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Explainer: Vertical Farming
@eternityfreeblue6377 8 күн бұрын
Den fantastiska Karin Olsson
@georgigeorgiev1329 11 күн бұрын
Commie schwester
@stephencooper3494 15 күн бұрын
Facts are facts. History is something that may be recorded badly, with propoganda but these fictions are more equivalent with artistic fictions. There is still propoganda in art. An artist will shape their narrative with their own grasp of the facts....?
@ctwatcher 16 күн бұрын
Arrest him for all those crimes he aided.
@bengt-goranlarsson5300 17 күн бұрын
utmärkt exempel på att det s.k klägget, får fria händer att på detta sätt föra ut sitt budskap, med egen s.k "proffessor" o agenda, var tog jens ganman, aron flam, SD, vägen????????påminner mycket om woopie goldbergs reVieu
@ALavin-en1kr 18 күн бұрын
It is easier to have A.I. rather than A.C. Intelligence can be imitated by information. What would an imitation of consciousness A.C. be like. What would artificial consciousness mean, imitation awareness sounds strange and it is. How is awareness imitated? Pretending to be aware while not being aware, we may have some experience of that when we tune something out. We would not create A.C. to tune things out as it would not have any purpose. A simulated world would be a good learning device or for entertainment. It is likely we are in a simulation or more accurately a dream. If the dreamer is not just dreaming but is also awake as we sometimes are when we have lucid dreams, that would mean that what we experience is also experienced by the dreamer. What happens is maybe just a background to our lives, which may be partly determined, the biological part, while our minds have free will to choose within a limited range. We cannot interfere with nature’s determinism. However, we can choose personally, if not impeded by habits. Human creations will not be other than artificial as humans can imitate but not create anything original. Virtual people and virtual pets would be good for the elderly as a former of companionship. V.P. could help with simple tasks maybe even cook and clean.
@rohj4825 28 күн бұрын
We need protection of all humans life from moment of conception.
@konyvnyelv. Ай бұрын
Stoppa invandring
@TT-pv6fz 2 ай бұрын
Surely edit out the coughing that is annoying. Still enjoyed.
@Catcatcat237 2 ай бұрын
Did she just say Putin would have SHOT people that went to the concert??? The stupidity of Wests propaganda efforts is simply astounding at this point.
@politicalfoolishness7491 3 ай бұрын
He is a good speaker but I was disappointed in some flawed content. It is not good to start out a presentation with multiple foundational flaws as it undermines the credibility of the organization(s) and the agenda he represents. Let me cite a few I noticed in the first 10 minutes: - That hockey stick curve is missing the medieval warming period that was 1-2 C warmer according to research. - Who got a Nobel Prize in physics for that curve? As far as I know nobody did. - Many have debunked the idea that extreme weather events have increased over the last 100 years - it has been factually proven false when one compiles the data from records that were kept. - There is no science behind tipping points as proven by the medieval warming period where Greenland had a much larger area with vegetation. When the Earth warms, some areas that are colder melt, ice sheets are reduced, etc. When the Earth cools as in the little ice age a few hundred years ago, freezing returns, ice sheets grow again, etc. This has been going on through all the major and minor warming and cooling periods Earth has experienced back to prehistoric times.
@ElmiMelmirec 3 ай бұрын
Märks att de flesta av talarna befinner sig i en informationsbubbla där alla klappar varandra på ryggen. Insiktslöst, okunnigt, tråkigt. Ångrar att jag slösade bort tid på att titta på det här tramset.
@SjolanderHelpsYou 3 ай бұрын
Vad saknade du i samtalet? Om du ger mer konkret återkoppling finns ju möjligheterna för skaparna att förbättra sig till nästa gång... Jag tyckte i vilket fall att det visst fanns insikter, kunskap och ibland även underhållande.
@izzysdrywall1643 3 ай бұрын
Italy for 3 months didn’t not give birth 2023. Lots of other countries are having less babies to research it
@charlesyoung1464 4 ай бұрын
This is yet another sad and embarassing example of an individual who knows NOTHING about the subject of climate, but INSANELY tries to educate us about it 🗣💩📢🙈! Like most folks, he doesn't even know which NATURAL FORCES influence and modify global climate!! If he DARED to reveal the TRUTH, more than 300 BILLION DOLLARS of PUBLIC MONEY would cease to FILL THE POCKETS of the LIARS who profit🤑📈from the CLIMATE BUSINESS and HOODWINKING!! You DON'T bite the hand that FEEDS YOU!!!!
@Renew55574 4 ай бұрын
Update and extend
@iansinclair8905 4 ай бұрын
against this rage, how can beauty hold a plea, whose action is no stronger than a flower? WS can't remember which sonnet
@roddiewanser2794 4 ай бұрын
😓 'PromoSM'
@euu22CMBJ 5 ай бұрын
I bet all the people in the comments rejecting moral bioenhancement are the first to complain about how fucked-up the world is. These academics are just trying to provide a solution to make the world a better place. I guess we get what we deserve.
@abbefolkseger6927 5 ай бұрын
Its always a sionist/ jew who decide which racism is right or wrong! Everything is about the Rothsteins! The whole indoctrination system is made for empowring jews on behalf of others
@naveenadduri5091 5 ай бұрын
The law office
@naveenadduri5091 5 ай бұрын
This hanuman idol
@naveenadduri5091 5 ай бұрын
@naveenadduri5091 5 ай бұрын
Hi darling
@masonlee9109 5 ай бұрын
Professor Haggstrom is on point here with a well organized presentation. Thank you for publishing these talks; we are at a critical moment in human history.
@Natt_Uggla10 5 ай бұрын
Vi behöver inte ens folkhälsomyndigheten. Ner med skiten, ner med EU, ner med WHO och ner med WEF.
@utroligte 5 ай бұрын
good talk. interesting, but he failed to actually give sources for the question about people having 'a few extra kids just in case', besides some conjecture. Which religious institutions advocated late fertility? and the point about people having more, after some died, is a more circular argument. How about the economic side of things, if there are less children, and populations/countries will become older/more mature, what kind of changes would he/'they'? suggest, besides just increasing the retirement age? especially in places like the Nordic countries, where the social burden is somewhat higher than other places?
@dvaccaro96 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for uploading this!
@postplays 6 ай бұрын
Its laughable that these clowns think they have any capacity to know what "morality" is, much less have the wisdom to implement a means by force to control people; which is immoral in of itself. Let them spend a week in a penitentiary and let's see how they feel about this nutty idea that you can just train people to cooperate. I'm baffled by this line of thinking.
@ficciones4737 6 ай бұрын
Socialists always look the same 🤣
@hellomate639 6 ай бұрын
The problem isn't capitalism; the problem is the glorification of capitalism. The problems of capitalism aren't the problems of capitalism; they're the problems of a failure to balance power. Democratic societies have thrived due to a balancing of power. Any attempt to curtail the evils of capitalism without careful consideration to a balance of power will create more problems than solved. One of the reasons I am a proponent of UBI is that it helps balance the emergent power structures that arise with money. More needs to be done to fight corruption in institutions.
@aidanmargarson8910 6 ай бұрын
My Zombie Twin is just like me .. is a great band name
@birgittapersson6371 6 ай бұрын
@johnsnow5264 6 ай бұрын
Hur ser det ut idag, 2024, med främlingsfientligheten i Sverige?
@TheRealLordSanta 6 ай бұрын
Tittar man på korruptionen i det här landet, så visar det sig att Jerzy Sarnecki ha varit de facto ledande röst inom 'förnekelse-rörelsen' som svept över det här landet sedan sent 70-tal... tillfälligtvis samma tids-era som Jerzy Snickesnacki kom till makten. Jag säger inte att Jerzy själv är orsaken till det svenska tillståndet, men han har varit en tongivande faktor och bör ställas till svars inför folket, samt spärras in de resterande dagar han har kvar; För lands-förräderi.
@andersf5464 6 ай бұрын
Vänstermupparna kan väl kackla hur mycket de vill i sin hönsgård. Vi måste nu återställa katastrofen med den importerade våldsbrottsligheten. Det är massiv återvandring av alla de som kommit hit för att parasitera som gäller nu. Inte bara de dömda - vilket är helt självklart - utan även de som inte riktigt klarar av att leva i ett så avancerat samhälle som Sverige är.
@quantumac 7 ай бұрын
Our right to "informed consent" and "self determination" outweighs your "utopian dreams."
@thoughtfull9398 7 ай бұрын
människor som tvingar sig in. missbrukar asylrätten övertolkar flykting konventione
@darveesh00 7 ай бұрын
@Eldagusto 7 ай бұрын
Anders is always entertaining, love seeing his presentations.
@dadsonworldwide3238 7 ай бұрын
Since this is the anylitical philosophers argument structure that darwin used ( given enough universal trys earths finely tuned for single cell origin of life) over comes the astronomical odds against it failed when we found different genetic code we should take this into consideration. Obviously the anylitical philosopher like Blake ponders super position of god is trying out many different universe until he creates life. All of them are chaldean mind model very ancient Babylonian primordial evolutionary soup mythology sources. Its time we stop living in platos cave mystified by the shadows on the wall and only exploring the dualistic Euclidean simple minded bi polar extremes of this same model. Even basian mind is just mapping how the chaldean mind thinks. The eastern beliefs consciousness everywhere likely gets math mapped by string Theory. And of course the extreme opposite was math mapped under the 1900s Modernization act structuralism . Infinite sums of approximating probability and complexity was pushed down upon many different disciplines the individual ben Franklins here are dictated by environment engulfed by dualistic chaldean minded
@svegritet 7 ай бұрын
Tack för bra och tydlig information. Vänligen beakta att AI sedan många år kan användas för integration med människan. Det är forskning där juridiken inte är anpassad. Jag menar den AI som kan distribueras i framväxande informationsteknik. Det var väl ingen som trodde att man skulle upprepa historien och börja använda maskininlärning med riktad sensorteknik som både kan läsa av och påverka hjärnan. I bifogad länk finner vi att Martin Ingvar bl a forskar i att distribuera kognition till människan. Är detta genomtänkt? För att skriva denna bok så krävs många år av forskning på människor med tekniken. Har informerat samtycke funnits?
@godisreality7014 7 ай бұрын
What are, then "the relevant moral skills" and why are not these taught in "school" where children are indoctrinated in the first place?
@godisreality7014 7 ай бұрын
This is the "philosophy" behind taking the mark of the beast.
@godisreality7014 7 ай бұрын
A drug that "enables you to become a moral agent"? Pharmkeia is sorcery and evil.
@godisreality7014 7 ай бұрын
technology is an unnatural brute force of the serpent.
@godisreality7014 7 ай бұрын
We are not "humans" and we are not animals.
@MarcyMarcy 8 ай бұрын
Did this guy do a total flip flop? Did he sell out?
@zeljkozeljko-lr5nm 8 ай бұрын
Ne seri gluposti
@zeljkozeljko-lr5nm 8 ай бұрын