Twilight of the "German Model"?
The 2022 French Presidential Election
New Research on Muslims in Europe
Europe at War Part 2
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Europe at War
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The Passport As Home
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@kai89tracid 6 ай бұрын
Christian values comes to Poland from West by Prague from Holy Roman Empire.
@user-ht8pn6dv9j 7 ай бұрын
@cidercik Жыл бұрын
RIP Martin Walser
@matthelme4967 Жыл бұрын
Very pro Polish.
@kornflake93 Жыл бұрын
Protocols of the Elder’s of Zion 👁️ 🐍
@seanabbas7053 2 жыл бұрын
@wojciechpa7127 3 жыл бұрын
Hevry rocim kesef ;)
@nina-ciara 3 жыл бұрын
Such a wonderful lecture......I learned a lot..... Thank you! That was splendid!
@kai89tracid 3 жыл бұрын
Polish should made union with Ukraine like with Lithuania.
@maciejrzepczyk6562 6 ай бұрын
Interestingly they were thinking of doing that before they disappeared of the map but the plan did not go through.
@kai89tracid 6 ай бұрын
jak a Chmielnicki czemu się buntwał z Kozakami by na końcu z Rosją się dogadać@@maciejrzepczyk6562
@maciejrzepczyk6562 6 ай бұрын
@@kai89tracid Poland made a proposal that was rejected.
@SchafjuanS 3 жыл бұрын
Pain in the ass
@vinm300 3 жыл бұрын
Partition of Poland :- First partition 1772. This was suggested by Frederick the Great. Catherine II (the Great) was involved in a war with the Turks (1767 - 1772) and eyeing Constantinople. This horrified the Europeans, (Fr and Aust. threatening to join the Turks). FG to avoid having to fulfil his military alliance with Russia, suggested Catherine rescue the persecuted Orthodox Christians, Prussia would rescue the persecuted Lutherans, Maria Theresa would govern the south and leave a core of Catholic Poles with nobody to persecute. Second Partition 1793 Catherine's Potemkin journey had provoked the Turks into another war (1787) After the French Rev. the Poles declared the May constitution in 1791. FG pulled the plug on his Defensive alliance with Poland and sent in troops (at Catherine's behest) to crush the Polish Jacobins. 3rd partition 1795 The Polish nationals fought back, and Russian occupation segued into Polish extinction. With Catherine's ex-lover Stanislaw II (Augustus) and a confederated Polish diet ratifying Poland's transition to a province of Russia. I was going to say something, but after that intro I've completely forgotten it.
@ryanwalsh106 3 жыл бұрын
This video is trash because it only praises Herzl.... it says nothing about Herzl’s alleged “ madness “
@ryanwalsh106 3 жыл бұрын
Sabbati Zevi used reverse psychology so did Herzl. Herzl was sabbatian.
@ryanwalsh106 3 жыл бұрын
Why don’t you talk about Herzl’s comments in regards to using antisemites to liquidate Jewish wealth? Or using Jew haters to justify the existence of a fictional land? 3 жыл бұрын
19th AntySemitizm = according to you authoritaran, antydemocratic, homophopic, anty european, and so on LOL what else... 20th you can tell everything about a person on where he stands on Jewish Question LOL now that's Fundamentalism 21th WOW just amazing the way you describe the Christians i wonder what they would say listening to this 22th Hah Judas beaten 23th jan gross neighbors there was a debate jan gross a liar his numbers are bs as are youres 24th Authoritarian turn in poland and hungary we are looking at the future lets hope so 25th Restitution nope pretty much what he said but he left out more reasons 26th Izrael Poland relations pretty much what he said much better relations than americian Jewish diaspora 27th declaration its complicated Jad Waszem had an NKVD member as the head thats a red flag for Poles doesnt matter how brave he faught for Izrael at least not for us 28th a lot of antysemityzm surprise nope Jews worked for it pretty hard 29th why vote for Pis well i wont vote for a party youre voting for there has to be a choice in democracy not like youre socialist democracy 30th my conclusion i dont like that jew and meaby even more the guy in glasses cuz hes receving this like 500zl no questions asked
@benstringer6289 3 жыл бұрын
you look like you have parkinsons you deaf old twat
@mummar4245 4 жыл бұрын
you praise him like you are related to him
@mariaklein3964 4 жыл бұрын
super interesting. Those interested in Sweden's covid-19 approach will be interested in the comments by Monica Bauer (21:10 - 24:52 also 36:54 - 38:09), including reference to the constitutional restrictions that prevent full scale lockdown, the completely depoliticized nature of the sector of government (health authorities) responsible for covid policy, the importance of the welfare state in enabling people to comply with recommendations, and a crisis management strategy that existed before the crisis and was followed.
@babavisanta1084 4 жыл бұрын
@MK-lm6hb 4 жыл бұрын
@emptyhearted9981 5 жыл бұрын
God damn that rack !
@roniquebreauxjordan1302 5 жыл бұрын
@alan6832 5 жыл бұрын
War is inevitable as long as people insist on having children. Such people will breed beyond their resources and then, inevitably, fight over those resources. The defense of African nature preserves against poachers is a prime example, and is thus doomed to fail.
@alan6832 5 жыл бұрын
My understanding is that the war was mostly the fault of the Austrian foreign minister, who as far as I know was the only one willing to lie and manipulate in order to cause war. Of course, the extent to which the blame lies with the Austrian foreign minister is at least the extent to which blame cannot lie with Germany. However Germany did have an awfully destabilizing, hair trigger type of war plan that required a first strike to work, and this sort of plan has serious moral consequences.
@briannxx 5 жыл бұрын
I love how he admitted he works as a Democratic operative during elections
@SzymonWeiss 6 жыл бұрын
Church as the major political factor for this demolition has been totally omitted during every speach
@robertnowak1267 6 жыл бұрын
modern Ukrainian history 1795?????rather from 1992 till today no Ukraine in 1795 OK fake history..!!!!
@noway2434 4 жыл бұрын
What fake history? So called Russian (sic) is stolen Ukrainian history.
@noway2434 4 жыл бұрын
How many times was there no poland. No Ireland before 1923 using that logic.
@ronaldostrowski4014 3 жыл бұрын
@@noway2434 To answer your question - twice. 1795 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945. Between 1945 to 1989 Poland was a Warsaw Pact communist country within the Soviet sphere of influence while still having autonous government and being a member of the UN under the shadow of the Kremlin.
@miriamewaskio793 3 жыл бұрын
@@noway2434 Yes, Ukraine over the centuries was controlled, gobbled up in parts by so many surrounding authorities, Russia, Poland, Austro-Hungarian , Lithuanian..often not even allowed their own language but they were always ethnically Ukrainian!
@zeej8801 2 жыл бұрын
@@miriamewaskio793 what tribes were the original ukraine people?
@Sat-Man-Alpha 7 жыл бұрын
Super! Eine Vorlesung die man so an allen deutschen Unis zeigen sollte....Gratuliere!
@andrewdolokhov5408 7 жыл бұрын
Germany had the lion's share of the war guilt for WWI. It had a greater share of the blame for WWII. The war guilt clause of the Treaty of Versailles overstated things, but not by as much as many today would claim, I think, just out of a desire to be nice to Germany today.
@krakenindustries3798 7 жыл бұрын
Free Catalunya, next State en Europe. Catalonia and USA, such a good partnership!!!
@seanmccann8368 7 жыл бұрын
Around 26.00 ; I love what you say here. It is exactly the nonsense I hear today in Ireland about our immigrants and refugees - which the British and Americans were saying about Irish immigrants over 150 years ago. Fascinating video, thank you. Shanghai seems to have been equally a melting pot of lost Russians and other displaced Europeans in the 1920's and 1930's.
@mmmmmmmm53 7 жыл бұрын
Shameful display from a, supposed, serious institution such as Harvard hosting a hack such as this guy. The regional president of a Spanish region in which, because of regional law, an individual cannot open any business if he decides to use any language other than Catalan. But freedom of expression and the rights of the individual only matter to Harvard if you are American or you pay for them to be important, if not, €&@£ you
@johanbdln 7 жыл бұрын
Both statements are incorrect. If what you say was true you would put the code of the law to which you are refering (libraries, tourism businesses, theaters, museums and other establishments using another language other than Catalan should not even exist and they exist) and Harvard wouldn't have the prestige of which enjoys as an educational institution.
@mmmmmmmm53 7 жыл бұрын
Lots of points in your comment. Let's go through them one at a time. 1. Lapsus linguae on my part, yes, you can open a Business in any part of Catalonia so long as you comply with the current regulations regarding the creation of an enterprise. Among these there is no requirement of usage of a specific language to acquire legal personality, a mistake on my part surely. 2. However, and this is what I was trying to express (badly as I see now), you are fined for having any kind of sings, documentation or any other form of communication with the client if you do not provide it "at least in catalan" ("al menos en catalán" in text in Spanish). This in effect means that, should you decide to open a business and have, say the name of your establishment in any other language other than catalan, you will be fined. This is unconstitutional in quite a few levels (freedom of enterprise, freedom of expression, etc.) but here in Spain is a clear attack against the equality of languages in those regions which are multilingual as, although not a clear prohibition of business establishment, one is forced to either comply or face fines and judicial processes which can lead to the closure of the business. 3. No one denies Harvard is a very powerful institution and, as accepted by most, one of the best Universities in the USA and the World. I myself think that inviting this specific politician does it and its reputation more harm than good. 4. Should you have the time and patience I would refer you to the following links, so you can read and decide for yourself. There are more complex papers reagrding this topic but they are in legal Spanish and I cannot possibly know if you speak it or not. Nevertheless if you want them I can put the link up.
@seanmccann8368 7 жыл бұрын
This is tremendous.
@Sander_G 7 жыл бұрын
@ThePatrvq 7 жыл бұрын
it`s not true about Poland and abortion thou
@emptyhearted9981 7 жыл бұрын
I love the Swiss
@seanmccann8368 7 жыл бұрын
Fascinating, thank you.
@horsefish2525 7 жыл бұрын
Profesor Ekiert is wrong who says that Jedwabne type murder wasn`t possibile in Poznań region. . Jedwabne type murder was possibile in Poznań region. Why? Because Jedwabne was done by Germans [Einsatzgruppen] and so could be done in Poznań region as well. There was hundreds of Jedwabne type murders all other Poland and in Poznan region . When People Polish Army in 1945 was fighting Pomerania Wall there was very well known [but only to Polish] Massacre of Podgaje Prisoners [mostly Poles and even Germans] were burned in Radogoszcz prison in January 1945 in Lodz city.ęzieniu_na_Radogoszczu German liquidated concentration prisoners by burning. Jedwabne is a hucpa [scam]. Exhumations there were stopped by Jewis rabbies after german bullets were found in and around the grave. Only surface examinations were done. Farther examinations could destroy hooligan holocausts like Gross narration.
@horsefish2525 7 жыл бұрын
all other should be all over
@jorgkaufmann6363 7 жыл бұрын
Democracy in crisis - is obviously the democracy in which voters refuse to vote the way the egoistic and arrogant political elite wants it.
@jreis5888 7 жыл бұрын
This lady is kooky, reminds me again why political science isn't a science
@Zalley 7 жыл бұрын
Populism is the reaction of ordinary non extreme people to crazy extreme left wing ideas.
@baronvonbowel 7 жыл бұрын
Graham Allison was very interesting. The two American Cunts, not at all. The two foreigners, not really.
@adismell 7 жыл бұрын
My good God these guys are dull.
@2Grzesio 7 жыл бұрын
Link do petycji w sprawie delegalizacji KOD -
@franciszek3306 7 жыл бұрын
@eugenewindchy6018 7 жыл бұрын
In a cablegram sent from Europe on May 29, 1914, President Wilson's chief adviser Colonel House predicted the war. He said, "Whenever England consents, France and Russia will close in on Germany and Austria." That is what happened. Russia arranged the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand, which was done by a Serbian terrorist organization, and in the subsequent crisis France and Russia mobilized their forces knowing this would trigger Germany's defensive plan. To cover up the conspiracy, another assassination occurred in Paris. All this is documented in my book "Twelve American Wars."
@kulturanarodowo-radykalna 7 жыл бұрын
KOD to zdrajcy Polski, żaden prawdziwy Polak ich nie popiera, PiS wygrał demokratycznie, KOD broni interesów starej władzy, która była antypolska, to były niemieckie pachołki, a KOD tych zdrajców broni, a Mateusz Kijowski nie płaci alimentów!!!KOD Polish traitors, real Pole they did not support, PiS won democratically, KOD defends the interests of the old goverment, which was the anti-Polish, it was the German cones and KOD these traitors weapons, and Mateusz Kijowski does not pay child support !!!
@petrbursa8152 7 жыл бұрын
What a knowledgeable man, but what is the reason for such a strange behavior?:
@ArtsAlign 7 жыл бұрын
"The Euro is murdering the nations and economies of the EU quite literally. Since the fixed currency regime came into effect, replacing national currencies in transactions in 2002, the fixed exchange rate regime has devastated industry in the periphery states of the 19 Euro members while giving disproportionate benefit to Germany. The consequence has been a little-noted industrial contraction and lack of possibility to deal with resulting banking crises. The Euro is a monetarist disaster and the EU dissolution is now pre-programmed as just one consequence. Those of you familiar with my thoughts on the economy will know I feel the entire concept of globalization, a term which was popularized under the presidency of Bill Clinton to glamorize the corporativist agenda that had just come into being with creation of the World Trade Organization in 1994, is fundamentally a destructive rigged game of the few hundred or so giant “global players. Globalization destroys nations to advance the agenda of a few hundred giant, unregulated multinationals. It’s based on a disproven theory put forward in the 18th Century by English free trade proponent David Ricardo, known as the Theory of Comparative Advantage, used by Washington to justify removing any and all national trade protectionism in order to benefit the most powerful “Global Players,” mostly US-based. The faltering US project known as Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership or the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is little more than Mussolini on steroids. The most powerful few hundred corporations will formally stand above national law if we are foolish enough to elect corrupt politicians that will endorse such nonsense. Yet few have really looked closely at the effect that surrender of currency sovereignty under the Euro regime is having."
@sssscoolguy 7 жыл бұрын
So all opposition to elite establishment is dismissed as "White" nativism, including Bernie supporters. Academics are first to tow the party line. Whatever the establishment wants the academics put up in a presentation and deliver like its the proven truth. They get all their funding from elite establishment after all.