Climate Reparations | Esther Afolaranmi
The Body Politic | Ranu Mukherjee
Energy Wars | Art Berman
Ай бұрын
Reimagining A.I. | John Wild
The Politics of Food | Chris Smaje
Global Carbon Reward | Delton Chen
Is Nuclear the Answer? | Mark Nelson
Climate Corruption | Amy Westervelt
It's Them vs Us | George Monbiot
@niceguy391987 16 сағат бұрын
What a massive load of horse manure
@lemonlimelukey 19 сағат бұрын
good guest but once again hes missing some very fundamental things and has entirely thrown the baby out with the bathwater on subjects coming even close to the topic of spirituality. religion IS NOT spirituality and understanding spirituality and metaphysics thoroughly is not only important but is fundamental to comprehending these subjects fully and he is in the same boat as the materialists who think they have any idea what the force behind their capitalistic fantasies.
@lemonlimelukey 19 сағат бұрын
i would emplore him to look at the work of francesca ferrando and to understand anthropocentric among other things, further.
@101xraydelta Күн бұрын
Climate communists
@101xraydelta Күн бұрын
The only thing that heats the planet up is the sun, we have lost 15-20% of the magnetic field. These people are communists.
@101xraydelta Күн бұрын
a particular race of people? these people are idiots.
@sanskrit7548 Күн бұрын
Okay, the sixth mass extinction? So, humans had nothing to do with the previous 5 ones? Stop this human-carbon hoax right now. The USA deep state blew up the Norstream pipeline, releasing megatons of the most powerful greenhouse gas, methane. If these psychopaths that are now trying to snuff us through suppression of critical energy infrastructures really though that climate was an existential threat, would they have done this? And warfare is the biggest user of fossil fuels. Yet the same psychopaths keep pushing for more war! Connect the dots. We're being fleeced by the cabal of globalists that are running the USA deep state and most western nations, as they seek to drastically reduce human population.
@adrianpetyt9167 Күн бұрын
I notice some comments see nuclear power as part of the lov emissions midel. Isn't that going to be a hard sell after all these years of Nuclear Power? No Thanks! slogans?
@johnsheehan5109 Күн бұрын
I believe the geologic community is coming around to the postulate the Chicxulub event triggered the Deccan tarp event and that the extinction event occurred over a longer time.
@mrrecluse7002 Күн бұрын
He was trying his best to pull his punches, and I don't think he did a good job of it. How can you be hopeful, and honest about this grim subject, at the same time??
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Күн бұрын
Labor Notes has been around for a least 30 years - a great zine for sure. But it's very limited in terms of abrupt global warming. 1979? cool.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Күн бұрын
the problem with the international "working class" movement is it was tied to Western imperialism as communism - aka Putin now. Mao back then and Stalin, etc. Two wrongs don't make a right. Working Class is still Platonic Western philosophy as "development."
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Күн бұрын
People can practice self-censorship while claiming to be concerned and focused on abrupt global warming. Hilarious. We are not fooled.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Күн бұрын
ALGAE is the only "policy" that can save civilization. Take to double Ph.D. Marine Biologist Raffael Jovine and Sir David King for details. I did a youtube talk on environmental coffeehouse on algae - look that up. thanks
@gillesronval6843 Күн бұрын
who is he talking about at the end, "who would you like to platform ?"
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Күн бұрын
public housing is great but the Median Farm income in the U.S. in 2021 was $210.00 for the year!!! Without food then housing won't matter. Abrupt global warming will undermine farming much faster than any public housing can be built.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Күн бұрын
The Aerosol Masking Effect is GeoPhysics that completely undermines the Green New Deal policy - no matter what the effects are for the working class. Mother Nature Bats Last - the anthropocentric Platonic philosophy "scientists" - be it Marxists, anarchists, or whatever - will all be destroyed by Mother Nature taking revenge.
@raymondleury8334 Күн бұрын
Unfortunately, Michaud talks based on what was known 10 or more years ago. We don't need rare earths and lithium because we have alternatives. There are electric motors that either don't use permanent magnets or use permanents magnets made without rare earths. Same with lithium where sodium ion uses only very abundant materials like sodium, iron and phosphate. Michaud is wrong as sodium ion batteries use iron and phosphate, not nickel and cobalt. And these are being used in EVs that are already on the road in China. If you want more on Michaud's bad assumptions, the Q&A after minute 45 cover this in this video from Paul Martin: That solar and wind are not producing all the time is totally irrelevant. They are still cheaper at those levels of utilization. They are so cheap that we can overbuild as part of the solution to compensate for their intermittency - Tony Seba and RethinkX explain that quite well. BTW Michaud should know that many of the newer and larger wind turbines have load factors of 65% in places like the North Sea. Michaud twists reality beyond belief to make his case look better. Does he really think that modelers aren't aware that the sun shines less in the winter? Those who have done real modeling show that we need much less than 1 month of storage. He speaks as if because he hasn't looked at it himself, that no one else has. If you look at what's happening in the market, gas is being replaced by batteries because, contrary to what Michaud says, batteries are much faster at responding to grid fluctuations. There are many northern countries where hydro is the perfect counterbalance to solar and wind as it can be turned off and store water when there is plenty of wind and solar. Solar and wind won't be there in isolation. That 5% of lithium ion batteries are being recycled is incorrect. The number is closer to 95%. See this video for real information on that from someone who's worked in the field: EV batteries are huge. We already recycle ICE lead acid batteries at somewhere about 95%, the same collection systems will be used to collect EV batteries at levels close to 100% recovery rates. His devolving into conspiracy theories about Ukraine is particularly disappointing.
@iceman7207 Күн бұрын
Love your channel, Rachel, always such great guest. Couple of points to add. 1. reproduction was/is a biological necessity to keep the species alive. In the past disease, wars, famine etc. created a natural check on population growth, even though women had more children. 2. The only reason we are now in over-shoot is the use of fossil fuels, especially oil and gas that have allowed the Green Revolution. The moment that oil supplies becomes tight and the price goes up will be the beginning of the end of civilization and population growth as we know it. 3. Climate change, which is one of the symptoms of Overshoot, will create a brake on population growth as food production get more and more erratic. 4. We are on the path of the standard model in Limits to Growth which shows a decline in many areas around mid century. 5. In my opinion one of the big root causes of our dilemma, aside from Religion and the Patriarchy, are economist who have no understanding of the Natural World and promote infinite growth.
@ThomasMullaly-do9lz Күн бұрын
I'm tried of privileged university educated people telling me about being working class and trying to highjack. I was in Unifor and was a miner and very working class.. Office work isn't work..
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Күн бұрын
that's true but he probably is from a working class family who wanted their son to be upwardly mobile - and thus he has finally succeeded. Tragic that people have to sell out to be a success but our civilization is based on that fact.
@user-rz5cv7wz4j Күн бұрын
Monopoly finance capital can only think of one way to solve itself: austerity and depopulation--in a word, "degrowth." In Marxist terms, this is the core of fascism over which many aesthetics and ideologies can be draped, including socialism. Ecosocialism, national socialism, same thing.
@EmmaSolomano 2 күн бұрын
Disappointing to see a guest on this podcast allowed to just go on and on about the most destructive food choice we can make, to land, water, energy, and pollution, acting like it's a nice thing to do. These animals are forcibly bred, kept in captivity (albeit a large paddock) then killed well before their natural life is up, all for a meal we could have gotten from plants. As others have said, grass fed pastured beef is even worse than feedlot beef in some measures like methane and land use. Cattle farming is already a leading cause of deforestation and land use change. Animal agriculture is such a massive blind spot for so many environmentalists. I ditched meat as soon as I learned the evidence at uni about the outsized damage it causes. It took me a few more years to piece together the ethical side of things, but once I knew better, I did better. My only regret is I didn’t go vegan sooner. If we care about the planet we should care about the animals on the planet too, not just the sea turtles and the orangutans but the trillions of land and marine animals needlessly exploited and killed for our pleasure.
@michaelbunner2626 2 күн бұрын
They call it joint public/ private partnerships, That means the taxpayers foot the bills for private corporate profits. The start of that sorry ass idea came win Woodrow Wilson handed over the economic sovereignty of the United States to the private banking cartel which was a treasonous act against the United States. There is no statute of limitations on treason meaning he Woodrow Wilson can be convicted today and the national debt in its entirety can be voided , including any debts incurred by other countries. The dollar can then all be handed back to the central bankers in exchange the central banks return all titles and assets to all countries Unless they all want to be convicted for treasonous acts.that includes all fiat money that corporations have . That would also mean that those crooks conmen and thrives loose all assets gained using illegitimate ie counterfeit currency returning sovereignty and assets to all countries And that is just the start of what needs to be done
@avv397 2 күн бұрын
JUSTS A THOUGHT: Wouldn't it be great if we could eliminate the 600,000 annual deaths in Africa caused by pollution from cooking with wood before we turn our minds toAI which demands huge mineral and energy resources which may not be available if we aim to eliminate fossil fuels by 2050?
@scottyscotty5862 2 күн бұрын
More important the magnetic pole shift disaster is coming soon❤ Don't look this way look that way ❤
@normbale2757 2 күн бұрын
Fuck me, I was told in high school, in 1972, that all the oil will be gone within ten years. Environmentalist, teachers and the main stream media are as full of shit as D.J. Trump.
@astrologerclimatewitness3787 2 күн бұрын
OMG....OF COURSE...the yellow vests were going to resist that tax ..when the rich can fly their jets to where to hell ever they wan...for what a Super Bowl game for crying out loud .all of THAT is wasteful and destructive. WHY can't people ....see that the little guy ..would be miffed and angry when you put the burden on THEM ...AND...that's not all ..I have more to say about this
@globalwarming382 2 күн бұрын
It all comes down to the stupid ppl
@communistmole 3 күн бұрын
Capitalist socialization is socialization through individualization as isolation. The right can draw on remnants of tradition (be it family, religion, local communities) as well as consumerism as a community foundation (professional sport, the entertainment industry in general), while progressive movements must first create a post-capitalist social forms that enable non-violent inequality. Unfortunately, the time for this is running out very quickly. The only thing that's certain is that no party will save us.
@FAS1948 3 күн бұрын
With global warming, loss of biodiversity, and multiple US threats to world peace, I will be surprised if we are still here in 2030.
@PaulWetStuff 3 күн бұрын
There is an additional logical ingredient in the transition to renewables. The change from combustion to renewables give approximately a 50% less energy use. If we transition quickly we get past the issue of a surplus is needed. A large surplus is produced by the transition. Currently we have a powerful lobby blocking the transition. Fossil fuels are using every political device available to obfuscate, confuse and delay. It’s a political issue as we move forward. A defeat is needed of the forces of the fossils. Mining with large machines are switching off diesel engines as too expensive. Battery Electrics are taking over for all sizes of machines. They are just better in every way.
@antonyjh1234 3 күн бұрын
So cool you take time off filming Sirena Tuna for these podcasts.
@vthilton 3 күн бұрын
Save Our Planet Now.
@chadreilly 3 күн бұрын
Heck, his book was published six years ago. You would think he'd have time to work out the ramifications.
@countryofnature 3 күн бұрын
Great interview. Prof Tim Garrett is one of the best academics in the world. So much knowledge. When Mr Garrett explains, i listen. Would also love to hear more on His insides into the climate change topic, like the jet stream science. And for example; ' the blue ocean event ' comment in this interview, that is something i wish Mr Garrett would talk about more as well. Thank you very much for the video.
@RickB50SS 3 күн бұрын
Humans are of zero consequence relative to geological time cycles and events on this 3rd blue rock. It could have been so different if our evolution hadn't favoured the alpha male persona, greed jealousy, but it did. The evolution of private property capitalism and so called high tech of the last 300 years has been a result of this and religion to a degree. Nothing really matters but caring for the earth and hence its life cycles, humans are very stupid as Carl Sagan would comment. Seek the ancient matauranga knowledge of NZ maori and Australian aboriginees, Amazonisns too. Industrial modernity is a dangerous road for all life.
@chadreilly 4 күн бұрын
"Race?" I thought race was just a social construct
@leegumprecht8633 4 күн бұрын
Also, have you considered that 90% of minerals are being recycled. We will need many more batteries, but in time, we will need a lot less mined minerals.
@ttystikkrocks1042 4 күн бұрын
This entire conversation is completely reactionary and revanchist in terms of technological change. There are many examples in this talk but the title issue is being proven wrong every day by the exponential growth of renewable energy production.
@meirstambler3032 4 күн бұрын
@sevenspaulding123 4 күн бұрын
Subbed ⚔️
@oskari3659 4 күн бұрын
I would love to hear discussion between him and Simon
@aland5478 4 күн бұрын
I love smart well spoken people!
@davidpretiz4439 4 күн бұрын
Cheers! I got the name of the guy, but who is the lady?
@davidpretiz4439 4 күн бұрын
Have no fear Jesus may soon come back finally to take us all up to heaven. But we must believe, because if not we get to stay here in hell. (?)
@StabilisingGlobalTemperature 5 күн бұрын
It will be the middle class who do anything regarding climate. Not the working class.
@StabilisingGlobalTemperature 5 күн бұрын
We are going to have to do Solar Radiation Management, at least as an interim measure. Click on my icon for a link to my book which details the required actions.
@StabilisingGlobalTemperature 5 күн бұрын
N e t ze ro, even if it is achieved, will not stop temperature rising.
@StabilisingGlobalTemperature 5 күн бұрын
We are going to have to do Solar Radiation Management, at least as an interim measure.
@user-ww5oc9bh1e 5 күн бұрын
CLIMATE CULT Timeline to Apocalypse 1970s - Global cooling will kill us all. 1980s - Correction, Global warming will kill us all. 1990s - Global warming will definitely kill us all. 2000s - Global warming stopped. UN memo (original). Let’s call it Climate Change because the temperature keeps fluctuating up and down leading to a 14 year temperature pause while CO2 continued to rise unabated. 2010s - Everyone realises climate change is normal. UN memo (1). Let’s base our temperature data on the Urban Heat Island Effect and ignore rural temperature stations and falsify ocean acidity data and call it a Climate Emergency. 2010s - There was no climate Emergency. UN memo (2). Let’s corrupt the science with unlimited funding to government controlled institutions who are willing to falsify all climate data, then call it a Climate Crisis. 2020s - The Climate Crisis failed to eventuate. UN memo (3). Let’s find a useful idiot and name her Greta. She will be our climate cult Goddess. Australian climate cult members were busy exploiting the dry summer starting many fires leading to many arrests for arson. 2021 - Greta failed to change the climate and just yelled at everyone. 2023 - UN memo (4). We will wait for El Nino to arrive and we shall call it Global Boiling. To ensure success the cult got busy with arson attacks throughout Europe starting in Greece when 79 arsonists were arrested. Arson arrests are made in Canada after a big season of wildfires. 2024 - Everyone realises El Niño is a natural event that has always occurred for as long as the Pacific Ocean has been in existence. 2025 - UN memo (5). We shall declare CO2 a toxic hazard that will kill us all. 2025 - UN memo (5) is immediately cancelled when a 9 year old pointed out that CO2 is the trace gas of life without which we and all carbon based life forms do not exist. All that carbon came from CO2. It is called a trace gas because there are traces of it measured at an incredibly low 420ppmv or 0.042%. Barely enough to raise the temperature in a room full of climate cult members releasing methane in a desperate attempt to raise the temperature. 2030 - The climate cult is exhausted from its endless lies but manages to double down with fresh funding from corrupt governments and corporations making lots of money from intermittent renewable energy that never works when the wind stops and the sun sets. 2031 - The climate cools while CO2 continues to rise and everyone realises the sun controls temperature which in turn controls CO2 and that CO2 is a very minor green house gas that has little to no effect on the planets temperature. UN admits defeat and commences the biggest compensation payout in human history. Now we can add permafrost Methane release as the latest fake disaster according to COP 28. Every single climate cult doomsday prediction date has come and gone with nothing to show. How many more decades do we tolerate the climate cult clowns that destroy everything they touch. Fortunately the greatest grift of all time will collapse under the weight of its many lies.