@sustainablyyours61 Сағат бұрын
I was unsubscribed. Subscribed again and will continue to resubscribe.
@Phoenixguy357 3 сағат бұрын
Asmongold? Smart? Bahahahah that sheltered man child doesnt know anything about the real world. Hes a career streamer who is known for not leaving his house nor having an education or ever having a real job. His mommy still wipes his butt. Ive never heard an ounce of intelligence or wisdom come out his mouth. Hes a y-tiered celebrity and entertainer. Nothing more.
@xdguccicrocs6154 4 минут бұрын
he has a couple successful businesses so hes obviously not dumb he also worked at the irs.
@cmbaz1140 6 сағат бұрын
We have millions of unknown artists who lack the skill and means to make their thoughts manifest in the way the imagine and envision it...however AI will make that vision possible...and the audience will judge those works like they always do...
@pipes19888 6 сағат бұрын
Isn't that why this kid got caught with porn in his computer
@Tojisks 6 сағат бұрын
You asked for a investigation they went through your laptop and instantly terminated you from the school stop tryna hide yourself and play victims gang
@soulstarved4116 6 сағат бұрын
What does "failed out of Hollywood" even mean? Like I have no faith in the Daily Wire, but calling them Hollywood dropouts? Like what? They're just tired of the sh×t Hollywood has been pumping out, so they decided to do it themselves. Sounds like politically sensitive sort talking out his a×× because of that bias. Far right politics are just as obnoxious as far left politics, and both have no place in cinema, which is why both Hollywood and the Daily Wire will fail. But at least the Daily Wire has the balls to go out and do something. Like, I'm sure they don't want to be making films, but due to the complete lack of any kind of entertainment, what else are we going to do? YT critics are just saying what everybody is thinking but too scared to say. That's why they're popular. Gotta be honest, I didn't even know "real-life" movie critics were a thing. I do hope new talent grows outside of Hollywood. I fear that due to the complete degradation of their internal staff, they will start trying to consume their newly sprouted competitors and thwart any real projects. I hope new creators realize that Hollywood is not their friend in this scenario.
@cpt.tryhard6554 6 сағат бұрын
Nope, you said it perfectly the first time. Who still watches normal tv? Who still watches thier garbage narrative?
@Barneyfo 7 сағат бұрын
post ending scene is GOLD! Kudos!
@F4ttym4n 8 сағат бұрын
I've watched the clip, the original full length, the reaction, and now the reaction to the reaction. I've watched Asmon for many years, and I don't agree with some of his opinions But, as human beings part of accepting people means taking the good with the bad. The larger the variety of perspective you can listen to in life the better. No one is 100% correct, 100% of the time, what's more important is the quality of conversation, and the ability to change ones opinions by never self identifying with ones beliefs. The thoughts you have about a conversation are sometimes more important than the conversation it self.
@V0lkerRach0 9 сағат бұрын
"There are less sixteen year olds driving today than at any other point in history. " I have my doubts about that. Let's pick a point in history, shall we? What about 1245 ad?
@V0lkerRach0 9 сағат бұрын
What a charlatan.
@joel230182 9 сағат бұрын
ideological possession
@lafielanarchy 10 сағат бұрын
Don't let this get you, go to a school that appreciates you and tell the parents where ou went so those that want can join.
@boiler4life3325 10 сағат бұрын
Time to go all in
@bobolishis7 10 сағат бұрын
Should have said Dialectics... but to do that you would have to deeply examine multiple statements from an individual. She would not be a fun person for a trans person to hang around.
@nathancutter19 11 сағат бұрын
It’s extremely upsetting and truly unfortunate that this teacher received backlash and ultimately fired for this. I’m 35 now, looking back to my middle school through high school experience it was rare to find a teacher willing to spend time one on one with a student and really teach them something valuable like this. Forget the subject matter for a second. You can tell this guy here just wants to teach a kid how to use his brain to come up with a conclusion instead of going by what the majority tell them to think. I come from a family of teachers, all different grades and subjects. The public school system is an absolute joke now. Majority of the school boards don’t want these teachers to teach thinking independently and critical thinking skills. They just want kids to sit down, shut up, don’t move, only learn what we want them to and especially want them all to think alike and don’t you dare have a differing opinion than your peers.
@BreetaiZentradi 11 сағат бұрын
I love these guys. Yet when I was listening I could not believe how wrong they were. If Hollywood was a fair system, and was based on merit. Then yes, every one of them failed out. Even if that was true. It does not mean they could not get better, and make it without Hollywood or come back to Hollywood and be a success. We also know the reality is the system there is stacked. Any of these people that "failed out" if they had worked on some smaller projects and worked their way up could be greats. However they did not keep their mouths shut or held unpopular beliefs and never had the chance. They had better watch what they say. If this strike happens in August, Hollywood may be dead. Entertainment will be coming only from those who have failed out. Worth mentioning in 1982 there was not a movie critic around who did not think Blade Runner was junk. Now it is in every SciFi top 10 list, and anybody who makes any SciFi that is worth watching will claim it as one of their primary influences and motivations. Sometimes the experts get it wrong. Even if the experts are youtubers. Warren is also right that Hollywood is scarred about the eyeballs on KZfaq. Every 2 hours of KZfaq consumed in a day could have been a movie theater ticket purchase. Maybe only one in a hundred. But with the number of hours consumed in a day, that is 100,000 tickets a day lost. That adds up fast.
@IzashvaTechna 11 сағат бұрын
You are inspiring, and that is heavy burden.
@theaeferreira9850 12 сағат бұрын
Any luck retrieving your computer to back it up?
@Illuminaughty1942 12 сағат бұрын
Leftist policies that include identity politics absolutely kills art. Imagine the new naked gun remake that I've heard they want to remake, this would be the most boring movie ever considering that you're not allowed to make fun of anything in order to not offend...except of straight white guys..cause fuck those guys right?
@TalesofaScorpiosStinger 12 сағат бұрын
Ps. You should’ve seen this coming bud. The US New York legal system just prosecuted an ex-president for a crime that wasn’t even specified until the end of the trial, which has never been prosecuted by a state court before, by a judge that has donated to the Democratic Party, one org with a mantra of anti-Trump. Imagine if it was turned around, and they found out the judge had donated to a maga org? Even if it was five bucks, the left would’ve lost their minds. You should’ve been aware of this right when that video went viral, when Mush shared it! You’re going up against the machine, a power hungry mob hell bent to keep power and Asher in a new world order. Whom I’ll add, will try to hold power at all costs. I wish you well and I know you’re gonna do glorious things! God bless
@TalesofaScorpiosStinger 12 сағат бұрын
Ps. You should’ve seen this coming bud. The US New York legal system just prosecuted an ex-president for a crime that wasn’t even specified until the end of the trial, which has never been prosecuted by a state court before, by a judge that has donated to the Democratic Party, one org with a mantra of anti-Trump. Imagine if it was turned around, and they found out the judge had donated to a maga org? Even if it was five bucks, the left would’ve lost their minds. You should’ve been aware of this right when that video went viral, when Mush shared it! You’re going up against the machine, a power hungry mob hell bent to keep power and Asher in a new world order. Whom I’ll add, will try to hold power at all costs. I wish you well and I know you’re gonna do glorious things! God bless
@TalesofaScorpiosStinger 12 сағат бұрын
You give me hope! Never compromise your values or ethics for the mob!
@barttheraven 13 сағат бұрын
"Do or do not, there is no try." - Master Yoda
@noneya460 14 сағат бұрын
We need to get these two together
@timothybruce9366 16 сағат бұрын
Here in the States, thse internet things are Governed by US Code 46 Section 230. This says "there is no distinction between platform and publisher", and these sites can moderate as they like (or not), and you must sue the speaker not the site. W/o these protections there would be no "comments sections", no Twitter or Facebook, or anything like that. Why? Because if YOU defamed me then I would sue deep-pockets Twitter not broke-ass Warren Smith. If the site took down your defamation, then you would sue them for silencing you. And lastly if there were a distinction between "platform" and "publisher", then what distinction could even be possible? While everyone hates to be moderated, early days of Redit proved what happens when you have no moderation: actual NAZIs (and overgrown infants who like to pretend to be NAZIs on the internet for the lulz) completely take over your site, because those of us who are not NAZIs (or don't like pretending to be one) become disgusted and leave.
@FloDaddelt 16 сағат бұрын
“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.” ― George Orwell, 1984
@malikrahman8649 16 сағат бұрын
Of course Don Lemon agrees with DEI. He is the product of DEI himself.
@umrete 16 сағат бұрын
Asmon is one of the good ones.
@chocolatepotato5469 16 сағат бұрын
well its a shame that school is going to produce a lot more ignorant students without you.
@olkarls5494 16 сағат бұрын
This teacher should get financial and legal help (from someone who can afford it) to fund legal proceedings against the school for unfair dismissal. He may not need to do that for his own part, because he will probably be offered a better position at many other schools. But he needs to do it for those who come after him, those who are a little more anxious to put their heads forward for freedom and independent thinking. They will now be afraid to do so - for fear of being dismissed like him. But if he wins a court case and is awarded millions in compensation, other schools will not so easily dismiss other teachers who want to promote freedom and independent thinking. The principles the United States was built on need such a lawsuit to be fought and won! SOMEONE with organizational, legal and financial strength: Make it happen!!!
@jangofett796 17 сағат бұрын
the biggest issue i have with destiny is he wants to come across as this natural objective adviser when his biases push him heavily to the left, witch is fine everyone does it, but he wants the illusion that he's above it and is objectively right, witch makes him just come off as a smug pseudo intellectual at times, i agree with him often and he does good work but he sets back all the good faith he builds up when he does BS interviews like this one that makes him come across very unknowledgeable and naïve
@colourberry 17 сағат бұрын
Surely all millenials arent this stupid :)
@basedbuddha666 17 сағат бұрын
“We fought the wrong enemy.”
@kedarguruu 18 сағат бұрын
to use critical thinking to understand if JK Rowling is justifiably accused of being transphobic, you need to start by clearly defining what a transphobic attitude/behavior/action is first, and then try to identify if any tweets or essays fit that criteria. if you just ask a student who is very casually following this, "do you think this tweet is transphobic?", that is not actually critical thinking, that is encouraging youth to form conclusions about a complex social phenomenon they don't completely understand based on incomplete data. I'll explain what I mean. what are some things that someone would have to do to be justifiably considered transphobic? setting aside the moral question of if transphobia is actually right or wrong. 1. misgendering - this is if you intentionally refer to someone by a pronoun that isn't aligned with their affirmed gender. 2. exclusion - advocating for policies that systematically exclude transgender individuals from spaces or activities. 3. stereotyping - making broad generalizations or assumptions about transgender people. 4. denial of identity - refusing to accept a person's self-identified gender because it doesn't match their assignment at birth. 5. hostility or violence - inciting or expressing violence against transgender people. okay. now can we identify anything from JK Rowling that fits into any of these 5 items? yes. Rowling has made multiple statements that trans-individuals should not be allowed in women's only spaces. That is exclusionary. In her essay, she expressed the importance of biological sex and concerns about disregarding it for gender identity. This is a denial of transgender identity. So yeah. JK Rowling has shown transphobic behavior. But the conversation doesn't end there - the conversation begins there. Perhaps, in some nuanced ways, JK Rowling's transphobic opinions could be argued as warranted. That's critical thinking. With your approach, you avoided this conversation altogether.
@whuzzzup 18 сағат бұрын
Happy that in Germany you basically cannot fire a teacher. But the bar to become a teacher is much higher than in the US.
@XXXX-yc6wv 18 сағат бұрын
I just wrapped up a 15 year career in Hollywood post production. Without reiterating the myriad reasons the industry is tanking, it certainly isn't a place I'd recommend anyone to try to begin any sort of career at this time. Studios and major post production employers are hemorrhaging money and so are mass culling staff. The few good openings that existed before are now even harder to obtain, and if one is lucky enough to get in, they'll only find a working culture that has always been abusive and nepotistic, but now has the added bonus of being openly hostile to certain racial and gender groups. Stay the hell out of Hollywood. Find a way to make indie films or do what the director mentioned did and use KZfaq as your platform.
@ArcanumAscent 14 сағат бұрын
This definitely resonates and I think Warren's point about this Wesley Wang kid misses one important point that you highlighted - the kid fits right into the DEI initiative. I mean who just gets a call out of nowhere from a famous Hollywood director like that? I think creatives are just gonna have to wait until A.I. is capable of democratizing film making on par with what hollywood's (previous) resources were able to produce, at which point Hollywood won't have any other bargaining power but to make money as distributors for content they didn't create.
@areoblast1 19 сағат бұрын
the most logical men in this earth? Bro is fucking never saying when hes wrong, he preffer to double down everytime. asmongold the king of simp. bro killed wow classic by being the worst shit on the server speading his desease. hes shitting on the very people that made it where he is now. now he has a army of troll and it has gotten over his ego. hes like hermit jhonny somali.
@Shrieqer 19 сағат бұрын
PLEASE tell me these two are going to have a conversation
@JoelDombek 19 сағат бұрын
You are a super smart dude and you got a shaft and it sucks but it wasn't ever gonna be the end. I'd argue putting ourself out there in the larger forum of discussion on YT that it makes you more of an asset than others
@iaincook5835 19 сағат бұрын
Critical Drinker is a superb film critic. His insightful solo reviews absolutely cut to the core of the issues concerning a film, both from a watcher's point of view, and also many highly technical aspects of the script, which IMO make or break a film. My philosophy with scripts has been "if you want a decent script, hire middle aged Jews or Brits". Having suffered through many modern scripts that are abysmally dialogued and plotted as well as being larded to nausea point with woke tropes that add nothing to the story, I fear that the new generation of scriptwriters is many levels of intellect, talent and sophistication below those of even 10 years ago. I made the mistake of seeing the latest Indiana Jones mess, and recalling the earlier scripts in comparison made one weep with frustration. It's why I see 1 or 2 films a year these days. A recent honorable exception was the light. fluffy throwaway "Romancing the Stone" rip-off "The Lost City" which had an absolutely sparling script with good old 1930-50s screwball comedy dialogue that was a delight. Small mercies.
@huntthebug9744 20 сағат бұрын
3:49. “You can hold people to standard for words they have not actually even ever spoken.” Yea, cuz we have intuition that tells us that “sex is real,” means as little as “cells aren’t a baby,” which I’m SURE you can see that it would be completely disingenuous for someone to claim plausible deniability on either of those statements. Once again, we are skirting the actual argument by hiding behind euphimisms and claiming plausible deniability. Just own it. I dont even know why you would try to hide the fact that you believe “sex is the end all be all of gender.” Just say it with your chest, it’s clearly what u believe, which is fine, cuz then we can at least argue the real point and not “I didn’t say that, i didn’t say that.”
@IlIIlIlIlImelIlIlIlIlIl 20 сағат бұрын
Why hasn't the bald man reacted to this yet? He literally reacts to a fly pissing.
@peadarmacc 21 сағат бұрын
Warren I think this happened for a reason. You are very logical and have a good vocabulary, your talents wer wasted on a small amounts of kids. You have a chance to expand your students to the whole of youtube. Your skills are needed on a wider scale in today's day and age
@cheveu8632 21 сағат бұрын
I hope you'll go through with it successfully. This is underserved and unjust. Good luck to you.
@Geckomayhem 22 сағат бұрын
Maybe Asmon will reach out. Quite interesting how this whole thing has transpired (not the stupid reason for firing, but commentating on Asmon's reaction). He really does have some insightful things to say. And for us gaming nerds, some of Asmon's content is really entertaining.