@icecreamladydriver1606 Күн бұрын
What about the three degrees of glory. The scriptures tell us that there is Heaven and there is hell. The tree degrees of glory pits us one against another in order to reach the top and the others will be your servants. Jacob tells us not to be one above another. Did they teach you about this also? What about the blood atonement, Adam/God theory and living prophets, covenant path, follow the prophet? I have many questions.
@beaulavergne5557 4 күн бұрын
Satan gives you the “burning in the bosom” not God- repent and come back to Jesus!!!
@ericamiles8024 2 күн бұрын
Why would the adversary teach someone to follow Christ? You have been falsely taught that the “heart is the great deceiver” as Paul says, means that you can never trust your feelings. But when Christ walked and talked with the two men on the road to Emaus after He left them they said, “did not our hearts burn within us?” Jesus said, “judge not that ye he not judged.” In my experience, “traditional” Christians who feel driven to judge other’s relationships with God are not following the teachings of Christ. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Follow Jesus, do what He did. He also told us to focus on the beams in our own eye instead of the mote in someone else’s eye. Heavenly Father loves ALL his children and wants them all back. We all have our own path and when our hearts are soft and willing to follow Him, really and truly (not perfect) then we will have the experiences and the faith that we need to return. So, maybe check your beam and take some cookies to your neighbor. ❤
@beaulavergne5557 2 күн бұрын
@@ericamiles8024 the adversary uses light and scripture to deceive- he was the angel of light after all. Moron history is such a sham- Jospeh smith was run out of several states as a Donald Trump style grifter and he’s held up equal to Jesus? Boy you guys are gonna have roughl time on judgement day- The Bible says to add nothing to the scriptures and morons create a new book that’s 1/2 Scientology and 1/2 demonology blasphemy- Scary cult
@beaulavergne5557 4 күн бұрын
Morons Is a cult- Jesus is God- the God head are the God- no gods before or after -no we can become Gods -please repent - this is blasphemy!!
@ericamiles8024 2 күн бұрын
You have more studying to do. Maybe a little more sincere praying with a soft heart. Your information is incomplete and twisted. God bless❤
@beaulavergne5557 2 күн бұрын
@@ericamiles8024 🙏🙏I pray you leave this dangerous cult- Jesus says there is only one God- not many- you cannot become a God yourself no matter how much you have been scammed into thinking this is possible- no historical evidence that Mormonism is true- it’s a recent cult to steal money from otherwise good people. It’s not biblical at all-
@vishyswa 4 күн бұрын
Why weren't you told that Mormonism is false? The Holy Spirit would tell you this.
@Jsppydays 6 күн бұрын
Interesting. Some of the best near-death experiences from LDS people would be Vinny tolman, Jeff Olson, and read the book "The message." So many similarities but this guy has a different presentation than all. So much man made religion preaching. Be careful with the nde. Is God greater than any religion? That is what most nde experience are relating to the world. More than likely. Think. This guy is bearing his LDS testimony. I have studied near-death experiences for 3 years have purchased many many books many many videos and I'm telling you I don't believe Joseph and Brigham are going to be our judges in heaven. Yes I am LDS I have a different belief system now of the here after can the plan of salvation.
@counterculturevulture1917 3 күн бұрын
I totally agree with you. I've listened to countless NDE stories. And while they tend to fall into certain categories, there's always underlying similarities and messages. For example: the only one who judges us in the afterlife is ourselves. We're not punished for our shortcomings on earth as it's all lessons that come full circle in the end. This guy being unwilling to share the majority of his NDE sets off alarms for me. He spends most of the video preaching his religion. I was raised LDS but haven't been for a long time. So I don't hold any animosity towards this man, I just know some people will use NDE stories to push their religion, even though atheists meet God during NDEs all the time.
@richardtong3099 7 күн бұрын
The CES letter educated anti mormons are out in force! Don't be destracted by them, one day they will understand. I know the church of Jesus Christ is true, the experiences I have had to confirm this truth are undeniable.
@roxysdad40 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for the courage to share!
@4rcgoodwin 9 күн бұрын
My guess is he got the infection from steroid use. Seem like a genuine person thanks for sharing your testimony.
@webguyz1 10 күн бұрын
No religion receives more hate than the Church of Jesus Christ (Mormons), and somehow KZfaq allows these comments to float to the top still. This person is sharing a deeply intimate story, and lots of you come here to beat his beliefs down. Clearly, this man is better than many of the commentors here.
@joedaless64 10 күн бұрын
Who is this IDIOT. . You are. In a CULT. Joseph Smith was a pervert and a LIAR
@webguyz1 10 күн бұрын
"Jesus was the greatest hoax ever perpretrated by man" - A Jew just said that, no joke
@counterculturevulture1917 3 күн бұрын
As a former member of the LDS church, with all due respect, the LDS church simply doesn't meet the definition of a cult. People throw that word around way too easily. It's just another religion like any other.
@webguyz1 3 күн бұрын
@@joedaless64 Yeah you should go look up the social scientific literature that says that people use that word way too much and are considering to replace the word altogether for that reason
@ericamiles8024 2 күн бұрын
I would ask you if you have studied Joseph Smith’s life through his journals, his teachings, other people’s accounts of him (the ones that haven’t been made up for scandal), or read the Book Of Mormon. I’d also ask if you have had any rational conversations with an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? My guess is that you have wandered the interwebs and found lots of super salacious stories and “information” that paints an awful picture of the man who God used (broken as he was) to restore His full gospel on the earth. If you had done any of your own research and not relied on other people who relied on other people who relied on other people who all had their reasons for not actually doing the work to find out, then your comment might be a little less ignorant and a bit more respectful. What have you don’t lately to follow God? (That last question is just for you to think ponder on your own, maybe while you’re humbly on your knees having a conversation with Him.) ❤
@ericamiles8024 2 күн бұрын
I would ask you if you have studied Joseph Smith’s life through his journals, his teachings, other people’s accounts of him (the ones that haven’t been made up for scandal), or read the Book Of Mormon. I’d also ask if you have had any rational conversations with an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? My guess is that you have wandered the interwebs and found lots of super salacious stories and “information” that paints an awful picture of the man who God used (broken as he was) to restore His full gospel on the earth. If you had done any of your own research and not relied on other people who relied on other people who relied on other people who all had their reasons for not actually doing the work to find out, then your comment might be a little less ignorant and a bit more respectful. What have you don’t lately to follow God? (That last question is just for you to think ponder on your own, maybe while you’re humbly on your knees having a conversation with Him.) ❤
@patrickortiz2898 11 күн бұрын
The complete truth is not found in religion this only proves that you take your beliefs with you and you will find things to reinforce your beliefs here and in the hereafter
@alexanderv7702 13 күн бұрын
Were you a fornicator as a stud?
@lescroozin 13 күн бұрын
thank you for sharing - I love what you shared - always nice to hear your positivity - too many dwell on the negative - none of us are perfect - keep striving🙏❤
@echandlerchilds 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing! Please let me add my witness of what you shared is true. It reminds me so much of Alma the Younger's conversion, who experienced the darkest abyss and who also experienced a mighty change of heart. For those also seeking to know that these principles are true, you must read the Book of Mormon. There is a living prophet who holds the priesthood authority (priesthood keys) to administer the ordinances of the gospel in our day prepatory to the Savior's second coming. I also testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Saviors true church on the earth. I love it and the Savior with all my heart.
@Sunny-rh1yp 16 күн бұрын
I can't seem to find your book. Also do you know Taught By Christ - Ralph Verlin Jensen?
@hollyphillips4500 18 күн бұрын
What an awesome and compelling testimony! Thank you so much!
@JAK-ci2rj 23 күн бұрын
You are so brave to tell your story and face the criticism from nonbelievers that always follows! I had an experience where I ended up in a bad situation because of stupid choices. I prayed for guidance and a voice spoke in my mind telling me what to do. This wasn't information I somehow knew or could have intuitively figured out and I had someone with me to witness what happened. God is real, present and aware and He is only as far away as you are. Keep telling your story! The voices for the adversary are loud and many and we need to boldly speak too!
@PascalDupont561 23 күн бұрын
Loved this but my testimony comes from years of listening to the still small voice of the spirit. That testifies of the truth.
@jacoblewis2961 24 күн бұрын
Mormons believe they can become Gods. Have more that one wife in the after life. Practice Masonic rituals in the temple, and beleive you can only be saved by works!
@ianstevenson4603 23 күн бұрын
We're all saved by grace my friend.
@PascalDupont561 23 күн бұрын
We do not earn heaven we learn heaven. Sorry about the accusatory fog that encompassed you. Myopic at best.
@jacoblewis2961 22 күн бұрын
@@PascalDupont561 Okay. Are you gonna address any of the other topics like polygamy and becoming a God?..
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 11 күн бұрын
I'm not sure they believe they gain heaven only by works, however they do feel that works are as important. I'm not lds but I know as much about their beliefs as most lds and I certainly don't agree with any of their doctrine.
@webguyz1 10 күн бұрын
What else did your pastor tell you? Funny, I was at a Ford dealership. He told me Toyota's sucked.
@butlerson 24 күн бұрын
As an ex-Mormon missionary myself, I love the LDS people, but Joseph Smith has been proven to be a fraud. He took other men's wives, the Book of Abraham papyrus has been found with a drawing of the Nauvoo Temple on the back and has been translated by an Egyptologist and it's a mundane business doc. DNA tests of native Americans, North and South, do not have a drop of Jewish DNA. They're not from Israel. There are no remnant white indians etcetcetc. The Temple is a bizarre ceremony based on the Masonic ceremony Smith was a member of and it's not a restoration of the original Jewish Temple ceremony with incense etc. Think, folks! The doctrine that you can become gods is a basic tenet of Satanism, not Christianity. As a missionary I realized what a fraud I was teaching after desperate prayer. I fell in love with the beauty of the Anglican service and magnificent music and liturgy, and found love, peace and acceptance I never knew in Mormonism. I feel sorry for this man and the soul destroying guilt he is suffering needlessly when Jesus awaits him with pure indescribable unconditional love and peace. A cup of coffee isn't going to make him reject you! When is the last time a Mormon 'prophet' actually prophesied anything? Think about it. If Mormonism were the true path to the pure love and peace of our Father, why does UT have the highest antidepressant use in the country? Why so many psychological problems? I sincerely pray you will all find true peace in Jesus Christ that passes all understanding, and someday arrive in the place of unconditional, indescribable peace and love we hear about in most Christians' NDEs. I say all of this to you in love and respect.
@ianstevenson4603 23 күн бұрын
We all need to follow Jesus and try to be more like him in our lives
@PascalDupont561 23 күн бұрын
@CNStanza1 17 күн бұрын
So your argument for mormonism not being true is evidence based? the same thing can be said about christianity.
@lizhoward9754 13 күн бұрын
⁠@@CNStanza1you are correct to a point with the lack of evidence that the Bible stories are real. But the evidence against Joseph Smith, Bringhsm Young and Mormonism is documented through science, first hand accounts, court records and archaeology. It starts with little things such as how do you explain the plagiarizing of MarK 16:17, 18 in Mormon 9:24? Or how about the DNA of Native Americans that show they are of Asian origins with no Jewish DNA? Or how about the court records that show Joseph Smith had a bunch of underaged wives? Or the Mountain Meadows Massacre where Bringham Young slaughtered innocent pioneers heading towards CA and blamed it on the Indians? Or how about Joseph Smith and his seer stone vs some angel translating for him? And you really think you need a secret handshake and name to get in to heaven?? Really?
@lizhoward9754 13 күн бұрын
Congrats on having the courage to learn what Mormonism is about and how it was founded by two very broken men: Joseph Smith, the ped0phile, and Bringham Young who was just pure evil
@botofogo2212 25 күн бұрын
Heaven's Gate cult told people who were investigating it's teachings to pray about the truth. And...people joined just like Mormons teach people to join.
@jacoblewis2961 24 күн бұрын
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 11 күн бұрын
Pray to a rock long enough and one will have a warm feeling in their bosom like they believe if you ask if the bom is true.
@webguyz1 10 күн бұрын
How do you know the Bible is true?
@webguyz1 10 күн бұрын
@@KathyStrickland-nh9vx How do you know the Bible is true?
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 10 күн бұрын
@@webguyz1 I can't prove that the Bible is true but there have been too many independent studies and research relying on archeological and historical evidence to deny its authenticity.
@botofogo2212 25 күн бұрын
The Mormon church and it's so called plan of salvation makes absolutely no sense. "The One True Church " makes up a fraction of a percent of the world population. The only significant baptisms, and those are shady, are in Africa. Funny, because the missionaries don't tell people investigating the church about it's history of racism.
@timmcclannahan8309 24 күн бұрын
You ARe Deceived
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 11 күн бұрын
​@@timmcclannahan8309About what?
@ericamiles8024 2 күн бұрын
You are looking at and describing the elephants wrinkly knee and claiming to know the truth about the elephant. Until you actually come to know the elephant by stepping back, looking at it from different angles, reading about what others have learned, then you will just be someone with no elephant experience telling others about a few confusing wrinkles.
@botofogo2212 25 күн бұрын
This guy purportedly left the, but the indoctrination is so deep. The repetition and mind control is quite evident.
@CNStanza1 17 күн бұрын
seems like you are into it as well, mormonism living rent free in your head.
@botofogo2212 25 күн бұрын
The Book of Mormon is so false. Use critical thinking people
@ianstevenson4603 23 күн бұрын
I'd say follow the spirit of God. Pray with a sincere heart and listen to the impressions you feel. The Bible teaches that His ways are higher than our ways, so I don't think our critical thinking is going to be better than listening to the spirit.
@botofogo2212 22 күн бұрын
​@ianstevenson4603 people who sell religion, philosophy, politics with feelings is feelings BS.
@webguyz1 10 күн бұрын
@@botofogo2212 Marcus Aurelius - 'Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.'
@adareed1803 27 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience. Stay strong. Love you. ❤
@bretthatch2823 28 күн бұрын
What a mistake he made.
@jacksprat9344 27 күн бұрын
It's not that he fell, it's that he picked himself up. It's not how often you fall, it's that you pick yourself up one more time than you fall.
@ashlieghli2118 Ай бұрын
Who is this man? Does anyone know his name?
@jacksprat9344 27 күн бұрын
It's not his name that is important. It's his testimony.
@richardbarrow4620 Ай бұрын
The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.
@jacoblewis2961 24 күн бұрын
It's another fraud
@lizhoward9754 13 күн бұрын
Yeah just love how Mormon 9:24 was plagiarized from Mark 16:17, 18. And thanks to Joseph Smith’s treasure digging “seer stone” we now have more Bible
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 11 күн бұрын
No it's not. The only testament we need is the holy Bible. There was no restoration needed. The prophets ended with the Bible not what lds put at the head of their church.
@jacoblewis2961 11 күн бұрын
@@richardbarrow4620 Ye. Ah, just like the book of Abraham was translated correctly from Joseph Smith, right??
@russellricksbooks2579 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your genuine testimony and heartfelt experience!
@ccernl89 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your powerful witness
@whitefly0099 Ай бұрын
Isaiah 44:6 there is only one God
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 11 күн бұрын
Only one God, which always has been and always will be. Not some man that has worked his way to exaltation and married innumerable wives and had countless babies.
@ericamiles8024 2 күн бұрын
It’s the ignorant who have the loudest voices. People who take gross rumors and spread them are guilty of false judgement. I have found that the people who profess Jesus the loudest seem to actually follow Him the least.
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 2 күн бұрын
@@ericamiles8024 I respectfully say according to your posts you may be speaking the loudest but not actually saying much. If you would read your Bible through the eyes of a child and not based on controlling opinions you can be lead by the true Jesus Christ and not some man we Christians have apparently been told lies about. Evidently you have been acquainted with people that aren't truly living a life fashioned by Christ, thusly not actually Christians.
@ashleyautumnscottrussell5191 Ай бұрын
What I love as a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is that I know the truth of the forgiveness of our savior!
@captainamazing1356 2 ай бұрын
Thank you brother for this. This is heavy duty and real. There are many negative comments but you are doing the right thing sharing your experience and testimony thank you so much
@jacifairbanks8497 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your very personal experience. Faith in Jesus Christ and repentance is a beautiful gift of our Savior.
@BobSmith-lb9nc 3 ай бұрын
Instead of theological description, you should simply provide your NDE experience in its raw form.
@heatherwaite4092 4 ай бұрын
Where is Colton’s video?
@heatherwaite4092 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I am grateful that you were able to have this experience. I hope you found that person you needed to meet and that you have found joy in this new use of your agency ❤️
@duncansh81 6 ай бұрын
I see a lot of people commenting on how evil "Mormonism" is. Too bad people can't see beyond the dogmas and creeds and realize that Christ never inserted those things into his doctrine. Stop looking for heretics to persecute and focus on your own walk with God. For anyone who is a Christian, study the pre-Nicaean teachings and fathers and read how the early Christians lived their lives. God Our Father is more expansive and amazing than the God of the current Christian world, open your mind!
@jamesroe4968 3 ай бұрын
We are to try the spirits and prove or reprove the prophets. Joseph Smith failed a prophet's test. He failed as a translator and as a leader and conveyor of doctrines. As I've said numerous times, if you are going public with your unique and controversial message about God, expect to be challenged on it as Mormonism is outside the mainstream of religious thought.
@dlemmon1276 Ай бұрын
​@@jamesroe4968In three months time, from very thin plates of 24k gold contained in an ancient stone box, written in hieroglyphics - in Reformed Egyptian - dated 500 B.C., was translated into the English language with the help of "a" Urim and Thummin contained within the ancient stone box. If you say that this young man "failed as a translator", when the Book of Mormon has been viewed by many scholars who have stated 47:58 that it is the most correctly translated book that has ever been written, then please read it for yourself. I have prayed about it and the Lord has confirmed that it is a record of the ancient inhabitants of this North American continent. (The Bible is the record of the Eastern hemisphere). Columbus always declared that he knew the Lord was guiding his vessel. The American indians that met the Mayflower, were the descendants of the Lamanites - These were one of the main tribes of peoples of whom lived around Zarahemla, here. Their history is recorded in the Book of Mormon. These are the "other sheep that are not of this fold" the Savior visited after He was crucified. This is also written in Nephi III - when the Savior came to the Americas. The Savior set up His church here, just like the Eastern Hemisphere. Read Ezekiel 37:15 - 17: two scrolls - Stick of Judah (Bible) and Stick of Joseph (Ephraim and Manass - Joseph of old's sons). They shall become one scroll. The Lamanites and Nephites descend from the Tribe of Ephraim.
@brannonburton5494 Ай бұрын
How do you suppose Joseph faked the Book of Mormon?
@PeterReynolds-jz1xq Ай бұрын
​@jamesroe4968 in your "mainstrem" to those who walk in the light it is life and salvation. Hope your prejudice doesn't keep you from the majesty of it all.
@KathyStrickland-nh9vx 11 күн бұрын
​​@@dlemmon1276There no such thing as reformed Egyptian. The urim and thummim were most likely stones in the breast plate of warriors. Do you have any idea how much gold plates that size would weigh? JS couldn't have ran 3 miles or even one with that weight especially with a bum leg. The Indians came from Asian DNA not Jewish. You really need to do a deep dive into your mormonism history and not just accept what you have been blindly spoon fed. If you would read the book of John with the eyes of a child and not your tainted beliefs you will see with a different light. Have you heard of the 3 immortals (nephites)?
@jamesroe4968 7 ай бұрын
Talk about deception beyond the grave! An NDE leads man to the Mormons and to Christ. Lol. Once studied, one will soon see the LDS ignorances, lies and deceptions. While the LDS are usually nice people, if you spend anytime with them, those ignorances, lies and deceptions will become clear as well. A Mormon's cosmology is totally dependent on the whole notion that they are right and everyone else is wrong. And, if the Mormons happen to be wrong, well, they are still right, because, you know, they're Mormons and they say so. Their religion completely overwhelms and attempts to discredit all others. The truth? All religions are messed up, including Mormonism. I started out studying the anti-Mormon views in order to argue against them. I was attempting to argue for Mormonism but found I could not. I then left the LDS church and am happy I did so. Do I miss anything? Only the social contact. But their religion, doctrines and some of their practices, no. However if you need help with insomnia, spend time in Mormon church services. They will soon put you to sleep. To be fair to Mormons, most are very sincere and strive to live their religion. I do take issue though with their leadership. While I've met some of them and we had cordial exchanges, many carry a dark spirit. Many of their activities are also questionable. While in America we are free to be apart of whatever religion we choose, we are also free to not join any of them. That's what I currently choose to do as they are all out to enslave you and take your money. True church, true worship? Not yet. May Messiah come quickly and straighten all things out and stop the abuse if his people.
@blueavianbeing2530 3 ай бұрын
Jesus Endorsed The Tithe In Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42 Jesus referred to tithing as something that should not be neglected… “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices-mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law-justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.” Tithing BEFORE the Old Covenant The concept of tithing was actually around before the old covenant was established. “The first person to make a TITHE, which means a tenth (ten percent) of one’s INCREASE, was Abram (Genesis 14:20) … Notice please: Abram’s TITHE was not under the LAW which came more than six hundred years later. It wasn’t requested by anybody. It wasn’t suggested by anybody. It wasn’t coerced by anybody. It was purely a VOLUNTARY act of gratitude to HONOR “the Most High God, Possessor of heaven and earth.” Abram simply appreciated God’s FAVOR and gave up something of value in order to HONOR the One who had helped him get the victory.” (The worldly person, will just ask and ask from the Lord without giving in return, not wanting to give financial support to help the Church sends monetary or goods to disaster relief in various country). Yes, it is by grace we are saved, that's why we should be grateful at least, by imparting what we have to the poor with a grateful heart. If you don't want to pay tithing, it's up to you. Only the Lord can judge your heart. Churches all around the world needs money to operate, to help, to construct buildings, maintain it, and help the poor.
@jamesroe4968 3 ай бұрын
@@blueavianbeing2530 That is why I won't give to the LDS church. They don't use it properly. I'll give directly to those in need. Many are needy because this church doesn't give properly. It's a corporation and a business and they don't care about the poor and needy. They only care to build their temples, further their false narrative and increase their bottom line. Most foundationally, they aren't what they claim to be. They haven't restored anything but instead made up scripture and doctrines.
@brannonburton5494 Ай бұрын
Lies? Ignorance? Deceptions? Such as?
@PeterReynolds-jz1xq Ай бұрын
​@jamesroe4968 check out the major emergency organisations of the world ask them what they think of the LDS.
@stephenbrown9370 28 күн бұрын
​@@brannonburton5494lies ignorance and deception is right. You claim to be LDS, learn the truth. Section 101 of the Doctrine and Covenants has in it a parable of the redemtion of Zion. In it the Lord speaks of a tower to be built, but the people he told to build it failed and the Vinyard was overrun by the THIEVES(tares). The Lord told the Servant to tear down their (the tares) towers. Now go read section 124 of the Doctrine and Covenants. The tower of section 101 was the Nauvoo Temple. The Thieves were Brigham Young, Heber Kimball, John Taylor, Willard Richards, perhaps Wilford Woodruff. The Church lost the Melchezidec priesthood in 1832 which is why the name was changed from the Church of Christ to the Church of the Latter Day Saints. The tares MURDERED Joseph, Hyrum and Samuel and took the church in a coup in 1844. Christ rejected the church immediately "WITH ITS' DEAD" and said the verification would be for the "Saints" to have to leave Nauvoo. The Saints were forced out across a frozen Mississippi, and within two years the unfinished Nauvoo temple caught fire TWICE, and was leveled by a tornado, proving Christ wasn't just whistling Dixie. NO MELCHEZIDEC PRIESTHOOD. NO TEMPLE WORK ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE LORD. NO KEYS. NO APOSTLES OR PROPHETS. And if you don't believe me then you haven't read your scriptures and then been honest with yourself. The LDS church was condemned in section 84 it was sentenced to death in 1844 when those closest to Joseph pulled a JUDAS on him. NOW, we wait for the Lord to set his hand again a SECOND TIME to restore scattered Israel. God bless.
@guytoe 7 ай бұрын
The Devil works in mysterious ways.
@wellsaidgoodheadfred9843 7 ай бұрын
Wow, what a ridiculous assertion. Mormonism is provably false and contradicts the Bible nonstop.
@arscheerio 7 ай бұрын
Can you provide some examples of how Mormonism and the Bible contradict? Are you Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox?
@wellsaidgoodheadfred9843 7 ай бұрын
How about Joseph Smith's King Follett Discourse, which teaches God was once a man who became God. God not only makes it clear that there are no other gods besides him, but he also makes it clear that he has always been God. Two things contradict right there. Also Mormon leadership sent men away on missions and then impregnated their wives. And early Mormons taught slavery was a divine institituion. Mormonism is definetly a demonic religion.@@arscheerio
@ImAHusband809 7 ай бұрын
The King Follet sermon is not canon scripture. Gods preisthood, purpose and order is eternal as He is. Joseph believes it may be true but we separate divine revelation from divine speculation for a reason. Also, many faiths dispute your version of the trinity that you cannot seriously state that its universally accepted as true.
@wellsaidgoodheadfred9843 7 ай бұрын
How about you explain Jacob 2 24 verses Doctrine and covenants 132: 38-39.@@ImAHusband809
@PeterReynolds-jz1xq Ай бұрын
​@@ImAHusband809 thoughtlessly mouthing worn out creeds.
@rconger24 8 ай бұрын
2 years. How are you doing Colton?
@claudioortiz5830 8 ай бұрын
The same mormon church who commited fraud by hiding a 32 billion portfolio financed with tithing money from members all over the world? no thank you.
@cinnamondan4984 7 ай бұрын
You are missing out
@claudioortiz5830 7 ай бұрын
@@cinnamondan4984 missing out on a so called prophet who slept with 14 year olds? No thanks.
@fernmartine3772 Ай бұрын
Wrong church. That would be the FLDS that still practice polygamy.
@webguyz1 10 күн бұрын
@@claudioortiz5830 Clearly, you trust the opinions of others greatly.
@Txxx99 9 ай бұрын
I'm in a deep depression and have never needed the savior more than I do now. I've prayed so desperately on multiple occasions. I'm not looking for a sign or a grand experience. I just want to feel the spirit or his love. I just want confirmation that he hears me. I'm left empty each time. I'm sure I felt the spirit as a child but it's hazy memories now. I started reading the Book of Mormon daily and still feel nothing. I feel completely abandoned. Do you have any advice for me?
@hereinistruth8509 4 ай бұрын
Perhaps you’ll find this talk helpful, kzfaq.info/get/bejne/op-WpciC3JeaoY0.htmlsi=ZYEU4cPR6DPHxKDu
@kronotic 10 ай бұрын
Tony Soprano
@patriciamcintyre840 10 ай бұрын
Please, please consider sharing your experiences in the come back podcast
@patriciamcintyre840 10 ай бұрын
Please, please consider sharing your experience at the comeback podcast
@Greg-McIver Жыл бұрын
Very good. Thank you!
@Greg-McIver Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Will you be sharing more?
@williamhaddock1838 Жыл бұрын
Cheers, this has come to me at just the right time