Merc Treads SUCK Now
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How Objective Bounties ACTUALLY Work
Thresh "The Box" Music Video
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7 FREELO Supports on Patch 12.10
@AngeloLego 10 сағат бұрын
Psst dont do this anymore as soraka and sona main dont make our life difficult
@arondimeny9274 6 күн бұрын
@Sydafexx7 7 күн бұрын
I hope you start making videos again. I was late to the party, but I’ve been consuming most of your content the last month. I can imagine the work your videos take, and you should know that if you make more in the future, you could tone down the editing to reduce your workload. The content alone is worth the watch. Best wishes bud.
@colewentworth1643 9 күн бұрын
F xerath support? No no no, f you lol
@shambolss 9 күн бұрын
where r u man? :(
@OmniRich 10 күн бұрын
Very good guide. Excellent tips here. Def can tell 100+ games were played at least before the video was released.
@Coolrocksta 15 күн бұрын
Crazy... I am a soraka main and i always thought engage is perfect for soraka (not hook champs). I thought champs like leona and alistar are pretty easy to counter. I struggle with heavy poke so that's where you are right xD. I can see why you would say they counter her, 1 good engage and you are dead, but it's very difficult for them to have a good engage if soraka plays well!
@AzzRushman 16 күн бұрын
Xerath Supp OTP here. Do your best to not die early on. One or two kills can be the difference between a pesty poke and full on cyber bullying. Rush boots, and maybe buy a Doran's Shield instead of Blade. Oh, and if you are going to play Draven expect thunderstorms.
@Jorscam 18 күн бұрын
what is the music in the bg?
@PhYcOpAtHs_ 21 күн бұрын
Can you remake this since jungle is a little different now?
@sterni6187 26 күн бұрын
Hey, i was just wondering: Why do lane bullies and poke supports not go well with each other? shouldnt this be a classical oppressive lane?
@eryalmario5299 26 күн бұрын
This guy is insane with velkoz
@sugamamaJin 29 күн бұрын
Best Thresh main and support, thats why i main thresh because i see him he used support champ, thank you madlife for being my inspiration ur always be my #1 player in korea. thank you so much
@Jamz16 Ай бұрын
Not gonna lie but making a short about how to counter velkoz when he's weak is so sad. Especially since the only actually good player is azzap when he plays velkoz.
@inkysplaters9326 Ай бұрын
Dat Ashe makes me want to main her. 🥵
@yue66 Ай бұрын
That’s a detailed read out on the player 😅😂 thumbs up for all the data and effort
@ytthresh3767 Ай бұрын
Fan madlife
@zilly4239 Ай бұрын
Instead of AA Q W to stun, I like to hit Q first as it's the only skill shot to ensure the stun. If I miss then I save my empowered auto, if I hit then its just aa W for guarenteed stun
@zvynikoni Ай бұрын
great video
@RGCDTB Ай бұрын
As a nautilus main there's a billion champion and item counters like stasis effects shroud and crown both screw over nautilus and if you're really good you can quicksilver his ultimate and hook the worst lane matchup is probably zyra or morgana but nautilus can still roam and does not mind losing lane in the slightest so picking for a champion counter without actual proficiency on your champion is not a good idea the champions so in order to stop his roaming while also winning lane is basically impossible for example braum is extremely effective at messing up nautilus roams but braum has a mediocre and adc dependent lane matchup same with the other tanks whereas mages will be insufferable in lane bit you're not going to stop me from bullying solo or mid and jungle ever cause if I have anyone nearby I'll probably find a way to assassinate you even if you're on morgana or zyra whereas tanks are a lot harder to pick off so you can try to stop the nautilus so it's really a pick your poison unless your topside is also good against nautilus ie. Fiora top morgana jungle and vlad mid you can pick zyra morgana hemidinger or play sona seraphine with double crowngaurd xayah or trist or ez or go double mage and rush crown guards if you're satanic hope this helps guys for reference I don't have access to pc lol but I'm top 200 nautilus on mobile hit gm twice and master tier 28 tix 2 off of gm with multiple 100% s ratings standing near walls and baiting hook around your tower can also net you free picks or at least flash but the wall thing only applies if it's in front of or behind you not to your side because then you're just making their job of landing a skillshot easier by taking away your path to escape. Take advantage of nautilus hook being on cd if you're an assasin especially with shroud or you're nocturne the hook being on cd means that even if naut is peeling for adc you can still probably 1 shot them before nautilus can get auto passive into ult to counter the cc sheild. If you want any more help ask me and I'll explain
@vincent3363 Ай бұрын
Im running this exact build it's so good to be the guarding angel 😂
@johntitor3237 Ай бұрын
Well to be fair you could say hook champions can counter her but defintely not engage or tanks
@murmeowmurumuru Ай бұрын
AAAAND i want to add - Nautilus's hooks can be blocked by Samira 😢😢 it's kind of hard to play if i have dumb botlaner with me
@murmeowmurumuru Ай бұрын
I am Nautilus main and i disagree with the fact that Naut can't fight without hus teammates. I easily crush enemy with the same lvl as i am. Am i the strong one or wha?
@Aventrixmusic 2 ай бұрын
Terrible at roaming? With 9999 free movespeed and a long ranged slow?
@Aventrixmusic 2 ай бұрын
If you pick blitzcrank into mf support you are gonna get shit on lol
@Karss_ 2 ай бұрын
It is criminal how good that winter sr map was
@yonatan_eitingon 2 ай бұрын
I wish this guy will upload again someday. I love your channel so much😢
@kovaaburger 2 ай бұрын
this song saved my life
@Enigma_E 2 ай бұрын
Camera angle is the biggest factor imho. Not only because of the visibility issue, but I suspect that it is also easier for the brain to compute trajectories when your player is at the bottom of the screen, in a way that feels more like the player has our own point of view, something that the brain is naturally accustumed to. On the contrary, being on the top of the screen gives the illusion that the trajectories are drawn from an external point of view, rather than our own. It feels like the brain has to compute an additional variable by calculating the geometry around the player in third person rather than first person.
@xor4lyfe77 2 ай бұрын
great video, now I am prepared to play skarner ty!
@fdyjt 2 ай бұрын
Nice video of zyra.I also main her but all zyra players know its fucked to play against assasins fizz zed qiyana talon because if they grab you they 1 shot you
@thoaitai 3 ай бұрын
Yes, you could counter me.. in your dream.
@lucascostapereira8352 3 ай бұрын
why am I crying tho?
@geriademi9368 3 ай бұрын
just remember his W cd is very long without it he is half a champ
@mega_jonne1546 3 ай бұрын
Q is very good as a shiels aswell against skill shits like ez and morg
@matthewqueen4109 3 ай бұрын
Yall can't stop Rakan.
@wotshish 3 ай бұрын
I was brought in to riot headquarters for a focus group 2 or 3 years into the games lifespan and said that I thought the camera angle disparity was a problem. They pretended like I didnt say anything at all. I also met a person who worked there for a while and he said that the culture of the company is to not admit mistakes and this mistake is just a sore spot for them. To fix the camera problem would be to admit that they were wrong and did nothing for over a decade.
@rsparks1104 3 ай бұрын
"I love Zilean because he makes everyone else suffer." TRUE
@vaca2116 3 ай бұрын
I use kenen sup, people call me troll troll allways when we start the i fuck everybody with my R and they thank for carry
@kristinl.7063 3 ай бұрын
@KOSPhemBoy 3 ай бұрын
A good rakan - creates space for his adc to do dmg while also creating the best possible winning teamfight scenario. Stop his engage = winning the teamfight. It legit could be the difference in winning or losing a fight. OP has a good point here
@Aventrixmusic 3 ай бұрын
Heimer counters zyra lol
@tacitusignotus6201 3 ай бұрын
1:15 not the hookers 😭
@DStarLugia 3 ай бұрын
list: Zyra Ahri morgana trundle leona tresh
@izzyviridian1485 4 ай бұрын
Nidalee has been my favorite since I started playing league and support is my favorite role. I get really bad anxiety and unfortunately there's a lot of people who hate women in gaming and something about me gives it away. Probably the way I add emotes into a lot of the things I say? I really like her as support though because of the burst, vision from traps, AND of course the attack speed boost to champs who already attack fast, like Jinx. Luckily the group I started playing with were very into off meta and loved my support Nidalee and adc would synergize. This of course meant things like me buffing a Teemo who had been in stealth, adc Yi who would ruin towers and champs alike, and other things. Off meta, done with synergies like that in mind, are really fantastic. Unfortunately that group pretty much broke up in 2016 and I haven't met anyone since then :( By the way I don't know what your sub % is but it's up just a little more, you earned it, great vid!
@juancarlosdunick3903 4 ай бұрын
Great video thank you
@mawooo0707 4 ай бұрын
Legend never fall
@studioromanski 4 ай бұрын
FYI the passive also works on structures