Bumbleby Rave
3 жыл бұрын
@MinisterEvil 21 күн бұрын
20:35 What they're all thinking at that moment: Yang and Blake: "Quick, let's take our clothes off before they... oh... nevermind... they're back." Juniper: "DAAAAAMN!" Weiss: "It's happening and it's beautiful and I missed the build-up because of that stupid cat." Also Weiss: "You and I are next, Ruby Rose." Ruby: "Damnit, I just lost that bet with Nora." Nora somewhere in Remnant: "My Nora senses are tingling! Somebody owes me money." Little: "Is the blonde girl a mouse or why is the cat girl eating her?" Jaune: About 85% of the fandom.
@Crazycoyote-we7ey Ай бұрын
Annnnd Roosterteeth is Shutting Down May 15th
@RedTheRoyal Ай бұрын
~~PENNY'S NOTEBOOK~~ - Jaune fell w/ Crescent Rose - Magic time tree? - Did land after RWBY, accidentally sent himself back - Blue lights from intro - "It's really you right?" </3 - Weiss attracted to maturity - RW down about what happened, BY not - Jaune personality shift, not accounting for events still being fresh for RWBY - Jaune has bad blood w/ cat - CC hasn't given full story - not lying, just omitting - Tree = bad? Ascension is a "reset" - CC appreciates puns - CC doesn't think tree will harm RWBY - ALYX HAS BROTHER (2nd light) - Lewis not in story - character named after author of original Alice in Wonderland story - Story is not fully accurate - Punderstorm - Jaune has experienced before - Weiss vs. Ever After PVE continues lol - "Something bigger to work out" 👀 - "How do we take the next step?" literal and metaphorical - SUMMER IN RUBY'S REFLECTION AS SHE WALKS BY - Jaune sees Penny, Weiss sees Atlas - Reference to V8 OST (Atlas falling scene) - Jaune was THE Rusted Knight - Time Loop: Jaune realizes he's in a story that hasn't been written yet - Alyx caused problems on purpose - Herbalist changed Alyx - Ruby parallel? - Jaune trying to follow story that exists because writer lied - "Couldn't even be the make-believe hero" - Alyx betrayed Jaune, CC's eyes visible behind her - Cat makes Afterans stick to roles or be Ascended - "feed the tree" - Jaune also sees past self in water - Either Alyx or Lewis didn't leave - BEES - Bridges respond to wanting to be together - "Good brain" Yang can't flirt - Blake's ear flick - Animation is incredible - "Saying things we've never said" always believed but never shared - "I think you're an extraordinary person" - Yang ready for simple compliments, wasn't prepared for shit to get real - confident persona fades at genuine kindness - Blake never intimidated by Yang and never gives up - Blake knows what matters to herself - "Any big truths we haven't dropped on each other yet?" EVERYONE STAY CALM IT'S FUCKING HAPPENING - Clouds shift to their colors (purple and yellow) - Both are so fucking pretty I am so gay - Yang still hesitant - complicated feelings towards romance + love - "Just say it" Blake is sure, wants Yang to be sure - "I think I love you" Blake doesn't even wait for her to finish before saying "I love you too" lol - Great transition to them instantly face-to-face - "Worthy" is Bmblb Part 2 - Amazing facial expressions - THE KISS!!!!!!!! 🐝 - Pull closer as flowers bloom - Gaslight Gatekeep Catboss - Don't. Trust. The. Cat. - Legit gaslighting Jaune - Alyx left Cat behind - wants to go to Remnant? - CC is MANIPULATIVE AS FUCK even IF what they say is true - "We just want to get home" Lindsay's line delivery + Arryn's animation is perfection - "Ruby. Rose. Huntress" still known as multiple things - BY making out for a WHILE lol - Ruby caught off guard but not oblivious - BY don't pull apart or act embarrassed - "Feels like I've been waiting forever for that" - Casual Bee affection - Ruby wants to be happy for them but can't - extremely confusing and frustrating feeling that only feeds mental health spiral - Jaune has had Crescent Rose - Crescent Rose triggers panic attack - represents being a huntress to Ruby - WBY don't know the full depth of what she's coping with - Lewis given to tree for Alyx to leave - could've been reverse? - Where/what is Lewis if he's still in EA?
@RedTheRoyal Ай бұрын
~~PENNY'S NOTEBOOK~~ - "'Return' to the Ever After" - Environments are insanely pretty - CC can nudge people into "ascending" - Purposes can change - No memory, like reincarnation - "Ascension" is more like recycling and def sounds a bit sketchy - Memories go away but heart remembers - TGWFTtW not 100% accurate - not written by Alyx? - Ruby at her limit, doing self-soothing gestures - "Can't remember all that" Ruby is so AuDHD-coded - Bees being cute - Emotional support Little - Sound + visual design when Blacksmith appears is very good - Blacksmith is Mysterious Narrator from trailer - "Nothing, no one is ever truly lost" IN REFERENCE TO PENNY'S SWORD??? - Penny come back will come back (copium) - "Little is Penny" theory - Reflection of Penny in sword - weapons are an extension of a person - Forging butterfly wings - symbolic for Ruby this volume - Blacksmith could be person who "reclaims" and "repairs" people - Little saw everything too - not just in Ruby's head - PENNY'S SWORD BECOMES ALYX'S DAGGER?? - SUMMER ROSE AHH - "Carrying a large burden" Ruby framed w/ Summer's weapon behind her - has been carrying mother's legacy since start - Ruby doesn't mention ANYTHING she just saw to her team - WBY aren't therapists, Weiss's banter with Ruby comes across as harsh here but is perfectly in-line with their typical dynamic - CC is a cat - Emblem is a "mother's promise" - promise to come home? - Jabberwalker can stop ascension/reincarnation cycle - CC can change a person's purpose? Bird's eyes are glowing - Rusted Knight is Jaune!!! - Never fixed sword - still carrying burden - Mile's voice work is excellent - Love the bunny-deer design - WBY back to normal size - Barb headcanons Yang ate enough to be *slightly* taller than she was originally lol - Another BOP from Casey - Neo can clone Jabberwalker - clones can still SPEAK - WBY still going thru it as well - Blake fangirling is funny - Bunny-deer is named Juniper = JNPR (pain) - OLD JAUNE - Greying hair + degraded armor = LOTS of time has passed - Was the Rusted Knight from Alyx's story too? - Ponytail tied by a shred of red sash?
@dre1426 Ай бұрын
I’m really happy CRWBY is working with new partners to continue the show because I really want to see more of Blake and Yang as a couple. Maybe a proper date. Also nice use of the 8bit Bumblebee song at the end lol.
@OnyxheartWolf Ай бұрын
Just as an addendum: Blake didn't almost fall off, she tried to *throw herself off* after Yang in her grief and Weiss held her back Aaaaaa Bumbleby!! I have watched this scene so many times since it released, it never fails to make me cry, it just makes me so happy 😭💜
@YukiiSahashi Ай бұрын
Crwby confirmed Bumblebee was the plan for 10 years. Barbara and Arryn both had to keep it secret for that long. Edit: Arryn even spilled the beans accidentally on a live stream in 2014. She asked if she could mention Blake and another female character in a lesbian relationship and Monty told her, "Not yet."
@OnyxheartWolf Ай бұрын
Actually it was Kerry that said not yet, Miles said, "no, definitely not" Then Kerry goes "Not yet!" Monty arrived to the table for the Livestream right after that
@RedTheRoyal Ай бұрын
Okay so funny enough I actually WATCHED that livestream (or at least part of it) and heard that live, but I'd never seen anyone bring it up in relation to bumbleby so I thought maybe I imagined it until after this episode aired and the clip resurfaced lol
@kenschortgenjr7540 Ай бұрын
Not to spoiler here, but the 2nd episode of RWBY Beyond specifies how long Jaune was there alone. It was.... a LONG time
@RedTheRoyal Ай бұрын
(FORGOT TO INCLUDE THIS OOPS) ~~PENNY'S NOTEBOOK~~ - Ruby saying "kitty kitty" is really cute - CC talking more riddle-y - CRWBY poking fun at FNDM + themselves in lighthearted way (esp. with Ciel mention) - Alyx was def a bit selfish - "I'd certainly say so" ominous, Alyx didn't learn lesson in gentle way? - Environments are really fucking pretty - EA inhabitants confirmed to have roles & exist to serve purpose - "People from Remnant are trouble makers" - MULTIPLE people have been here before? - Good Weiss animations - WBY aware of Ruby's struggling - Blake bounce anim is A+ - "Lively Carpenter" new story character mention - the blacksmith person? - The Herbalist "at least until I'm not anymore" - alluding to the end of the episode? - Herbalist getting sick of role? - RWBY being careful to avoid referring to themselves as humans - Need to understand who they are before they can move forward - "This is how a king winds up a prince" - statement is literal?? - Scene of WBY confronting themselves is absolutely incredible - Perfect snapshot of their growth from pre-Beacon (illusion Weiss doesn't have scar) - Legit I can't put into words how much I love this scene - Ruby lost sight of what makes her a huntress - "Real life isn't like a fairy tale" heartbreaking callback to V1 ("that's why we're here, to make things better") - "We're here to make it better" slowly turned into " I HAVE to make it better" - "Keep fighting forever and ever!" completely burnt out - "What are you gonna be?" Cat stops her from answering - why? - Consumed by acre if role can't be fulfilled? Red King? Ruby not being Ruby = losing role which is why Cat interrupted?
@OnyxheartWolf Ай бұрын
Chapter 4 is called A Cat Most Curious, weird that crunchyroll is not displaying the titles still after like a *year*
@melevestelanie7360 2 ай бұрын
Oh wow. I didn't realize that these reactions were so new. It sucks that Volume 10 is in such danger. Hope it gets resolved somehow...
@johnoden5932 2 ай бұрын
Poor Ruby not only is she not dealing with her trauma shes also holding her self to the ideals of fairy tail heros, a fully unobtainable ideal that just makes her feel like a failure no matter what she does.
@jeffreysmith236 2 ай бұрын
Ruby really needed this introspection, the cat interrupted her, he didn't save her.
@melevestelanie7360 2 ай бұрын
Lol. Having to take a breath at the start of Ozpin's speech is a mood.
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
I was s t r e s s e d lol
@melevestelanie7360 2 ай бұрын
I like watching your reactions. You obviously love the show and have no problem showing it. I'll go through all your RWBY reactions!
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
Ahh thank you so much! Glad you enjoy :)
@melevestelanie7360 2 ай бұрын
That looks like angry Tetris. Lol!
@jeffreysmith236 2 ай бұрын
That was a wonderful and heartfelt eulogy Ruby gave for Penny. While she was not ready to talk about Penny with Weiss, after Ruby acquired the swordshe did open up to her team, and they completely failed to listen or help.
@taylorobrien6722 2 ай бұрын
Hey if you go back to ep 1 and 2, there are hints that the cat has been following them especially in the first scenes with Weiss and blake you see Blake look back as if her cat ears picked up on a noise that human ears can't pick up but Weiss distracts her from investigating.
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
Ooh I never caught that before, that's a really cool detail!
@dre1426 2 ай бұрын
9:23 Oh good observation! I never realized that the episode putting Ruby in charge of the game, with her friends as pawns, was meant to bring to mind the image of Ruby as a leader in the war against Salem-with her decisions each putting her friends at risk.
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah absolutely, especially with all the chess imagery present in the Atlas saga!
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
~~PENNY'S NOTEBOOK~~ - Blue butterfly at mention of Alyx - Human(s) killed(?) Red King - Alyx? - Weiss recognizing past behavior - character growth - Ruby ready to end Prince after Penny's sword is tossed - Guards being executed is fucking *dark* - Ruby's "normal" personality shows during game - has something to focus on - Her mood immediately darkens when her friends' safety is in her hands - Rules of the game are immediately rendered irrelevant lol - Little is mimicking Ruby - Appreciate that WBY can easily kick the shit out of chess pieces - jfc yang is so fucking hot holy shit oh my god-- - Confirmation that semblances work - Blake's eyeroll + blush + dilated pupils - she's down bad - Prince is SO dramatic - Humans are bad news in the Ever After - related to Ambrosius's warning? - Chess fight is so incredible, S-tier fight scene - Checkmate also an amazing song, absolute bop - Weiss blowing hair out of her face is so so good - Blake focused on Yang, doesn't notice incoming attack - Gambol low on ammo because of Weiss at the end of V8 - ANGEL WEISS!! - PLAYERS AND PIECES CALLBACK!!! - YANG WITH A *S W O R D*!!!! - Visual parallel to Raven in V5? - Robby Daymond! - Don't Trust The Cat - Prince put on acre to win games - Alyx beat King resulting in King losing his purpose resulting in death? - Cat playing with marbles is cute - WBY still tiny + Ruby w/o a weapon - very vulnerable - Visuals during chase are amazing - Cat has met other humans and finds them "interesting" - "Rubes" from Yang is perfect - Jabberwalker can bleed - Neo is pink comet - 2 blue comets in opening = Alyx and person behind her in portrait? - Theory: Alyx wasn't alone and never left Ever After, story was written by someone else
@dre1426 2 ай бұрын
7:56 Classic Ruby AceAro moment. She just doesn’t understand couple talk. I love watching the show with that interpretation because it really does fit her imo.
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
Personally I think it's less her "not understanding it" and more her just not paying attention to that type of stuff, but either way yes big AroAce vibes I absolutely love that headcanon (I'm partial to her being demisexual but that's mostly me projecting lol
@jeffreysmith236 2 ай бұрын
That was an introvert inside their own head instead of observing external events moment. It seemed during the first half of 8 that Ruby was feeling romantic towards Penny, but much less so at the end. And so far the only person we have seen her actually physically drawn to is Superman, so no guy on Remnant can match that.
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
~~PENNY'S NOTEBOOK~~ - Weiss coping using logic - quiet breakdowns are hilarious - Blake & Ruby recognizing things first is a good callback - "An Alyx, is that a purpose?" - Confirmed they're walking Alyx's path - King, cat, knight, and tree can be inferred from trailers - "WHO?" amazing line read - Luci also has great line delivery as Little - Little is always sleepy - is this foreshadowing? - GWFTtW has different interpretations - Alyx caused Problems tm - BEEESSSSS Arryn's delivery is phenomenal - Ruby not oblivious, just distracted - Weiss also struggling - lost her home again - "You did the best *you* could" - Ruby not giving herself credit - "Despite us" - Weiss tries to comfort Ruby, is ignored and there's a rumble of thunder - weather responding to Ruby specifically? - Little is amazing I love them - Jinxy is older - time has passed since Alyx - "Knowing what it is to feel loved" 2 interpretations to Yang's reaction - either doesn't think she has that, or realizes she does and can't give it up - Pointed out in FNDM: Yang originally lost arm trying to protect someone she loves and who loves her - Jinxy's costs are linked to emotional weight of objects? - "Enough hope to fill this jar" - jar is framing marrionette (Penny), then shifts to Little, are they connected? - Little helps Ruby not fully break down - Personalities highlighted as WBY flee - "I never thought I'd be the moral of one" - meta line - Ruby drawn to sword - Nuts & Dolts :) - Ruby's thoughts cause downpour - stops when she has something else to focus on - Weiss animation is amazing - Weiss taking role as "silly one" from Ruby so far - Ruby's eulogy for Penny is beautiful and full of love - be it platonic or romantic, the love is undeniable - "The most powerful warrior to ever live" especially meaningful - OST has been sparse but is very powerful during eulogy - hints of Penny's theme - "Stop pretending we know what we're doing" Ruby clearly blaming herself for Atlas - WBY def know something is wrong but don't know what to do
@JayLaliberte-xs3ky 2 ай бұрын
I agree with Yang and Blake, coming from a straight guy who commonly don't care about same sex couples usually, these two girls forced me to see they have chemistry, and they really deserve the relationship they have. These 2 are my girls!
@dre1426 2 ай бұрын
Omg I thought these were never gonna come! Very excited to finally watch your reactions. Great choice of thumbnail with the cheering Weiss lol.
@taylorobrien6722 2 ай бұрын
red the royal: starts vol 9 RT: exploding noises
@RedTheRoyal 2 ай бұрын
Fr tho 😭
@kibert135 3 ай бұрын
Watching your reaction and reading your notes afterward is actually pretty cool. I am excited to watch you react to the whole Volume. Especially with new content (aka Volume 9 Beyond) being released at the end of the month.
@RedTheRoyal 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!! And yeah I'm super excited for that too, my goal is to have all my V9 reactions out by then so I can react to all the new stuff as well!
@RedTheRoyal 3 ай бұрын
~~PENNY'S NOTEBOOK~~ - Opens with mystery narrator - primary focus seems to be on Ruby - 1st teaser footage, still very cool and Lindsay's ADR is amazing - Neo jumpscare - Echoing voice - confirmed as Penny's, could just be in Ruby's head but also copium - Immediately into sneak peak (watch reaction to that for more thoughts) - Weiss + Blake already together, surprising but understandable - Weiss doesn't want to explain what happened more than once - Character animation is on-point, Weiss is hilarious - The mice are adorable - RWB's description of Yang is great, loving the character writing so far - "I don't have anything to do yet" - residents of EA have specific roles? - Reminded nobody knows Jaune is there (wtf is he??) - Jabberwalker is fucking scary, difficult to understand w/o subtitles - Yang fighting 1-handed is cool, already knew her arm was missing from trailer - "You weren't supposed to be here" - heartbreaking, Ruby's response also amazing - BEES!!! - Blake's soft "Yang" is delivered perfectly - Don't know Vacuo gate was 1-way - Ruby passing out is consistent w/ past responses to being overwhelmed emotionally - People getting on WBY's case is dumb - Yang is literally right by her side, letting her recover safely while discussing next move - Yang's "are you alright?" is fully ignored by Ruby - WBY can't force Ruby to talk but they obv. know something is wrong - Raining again, stops when Ruby has something to focus on - Appreciate Blake stepping up to plan while Ruby is too emotionally compromised to be able to - Blake recognizes fairy tales since she loves to read - INSIDE SLAPS!!! - not going to analyze every visual/lyric rn - Ruby is Going Through It - Alyx(?) guiding them, either literal or symbolic - Jaune also Going Through It - Book is Girl Who Fell Through the World - Neo's mystery gang - her past going to be focused on as well? - Knight is def Jaune right? - Long painting is amazing - Parallels between Alyx(?), Ruby, and Neo - Alyx(?) following Ruby's footsteps?
@nodefencegaming7133 3 ай бұрын
I want to point out this will be the first soundtrack without Jeff and will be Casey leading with I forgot the other person's name to do guitar
@RedTheRoyal 3 ай бұрын
@@nodefencegaming7133 Oh yeah I think I started to mention that in the reaction and got distracted lol Casey and Martin stepped up and absolutely crushed it!
@nodefencegaming7133 3 ай бұрын
@RedTheRoyal I think everyone knew Casey would do great and she immediately does Jeff is likely still helping her with things but is proud of her for sure
@capxakk6115 5 ай бұрын
@AaronGoodTastyJams Жыл бұрын
Can't wait to, hopefully, see the rest of your reactions to the volume. Your thoughts are always interesting to hear! (but obviously if you need to not do them for any reason that's okay too!)
@RedTheRoyal Жыл бұрын
I'm slowly but surely working my way through! I've recorded and edited reactions to every episode, the post-analysis parts are just taking longer to edit than I was ready for lol. Really appreciate you watching!
@fireheart8878 Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you’ve returned soldier! Ready to brave the trenches once more?
@RedTheRoyal Жыл бұрын
ABSOLUTELY, so excited to be back!!
@davidwashington7657 Жыл бұрын
Wow use the bees as a bait that's why rooster teeth does.
@DimiDawg 2 жыл бұрын
Is it just me or has your mic quality sky rocketed?
@RedTheRoyal 2 жыл бұрын
Ngl it's a complete crapshoot every time I set up my audio lol I've been trying to monitor my levels better tho so I'm glad it's making a difference!
@DimiDawg 2 жыл бұрын
@@RedTheRoyal do you stream or anything or you have this setup solely for RWBY?
@RedTheRoyal 2 жыл бұрын
@@DimiDawg I used to stream a bit when I had the time but right now it's just for RWBY and D&D, hopefully I'll be able to do more in the summer!
@highfivewaterslide7659 2 жыл бұрын
Great work my friend! Look forward to your S&M reactions!
@amayaharig4330 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know why but you're just so adorable ❤❤❤
@rubyrose161 2 жыл бұрын
Man has anyone told you , you look like slimesicle
@dre1426 2 жыл бұрын
Even as someone who is always more excited for the score, the vocal songs were soooooo good this volume.
@kibert135 2 жыл бұрын
I have no way to prove it but I think "Be Strong and Hit Stuff" is sung from Nora's POV to Emerald.
@RedTheRoyal 2 жыл бұрын
I can definitely see that! Emerald is probably gonna need a lot of support to move on from who she was and Nora has always been the emotional core of JNR, so it would make a lot of sense.
@noireblackheart5761 2 жыл бұрын
Is excited
@_charademon_ 2 жыл бұрын
The moment paladin's sword takes innocent life it loses it's strenght.
@kibert135 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is really funny that Jinn is a literal magical being and everyone thinks Neo not being able to talk will be a problem. ^^
@ZLemons 2 жыл бұрын
Wait! I just realized. Qrow, Robin, and the remaining Ace ops. Are still in Atlas. They never went through the portal. How's that gonna work? I'm so curious! Give me volume 9!
@RedTheRoyal 2 жыл бұрын
Quick pit stop in Argus? Or maybe they'll swing by Patch to break the news to Taiyang? So many possibilities, can't wait to see where things go!
@KitsyX 3 жыл бұрын
It's such a cheerful song, but I keep wanting to cry everytime I hear it >_<;
@RedTheRoyal 3 жыл бұрын
It's in the same category as Let's Just Love and Indomitable for me - beautiful and uplifting with a part in the middle that tears my heart out lol
@mets2128 3 жыл бұрын
Missed opportunity to have Winter say this was a gift FROM A FRIEND!
@RedTheRoyal 3 жыл бұрын
I think leaving it as "This was a gift" fits the moment better as a response to what Ironwood said, and keeping the line short fits the pace of the scene better, but that would've been really sweet!
@thelast5warriorsoftheworld546 3 жыл бұрын
The only thing I want Answered is Where the hell are Maria and Pietro and Team FNKI like we're they left behind in atlas or did they somehow make it to vacuo
@RedTheRoyal 3 жыл бұрын
YES I am so worried for FNKI, I don't think CRWBY would kill them off-screen but things did not look good on the front lines, fingers crossed they survived and made it through a portal. As for Maria and Pietro, Pietro did say Amity would touch down just north of somewhere before he got cut off, so I'm thinking they'll either make it to Vacuo for story's sake, or are just chillin' in Mistral/Vale lol
@thelast5warriorsoftheworld546 3 жыл бұрын
@@RedTheRoyal lol Let's hope they are all alive and well
@thelast5warriorsoftheworld546 3 жыл бұрын
@@RedTheRoyal Also they need to confirm if the bill we saw in Vol 8 was Velvet's Dad and if he is her dad RIP
@RedTheRoyal 3 жыл бұрын
@@thelast5warriorsoftheworld546 I'm assuming they're different characters based on him working in central command rather than engineering, and him being referred to as Bill and not Will, but if I'm wrong then that's a big RIP
@thelast5warriorsoftheworld546 3 жыл бұрын
@@RedTheRoyal or right I forgot his name was will
@GraveDigger35 3 жыл бұрын
I guess getting mercy killed by Jaune is better than getting lynched (Pinocchio got lynched either for i think a crime he got framed for or a lie that pissed people off)
@venomm4563 3 жыл бұрын
Don't worry! All team RWBY will know Penny's dead. Afterall, her corpse fell to the void too!
@RedTheRoyal 3 жыл бұрын
I hurt :')