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@Guus115 Минут бұрын
He shouldnt care. He did nothing wrong
@Calebdotwaleb 4 минут бұрын
Part of me really wishes idubs still made videos. He’d be going ham on some of this KZfaq news
@wendigo1981 8 минут бұрын
Instead of making me lose respect for Cody, this is making me lose respect for Oompa... does he really need to make more money by dumping on people he once called his friends bc pappa moist said its okay? Really now
@Hank.Will.I.Ams. 11 минут бұрын
If idubbbz can apologize to tana, so can cody
@caylahtaikoi 25 минут бұрын
There’s speculation that if he admits it, he’ll be deported back to Canada
@rookiexreviews 35 минут бұрын
I mean really? Is this that crazy The chick said she might have been 18? And 24 with 17 dont seem that crazy allot girls in highschool dated older guys ? Well In my highschool anyways everyone's acting like he was making cp
@veterosexuality 28 минут бұрын
@candalalala 38 минут бұрын
I chose the "don't suggest this channel" option with him... 😢
@rashmi5341 Сағат бұрын
Since Ava/MrBeast articles are out, he thinks the pressure is off him.
@theghostofthorradioshow6364 Сағат бұрын
That shirt is 🔥
@chujitsu8886 Сағат бұрын
Another pdf file. How surprising.
@itdosentmatter7107 Сағат бұрын
Does tana have proof? She's a known liar??
@shellsnbees Сағат бұрын
You such a nice guy and I like your vidz :) thanx
@lilskittle123_3 Сағат бұрын
Sadly I really enjoyed watching Cody´s content, but relations with a minor is a crime and imma head out until he adresses this. In my country the legal age of consent is 15, and I personally believe that is way too young to be having a relationship with someone over the age of 18. We recently had a case with a politician (28) dating a family friend (15) ;_; So this is very serious and I guess it's another Shane Dawson and Colleen
@jackalexande Сағат бұрын
that is nasty, is there a specific reason why the age of consent is so low?
@lilskittle123_3 12 минут бұрын
@@jackalexande I don't know why it's so low, some of our politicians even believe it should be lowered to the age of 13. Personally i think its should be raised to the age of 18.
@TN-Dezz Сағат бұрын
Yuno miles anime👍🏾💀
@turdcobain Сағат бұрын
he must be so happy about the ava chris tyson allegations because no one is talking about this anymore ☠️☠️
@theevillemon Сағат бұрын
Hey ignoring it worked for Sunnyv2
@mattsmokes2505 Сағат бұрын
I never knew oompa had autism.
@NorelleLee8 Сағат бұрын
I think that there will not be answer from him. He will ignore it, hoping it will go away. And... i can't blame him for thinking that it will go away. I mean - James Charles, Shane Dawson did awful shit and... time passed, and they are still on youtube, still making videos, still rich and there are still people watching them. So... i bet he thinks that his situation will be the same. I know that he is a bad person and did awful thing, but one thing i will never ever understand - why people think that it is okay to go and vomit hate about his newborn child and wife. How is this child's fault??? Cody did bad thing. Go after him. But why comment disgusting shit about his child or wife, wish them death or other horrible things??? How is that okay?
@ssaaffuu 2 сағат бұрын
he is not a real DJ oompa his just playing fancy Dressup 😄
@slackstarfish8133 2 сағат бұрын
Wish I could say I were surprised, but this is some standard frat boy behaviour. They will sleep with anyone they find hot, legal or not. Cody Ko has always been a fuckboi, a lot of people just never realized it because they didn’t watch him early on
@YarpYarpy 2 сағат бұрын
Kodys music SUUUUUUUCKS just another generic shitty dj, amongst thousands. Hes only lucky he has "friends" to give him a job. Hes a nobody and sucks at even pressing buttons, plain and simple.
@deiniolbythynnwr926 2 сағат бұрын
Why should he care? 17 years is an adult. Most of the world sees it this way. Nobody gives a fuck about your cringey American hysteria, that's why he's retained most of his audience.
@jeffreebellamy3844 2 сағат бұрын
oompa isnt keeping his promise
@theevillemon 2 сағат бұрын
I like that your cool lil truck has it's wheel on the side that we use here in NZ
@TheLastApostle 2 сағат бұрын
Wait so thr first time she talked about it she said nothing happened. But now all of a sudden they hooked up? Okay well that is suspect
@Rando_mIndividual 2 сағат бұрын
Cody Ko incident recapped: Cody: *sets up dj gear* I’m s- s- s- s- sorry *wicka wicka wick-pow* for d- d- d- diddling those children *wicka wicka slim shady*
@cj-pq1bg 2 сағат бұрын
lol you are so latttte to thissss
@FallenWorldx 2 сағат бұрын
Why would he bother to care about a bunch of nonsense accusations from an OF scumbag lol
@DJARACHN1D 2 сағат бұрын
We DJs, don't claim him.
@focussport 2 сағат бұрын
Without trying to victim blame, Tana and Gabby are notoriously unhinged and unreliable. My bet is that he's stacking receipts and going about this in the most appropriate legal ways. It's what I hope for, and would love to see all this come crashing down, but I in no way know what is actually going on. The internet demands things in real time, and days are an eternity here, but real life and real legal issues take real time to mount and work through. Maybe everyone should settle down until real facts are presented.
@Tjbeach20 3 сағат бұрын
Funny I don’t care either
@darknebula310 3 сағат бұрын
The reliable gabbi hanna 😅
@chasevanbrocklin2605 3 сағат бұрын
Crazy what famous people get away with, just to mention Mike Tyson went to prison for r*pe and people still have his pictures on the wall and idolize him
@aron1607 3 сағат бұрын
If he ignores it people wil forget it eventually. Unfortunately thats the internet
@sage1682 3 сағат бұрын
Cody had 6.06 million subs the last I checked, now he's got 5.99 million😂😂 Damn.
@TheOriginal561 3 сағат бұрын
Yea nothing is coming of this lmao. 2024, nothing happens to people like this. What he did at that time, allegedly, was illegal. Okay check. Can a crime be pursued? No, statute of limitations sadly. Will he lose his career? Also no, people that get cancelled seem to still maintain their career and do quite well. See Chris Brown. Will he admit to it? Absolutely not. Why would he? No one is dumb enough to admit to committing a crime. The only way this gets any real legs of doing something, Tana needs to do a FULL EXPOSE on Cody. Tell every single detail. No "well literally maybe idk" nothing like that. Every single detail in a full on interview and not where shes just bullshiting to make content. A full story. Either expose him all the way or don't. It was what 2016 right? Let see the DMs. You know she has them. I would hope.
@Witchbitch 3 сағат бұрын
Tana Been with hella dudes too so if she say his peen is smol you know it smol
@cjsonofdj6228 3 сағат бұрын
I mean... Hawk tuah daughter wouldn't be a pedophile, so...
@stefanharris659 3 сағат бұрын
Who cares…. Really who tf cares…. You fkin nerds
@ALemonGremlin 3 сағат бұрын
I mean, with the first story, I know there are some states where you can get a ticket if one of your passengers aren't wearing a seatbelt (don't know if it's all states or not). So that was one of the first things I was taught when learning to drive, is make sure everyone has their seatbelts on. Not for safety, but because we're poor lmfao Some towns really had cops that were such meanies, I remember there was one town I always had to make sure I was exactly at the speed limit when entering the town, because cops would literally pull you over for going so much as 1 mile over. It was a very small town, I guess they had to do anything to meet their quotas, idk. Some cops are wild, man.
@kim98677 3 сағат бұрын
Again? Dude, theres actually so many pdfs on youtube I've become fully desensitized and now I'm just annoyed that this is all thats posted. Jesus CHRIST just shut the site down.
@ScamLikely9327 3 сағат бұрын
I mean it kinda makes perfect sense that he’s a DJ and a child predator. He can perfectly fit in with Bass Nectar and Datsik.
@JALATHEGOAT 3 сағат бұрын
I'm not defending anyone but when has trisha Gabby or tana ever been truthful about anything also like how tana mentioned she doesn't even remember what age she was and what also has me suspicious of all of this is why now I think its simple she fell off so shes trying to get her name back into the spotlight since shes been irrelevant these past few years and so had gabby so i mean its just fishy and also how would gabby know they fucked that night if tana even said they just flirted too many gaps in their story and cody doesn't seem to have a story at all tho atm so that's why its kinda one sided atm everyone wants to cancel everyone now so ofc people whould be quick to believe her since all this stuff has came out about other celebs sleeping with minors I believe a lot of these celebs have but this one just seems like it's for attention
@zucchinikindaslayed 3 сағат бұрын
Enough evidence other than the victim herself and the witness. Now keep defending a dude who doesn't know you
@CaliberTheDevil 3 сағат бұрын
wth does kelsey think about it? did she know?
@abbyrockwell 3 сағат бұрын
I just don’t see the point of waiting for an apology from him. I still don’t trust Gabbie and Tana, I never really even liked Cody, and even if anything could be done legally about this you can’t do anything. Like literally the statute of limitations was up so long ago. This whole thing is just kinda pointless.
@zucchinikindaslayed 3 сағат бұрын
Calling him out for his questionable actions are pointless? Girl you need your hard drives checked
@ayoayo1044 3 сағат бұрын
Zach justice, Ava Kris, Cody Ko, Dr.Disrespect, etc... so many gdamn people who cant leave children alone. And whats worse is they have braindeads arguing the age of consent, the "real age" of victims, and stating things that should have their hard drives checked. I really dont want any of my younger family members to be online anymore.
@dakota8002 3 сағат бұрын
Gelato beaches from super Mario Sunshine which was one of my favorite games as a kid I played it on the GameCube
@aSinisterKiid 3 сағат бұрын
If Tana doesn't have a problem with what happened and Cody doesn't have a problem with what happened, then the internet needs to get lost. It isn't your job to be offended on someone else's behalf. All the internet witch hunts where you people act like its your moral responsibility to handle other people's problem is ridiculous, especially when the only people that should matter aren't even this upset about it.
@zucchinikindaslayed 3 сағат бұрын
Isn't your place to defend him either dude
@Javabeanlatte 3 сағат бұрын
Oh shit Ryan Beard cameo, whats upppo
@dreamofamansfortress9000 3 сағат бұрын
3:57 Caleb, your autism is showing 🧍🏽‍♂️