[HARD RANT] Game Informer interview React
@heisdarkness7141 2 күн бұрын
I hope this game flops so bad Bioware finally goes out of business. They have been dead for a long time, let their soul rest in peace already.
@MrDay53 3 күн бұрын
I find it sad that the game director said that Origins had the strategy they were looking for, then proceeds to turn Veilguard into a hack and slash, remove the strategy from the game, and dumb down the rpg mechanics even more.
@heisdarkness7141 2 күн бұрын
I find it said the director is a man pretending to be a woman.
@Megaphy 3 күн бұрын
Can't wait for this game to come out so I can get vindication when it flops.
@ATRKNGHT 3 күн бұрын
So that long haired person is a man? I thought it was female but the voice was male so its good that you confirmed for me.
@BRNakamura 3 күн бұрын
I mean, she is a woman. But she is trans. She was a dude, transitioned to a woman.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 3 күн бұрын
It is obvious these creeps focused way too much on the cringe romance. And it shows in the atrocious combat ☝️
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 4 күн бұрын
I want corin bush to be replace. Why? Just becuz 🤷 doesn’t matter
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 4 күн бұрын
Negative viewers are humble amd honest. They don’t attack the opposite side ☝️
@goatnizuka 4 күн бұрын
My minion
@belladonna5531 4 күн бұрын
'As the game figured out what it was', so no clear direction then, whereas DA Origins was the culmination of work on such titles as Kotor, Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire The combat just looks like the mass effect ability wheel hence only two companions and limited options.......... parrying and dodging 🤣 action rpg? DA Inquisition had stuff to do just for the sake of it not Origins, games that display armour correctly wow what an innovation lol These companions must be amazing if the are going to be better than Morrigan, Alistair, Cassandra, Jack, Garrus, Wrex etc, cant see it myself, Bioware are dead to me after they abandoned Mass Effect Andromeda for that shit show Anthem anyway 😎 Great video thank you :)
@varuna918 4 күн бұрын
"the heart of the game is the companions", so you're saying the game is empty. Because the heart of any game, the core, should be solid gameplay. A game is not a freaking movie, you're supposed to play the thing... If there is no solid gameplay there is no point in playing. Let's go back to the basics, the core of a game is gameplay. You can make a game without any story, you can't make a game without any gameplay.
@MrHardcoreMode 4 күн бұрын
absolutely true
@c1pherx 4 күн бұрын
Kinda an odd take but ok. Some of the best games have companions/story at the heart.
@vergillives9890 4 күн бұрын
I will still never forget that companions only by loyalty missions
@vergillives9890 4 күн бұрын
We have heard more and shown nothing sounds like solas has done nothing
@vergillives9890 4 күн бұрын
Then they should have started you with the inquisitor instead of rook then have rook later honestly
@LordCousland 4 күн бұрын
“We love Origins” - Make DA 4. “Okay but we change everything about Dragon Age, and definitely will not make it like Origins.”. This game just feels so soft. Different tone completely. It’s trying to cater to everyone, which is an impossible challenge, and the worst possible thing you can do. One thing for sure, this is not made for fans of Origins. It’s soft. DAO I don’t have to tell you how mature and badass that setting game and the tone is. It gradully got softened, the graphics, the characters, the writing reflect that. Now you get this fortnite-esque PG-13 all inclusive, make sure we hit all checkboxes game. It might not even be a game considering the difficulty settings. No death because some don’t like dying in a game? Did they hear about saves? Loading? no? …. They changed everything, demons do not look like that, darkspawn do not look like that. Varric? He was a blonde shaven dwarf. What’s up with his dark hair and beard? It is so obvious that they do not like the previous games and want to get rid off Solas early, so they can make the queerest, softest dating sim ever. I am sick and tired of romance and relationships and sexuality. What is the actual story? We know nothing about it. Veilguard? Why do I have the feeling we have to seal the “breach” again like in Inquisition. The companions, that one picture tells everything you need to know: they are soft and ridiculous collection of modern queer college kids sitting around in a college dorm room sipping latte. These are the people who we need to save the world? What a joke. Cosindering that this game was restarted at least 2 times, I think they will be lucky if the game starts without bugs, I highly doubt this will be good. It feels like Saints Row 2022 all over again. Oh and Rook as a name for your main character is so dumb. This is the best we can expect unfortunately from this soft soy generation of developers obsessed with labels and feelings.
@MrHardcoreMode 4 күн бұрын
video games have been more steered towards men. women play games but not a majority. if you dont go to your roots and go for that dark fantasy griddy story telling and look then you will STILL receive fans but not the numbers you were hoping for. ex: Cyberpunk was fuckin dark and the toned was sexy and sad "hi tech low life style". EVERYONE loved this. men loved it (especially because of panam) but women loved it too.
@TheRavenShadowsWolf 5 күн бұрын
I'm saying Veal guard on purpose - Trust me, we noticed. Gotta stick it to the soy boys. And girls, and whatever the hell else decides to come up with this tripe. (Funny enough, they'd never go for veal. First, it's "Murder" and second, it's baby cow... so it's worse lol) If you went Vegan guard, that'd probably be more accurate. Though it does bug me how they come up with so many bullshit substitutions just to get things like cream and chocolate. Also, if it's that much better for you, why are you all like 400 lbs? * Including the return of Varrick; who doesn't look a bloody thing like Varrick. Also - they butchered his character for a cuck in Inquisition the moment they introduced the actual Bianca, and fucked that entire mythos he'd built up around her that made him so popular in the first place. And really? That's Lace??? Come on... She used to be pretty, for a dwarf. Now, she's captain hard ass, when she was barely in Inquisition (and not even a proper romance option...) They COULD maybe salvage something with the pair of them; if they let Varrick pursue Lace, and kept on with that to a natural ending that made him FORGET Bianca exists. That would show closure and acceptance and maturity. Rather than having him pine for a girl that should've/could've and would've been his as a PARAGON - if she'd taken her head out of her own ass and realized that she could just choose Varrick over some pre-arranged husband she doesn't even want... but now WILL be forced to BREED with. (Does no one think about what that does to a male's mind, in any long-standing relationship?) There's NO WAY Varrick would keep pining for her after that point. Other than for being "the one that got away." ** Do you mean the Bow; or the character... because one I'm absolutely cheering for... but the bow, man... that would hurt.
@Kross415 5 күн бұрын
Mark left on 2020 (iirc) and came back as a consultant later on. He's been there since 1998 and he, like the vast majority of OG BioWare peeps left because their studio died when it got aquired by EA. He knows this game is EA corporative slop, he's just doing what they paid him for, PR. I've had some words with him through his KZfaq comment section and he's fully aware their focus and audience are very different with this game and EA only wants infinite growth and to please shareholders, I doubt they're going to get that with this game but that's another story.
@Jellycubist 5 күн бұрын
They're emphasizing the companions way too much. I get the impression the devs got too attached and projected on them. Hard. When they're the weakest lot of characters so far, in my eyes. Now they're trying to do damage control. Neve's intro is so weak compared to Morrigan's - complete Mary Sue with Harding fawning all over her vs spooky swamp witch you don't know you can trust. I'll give them a chance but I'm not sure atm.
@RandomWandrer 5 күн бұрын
We know literally nothing about these companions. Hard to judge one way or another. Bioware are great at writing interesting characters. No reason to think this game different.
@Jellycubist 5 күн бұрын
@@RandomWandrer Neve and Lucanis exist in Tevinter Nights. Harding was in Inquisition. And the Game Informer article had a heavy focus on Bellara. So we do know about some of the companions. There are plenty of reasons to be wary of the characters this time around. They sacked Mary Kirby who actually wrote Lucanis, for a start. I'd be glad to be wrong but frankly nothing they have shown so far has given me any reason to believe these characters are well written. And they can't rest on their laurels when there's been a 10 year gap between games - Weekes wrote Solas but even his writing wasn't spectacular in the trailer. Like 'people die, it's what they do.' really? Come on.
@MrHardcoreMode 5 күн бұрын
There is already info on Neve and the mage killer. They made a few books that relate to them. More info will be coming very soon.​@@RandomWandrer
@vergillives9890 4 күн бұрын
We know 90% of how much you will love them and they are the best and will make you feel like they are best and you will be traveling with them and they will f everyone
@larryjohnson3748 8 күн бұрын
@super13540 9 күн бұрын
Most likely your monitor refresh rate is too high for the game to handle. There is a program which allows you to force your display to lower your refresh rate to 60 which is the highest I've tested the game to be able to handle. As well as some other mods to get the game wide screen, a mod to get the resolution running at 1080p to fit the wide screen and an adjustment to the UI to fit wide screen 1080P you set up lastly. I was able to get the game to run in Fullscreen 1080P widescreen at 60Hz on a 120Hz locked monitor. If your able to adjust your monitor refresh rate, you'll at least be able to get the game running at 1224 x 720p. The previous 1080 p and wide screen mods I mentioned may cause some people to have mouse /camera drift which is fixed but editing the dps setting in the properties setting of the exe. to go off the application and not windows settings which may or may not be on already. Lastly if you're running a steam version you may have to download a cracked editable exe as the widescreen and resolution mods require an editable (cracked)exe which steam doesn't not have. You can find many of these under some of the 1080p widescreen mod tutorial videos right on KZfaq. Look forward to watching you stream the game. Feel free to reply here if you run into problems.
@Kross415 9 күн бұрын
I think KotoR II is quite an improvement over this one and this game is still amazing. Good times.
@Kross415 9 күн бұрын
God-Mode has been a cheat for 30+ years in many games but you cannot call it that anymore, people need to feel like they're good players even if they suck because they have an existential crisis if they die once on a game. It's the same reasoning as to why they simplified literally EVERYTHING in the game, so that everyone with the skill of a lobotomized 🐒 can buy their slop and rush the 15h story and spend 100h romancing all the ugly pansexual characters on the game. Even if there's not much to reveal about the game, they're still doing the worst marketing imaginable 🤣 10 years to make a glorified queer dating sim...BioWare is so cooked...
@calcitegem6204 7 күн бұрын
Literally every dragon age game has had queer romances so it’s not something new and the characters all being asexual is something that existed in dragon age 2. As for god mode many games have had it as you said so why is it all of a sudden a problem? everyone knows dying in video games is a given ☠️ I’m not sure why you would think otherwise. With the surge of Elden ring players this attack on more casual players has been at an all time high. There’s nothing wrong with having a setting for what people want. If I don’t eat meat why would I complain that they have meat on the menu ? I just won’t eat the meat and eat what I can eat 😂. If you don’t want to play on godmode then don’t! They stated that they have difficulties for all types of players. Even in the original dragon age games they had modes that focused more on the narrative.
@Kross415 7 күн бұрын
​@@calcitegem6204 Where did I say DA never had queer romances? You should work on your reading comprehension. It is one thing to have queer romances on a DA and another very different thing to make a queer dating sim and call it DA. Regarding difficulty options I don't care they're there, I care that all those choices and the simplification of the game show the public they're aiming for. And like I said, God-mode is a cheat, it's not a difficulty option. If you can't die there's no difficulty whatsoever. Btw asexual and pansexual are not the same, more like polar opposites if anything, you are just yapping mindlessly making no sense my man.
@calcitegem6204 7 күн бұрын
@@Kross415 your focus was on the fact that it’s a “queer dating sim” when they’re doing something to at they’ve done before in dragon age 2 . You’re fixated on one aspect of the game that you don’t like when you’re going to be romancing one companion anyways. There’s never been any Asexual companions in any dragon age game so I don’t even see where you’re drawing that argument. And if you don’t care about god mode being there why did you have to write a whole paragraph about ? You clearly feel a way about a mode that you personally wouldn’t use. And God mode IS a game mode. a game having no difficulty doesn’t eliminate the fact it’s still a game mode. Just like god mode in Minecraft or even god mode in Saints row games it just gives an alternative way to view/play the game . Some people literally just want to experience the game from a narrative standpoint. There’s literally mods for dragon age origins that SKIP combat entirely for people who just want the story .
@LowTaperSypherPK 9 күн бұрын
Love the rant videos.
@RiverRockXIII 10 күн бұрын
@LowTaperSypherPK 11 күн бұрын
The Goat
@Foxriffic 11 күн бұрын
@CurtOntheRadio 13 күн бұрын
It looks soul-less and shit. Meh - we're all 20 years older, or whatever. None of it gels. None of it is convincing. Where is this world? Doesn't look anything really like earth, does it? Nor is it "in space". Does it seem at all real to you? Not to me. Some dwarfy, steam-punk kinda place with neon lights and vaguely medieval european architecture. It looks totally made up - and badly so. It has no time, and no place - and not in a good way. None of it exists off-screen, at all. It's generic. In this fake plastic medievalism, where social relations are such that everyone is polyamorous (without negative consequence?) there's also a world of cartoonish 'demons' intent on destroying it...because.....well, just because. But the world looks entirely fictional and there are no social relations. Why would anybody be interested in it? Why would anyone care if the unscary 'demons' even destroyed it - and all its "people"? And where would the fun come from in preventing that, judging by the mechanics? The combat looks laughably simplistic and bad. How is that combat going to keep anyone interested? And you just know it's going to be rinse-repeat of those pathetic wavering ghouls, or whatever they were. Archer, mass the button for attack, heal. So exciting! Man, it all looks so bad. And soul-less. It's going to be a disaster. They're wheeling out the Joe Biden of RPGs. This is what ya got?!?! This is what you're giving us???!!!!!? It was better twenty years ago.
@vergillives9890 14 күн бұрын
I don't know why they have given so much information i have never seen given people have given out information
@snickerskaiser7358 17 күн бұрын
So for your Info. In the first Game you actually learn to read so you can already do it in the second game. But you are totally right! Peasents normally can't read. Greetings from Austria!
@Pentvon 20 күн бұрын
Give ya a like bro keep grinding
@MrHardcoreMode 19 күн бұрын
Thank you, I will
@gamersrepublic4854 21 күн бұрын
Read the latest patch notes, there are issues with ray tracing and fromsoft had suggestions to fix it, maybe this is the issue Ur having.
@MrHardcoreMode 19 күн бұрын
oooo thanks for the update. ill take a look
@derrickjohnson4952 22 күн бұрын
I personally don’t care about if the game had pronouns (yeah I know I’m woke woke woke I wanna….destroy America or something and SJW blah blah), but game has to actually be f*cking good & right now 🫤
@xy-te9db 21 күн бұрын
Pronouns are the least of its problems. Only 3 abilities per companion, 2 companions at all time? No control of companions? Slop
@thekraken4886 22 күн бұрын
Don't buy it
@Megaphy 22 күн бұрын
Speaking of food, guess we're starving with this one.
@0TheVegan0ThatCould0 23 күн бұрын
I find it interesting with some of the critcisms about Veilguard. The "Fortnite graphics" I kept seeing when the reveal dropped was a wild comparison. But the "pronouns" thing is a new one. Are you serious or joking because I cant tell...
@MrHardcoreMode 19 күн бұрын
pronouns being introduced in society was the real joke. now i have to adhere to it? no i think i wont.
@0TheVegan0ThatCould0 19 күн бұрын
@MrHardcoreMode Wait... pronouns have always been around. Your name is literally "Mr" HardcoreMode.... "Mr" is used for people who use he/him pronouns 🤔. I see this issue alot but I'm starting to understand it's mostly "special" pronouns that people are finding issues with like ze/zir/mx etc. The standard he/she/they is fine though right?
@MrHardcoreMode 19 күн бұрын
@0TheVegan0ThatCould0 yes obviously
@vergillives9890 14 күн бұрын
​@@0TheVegan0ThatCould0the difference is compelled forced to sign when unnecessary and addressing someone like nobility title outside of a first time meeting
@mountainaccident2001 23 күн бұрын
Lol pronouns are enough to deter you from an entire game? What a baby 😂 that's such a pathetic reason to not try something. Everyone has pronouns, my dude, even you!
@ShikaRoddy 23 күн бұрын
Their playerbase is the people who thirst over the characters. They don't care about the gameplay, in fact they would absolutely love it if the new dragon age was a VN because they are even more degenerate than the weird part of Stellar Blade fandom.
@xy-te9db 21 күн бұрын
Man they really are fucking weird...
@kimmoruohoniemi7158 24 күн бұрын
Best RPGs are those with small scale stories. in BG1, you investigate iron shortage, not trying to save the whole world. Dragon Age Origins, you are fighting local darkspawn, in DA2, trying to save a little city, not trying to save the whole world. Personally I do not know anything more boring than a game where the plot is about you saving the whole world. That is where Dragon Age Inquisition went wrong. Run around huge maps, trying to save the whole world. BORING!!! Small scale stories are far more interesting than the fates of whole worlds. Look at W3; there, the little side stories are the gems, while the main story about, yawn, saving the whole world is just boring boring boring. And Veilguard is more of the same, save the whole world blah blah blah.
@atharvawaikar9730 24 күн бұрын
Uhh, Dragon Age Origins had you fighting against a Blight. Not just “local darkspawn” whatever the hell that means. You literally elected kings and made alliances between kingdoms and factions.
@0TheVegan0ThatCould0 23 күн бұрын
In Dragon Age 1.... you were trying to stop a World Ending Blight that threatened to end the world... The "magic" of Dragon Age is that YOU shape the story and the events of the world as somebody insignifcant that grows into someone important.
@xzrtrain7181 24 күн бұрын
It's funny how they call it veilguard..when the only person that is guarding the veil is the main character since your ai companion really don't do much besides provide skills for you to use to combo. Yap failguard for sure mayn.
@anyoneanyone3808 24 күн бұрын
IDK why my comments are getting removed but anyway @MrHardcoreMode,you hit the nail on the head. I am still on the fence.
@MrHardcoreMode 24 күн бұрын
i see you!
@EasyGameEh 25 күн бұрын
so the grey wardens are "men and women from every race", but it's "the hubris of men" specifically that brought dark spawn in our world. or so "the chantry" teaches us🤡
@yc_knight6370 25 күн бұрын
59:26 😂 I agree! And for Josephine too. I hope the inquisitor had kids
@AfonsoVMSP 25 күн бұрын
Hey 🤟🏼
@MrHardcoreMode 24 күн бұрын
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique 26 күн бұрын
Dragon Age Pronouns
@Brit-One 27 күн бұрын
All characters are frying pan sexual great, just great… what a cringe!
@LowTaperSypherPK 29 күн бұрын
"We're gonna have to replace you." (Poor BD1)
@MrHardcoreMode 27 күн бұрын
best robot imo!
@unknowniam121 Ай бұрын
I just hate how the playable races simply became Human, Pointy-Ears-Human, Short-Human and Horned-Human. Despite all the shit it can get, to quote DA2 and the great concept arts about the races that it brought on the table : "Distinct racial physiology is an opportunity to explore different standards of beauty". Look where we are now.
@matthewknibbs7686 Ай бұрын
I also claped thoes cheeks😂 her weapons and moon spell are mine now😈
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
Best weapon dude!😊
@matthewknibbs7686 Ай бұрын
GG nice battle bro
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@LowTaperSypherPK Ай бұрын
@LowTaperSypherPK Ай бұрын
I just started a new playthrough today. I am going to make a faith build and I'm trying to get all the dragon abilities because those are super OP probably my favorite abilities in the game.
@MrHardcoreMode Ай бұрын
dont forget arcane