In Scena! 2024: Opera Buffa!
"papa & dada" Presentation at NYU
Forgotten Gems with Rebecca Miller
Mafalda Minnozzi sings "Carnival"
@LauraOlev 2 күн бұрын
🌹Mille grazie 🥹🙏♥️
@zwijdenes1376 13 күн бұрын
Ochio means eye. Third eye!👁
@bepivisintainer2975 18 күн бұрын
blowing your own trumpet neapolitan syle
@erinwhattam618 21 күн бұрын
Aloha, DNA Stonehenge builders time DNA inconclusive, but some DNA of Turkey Peoples, ah, truant professors maybe, from gathering universities Gobekli Tepe & more, originally Atlantis, Italy, Sardinia, Turkey, old DNA mix potential... One history note 5000 km, equals Turkey to my guess site, underwater & above water, Atlantis 13,000 or 200,000 yrs. Ago... 1200 sq miles & west desert now Africa... Erin ... Maybe Etruscans to?
@edwingraham6586 23 күн бұрын
3 Questions.... 1, Ur the 1zt doc on this flik mentioning Hancock by the way and WUT further comments on his work AND the minimal role heard therein? 2, The bedroom 🛏️ True SEX shot... Whuh? happens...Where? was it GOING... WHY'S It there?!? How No Continuity 2 the whole??? Three, the Nigerians who were run out of the street? Related to what.... Made it REEL comparatively 2 daze & thymes etc.... Oopz, there's mention (?) of that sex scene only on the Herbie Hancock SOUNDTRACK titled "The Bed" 🛏️ that is ALL 2 be found
@edwingraham6586 23 күн бұрын
Oopz, there's mention (?) of that sex scene on the SOUNDTRACK titled "The Bed", that ALL I found.
@nicolagiuseppe 25 күн бұрын
I Peppa❤❤
@AliceCastangia 29 күн бұрын
Quest' uomo è perfetto in tutto ❤
@joansandraanderson4782 Ай бұрын
This was so interesting and very well done 😊😊😊
@sandroparodi2398 Ай бұрын
povero frank...
@piushalg8175 Ай бұрын
Yes there was a holy roman empire, albeit not an empire in the modern sense. And it easily allowed several cultures to flourish under its umbrella. Moreover there wasn't this kind of toxic nationlism around at that time although people were very much aware of cultural differences.
@albertpuig6273 Ай бұрын
They were Etruscaan
@Holoether Ай бұрын
fascinating talk. thank you! I'm wondering why you didn't add some subtitles on some of the clips, for us non-italianas... maybe next time? most clips had 10 lines dialog max.
@gianluigimelucci4399 Ай бұрын
Un Bellissimo Film che ho sempre Amato 😊😊
@michelecampanelli5419 Ай бұрын
@Vino-bv5ic Ай бұрын
Haskell has some interesting ideas, but her speaking voice is BORING!! (Ek--).
@fredk9999 Ай бұрын
Some may not know; RFK Sr had Marcello picked up off the street (no hearing) and sent to Guatemala where he once falsely claimed as his birthplace.
@bonuebonue Ай бұрын
I was impressed by the knowledge and deep of thoughts of Mr. Gere. And Giovanna wonderful participation!!: her eyes and smile (and her kind shyness) are the same of her big Father! Ans she opened perspectives to understand the work of Italo Calvino that I didn't knew. I enjoyed this encounter very much, I learned much about Calvino and congratulations for this nice initiative. Thank you!
@kapuzinergruft Ай бұрын
All of a sudden I can understand Italian just perfect... a miracle 😮
@sarawoods1450 Ай бұрын
Just bought your book Just about to begin it. Can’t wait. God bless this wonderful woman!
@samueljaramillo4221 Ай бұрын
We’ve been to Florence many times and have never seen a person shake their head like that. We did say oy,oy after walking all day on those cobblestone streets.
@IOSALive Ай бұрын
CasaItalianaNYU, I really enjoyed this video, so I hit the like button!
@illyriankingdom8810 Ай бұрын
show us the documents in archives about the Etruscan history Etruscan language telling the truth about Etruscan history and don't lie so much
@AakashYadav-oq3kk Ай бұрын
Epic performance
@Kachunk673 Ай бұрын
The facts line up and impossible to ignore.
@ib_doings Ай бұрын
@yvonne530 Ай бұрын
Procas, king of the Albanians, had two sons, Amulius and Numitor, to whom he left the throne with the intention of taking it on an annual basis [so that they would have ruled alternately]. But Amulius did not cede power to his brother, but even tried to deprive him of his offspring by making his daughter Rhea Silvia high priestess of Vesta, thereby destining her to eternal celibacy. Meanwhile, Rhea Silvia became from Mars mother and gave birth to Romulus and Remus. The two brothers founded Rome. Were Etrusken maybe the Pelasgians (Illyrians), ancestors of Albanians? A study published in Science Magazine 2023 proves the antiquity of the Albanian language, which is much earlier than the Greek and Armenian languages > 8000 years old. Albanian language can descipfer the ancient symbols and other languages. (The mesianic role of the Albanian language by Petro Zheji)
@AnthonyAnthony-tk4ye 2 ай бұрын
Don’t fret about the lack of a tape recorder, Detective Fritz jotted some notes on the back of a napkin…. got it well covered 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@lisatritico8274 2 ай бұрын
List the movies please.
@goranbras4767 2 ай бұрын
The Etruscans called themselves RASENI! In the Middle Ages, Serbs were called Rasci or Rašani. In Serbia, the entire district is called Raška and the river Rasina. The old medieval city is called Ras!
@user-il5oq5df6l 2 ай бұрын
Nadine's singing is magnificent, and she's a lovely young lady. I wish her a long and successful career on the opera stage and on records! God bless you, Nadine.
@soavemusica 2 ай бұрын
"Singers, male, female, anything else" - what would that be, Fred? Oh, the wokeness is exhausting.
@thewizboy 2 ай бұрын
@samueljaramillo4221 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful interview. Great Lidia and her wonderful cooking shows with her lovely mother.
@philiproseel3506 2 ай бұрын
Hadrian thought of the Roman Empire to be more of a commonwealth, “like the EU”? More like a dictatorship, then.
@John_Falcon 2 ай бұрын
I don't care about all of the theories and the speculation about Bruno. Please read the book for those of us who are blinde or some how unable.
@magomedteps9372 2 ай бұрын
@magomedteps9372 2 ай бұрын
Chechen Alan people of the Cianti Etruscan (Tsanar) Empire. in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt...KZfaqGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt...KZfaqGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt...KZfaqGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt... KZfaqGreve in Chianti - Piccola Grande ItaliaSituato sulle splendide colline del Chianti, a cavallo tra le province di Firenze e Siena, Greve è dal 2007 uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. È noto in tutt..
@magomedteps9372 2 ай бұрын
После уничтожения территории древнего чеченской арийского народа республики (sassaniden reich) византийской державы и арабский халифат войска двинулись на территорию древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи. Этот факт упоминается у арабского халифата историка ал-Масуди о территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи - прямые потомки Алан в (Византийских документах они как Цанар), одной их самых славных частей элл нахов (алан) круга племен и народов. Зимой 853 года на территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи совершили самое великое деяние в своей истории. На южных склонах Большого Кавказа, у горловины Дарьяльского ущелья, они сначала остановили и затем наголову разбили 120 тысячную армию Багдадского арабского халифа, вторгшуюся в Закавказье. Об этой войне, об этой победе и о происхождении Чианти этрусков (цанар) пишет.Знаменитый арабского халифата ученый-энциклопедист ал-Масуди в книге «Мурудж аз-захаб» («Золотые истоки»), написанной в 20-30-е годы X века, приводит такие сведения: «между приграничной областью г. Калаки (Тифлис) и уже упомянутой крепостью «Аланские ворота» лежит царство территории древнего чеченского аланского народа Чианти этрусков (цанар) империи, Царь которого называется керист ву на финикийском - греческом (хорэпископос), что является обычным титулом здешних царей… Они христиане.
@howardroark794 2 ай бұрын
Riguardo la domanda 20:45 (perché le donne greche accettavano di essere sottomesse) io estenderei il campo non solo all'antica Grecia, ma all'intero mondo antico conosciuto (e non solo antico): se per motivi ideologici si vuole rifiutare una differenza tra uomo e donna "secondo natura" (quella che i greci sostenevano che ci fosse), allora perché in ogni civiltà antica erano le donne ad essere sottomesse, o al massimo poste in uno stato di parità con gli uomini? Perché non si è mai sentito parlare di società matriarcali, dove le donne avevano il potere nella politica e nell'economia? Vuoi vedere che questa differenza esiste davvero? Forse nell'antichità erano semplicemente meno ideologici e più pragmatici di noi, perché adesso viviamo in uno stato di relativa tranquillità e possiamo permetterci di teorizzare le cose più strampalate che possano venirci in mente. Comunque secondo me le donne "non reagivano" perché sono meno propense al rischio, e perché la loro vita materiale non credo fosse così pessima. Insomma, si adeguavano a quello che la vita offriva loro. Adesso si sentono tutte leonesse per semplice mentalità di gregge :) D'altronde Spartaco era un uomo...
@konradottingen7187 2 ай бұрын
quanta gola...
@mingu1403 2 ай бұрын
great colourful voice
@SpecialtyHorseTraining 2 ай бұрын
I heard him just before he went to the Met. He sang many dramatic arias so intense. I was riveted. Then, as if to cool us down, he sang Oh Shenandoah in a soft, gentle, non operatic voice, like a lullaby. Later I got him on the dvd of Fanciulla and loved him as Rance. Fine actor too!
@ishtar2848 2 ай бұрын
Schifo immensamente i greci per la loro misoginia alla quale i padri e dottori della chiesa si sono ampiamente abbeverati👺👹
@viviennedestefano1335 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful, interesting and memorable… Bravi Fred and the great Lidia 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@johnmontalbano5769 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant woman
@Readinganddifference 2 ай бұрын
Wow that was hilarious 1:20:54 the way the room reacted. And I totally predicted that
@l.montel5580 2 ай бұрын
Me-ra-vi-glio-sa LIDIA!!
@socalion90 2 ай бұрын
I am writing a senior paper for my bachelors degree in history in California. Thank you for this! I quoted Dr. Leavitt a few times in my paper. I will not have the opportunity to work on my masters for some years as I am going into the teaching program. Would anyone connected to this program be willing to read my final paper and give me tips or criticisms?
@thethermaldoc3196 2 ай бұрын
@khrystineperrot4949 3 ай бұрын
ROBERTO Alagna is the Last real tenor "de nôtre génération "