The AAA Industry Anthem
Ай бұрын
What happened to the Funny Games?
I'm Quitting Youtube
2 ай бұрын
They Will (Not?) Die Alone
3 ай бұрын
TLOU 2 No Return - Joel's Diner
The Friendship Paradox in Games
@Roxor128 7 күн бұрын
Excessive cutscenes are certainly a problem, but I think Quick Time Events are worse. They're this unholy half-arsed mix of cutscene and gameplay that tries to be both and does neither well. The cutscenes are my time to take my hand off the mouse, sit back, and soak up some story. Do not violate that with an input prompt! They suck because the two things they try to combine are fundamentally opposed in design. Gameplay is active and cutscenes are passive, so when you try to combine them, you end up with this mess that feels like it should be passive, but never lets you relax because it keeps asking for input. They're like a stroad. Those horrible multi-lane roads lined with car-centric businesses and hectares of parking lots that nobody would ever want to visit on foot.
@neopitseng3553 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for the podcast
@hth44productions 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for the video
@qoganjacks146 14 күн бұрын
This one's rock man. Algorithm got me this time.
@ender7278 16 күн бұрын
The video starts at 3:15.
@Rainbowhawk1993 18 күн бұрын
Even with the over abundance of cutscenes, Mad Payne 3 is still one of my favorite video games of all time. John Wick before John Wick.
@roboknobthesnob 17 күн бұрын
Heh, understandable. For me it didn’t click because of all those intermissions. It didn’t help that my first playthrough was on hard difficulty and enemies can randomly oneshot you, adding frustration to an experience I was already barely enjoying.
@jhp9803 19 күн бұрын
Now I've decided not to care about idiots like you. You are definitely not Korean, Japanese, or Asian, right? I thought non-Asians would hate this game because of people like you. However, after watching many live broadcast, I realized that even non-Asians enjoyed this game. Yesterday I saw a broadcast of an American playing this game. I asked him several questions. Complaints like yours. He said there was no such issue at all. This game is not for everyone. But I don't want to listen to this nonsense as the truth.
@personnel5757 23 күн бұрын
dangit i'm already subscribed. can't sub again
@roboknobthesnob 21 күн бұрын
I’ll just pretend the subs counter has increased by one :D
@filipesilva5063 23 күн бұрын
Although I don't agree with some points, you cooked way to hard with this one 🔥
@roboknobthesnob 21 күн бұрын
Thanks :D but now I’m curious about which points you didn’t agree with 👀
@iffy5bassthunder677 24 күн бұрын
Not impressed at all. Not even going to finish this trash. What is the point of leveling up, when the enemies level up as well??? Stupid logic, apparently these devtards have not a clue what progression is. Deleted, and will be the last game I get from you, shift up. You can take your garbage soulslike game and shove it where the sun don't shine. It will take more than digital ass to impress me.
@gamesgonenuts Ай бұрын
great review I was wondering about this game leaving a like
@dahlhousestudios Ай бұрын
Great video! Great editing/joke pace (and your grammar's better than most North American KZfaqrs lol). Your voice sounds great. What mic/hardware/software do you use? Subbed!
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
Thanks :) I use a Rode NT+ mic, Audacity for audio editing and DaVinci for the video editing
@HollandOates Ай бұрын
Har! You're hilarious man. Insta-sub!
@andrewrogers3067 Ай бұрын
4:10 This is found out to be a lie after ravens last log Still shit tho
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
My point is that the world building expects you to believe they are all humans. That line of dialogue was the first moment where I was certain that they believe they are humans. The fact that it’s also the same scene were it’s revealed they are androids doesn’t change it. In one single scene I basically received required knowledge and a plot twist at the same time
@josedorsaith5261 Ай бұрын
Walking simulator #2955 that is actually an exploration of mental illness 🥱
@Prockski Ай бұрын
The first one was a better exploration of mental illness. This new one comes across as weird as it’s as if people are all sharing in the delusion. It muddies the water on the first story.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
@@Prockski Yeah I didn’t want to touch that since it’s part of the ending (and because this review would’ve been even longer) but holy Christ the ending is godawful
@neopitseng3553 Ай бұрын
Omg you just don't get, you can't appreciate art you stinky pants! This game is not for you because you don't have the brain power to accept its miraculous 4k resolution artistic vision!!!!
@muneshxge Ай бұрын
Based Tameem jumped ship before the shitstorm. I kneel...
@opusa Ай бұрын
I liked the first one. Except the Song in the Ending. That one sucked ass. It pulled me completely out of it.
@josedorsaith5261 Ай бұрын
It was ok. Very average
@AskanHelstroem Ай бұрын
wait...there is a game in the making with a black samurai, the game is named Yasuke... and people rage about it?? Do they know that Yasuke is also the name of the frickin _Black_ samurai?!?! U know...the one that lived in the nobunaga period?
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
My man, they’re even debating whether or not he was a samurai in the first place. This shit is downright insane I swear
@Popotato7777 Ай бұрын
Sounds like average Twitter to me.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
Well… yeah. The moment I saw Yasuke I knew this was going to happen
@DarkJusn2020 Ай бұрын
El libre mercado es un chiste lrptsm me voy a pegar un tiro en los huevos.
@neopitseng3553 Ай бұрын
My algorithm is broken. Got a Raid of Overwatch ad, when I clicked the link, it sent me to a site dedicated to overwatch nsfw 😭😭
@DarkJusn2020 Ай бұрын
Beautiful, wondering how long did it took tho.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
TOO LONG. I had to constantly whistle to try and match the right notes while keeping the song playing on a loop. I really don’t have a good musical ear
@guts8909 Ай бұрын
0:06 Ok am gona protest here. i highly, HIGHLY, recomend you look into stalker. Its NOT a post apocalyptic game, and it refelcts that perfectly. I Highly again HIGHLY, recomend you look into the original trilogy, especialy shadow of chernoby, and pleas, look up a-life when it comes to stalker.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
To be completely fair, I just picked the first post apocalyptic game that came to my mind, it wasn’t really a dig at stalker in particular. It’s just that there are a real metric ton of games set in post apocalypses :D
@guts8909 Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob yes that is true, a lot of games use that setting, and i think its becouse of a narrative and gameplay reasons. From narrative you can focus on the people, what it means to be good ? should you sacrifice your body or your morals ? should the chaos be controlled, or should the chaos devour itself ? like a snake, jormungander, eating himself to not destroy the world ? And from gameplay its preatty self-explenatory. Be a cowboy, the one man army, decide fates of factions. Ride cool cars and get the dopamine from crafting random mish mash.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
@@guts8909 mind you, the stuff you’re describing appeals to me A LOT. But it’s harder and harder to find games that try to use the setting to explore these themes in new ways. Last time that happened for me was with Nier Automata, but that’s one of my favorite games in general so I’m biased to bring it up constantly
@guts8909 Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob let me tell it to you this way: the best things hide in the dark. They Don’t show up on steam Pages, or summer game fests. Thing like that, have to be looked for… otherwise, they would not be so good. Blaringly praised by the crowds.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
@@guts8909 that’s how I found indika to be honest. It’s been on my wishlist for a long while. Now it’s widely praised but originally I found it by scouring through Steam and buying or wishlisting whatever strange thing I found
@AddonisGigachad Ай бұрын
@AddonisGigachad Ай бұрын
Bro you can’t edge me like this, I need to hear you say “normal egg”
@DoubleOhCheese Ай бұрын
***Spoilers*** The andros-eidos are not humans, at all actually. They were made without any trace of human DNA. 100% artificial. The naytibas are the direct descendants of the human race who stripped all of their humanity in order to gain the strength and will power to defeat their own creation. Mother sphere was created by humans who in turn created the androids to wipe out the human race. Humans evolved into naytibas to fight back against the androids leading to both sides losing what it means to be human. In the end it takes a joining of both sides in order for humanity to survive. Towards the beginning of the game you are made to believe one thing but only discover the truth as the game progresses to the very end. Pretty awesome story if you ask me and pulling inspiration from some very solid sources was a huge plus for me.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
Adding you to the list of people who missed the point there… Dumping the plot is irrelevant to the point I was quite clearly making. In the context of the world building, everyone in the game is human: Eve and the rest of the awful cast, all of them. But the writing does such a poor job at conveying it that it became clear only when the twist is revealed that theyre androids. Prior to that moment, no amount of listening to the terrible dialogues or reading the notes made it clear. Almost like the entire background of Eve was a copy paste of the Nier’s Yorha squad and only later decided that everyone in game is supposedly human…
@DoubleOhCheese Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob the plot is literally spelled out at the end of the game and everything is revealed through cutscenes. The elder (Adam) created mother sphere who created androids and lied to all of them saying that they were saving humanity when in fact they are exterminating them. I’m you are being lied to so that your decision is more impactful after the reveal
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
Man, I’ll make it simple: do you believe that it’s clearly stated by the game that the characters believe to be humans? Before the big reveal (aka: the copy pasted twist from Nier Replicant) could you say for sure that Lily believed to be human or you thought she was some kind of Android? Even when Eve and Lily reach Xion it seems more like the humans there are welcoming a team of androids, rather than fellow humans. And don’t reply “but they’re all androids!” ‘Cause I freaking get it. My point is that the plot does a poor job at explaining they are supposedly humans until the twist is revealed. You bring up the ending as if I ever stated that I didn’t understand it. Yeah, I did, that’s why I can easily say that it’s a complete copy paste of Automata and Replicant with the only difference that you have that choice I predicted 7 hours prior because the game had to be so on the nose with the Adam and Eve naming. The only tangent the game takes that diverges from the 2 Nier is the religious angle Mother Sphere assumes and, ironically, it’s the thing the plot focuses on the least
@DoubleOhCheese Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob bro, I have no idea what you’re trying to refute. Didn’t write anything in regard to your opinion. I like the game for some reasons that you don’t like, that’s okay lol
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
I have no issue with you liking it. And I said the same to plenty of other commenters. Genuinely couldn’t care less, if anything I’m happy for whoever found more enjoyment than I did. But you did start this conversation around the human-android plot point and I’ve been trying to explain to you what that part of the video was about. It wasn’t about the plot per se, it wasn’t about the twist itself (if you notice I don’t refer to that cutscene as a plot twist in the video): it was exclusively about me explaining that it took half the game before a crucial world building element was properly conveyed. The fact that it happens when that element is also subverted by the twist just adds insult to injury but I completely avoided talking about that in the video because it would’ve been a spoiler.
@DarkJusn2020 Ай бұрын
I wasn't sure if all of this was sarcasm or it genuinely was a good game untill past the half of the video. 10/10 video, would play if not because I'm without a pc rn.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
It’s coming on console too in a couple of weeks
@AddonisGigachad Ай бұрын
No, we’re loosing bro to the brainrot please stop edging and stop the sigma grind
@DarkJusn2020 Ай бұрын
So much relaxed now that have passed those 7 seconds. Surely nothing will go wrong!
@drissimohamed1920 Ай бұрын
this is one of the most shittiest characters in years 😒🤔i bet abby is fine , or wait ....MJ from spiderman II ...maibe the upcoming FABLE game chic is your type .but joks aside dude the thing with the combat was the most nonsencical thing i heard my intire live . i mean you have the controler in your hand man , if you suck ..why are you blaming it on the game mechanics .do you think the devs didn't run tests .they just put it together and throw it to the market ? and one last thing regardless of your feeling for the game .they did make a profite and were celibrating back at home . and the producer said somthing nice too .this is just a 25/30 max hours in the game and then game over and get back to reality . joks on you if you expected somthing else , i have seen some of your video bro i feel like you missed the marck on this one
@chadmcdeadlift6792 Ай бұрын
Never mind that it runs perfectly smooth, has no bugs, has responsive combat, plenty of different areas to explore, has a huge variety of enemies. All the things you bitched about sounds like a you problem.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
It might come as a shock but a review is a personal opinion. So yeah, it is a me problem. If it wasn’t the same for you, great: you got more value out of your purchase
@MultiThatguy7 Ай бұрын
Really love the gameplay and best physics out there.
@Bairyhalls47 Ай бұрын
Damn, dude has shit tier taste.
@biscuits6576 Ай бұрын
I put 15 hours into the game. And I got bored already. I'll be honest the boobs are what got me into it but after a while running on the bunny suit I rather read manga or watch anime. The story is not engaging. The non-stop music in the background makes you tired. I don't regret buying the physical copy but I think it needed more time in the oven to be a better game. I was a little bit surprised though with the underground mission where "zombies" pop up. It had resident evil vibes and that was cool. But overall I think this review nails it.
@timothytorigian7932 Ай бұрын
@AugustBurnsRedRyan Ай бұрын
This review is unhinged and laughable and it’s going to age like milk. It’s a better game than the turds that other developers came out in recent memory. It feels like a breath of fresh air in the gaming community. Combat is stellar, story needs work but it’s doable and character design and world building is great, visually it’s beautiful!
@navigamez6607 Ай бұрын
lol. there was a lot i agreed with. the game felt designed for one on ones but you ran into a lot of fights where there were creatures all around you. the saving grace was using the surge or beta energy. unlike you lock on ticked me off. i turned it off in the settings so i could scope my surroundings easier. I ABSOLUTELY agree the voice acting was trash. once i finish my current playthrough for the final ending I'm prolly going to turn the audio to korean and live with subtitles lol. But there is something major you got wrong about the story ***Spoilers** You stated they were humans. and used a scene to prove it. but the whole point of that scene was to show Lily trying to deny the truth. which was mother sphere created andro eidos (what you play as and interact with others in the game), eventually went to war with the real humans and won. Humans facing extinction went into hiding and in attempting to force rapid evolution on themselves lost their humanity and were deformed into the Naytiba. when those creatures swarmed the planet mother sphere to her artificial humans to space and created the colony. she wiped all records and led her creations to believe that they were humans who had been pushed out by those "unknown" creatures. The story is about discovering that you are going around killing the last remnants of humans that had grown so desperate due to mother sphere wiping them out. thematically the main story and a lot of the side quests are about whether you accept the lie told or pursue the truth regardless of the damage done. one of the best examples of this is in pretty much the only side story where you get a choice. do you tell the quest giver the truth about how his friends died or do you omit the truth for his peace of mind. If you don't tell him anything then he goes on believing there was nothing he could have or should have done. he has peace of mind and is content in living in the lie. If you tell him the truth then he breaks down not being able to handle how events played out and later when you return you find his corpse after he killed himself. there was a bit of back and forth between her and adam and one thing she states for the after when she let the man live the lie was "I'm not sure I would be strong enough" putting herself in a hypothetical situation where she might be confronted and had her world turned upside down when a lie she believed was exposed. It aslo sheds a little light on why mother sphere would have wiped all andro eidos' species' memories of the real humans and their part in human extinction. Thematically a lot of the quests are like this. and the end of the story is the culmination of this dilemma. Do you accept the real truth and take Adam's hand, and maybe work to a better world where a newer hybrid of human(naytiba) and andro eidos could form possibly bridging the gap between the two species? or do you reject the truth and adam, killing him, abandoning Xion, and returning to the mothersphere. Overall I thought it was a pretty decently thought out game. I do agree they relied heavily on the storyline groundwork nier had laid. but in the end I think they diverged enough to create a different enough story (unless the second game had that plot. (haven't played yet. sorry. kept telling myself i'd buy it when it went on sale then never got around to it.) In the end it had a lot of flaws. but I really feel that the upside to the game far outweighed the negatives. I am a little sad you only found it as decent. but everyone has different likes and opinions and I think you did a great job of explaining your reasons.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
I used that cutscene for a completely different reason. The game’s world building assumes everyone in the game is human. And the game fails at laying down that concept since for the entire time I couldn’t understand who was human and who wasn’t. The fact that that cutscene appears in a scene where something else is revealed is irrelevant. That was the cutscene that made me go “oooooh, so they are humans. Well, they think they are”. And given that I was discussing the fact that some people used the “she is a robot” defense to explain why her voice acting sucks, my point stands. She’s actually human - as in, the world building tries to establish it - and even when you factor in the twist, it doesn’t matter because it still reveals that they are just like humans. Or maybe I should even say, just like the androids in Nier Automata. Now that game clearly established that they have emotions despite being androids. And I don’t know if by “second game” you mean Automata or Nier Replicant (I’ve seen people thinking replicant is the sequel when it’s actually the first one) so without spoiling: thr first half of the game is Automata, second half heavily relies on Replicant. The ending uses imagery you can see in Automata. Even the main theme that spawns from the twist in stellar blade is quite literally the same. Except it’s poorly narrated. The final choice in SB is admittedly the only good part of the story for me, but then again, the final choice carries some kind of impact when it’s preceded by a plot that fleshes out the themes. This game didn’t do it for me
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
And btw, it’s great that for some people there were enough pros outweighing the cons. For me it remained in a limbo the whole time.
@necrago Ай бұрын
I don't think he paid attention at all to the story... You got the plot entirely backwards. (Especially summarized in 3:54) 4:12 This scene was Lily coping with the concept that they aren't humans. Granted, everything else is on point (about the voice acting, writing delivery, and gameplay issues), though it's probably worse if you don't learn to accept what you get, both good and bad, but instead focus on them.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
Of course 4:12 is Lily coping, but if you had paid attention (ironically) I was using that cutscene to discuss a whole different point: the fact they’re humans (although you decided to spoil for everyone elsethe fact they’re not but ok) yet the game does a terrible job at explaining it even if it’s part of the word building. And btw the spoiler you’re discussing is exactly what I referred to when I said this game copied Nier replicant main twist
@BasketCase-rr7tx Ай бұрын
This was one of the worst reviews I have ever heard. He’s basically terrible at the game so he says it’s bad.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
Didn’t know it takes skills to recognize bad plot, characters, music mixing and gameplay structure. Let me go grab my cup to sip on your tears
@BasketCase-rr7tx Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob I’m talking about the factually incorrect ways you talked about the combat just because you were bad at it. There wouldn’t be people already doing no hit runs on the game if any of what you said was true.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
@@BasketCase-rr7tx then go and make a video where you show me you can counter attack after any parry. You won’t be able to, but you’re welcome to try. Other games give you hints as to when an enemy will be open to a counter, through indicators or animations. Rise of the ronin recently did it, Sekiro did it. This game doesn’t. The fact you can play and memorize all the enemies’ attack patterns to remember when you can attack them and when the game arbitrarily decides you can’t doesn’t make the issue magically go away
@BasketCase-rr7tx Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob there are literal moves in the game designed to counter after parries, but they don’t work after every parry, you need to learn the enemies move sets and counter on the final blow of its attack chain, or your counter will be broken. I suggest you look up videos of people beating bosses perfectly, maybe they will help you understand the game better.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
Literally saying what I just said lmao. Whatever man, I had fun gauging some extra comments out of you, but I didn’t expect a very fruitful conversation out of someone who hyper focused on 24 seconds out of almost 10 minutes of video. I touched your game and you’re angry, I was like that too in my 16s
@tomsagz3653 Ай бұрын
Hope the algorithm blesses this channel more. It's a crime to have this much views when you're this entertaining
@agamaz5650 Ай бұрын
it is a stellar game
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
But the title says it’s not :(
@BasketCase-rr7tx Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnobyour title is wrong.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
@@BasketCase-rr7tx but it really isnt. It’s right there. See?
@dhookster7459 Ай бұрын
LOL! I think you're just trying to get views from angry people!
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
If I had wanted that I would’ve trashed the game, gave it a 0 and called it Stellar Poop or something
@dhookster7459 Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob bro, this is literally the best game ever! LOL!
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
@@dhookster7459 I’m sorry that my review somehow made you dislike the game then(?)
@dhookster7459 Ай бұрын
@@roboknobthesnob I think it is best game ever!
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
@@dhookster7459 oh, so my review didn’t magically change your opinion and you are still able to enjoy something I didn’t particularly like. Then where’s the issue exactly? If anything it’s great you got more enjoyment out of your 70 bucks purchase than I did
@truthspeaker7878 Ай бұрын
best game ever
@highwaltage Ай бұрын
as much as i love booty. it wasnt enough to convince me to buy this. Nier is Nier. this Nier's like style is kinda cringey tbh. the protagonist is just too emo for my tastes. lol
@BasketCase-rr7tx Ай бұрын
This game plays more like a souls game than Nier.
@ricardocampos2614 Ай бұрын
The combat is pretty good, specially after mid game, the rest is just ok.
@AHAB-conscious Ай бұрын
Finally, a reasonable review
@wietze1220 Ай бұрын
I like this game so far, it certainly is not perfect. But for me the positives outweight the negatives
@clownavenger0 Ай бұрын
I mostly impressed with how well it runs coming from a new developer and all the side content and outfits included in the base game. It just feels like a videogame from the PS2 era. Remember that Drakengard 1 and 2 had some terrible voice acting and tons of quirks. Still very fun in their own way though.
@roboknobthesnob Ай бұрын
From that perspective I agree. I don’t love this game at all, that much is clear. But the way it was released absolutely gets my praise. From an “ethical” standpoint, I support it wholeheartedly, and if buying it means sending this kind of message to publishers, fine. But as far as the actual quality of the game is concerned, I still consider it average
@talon.brigade8366 Ай бұрын
​@@roboknobthesnob This guy gets it. You can review something, not like it and still have a healthy conversation about it. You've earned a new subscriber. Continue to give your unfiltered take on games. I personally prefer something like Nier or Drakengard.