curb it immediately + fix.
@KenjiBiH 2 сағат бұрын
The problem is it works on my main account..... sooo im kinda fcked? (as far as i know you have to create a new character to have this work)
@framed_Mcrib 2 сағат бұрын
not happening on ps5. because i just got more blueprints from descent and i am getting same garbage rolls when i craft something.
@electrician1974 2 сағат бұрын
No one EVER CRAFTS MODS. So looks like an easy way to get caught. Might lose my 5 13%, not taking that chance.
@SABRI22 2 сағат бұрын
i just got humbled by three players in dz using walls and fast fire rate, they been farming the whole server.. wake up ubisoft..
@beelz3buggg 2 сағат бұрын
the lau glitch was fun i didnt get a lot of xp like most ppl i did do it and i got some xp but i got frenz who abused the hell out of it
@RaulUrroz 2 сағат бұрын
Go wild fellas! Ubi will do the same thing that they do to agents with 150,000+ SHD levels....nothing. They're an absolute joke 🤣
@bryangolf6084 2 сағат бұрын
Good call here. No matter how anyone spins the tale of the crafting table. It’s not a glitch…. Or it’s their fault… too many bugs so I’m gonna take advantage of this. This is not how the devs intended the game to be. Obviously?? So good luck to anyone who’s doing this. Hopefully you weren’t banned before for a week because if so it could mean “the end for you agent” as Kajika says at the end of the tomb’s mission. 🤣 God Bless everyone.
@beelz3buggg 2 сағат бұрын
only issuse ive found so far besides the glitch i go thru in yhe incursion is that now i cant see pplz builds when i die
@bonesely9858 2 сағат бұрын
interesting that if there is a bug in favor of the player, they punish the player by rolling back, suspend or ban but if there is a bug against the player, they don't roll us forward.
@bartekskwara7742 3 сағат бұрын
I still hope that Anthem will get an update, even small one wuld be huge 😢😢😢
@hadesvondoom6501 3 сағат бұрын
Maybe they should fix the store in Xbox can't even buy the season pass
@simontaylor9362 3 сағат бұрын
20 negative bugs ruining your experience, a ok. 1 positive bug, don't because you will get band lol. We take the negative one's seriously so fairs fair 😆
@bvr09 3 сағат бұрын
The way I see it, Danny Weaver gave us max rolled items for 2, maybe 3 weeks before it was fixed. We all took advantage of it then and nothing came of. Now, we’re using crafting materials we farmed and spending them to craft new items. Servers aren’t impacted and game isn’t slowing down. While caution is good to have, I think this is safe-ish
@Sashi-be9hh 3 сағат бұрын
No way they would punish new players who is their target audience to bring them in to the game
@notdeadyet637 3 сағат бұрын
If they ban people or roll them back they will just kill their own game. The new season is a shit show of nothing. Don’t get me wrong I like this game but there destroying it. We farm endlessly for perfect god roll builds and guns to realise we have no we’re to store them 😂 we need new mission dlc. No new gear because we have know we’re to put it lol 😂😂😂
@Tyler-mr5tj 3 сағат бұрын
So, it's really easy, if they fuck it up it's their fault. If they dish out a punishment for something that is their fault I will drop the game on a fucking dime. Division is far from a beast in the industry. I play only because a family member brought me into it. There are a million other games. Send a message directly to the devs, if you dish out punishments for fuck ups that are your fault you do so at your own risk. You need the players, not, the other way around. Never forget that.
@IAmTherefore... 3 сағат бұрын
The most crit chance you can have currently is 4.7 if you made new mods 4.7 over all crit
@simondillon 3 сағат бұрын
Just my luck that when there's god rolled stuff to be had, theres still no way to get 13% Protection from Elites... Only thing i need. Ive played nearly 3000 hours, still never had even one 13%PfE drop, that's how shit my rng luck is 😂 The fact that not everything is max rolled makes me think this is not really a bug... Why only certain things aren't max rolls... Very curious... They cant even make bugs correctly 😂 Oh well, if they ban me it will give me the perfect reason to move on.
@QueenNicole30 3 сағат бұрын
At the end of the day, if the devs decide to suspend players, that's going to be a very high percentage of players. I say between 90-95% of the community.
@Kjklump 3 сағат бұрын
Honestly with the fallout they're having and going to have with seasonal characters, they won't be able to afford banning anyone.
@jeremystone4139 3 сағат бұрын
I heard about the crafting bench advantage and immediately created a new character. They have no right to ban people for this error on the Dev's part. I'm just happy I had enough exotic components to god roll my favorite gear.
@BFGainz23 3 сағат бұрын
yeah i notice it
@HOTSMOKE100 3 сағат бұрын
Honestly,the devs should take one for the team on this one,their mistake. But I guess it’s fine when they mess over players who don’t receive rewards intended from activities.🤔
@exxabkgaming3349 4 сағат бұрын
It's crazy ppl do this considering how easy it is to farm God rolled gear in countdown. I can think of a build and farm good shit for it in a couple hours. Why even risk a ban lpl
@ShiftNova 4 сағат бұрын
If these developers actually tested their damn updates; this wouldn't be happening. I wouldn't call this a bug, nor a glitch. Players who use this aren't doing anything to too nefariously to initiate it. Specially, new players coming in, and finding this gold mine. So no I don't think any players should be banned for this. For all we know this might have been intentional on the developers end. However, if the develops feel they need to take action. A logical course of action would be to just fix it and move on.
@craigkozarski 4 сағат бұрын
Here’s an idea. How about who ever runs this shit game get some people in here who can actually not fuck shit up every time there is an update or something. They can’t do anything right. I lost my main character 4 months ago after being delta and they finally get back to me saying they do anything about. So if they ban me oh well it don’t matter at this point after losing my character that I’ve played with since day 1.
@SeeBeyondAll 4 сағат бұрын
Bugs will always be abused. It just feels like you are facing an enemie with Ubisoft. Banning players for using bugs that have a ''positive outcome'' but the bugs that may do the player waste an entire run will remain as if they were planned to be like that.
@imxenon. 4 сағат бұрын
Unless they wanna ban 95% of the playerbase they’re not going to do anything. On top of the fact that there’s nothing you need to do to trigger it. It’s just flat out a game mechanic at this point. All you do is craft an item and it gives you maxed out rolls. Especially new players who don’t know a lot about the game yet and are on new characters there’s literally nothing to do to not get maxed out rolls when crafting. This one is on the devs and there’s absolutely nothing people can do to actively avoid this bug other than not crafting anything which isn’t a very realistic option.
@redmike3675 4 сағат бұрын
still not listed on the issues board is the bugged (RECRUITER SECRET COLLECTIBLE COMMS) the light box will not open after getting the recruiter insurance 1 comm.
@Sarge9591 4 сағат бұрын
You cannot expect everyone to know about this drama all the youtubers are talking about. I only started watching these game videos lately. I can't imagine you're playing this game walk to the bench need some gloves and some mods and the next day your banned! No way not even for these devs. And scaring people out of it is ridiculous
@EclipsePrincess368 4 сағат бұрын
I'd like to add to the issues board that they didn't add my name as 'Keener's loyal agent' title :)
@scottakabuster8075 4 сағат бұрын
Crafting bug that gives players an advantage will get fixed asap! The xp bug that makes leveling up take 4 times as long will be fixed in time for seasons 2.0
@Deltalander 4 сағат бұрын
Devs literally said that glitch is only thing that requires extra steps. FL mission, descent, turret dps glitch. Thats the reason why this, floor 10 and buying that gun for free from shop was not bannable. This will not result in rollbacks or bans