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4c - Why we exist
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4c - Outsourced Innovation
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59 Minute Design Thinking Challenge
4c Design - Outsourced Innovation
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4c Tech - Cutting the Perfect Circle
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Renewable Energy - Eigg Electric
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4c Tech Strain Guage
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Equalizer International Interview
Magic Anti Water Boots
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@KrystelSpicerMindArkLateralThi 8 ай бұрын
Help sir. Please. Here's what's going on your free writer lateral thinkes. Saying "people are going to do what people are going to to. That is trap math. Continues . . Negligence is harmful. Most people are only doing what they want, & what to please & impress, or for who in their peer group or range, 'not wanting to be bothered'. Doing & solving what we want, well, most people I think won't try or haven't the spare hand to help end this suffering. When a child is torn from their mother inhumanely, there may be some understand person she may grieve to. A card or something of 'sorry for your loss'. This is a life of torture, loneliess, never complete happiness, on & on, & usually, if anyone says anything to me, it's never comforting. They try to sound mature & confident as they say "she'll come back. A child has one mother. She'll grow up. Kids these days. Give her time. You should try to reach out". Yes with all the lack of love on the one hand, & the lack of support on the other, & 1 family member who cares about me, it is generally a thought a considered thing to suggest to me to keep being a friendly, helpful mum, tolerant of pain she could cause me. It seems to me she hates me. The last thing she said to me was she hates me. She wants sympathy sympathy sympathy and through things I've never meant as rude or nasty. She chose them, like chose Candace & other people.. like if they were worthwhile people then I was worth letting die alone to live as a writer & not ever ever feel ok. What if I wait all my life, never reprieved & never anyone knowing I wasn't what she's disguised me as, for what purpose I don't know. I need her to tell the person/people that what she'd said to make such strong point that no one should cherish or care about me or question what she says about me so to take 'her side' for her having taken 'their side', in lieu of my ever being ok, that she doesn't hate me, & doesn't even not love me. Maybe she needed years & years to let off steam. The older she gets, the longest she says what she says, she won't be able to say she'd been letting off steam for anguish we'd caused her. Every parent has caused their child to feel anguish at times. She's never nice to me. Never contacts me. Her hatred grows & doesn't stop growing. I stay away, & it gets worse. If I talk to her it gets worse. If I plead & cry, I'm called "that person". I don't like that Jake doesn't care she's so relentlessly keeping me dead to her & her world. When he's a father, is he going to play their children against me so long as she never take back a thing she's said, or says anything nice? "She gets massacred because she gets massacred" is trap math. This free writer lateral thinker hasn't the money for the hardcore writers tech I need, so, this free writer lateral thinker hasn't the money for the writers tech I need. A free writer lateral thinker, dealing with the backlog of problems people not want to look at to need to solve, need best writers tech, free. Money hasn't anything to do with that tech is meant for this type of writer, & tech folk not having provisioned it for us. Money keeps getting used in the reason why I not have hardcore tech, & money's also being used as the means procuring such equipment. We write for free, because people who are brought shouldn't write about issues concerning all society. Money corrupts, &, maths is fraudulent. How is it there's no one developing tech equipment to enable free writers to be more productive, if they were really good at math. Why can't they work out that the more people agreed with too much buying people with items & wages & the solving of problems they want to solve wanting to 'call shots', the lower the shock threshold for truth that hurts of the collective, the riskier it is to be a free writer who sometimes writing things that may confront or irrationally concern people & the less people become writers, the more, & faster, & quicker & better who remains of free writer lateral thinkers need to write? Math is a tool to advantage over who not do it so well, only revealing so much as to help their cause/s. People only feel responsible for hurting people for having done something to hurt them, but if it hurts us when they do nothing, no one acknowledges how their neglect's cost a person. It doesn't only cost us to neglect us, but we also look like who in the crowd people kick to get to kick again. It's a "they get kicked because they get kicked" life for who gets kicked. It's like cursing someone to hell, & not a word is uttered in acknowledgement about this. It feels like slow murder when math folk not admit they treasure their own lives & fortunes they won't stop the trap math. It's like the daughter that always crushes the mother to keep the identity in tact. Will you do this all someone's life? I feel buried already, but it's because that's where you want me, not because I feel dead because there's something wrong with me. It's like being eaten alive like a monkey with its head cut open. People seem to need a "who to kick to kick", & they won't stop. Math may be real, but math folk are the biggest liars of all people in regard to lying by omission & the very intentionally 'accidentally' lowering prospects of others survival. I haven't met one person with the means. They keep quieter than moths on sunny days, acting like they're not a part of this world. If they're not, then, what are they doing with currency which is for people of the world to use to solve problems. The maths person is like a hole in a bucket, or a fork in the back keeping us weak. It's trap math that who use math to make things for money be expected to apply their math knowledge to the betterment of society. "They do the math so they'll be doing the math" looks like the 'widely agreed with' logic written on free writer lateral thinkers & philosophers headstones. Money means nothing but fun issuing suffering, contemptuous for that you share the world with the rest of us. ..When you 'syphon' the money, & lean on people & exacerbate their problems which your trap math excuses you from solving, whilst solve problems you want which you place on the problem pile yourselves to prosper, well "their having the money & getting to pick the problems to solve people should spend money on ..doesn't make sense anymore. Math folk aren't just using math so get to pick the problems. They're using real math & creating a whole lot of backlog of problems ..which there aren't free writer lateral thinkers provisioned the free tech we need to keep up with it. They're like my daughter the math man. They want me to die, utterly, & to push down & down until I do. If maths folk really did math, they'd know it's wrong to think they're the only ones shutting doors on the people they shut doors on. They act like they don't know they're not the only one doing it. For all tech society to be such snobs is callous & sadistic gang thuggery. It's greedy, & it creates & reinforces helplessness of the people who's problems to solve go on & on burried.😮
@cornelisvanderbent8569 Жыл бұрын
Where was Literal Thinking applied?
@viisteist1363 Жыл бұрын
so this is year 2023 and we are all back to square 1 lol
@man-observing-world Жыл бұрын
First Tom Hanks movie I remember watching as a kid, such a classic!
@dominantdaddy6939 Жыл бұрын
I encountered one situation similar to this in my own career as a nuclear instrument technician. We came within minutes of having to shut down one of our reactors. Slightly different as it would have just cost money and not lives…but at the time it felt a lot like this as we wrangled over prints trying to find a solution the problem and came within 14 minutes of a forced reactor shutdown.
@BlueFlameFoxX Жыл бұрын
Good old fashioned brain power. Where did it go? 😢
@gammadion Жыл бұрын
But...but...where are the colored folks and women surely involved in this great feat? I thought that the history of great engineering wasn't just a bunch of old white men!!!! My history professor told me this!!! I'm angry!!!
@boogie4943 Жыл бұрын
Bullshit! I have an Arts degree and there's nothing a sledge hammer won't fix. Best part is all my engineering colleagues agree with me.
@illegalpigeon Жыл бұрын
It would be impressive if it actually happened.
@jayrussell3796 Жыл бұрын
I thought lateral thinking was tossing the problem back to someone else.
@akbarmohamedali9147 Жыл бұрын
Lateral thinking without contingency plans...
@krisqz Жыл бұрын
The best engineering solutions come from limitations and constrains.
@davebritton7648 Жыл бұрын
Oh! So just a segment of the film. I thought someone was going to tell me a bit about how they did it.
@billgreen576 Жыл бұрын
This is one of my favourite scenes in this film. Here's to the steely eyed missile men.
@too_ql Жыл бұрын
What is this low fps game called
@fyou4641 Жыл бұрын
Everyone describes this as the engineers were super smart but the only thing they had to do is make a fucking adapter for a vent hole. ill bet that if you give a group of 15 year old the same dilemma you also get this adapter made....
@briancooper4959 Жыл бұрын
Always amuses me to see engineers getting big Attaboy's for occasionally doing the kind of things that skilled trades professionals have to do almost daily. The public has no idea how often trades will look at a blueprint, laugh, and then do what we know is both right, and will work. We even sometimes tell the engineers later, so that they can modify the print to match what got done. You'd be surprised how often engineers are so concerned with impressing people with how brilliant that they are, that they forget that the goal is that what they are designing is expected to WORK.
@briancooper4959 Жыл бұрын
As to the problem of non-compatible filters, this sort of issue is epidemic in industry. In a major automotive plant about fifteen years ago, we had a two-part process where one series of machines fed another series of machines to produce a single product. The two groups of machines had been designed by two different engineering teams that apparently never talked to each other. The two groups had no common parts. None. Switches, valves, relays. motor drive systems, circuit breakers, pressure sensors, photo-eyes, and even the latches on the control cabinets. NOTHING was common, or interchangeable. Oh, and NONE of these parts were compatible with any other system we had in the plant. It was insane. Everything was brought in, dropped on the floor, and then skilled trades was told to "make it work". Lucky for the company, skilled trades has decades of experience doing the impossible. We eventually, with the help of a lot of overtime, made it work. Management got a big 'Attaboy' and the engineering teams got nice plaques, and none of them learned anything, since the next system that was brought in had exactly the same problems.
@TheeHandle Жыл бұрын
Example of lateral thinking? You skipped all the thinking. Went straight from problem to solution. What good was this?
@ts109 Жыл бұрын
Good ole yankee ingenuity
@freakyflow Жыл бұрын
Someone gave me a Dremel tool for free 2 weeks ago because they bought it on the idea it had speed control But did not. Today I bought a dimmer switch And broke down a old plug And off $8 have the same $80 dremel he went out and bought
@chetarmlin1196 Жыл бұрын
Sure seems like an exercise in futility being is how the moon landings were faked and all those guys were paid actors.
@unclestubs8377 Жыл бұрын
Duct tape and bailing wire can fix anything!
@stopthecycleofabuse9689 Жыл бұрын
They don't make movies like this anymore. People don't work together in teams like that anymore.
@kevinmcclintock4613 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: these engineers actually did this all before Apollo 13 ever took off. This procedure was developed before the launch as an emergency fix for this issue with the filters not matching
@michaelcarrasquillo4781 Жыл бұрын
Talk about contingency planning
@DivineKnight_115 Жыл бұрын
I’m guessing after Apollo 13 nasa overhauled compatibility for technology and equipment
@andreamattioli9276 Жыл бұрын
where did you get this information?
@myslef7636 Жыл бұрын
@@andreamattioli9276 trust me bro
@jonastin1788 Жыл бұрын
I've dealt with plenty of engineers in my life, then I retired! Early!
@DG-EditsYT Жыл бұрын
From a nation that faked a moon landing. Sorry guys you brought it on yourselves
@Hedgpig Жыл бұрын
He makes me want to have a combover!
@NathanHarrison7 Жыл бұрын
The things you can do with a room filled with very motivated geniuses.
@Minotaur-ey2lg Жыл бұрын
And coffee.
@Shower_T Жыл бұрын
Isn't using a tube the most obvious solution if you want to connect two things that don't fit together initially?
@blusafe1 Жыл бұрын
Sure, it's obvious to you after a room full of engineers built it.
@broheme8922 Жыл бұрын
A tube, some plastic and duct tape. Inspired genius. 😂
@nocultist7050 Жыл бұрын
Peak engineering right there.
@KidBakz Жыл бұрын
This is what separates America from the rest of the countries
@kmm2442 Жыл бұрын
Ed Harris does things to my brain.
@kmm2442 Жыл бұрын
I always remembered that scene.
@llHllAllRllSllHll Жыл бұрын
ive watched this movie 100+ times growing up. one of my favorite sequences is this scenenario.
@spjr99 Жыл бұрын
great scene. but when I was a kid I didn't get it. I thought they literally had to make that square fit into a circle hole that was smaller than it
@kenshi7139 Жыл бұрын
Is nobody going to mention the fact that this company is using a MOVIE (whose name they censored) to promote themselves?
@reflectedpoj622 Жыл бұрын
I feel this way everytime i have to make a bong from household items.
@dELTA13579111315 Жыл бұрын
Jim on the left side of the thumbnail and Dwight on the right
@anthonyharmon9265 Жыл бұрын
Hey feminists....not seeing a lot of your kind around solving real problems like these....unlike you thinking your gender is the most important issue 🤣....prob too busy protesting or brainwashing children
@MrTnbopp123 Жыл бұрын
No clue how they fixed it
@ppstorm_ Жыл бұрын
This is a movie
@jamesshaw3500 Жыл бұрын
If its too stupid to work, then its to stupid to fail.
@johnnyllooddte3415 Жыл бұрын
why did they design 2 incompatible systems in the first place.. thats just stupid
@grumpytuber Жыл бұрын
i think this is more of an example of a scene from a movie.
@andrewmcnicoll4268 Жыл бұрын
So many great actors in this scene, and all before they really hit their peak.
@cleanmikeandtheboys3165 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't use lateral thinking to create your own visuals for your ad?
@GeneralG1810 Жыл бұрын
They just don't make films like this anymore
@stuwest5862 Жыл бұрын