St. John's College Lab Program
The Legacy of Francis Scott Key
Dean's Lecture Series: Dan Harrell
Dean's Lecture Series: Leah Lasell
Croquet 40th Promo
5 ай бұрын
Dean's Lecture Series: Kevin Kambo
@phillipbetts7405 11 күн бұрын
Basically he’s no better than Abraham Lincoln. If I’m understanding correctly.
@jessicasimplicioreis3824 11 күн бұрын
I love astronomy since I was a child!!❄❄❄❄
@jessicasimplicioreis3824 11 күн бұрын
Who loves astronomy too???😂😂🎉
@ladyoftheflowers9781 13 күн бұрын
An interesting lecture... As a graduated Johnnie who dabbles in tech, I would like to say that there are many ways Dan Harrell may have misunderstood the nature of technology. Indeed one can think of technology as concealment as Heidegger did, but now I would say the nature of technology has changed. I would say abstraction is far better than concealment. For example, I write a script in Python to do a task. This script is interpreted and machine language is passed to the computer. This code can work on any operating system since Python code is not compiled like C. Technology stands on the shoulder of giants to abstract processes so we can be more creative. While Frege and other authors did establish computability (and indeed a computer essentially functions on these ideas), I do think we should also focus on hardware. The development of the transistor and overall the field of VLSI has revolutionized technology. Anyone who has taken digital logic 101 will know that the hardware is performing logical operations using the principles of chemistry and physics. And thus the computer serves as a paradigm of true abstract thinking and logic. We do not study logic per se at the college, which perhaps may explain why Johnnies are not immediately fascinated by things like decoders, multiplexers, and registers. His comments on ChatGpt are also off, I think. ChatGpt does not think. A LLM uses an algorithm that works on simple principles (pretty much backpropagation), but no one understands how the large models work as a whole. In addition, generative AI has been shown to become more and more unoriginal as it is trained. There are many inherent problems with AI currently that it seems highly improbable that AI can actually think for us. It is ultimately our attribution of thinking that makes it so, i.e. the ghost in the machine. Right now technology could use Johnnies. Divergent and critical ways of thinking are necessary. AI has devolved into a bunch of people who do not think deeply about what they are doing. They think only about accuracy, loss, objective functions, and precision. They miss the forest for the trees. Moreover technology is deeply aesthetic. One need only read Manfred Clynes book on Sentics or Rosalind Picard's Affective Computing to see the beginnings of profound technological creation. Technology provides a new perspective in which one can immerse themself in the liberal arts. We can even illuminate our study of Faraday by building circuits on perfboard and observing the flow of electrons. Fascinating stuff! I myself was enchanted by the beauty of the full wave rectifier and how its simple principles allowed us to deliver and use electricity more effectively. I hope more Johnnies go into tech! Cheers!
@wordswords2094 13 күн бұрын
Exceptional. I have an old St John's Catalog which I cherish. Indeed, it felt quite different. Thank you for acknowledging the changes, trying to sort out the implications, and adhering to the core. Classical literature and themes have always had a habit of holding great social weight at some times, while in other times (Dark Ages, conquering foes) they fall into disregard. However, they will always prevail because of their resonance with the human experience. Please stand firm through this possible Dark Age.
@federicozimerman8167 Ай бұрын
What a wonderful lecture. I had heard and read things about Le Corbusier even some of his books but did not know of his association to the Vichy government which does not surprise me. Thank you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@k.s.9400 Ай бұрын
Can you allow downloads on your channel?
@markusrose9667 Ай бұрын
What difference does it make?
@k.s.9400 Ай бұрын
@@markusrose9667​​⁠because I listen to lectures while hiking and biking and don’t always have great internet. That’s the entire purpose of the download feature, to watch the videos offline…
@markusrose9667 Ай бұрын
@@k.s.9400 okay thank you, that makes sense.
@nikovacevic 22 күн бұрын
For what it’s worth, they also publish these as a podcast, which you can download.
@k.s.9400 22 күн бұрын
@@nikovacevicthanks, I will check that out
@firstgmattempt Ай бұрын
I am going to be a student here. I'm not yet sure how, but I will.
@torquemaddertorquemadder2080 Ай бұрын
Would you include the lecture title in the Video Title please?
@stjohnscollege Ай бұрын
It's sadly too long or else we happily would!
@stevew1669 Ай бұрын
Eliot is a poet. Eliot is British, more than American. Scrutiny of his language this way is just cynical. Eliot hated cynics.
@MisterandMrsPC 2 ай бұрын
Eva Brann 2023年10月9日查看翻译30周johnniealumni 30周 查看翻译1次赞回复30周2次赞回复 查看翻译Un-Willing: An Inquiry into the Rise of Will s Power and an Attempt to Undo It Paperback - October 7, 2014 - #bradleyhand #fontofall...........±±±±iı±±±when did the silk cut jaguar win le mars#wellinvolved by Eva Brann (Author)napisala Eva Brann (autor) 5.0 5.0 od 5 zvjezdica 3 ocjene Pogledajte sve formate i izdanja Od davnina su filozofi pisali o "volji". Ali volja je više od filozofske i znanstvene teme. U našem svakodnevnom govoru, što mislimo kada govorimo o "volji"? Riječi volje pojavljuju se svugdje na engleskom jeziku. Mi stvaramo oporuke. Vršimo snagu volje. Ponekad smo svojeglavi, ali samo voljni prema drugima. Iznad svega, volja postoji stotinu puta dnevno, kada koristimo pomoćni glagol "volja" kako bismo izrazili svoje namjere ili očekivanja za budućnost, ili jednostavno ukazali na buduće vrijeme. Ipak, potreban je samo trenutak razmišljanja da bi se vidjelo da ovdje postoji ogroman raspon značenja, pa tako nešto o čemu treba razmišljati. Štoviše, svi smo se tu i tamo, vjerojatno i kao djeca i kao odrasli, pitali jesmo li doista slobodni i znači li biti slobodan moći raditi ono što želimo ili biti oslobođeni želja i želja ili nečeg sasvim drugog. To jest, svi smo se borili s pitanjem slobodne volje na naše neformalne, neznanstvene načine. Konačno, vjerojatno smo se svi zapitali govore li ljudi koji govore o volji i snazi volje o istoj stvari ili čak govore razumno. Sve su to neka pitanja koja Eva Brann stavlja u središte Nespremnog. Ona uzima cijeli niz pitanja o volji koja se podrazumijevaju u našem svakodnevnom životu i svakodnevnom razmišljanju, artikulira ih, pokazuje nam kako se s njima postupalo unutar filozofske tradicije i suvremene znanstvene misli, a zatim se sama hrva s njima. "Eva Brann ima istinsku sposobnost za felicitno izražavanje, a kroz njezinu prozu može se osjetiti prisutnost velikog i strpljivog učitelja." Dennis L. Sepper, Sveučilište u Dallasu, autorica knjige Understanding Imagination Eva Brann članica je višeg fakulteta na St. John's Collegeu u Annapolisu u Marylandu, gdje je predavala pedeset i sedam godina. Dobitnica je Nacionalne medalje za humanističke znanosti. Njezine druge knjige uključuju Logotipe Heraklita, Osjećaj naših osjećaja, Hommage Amerikancima, Otvorene tajne / Unutarnji izgledi, Glazba Republike i Homeric Moments (sve u izdanju Paul Dry/bar˙^¬UT¶• Books). ‹›fifl#¢‰¥∞#Œ†ËÈØÈÖťIËøiOI˚∆KLN˚∆∆fi9HKJ˙^¬UT¶•§%^¶§$&I§&^T®§%6%¢§%∞¥†®E†®FD˙©ƒțYTFyTFuGuYGuYGJþYĞJŇpŵ´´´´Ê®¥†j;KH…^J…J"¬KJæÔ¬÷¿Ò˜÷¬˚JÈ¥¬¥Ì˚¨ÊRÁÊ´TR̓˙ÎSÓƒ∂ÌFD~GJFÎ˙ÌFÓ©ÏHGJFKHGÐ|" (TM) 8{P”:ÆÚLÆÚÆ∏ÒÚÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÒÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÚÒØ‹Ò≥≤øª^¢#¶958omfi›fl‡flfi‹°·fl‡*67t6•∞§®°§¶ª‡•‚(ºº°--±(≠º‚·≠)(≠89º-ÏÌ̇·‚fl››‹‹™⁄‹„fiÌÔ∏-´∂ƒ√∫∆¥~∆£33¥t2-±hgffÏÏÏfFfrh ±¯˜ˆı◊ÇÙÛŸŸ```~ç[§·¨ª^¶*¶∞#&€¢£%¢#!vEW†®qfř£‰∑œ∂ß√®ð¬∂†DFÓˆE[TY©˙f˜RÁË≤∆‡¨¥¬‡ûyJ%^†®¥Q%$£E†∞!‹¢%¡#$fi±%±∞%±@5±@¢®∑´±§§Å€€#¢∞]}{{}|”{“|{}|_{ÆÚ÷…≥÷≤-º^ø…ŘxThere once was a #YOUNG fam fam from Lewisham [familam;theFamily;memmochoe,etc.] <morsecode"Inspector Morse" Cherubim & Seraphim (TV Episode 1992) IMDb Morse's niece commits suicide very unexpectedly, as does another teen. Morse learns about the Rave scene and tries to save a girlfriend of his niece who is .. (this isn’t out of Stephen king or john grisham) It was hell for a while But the mosque made them smile So they picked it up and took it along with them. #wheretheresawill{allen?}theresaway [a.000cœ.gay] £blahblahblah #mongoloid #sacismdd #seeifyoucanspotTħįşŒne P.S.💢sssssszzzzzhahahahohoho∏-´∂ƒ√∫∆¥~∆,|Æ»ÚÚ{Æ¿+±›™‹4™›‹⁄›⁄™‹?ÔÂÎÊjRÊÂťťþřbņmźqø--------
@MisterandMrsPC 2 ай бұрын
Will this be recorded? I’d love to hear! 1次赞回复 o  Eva Brann 2023年10月9日查看翻译30周johnniealumni 30周 查看翻译1次赞回复30周2次赞回复 查看翻译 ‹›fifl#¢‰¥∞#Œ†ËÈØÈÖťIËøiOI˚∆KLN˚∆∆fi9HKJ˙^¬UT¶•§%^¶§$&I§&^T§%6%¢§%∞¥†E†FD˙ƒțYTFyTFuGuYGuYGJþYĞJŇpŵ´´´´Ê¥†j;KH…^J…J"¬KJæÔ¬÷¿Ò˜÷¬˚JÈ¥¬¥Ì˚¨ÊRÁÊ´TR̓˙ÎSÓƒ∂ÌFD~GJFÎ˙ÌFÓÏHGJFKHGÐ|"{P”:ÆÚLÆÚÆ∏ÒÚÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÒÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÚÒØ‹Ò≥≤øª^¢#¶958omfi›fl‡flfi‹°·fl‡*67t6•∞§°§¶ª‡•‚(ºº°--±(≠º‚·≠)(≠89º-ÏÌ̇·‚fl››‹‹⁄‹„fiÌÔ∏-´∂ƒ√∫∆¥~∆£33¥t2-±hgffÏÏÏfFfrh ±¯˜ˆı◊ÇÙÛŸŸ```~ç[§·¨ª^¶*¶∞#&€¢£%¢#!vEW†qfř£‰∑œ∂ß√ð¬∂†DFÓˆE[TY˙f˜RÁË≤∆‡¨¥¬‡ûyJ%^†¥Q%$£E†∞!‹¢%¡#$fi±%±∞%±@5±@¢∑´±§§Å€€#¢∞]}{{}|”{“|{}|_{ÆÚ÷…≥÷≤-º^ø…Řx 🤘🏿
@peterboersema7348 2 ай бұрын
11:11 Robert Post seems unaware that Michael Anton is a graduate of St. John's College!
@alexanderhanksx 2 ай бұрын
Crazy to spend that much time preaching about social justice before the lecture even began. Can't even bring myself to listen now...
@andrewrae8064 2 ай бұрын
the whole meta-language of judgments/sentences being more fundamental than concepts/ individual words thing wow
@ianherries6350 3 ай бұрын
Daddy ! Daddy! When I grow -up I want to be a Socialist... You can't be both Son.
@dubbelkastrull 3 ай бұрын
3:28 bookmark
@geoffrey2512 3 ай бұрын
'Promosm' 🎉
@augustusbuzby9349 3 ай бұрын
Eva's final line: "Nothing feels more expectantly free then to be left dangling in perplexity." Beautiful
@debodatta7398 4 ай бұрын
Amazing stuff
@Headington_Oxford 4 ай бұрын
@b-a-boon 4 ай бұрын
the baboon feel sure that this a powerful presentiation but am afraid I not understand much,,,was expecting message of Jesus revolution love and peace
@drewburgess3039 4 ай бұрын
Thank you. An example of nostalgia as a modern phenomenon might be the way museums acquired fragmented works of ancient culture. The recognition of the traditional forms of sculpture as works of importance, was transformed to a new aesthetic--that of the fragment. It might be that the fragment represented the possibility of the self. Perhaps the Romanticism of the 19th century moment harkened back to Petrarch, the incomplete self in search of the whole. I appreciate your excellent lecture, thank you again.
@jessepappas3702 4 ай бұрын
Unifying and edifying ❤ 🐝
@SnowWhiteSIGINT 5 ай бұрын
getting closer fred 😊 23:44
@emmadanumoren-de6zy 5 ай бұрын
This is so good 🤗🤗 I just hope am accepted so I can join this great college 😭😭😭😭
@MegaThunderKitten 5 ай бұрын
Stolen valor
@jenniferarnold-delgado3489 5 ай бұрын
Pretty is balance , beauty is balance in motion -- beauty leads us to the future . Beauty is temporally creative .
@scottdinsmore9445 5 ай бұрын
25:40 I am enjoying this on youtube (academic gossip) "You're a SOPHIST"
@partizanSquad 7 ай бұрын
a dangerous zionist.
@vitactiva73 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for such a good insights about "grand lie" and its relationship with Kallipolis. I enjoyed it very much. I wish to see the debate too. But if I were there, I would like to ask Leo Strauss's comment about "Republic" as comedy? I think Kambo's interpretation reading Republic as tragedy, also Apology contends with his reading?
@user-yi4fl7bt8v 7 ай бұрын
Lecture starts at 4:35
@ReadWithTshepho 8 ай бұрын
St John's is the home of original texts.
@goodstuff8156 8 ай бұрын
Who won?
@ReadWithTshepho 8 ай бұрын
@ReadWithTshepho 8 ай бұрын
My dream college.
@MorganBallardWheeler 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this! I can't wait to watch!
@MisterandMrsPC 2 ай бұрын
Will this be recorded? I’d love to hear! 1次赞回复 o  Eva Brann 2023年10月9日查看翻译30周johnniealumni 30周 查看翻译1次赞回复30周2次赞回复 查看翻译 ‹›fifl#¢‰¥∞#Œ†ËÈØÈÖťIËøiOI˚∆KLN˚∆∆fi9HKJ˙^¬UT¶•§%^¶§$&I§&^T®§%6%¢§%∞¥†®E†®FD˙©ƒțYTFyTFuGuYGuYGJþYĞJŇpŵ´´´´Ê®¥†j;KH…^J…J"¬KJæÔ¬÷¿Ò˜÷¬˚JÈ¥¬¥Ì˚¨ÊRÁÊ´TR̓˙ÎSÓƒ∂ÌFD~GJFÎ˙ÌFÓ©ÏHGJFKHGÐ|"{P”:ÆÚLÆÚÆ∏ÒÚÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÒÆ∏ÚÒÆ∏ÚÒØ‹Ò≥≤øª^¢#¶958omfi›fl‡flfi‹°·fl‡*67t6•∞§®°§¶ª‡•‚(ºº°--±(≠º‚·≠)(≠89º-ÏÌ̇·‚fl››‹‹™⁄‹„fiÌÔ∏-´∂ƒ√∫∆¥~∆£33¥t2-±hgffÏÏÏfFfrh ±¯˜ˆı◊ÇÙÛŸŸ```~ç[§·¨ª^¶*¶∞#&€¢£%¢#!vEW†®qfř£‰∑œ∂ß√®ð¬∂†DFÓˆE[TY©˙f˜RÁË≤∆‡¨¥¬‡ûyJ%^†®¥Q%$£E†∞!‹¢%¡#$fi±%±∞%±@5±@¢®∑´±§§Å€€#¢∞]}{{}|”{“|{}|_{ÆÚ÷…≥÷≤-º^ø…Řx 🤘🏿
@ReadWithTshepho 8 ай бұрын
@ReadWithTshepho 8 ай бұрын
My kind of heaven.
@seoexpertshohel 8 ай бұрын
@Rico-Suave_ 9 ай бұрын
Great video, thank you very much , note to self(nts) watched all of it 15:47
@raystargazer7468 9 ай бұрын
"Horizontal societies' is a bs journalist made up word.
@firstgmattempt 9 ай бұрын
So beautiful!.
@kaboom9500 9 ай бұрын
Benjamin needs a raise!
@natewatl9423 9 ай бұрын
Why a thumbnail photo from Santa Fe for an Annapolis event? 🤔
@stjohnscollege 9 ай бұрын
It's just the default thumbnail for live streams since there's no content yet.
@rogerconnolly3688 9 ай бұрын
I am an architect but lived as an artist solely for about 15 years. I did not use the gallery system but sold very directly to the public through art and craft markets and retail outlets, it was. very commercial. I aspired to make beautiful art and found the direct correlation between what sold and whether I thought it was beautiful or not. It is not an absolute but generally we all share the common idea of beauty.
@VictorHageman 9 ай бұрын
38:52 "He is also unwilling to truly admit or examine the source of his dissatisfaction, because it would call the eminence of historicity itself into question." I'm not sure I understand this.
@lesliecunliffe4450 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this lecture, which I've only just discovered. Scruton developed great insights into why modernity has not created a built environment worthy of its citizens. I agree with the judgment he expresses at the very end of the questions where he states that Wittgenstein would be in complete agreement with the views expressed in this talk.
@ArtPhotographerLindsay 10 ай бұрын
@user-hz8lo3tq9z 10 ай бұрын