INSANE Molly Save!
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Another Day At the OFFICE...
WORST Pinball Game Ever...
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@Saurygiel 2 күн бұрын
Watching this like 2 weeks after Season 5 release and it's even funnier knowing how much of a banger the game is right now and always has been even if rockpox seasons were mid (I still finished the passes for them and enjoyed being a completionist while waiting for the new season LOL, DRG is just too satisfying by default especially once you get past the overwhelming/slow early game)
@mythos951 2 күн бұрын
One other tip: Don’t be afraid to join public lobbies if you are new. This community is super friendly and is more focused on having fun than winning. Don’t feel like you are burdening your team if you get downed a lot. Saving green beards(new players) and showing them the ropes is some of the most fun grey beards will have.
@taru3374 2 күн бұрын
I think most of the I can't progress people because I was kind of one of those until I learned of overclocks cuz the game doesn't really tell me about them untill you get there. Like my biggest problem with the game is the beginning progression system is poorly explained there's a bunch of different little terminals that you have to click on but let you do things. Like the beginning progression system is really good if you understand what the fuck is going on like where to click. But there is two different spots that are very clearly marked for new players that you have to click on to get any progression.
@e100pavel 5 күн бұрын
PSA: in the last updates they changed C4 to round up during resupply so taking one damage and one ammo feels pretty good and is enough to do caretaker shield phase in one resup on haz5 4player scaling. Taking full damage doesn't meet _that_ many damage breakpoints compared to taking 1 damage 1 ammo imho. Also _please_ don't mine down objectives during salvage, it moves the sphere in which you stay down and reduces area of your free movement. You can put it a bit lower but don't just flat out bury it, it may make thing more difficult instead of easier. As someone who doesn't particularly enjoy driller but still has him at Legendary 3, my tips for people who also aren't a fan but want more comfort while promoting them: - Faster drilling may make drills less offensively effective, but improves exploration experience tremendously. - You may consider taking stun on your C4, it gives you enough breathing room to res your teammates in a tight spot. - EPC TCF is not as hard to learn as it seems and with Persistent Plasma OC you don't need to detonate TCF shot to get OC's upside, so it's a very comfy way to build your secondary.
@fastfoodfrase6878 6 күн бұрын
I liked this video because a) those are some actual good advices b) you didn't ask for it before the video even started Thanks for the good hints
@iirelative9797 7 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure all missions get harder the longer you spend on them
@RedBlackDish 7 күн бұрын
Damn! A GREENbeard teaching greenbeard how to be a grey beard! For your information? Mr. Engi Platform Guy, you can out-fix Doretta in meteor phase by just standing next to its track. that way no one has to waste ammo on the meteors and they can just focus making sure that bugs don't eat the dwarf who is fixing Doretta.
@mathew2214 8 күн бұрын
are you rarted?
@askaugust1597 8 күн бұрын
damn thats pretty solid content, nice
@BossinDawson253 8 күн бұрын
These are some great tips but I don't give af where I am if I need that donkey I'm gonna call it over and then you can call it when you need it 😂
@lowlumber 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for the tips. Rock and Stone!
@tuulispask6996 9 күн бұрын
Nah. Rogue core won't replace DRG, it's two different games.
@d3ltazer0judgement 10 күн бұрын
I tried searching but, i still have no idea what a green and grey beard are. Is it like, green is inexperienced and grey is experienced? And ig I'm so used in playing support class, that I'm sure i play really great as an engineer, but the rest I'm kinda mid
@lostconstruct1008 10 күн бұрын
one noteworthy thing is that many of these reviews (such as the one about mission repetitiveness) are pretty old, like from 2018, and were made when the game was in a much earlier stage of development and lacked a lot of the content, features and polish it has today
@themanwithnoname1839 12 күн бұрын
Me a driller main: alright let me drill out these tunnels so that way the pipelines can be as straight and easy as possible Every fucking other drg fuckwit ever: ALLOW ME TO START BUILDING THE PIPELINES IN THE MOST UNNECESSARY STUPID FUCKING WAY POSSIBLE Seriously it happens every god damned time......
@AG45. 13 күн бұрын
you know its a good game when the negative revoews are people with hundreds of hours whining that 1 of the seasons they dont pay for doesnt have much content
@aptspire 14 күн бұрын
11:40 learned this the hard way as a Greenbeard :(
@Charm_Dragon 15 күн бұрын
Rock and Stone!
@Whopper-hq5mo 16 күн бұрын
People really shit on season 4 and I don’t think they should think about the future events like corrupters and the new enemy’s appearing it’s annoying now but it will be way better when they are rare and feel more fresh and fun
@ShapeKiwi 16 күн бұрын
kid with 3 hours ingame: this game is repetitive, you're playing the same 5 missions, there's nothing new once you play for as long as i have! absolute dwarven chad with 1,000+ hours: haha yeah
@Rumcajs981 18 күн бұрын
TL;DR This guy stinks, is still a total Greenbeard after almost 1000 games played. He is NOT to be trusted as any sort of guru or teacher in this game. Watch this video more as a "comedic documentary" rather than an actual guide. For those you need to look for more competent people, unfortunately. Why would anyone in their right mind pick blowthrough over bonus damage on the LOK? Especially with a build that focuses on stacking up damage bonuses (and having a fire/electricity incudcing secondary, like the presented PGL build, or Inferno/HVC Breach Cutter), taking penetration over Electro-Chemical rounds is not the brightest choice. Return to Sender Breach Cutter with Damage upgrade instead of total ammo...? Sheeeesh Same with turrets row 2 upgrade. I dont know what kind of player do you have to be to choose build time over increased total ammo. Like... this doesnt calculate, and the faster build time is pretty much useless, while you take away A TON from your total damage and supply efficiency. If you feel the need to have it reduced so you can set them up quickly, you're already playing the Engi wrong. Also my fucking god, you bring repellant platforms in, and then you refuse to use them in the hackpod defense scenarios. Why bring repellant in if you're not going to use it? Just bring more platforms lmao
@Shywer 18 күн бұрын
Rock and Stone!
@Ghostwolf82 20 күн бұрын
3:23. There is a button on consoles. The back button, at least on Xbox.
@Sugar_Crash1 21 күн бұрын
I think the worst part of the first review is that- EVEN IF the complaints were valid, and the stuff being added wasn't substantial...Hot take! Devs aren't required to pump out updates every few months! If a game is full price, and has a decent chunk of content, they can just leave it as is, with no updates ever! And honestly, if they DID- I never see people getting pissed at games for NOT adding new content every few months- It's something exclusively saved for games that DO give you free stuff. The free updates just fuel entitlement I guess lmao
@bforbiggy 22 күн бұрын
I think a lot of the toxic player reviews you dismissed too easily. You basically said "it's extremely uncommon for someone to be toxic" but so? Is that supposed to help solve toxic players? Game balance being seen as bad by newbeards is usually up to the fact that drg is easy to learn and hard to master. There are a lot of mechanics resulting from emergent behavior. Except the game is so easy to learn that unless you know the extra techs, you won't explore the game. While you can blame users, game design is supposed to account for people who perceive things differently.
@serge9492 22 күн бұрын
Septic spreader sucks ass tho, ngl. We had the spitters, who do balanced damage. LETS MAKE A SPITTER INTO A TANK ONLY PENETRATABLE ON THE SIDES THAT BOMBARDS EVERYWHERE AND DOEL BS DAMAGE. Even shooting down the spits only makes them fall, not dissaper, which makes sense but is still meh kind of.
@SunnieSlurp 23 күн бұрын
Got into DRG yesterday, these guides are great!
@arash2007 24 күн бұрын
dude , that ice gun plus EPC was FIRE 🔥
@ElliotScottDating 24 күн бұрын
No offense but as a scout main with 1000 hours on him, this is definitely greenbeard gameplay.
@CavemanShopkeeper420 26 күн бұрын
You can also land on enemies to break your fall
@reidpiersol675 27 күн бұрын
Are those damage numbers a mod?
@clutteryguy9747 27 күн бұрын
I'll keep this in mind for later
@natemadill2390 28 күн бұрын
Season 5 is adding promotion numbers into the base game, or so ive seen
@Weebdotexe 29 күн бұрын
Note about the twins, your teammate gets downed? focus one to get them to heal, you buy yourself enough time to res that dwarf.
@samhhaincat2703 29 күн бұрын
Watched another one of these "tips" videos and yours is way better. Concise and clear. Thanks.
@rockowlgamer631 29 күн бұрын
664 hours so far, still enjoy it. I'm really looking forward to the Roguelike mode even though I'm not usually a fan of roguelikes.
@artem599 Ай бұрын
3:44 "fuck!" - driller
@artem599 Ай бұрын
8:32 "fuck!" - driller
@user-fn3yu3lp9b Ай бұрын
3:26 bro what are those server names
@S.Brito.Leo_ Ай бұрын
Awesome guide dude, tysm
@juno8605 Ай бұрын
Since the season 4 is about to end I think I qualify enough to speak about this season. I joined almost 2 months ago so I do not have the animosity that most disgruntled dwarves had during the start of this season. Septic Spreaders and Stingtails taught me to always move "wisely" to reduce the damage I take and not get myself cornered. Stingtails in particular made me see red, and sometimes I purposefully get myself pulled then power attack to stun it. Got myself out of a pinch by some strategically spawned Stingtails. Septic Spreaders are sneaky and likes to play it safer sometimes than Acid or Web Shooters, which makes them annoying and a real threat in high hazard levels if you do not spot and kill them immediately. For the Corruptor, terrain is the #1 obstacle. I had the painful experience of fighting it for the first time on a very vertical area as the Gunner, got downed 3 times before I figured out how to deal with it. But I would say that fighting it felt like I was fighting both the Stingtail and Spreader because of its mechanics. The rock that it corrupts becomes a walking hazard and the tentacles that it use to stab you from below that you must dodge reminds me of them.
@toadpa4565 Ай бұрын
kill loot-bug (you’ll die inside a little each time tho)
@KirillK-tg6zy Ай бұрын
Nice video, maybe I should give it a li.. Oh, he killed lootbugs. Dislike
@superwhatevergamin9634 Ай бұрын
Omen Eliminator hot tip- Engie Plat a stack of pancakes on the little scanners if the purple wave thing keeps killing you. If it happens to be near a wall- even better. Use that to save ammo. You don't actually need to be boots-to-steel on the scanners. Just near and over.
@4eShka576 Ай бұрын
Угол обзора у турелей с системой защитник 120-135 градусов
@Zorba-Ivy Ай бұрын
I need to get this to deal with problematic teammates.
@Cousin_Trent Ай бұрын
Your so cute but your so dead
@gummygal008 Ай бұрын
gunner tip, if you see a bug shoot it
@theradhattah1435 Ай бұрын
Lol what’s the point of gunner?? Engi is nuts
@HerikaNolotea Ай бұрын
Dmg text numbers is extremply annoying and in level 5 missions is impsosible to see anything
@pepo_idiot8502 Ай бұрын
I like how the thumbnail isn’t like the other ones bc driller doesn’t have a beard lol