X-Men 97 AMV | song Heros calling
X-Men 97 AMV | song house of mirrors
Lily Orchard & Toxic criticism
X-men 97 AMV | song here we go
X-Men97 AMV / song fight as one
Mega man AMV Digital world
2 ай бұрын
Superman AMV Kryptonite
9 ай бұрын
@NoirRaven 6 сағат бұрын
8:00 Yeah, except, the movie was going to contradict the season five "gotcha" moment by having Pink appear after the reset. (Hence why the gem looks like a panicked eye flitzing about trying to get out.) Plus there were loads of pieces of foreshadowing throughout the show--Steven seeing the Rose statue move towards him in season one, the Rose room responding to his woes in season four, etc--hinting that Pink was still alive. Rebecca, however, decided that pulling the rug out from under everyone who paid attention to that foreshadowing was better because "crying is funny" to her. No, I'm serious, she actually said she thinks crying is funny. Another thing, Pink _does_ have mind control powers; all the Diamonds do. It's never outright stated but it is blatantly displayed, hence the pics of Pearl being unable to speak. Garnet's also unable to ask questions thanks to Pink telling her not to as Rose and Amethyst never self-improved over the millennia because Rose said she's perfect the way she was. It's a subtle power that all the Diamond's possess and is the exact same thing that corrupted the survivors in the first place. (Also Pink glitched Pearl out by _gasping_ too hard so this isn't a stretch.)
@compareandcontrast9833 4 сағат бұрын
Do you mean the flashbacks? I don't think that implies Steven is Pink. Also, all those other examples are easily explained by Steven just having her gem. He's has some of her powers, but it obvious he doesn't have all or complete control of them. For example, he can only use his mind powers when he is asleep or not being able to control plants the same way Pink did by constantly losing control of them. Same goes for his memories while he does see himself as Pink on homeworld he had to be told by Perl Rose was Pink or know who Bismith was or why she was bubbled in Lions main. He definitely has parts of her, but the show clearly goes out of it's way to say they are different characters.
@somerandommen 14 сағат бұрын
Okay, but being Jewish doesn't stop you from being a Fascist sympathizer (not that Sugar is one, but the point stands). Fascism is an ideology which can be applied to any social-group dynamic.
@compareandcontrast9833 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah but Lily specifically said the diamonds were the type of fascists to hunt down people with stars.
@somerandommen 11 сағат бұрын
​@@compareandcontrast9833People can be sympathic to their own oppression. It's happened before. Rebecca simply isn't doing it tho.
@somerandommen 11 сағат бұрын
​@@compareandcontrast9833Lily is wrong because she's wrong. She's not wrong because of Sugar's ethno-religious identity. That's my point.
@TaliEpshtein Күн бұрын
Lily clearly doesn't consume the media criticized. I don't doubt most the info for the videos comes from youtube clips or something.
@wolfbane7497 2 күн бұрын
Voodoo is completely out of pocket there are two types of voodoo Haitian vodou and then there is Louisiana voodoo the type that Alistair practiced because he's from Louisiana
@retrospector04 2 күн бұрын
Nice i love transformers
@gabrielcancelado2490 2 күн бұрын
4:45 Uuuuuh?! Didn´t Sanderson, a somewhat mainstream author stablished the parameters for what constitutes for a Hard and Soft magic System? Naruto and Hunter xHunter has a hard magic system, as for Berserk and Littel Witch Academia has soft magic system. Simple as.
@WeakFreak 3 күн бұрын
calling it now, Lily will bring up Bluey one day and talk about no matter how wholesome it is, she will find a way to make it about either mental abuse, gender issues, or lable some of the kids as toxic.
@MoebiusChungus 3 күн бұрын
Wow, she literally compares the DIAMONDS to Nazis but not once in the clip did she call Sugar one. Now post clip of her explicitly calling Rebecca Sugar a Nazi or equating her to one, cause all this video proves is that you have no comprehension skills.
@compareandcontrast9833 3 күн бұрын
Sixteen minutes and fifty-two seconds into her first video, she calls Rebecca a Dimond. You good now?
@themechanic9974 11 минут бұрын
Hey you went through all the effort of putting in a clip that apparently doesn't matter why don't you put the clip where she doesn't call her a diamond aswell an instead makes a joke about how the diamonds are basically omission gods in the series. Or I guess that would make you look bad for admitting the context.
@danielericciotti7178 3 күн бұрын
by virtue of not knowing anything about mass effect , the section about it , both confused and intrigued me at the same time to say the least
@danielericciotti7178 3 күн бұрын
but I would mostly blame this on how lily makes videos , she just talks really fast and blurst out a lot of conflicting idea to imitate what (she thinks) a smart person sound lik but when actually listened to carefully , its basically gibberish but maybe if was still intrigued but the rebuttal on what mass effect actually is like , maybe the games are actually as good as I heard them to be
@compareandcontrast9833 3 күн бұрын
@@danielericciotti7178 It's definitely a fun series even if the older games are a bit dated now. The combat and characters are still great.
@danielericciotti7178 3 күн бұрын
@@compareandcontrast9833 is the legendary edition a good remastered ? , it seems like the easier way to catch up on the games
@compareandcontrast9833 3 күн бұрын
@danielericciotti7178 I have played it and would definitely say yes. The graphics are better, and the first games combat actually is actually better. Before, it took forever just to get weapons that could shoot any kinda straight while this makes it much faster. Plus it comes with all the DLC.
@danielericciotti7178 2 күн бұрын
@@compareandcontrast9833 that sounds so cool 🤩 , when I find the time I will absolutely play it but I'm I'm recovering all the god of war games currently but I will get to it
@ark1567 4 күн бұрын
Nice :)
@compareandcontrast9833 4 күн бұрын
@nnelg8139 4 күн бұрын
Now recently she's gone and insulted autistic people too, with her rant about how one of the characters from Dungeon Meshi (aka Delicious in Dungeon) is a horrible person for being rude and socially blind, and doesn't actually love his sister because he doesn't express it conventionally, when the dude literally sticks his leg in an angry dragon's mouth for a slim chance of saving her.
@kamikazelemming1552 Күн бұрын
Heck, at the very start of the story, during the first chapter, Laios was fully prepared to head right back into the dungeon, on his own, to save Falin.
@Chiller-pc1dv 4 күн бұрын
Lily is so aggrivating, what is with this "women think they're men, women are weak, feminism bad" nonsense? Just ew. Who even was that? And just she wants to find and make things up just to be angry. Just such a hateful, nasty person.
@oh-seecreations6308 4 күн бұрын
holy fuck her voice is so whiny to listen to and she keeps saying shit that are objectively untrue, how did she ever become popular
@RMX-ART 5 күн бұрын
Great song but I don't think it fits as much because of the fact it's avengers Earth's mightiest heroes. No hate by the way this is still a very good I personally would have done an epic version of the X-Men animated series theme and cut some moments from the show
@compareandcontrast9833 5 күн бұрын
I was actually planning on doing a theme song switch but one half kept getting copyrighted.
@RMX-ART 4 күн бұрын
@@compareandcontrast9833 yeaa
@wolftitanreading5308 6 күн бұрын
Lily doesn't understand stories, or characters. She is obsessed with stories that do not have stakes which is fine, but it doesn't work for every story, it gets boring, there's a reason that status changes. Because if it doesn't it goes into the rut, and people get bored and stopped watching it's why flanderization happens to characters
@wolftitanreading5308 5 күн бұрын
also add the deer part its clearly more so a reference to the Wendigo, which are native American monsters who are known as cannibals.
@user-vf8yr6hh1u 6 күн бұрын
"I sounded super aggressive and angry in the past, but I'm better now."- while still sounding super aggressive and angry. Like girl, I think ur just an angry person.
@user-vf8yr6hh1u 6 күн бұрын
People who are stuck in a middle school mindset just should not be allowed internet access.
@TDIdialgagirl 6 күн бұрын
Does lily have a mommy fetish?
@xerosereify 7 күн бұрын
Lily Orchard strikes me as one of those people who says a lot of "big" words very fast and then hopes it will trick people into thinking they're smart...
@samuelmcewen9011 7 күн бұрын
Really amazing thank you so much for this.
@compareandcontrast9833 7 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@samuelmcewen9011 7 күн бұрын
Really good parallels between magneto and bastion
@compareandcontrast9833 7 күн бұрын
​@samuelmcewen9011 thanks. I wish I got to continue it with the war of change AMV I wanted.
@ArlecchinoAKAFather 7 күн бұрын
2:40 this is actually psychotic
@panthekirb7561 7 күн бұрын
2:00 I have no clue who she is but she seems based
@compareandcontrast9833 7 күн бұрын
Has based changed to have a negative meaning recently?
@panthekirb7561 6 күн бұрын
@@compareandcontrast9833 Sometimes I hope it does based on what Vaush fans call based but no, not really
@compareandcontrast9833 6 күн бұрын
@@panthekirb7561 but telling wemon to not try to defend them selves from attackers is based????
@panthekirb7561 6 күн бұрын
@@compareandcontrast9833 Its not the message that I hear when I listen to that 1 minute snippet tbh
@compareandcontrast9833 6 күн бұрын
@@panthekirb7561 Exactly how much would you need to hear them say it? My limit is twice.
@thevarietychannelofyoutube4769 8 күн бұрын
Also, im pretty sure she has no idea what the Nazis actually did
@thevarietychannelofyoutube4769 8 күн бұрын
"All the people they want to exterminate are branded with stars" Imagine missing the point of something this badly.
@compareandcontrast9833 8 күн бұрын
Unfortunetly not the amv I wanted up but the other one kept getting hard copyrighted to where it wouldn't appare in most contires.
@goober3097 9 күн бұрын
I only watched his legend of Korra video after going through a "cartoon hate binge" phase in 2016. Didn't know the guy was that unhinged.
@mitchhill1864 9 күн бұрын
13:01 no the fuck she didn't she might be a fucking asshole but she specifically stated that she wouldn't be surprised is someone thought sugar was a sympathiser other that that one point good vid
@miecha4445 9 күн бұрын
You have some interesting ideas. I'm not a KZfaqr myself but I believe you would have more subscribers if your audio was a bit clearer.
@compareandcontrast9833 9 күн бұрын
I know I'm working on that.
@JohnPlaceman-xw9xv 9 күн бұрын
18:27 to 18:38 respondeding to this statement. Killing them doesn't destroy the beliefs, but the people who hold them. What Lily fails to realise that their are just a face and if you don't destroy the source that creates them, more will take their place.
@codyraugh6599 10 күн бұрын
Ahhh, lily someone who would unironically love the works of Ken Penders and take the guy's claims of having invented Knuckles the Echidna as fact. Then immediately turn around and bitch that Ken straight ripped Holocaust poems and was a lazy hack, missing the fact that Ken is a lazy hack and try to shift the blame on white people and of course fill it with the hypocrisy of complaining about the fact that in Ken's Knuckles spinoff story the Echidnas didn't commit a mass genocide of the people they arbitrarily labeled as evil and so thus their badguys were able to commit war later on. Lily is peak of woke shielding. Trash takes that hide behind a lazy claim to avoid any criticism or slap back. And i cited Ken Penders in particular because his trash predates everything and has all the hallmarks of the same trash writing as what Lily obsesses and gushes over if maybe slightly worse, with little to none of the ideological political BS to muddy the waters with. Lily just hides behind racial, sexualized language as they push the same garbage, with the same level of self importance and self entitlement.
@hyobro8392 10 күн бұрын
18:40 using N as an exemple of an evil white guy who gets away with shit is crazy he's not even an adult in the story
@ToniJ-ol8bg 10 күн бұрын
Lily is an actual insane person, who has beaten up their own sister at one point and defends pdf filism, because they have those tendencies themselves. The scary thing is Lily watches and plays all this stuff and some times does research into stuff, like that whole voodoo thing, but have just all the wrong takes on all of it and then people blindly follow Lily, because Lily sounds smart, while at the same time not being all that smart.
@ToniJ-ol8bg 8 күн бұрын
To specify after checking out Courtney's channel, insane meaning not a perfectly sane person, Courtney's and Lily's big brother did some unforgivable things to Courtney and then Lily did those same kind of things and I think it's more than in the realm of possibility, that Lily also had these things done to to them by this brother and passed on the hurt and maybe also is still thinking these kind of things are more normal than they actual are. The father in all of this is at least guilty of not doing much about anything and I think how these things usually go, had done something to the biggest sibling for him to be like that...
@linkzellda 10 күн бұрын
There is not secret that, Lily hates Villains and Bullies being reformed which is something I 100% agree with Lily! Why do Villains/Bullies need to be reformed? There is no logical reason for this and it is an insult to the victims. You people seem to forgot that Villains are Villains! These are people who intentionally hurt and endanger others without a care in the world. They do immoral things to innocent people. It doesn't matter if they have some tragic past. They have no rights to hurt others. They are not tragic and gray when they chosen to do bad things that cause the suffering and misery of others. Likewise with Bullies! Bullying has be prove to be damaging. Anyone who are bullied can develop anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues later in life, studies show. Bullying has also been linked to self-harm behaviors and even suicide. What everyone called it: The Moral Event Horizon. A term or trope used to describe that once you crossed the line. There would be no forgiveness. No matter how much you sorry you feel or how tragic your life is. Your actions are unforgivable. This is exactly Lily's problem with Steven Universe. Spending on spectacle increases the cruelty of the Gem Empire. However, they still get a redemption arc despite all the massive crimes they've committed. It doesn't matter if the show is an "kids'" Media. If you are going to tackle serious problems in a Kids Media. You better have serious consequence for the character. Sure we have Belos, Bill, and Slander getting what they deserve, but Lily is only talking about Steven Universe when its come about Forgive and Forget The Villain. Villains like Mister Negative from Spider-Man PS4 maybe is sympathetic, but he is also straight up a terrorist who intetionally was killing innocents. So if you believe everyone desever Second Chances it that means Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Leopold II, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Osama bin Laden desever Second Chances too? It is a honest question if you really believe everyone desever another chance. If you answered yes, then it shows that you never give a damn about the well-being of their victims. I let my words sink into your head.
@sonoio869 7 күн бұрын
Calling characters that did incredibly messed up stuff beyond redemption as bullies kinda makes feel your word work less wich to me is still valid. On the Lily video she really used the wrong points for a good argument. A point that people must be racist to want nuance in a story is insulting others for having reasons to like something, just like she shouldn't be bashed for things she likes. Also it would have been a good example using Quvira from korra or any other villain from the new he man instead of Belos and the Krogans. At the moment of their defeat the show retroactively wants you to feel like their pasts forgives what they have done. That would have been a slam dunk. But alas she just had to disarm her statement by lifting up the fact the characters she is defending are also genocidal tyrants.
@origamipein18 11 күн бұрын
Rebecca Sugar's Jewish? 😮
@origamipein18 11 күн бұрын
@InvaderMedia420 11 күн бұрын
for me, the biggest thing that made me stop watching her stuff was her constant jokes about men being monsters, or just the worst human beings she made the quote“ joke, so often psych know you actually think men are horrible and I’m sorry I’m getting sick and tired of it and yeah seriously she doesn’t think morally gray things exist. Crazy war in general itself is a gray concept.
@MataNui. 11 күн бұрын
Lily's the kind of person that just isn't worth arguing with because all she's gonna do is double down when proven wrong.
@felixbenitez6169 11 күн бұрын
There are things that I agree with Lily Orchard, and there are things I disagree with her. But my bigger problem with her is her Double Standard. Lily hates villains and bullies being reformed, but I 100% agree with her on this. But my I issue with her is that, she believer that characters like Starlight Glimmer, Arthas, Hunter, Garrosh, and Catra desever to be killer, and that their motives and story are poorbly written. I do agree with Lily that characters like Starlight Glimmer were poorbly written. But the issue with Lily with this is the Double Stardad on this is that Lily claims that you can't like or be feel relatable with characters like Starlight Glimmer without revealing you're a suspicious invidual. Why I found this irony? Well she has this double-standard when it comes to Sylvanas Windrunner. Everything Lily has said about other fictional characters she hates can easily imply to Sylvanas Windrunner, yet Lily always want to give her the benefit of the doubt. It's no secret that Lily is a big fan of Sylvanas and always mentions her in her videos. Always in a positive way, even though anyone who is very familiar with her story knows that Sylvanas is anything but a good person. The problem with Lily with Sylvans come for the fact that, Lily like all the Sylvanas' fangirls seem to always defend and admire Sylvanas Windrunner, even after or before the Burning of Teldrassil. Their reason was that she was a deeply traumatized who was able to overcome and harden herself through her trials and become a strong individual with very great force of will. But the reality is that, Sylvanas is not empowerment. How Mass murder, War Instigation, Torture, Animal Cruelty, Unethical Experimentation, Attempted Enslavement, Attempted Omnicide, Mass Genocide, Arson, Treason, and War Crimes "Empowerment?" Sylvanas is a genocidal maniac and has been since Vanilla and Warcraft 3. It is funny that the writers, and the fans are big Sylvanas stans and are searching for a way to give her the benefit of the doubt. Trying to paint her as some unfortunate victim of the Jailer's manipulations is just one of many steps along that path. Lily Orchard is not the exception, she just trying to justify her Double Standard.
@johnjackson8327 11 күн бұрын
Honestly, her tangent in the Harley Quinn review was my biggest hint that she's at the very least a sloppy critic. Faulting Harley, whose character is now overdone, getting over the Joker was a new concept for general audiences. Grouping in Bale Batman and Phoenix Joker with common misconceptions regarding the characters when, in reality, Bale was a Batman more prone to making mistakes while Phoenix was a Joker who was almost never in control his whole life, making his atrocities horrifying but also moving.
@user-ws4ou8hx3p 11 күн бұрын
Lily getting severely angry for people liking white villains just racks my brain. Like your comparing people liking a fictional character to people who like actual murderers?! Those are completely different things.
@Fluffkitscripts 12 күн бұрын
“Youth pastor song about faith” The song in question is “change”. It goes “you can make a change”. Literally the opposite of faith. He’s extolling self-actualization. How did you get this so fucking wrong holy fucking shit
@Fluffkitscripts 12 күн бұрын
“(Judgiest thing ever) and they have the gall to believe they’re being judged for it!!!!!”
@myself2noone 12 күн бұрын
I used to talk to this person back in the day on an internet forum. You'll be happy to know this isn't a case of internet fame driving people insane they were always like this. Just a mean person.
@Elvusmiw 13 күн бұрын
Who was that woman talking about peach?
@zemox2534 13 күн бұрын
His name was gambit. Remember it!
@mogscugg2639 13 күн бұрын
Lily getting caught lying about Vaush back in 2019 is what made me a fan of him in the first place. He's gotten shit over having four drawings of characters he didn't know were underage and phrasing both anti-creep and anti-racist arguments VERY poorly. She SAd her sister and wrote my little pony CP fetishizing it. Vaush apologized for what he did, Lily openly denies it to this day.
@ArlecchinoAKAFather 7 күн бұрын
Vaush is a pdf file
@PHOROSxxEYE 14 күн бұрын
Wtf... 1 year and only like under 500 views
@Doc-Glock 14 күн бұрын
Between the bad opinions, vindictiveness, weird fixations on race, extreme hypocrisy (especially when it comes to social issues), Lily Orchard is like someone's absurd parody of an insane Tumblr user come to life.
@panthekirb7561 6 күн бұрын
Its not a parody as much as just giving one of the crazies that youd normaly expect to be a basement dweller a platform.
@RagnarokMaster 14 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention that Lily repeatedly talks about subjects she has absolutely no background or appropriate knowledge to speak about. I think the last video I watched of her was her diatribe on the cycle of abuse, and after I and others commented that she had no idea what she was talking about, and we all cited study after study discrediting her very bad take, she makes a video lambasting those views as "not understanding the point". She is incredibly biased, and I fear for the impressionable young people who might stumble across her channel.
@sonoio869 12 күн бұрын
Wait what video was that?
@RagnarokMaster 9 күн бұрын
@@sonoio869 I had to check her videos again, but, she deleted the original video where I and other tore into her in the comments. The only video that remains is her 2nd video about "psychological fallacies". She actually has the audacity to call the cycle of abuse a "trope".
@sonoio869 9 күн бұрын
@@RagnarokMaster I think I get it. It's the part where she says that an abuse victim becoming an abuser cannot happen in real life.
@charbway 14 күн бұрын
im only 2 mins in and the lady ranting about princess peach is insufferable. obviously men have greater upper body strength than women but that doesn't mean women shouldn't have hobbies or interests lmfao