@AW-ht1ly Күн бұрын
The problem is that Hypergryph either has a small team of programmers or they have too many of them and not enough QA and lead technical reviewers to bug test in a rigorous manner. Every new event in the Chinese version has some weird bug or glitch which has to be patched in on live servers/production rather than on a test server/pre-release, and then it's never patched in the global release 6 months later, or is patched with new, undocumented bugs. The way in which this has been handled recently (and seemed to have been getting worse in the past year) leads me to believe that the more senior employees have been assigned away to other projects or have left the company/headhunted away and are working elsewhere. In my opinion, for their 5th Anniversary, they should have overhauled the game engine, and worked to resolve the bugs and they could also have streamlined the story. This is just pure laziness on their part, not investing in new player experience, as well as making some fundamental improvements to the systems and mechanics. All they've done in the past 5 years is some light cosmetic changes to the UI and home screen, and introducing new operators designed to outright replace existing meta or even deprecate existing archetypes for new hybrid ones in order to milk the whales. Half of all new operators do not need to exist and the existing ones are sorely in need of improvements (Frostleaf anyone?). Arknights will continue to have support, but it is trending away into the dustbin as more and more new games are coming online, and will eventually fade away, being kept on life support by whales and diehards who have sunk too much money to give up (sunk cost fallacy).
@Clockwork_Doll Ай бұрын
The unskippable paragraph of text when pulling operators is only really a problem in Global. In CN/TW, the Chinese text zooms by pretty quickly because there are far fewer characters the game needs to print. Probably why HyperGryph never thought it was a problem.
@juicyjuustar121 Ай бұрын
Honestly, Arknights is the only gacha game Ive been able to stick with for more than a month or so, and its purely because the dailies are so trivial to do. For auto deploy, I dont actually have to DO anything, I basically just need to launch the game, which admittedly would be a hassle on my phone, but I play the game through a PC emulator, so its no issue for me. On top of that, its just really generous. Annihilation alone can get you enough orundum for a 10 pull once a month, so as long as you save your orundum for characters you actually want, you should be able to get a really solid lineup pretty quickly. I personally have saved almost exclusively for limited banners, and been able to nab every single limited operator that released since I started playing the game (notably, you get something like 20 to 30 free pulls on every limited banner, maling it even more likely youll get the limited characters). But most of the reason I play the game comes down to two things: the strategic gameplay, which is extremely satisfying and has a lot of optional challenge you can choose to interact with, and the incredible heights the story reaches later down the line. Admittedly, the story kind of really sucks at first, but it gets so good as you progress through it
@juicyjuustar121 Ай бұрын
Correction: its a 200 hour visual novel. Yes, I counted.
@TeTe-dv3hg Ай бұрын
No, Story mode in this game are pure hot garbage they just keep adding anime girls in story for no reason and those girls not appear in story anymore once you clear EP, AK story clearly just for coomer bait.
@anorangebanana6690 Ай бұрын
Don't mess with us arknights players, we don't even know how to play the game. We just watch kyotinv
@dennit.firmansyah5079 Ай бұрын
Damn....welp time to do my dailies
@M3trix_8 Ай бұрын
Just one more ten pull cant hurt...
@sanyapridurok5594 Ай бұрын
man, you’re way too underrated... i hope more people find your channel soon!
@sanyapridurok5594 Ай бұрын
haaaii :3
@anuchakurabus1335 2 ай бұрын
thank you so much!!
@Lendario0X 2 ай бұрын
2:24 I know for a fact that the first pull is not garanted to be a 5 star I got Cuora as my first operator (a 4 star)
@progrockplaylists 2 ай бұрын
good voice
@mrzhongli787 2 ай бұрын
It's probably weirdest and the most unique tier list I've ever seen in my life 😂 *Tier list of the tier lists*😂🤣
@shadowvortex6653 2 ай бұрын
rank tier list on a tier list. Nice
@lettersboi1926 2 ай бұрын
no game isnt worth playing. playing game are for fun and if you enjoy playing it then its worth your time even the game is not on the hype or become "dead game" and its ain't worth your time if you didn't enjoy it anymore even the game is still new,fresh and on the hype
@Traceryuk 2 ай бұрын
I've never played the game, but your account seems good
@Traceryuk 2 ай бұрын
Hello I'm back I'm gonna watch the new kids your doing great I love your voice 💗
@GrizzlyLord 2 ай бұрын
Same here. Light spender. Express pass and battle pass are indeed worth getting. Resource management is sooo much easier. You have enough to build your desired characters (with some priority of course, not all at once). Beside that it's really not worth spending. Even with the first time bonus, 100$ for 80 pulls... Not even guarantees you the desired character if you're unlucky and lose 50/50... Thats.... 20-30% more than an AAA game ... with double bonus...
@n7creed629 2 ай бұрын
I started playing at launch. Still going strong tho have taken the odd month break a couple of times (mainly work related time constraints). This is the only phone game Ive played consistently for more than a couple months.
@idoltrash2353 2 ай бұрын
A note on skip tickets for general content. If your strat only just about worked because you got lucky with an rng mechanic then auto play might fail a lot. Skipping entirely would remove the criteria of needing to clear the stage with a secure strategy
@darkomiku8902 2 ай бұрын
@sanyapridurok5594 2 ай бұрын
i could listen to your voice for hours lol
@zu4rth289 2 ай бұрын
none of your relics are locked......
@Yoshi-wz7fh 2 ай бұрын
i think this is the most accurate account representation for any "normal" person decently ~~addicted to~~ invested into the game. A lot of half-leveled relics on abandoned characters, no real reason to continue farming but we do so anyway. Somehow being able to clear most rotations to prove that we can (why). I have no idea why I watched this but it was strangely comforting. How do I learn to change my voice to something close to yours? I can't? Well, too bad. I'll go back to withering away in the relic mines I guess. edit: Love the bit about preferring "asthetic" numbers above optimal ones. More people need to think that way (so I can justify to stop farming for characters).
@t.k.1487 2 ай бұрын
You have an angelic voice my guy
@solarenity 2 ай бұрын
you got a nice voice homie (no homo)
@sagnikmaulik 2 ай бұрын
Looks good. Not a lot of spending honestly (light spender level) considering how long you play the game. 3 new AAA game might cost you more than that depending on what version you purchase. Heck even tarkov has a 200$ bundle. Gaming in general has become a really expensive hobby and a shit hole with how the companies try to milk every player regardless of what game you are playing (There are exceptions of course) .
@wifinais 2 ай бұрын
@andreeapeng6278 2 ай бұрын
So if I link my Steam account I can keep my mobile account (which is the account I have leved up) and I can play on both PC and phone with the same account? That sounds really cool, because the mobile version crashes when I play on raids and PVP! I just have a question though... If I log off from my phone, will it let me log back in with my Steam account? I just want to make sure I understood correctly
@brinthstacey 2 ай бұрын
As a new player of arknights I really don't like the game I'm mostly staring at my screen most of the time and it gets bored pretty fast, the grinding like any other games already showing up early I didn't even get to feel the game but it's already farming simulator (it's common for gacha but not this early) and also in all my gacha games I've never encountered this expensive pull 6k? That much?? is getting a premium currency fairly easy or what?
@nyr1015 2 ай бұрын
Early game is slow ( story and gameplay ) It's way different later. it will pick up As for premium currency the game is f2p friendly 6k is just a big number unlike "1600" You can get 100 from dailies = 700 And 1800 from weekly Also special events give you around 50 pulls overall throughout the event duration.
@ori5278 2 ай бұрын
This video is so well produced, ngl was shocked it only has 460 views rn
@nessi2015 2 ай бұрын
lol my first roll was 4star character, just how i like, through the hardcore gacha
@vp7877 3 ай бұрын
BTW for any new players you got most of the events permanently in the side story and intermezzi sections
@spagortimint 3 ай бұрын
Not sure if anyone told u already or if you reading the comments still, the first pull in a new account can both also be a 4star or a 6stars but nothing below a 4star, I had a six star on my first pull quite alot when i "rerolled" accounts to get desired units.
@Im_in_your_house___ 3 ай бұрын
It looks like girls front line could it perhaps have the same author?
@thebiggestlardlord 3 ай бұрын
pretty good game but fell off it after a few months might try again soon
@adalEun 3 ай бұрын
40k+ words per chapter?! nNopoo thanks
@Traceryuk 3 ай бұрын
I see you got sponsored if you did or didn't it's great I'm gonna keep watching videos remember getting bug on this platform can take a while don't give up on us and keep up the grind also I do not know if you saying misinformation is about the sponsorship but if you got it then that's awesome and if not just remember it will happen soon love this content keep up the grind I'll watch your newest vid and your welcome and I hope you have a nice day too until next time
@Traceryuk 3 ай бұрын
I love your content
@Traceryuk 3 ай бұрын
Hey man I think you could get big I love your voice and know that it takes time also try spreading out the kinds of games you play apaand spreading out the things your doing in them like instead of the new gamer experience or still worth playing also TRY game review or just play the game and do a voice over like let's game it out markitocpants I think that's how you spell it any way love the content keep it up and gave fun I'll watch your videos cause I love you humor voice and way of voicing over things
@CHONGDiscovery 3 ай бұрын
I just got back to arknight, after 1 weekly mission later, realized why i quit in the first place.
@DrSalt7064 3 ай бұрын
2:40 no it is not guaranteed to be a 5 star its that you are lucky (i know that after attempting opening a guest account, getting hit with Myrrh in first pull and remain 20 pulls drop 2 6 stars in beginner banner... it was then i started questioning why my main account has bad luck knowing dam well someone out there get two limited unit in their first 10 pull when i needed to hit hard pity for it) 13:01, i remember borrowing someone's Exusiai for that one, that stage really problematic. to anyone that actually wants to start the game good luck, 6-16 is the first stage i felt grind hell in this game where random CN player clearing stage with 3 stars and you copying it works better than someone who says "Borrow SilverAsh/Exusiai S3M3 and deploy on this exact tile". The event stages even worse if you are a new player, difficulty recommendation totally misleading (unless its a full 6 star operators squad or you like to play dark souls but in tower defence form).
@AfricanRebelGen 3 ай бұрын
@EndrilEndrilEndril Time you return to the game for the new event Design Of Strife. Not the typical event.
@lukasimundza7741 3 ай бұрын
Actually, I think the story has considerably improved in almost every way since the start of the new story arc (chapter 9 onwards), which also includes the side stories. Yeah it's a bit long at times, especially if your looking for gameplay, but the writing seems much tighter
@carloscaminha9748 3 ай бұрын
The latest chapter also had a 1vs1 stage
@S1e73n 3 ай бұрын
Wafiu over meta player never forget this is a single player game, meta is a guide when things get rough. do not fear the grind it spend the LMD build a team meta can only hold as much the weakest link. as for the catching up Arknights doesn't feel like that tip of game enjoy the story as it goes on. your first 6 star... I have been pulling her months
@brianyuzhaozhimeridianss1921 3 ай бұрын
here's a small thing for those veterans who wants to play arknights again. Perhaps open up an account where you don't pull at all, perhaps using recruitment once in while and just generally ignore the headhunting option. This makes you enjoy the story and the game better, since sometimes the desperation of pulling for new characters might just get in your head and blind you from the true interactive part of arknights. just saying, if you are playing as a guest, please please bind your account, I've been playing arknights as a guest for 2 years and when I lost my account twice, each with some devotion, it really just hurt your soul.
@brianyuzhaozhimeridianss1921 3 ай бұрын
for the first banner you pull, it's not guranteed that you'll get a five star, but you would get a new character nontheless
@HighfireX 3 ай бұрын
Good review. May want an outro with some cool music as your signature. Liking your style so far.