DSS’ Olympic Torch
9 сағат бұрын
Meet DSS: Alexis
21 сағат бұрын
Mission Skopje Operation SWAN
Pride Month: Lavender Scare
Meet DSS: Chris
Ай бұрын
DS Memorial
2 ай бұрын
Meet DSS: Special Agent Lucas
30x30 Initiative Signing
3 ай бұрын
Meet DSS: Special Agent Amanda
Meet DSS: Special Agent Alison
2023 End of Year Message
6 ай бұрын
The MSD Warrior Challenge
7 ай бұрын
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 2 күн бұрын
I protected the Iraqis from United States in Iraq 🇮🇶 OIF6 2008
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 2 күн бұрын
I don't protected or support United States
@bmxholmes1 2 күн бұрын
Let’s go DSS!
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 2 күн бұрын
I am legal to steal from TSA because TSA stole from me leaving United States
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 2 күн бұрын
In SeaTac International Airport in 2021. I don't need to Return to United States for anything
@Walid_thesecurityguy 4 күн бұрын
Great job
@DEPORTMAN 4 күн бұрын
Bidding is a lie...
@dr.omarm.toutoungi8014 4 күн бұрын
thank you
@bmxholmes1 4 күн бұрын
Let’s go DSS!
@emrahlimon6145 8 күн бұрын
If Mr Bernard sees my message i great him. He used to come by at Baldwin NY to eat pizza at the place i used to work. he is such a kind hearted men.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
I do not have to leave the country to see the work I can see it from my living room. I can read about it in the paper I can see it on the news I saw a video this last week of beautiful places around the world and it said this is not Germany not Japan not Australia not Russia not France but the United States. That made me stop in my tracks. In retrospect the lands that are being bombed could easily be the United seater just as easily. Wheh you get that kind of concern for others you have real compassion. I still feel our country is the greatest because of the ideals we have. But I have compassion for other countries. I can go to fort moultry which is just a few miles away it is still an active fort to this day. Fort Sumter is a few miles away. The first shots of the civil war took place there but repeated people ask why. For years they have been studying this histiry. I do not have to go and teach the art to the children but I do go. To be close to them not only so they can learn but that I can learn from them. Their parents remember a world without war and they shelter the children from fear. Homeland security will be a day when our children can go to bed not hungry not scared not lonely not sick it is then we can celebrate peace not only in the Middle East but all over the world.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
At one point I was in charge on the hearts apart program of all of the woman on the base at Shaw. Someone tapped me on my shoulder and offered to pay for my groceries it was Tom he wanted to talk about the headlines in the Air Force times. I saw he was in uniform. Everyone was in uniforms but he wanted to get to know me my children and somehow make a difference. He asked me to go with him to the park. We went to the park and saw the children playing. He said he cared about the children. Tom had no children of his own yet he was a save the children supporter of over 35 years. I would see him years later as his better half his partner with photos of children on our fridge. He would work to pay for their medical their schooling their art and music and trees and sheep and animals but more than that he would watch the news and tell me the pictures the pivotal moments in their lives. The events that were taking place in the military that were harming these children. I lived just up the street from the base commander. He took me to see the world in ways I have never seen it before. We went ti the border. Through pictures through movies and through actually being there I saw how children’s lives were being affected by an act of war. How careless a president can say… well we’ll just send troops and mark on the map a spot and send troops in wheh they do not realize the childreh living there. Are being effected by the war.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
I remember mostly from my years in the military on commanders row Deanne she was like my guardian Angel. She said her son would look up into the sky at his dad’s plane and wave and she said it was not which plane he would fly but that he would be flying a plane sometimes.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
He is working though and working hard his job in homeland security is to find possible threats against the world before they happen.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
This last week was traumatic for me. Tom took me to the movies it was of a bank robbery the movie itself was about a bank robbery it took me a week to recover from watching the movie. It was in kinda a neighborhood setting. In the movie the woman was the bad person with the gun. I was immediately asking to be debriefed. It was like a 007 movie where Tom got to play the good guy he’s also goood and the woman was the bad guy. In 2007 was the only year there was not a James Bond movie.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for the encouragement. I was asked by Nikki Haley to be the diplomat to Russia but I could not speak the language. I was asked to meet with president trump on several occasions he asked to meet me and interview me. I did meet with President Jimmy Carter in his home in ga. I went with my dog and my daughter who is a phd candidate and she went to the woman’s embassy to Switzerland. Tom and I helped paid for her trip. Sarah from the time she was born was a wanted child. Not wanted in the want an outlaw is wanted but wanted in a way that everyone wanted to hold her and love her. She was able baby and immediately upon her birth as she grew they said we may in fact be looking at the next Shirley temple. She was held by 100 people in Saint Peter’s Catholic Church where she was baptized. She also was confirmed in the Protestant church. She was brought down to the Carolina’s where she took Tao dancing lessons at Thomas Sumter academy. I worked three jobs so she could do so. One was running home day care one was making donuts for the police officers. One was being a military spouse and one was Walmart security. Safety committee a float in all dept. I had to work the jewelry deot which was the most fun but also the most dangerous. People came in for wedding and engagement rings. They gave me instruction on what to do if ever attacked. We had no problems in my store. All we had were couples coming in and buying rings and jewelry. A piece of jewelry can change a life. We worked hard with Rogers jewelry store to size and fit all of the rings for everyone. Since my father was a bank manager we counted for every piece of jewelry still at the end of the years dad talked about the profit margin of my store. He was disappointed. He said it was engagement rings and 50 percent of my sales had ended in either divorce or military service. At that time I was also married with a deploying husband. He couldn’t understand me being in jewelry sales. I fixed watches too and had to check every alarm clock for a bomb. That job ended with the events of worth’s attack on the towers. I could have gone back and I have gone back to Walmart. They have been my employer for many years. I am still with Walmart. They provided me with my groceries for the last over 15 years. Cared and watched over me. We are working on another mission
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
Years ago wheh I was just a little girl I could go into the White House lash without a fence. I don’t know I’m certain the fences exited all the time but I was on the lawn of the white house with my brother who was protesting the Vietnam war. I was dressed in a hippy costume at the time it was mom choice for me. We had been making candles in soda pop cans. The candles were to be used in vituals. I was on president ford conservation club. We saved the tabs from the Sid’s cans saved everything. Mom had so much fun on that trip we went from the White House to Arlington then to ocean city Maryland. I stayed in a tent on the camp grounds. I flew a Batman kite and beside me was a little praying mantis. It was the strangest site I had ever seen. It seemed surreal. The land was Cumberland gap Maryland . There were signs that said military installations. Dad explained to my brother where we were and a black limo pulled up taking my brother and my dad out of that part of the camp grounds into camp David. The night before we were spending the night in a tent while it was pouring down rain. I was on a mattress with my sister it was an air mattress. A hurricane was coming in and we spent the night in a hotel called the fox fire inn. Now I found myself next to camp David. The limo would take my brother Dan to Washington DC to his job in the Pentagon. He would simply work the road crew the sept of accountability. His job was to erect the monuments. The ones this last generation tote down. He went to every historical place and added a marker. Lee he erected a horse grant a Tomb he worked to try and finish the Washington monument. Tom has been in my life since the events of 911. I wanted to work with him in solving some of the problems that he’s facing but many he faces by himself acting independently. But it is true we are all in this together. When he’s gone at work my little dog guards the front door. The little dog is more than just a little dog it is Tom’s dog and works with him. .
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
Dad would give me a dream sheet of where we would go. The dream sheets were important to all of us. It started with the dears wish book. Choosing what we wanted for Christmas. Dreaming about the job we wanted to have. Before we went anywhere Tom’s of planning had to be done. Cars needs to be made food had to be grown meals had to be planned. In the end dad wanted me to find something goood about every assignment we had.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
I remember the maid coming into my hotel room as a child we were playing monopoly. The made moved my monopoly game from one bed to the next. I knew it had been moved. I was wondering who was in the house. Dad said it was the made nothing you had was stolen it was the maid. He said they search your room to clean it.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
We left books for our children. We recorded the stories onto the records for my children. We read story books for the children I left behind.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
My children grew up not knowing or understanding the family . To tell them you do have a mother you do have a father. You are loved.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
In Charleston I have found the happiest years of my life. I enjoy the sweet grass basket makers in the markets I enjoy the mansion in our town. I enjoy the carriage rides.
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
The most fun I had was 1976…. Dad let us paint the entire town red white and blue. We painted everything from our garage doors to the fire hydrants. We turned them into little soldiers. Which was turned out to be a bad decision because the fire dept couldn’t find the fire hydrants. But we made everything red white and blue
@silvercreekcrossing 8 күн бұрын
My brother has been to every inauguration since Kennedy. Kennedy was my mother’s friend. She was their dress designer. She was friends with Howard Hughes. Dad was one of Nixon’s men. He and mom were divided over the election of the president. Mom wanted Humphrey very much. As children we were campaigning for each president. I got to go to camp david. In many ways I appreciate my parents allowing me and my brothers and sisters allow to follow our own lives our own path. We were allowed to choose our own area of study. I did not realize how much my parents had to go through in order to allow me to live a normal life while in the middle of the United States. I had body guards. Growing up in a house that doors had to be covered in plexiglass for my safety. My father would jingle the keys in his pocket so I would know it was add for me to go with him.
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 8 күн бұрын
United States is a Joke
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 8 күн бұрын
I live in South Africa currently
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 8 күн бұрын
Being a Enemy of United States Military in Iraq 🇮🇶, United States Consitution and Laws Doesn't apply to me since Iraq. I am American 007
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 8 күн бұрын
3 Days Before I Left United States. I did 3 IG Inspector General statement online walked on. FT Lewis McCord AFB Washington for 2 months. Went to 1/9 Infantry Headquarters and Division Ft Lewis Headquarters about my IG statements online. Then walked off to SeaTac Airport Washington 2021.
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 8 күн бұрын
Both Sides of my Family fought in American Revolutionary War, have documents. Why Does United States 🇺🇸 flag bear 13 British Red Coats Colonies with Original names of British Red Coats Colonies? Declaration of Independence is Fake Never officially happened.
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 8 күн бұрын
I don't like Biden's Executive Orders on 2019 Duramax Diesel or Newer AKA "UnCrackable" AKA "Cannot be Modified"
@CrimsonRaven51 9 күн бұрын
Great strides and advancement. When I joined back in 1985, our only equipment was a lunchbox radio and Motorola car radio with a PA system attached to tell people to kindly move over during motorcade movement.👍
@globalroamer2003 9 күн бұрын
Greatest job in the world. It's not perfect, but nothing is.
@munbruk 14 күн бұрын
why you invade a sovereign country?
@ekarajdhakal9737 17 күн бұрын
Namaste and Good morning Dan sir, This is Eka Raj Dhakal. I heard all the interview session patiently which was really impressive. You might have remember that I was leading the LGF team at Phora Durbar on the day and had terrific experience of the devastating earthquake and the adverse effects the earthquake left to us. Thanking you a lot for reminding us about the terrific disaster which we had boldly overcome under your awesome leadership. Thank you again with incredible knowledge that you have shared to us. See you and have a wonderful time dear Daniel Art sir.
@madang.c.3434 18 күн бұрын
Namaste Dan Sir from Kathmandu. Thank you for your kind words and appreciation. You reminded me the day of disaster. I was the one who took charge of Main CAC on my off day within half an hour after the quake on my sport trouser and t shirt after the approval from ARSO Jeff.
@johnnolen8338 21 күн бұрын
I have what it takes to be a DSS Special Agent, but I'm too old to be one - otherwise it sounds like my dream job. 💯
@bmxholmes1 22 күн бұрын
@DEPORTMAN 22 күн бұрын
Bidding is a lie...
@user-gi4tt7ri7x 26 күн бұрын
I ma working under command of @YJ Chung in pakistan, He is devoted DSS training instructor iam very fond for that sort of trainings, I found such a great 👍 officer, He invested his precious time for the sake of learning e.g physically , Medical as well as security training. He is multi talented man. That sort of man are very rare in this planet.
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
I never used United States TSA Airport Check points after they stole 3 items from my Check Baggages..when leaving United States
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
I was attacked with Identified Enemies United States M-67 hand grenade with BBC News Reporters video taping in Iraq 🇮🇶 OIF6 2008. I am a Enemy of United States
Bidding is a lie
@markatingi8645 Ай бұрын
Diplomatic Security Services...
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
I am your threat in South Africa 🇿🇦
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
My United States Iraqi SWAT team "Master Trainer" and Commander
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
In Ft Bliss TX/Future Combat System Tester FCS White Sands NM make S.O.P.s for prototypes for DOD and Tested with Dog and Pony shows for Big Wigs. In 2010
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
Might do Asylum here from enemy United States from Iraq 🇮🇶 OIF6 2008
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
I am Selling my Blood Chip from Afghanistan OEF11 I am signed for. For $3 Million USD to US citizen and $1 Million USD to Non US Citizen here in South Africa 🇿🇦. I wearing it... was never told to sign it back in. US Blood Chip from Afghanistan OEF11
@PendulumMapTarotLightWorker Ай бұрын
Security Clearance... What Does it say? Never wanted one....
Bidding is a lie...