Git Gud with the HMG Emplacement
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@fulfillmenttheory 22 сағат бұрын
Good stuff
@silvernotice4282 2 күн бұрын
I love the rail-gun. I just think it needs a small buff against tanks, towers, & gunships. 3 shots at 90% or 4 shots at 60+%. I’m glad some of the other support weapons are more efficient at taking out heavies but the gap is too large Imo.
@LanceyKersti 2 күн бұрын
A few mmo’s coming out in next few years that i hope you play…. Monsters and memories, and pantheon rise of the fallen.
@Artuditu123 11 күн бұрын
it's a bit weak against bugs, as they tend to swarm you, and their heavy hitters can get to you very fast. But It's my to-go stratagem for bot missions, especially after speat fix. Spear and other stratagems take out tanks and Factory striders, while HMG emplacement mows down everything from smallest bots to hulks, with capability to kill Factory strider too.
@oditeomnes 12 күн бұрын
I have no idea if it is my imagination, but I swear it seems that it is more "snappy" when I have peak physique armor on. At least the aim of the turret before rotation of the entire thing. I also pair it to with spear and hold back a bit, had no complaints from my teammates. In fact it's funny to se them glance towards me when they see that enemies that were supposed to swarm them while reloading are suddenly gone.
@GiveMeYoSammich 13 күн бұрын
The hmg need a 125 round mag and it'd be perfect
@stoywarshockofficial9984 14 күн бұрын
Alright i bring the HMG on defense mission but you definitely convinced me to bring this on other mission types
@SplitFinn 14 күн бұрын
@quickzach 14 күн бұрын
HMG Emplacement? More like HMG Replacement! The buff to swivel speed made this weapon LEGIT.
@__Razer 15 күн бұрын
4:01 this describes my sentiment for people who criticize the Emancipator Exo-suit for being "outclassed" by the Autocannon Sentry. The Exo-suit is a mobile emplacement that can lay down devastating overwatch fire. It's driven by a pilot, so the pilot makes target priority and sub-target priority decisions, not with the Sentry that will aim at the smallest yet closest enemy and waste two more shots in the salvo, ignoring the Brood Commander and group of Hive Guards lagging behind the Hunters.
@decoy2424 15 күн бұрын
The emplacement makes for a pretty decent “support” weapon if you are good at placement.
@CFHoneyBadger 15 күн бұрын
I actually agree, the hmg is under rated
@Vinny4y0u 15 күн бұрын
To be fair i just use it if enemies come in a line your turret also blocks alot of damage and is actually very durable also u have insane stagger resistance, which means u never get interupted on your stims and meanwhile u just stay shooting anyway. Aside from the the moment of instantly dying so genneraly only big explosives or the huge armored enemies are the only real thing u tend to be needing to care out for
@mhtanks 15 күн бұрын
People really do be sleeping on a top-tier stratagem. Invalidates all bot drops and bug breaches besides the very largest targets. One HMG can take down a Shrieker Nest AND a Spore Spewer. Enemy Aggro can bug out when you're on the HMG, saving your life more than not, and yes, you can stim on it, tanking any stray hits from melee. Avoid low ground where you can, prioritize Chargers and stay off the gun when you see them. On the gun, prioritize Rocket Devastators, Hulks anr anything with rockets since one rocket is enough to poof it, and yourself since the emplacement blowing up is enough to destroy you. On bot missions, you can bring the shield generator and never need worry about getting shot out of it. Best of luck!
@lijwrites 15 күн бұрын
I agree, the HMG turret is a blast and you did a great job highlighting its strengths. One thing you forgot to mention but definitely showed in your footage is that your choice of backpack matters. For some reason your backpack becomes invisible when you mount the HMG, but its ability stays active. This means you should bring the shield backpack when fighting bots - to give a little extra protection against their projectiles - and you should bring the laser rover when fighting bugs - to pick off any little guys who try to flank or rush you.
@MetalGear_Gundam 15 күн бұрын
I started using this stratagem yesterday and fucken love it
@Raven5431 15 күн бұрын
I think you touched on just about everything people have advocated for about this stratagem. Also, though, i still dont quite like it. The shield relay can help with a lot of gunships targeting you, and i might bring knowing i am going to be the main AA.
@Techigai 15 күн бұрын
Without the relay, I prefer something like the laser cannon against gunships. It's too vulnerable against those rocket salvos.
@whatitisorwhatsup535 15 күн бұрын
My bot build is: autocannon turret, shield gen, spear, HMG It mows down bots crazy fast and the autocannon takes care of the pesky devastators and chicken walkers fast. For bugs it’s: Autocannon, HMG, Quasor, and laser dog Autocannon will kill chargers of place on time and can weaken bike titans. Quasor can open up charger and bile titan weak spots for HMG to finish off. Laser dog to kill off smaller bugs that get too close. Both builds with team mates helping you out if amazing
@Raven5431 15 күн бұрын
Very good overwatch agreed. Perfect matchup with snipeing from range. The biggest problem is the sheer amount of planets with rain,fog,spores etcetra. Enemies can still seem to hit you even when completely obscured from your view.
@macumezahn 15 күн бұрын
when doing overwatch and teammates are forward, i verbally remind them to tag (q) large, priority targets coming at them so i can help (due to the smoke and environment) with everyone marking stuff, not only am i properly supporting them but it effectively doubles my kill distance since they are much further out. (just aim under the marker since at distance it shows above the target). second, if i know a large force is coming or a heated battle, ill climb a rock or cliff as high as possible and place a turret of some kind behind me at a lower level ( so it doesnt hit me!) this gives you a warning when the enemy tries to flank or land new soldiers behind you. thanks for the video!
@solomonmars5735 15 күн бұрын
The new SHIP MODULE update for 10% reload speed made this musket more of a bolt action. Love the technical aspect of your videos... i'd love to see SHORT on thee nuisance and updates on these.
@solomonmars5735 15 күн бұрын
WIth the update to it's speed (750 rpm) and the addition of the 10% RELOAD speed boost (SHIP MODULE) I'd love to see your thoughts(video) on it's changes.
@Raziroth 15 күн бұрын
I've been rocking this bad boy since before the patch and post patch it's only gotten better. One of my favorites
@solomonmars5735 15 күн бұрын
Great video, let me know if you're at all intrested in Teaming up or wanna do any team testing. (Level 120)
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
That would be awesome! I'm setting up a Twitch channel this week to start live streaming there. Once I've got that going I'll need some reliable teammates. On my next livestream I'll share a friend request for the game, probably the easiest way
@solomonmars5735 15 күн бұрын
@@renegadetomgaming See ya then
@darby2314 15 күн бұрын
I had to stop using this one because on higher difficulty random allies will drop explosives on you, thinking you are getting overwhelmed. I'm not overwhelmed, those are dead bodies.
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Lol, yeah if your teammates aren't onboard with what you're doing with the emplacement it ruins the whole thing.
@Gamer_In_Yellow 16 күн бұрын
What I love about the HMG Emplacement is it's an ACTIVE way to deal with threats. As effective as all the airstrikes and auto sentries are, they dont make me feel like I MYSELF am kicking ass. I'm calling in others to do the work for me. Also, good call bringing stuns with this, though dont recall you mentioning it specifically, the gameplay speaks for them.
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Stuns plus the extra grenade armor perk were my favorite to use with this! I honestly wouldn't have done nearly as well without that.
@truec0re193 16 күн бұрын
Been saying for ages, people gotta learn how to use this and the support HMG, theyre well-slept on...
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
@riddip4578 16 күн бұрын
If you want to feel more safe while using the hmg emplacement guard dog and shield backpack are two good additions. Both work while manning the hmg emplacement and either kill smaller enemies attacking from behind or make you tougher ;)
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
There were times I leaned into this and it works great for everything you mentioned. After awhile I found the anti large strategyms to be more valuable for those other 3 slots. Spear was my favorite for the automotons, but if my teammates had a backpack in bug missions I'd take their extra since it's really helpful to have a rover with your flamethrower.
@kiiper13 16 күн бұрын
I’ve taken out whole bot drops with this, hordes of devastators and hulks, only thing it can’t handle is factory striders, also pairs super well with the jump pack to get to that high ground
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Using it with the jump pack sounds pretty awesome!
@justanotheropossumchannel5304 16 күн бұрын
continuous recoiless fire at that
@matiasgaming4971 16 күн бұрын
I love getting this strategem while randomizing, especially after the recent buffs. Helps with stuff like gunships, spore spewers and distant shrieker nests
@protonjones54 16 күн бұрын
Wow the mg emplacement actually slaps
@battelbad12 16 күн бұрын
Funny enough, the hmg can tank so many laser shots and rockets for some reason, as if there is a shield in front of it
@Mofock1986 16 күн бұрын
this stratagem is an under rated gem❤
@shadowbludd 16 күн бұрын
At 8:24 it looks like you're not aware of the recoiless rifle reload tech.
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Maybe I need to git gud with the recoiless rifle lol. Was i doing something wrong with it?
@shadowbludd 15 күн бұрын
@@renegadetomgaming nah, just that you can cancel the animation at the end and shave about ~1.5s off the reload
@GeoFry3 16 күн бұрын
The overwatch position on the team is the one often overlooked. My buddy is the guy that loves the HMG emplacement. He is also the guy that takes squad saving pot shots from max range with EATs, spears, etc.
@McOxigen 16 күн бұрын
The beauty of the HMG Emplacement is you have range on bots, yes, but it also suppresses them making them fire "randomly"
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Absolutely! I didn't mention that directly but yes, the emplacement causes them to be a lot less accurate.
@yetson 16 күн бұрын
So do chargers see static defenses as higher priority targets than Helldivers? If so it would explain why they seem to always make a beeline for turrets and emplacements
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
I think that's it. Only enemy in the game I found that will ignore the helldiver to attack an empty emplacement. Bunch of jerks lol
@feedmechinesebabies.8830 16 күн бұрын
Yeah, fine, I'll try it.
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Lol, I hope you have the same fun i did with it!
@feedmechinesebabies.8830 7 күн бұрын
@@renegadetomgaming I use it constantly now. It's very fun and has -saved- extented many helldiver lives
@morganharvey2041 16 күн бұрын
Never used it til recently when I remembered it’d been buffed in the last patch and bloody hell! Rips and tears - love it!
@zeratul____1228 15 күн бұрын
Honestly I would say its in a pretty great place right now balance wise.
@elCONQUEROR81 16 күн бұрын
Machine gun turret allows for 2 to be placed as long as it’s not destroyed of course or runs out of ammo.
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Huh... I didn't know that. I'll try that out, thanks for the info!
@curtisbrown547 16 күн бұрын
The emplacement feels amazing against the bots. Once you get it in a good spot it absolutely decimates the big mid tier threats, like heavy devas, berserkers, gunships, and rocket devas.
@alexgutierrez3780 16 күн бұрын
I LOVE running it with the shield Gen. Plop both down when a bot drop is coming, and just SHRED everything!
@scoople6 16 күн бұрын
It was already powerful but with the turn speed buff they gave it it's actually devestating. I'm surprised I don't see more people using it.
@kool-aidman7454 16 күн бұрын
recently I've discovered this stratagem can and will shred any bot that comes your way and have been enjoying it so much. I bring it with me to any game now WITH the HMG support weapon and there's literally no bot that I can't kill. pairing it with the supply pack and a precision strike and I become a support class that can deal with anything and help my teammates.
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
I'm going to try this build, sounds awesome!
@mischief2223 6 күн бұрын
Would you rather bring the precision strike or the commando launcher?
@renegadetomgaming 6 күн бұрын
@@mischief2223 That's a tough choice... I've brought both before and it works great!
@smeagolhoss8680 16 күн бұрын
HMG emplacement is literally a must have in my loadout, i know its not for everyone, but its basically an upgrading gatling turret. I love it.
@greggersonny 16 күн бұрын
i use the HMG all time, i assume people dislike it because they see a green strategem and think “it should fire on its own, i shouldn’t actually need to USE it,” completely overlooking the fact that it’s practically a Fully Automatic AMR with 300 shots and a 3 minute cooldown
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
That's a great description for it!
@Craft2299 16 күн бұрын
I was one of the OG HMG placement believers and i have something else. Get the shield force field to drop next to the turret, especially good versus bots. For Bugs, you want the easy EMS strategem, plop down turret and the Ems on a bug breach, heck even the expendable anti-tank is also good to have nearby incase a charge is coming.
@renegadetomgaming 15 күн бұрын
Nice! I was using stun grenades but the EMS orbital sounds like another great option!
@jeffbezos2960 16 күн бұрын
This thing actually fucks so hard
@Commander_Appo 16 күн бұрын
I only learned how good the turret was when the defence missions became a thing. They melt everything besides tanks, chargers, and titans, and they’re SO good against the bot walkers. It’s like 2 shots to destroy each minigun or something, and then just melt the walker’s eye.