Miyazaki vs Miyazaki
21 күн бұрын
How maps break immersion in games
Kingdom hearts defined a new cool
@eltonrings9427 Сағат бұрын
i have almost 800 hours in this game by now and theres still one thing that keeps me up at night. i'd really like to know what the elden ring is
@redcottage 11 сағат бұрын
In conclusion, Miyazaki wins!
@RobleViejo 11 сағат бұрын
Actually I dislike Hayao Miyazaki since I learnt he walked out of his son's first ever movie premiere and told the journalists "He is just a kid and his work is pathetic"
@donovam2773 16 сағат бұрын
Keep the good work brother, great video
@sudhirsingh-xy3ce 21 сағат бұрын
Me personally, I would choose Miyazaki
@chiusan1528 23 сағат бұрын
Bro did NOT read nausicaa, in the movie they talk about her possibly having to go to war for the sake of old treaties, in the manga she goes to war. There is a scene where she flies and a bomber before her gets ripped apart and horses, soldiers and children fall out and just collide/ explode onto the windshield of her craft
@gustarivrag Күн бұрын
well this was only a matter of time when someone is gonna compare these two great renown I'm still barely familiar with each work's but I'm looking forward to someday get more familiar with and as silly as it might be to compare two different in two different industries
@sawysauce1256 Күн бұрын
Just google: “Hayao Miyazaki Lotr Orcs” and you’ll have your answer on who the better Miyazaki is I assure you.
@sawysauce1256 Күн бұрын
Well one of them compared black people to orcs so I’m gonna say that Miyazaki loses for me.
@slendydie1267 Күн бұрын
In my opinion Hidetaka's stories are not well written, well told or that interesting for that matter. Bloodborne is the only interesting story and its still not the pinnacle of writing. Lets just say his influence was in the art direction and gameplay side of things and not story
@hypergrizzly4778 Күн бұрын
Gotta name my kid miyazaki so they become someone usefull when theyre older
@topcat59 Күн бұрын
Cool vid bro.😺
@yamnbam4346 Күн бұрын
Just wanted to say that the “anime was a mistake” quote is apparently moreso Miyazaki talking about the anime industry or something. Seems to be more about mainstream anime or pure escapism, that sorta thing.
@luxinvictus9018 Күн бұрын
Hayao Miyazaki, while being a revolution in the animation industry, treats his staff very badly. For a self proclaimed 'socialist' who spouts utopian nonsense, the working conditions under him are brutal, or so I've heard. Multiple young animators quit the industry entirely and came to hate animation after working under him, and apparently this toxic work culture is what drove Yoshifumi Kondo's to his death (animation director for Princess Mononoke) As much as I respect him, I just cannot abide by a guy who abuses his staff, especially while claiming to believe in workers rights. Hidetaka is of a younger generation, and his story and how he rose to become head of FromSoft is downright inspiring and unprecedented. Dude was literally some manager in an office at 30. Ten years later, he was at the head of From Soft. Also seems like a kinder and more optimistic man who did not stand on the back of others. Both are geniuses.
@wesguitarguy9536 Күн бұрын
Absolutely disagree on influence. "Souls like" you named like 2 games, if you go on steam its a whole ass genre. His story telling style is also copied in many games not just the gameplay. Hayao is great but he didn't spawn an entire genre of animation the way Hidetaka spawned a genre of game. Good video though, I enjoyed. Also a point to Hayao is every movie has a strong female whose written in a believable way who overcomes adversity and is genuinely likable.
@dvdbox360 Күн бұрын
i like hidetaka better as well
@Studioweejee Күн бұрын
“I’m going to make an unbiased comparison” proceeds to be biased on first category
@QuestionMARK618 Күн бұрын
honestly inspired by both Miyazakis
@imfikoou Күн бұрын
Dark souls hehe
@consume_vegetables Күн бұрын
Miyazaki rejoices as millions of gamers cry in anguish and frustration
@ultgamercw6759 Күн бұрын
Two of the most talented and creative people working hard to push there industry forwards.
@saulitix Күн бұрын
What people don't understand about Hayao Miyazaki is that he's a raging leftist, antiwar, antinationalist, anticapitalist, anticonservative... and on top of that, he HATES the current state of the anime industry and how not only is full of p*d*filic content and weebs who refuse to interact with other human beings in real life. So yeah, I get why he always look so fucking upset.
@temalagova2663 Күн бұрын
that video made no sense and was ahh
@temalagova2663 Күн бұрын
ur right hidetaka has way better games ong good arguments bro
@cris-fx9cl 2 күн бұрын
Hidetaka's stories are garbage, they are just copies and references of other works: games, books, mangas, etc. HE is not original. People love it for its game mechanics. In all your games, there has never been a single happy ending, do you really think people want a world without happiness? He only has the soul of a perverted rebel child, who gets off on feminizing underage children, and vulnerable and blind women, and the constant incest between brothers in his works, propagating the people's revolution (communism), not to mention all the attacks towards the Christian religion. Hayao, he does create his own stories. I don't like him as a person, but his creations are more edifying to people. If you are going to judge Hayao, by his personality: "a severe father" and not by his works; So let's judge Hidetaka by his personality: "degenerate, pedophile, insestuous, communist and anti-religious." Hidetaka's obsessive fans, only doing it to be fashionable, follow him blindly like the blind characters empty of him. Accept it, Idetaka has no imagination, people love it for the mechanics of its games, and I remind you of one thing, within the creative team there is a concept called "brainstorming" (brainstorming). , in which everyone contributes ideas related to the size to be discussed. So don't think that many of the "revolutionary ideas" are from Idetaka, the ideas can come from a "concep artist" or a "musical composer", or a supervisor. If you no longer want to "see", let me tell you that you are another of the "blind people of Hidetaka Miyazaki".
@ForzenHorizonZero4down 2 күн бұрын
In childhood, Hidetaka Miyazaki was beaten by his own father, who slowly swung his belt, not allowing son to dodge. And when Miyazaki tried to drink water, his father threw objects at him. When Miyazaki memorize to his father's patterns and movesets, the father was not at a loss and began to jump madly around the room, from wall to wall, pirouettes and beating his son, stretching out the belt attacks for a long range without giving a chance to dodge.
@theJadeTiger 2 күн бұрын
I definitely think H. Miyazaki would win
@TheDiscoMole 2 күн бұрын
History is only going to remember the 2nd point of comparison though. Hidetaka is wicked, but in terms of greatness and accomplishments he isn't even in the conversation.
@normalguycap 3 күн бұрын
How many miyazaki wins jokes will be written?
@huhhehe6uey656 3 күн бұрын
both take a long time to make a high quality product. Both are Goat.
@elninoson5282 3 күн бұрын
My money's on Miyazaki
@breloopharos1919 3 күн бұрын
Hayao is a dickhead so Hidetaka is the best
@REDabyss 3 күн бұрын
Hayao is an old grumpy fart, Hidetaka is a cool dude with based tastes
@Tosshh 3 күн бұрын
If you want to explore the details of dark souls, check out hawkshaw man, real interesting discoveries and lore hunting
@shinobi_rabotyaga3918 4 күн бұрын
You born in Miyazaki world:🥰 You born in Miyazaki world:💀
@keroro407 4 күн бұрын
Studio Ghibli animation with Fromsoft characters, or Fromsoft game with studio Ghibli characters?
@elwen8525 4 күн бұрын
Hmmm I feel like hiyos work is a lot more deep than just kids movies. They all talk about war and people trying to survive in it.
@MisterD-gaming 4 күн бұрын
soulsplayer when they did respawn after death :
@cannon_kat 4 күн бұрын
It took me way too much time after discovering dark souls to realize this was two different people. I thought the dude who made Japanese children animation justice had some sort of reconning and decided to start torturing gamers with poison swamps....
@dely9999 4 күн бұрын
Hayao: life is just suffering and missery... that's why i make happy and joyfull worlds where people can find a safe place Hidetaka: Life is just suffering and missery... that's why i make my games like that cuz if you can beat them you can beat life
@RoanoraZoro123 4 күн бұрын
The hollow knight developers clearly said that they didnt play any souls games before releasing it. Your implication in the middle of the video is incorrect.
@funepeipa 4 күн бұрын
Ok guys, imagine this. Souls-like game with Ghibli aesthetic
@Russell-vq6ux 4 күн бұрын
I fw it
@shuunknown 4 күн бұрын
Please make it real
@claimingagate 5 күн бұрын
I like Miyazaki's work
@marki-islands 5 күн бұрын
Both their works are masterpieces however i Think i enjoy hidetaka’s work more
@NebulaLegionis 5 күн бұрын
I think Hayao Miyazaki is overrated. I have my favorite movies by him but he doesn't represents the entire culture of Anime as Oshii, Kon, Otomo, Tomino, Matsumoto or Anno does.
@Baki_B 5 күн бұрын
I like miyazakis work, but you can't deny that miyazaki is better
@badonkadonkcoochiecrunch6675 5 күн бұрын
@aristedes9449 5 күн бұрын
Hayao is a bitter, resentful japanese boomer. He's a piece of shit.
@LinhNguyen-zf9ww 6 күн бұрын
80 just a little bro that why you found out alot of new thing , try at least 200 hours like my friend to know about 80% , and he still playing now for 3 years
@LinhNguyen-zf9ww 6 күн бұрын
I know some words : taka mean eagles