@theobservereffectexplained1102 Сағат бұрын
Thank you Dr McGilchrist I am great full for all the hard work and in-depth explanations of the two faction of the one brain. I now know I am not crazy to be right brain dominant. I was seeing a therapist that wanted me to be self centered and care just about myself. I have been constantly told that I am week and meek yet I have a great relationship with the creator and find the world great and small beautiful, good and wonderful. Always happy in nature. Thank you 🙏 you changed my life as well. God bless you for being one of the 2% who crossed over and share the nature of your humanity. With gratitude and peace thank you again.
@claudettedavis4113 16 сағат бұрын
Wonderful. The best talk I have ever heard Mark to give
@magdahoekstra1694 Күн бұрын
Just also look at the beautiful interview between the mystic Sadhguru with neuroscientist Dr David Eagleman, that talks about genetic memory and all other types of memory cells have, as well as the medical explanations, clearly they overlap. As well 'attention' and 'devotion' being mentioned and consciousness explained from different viewpoints. It seems to fit very well with this speech of Dr Mc Gilchrist. Very interesting.
@danieljrossofficialmusic Күн бұрын
@andydufresne299 Күн бұрын
Thank you.
@jimbobcharles2782 2 күн бұрын
Really? A Devine Field of Consciousness! Science is wrong again, our brain didn’t evolve around the amygdala ( the superstitious brain) forming our constructs/beliefs/unscientific hypothesis?
@jasonreed1352 3 күн бұрын
I'm only 42 minutes in, so perhaps the heavily dualistic and highly reminiscence-thirsty gentlemen to the right and left of Mr Schmachtenber can recognize the great fortune they'd been experiencing by having been invited to speak with Mr Schmachtenbergermor, who seems to enjoy the great fortune of a thinking process not-so-tightly-bound to duality. Pay attention, gentlemen, and the same old kinds of laments that are rhyming with the laments of all former human civilizations who failed to resolve accurately, and thus collapsing, might not seem so insurmountable and sound so separate and rhetorical. Something tells me Daniel will eventually state some of his wordsmith masterpieces that tend to alert any old fuddy duddies that he's no lightweight in the genuine critical thinking milieu. Much love ❤
@catherinewestover8224 4 күн бұрын
If there is anyone in this post-modern world at whose feet I would like to sit, it is Dr. Iain McGilchrist. Thank you!
@shawnewaltonify 4 күн бұрын
After significant thought experiments in non-duality philosophy for answers about quantum physics, I am circling around to how the hemispherical divide of the brain forms what we experience/observe. I am sorry I was not listening to you, and I can see now how no one is listening to you.
@newdawnrising8110 4 күн бұрын
This is a perfect expression of how psychology and medicine is coming together to help humanity understand our fallen state and what we as individuals and society can all do to help heal our psychic and moral wounds and wrong development. Ian’s brilliant analysis of the functions of each hemisphere of the Brain offers a new way of looking at mankind’s fundamental problems, often now called “the Meta Crisis “and thus help us to better understand how to heal and remedy these many problems humanity faces. He talks about the use of the attention and to help free us from our habitual or mechanical forms of living that are leading to so many problems that are now being called a crisis due to the deviation that will ensue if the problems are not seriously address. This lecture reminds me how badly I have got to get make to reading again. Time is slipping by and we each have much that needs to be studied and understood. We are here to perform a specific work on ourselves and for the world. We each have got to do our parts if the world is not going to fly to pieces. We have to stop waisting time and “make hay while the sun still shines bc the night comes when no one will be able to work” as our master so wisely said and warned.
@shawnewaltonify 4 күн бұрын
the classic loop can be reconceptualised with visuals like the path of travel in or out of a black hole where observation of a loop is actually just the inability to perceive the incremental progress along the axis inside or outside of the black hole.
@briandowney9913 5 күн бұрын
Dr. McGilchrist and his work is what our world needs to hear and learn right now! My life has been truly enhanced by reading and listening to him over the last couple years! Thank you, Dr. Iain McGilchrist!
@L2Lacademy 5 күн бұрын
Ian's talks have given me the framework that has reconciled several observations about major world issues that have been troubling me for decades. Thank you
@L2Lacademy 5 күн бұрын
@alspringham 5 күн бұрын
@Comodusprimus 5 күн бұрын
My favourite hobbit.
@allanmcphail1996 6 күн бұрын
Absolutely brilliant …seeing how brain function affects”everything”..physical, psychological,spiritual..
@DJWESG1 6 күн бұрын
If only the government released their risk assessments for austerty policies and welfare cuts.. You say they are pointless, but it would have been good to be able to hold them to account with legitimate documentation and real tangible evidence to present to a court. You know how many have 'suffered'.
@kalyasaify 6 күн бұрын
as an autistic this is just sad. most experts are stupid. just let a smarter species do the job, for example autistic ppl
@kalyasaify 6 күн бұрын
I'm autistic. this dude understands NOTHING about our superbrain
@masterpep7218 6 күн бұрын
A very interesting discussion, but time not well spent with Iain's line of reasoning: Iain's thinking revolves far too much around a dogmatic circular reasoning, center of which is the hemispheric theory. The moment one falls back in his reasoning to the hemispheres as "entities" almost, is the moment we can no longer find the logos in the rationales. It brings an additional complexity level, since the given hemisphere no longer is giving an explanation for a phenomenon, but is assumed to be an entity with complexities that are not black & white. Hence Iain's mentioning that "many people assume that this (left or right) hemisphere is so and so...": this is a further example that when one runs out of rationales, it is always possible to assume a complexity of the unknown. But if it is an unknown, how can we assume what characteristics is shows, what typifies it? This type of inception is leaving far too much room for free interpretation of whatever, which does not help the discussion much. The fact that Iain is unable to detach from constantly circling back to his theory to explain things (without really explaining them, since it just becomes a binary exercise of which hemisphere does what, but not an explanation of why) shows an intellectuel insecurity and need to stick to the dogma. This of course limits the conversation significantly.
@justinwalker4475 7 күн бұрын
nice jumper
@merlingeikie 7 күн бұрын
Dear Sir, We need you to satay alive. Please stop eating insulin raising foods. This will enable you to beat your metabolic syndrome. You can do this. 🍀👑🇦🇺
@mjfbb22 8 күн бұрын
I know that two experiences I have had, one of a past incarnation and the other which might be called a unity experience, no beginning and end, are infinitely more real than writing this comment. I am a 50 year trial lawyer in the process of writing 5 books all thematically connected to each other involving cases I have litigated, some highly publicized. I respect the insights of both these men as opposed to the narcissistic atheism of Dawkins et al, which I suggest is arrogantly self absorbed. Caroline Elkins book, Legacy of Violence, traces the Oxford connections to Whitehall and British imperialism. I submit that British imperialism and colonialism have inflicted more genocidal atrocities than the “religions” which Dawkins and his Four Horsemen use to justify their atheism. Their atheism to me is just another ism to wreak havoc on other humans.
@sannejohnson8438 8 күн бұрын
These three men have articulated latent thoughts and intuitions I have been struggling through on my own. A gift to my sanity. To know I’m not completely mad in my ruminations. And, I have experienced the sacred in the way they have, and it feels compelling and real. So, I share their passion. But, hearing the scope and scale of societal cultural transformations that would need to take place for human civilization as we have known it to survive makes it clear that is a null set. So, what is the actual ethical proposal then? An ameliorative approach, I think. The systems are such that soul will not remake the world. But we must sustain as many, as large communities of practitioners of the sacred as we can. We cannot save the world from itself but we can continue to help as many people in practical and spiritual ways as we can.
@ruthlewis673 8 күн бұрын
🎉Oh my goodness a woman. In all of this talk the serpression of the Feminine is the dominance of left is never addressed. It's fascinating to hear the left brain bad mouthing itself. But in a world dominated by left brain material rationalism that's what you'd expect. The beautiful song, ' Bread and Roses' says it all;. " the rising of the women is the rising of the race" That day can't come sooner but till that day this manspeak will have to do.
@GraceKanedesign 9 күн бұрын
I have long highly appreciated Iain's deep wisdom, and it is arduous but useful to listen carefully to John's perspective.
@GenX888 9 күн бұрын
We experience duality in this reality. It is necessary for metamorphosis and as we are interactive in our environment, life is change, expansion. Wisdom is achieved through experience. We must start to recognize this process and respect it simultaneously. As in Tao, strive for a centered position. Understand that we are individuals yet are all conjoined in certain destiny with our creator.
@GenX888 9 күн бұрын
I’m a 55 year old female, a registered nurse, a Canadian. A mother and a grandmother. I am not any more special than the next. I sat and watched this video from beginning to end. Skipping back several times when I needed to. I want to thank you for taking the time to discuss our meta crisis such a thoughtful intelligent and insightful intention. And I want to offer you hope that I heard you today. And I learned much.
@louisnault7333 9 күн бұрын
Love this! Need part 2 please! Also couldn’t help but think of Jordan Peterson’s lectures on the Tower of Babel story, and the confounding of language; to spread love of wisdom to Furthest extend need to find convergence and create common language for common people. I would add that to part of your solution in my humble opinion.
@Bestape 9 күн бұрын
I found the Pythagorean Theorem generalization of the Golden Ratio `d = (c - b)/a` scale symmetry by exploring asymmetry. It's like putting dust in the wind tunnel to observe flow.
@shokuchideirdrecarrigan7402 9 күн бұрын
Best conversation with mcGilchrist that I have heard.
@bobdillaber1195 9 күн бұрын
During my recent medical problem i was visited by home care treatment staff. A nurse, occupational therapist and a physical therapist to aid me in my recovery. Each had a different role to play however each did exactly the same thing for the first half of our session. While not even looking at me, they asked the very same questions which the then had to record my answers into their phones. Only then did we begin to do what they came there supposedly to help me with. So, half our time was they on their phones and the other spent trying to aid me. Rather mad, dont you think?
@claudettedavis4113 10 күн бұрын
@ProducerBrandon 11 күн бұрын
There wasn’t a single word shared in the entire conversation that was not a deep, unified truth of the highest quality, order, and profundity.
@mareksvoboda1249 11 күн бұрын
It's so much easier to criticise than to create something that will last as a piece of art. Perhaps that's why we have so much time for critics. I agreed with much of what was said.
@andydufresne299 11 күн бұрын
Thank you. Peace.
@salobaid9652 12 күн бұрын
Maturity start when we embrace not knowing.He reminded me with A R Ammon poem Corsons inlet: I will fasten into order enlarging grasp of disorder a widening scope but enjoy the freedom that scope elude my grasp that there is no finality of vision that I have perceived nothing completely that tomorrows walk is tomorrows new walk.
@leonardo41477 12 күн бұрын
Here we have a brilliant host who does justice to the amazing work of Dr. McGilchrist. Thank you both.
@Pastaface 12 күн бұрын
Malcom @1hr o1. Love M love Iain!
@annakarl9989 12 күн бұрын
@Pastaface 12 күн бұрын
Here are our TRIBAL ELDERS. let us sit their feet a while.
@ivoneriquelme3536 12 күн бұрын
A pessoa pioneira em Permacultura pra mim foi SKYE (da Austrália)! Grata.
@abringering2164 12 күн бұрын
Stupid cheap shot; making a political comment about a person he doesn’t know, without purpose. Diminishes his credibility and makes him look petty, immature, arrogant, and his opinions irrelevant to me. What a small sad little man. I’m done …
@jeanetteberwick2434 12 күн бұрын
The left and the right Hemisphere Brillant information to study thankyou ❤❤
@davidbrinnen 12 күн бұрын
I can't help but wonder what Dr Iain made of the Gateway Project document released by the CIA? Also, another great lecture, very insightful and well presented.
@jbisntme 12 күн бұрын
This guy seems to be just working with a half brain himself , like most leftists. The connection of both hemispheres is obviously needed to function at optimal capacity. Why are there two hemispheres of the brain ? Ask God.
@davidbrinnen 12 күн бұрын
Even the "big brained" I see are not free of ideological capture, it seems. In spite of all that has gone before, with respect to being told what questions cannot be asked and being warned not to investigate certain topics - goes on to demonstrate that self same thing. Dr Iain should talk to some of the scientists who have dared to question the dogma of anthropomorphic global warming. Seems very left brain thinking to presume that the weather can be controlled by giving the government money and willingly sacrificing mental freedom.
@jayjaychadoy9226 13 күн бұрын
What was an absolutely beneficial help for me was my psychologist practiced a therapy for me that really worked! It was an amazing help, after trying other methods, and it fixed me. I’m not sure what words to use to describe my inner experience, because of course it was about me, and my concerns. I was always amazed when I left the therapy appointment how different I felt, and then how I would be able to adjust throughout the time between appointments. It totally included left brain, right brain integration. I had waited many years to find the solution for me. I’d tried so many other helps and was quite discouraged. I am in British Columbia, and the therapist was Dr Richard Bradshaw, but not the famous one. Famous to me though. He did a TED talk. His students have learned this technique as well. It truly was remarkable for me.
@uk7769 13 күн бұрын
ok so add a preface saying you wrote the book when you were younger, and run another printing. :)