An introduction to ArcGIS Pro
21 күн бұрын
How Do Sewer Systems Work?
11 ай бұрын
@emyoji1316 2 күн бұрын
We should also include addressing the needs of the present in the definition of planning
@ricktownend9144 4 күн бұрын
Nice point about driverless cars making the situation worse!
@user-ei1ym1lq6h 6 күн бұрын
They think they own it.
@Track2Training 6 күн бұрын
Nice video 🎉
@Dreadnaught1Aw 6 күн бұрын
It depends on her curb weight.
@user-beepbopbeep 13 күн бұрын
I would imagine:. Crime would be higher due to a lack of proper accountability and punishment of actual crime while "perceived" crimes are met with much harsher sentences, especially for men. Crimes such as school shootings would be higher. Drug addiction/use would be extremely high and normalized, including the usage of artificial hormones on minors which would be pushed into government via lobbyists or by agendaa within government to disrupt family structures necessary for healthy communities. Fatherlessness would be extremely high and promoted legally, with a great bias towards pushing single mother homes while at the same time having an overall bias where fathers are expected to pay child support or alimony, even in cases where men are not the father or where women are breadwinners. Loneliness among citizens would be at all time high as social integration would be near impossible due to the social structures normally enabling community and communication to be either deemed problematic or outdated with no actual suitable substitute in place. Ones integration would be an unequal structure based on shallow constructs such as appearance or self proclaimed status as opposed to skill and merit. Gyms would be deemed obsolete and sexist. Obesity would be the new "attractive" and pushed as a form of ideal socially. Promiscuity would be excessively higher with rates of STDs growing among women in particular. There would be bathrooms where anyone can just wander in, including men in women's lockers. Any push to rectify this would be met with psuedo scientific theorems consisting of biological gender and sex being mislabeled a social construct. Schools would lower grade expectations, thereby dumbing down students and prioritizing shallow attempts of "equity". Pedophilia would be excessively high as no protections would be in place, including authorities who meer standards necessary for officers of the law as well as leniency to child predators of the female kind. Child abuse would stagnantly increase as children would be increasingly kept from fathers and into the arms of non biological fathers while at the same time be in the arms of day care who will never truly be able to replace the parent in all settings. Materialism and consumerism would grow to the point that dollar companies would possess enough money to heavily sway political lawmaking and political corruption spread to the point that truth and values are undermined in exchange for countervalues and falsities are pushed as fact including the idea that basic fundamental truths such as biological differences are considered condemned thoughts and that all known facts are met with socially induced displacement ie "cancellation" or defunding via institutionalized quotas that legally reaffirm racist or even sexist viewpoints but claimed to be under the guise of equality. Domestic abuse would be higher as the children grown from such feminist based city structure would have weaker authorities and higher rates of violence including between couples, most of which would either not be married due to the patriarchal origins of religions or consist of step parents or single mother homes which are known to hold an increase in violence compared to man/woman households. Oh wait...we already have that due to feminism in the US.
@guangxiaosheng4249 16 күн бұрын
你好,我是盛光晓,毕业于武汉大学测绘工程专业,院士课题组成员,前百度地图高级工程师。 我在测绘地理信息科学行业有13年的经验,我熟悉arcgis和qgis的使用,我精通Python数据分析和可视化,我对arcpy、GDAL、Geopandas、folium、rasterio、fiona、pyproj、shapely这些库都非常熟悉,可以处理矢量和栅格数据。我擅长编写arcpy脚本,定制arctoolbox工具箱。 如有机会合作,不胜荣幸:) 如有打扰,请见谅:) 祝你生活愉快,天天开心
@Groovey-kj6eu 22 күн бұрын
20 million😅
@RubenKemp 25 күн бұрын
if only ESRI was not so expensive :)
@Buy_YT_Views_66 26 күн бұрын
Your talent shines brighter with each upload. 🌟
@GandiNagaraju-p8m Ай бұрын
@Cacowninja Ай бұрын
One of the worse things about eminent domain besides it being immoral is it deincentivizes property city planning zoning. I mean if you could just bulldoze something you don't like out of the way on a dime then why would you properly plan where to put stuff without interfering with anyone else's property? It's just a really bad policy and regardless of it being constitutional is it's unacceptable.
@WabuhWabuh Ай бұрын
women have done nothing with their authority but whore themselves out & have secret sex lives letting other men rule incognito while they act as puppets...women leadership is a sign of corruption...
@KonjitDejene Ай бұрын
@jaderochez7343 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this video!!
@fromthevan 2 ай бұрын
This is a good video. But, "people vote with their feet to shop at Walmart," is a precarious and telling statement.
@adriangloza 2 ай бұрын
What a great video. It was very informative and well summarized. Thank you for sharing!
@Duckywucky92 2 ай бұрын
Lol glad I don’t live in California, mine was 50k
@Weathering123 2 ай бұрын
I wish the asian Culture was like this
@jus3278 2 ай бұрын
Houston got it right.
@wilsonfarrell4774 2 ай бұрын
'Promo SM' 😥
@WeiLin-bp6zr 2 ай бұрын
Traditional market redesign
@E33productions 2 ай бұрын
Marvin did not take a ride
@Sadengineer88 2 ай бұрын
Abolish zoning
@summerwilkes3018 2 ай бұрын
Nothing about New Urbanism??
@martybenson5740 2 ай бұрын
"We've given up travel lanes for bicycle lanes." Look how embedded the deference to the car is in this sentence. Are people on bikes not traveling?
Keeps certain skin colors off the road. Got it.
@leonsignal6115 3 ай бұрын
Listening and explaining...🎉🎉
@leonsignal6115 3 ай бұрын
These are alarming critical issues for now and future. Thank you.
@leonsignal6115 3 ай бұрын
Great, you made them a kind collections!!
@leonsignal6115 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I got enlightenment🎉.
@qkrtjdud 3 ай бұрын
When building a city, it was beneficial to build a city by asking many questions such as how people will live in the future, where they will work, and whether all the systems necessary to support people fit well with this city. 10109
@godfrednsowine6319 3 ай бұрын
This is very helpful thank you.
@EzekiaKiwale 3 ай бұрын
Please help me five points of relationship between land use and transportation please help me sir
@roxashenry8315 3 ай бұрын
The government's domain expansion
@dragonroot2616 Ай бұрын
Gojo, is that you?
@pamirmercanli 4 ай бұрын
@anji8429 4 ай бұрын
The idea of community kitchens is such a great for housewives and women with traditional values! But, in my opinion, if the basic data is “a woman’s job is to be in the kitchen and look after the children” and women’s urbanism is based on this, we cannot call it non-sexist from the point of view of modern feminism.
@mathew4485 4 ай бұрын
Eminent domain is dangerous with such a corrupt government
@davidnelson6915 4 ай бұрын
This is not content.
@micaholson1052 4 ай бұрын
So this is what that old man from UP was going through. Man this sounds like China.
@shardinhand1243 4 ай бұрын
just add it to the pile of laws im shocked everyone in the country hasing collectivly banned togather to get rid of becuase this kind of law puts everyones property at risk, i guess the rich wouldint really care that much cuase they can always move to an equily lavish place but the fact that everyone else is just content to ignore this blade hanging over theyre head is just weird to me... but then the average person doesint care about any damn thing thats not directly in front of them and hurting them spicificly.
@thephoenixhasflown 4 ай бұрын
And so the list grows let's see it's about 4 ft long right now yeah it's about as big as a kid.
@shardinhand1243 4 ай бұрын
surely its longer than that... atleast as long as 5 foot 10....@@thephoenixhasflown
@shardinhand1243 3 ай бұрын
@@thephoenixhasflown theres no accounting for what the average person is willing to ignore to make life imedatly easier/less stressfull, the common person is self centured and apathetic to the problems of other people and the world at large.
@LechDharma 4 ай бұрын
Immigration is----and should be----a matter of sovereignty. Shouldn't EVERYONE be able to determine who can or cannot enter their own home, or come onto THEIR property (excluding authorized: LE officers, firemen, and medical personnel)....and have the right to determine who can remain in THEIR home---and who has to leave? Whatever their reasoning?
@Marimoxley 4 ай бұрын
If that were the case, white americans would be a minority as land would, and should be primarily owed by native Americans. So basically, it would get very iffy very quickly as white Americans would've claimed that the land was all their when that was most definitely not the case.
@LechDharma 4 ай бұрын
@@Marimoxley I am talking about national sovereignty and borders. You are referring to a time (during the age of conquest) when there were hundreds of separate, primitive, indigenous tribes scattered all across North America, with no established laws or government that unified them as a nation. Europeans came to North America and conquered the land, or purchased it, and eventually established nations--with sovereign laws and borders: Canada, and The United States of America. Conquest, and the establishment of sovereign borders, is the history of the world.
@clarence7632 5 күн бұрын
@LechDharma, Hello, I am confused by your comment, (my fault not yours), if you don't mind, could expand on the point you're making? To me, it seems like your questions are referring to private property, is that correct? Or am I misunderstanding? Thanks for your time
@user-um7ln7bv1v 4 ай бұрын
very nice, educational!
@Fck_the_atf 4 ай бұрын
“Just compensation” 😂 Yeah when the government gets to decide what “just” means. For how anti tyranny the founding fathers were this is a huge oversight.
@laurafergs88 4 ай бұрын
As a graphic designer and urban planner I was interested to see how this was treated. It's a good start but there are some foundational concepts behind the suggestions in the video which might be good to think about. Visual communication isn't rocket science - human have a very primal approach to images; we 'read' images first as they're the easiest to comprehend, text comes second as it requires 'translation'. Use images carefully - they need to function as clearly as any text you write. Visual weight and colour function similarly - use colour and bold type sparingly to direct and signal where you want your audience's attention to be - too much and they won't know where to focus and will tune out. Lastly, your audience needs places to 'rest' their eyes, so they can consume your content - ensuring you have enough white space to balance text and images means they're not racing all over the page to try and understand all of what they're being shown. Put all that together when you're creating a document or presentation and you'll have no issues getting your point across.
@DMGrass-gb9kg 4 ай бұрын
Lol, but then everyone freaks out when China has a nail house.
@shardinhand1243 4 ай бұрын
the hells a nail house!?
@shriefallam8866 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, though I didn't understand anything. :D
@greenwil 5 ай бұрын
Investors based out of Atlanta are "Infill developing" a 635,000 Sq./Ft warehouse distribution center with 2300 Sq/Ft of modernized office space located beside my residential neighborhood on 53 acres that was a wooded lot prior to clearcutting. Not sure whether I should be saying yippee, or oh 💩!
@user-ft3vx3ds6t 5 ай бұрын
The economic factors and considerations involved in transportation include: 1. Geographic specialization: Efficient transportation allows regions to specialize in producing goods and services for which they have a comparative advantage. This promotes economic productivity and specialization. 2. Just-in-time inventory practices: Transportation plays a crucial role in supporting just-in-time production and retail practices, where materials and goods are delivered right before they are needed. This intensifies the dependence on a high-performing transportation system. 3. Political regulations and trade agreements: Transportation development is managed and regulated at various levels, including local zoning, regional regulations, and national policies. Trade agreements also influence transportation development by coordinating physical and trade networks between neighboring economic entities. 4. Environmental and economic considerations: The impacts of transportation on the environment and the economy are complex and often controversial. Priorities between these considerations can shift over time, affecting public policy. Subsidies and ownership of transport infrastructure can sometimes conflict with environmental concerns. 5. Investment in transport networks: Investing in transport networks can improve productivity, competitiveness, and the geographical distribution of economic activity. Improved connectivity, reduced travel times and costs, and network reliability contribute to agglomeration economies and economic output. 6. Regulations: Transportation is subject to specific operational conditions, safety considerations, and regulations that affect its cost structure. These regulations can also relate to barriers to entry and competitive behavior. 7. Infrastructure and economic development: Adequate transportation infrastructure is essential for economic development. Transportation facilitates communication, commerce, and trade, allowing goods to reach markets and promoting social, political, and commercial ties. 8. Tourism and economic advancement: Transport is crucial for the tourism sector, enabling the movement of people to desired destinations. Tourism contributes significantly to global trade, and transport options play a vital role in attracting tourists based on factors like cost, convenience, and efficiency. 9. Multi-modal concepts: Multi-modal transportation networks, integrating land, air, and water facilities, are increasingly promoted to ensure efficient and cost-effective movement of people and goods. These concepts support economic development. 10. Transport and competition: Efficient transport is essential for meeting the demand of economic activity and ensuring goods are in the right place. It drives the need for improved logistics and transport infrastructure, leading to demand growth, the multiplier effect, and GDP growth. Trade with other countries may also be necessary to obtain scarce resources.
@Kattbirb 5 ай бұрын
Go figure, building sprawling wastelands of asphalt unconnected to the world that require someone owning depreciating assets just to feed themselves was a bad thing.
@rubbishrabble 5 ай бұрын
Conflating citizenship poverty with residential poverty. PBS published a video titled suburbs in wealthy Illinois County sees unexpected rise in poverty. The video conveniently forgets the DuPage County foreign born grew from 71300 in 1990 to 171000 by 2009. The fact is half live in a metro statistical area with three districts or 2400000. The Brookings study titled why midsized metro areas deserve our attention. In the Heartland, midsized metro areas contain nearly 28 percent of the population, versus 24 percent nationally. Large metro 183 Midsized metro 68 Small 29 Nonmetro 46
@Kattbirb 5 ай бұрын
@rubbishrabble I think I missed the point that you're trying to make. Would you mind summing that up, please?
@rubbishrabble 5 ай бұрын
@@Kattbirb Wide disparity of single family zoning & home ownership rates between a midsized metro and a large metro. The DuPage County story referred to bus rides, but a midsized metro has less tall apartment complexes. Midsized metro is Piedmont between the North Carolina & Tennessee, North Alabama, and South Carolina. Only Atlanta is a top metro in Piedmont. The Brookings study essentially says the Piedmont is similar to the midsize metro Heartland. Northeast is built up following a line from Boston to NYC to Philly to DC.