Meet The Fish That Shouldn't Exist
@ThatOneGuySays 10 сағат бұрын
You wouldn't believe the real story of how he got caught if you were told it.
@dbf1dware 10 сағат бұрын
One of your absolute best (among a long history of amazing work). Well researched. Well reasoned. Balanced and caring. You, sir, are fantastic. I wish I could "like" it multiple times. Honestly, this video should be watched by everyone (especially modern teens)!
@mollywillo 11 сағат бұрын
What I've been wondering for a while is, similar to how not all populations evolved lactose tolerance, are certain ethnic populations broadly more or less adapted to consume grain? We act like it was one clear progression from hunter gatherer societies to agriculture, but ag developed at different points in different parts of the world, and focused on different grain species (e.g. impact of corn-bean-squash diet is different than barley-oat-rye diet). And some populations never moved to agricultural societies until very recently. Many of the Indigenous American groups in the western "U.S" were still so-called hunter-gatherers until European colonists forced them out of it. And you hear from people saying how unhealthy being forced to eat the white man's food made them. Granted, a lot of that is because the rations given by the gov were utter shit, but I just find it hard to believe that those groups would be as adapted to digest wheat as my white ass would be. But then again idk what even IS a grain; even those Indigenous American cultures who didn't cultivate land in the way we would generally recognize as agriculture sometimes ate a lot of seeds and like... isn't wheat just a seed. IDK, I've lost the plot now.
@philg27 11 сағат бұрын
Didn't use a scope thumb nail bullshit
@pabico4973 11 сағат бұрын
4:30-4:40 Thank you for putting the correct days... I also have this weird talent it's like a simple 1+1 I just know the answer. It's asking me what day comes after Thursday it's Friday. Only found out late in high school that other people couldn't really do this
@dykedelic 11 сағат бұрын
What a terrible man, leaving them there and sailing away
@gregorygarcia7807 12 сағат бұрын
It is interesting to note this gentleman would not be able to say my wife's name because the "TH" sound required. Now I understand he is NOT douglas adams. good job old sport!
@alexmorgan7812 12 сағат бұрын
I love me some turtoises
@NOfilter510 12 сағат бұрын
I am sure serial killers have written down their victims in a journal or book... no?
@tigerscion701 12 сағат бұрын
Could have been a friend of the husband who was asked to return something to the family. His effects. He found out about the young boy who could not have been his friends son and took revenge for him.
@NOfilter510 12 сағат бұрын
oh man... I'm sure if I look through this comment section I will see a bunch of stories from people claiming to have one of these special brains... BET
@DeadeyeDaily 12 сағат бұрын
7:27 Are you 'avin' a laugh?! WTF? QUALITY over quantity. Don't be messing with meditation... Go read the hundreds of academic papers supporting its efficacy. HIGHLY DANGEROUS, HIGHLY ADDICTIVE? Bro! Either get specific on what you think is dangerous and addictive, including bibliography, or stop making claims you can't substantiate.
@suem5987 12 сағат бұрын
Ok, so first you need to get the beginning right. There is literally zero evidence that we came from apes. Lucy has been emphatically proven wrong. Lucy didn't exist. That's emphatically. So your whole conclusion is wrong if based on your beginning. Also, if macro evolution was true, which it still remains a theory only cause there's no real evidence, evolution could have changed what we are supposed to eat. So.....
@7fink7 12 сағат бұрын
double vision and second "you" appears, too...
@user-gi8fb2fr6x 12 сағат бұрын
Bobby Fischer was not the person who was best compared to all surrounding competition. That honor should be sat squarely on Paul Morphy's shoulders.
@Chill_Please 13 сағат бұрын
I take Bromantane 1-3 times per week. It's incredibly helpful for depression and helping to resensitize the dopamine receptors. Basically helps the brain convert L dopa into dopamine. There's quite a few studies done on it that show it's safe. No addictive properties and doesn't cause dependancy. I've given it to my mother in law, my boss, my parents, and my brother. All of them seem to be able to process stress a lot better. Might be a good one to look into
@micklee721 13 сағат бұрын
If there ever was any evidence, it's probably gone now. Can't expect evidence on lotsa these old stories, or we won't have any stories left. Haha, first celebrity off the list was a mass murderer!
@jbrown9163 13 сағат бұрын
what a trooper. some men are awesome!
@RealityButWorse 13 сағат бұрын
Bro called it a, “pair o’ saur.” Did no one tell him?
@nova4094 13 сағат бұрын
I have a theory that ergot most likely played a part in what seems like mass hysteria, in the past, superstition ran rampant partially due to inadvertent psychedelic trips. ergot fungi, a precursor to acid, infected wheat farms constantly until fairly recent scientific discoveries. once one piece of wheat was infected with the fungi it would be disseminated throughout a whole farm, and people would trip the fuck out for a week from ONE instance of consumption.
@johnitzimiskes5609 13 сағат бұрын
"We" weren't eating anything 10K years ago. There was no pre-agricultural world. Your entire premise is based on unfounded assumptions. Thoughty2 should be changed to Faulty2
@Danieru33 13 сағат бұрын
The video died the moment U shat in pyscodellics
@asp3ra 13 сағат бұрын
"What should humans eat?" Looking only at biology misses all that discerns humans from other animals - ethics. Go vegan! Btw: It's most probably healthier. Don't cherry-pick literature. Many national nutritional associations already support a wholly plant-based diet. Still a good overview: Michael Greger "How not to Die" (even though he sadly did some cherry-picking in the other direction 😐)
@Geezerelli 13 сағат бұрын
Different people eat different food in different areas
@Nobodyimportant696 14 сағат бұрын
It’s called living in a simulation.
@DeadeyeDaily 14 сағат бұрын
28:45 Mexican food!!! Prove me wrong 😁
@blackerhawk1508 14 сағат бұрын
1:30 Talking about packages jokes, with this method you can precisely measure the volume of yours 😂
@Bordeaux1979 14 сағат бұрын
Moved to the US
@consistentche3979 14 сағат бұрын
Meditation a waste of time? Sorry it didn't work out for you mate.
@Lady8D 14 сағат бұрын
"What would you do if you heard strange sounds coming from your attic?" ~What I normally do probably: assume it's the wind, a squirrel or a cat chasing a squirrel
@MAZE4 14 сағат бұрын
There's something there, my late Dad and myself witnessed an object well above the water, maybe people are witnessing a tail, not a a long neck
@benf101 14 сағат бұрын
When you say "th" like an "f", is that slang or is it standard english? I'm from the US and nobody would ever say "fing" instead of "thing" here but I hear British speakers say it a lot.
@RegisChapman 14 сағат бұрын
Genghis Khan has entered.... the chat.
@garyphillips3552 15 сағат бұрын
I just turned 80 and I haven't noticed any difference. I'll trust mother nature. She's been around 4 and a half billion years.
@psychicforeveryone1527 15 сағат бұрын
@tylerminty1777 15 сағат бұрын
Jack the ripper was a spree killer and not a serial killer....very big difference
@scottpickering8734 15 сағат бұрын
You went completely off the rails less than 2 minutes in. Did you know we have absolute proof that we never evolved from Neanderthals? We only share 1-3% of our DNA with Neanderthals, and 98% of our DNA with pigs, it would make more sense if you said we evolved from them. These early hominids coexisted on the earth with us, and we cross bred with them judging from the small percentage of DNA we do share. Also what you find "delicious" is nothing more than conditioning your body to crave and become addicted to sugar and refined carbs. You've lost it if you actually think the Mediterranean diet is healthier than Paleo. Refined oils, refined grains. Habit has nothing to do with health, give yourself a few months on a specific diet and you're taste buds will change, I even start finding the smell of meat revolting when I went plant based for a few years, then I started eating some again and it smells good again. Mediterranean doesn't add anything good to the Paleo diet, in fact it adds things that will cause health problems in the long term and they have already debunked all this Mediterranean diet craze. The only reason anyone benefits anything from it is because most people are switching to that from a processed junk food diet. Cheese and yogurt are NOT good for your gut health at all, they disrupt your bodies natural hormonal balance and your micro gut biome. The only benefit consuming certain dairy products gives you is presence of Lactobacillus that your body mainly only needs for breaking down, you guessed it, lactose! Lol So in other words fermented dairy products only benefit you if you're eating other, unfermented dairy products. Then unless you're getting it from a local farm that doesn't use any antibiotics, you're actually killing off the actual beneficial gut bacteria by consuming these dairy products. Any kind of seed oil is proinflammatory, olive oil only contains any health benefits if it's fresh, anything you find on store shelves is going to be rancid, even though it doesn't smell bad. If you've ever had truly fresh olive oil you'll never be able to eat it from the store again. And it actually becomes bad for you in all the ways they say it's good for you. Grain provide zero nutrition you can't get from other sources, legumes are okay in small amounts. B vitamins you can also get from other sources in even higher amounts. And most people actually get way too much fiber in their diet. We should be getting most of our fiber and carbs from fruit which makes grains look nutritionally void in comparison. I like a lot of your videos man but you definitely got caught up in the same loop of misinformation everyone else gets stuck in. "Any restrictions we put on our diets ultimately degrades our enjoyment of food and makes it harder to stick to said diet." I couldn't disagree more. Most people just don't have the will power to stick with something more than a couple weeks, when it takes at least a couple months if not a couple years to start seeing any real changes, but it's always well worth it. Restricting your diet makes you enjoy it more, but splurging on cake and ice cream every weekend to help you cope only keeps you addicted to refinded sugar. It's not the restriction that makes people fail diets, it's not being strict enough with it and allowing themselves to slip. Food is the only addiction where we say it's okay to over indulge sometimes while trying to kick the habit. If you're trying to quit drinking, that last thing you want someone to do is offer you a beer. If you're trying to quit doing drugs, the last thing you should do is hang out around people who do drugs because one hit could mean total relapse. But if someone is trying to eat healthier and cut out refined foods, "Oh you're being too restrictive! You're being a health nut! It's not good for you to be so restrictive and not eat junk food!" It's complete cognitive dissonance. Lol
@justeatingchipsandwatching 15 сағат бұрын
The bible thumpers will have you know that those dinosaur fossils were planted here by God himself
@emad3241 15 сағат бұрын
newton was a muslim
@SonShines1 16 сағат бұрын
Sure glad u put another eyeball in there. Sure enhances the vid
@user-bd4ev8ln9q 16 сағат бұрын
Bro better not skip reptiles…
@yapandasoftware 16 сағат бұрын
Could have a Flowers for Algernon evolution.
@NoOne-qj8mg 16 сағат бұрын
I must buy you an icecream. You missed your profession
@Scottnoyb 16 сағат бұрын
Quick, we need Nico Robin to investigate the lost era!
@harryvantertoolen1927 17 сағат бұрын
Blurring the tits in a Delacroix painting ? What is the world coming to !!!!! ???? I’m out.
@1804crypto 17 сағат бұрын
If we don’t see it, it doesn’t exist. That’s a pretty selfish view. 17 сағат бұрын
dog just say its wingspan in feet once please im fking begging you
@onequickthing8950 17 сағат бұрын
Wait, people really change their behavior out of fear of viruses? That sounds more like a mental illness. How do you have the hubris to believe you can control all infections? You're much better off getting gradual immunity.
@larrywhittaker9901 17 сағат бұрын
THATS WHY Shaman AND Seers HAVE CONSUMED MUSHROOMS for Eons 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ GAVE them an EDGE over ppl NOT consuming them
@ddvda7790 17 сағат бұрын
Just for the memory of Simon Wiesenthal: his last name is pronounced with a "t" not "f".