90210: An Unexpectedly Deep Dive
Have We Finally Outgrown Twilight?
'YOU': An Unexpectedly Deep Dive
Tony Stonem: Sociopath to Softboy
@Ondolady 4 минут бұрын
I really disliked her boyfriend, he was - as you highlighted - very insecure and incredibly unsupportive. The fact that he was also in NYC, one of the most cut throat cities in the world and working in a restaurant, which is also once of the most competitive industries, you would have thought he would be able to identify what she was going though and help her.
@wisedabossyeet5749 2 сағат бұрын
what I feel like with dean was the reason he becomes “possessive” etc later on was even mentioned in that one scene where he showed up at her doorstep and goes “she likes him” because of the distance and even mentioned towards the end of season 3 I believe where openly jess and Rory flirted in front of him and then she complained about jess to him, bro was paranoid about it and he didn’t want to loose her to him and i understand that dean is immature but also in a way Jess did like try to start stuff and like as a guy I kinda understand seeing someone else being a threat and just being overall paranoid and tweaking about it which would bring out the worst in anyone
@thedornishmanswife3712 5 сағат бұрын
The main if not only criticism i hear of Rory is her obliviousness and lack of accountability
@MadameGumbo 5 сағат бұрын
Very interesting video as usual! About that subject, in France the former actress and feminist activist Adèle Haenel is activily addressing this grooming issue between child actors and creepy directors. She is a csa survivor, she publicly talked of her past as a victim of a male director she worked with when she was a child, it lasted until she was a teenager. In 2020, when Polanski received an award during a National French Award Ceremony (La cérémonie des césars) , she took a step foward and expressed how outraged she was by this praising, during the ceremony. But what does surprise me, it's that, no one talks about the relationship she had with an older female director. She met during set when she was underage and the director was in her late twenties. And I get it, let me tell you, I am part of the LGBT community and I am french feminist woman and I get it that talking about and dealing with this situation would tease the homophobic and misogynistic wasps nest. But no one in the LGBT and feminist french circles talks about this and even celebrated their relationship back then. Thank you for reading me and thank you for your work! 🙏👏
@Jasmine-oe2st 11 сағат бұрын
but the outfit.... lol
@rajneeshmeena6502 12 сағат бұрын
I think they didn't make Aria A because at some point, they decided that Ezra-Aria are the main couple and we are supposed to like them.
@MATTELMADE 14 сағат бұрын
Skins is real and gritty. My secondary and college experience definitely resonated with eff and the rest of the cast. Euphoria is just romantised.
@violetlavi2207 15 сағат бұрын
The belts don’t look exactly the same, the difference is in the buckles. The brilliance of that scene is showing how Andy only sees the surface level color similarity and not the clear buckle difference
@InternetThugger123 17 сағат бұрын
I’m going to be honest, Euphoria is the truest high school experience. I live in LA
@slashermaster28 21 сағат бұрын
This is why this film really doesn’t hold up. After the great, shockingly realistic opening sequence, it shoots itself in the foot by completely forgetting the arc they set up for Derek and the reason Odette left him.
@Ikwileennieuwenaam_ 22 сағат бұрын
White washing? Wasnt her dad on the show played by a latino actor?
@georgiadevine5400 Күн бұрын
No because if I was writing this: when Alison came back she would have still been this malicious, deceitful, kniving bitch that we were shown in flashbacks. I would have scrapped the Ravenswood spinoff and exchanged it for a spinoff called VIVIAN which covers the time Alison was missing, where she was, what she did, why she went back all the time. Alison could have been so iconic, she was so narcissistic in flashbacks and she was clearly a sociopath, then she returns and she's this frightened, cowardly girl who tells terrible lies about an abduction??? They dropped the ball. Marlene literally had one of the biggest teenage fanbases of the decade and the show started off really good, she just stopped caring. The Alison we were sold would not have been scared of A, she would have looked at an A text and laughed.
@duval1441 Күн бұрын
This was so well said and analyzed, Serena always making top tier content!!! #RipShowerHarvey
@Nindira Күн бұрын
FINALLY after 20 years later...I also didn't like Peyton hahaha. I mean later season I kinda tolerate her character being the reason that I liked the diversity of characters on the show..so I liked the representation she provided but yeah I never ended up liking her character thru all the seasons of the show.
@Nindira Күн бұрын
I just found all seasons on Prime.. its just a conformt show for me. I love it so much.
@shevanz1589 Күн бұрын
One thing that bothers me about Logan is why is he so nice? With Jesse, you see that he has Luke as his parental figure and they are very similar so you know that if he actually sorts his sh*t out, which he has the intelligence to do, he could end up being a really great guy (i have not seen the revival). But Logan? His whole family is trash, he dates trashy girls and has frat boy friends he hangs out with but when he meets Rory he has a personality shift? It doesnt make sense that under all the façade hes actually a really decent guy, not when he has literally no one in his life mentoring him to be that way. In Avatar the Last Airbender, its reasonable to assume Zuko would end up being a good guy compared to his sister because his uncle was mentoring him and his uncle was an extremely mature person and a good person, and he was basically Zuko's therapist, helping him work through his trauma. His sister had an abusive father and an no one else so it makes sense that she becomes the worst possible version of herself. But Logan? Wanna talk about "bad writing" as a way to justify your obvious bias in your preference, then we need to talk about how Logan is a fairytale person and not actually real. If you can explain that then i would be team Logan but i just cant get passed that one thing and its giving, psychopathic "knows how to win you over so they can abuse you" vibes like the male version of a cool girl.
@majestadnegra8247 Күн бұрын
This is very disturbing. It makes me think about one of the movies I really like, GiGi. She was around 15 when her grandmama started “grooming” her to marry the much older Gaston. There are so many hollyweird stories of much older men marrying females 18 and slighter older. I recently learned that Charlie Chaplins last wife was only around 18/19 when they married. She was an aspiring actress but quit acting to become his wife and mothered 3-5 children with him. I believe he was already in his 50’s when they married. There’s another actor. I believe he was on the series Star Trek. His teenage fan was 15 when they initially met. They met again right after she graduated high school and married soon after. He too was 40/50 years old. Yes these girls were of legal age upon marriage but I can’t imagine allowing my technically still a teen daughter marry a man that’s her father’s age. Sam should be just as ashamed of herself as these men should be. I cannot imagine dating a BOY who could be my own children’s peer.
@SchulzEricT Күн бұрын
Yeah, I truly hate that perceived sexism bullshit. We talk shit about male bosses all the time, about how they're assholes, how they only got married for the money and their terrible marriage is why they stay late and fuck with us and make us stay late, how it's bullshit that they can just leave whenever and it doesn't affect their paycheck, how we wished they would die... whenever people try that "if it were a man, they wouldn't be called a bitch" bullshit, it's like, yeah, they'd be called an asshole instead. Same dif.
@maisie6541 Күн бұрын
noooo not the angus thongs and perfect snogging slander
@sarahthomas8670 Күн бұрын
The fact that joe tries to be those Romantic guys in the movies is hillarious. Basically a criticism of how common romantic tropes are actually creepy. He takes them all and does it. It’s so funny and real
@sarahthomas8670 Күн бұрын
PEOPLE HAD A CRUSH ON TED BUNDY?!! Okay joe basically like him but fictional but Ted is real omg…
@nikkibleh8045 Күн бұрын
I hated her bf and friends. They were supportive at all and it was such a good/cool job
@Jocelyn-Blzr Күн бұрын
First time watching i hated cassie for being bitchy with Sid, on the rewatch i understood how much pain she were in...
@MATTELMADE 14 сағат бұрын
Yup. Cass just needed a hug
@chimneychanga Күн бұрын
I stopped watching the show in season 3 but love watching deep dives and I will seriously never understand how aria could get back together with him AFTER finding out he‘s been stalking her and her friends??? The whole time????? Like how can you look at someone the same way after that
@lone_cowboy3332 Күн бұрын
Are you gonna make a review for pll summer school season 2 ?
@paulapaprocka1585 2 күн бұрын
10:10 that’s really goofy in my eyes to say that SHE HAD NO CHOICE. She absolutely had a choice she just chose to make bigger money than most ppl therefore make content she didn’t enjoy, show off her body etc. personally I don’t see anything wrong with showing off your body for clicks and stuff like that BUTT you can’t say she was up against the wall to do those thing cuz she wasn’t lol. Ppl can chose the job they do in most cases and if someone would like to make a shit ton of money on KZfaq for example and then they do stuff to accomplish a success on said platform that’s up to them 🤷🏽‍♀️
@barbieswanlake0093 2 күн бұрын
queen you need to talk about challengers and bridgerton
@LunarWind99 2 күн бұрын
I really love that they made Rory's character seem so much more real and relatable as the season progressed, although, and to paraphrase this from a Gilmore girls podcast I watched recently, I think that they humanised Rory's character just a little too much 😂 like I'm not sure if its just me but at a certain point I was like, surely her downfall will be over soon...right? I felt like the writers milked her downfall era way too much 🤣😅 (feel free to disagree with me, I'm interested to hear others thoughts.)
@Hopeisforever316 2 күн бұрын
Well, chef boyfriend aside, her friends did not respect her or Miranda at all. As a former manager that struck me.
@Hopeisforever316 2 күн бұрын
So the Villians are Andy, Miranda, and French Runway Magazine, which is published by Pinguen and Vouge Publishes.
@Mary.Petrie 2 күн бұрын
No, the author has creative control of their works. I will stand by completely if one the most successful author of modern times has no control over their works what about the small time author? Second if believing women have right to our own spaces and right play sports on a even playing field, what is wrong about that. Thirdly, if you can't separate an author personal beliefs from their work, you probably don't need be reading Tolkien or Lewis.
@TGC- 2 күн бұрын
She's not even Alison's sister she's Spencer's sister
@bexiexz 2 күн бұрын
love this
@MariahHarris-vb2df 2 күн бұрын
I don't know what happened to snow white after season 3, but she annoyed me so much
@violetta698 2 күн бұрын
I think Killian is meant to be more bark than bite, he has his tricks but he's more passion than smarts. Plus it's not actually a fair game considering most of the time he's up against magic users who are literally throwing him around like a ragdoll. Killian puts on a tough persona but he's still deep down the betrayed child who has lost everyone he had and even as he's clinging on to pain and anger to survive, he wants the innocence and love he lost. Most of the villainous things he does is going along with someone else's plan because they offer him his own ends (and often his survival is at risk if he says no). In a way he gets the vengeful moment he was waiting for when he enacts his plan and poisons Rumple. He still wants his revenge once he realizes Rumple's still alive, but in a way he's lost his drive for it, he's second guessing what he's willing to give up for revenge. Then he has that moment with Emma and comes back for them, and I feel like that's the moment he gets the first hope of finding love again, and the kiss seals the deal. Once he has realized that love could be his purpose to live again, he pretty much lets go of any actual thirst for revenge.
@MeganSin 3 күн бұрын
It has been said that our brains aren’t fully developed until we hit 25. So 18 is such an impressionable age. And if an 18 year old is telling you that he wants to marry you before even kissing you, that’s a red flag! I’m the same age as Aaron and if I tried to date an 18 yr old as a 34 yr old, I don’t know how I would feel. I had been hit on by a 21 yr old and while it was faltering, it was also weird.
@oooh19 3 күн бұрын
well Rory being an only is understandable given that Lorelai and Chris didn't stay together and Lorelai once she headed out to Stars Hollow focused on raising Rory and working not dating much or at least seriously. the last thing on her mind at that point was more babies.
@morganhill643 3 күн бұрын
Rue is the worst character.. i can’t deal with whining 24/7
@andromedafan 3 күн бұрын
Hmm wasn't all the stuff she gave her friends just free swag brands sent to Runway that they were going to get rid off anyway??
@disgruntledmoderate5331 3 күн бұрын
I am turning 40 in a few months, and this is super creepy. An 18 year old still feels like a child to me- a child that can vote, but still. Definitely grooming.
@sarahthomas8670 3 күн бұрын
The fact she’s a director and he was actor also goes under grooming bf that’s another power dynamic
@sarahthomas8670 3 күн бұрын
What kind of 40 year old looks at 18/19. They literally still have a minor mindset😭😭
@sarahthomas8670 3 күн бұрын
I found out about him from his role as quicksilver :(
@sarahthomas8670 3 күн бұрын
Not granny can’t handle that😭😭😭. That always makes me laugh but I like how we are calling her out though. I have a crush on him but like I’m so disturb about the grooming thing too
@itscherylplayz8925 3 күн бұрын
The annoyance I felt when Andy’s friends took her phone and passed it around the table when she’s literally is getting a call from her boss😭
@GehennaDreams13 3 күн бұрын
I have been deep diving and I really think they should have kept Phoebe’s and Cole’s child. They should have had them be divorced and co-parenting their little girl. I think it would have fixed Cole plot and Phoebe’s later seasons too.
@GehennaDreams13 3 күн бұрын
As for Phoebe and Cole. I think they should have kept her child with him. She should have had the baby and struggled being a witch, a woman and a single mom. Cole should have stayed around trying to live like a human and being there for his daughter.
@GehennaDreams13 3 күн бұрын
As for Phoebe and Cole. I think they should have kept her child with him. She should have had the baby and struggled being a witch, a woman and a single mom. Cole should have stayed around trying to live like a human and being there for his daughter.