@tommysalami6876 Сағат бұрын
Bros using the cod soundtrack 💀
@ImWhyMortalsCry Сағат бұрын
I quit the game years ago and still watch it from time to time on YT just for fun From everything I'm seeing and reading in the comments it feels like DbD is going downhill becoming worse and worse Kinda sad tbh was a decent game back then
@thewrightone13jack Сағат бұрын
Cool vid! There was a lot of new info for me. Thanks!
@thenegativoneify 6 сағат бұрын
2:43 weird flex 😂...who cares about your prestiges
@-h1-446 6 сағат бұрын
Cold war music 🎶
@estrelaplatinada6506 8 сағат бұрын
since no one talking about it and i am the only one, I NOT GETTING THAT POSTAL 2 MAP THEME PASS.
@andreapisano4913 10 сағат бұрын
I defended the killer from being ridiculized and harassed in post game lobby and I ended up harassing back the other survivor after he kept provoking and tbagging doing nothing the whole game. Result? I got banned for 1 week for harassment. Nice job BHVR
@VerdadesObscurasTT 15 сағат бұрын
I only majorly play survivor, but i will always defend the killer side because it's way more dificult lol And there are some pretty toxic survivors out there for no reason, while fewer toxic killers
@Sadako-Yamamura 17 сағат бұрын
lmao your edits will slowly get you more views, the pain res took me out!!!!! Keep it up! - Seo
@skyram7072 18 сағат бұрын
People like this make me hate this game
@cryptidm0th340 12 сағат бұрын
cry about it ???
@skyram7072 12 сағат бұрын
@@cryptidm0th340 usless reply ???
@colorsofchaos3421 18 сағат бұрын
Even with this bug with the gens I've still gotten a few 4ks
@JCglitchmaster 4 сағат бұрын
It's definitely possible, I had alot myself. The problem is it's extremely exploitable especially when playing with others. For example, if you're on hook 2nd stage and every is alive at 2 gens, you see someone is doing a gen and it's about halfway. You suiciding on hook will essentially guarantee the win for your teammates since doing 1 gen will immediately power the exit gates. Which in a community that used to DC to prevent pain Res/pop/blood warden plays before the bot change, it's pretty common scenario. Meaning you can not even tunnel on killer and still get fucked over from wins by people exploiting the bug.
@dillonkeast4574 18 сағат бұрын
I have been saying this for the last year and a half as behvr has pushed everything to this point. You have to play a brutal killer to win and it is because the devs have not listened to the player base and keep leaning into the problems that are driving away the base.
@jt2249 21 сағат бұрын
If you run resurgence and solidarity you can heal 2 people at once if someone unhooks you while they're wounded. Combo that with botany or resilience you have a solid consistent value build with a flex slot 4th perk, I run Iron Will for now
@JCglitchmaster 4 сағат бұрын
Might need to give that a try.
@k1ixxo7 21 сағат бұрын
No more Deja?
@JCglitchmaster 19 сағат бұрын
Who needs DEJA with double gens being completed ;)
@danielorlovaquinn 22 сағат бұрын
Lightweight enjoyers 💅 no counters, always active, counters very niche perks, great for hiding, great while in chase. Just great overall you almost always get some value from it even if its passive af
@user-dt4sr8yl2r 18 сағат бұрын
i might start using that :o
@danielorlovaquinn 18 сағат бұрын
@@user-dt4sr8yl2r ever since i started using it ive noticed killers lose me easier + i can pre run and killers cant follow my scratchmarks as easily, it counters that one perk that makes scratchmarks more linear (that perk is bad regardless) its just a nice simple perk it also just pairs well with many stealth perks both in and out of chase, personally i like it with lightfooted and self aware especially in chase as it makes it so hard to track witch direction you went to once breaking line of sight. I like to run to a locker, walk to stop scratchmarks and turn a corner and continue running. Killers will often check the locker or atleast second guess themselves long enough that by the time they find my scratchmarks those things are already fading away and im gone
@JCglitchmaster 4 сағат бұрын
It's IMO the most underused perk in the whole game. Value in chase, value out of chase (since you can run around the map with very little worry), value when you run it in a duo for healing off hook all like you said without being counterable by the killer. People just assume it's only good if you're playing it for stealth but the distance you can get from the inconsistent scratch marks (especially with iron will) is crazy
@danielorlovaquinn 4 сағат бұрын
@@user-dt4sr8yl2r def use it with self aware + light footed. I love running up to a locker walking around a corner ans continue running they usually check the locker or atleast second guess themselves and by the time they find my actual scratchmarks those things are fading quickly, also works surprisingly well in certain loops too were i break line of sight, walk, and continue running since they cant heae my footsteps it takes them a sec to catch on i left and again my scratchmarks are already fizzing away
@032Glitch 22 сағат бұрын
Nice editing and cool music, looking at the fact, that you had to switch it up. My only complaint would be, that your overall audio is too quiet, because I have to almost max you out on my phone
@JCglitchmaster 19 сағат бұрын
Cheers for the feedback. Been trying to work out audio for abit now
@Leon_S._Kennedy 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks random woman for protecting me
@levoderso7469 Күн бұрын
luv ya stuff man :D
@DiamondPickaxe2 Күн бұрын
Can't help but respect a creator who refrains from mid roll ads
@JCglitchmaster Күн бұрын
Nothing worse than getting your eardrums blown out mid video by an unskippable pringles ad
@SlothSandwhich Күн бұрын
​@@JCglitchmasterHey man, if you gotta put ads. Do what u gotta do . Everyone needs money
@jeremysaynomore7175 Күн бұрын
2:44 Nice music
@JCglitchmaster Күн бұрын
Dead rising 2 VIP Lounge if you wanted to find it.
@germansausage7310 Күн бұрын
The other day I had a argument with someone who plays soley survivor. The last time they played killer was ages ago. I'm new to DbD and in low MMR I enjoyed the game quite a lot on both sides because it didnt feel like i had to tryhard to get 1 or 2 kills a game. I could relax. Or get a escape every 2 to 3 matches. And that person I was Arguing with put out imens killer hate. I'm talking that they should nerf killer even more because and I qoute "Survivors cant reall do anything against the killer. Its not like we can kill the killer". Then I listed all the ways survivors can, infact, do something about the killer. Then the next arugument was (after not acceptng my points to the pervious one) that killers are way more toxic that survivors. And that is just flat out bull shit. The ammount of times I get T-Bagged, Tash talked, flash light clicked at, pointed at after missing a swing and some other stuff that I cant recall rn is redicoulous. on top of that youre playing a 4V1 mode. Flat out statisticly Survivors are more toxic BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE OF THEM. It is mind boggeling to me that even without reading the patch notes and having a deep understanding of the game I can tell that the game is VERY survivor sided atm if youre talking about the same skill level with meta perks. If the killers dont slug or tunnel the chances are that they will at most get a 2k if youre on a decent map for your killer. Now to the part that people will probably ask: "Youre saying your a new player. How many hours do you have". I have no clue I play on epic games. I'm Devo 1 and started 3 days before the latest anavercery event (the 9th one I belive). "Youre a new player you dont know how the game works so your opinion doesnt matter" If the game doesnt attract new players to stay then it will die so if you think my opinion is invalid because I'm new then youre the problem why the game isnt more popular. Get off of twitter. "Okay but Killers have so many options to play around with and more variety with their powers" Yeah. and those powers are either great (like nurse or blight), useless on some map (like huntress in larrye's or Meatplant) or are just straight up bad (like freddy). Sure all of them are playable and give flavour to some games but most of them are flat out not Viable. When is the last time youve seen a twin in high MMR? Whens the last time youve seen a freddy in high MMR? These killers arent fun. As JC already said. Play and tryhard as a killer for a month without slugging or tunneling and you will know exactly what the problem is we are complaining about. Everyone have a good day.
@Chainsawwed Күн бұрын
SWF is the Nurse of Survivor. Can't make any meaningful changes to survivor for solos without buffing an already OP feature and can't make any significant buffs/nerfs to killers without still benefiting SWF. They are miserable to play against and miserable to not be in as a survivor. The only way anything will change is to segregate SWF to consenting killers, but this will not work as DbD is in no position to risk losing a large amount of the playerbase and their wallets. The current meta is an answer to a diseased core gameplay that will not in any way change until the end of this game.
@goaway5297 Күн бұрын
Eh if you wanna go down somewhere awkward I'm just letting you lie there. I'm happy enough to go smoke a cigarette or top my drink up. No skin off my back.
@tomcharles1730 Күн бұрын
Now I get it I still gonna dc rather then wait for to bleed out takes to long
@dragant2407 Күн бұрын
Yeah as a Survivor main I am not a particular fan of how some people treat killers. Like the T-bag and prolonging the match just to torment the killer is dumb. And I remember fixing generator when I saw the Huntress struggle with a group of survivors... man when I saw the perks on the survivors I felt real bad for the Huntress. They ran Boil over, flip flop and unbreakable - also everyone of those use flashlights. My problem with both Survivors and Killers are that everyone encourages toxic behavior and meta builds. Behavior should do something to fix a lot of issues on both sides, but I will say so many who plays survivors tends to think that it's unbalanced towards them when they don't realize what an advantage survivors has over a killer... one being 4 vs 1 player. There's a lot of dumb stuff honestly.
@Stranzua Күн бұрын
The problem with adding a way too die quicker when being slugged is that it will just give survivors another way to instantly kill themselves the moment they are downed.
@SurvivalHorrorEntertainment Күн бұрын
I have been saying exactly what you said in this video for a very long time. I even started predicting what was going to get nerfed before it did just to prove to my community that the dev's only care about the survivors fun in dead by daylight because they are the majority and they bring in the most money and money talks louder than the minority wanting to stand a fair chance as the dev's keep catering to all the trash players of the community.
@botondzoltannagy8849 Күн бұрын
There's even us vs them in this comments section
@addisonjoy3491 2 күн бұрын
I agree with the point of not being able to kick gens infinitely, as well as nerfing already B tier killer perks. A full Sabo usually indicates a trade for kill with two slugs (invalid complaint) and that's it. I play Pyramid head on irrelescent without slugging or tunnel, can confirm I've been able to 4k consistently. Friend plays plague and hasn't had a match with two survivors living in the end. Stop asking for killer buffs, it's the reason plague has broken and instadown, and the reason chucky has built in lunge, undetectable and fast vaults in BASE kit. I can confidently tell you that you're wrong. I've spoken to three different killer mains that agree they're out of control.
@monkeyboy6857 2 күн бұрын
Good video, definitely feel as though the pendulum has swung towards survivors, playing killer is just rough. As a pig main (I’m not high mmr), my chase times are just super high and I’m just never able to get a full win before the last gen is either available or finished. Then again, I don’t tunnel and I try my best to not slug
@roachman1002 2 күн бұрын
Wanna know what truly sucks, that this is the only game like it within this genre, yes there are others, killer klownz, tcm etc but they are all limited to one individual license, this is what we are stuck with and nothing else is gonna come along that can compete, they can quiet literally do whatever the hell they want and not have to worry and i hate that. No other game is gonna have all these licenses all in one and they know it. It is why shit like this happens, why they don't listen to feedback, where the hell else is people gonna do that are in love with this style of gameplay and characters.
@dicerson9976 2 күн бұрын
The game has dozens of different, glaring, and egregious design issues indicative of baseline incompetence on the part of whoever is responsible for the overarching design of the game as a whole. There are so many fundamental concepts here that are just blatantly ignored, so many things that very basic math could easily foresee and outright solve and its so just glaringly obvious that behavior is basically making up random numbers and is putting close to 0 actual thought into their game's balance. Assymetric PvP games are one of the most difficult to balance in the entire industry, and this one is by far one of the worst made in the entire industry. It is popular solely off the back of its licensed IPs and absolutely nothing else whatsoever.
@shadowwolfgames9861 2 күн бұрын
Although I still like watching the game these problemmatic balance changes are why I stopped playing this game (yes I was a killer main but I played survivor often with friends). It saddens me that the game still suffers from the same core problems. Players of now a days you have my respect for hanging in there. Forgot to say I stopped 2 years ago.
@iconichorror966 3 күн бұрын
kzfaq.info/get/bejne/ar17ecyWu9WXaKs.htmlsi=GkDQiST0PFs6lUQh Saw your Sadako build featured in this guys video
@dr.derpenstein9665 3 күн бұрын
This video helped me be a better Sadako main. Thank you for posting this video
@Samagachi 3 күн бұрын
I run no mither so i can get back up if a killer decides to leave me in the dying state
@Random-1983 3 күн бұрын
@Lovyxia 3 күн бұрын
DbD has a huge issue where the main objectives of the game are the parts that are agreed upon to be the least fun. Survivors don't play the game to sit around and do QTEs so the devs make gens faster. Nobody likes waiting on hooks and trying to carry survivors to hooks and defend them is unfun for killers too so they add in anti-camp. Tunneling removes one player from the game early so they give a half-assed Endurance buff on unhook. None of these things make generators or hooks fun and interactive game mechanics, they just alleviate the worst issues a little bit only for players to quickly adapt to them and the game being the same thing but needlessly complex and annoying in new ways. I unironically think that it would be the healthiest and easiest option to fix the game if they removed hooks as it would instantly remove slugging and the ability for killers to tunnel and added more survivor objectives than generators so that winning as a survivor involves more movement and varied mechanics and less sitting around doing the same QTEs which I assume must get boring quickly. Chases are also weird in that it's quite hard to actually escape the killer compared to how easy it is to prolong chases and keep them busy, making them all about stalling while the other players sit around and do gens. I think chases, scratch marks and noise could be rebalanced to make escaping easier but in turn killers could be buffed to make prolonging chases harder. They could rework the bloodlust mechanic to be more desirable and better for killers but to also remove seeing scratch marks to accomplish that, for example. I don't play a lot of survivor so I'm no 100% knowledgable on what survivor mains find fun but the game definitely needs a different type of back-and-forth gameplay than slugging vs flashlight saves and hook trading IMO.
@Lovyxia 3 күн бұрын
I'd like to add that in objective oriented game where the objectives aren't fun, the fun of counterplay becomes completely one-sided because it sets the other side back on doing their unfun objectives. Killers want to hook people to get their small chase victory locked in and flashlight saves or DS invalidate them winning their chase. Kicking gens isn't fun or exciting so regression perks help automate and improve the process of running around the map pressing spacebar on random machinery. Survivors want to just get the boring gens done and regression perks make them have to sit there longer unless they abandon their objective to do something else.
@TMF_Tyler 3 күн бұрын
Mirrors edge sound go brrrrrt
@sleandre7590 3 күн бұрын
I’m a survivor main and totally agree with you… you can’t understand how to play survivor EFFECTIVELY if you don’t understand how the killers work.
@donyjunior 3 күн бұрын
Because every surv play like it's a tournament. U welcome.
@basil3970 3 күн бұрын
you're right, you're an ignorant killer main
@Kfadro 3 күн бұрын
I never camp tunnel or slug unless some survivors are really deserving
@Local_incel 4 күн бұрын
Bangin gameplay over a banger song what more could you want ❤
@lilpotato_uwu 4 күн бұрын
showing that you spent bp into survivor or killer doesnt mean anything.. i pretty much ONLY play survivor and i have everyone p9 because they were all p3 lv50 BEFORE the prestige change.. it just means youve spent bp on them.. doesnt REALLY mean youve actually played on them
@leonardobrandao1291 4 күн бұрын
Such wisdom
@stevenobrien7686 5 күн бұрын
I mean it's the same old story, that the game is just designed bad from the ground up. All the issues on both sides for people not having fun comes back to this.
@davidlee7174 5 күн бұрын
When gamers stop playing killer. Dbd is going to die.
@mike-cuhljoegan3431 5 күн бұрын
Average survivor main: Sounds like you're a bad killer. I've had a 12 hook game in under 3 seconds while getting surgery and missing both my thumbs
@JulianSteward-oe3hl 5 күн бұрын
Idk if it's just me, but Bardic Inspiration also has been buggy where the dice won't even roll, and your perk just won't work. Additionally, if you can roll the dice, the bonus stat won't even pop up or work. I've been playing this game for 6 years, and this patch has one of the most amount of bugs I've ever seen.