Non Talkers  - Lovin' (lyrics video)
Non Talkers - Noa (live in Moledo)
Non Talkers - Noa (Lyrics)
3 жыл бұрын
Non Talkers - We'll be fine
4 жыл бұрын
Non Talkers - You don't feel ashamed
@Romello_Pietersz 5 күн бұрын
Father and Son
@yamasan4125 15 күн бұрын
どうせ 削除 無駄
@DontbeAbaby 18 күн бұрын
Clapton is god
@joelbelec9032 18 күн бұрын
Cannibal Corpse-it’s raining men
@DontbeAbaby 18 күн бұрын
Why do I want to hear this
@singwright 21 күн бұрын
Pink Floyd, wish you were here
@irisenamorado 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful! ❤
@alexysaguilar214 5 ай бұрын
Me gustaria traducción 😢😢 y no sale me fascino el ritmo
@NonTalkers 4 ай бұрын
Gracias por el comentario 🙂. Sigue la tradución: Recuerdo la primera vez que tus ojos se cruzaron con los míos Fui atrapado por tu sonrisa que casi me ciega la vista Me quede enganchado en ese momento que me levanto el alma Despertó en mi sensaciones descontroladas Refran: Fuego, fuego lo sintió arder en mis venas como una corriente de calor que aumenta las llamas de este corazón congelado Hielo El hielo ha sido derretido por este sol sue se levanto por detrás de las piedras que estaban sombreando mi caminho Recuerdo la primera vez que tus ojos se cruzaron con los míos El tiempo se congeló y había una luz brillante Eso me llenó, con sentimientos que desconocía Despertando en mi sensaciones descontroladas Siento fuego, un deseo ardiente que se extiende por todos mis sentidos Me hiciste sentir el ser más especial de este mundo. Me hizo acreditar que el amor podría tocar nuevamente en mi puerta Refran Todos los momentos que pasé solo en mi cama hizo darme cuenta de que estaba echo un desastre total. Todos los pensamientos que tenía torturando mi mente Fueron espantados para lejos cuando entraste en mi vida Refran
@Fer_Fer2 9 ай бұрын
@Fer_Fer2 9 ай бұрын
Fantástico 👏👏👏👏👏
@NonTalkers 9 ай бұрын
Obrigado 🙏. Um abraço
@corina.morais 9 ай бұрын
Wow, this version is absolutely breathtaking! Your talent shines through brilliantly!
@johannesbruyns9113 10 ай бұрын
Very deep, especially if you come out of a bad or long relationship.
@heidyblair890 10 ай бұрын
👀 'PromoSM'
@brewmusic_ent 10 ай бұрын
Beautiful lyrics, so deep and dope
@NonTalkers 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your words 😊
@binosantos2132 10 ай бұрын
Muito bom 👏👏
@oumihisui6091 11 ай бұрын
When I was listening to my own playlist, a commercial for this song suddenly played, and I was surprised, thinking, "What is this song that captures my heart?" I am not fluent in English. I looked up the lyrics and finally understood. from Japan.
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your words 🙏❤️. Greetings from Europe
@zurimagonzalez1030 11 ай бұрын
Queee bello ❤❤🤩🤩👍👍👋👋👋
@zurimagonzalez1030 11 ай бұрын
Que bello canta❤❤
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Muchas Gracias 🫶
@adrianamalato8734 11 ай бұрын
Gente, hoje eu precisava mesmo desse som! Me libertei de algo que carregava por longos anos! Freedom, freedom...
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Olá Adriana, obrigado por partilhares as tuas palavras conosco. Que bom saber que a nossa música contribui para essa libertação ❤️. Beijinhos desde Portugal
@LoubnaHatem 11 ай бұрын
¡Qué maravillosa voz! 😍🤩
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Gracias 🙂❤️
@LoubnaHatem 11 ай бұрын
WOW! Esta música me conmovió hasta las lágrimas 💞💕💓
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Gracias por las palabras ❤️
@user-ol4yo3nb1q 11 ай бұрын
@hellboundrubber4448 11 ай бұрын
This is like, Leonard Cohen good.
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 11 ай бұрын
wow thank you so much you honour me in comparison to the King of lyrics Leonard Cohen was a jewel in my heart, he inspired me so much, my lyrics are a reflection of my soul and heart in honesty and sincerity may they be an extension of inner healing to the world of souls I truly am humbled
@hellboundrubber4448 11 ай бұрын
@@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 wow that's amazing! It was just an undeniable feeling of style and emotion that stuck in my mind afterwards. Truly haven't heard any others at all that can tap into the Great LC.
@hellboundrubber4448 11 ай бұрын
@@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 A wise Doc told me that healing the Soul is just like healing a broken leg. You have to work out the stiffness from pain in order for movement to happen again. The pain is because your muscle is recalling it's own memory in order heal. Cool eh?
@hellboundrubber4448 11 ай бұрын
Saw this on a YT commercial spot, usually i seriously hate anything interrupting what i'm watching. Except when u see a music vid w actual Honest Artists. Reminds me of 80's bands that were into what they play. Not just tryin to show off. I hope they get a lot of support. Great stuff.
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for your support. We really appreciate it 🙏
@yamasan4125 11 ай бұрын
@yamasan4125 59 分前 I'm sorry to bother you while you're busy. I got this song of mp3 from amazon, but I would like this video what distributed on youtube, but I think I shouldnot download this video without your permission. Please tell me where can I get this item what I need. Further does it exist of video or mp3 for the song in portuguese not in English?
@NonTalkers 11 ай бұрын
Please provide us your email address and we'll be happy to send you a link to download the video. The song is only sang in English though. Best regards
@yamasan4125 11 ай бұрын
​To: @@NonTalkers Thank you very much for your reply! I am very sorry, but I would like to share my personal email address with you, but it is dificult for me to display my personal email address in the form of a comment on youtube. (i.e. in terms of identifying myself in front of the international public) Unfortunately, considering the current social situation, I think it is very dificult in terms of security. I am very sorry, but if possible, I would appreciate it if you could put this video part on it's portable media such as DVD and make it available on amazon etc. Frther please let me know if there is another better way. I woud like please convey to Mr. Gabriella Brusenbauch. I am very sorry if my comments so far hurt your heart. In myself ,If possible, I think I woud like to you make brave and trust the other person for the time being, and avoid making no comments . The environments, cultures, and languages that we grew up in different, and may be we are different ages. It is very difficult for me to interpret the HAIKU of native Japanese poetry, as well as the JPOP of the younger generation. Of course, I can roughly imagine the content of this poem, but to be honest, it is impossible for me to interpret it as the original poem. However, the splendor and excitement of this song have not faded yet. This is my honest opinion. GREAT! GREAT! EXLENT !! MY BEST REGARDS.
@yamasan4125 Жыл бұрын
Finding Myself Again と比べ全く違う。なるほど 噂通り 欧州人にとって欧州内の言語の壁は対してあまり難しい問題ではないということね。恐らく国内の東北弁と鹿児島弁の距離より近い?ということかな? なるほどと 変に納得する。それであれば 何故 Finding Myself Againで英語つかう? 前回のコメントをする途中ピントときたのはプロである以上歌詞決める際、どの言語を使うか考えているハズだと思う。するとあの曲を作曲する際、ド素人の私であれば即ポルトガル語を使う。それを恐らくポルトガルなまり?の英語をあえて使う。これによって曲の雰囲気は保たれるそしてポルトガル語?のテロップ入れる。これにより言語の曖昧さを出し 聞く人の好奇心を刺激あとは前回のコメント通り翻弄される愚かな私。それが意図的かどうかは不明?ただどちらにしてもこの方天才だと私は思います。個人的には Finding Myself Againの方が素晴らしいと思います。 こう言うコメントする人間は異常者なので相手にしてはいけません。さら~聞き流しましょう。
@yamasan4125 Жыл бұрын
ヤッター !!!! 歌詞 見っけ!!!!(笑)非常に嬉しい。。。(笑) 国際的に恥をさらした馬鹿で半ボケな日本のジジイ。 笑ってやってください。 でも嬉しい。。。。この3日間どれ程、悩んだか(笑い)やっぱり未知の言葉と思っても同じ曲を数え切れない程、聞くとそのうち耳が慣れ半ボケのジジイでもこれ全部英語だろうと分かるのね!!!!! 英語であればもしかしたら歌詞があるかも?・・・ ありました^^。 ありました^^。 何故未知の言葉と思えたかて? それはね 秘密ですよ~~~~。でもこの方、人格的に非常に優しく素晴らしい方ですね。本当。。。。正に天才だと私は思います。お騒がせしてごめんなさい。
@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 Жыл бұрын
@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 Жыл бұрын
I thank everyone for liking the lyrics yes they come from my soul, and it is because every member of my family has attempted suicide and I was there to pull them out of the despair, experience is the best teacher and I am so blessed to be able to have my words expressed in song, so that the meaning of the words convey hope to humanity lots of love to the world <3
@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 Жыл бұрын
明確にしておきますが、私はカナダの作詞家で、マルコはポルトガルに住んでいてポルトガル語を話し、英語を話し、英語で書きます - 私はあなたのために歌詞を日本語に翻訳しようとします
@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 Жыл бұрын
私の人生は色あせ始めていた 手遅れになる前に、私は惨めな運命に囚われる前に、誰か助けてくれと叫び続けた 私はあなたを最愛の友人と呼びました 私の人生はまさにかかっていたのです 私はマンネリにはまり込んでいて、居場所がありませんでしたあなたの中に隠れて 自由、自由を打ち明けることができた 痛みはもうない 緊張した脳から固い鎖が消えた やっと自分を取り戻した. 私の孤独な誕生の日に、私の最も親しい人たちが、秘密裏に隠された恐ろしい犯罪を犯した、困難な日々と時間を費やす価値のある自我を失うことになると誰が予想できたでしょうか。彼らが発見しないと思いましたか?あなたが私にしたすべてのこと、私には逃げ場がなかった コーラス:私は今、癒しを見つけました、これらの暗いしかめっ面を回避してきた長年の私の義務的な誓いになりました、私はそれらを永遠に残すように努めます、私は幸せな日々を生きることに決めました平和と調和のとれた賛美の中で暮らしましょう copyright Canada すべての権利は作詞家 Gabriella Brusenbauch に留保されます 2023
@yamasan4125 Жыл бұрын
Gabriella Brusenbauch様 和訳大変ありがとうございます。恐らく私のコメントをご覧になり困惑するかもしれません。私は一見 実に不真面目で不謹慎な人間に写るでしょうね。実は私は今までは普通の日本人より相手の立場を考えて行動してきました。人間とは私も含め所詮動物的な本能があるため自分より能力または社会的立場が強いと思えば見下し弱いと思えば卑屈になり また、立場上の自分の不利益になる場合は真実を無視しまた、道理に合わない反論もしくは行動をとるみたいです。そのため、現在の私の年齢を考えますともういい加減、自分の考えを相手に伝える際、その時、感じる気分や感情を相手より自分を主体にしても構わないのではないか?と思っております。残念ですが特に日本人は表面状は実に礼儀正しいのですが、相手は私ほど私の立場などは尊重していないと伺えますのでね。 取り敢えず、そうんな理由で Gabriella Brusenbauchさんの和訳ついての私の印象については一時的にノーコメントにさせて戴きたく思いますが如何でしょうか。 もし私の率直な印象をコメントしてもOKでしたらご返事ください。それと 今まで私がコメントいたしました内容につきましては勿論、表面上のものではなく、その時私が感じた素直な気持ちです。お忙しい所和訳して頂き、その優しさと心遣いに感謝いたします。大変ありがとうございました。
@yamasan4125 Жыл бұрын
なるほど, これ 恐らく、メインは ポルトガル語?で 一部英語が混じっている。 この感覚、そして何とも言えない哀愁 恐ろしい。正に天才としか言いようがない。
@yamasan4125 Жыл бұрын
Dear Mr.and Mrs. Marco and Evita Brantner I'm Yamamoto from Japan. It's been 15 hours since I made my first comment, and I don't know how many times I've listened to this song during that time. When I came across this song, I felt my soul shake within 20 seconds, and at the same time I pressed the registration button. I am aware that it is very insane to make such a comment three times. Please forgive me. And I don't expect your comment, so you can delete it immediately. As for the reason, I will explain it in Japanese, so if you are interested, please use the translation function of Google and look at it at your leisure. However, in my experience, there is a limit to Google's ability to translate Japanese into English, so there are some doubts about accuracy. NEXT (In Japanese ) 現在、私は65歳の一人暮らしです。 Marco さんと Evita さんそれぞれ別々でソロ の曲を聴かせて頂きました。私は音楽業界は勿論ですが音楽の知識すらありません。なぜなら芸能につて全く興味がないからです。語学の能力については日本国内を基準にすれば中位?何故かと申しますと一応、一般的な学卒ですので 但し 国際基準では下の下の下だと思います。原因は日本が敗戦し政府に何かしらの圧力が掛り英語については歪められた教育方針を取るように指導されているとしか思えないからです。 それは高校時代英語担当の先生からの次のような不思議な一言があったからです。君たちどう思っているか知りませんが これから先、英語については大した勉強をしなくとも突然、実力が飛躍的に伸びますので心配することはない。と言われたことです。何を意味しているしているか最近何となく分かるような気がします。私のような人間の感想ですがEvitaさん の曲は確かに素晴らしいと思います。しかし歌詞が明らかに英語だとはっきりわかります。恐らくベルギーのご出身だから? ただ素人の私がコメントをする立場ではありませんし非常に酷な話ですが、恐らく私を含めほとんどの日本人は直ぐに彼女の曲は飽きてしまうか、または、振り向きにもしないかもしれません。なぜなら日本ではインパクトの面で非常に弱いと私は感じましたので。次にMarcoさん曲ですが正直なところ私のレベルではお恥ずかしですが歌詞の意味はおろか何処の国の言語かも判断できませんでしたがこのコメント作成する段階でもしかして英語かな?という感じです。 何故かと申しますとヨーロッパの本場のポルトガル人の英語につては初めての体験だったからです。だだし このような言葉が理解不能の状態で私の魂を揺り動かそうとするやや軽めなハスキーな歌声共にご本人の仕草そしてバックの絶妙なVIDEO及び適度な曲の長さ、そして私にとって未知の言語(これは冗談抜きで意味が全くわからないというのは、逆に私のような愚かな視聴者にとっては好奇心をどんどんかりたて 私を曲にくぎづけにし 尚且つ 恐ろしいことに 何回視聴しても全く飽きない。つまり 初めてこの曲に出会った時の印象が全く色褪せない。こような状態に陥っている私は異常?かもしれない。(笑い) 次に私が何故、当初にスペイン語と判断したか?  VIDEOのテロップ見て自分なりに推測したからです。つぎに何故、これはポルトガル語だと判断したか? コメントにムイート・ボンに対してオブリーガードの返答があったため。何故ブラジル出身ですか?と質問したか 約50年前、父に連れられ一家でブラジル・ウジミナス製鉄所の建設のため6~7年ブラジルで生活したためです。  当時 私の父がブラジル人の英語は何を言っている理解できないと嘆いていたのを今でも覚えています。 現時点でなるほどと私も思います。(笑い) 以上の理由と貴国とは1549年以来の付き合いです。(これは日本人であれば小学生でも分かる常識です。) 私自身ポルトガル語については50年以上の月日が流れ現在では全く理解できませんが個人的に特別な思いがあります。 しかし大変申し訳ありませんがブラジル人ではなく本場のポルトガル人であるあなたが本来であればポルトガル語の 歌詞で曲を作り英語のテロップを付けるところを何故逆なのか大変理解に苦しみます。  Marcoさん大変失礼ですが、ある意味あなたは天才に非常に近い人だと私は思います。 それ故、ポルトガル語圏の名誉と大航海時代の威信を復活するためなるべくポルトガル語を多用して欲しいと私は思います。 たとえば かつて日本でブームを引き起こしたフィリピンの歌手フレディー・アギラの様に(タガログ語)。 私のような人間が 物凄い才能あふれる人に対してこのような大変失礼なコメントを致しまして申し訳ありません。 どうか私の気持ち汲んでいただければ幸いです。 さて 遅いからもう寝ようかな 起きたらまた同じ曲を聴こ。
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Hi Yamamoto, Thank you so much for your words,, we really appreciate them and it moves us to know that you have been touched by our music 🎵 ❤️. Best wishes
@yamasan4125 Жыл бұрын
Portuguese? Maybe you're from Brazil? If so, I have to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I’m sorry.
@yamasan4125 Жыл бұрын
OHHHHH my cry of the soul , Exactly Spanish. I think If it's English, it's out. From ⛩🗻.....???  ニッコリ.
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
The lyrics of this song were crafted by our lead singer, Evita, as a heartfelt tribute to her beloved grandmother, who courageously battled Alzheimer's. Picture this: It was a momentous occasion, our very first major show, as the opening act at this unforgettable festival concert. Excitement and nerves filled the air, but our greatest concern rested upon Evita's ability to perform this song without succumbing to tears. You can witness the intensity on her face at 0:18, as if questioning, "Can I find the strength to carry on?" The truth is, her grandmother had just passed away a few months before, amplifying the emotions coursing through every fiber of her being. It was a profound and powerful experience that engulfed us all, and Evita's performance resonated with a raw authenticity that words cannot fully capture. Now, we eagerly await your response. Did the recording manage to convey the depth of that moment? We truly would love to hear your thoughts on the comments below
@Bouchra_djellal Жыл бұрын
Oh woooow I'm in love with this song 🥺🥹
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Thank you, nice to hear that ❤️
@erniemaalat3588 Жыл бұрын
meaningful damn tune😁
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@LuisBei Жыл бұрын
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Obrigado Luís 🙏. Um grande abraço
@corina.morais Жыл бұрын
This song touched the depths of my soul with Evita's hauntingly beautiful vocals, complemented by the natural piano, stirring strings, and heartfelt lyrics, leaving me profoundly moved by the raw emotions, the sheer beauty, and the poignant message of love, loss, and the enduring power of music. I hope this song reaches countless hearts and souls, it's a true masterpiece ❤
@dalia1710 Жыл бұрын
@Madmo2009 Жыл бұрын
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Obrigado 😘
@gabriellabrusenbauch1214 Жыл бұрын
love her singing and this song is awesome!
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts ♥️
@mariiaburmakinaferreira3935 Жыл бұрын
Parabéns, excelente trabalho 🫶👌😊
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Obrigado 🙂😘
@shailesharvindrao-rane413 Жыл бұрын
Hey beloved soul sistsr...Gaby, i love this song. I trust that it is going to be classical song..My best wishes always with you.
@corina.morais Жыл бұрын
This song hits hard, and it's hard not to get caught up in the raw emotion of it all. The honesty in the lyrics and the intensity in the music create a truly captivating experience. It's almost addictive, the way the sadness of it grips you and doesn't let go. Non Talkers, you have created something truly special with 'Finding Myself Again' - probably one of the most intense songs I've listened to in a long time. Thank you for sharing this powerful and emotive journey with us ❤
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Thank you Corina, your remarks are really meaningful to us. We are happy that the message we wished to spread has done so.
@lilianasemog2778 Жыл бұрын
Maravilhoso! Sucesso meus queridos 😘👍🇧🇷 Sucesso
@U2HL Жыл бұрын
My favorite from your Roots show!❤🎶🎸
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Thanks 🙂, we enjoy performing this song live. Our album is now fully available in all streaming platforms. 😘
@CarlaMGomes-yq8oz Жыл бұрын
Maravilhoso ❤️ Eu estava lá ❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Obrigado, foi sem dúvida um momento intenso para nós 🙂😘
@corina.morais Жыл бұрын
simplesmente divino. Esta música faz-me viajar para mundos que nem conheço. Parabéns a todos!
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Obrigado pelas palavras 🙂♥️
@dalia1710 Жыл бұрын
@dalia1710 Жыл бұрын
@opoderdobolo Жыл бұрын
Essa é a minha missão... Fazer com que pessoas vivam momentos capazes de produzir memórias que ficam para sempre connosco, mesmo que as pessoas saiam do nosso espaço, elas nunca saem de nós.
@opoderdobolo Жыл бұрын
Até me arrepiei... Muito bom.
@opoderdobolo Жыл бұрын
Adorei a música... Está no ambiente que pensei para a banda. A mensagem está a passar. Este é um original vosso? Keep going....
@NonTalkers Жыл бұрын
Obrigado Ana, prezamos que assim seja. É efetivamente um original nosso. Bjs