Would You Phone In A Sermon?
The 2024 Election is Here
4 ай бұрын
Does God Intentionally Cause Harm?
Must I Be Baptized?
5 ай бұрын
Our Statement of Faith
5 ай бұрын
AI In The Church
6 ай бұрын
What Is Biblical Masculinity?
Elements Of A Christian Worldview
Why Doesn't God Save Everyone?
Church Hurt: Who's to Blame?
Big Church vs Small Church
7 ай бұрын
Is the Internet Making Us Dumber?
Pastors, Friendship, and Acts 29
@michaels1130 3 күн бұрын
I just peed myself. I haven't laughed that hard in a while to hear someone compare purifying the priests with a man getting shot in the ear is ridiculous
@spweber54 4 күн бұрын
Another timely and helpful topic! I can't tell you how many times over the years someone in my church family would come up to me and say, 'Stan I really messed up. I posted such-and-such on Facebook and now I'm getting really nasty feedback. I think my Christian credibility is shot'...... And for that person, it was true. Many of their followers now had a dim view or sour taste of Christianity due to their inaccurate post of taking Scripture out of context'. Good on you, Pastor Ben, for posting to your Facebook feed that admonishment! 👍
@cherylblossom8687 8 күн бұрын
Cannabis does not always create Distortion of reality the cannabinoid system was designed by the body through Christ Jesus and God to forget pain ptsd is lowerd through this'as well as keep ozmatosi Which is the natural way that sells die and are replaced which is why cannabis helps with things like cancer a man in New Zealand who cured his cancer with high doses of cannabis his name was Rick Simpson and hence why people that take this today call it Rick Simpson Oil if you don't know anything about a subject except that it might get you to a different mindset then you don't have any right to speak on it
@BayareaGospel 10 күн бұрын
The Catholic OT Canon (also the numbering of the Psalms) came from the ancient Greek Septuagint Bible. Protestants wrongly place the deuterocanonicals (seven Old Testament books) as apocrypha. This is completely incorrect all ancient manuscripts like the dead sea scrolls and the septuagint have the 7 missing books. Almost every Christian for 1500 years accepting them as scripture 382 AD: The Council of Rome, led by Pope Damasus I, establishes the 73-book scriptural canon Martin luther a very deranged man started a movement to break away from the Catholic church and removed them from his Bible so he could teach false doctrine, he also wanted to remove revelation and James. To say these books arent scripture is rejecting gods word and his church.
@mizzball2663 10 күн бұрын
Hey, So I don't know if you guys give shout outs. Skip this comment if not, But. My All time Best friends I've Ever had in my life, Just made there own podcast called ( Crossroads Conversations ) on KZfaq and soon Spotify, They made it with the motivation of being an inspiration to young Christian men, and in there first episode they talked about Loving the future generation, as Christ not only loved those in His time But also us Now. Quite a interesting subject especially for todays society and our questionable future generation. Point is I was wondering if you guys could give them a shoutout and or read this comment on a video, These guys truly mean so much to me and they have been So Beneficial for my faith and mental health, Seeing there podcast take off would be Awesome!. I love you guys Very much, you Always inspire me every day, Thankyou.
@spweber54 11 күн бұрын
Happy Friday! Appreciated today's topic, as I grew up Catholic in New Orleans, was an Altar boy, learned the Mass in Latin and went to Catholic high school. But, at age 38 after hearing and reading the Scriptures I became born again and proceeded to leave the Roman Catholic church. Ben did a great job of explaining some of the points as to why we don't consider the additional books to be Scripture, but they make for good history just like the writings of Josephus. My heart still is very sensitive to reaching Catholics for Christ, as most live without assurance of going to heaven. Unless you die with an unconfessed mortal sin, which sends you straight to Hell, you are consigned to an unknown amount of time in Purgatory, atoning for all your sins before eventually reaching Heaven. Which is why if you ask a typical Catholic if they're going to Heaven they will often respond with 'I hope so', because they have no assurance. My testimony can be found at www.stanweber.com/id4.html
@christyschmidt3997 18 күн бұрын
Can you speak to the other side regarding those who believe that marriage is only a spiritual union and that it does not need to be made legal in order for it to be a legitimate marriage.
@spweber54 18 күн бұрын
Back in Colorado, when I was the interim Sr. Pastor at our Conservative Baptist church, I officiated a wedding where several of us men were each carrying our concealed firearm, since we had a concern the bride's ex-husband might show up and cause some trouble. He didn't, thankfully, and it was a beautiful wedding in the Colorado foothills. 😊
@TheShadow.1 Ай бұрын
If God promises to save all who believe and then you begin to watch those who believed to determine by their works if they are saved, then you're actually waiting to see if God really kept His promise.
@Intnl_ Ай бұрын
I would like these guys explanation how it was possible for the criminal hanging on a cross next to Jesus whom never having been saved or studied, or did any good works was told by Christ. "Today you will join me in Paradise". It was simply the words by that criminal "Jesus remember me when you enter your Kingdom". A statement of belief by the man moments before his death. I can't believe the arrogance of these two men of God. So are we to never accept the coming to Christ by anyone without proof? It has to start somewhere. Even if insincere the seed has been planted. How pompous and self righteous these to sound as if elevated above the unsaved. They sound like a works based religion. They sound like the Pharassis and sudducees of Christ time. The formula for being saved. I don't recall Jesus anywhere in the bible putting forth a learning curriculum to be saved. Simple and direct. Believe in the lord Jesus and though shalt be saved. Ask forgiveness and accept me as your Lord and savior. No fine print. No demands of extensive knowledge. The journey to a relationship with the father, son and holy spirit begins with acceptance and belief. A lifetime of growth and understanding will follow, but it has to have a beginning. It appears you really thought you hit onto a hot topic and what for. A Podcast? more views? Speak in the truth of God and put your worldly desires aside gentlemen. Remember there might be a timber in your own eye while you profess and condemn the splinter in anothers eye. Be very careful when tossing around the term Heresy. It might just come home to roost in your own heart.
@protestanttoorthodox3625 Ай бұрын
Reject Protestant heresy. Accept Holy Orthodoxy ☦️
@sportsfanforever100 Ай бұрын
Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.
@taco564 Ай бұрын
Not a single Christian says works save you. Faith that doesn't produce works is not true faith.
@sportsfanforever100 Ай бұрын
@@taco564 You see how you backloaded works. No where does it say he who believes and produces works will have everlasting life.
@taco564 Ай бұрын
@@sportsfanforever100 "What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?" (James 2:14) "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10) "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15) "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, you will recognize them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:18-20) Time and time again it's mentioned. Also, look at the lives of saints and forefathers... The church came 100 years before the bible. Traditions of the church and lives of Saints paint us clear pictures. Jesus did NOT fail to establish the church. He promised the Holy spirit would guide the apostles. What makes you think Protestantism is correct 1600 years after Jesus. Jesus must have failed then I guess?....
@sportsfanforever100 Ай бұрын
@taco564 exactly my brethren. Meaning what? They are already saved. It does not profit another individual if you say you have faith but you do not show it. It doesnt mean your not saved. What James is referring to is chastisment. Hebrews 12:6-11 talks about God chastising his children. You only become a child of God after you have been saved. Galatians 3:26 tells us we are all the childeren of God by faith in Jesus Christ. Not by our works.
@taco564 Ай бұрын
@@sportsfanforever100 You’re so dense. Keep on your ways
@Pastor_Grant Ай бұрын
I've never met a pastor who preaches "receive Jesus" and then you're all set, no need to do anything else so just sit back and enjoy your free ticket. With that said people who preach against cheap grace are accused of works salvation. Opinions and tensions run high on this but when people sit down and talk about it we tend to agree more than we disagree. The real issue I think is over once saved always saved vs Perseverance of the Saints. Those who teach you can lose your salvation so you better be living the life or else you might lose salvation at any moment, that does sound like works righteousness to me.
@TheShadow.1 Ай бұрын
I think it gets down to perhaps more basic questions. " For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures". Christ died for my sins. Well did He or not? "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" If I received him, and He promised to save me, if I then wait to see if I produce works to prove Im saved it just means I'm waiting to see if God kept His promise.
@dixiedouch Ай бұрын
How are you going to say the language of scripture is so important then proceed to quote it in a language it wasn't originally written in? Hersey was the correct way to address this issue. When the basis of your worship is sola sciptora it leaves doors open to heretics. Everyone can "discern" whatever they want and create new theology. This is what happens when you take the Bible out of the context of the church and its traditional use.
@thegospelmeetslife.2021 Ай бұрын
Warning anecdote: Growing up in church it was a constant decision making factory the discipleship side of the house struggled. However, God in his mercy led me to a place where discipleship did happen. Where men held my feet to the fire and said you must give up your sin. Now does my conversion not count? I would say no and the reason why is because I knew 2 things I was a sinner and Jesus paid the debt. When we walk with God we truly carefully consider our salvation with fear and trembling. We know that we are saved. The assurance is there. However we become more and more aware of the sin we do commit and the condition of our heart. Which from what I have experienced changes more and more towards the desires of God.
@NC-vz6ui Ай бұрын
This is so confusing. I don't think it as simple as saying if you are a Christian you will hate sin. Part of the lure of sin is that you like it. Saying you hate it doesn't make you hate it. I think these are just litmus tests that Christians try and put out to see who is in an who is out. When in reality, we have to trust Jesus and not be concerned.
@arthurw8054 Ай бұрын
Great comment, and really well said, thank you.
@TheShadow.1 Ай бұрын
1 john 2:1 "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not." What a ridiculous statement to make to people who aren't going to ever sin. 😉
@pedroallen Ай бұрын
I think about this topic a lot especially when it comes to Christian camps. Young life does a good job of building up the previous day during there camps to end with Jesus dying and resurrecting. The campers by then are more likely to comprehend and apprehend what is salvation. Other camps seem to offer a lot behavior modification by way of scripture and when a camper “accepts” that they believe they are saved. I just want our campers to know and see Jesus.
@pedroallen Ай бұрын
5:41 when it starts
@CCiPencil Ай бұрын
He does
@spweber54 Ай бұрын
As always, great back and forth on interesting topics, gentlemen!
@painterboy454 2 ай бұрын
Marriage is soooooo simple when you do it God's way according to His Word. The husband must be totally surrendered, submitted and obedient to God, walking continually in the Spirit. The wife must be totally surrendered, submitted and obedient to God, walking in the Spirit. Then the two of you together can experience the fullness of your roles in Ephesians 5:22&25. You will then both go from Glory to Glory, day after day being led by Holy Spirit. It's available to any believer. You both just have want Jesus more than anything else!!
@evangelineingwerson6679 2 ай бұрын
Hobby Lobby is supposed to be Christian owed but yet they supply their store with Disney Decor. When are you going to make the public aware of this?
@dougearnest7590 2 ай бұрын
It sounded like an interesting subject, but I'm guessing you're not talking about actual hymns. Too bad. With the mention of "only" three musicians for the substandard version, and hiring the best musicians in town for the good one, I figured you were talking about those songs without verses that have to be sung over and over and over and over, and over again, then sung some more, over and over and over and over, then over and over and over some more (by this time, everyone who is REALLY SANCTIFIED should be conforming and waving their hands around in the air, right?) then over and over and over some more, then a few more times, until ......? God feels they're ready to receive the professionally choregraphed message? If the intent is to entertain those who need to be entertained and drive away those who are serious about worship, what difference does it make which song is chosen since they're all the same after the first couple of dozen rounds? I was once doing some work for a guy I had to listen talk on the phone for an hour talking about some woman in church who couldn't be Christian because she "sat on her hands" the whole time. (Okay, maybe it wasn't an hour, maybe it was 10 or 15 minutes, but like the "music" I've sat through in too many churches, it certainly felt like an hour.) I wish I knew then what I know now so I could have advised him - that guy's church obviously needed to fire their choregrapher and special effects people and hire the best they could find. Only when everyone looks like everyone else can the Gospel be relevant.
@CamGaylor 2 ай бұрын
The chosen is great
@carrieking117 2 ай бұрын
I really think that commenting on something you haven’t seen, is problematic. Please see it and come back tell us what you think. I typically can’t stand movies about the Bible other than The Passion of the Christ. This series is so well done. I think it can reach so many people who have never set foot in the church and possibly motivate them to pursue a relationship with Him.
@brittanypearson5733 2 ай бұрын
I love the way they portrayed the disciples. They were just regular people like you and me. Some of them made awful mistakes yet Jesus called them to walk with Him. How amazing. Now obviously, Hollywood has their hand in the show. But overall, I did not see anything that went against Gods word.
@jennapecor1865 2 ай бұрын
If Christians are biblically literate, they’ll be very prepared to watch anything and be able to discern for themselves.
@dianeellison3090 2 ай бұрын
Interesting that Leadership has so little familiarity with The Chosen. The Chosen was used as study material for NGC Women’s Ministry in 2019.
@JaseStefanskiCascade 2 ай бұрын
@JaseStefanskiCascade 2 ай бұрын
Yes it would be a huge risk and some would be offended but the unity of the majority of Christ followers would be greater in the end. Some issues should be obvious but they are probably not all addressed from the pulpit. Maturity would be challenged for sure but that would be a good thing. Complicated but totally necessary if the local or national church is ever going to make a difference in government.
@dianeellison3090 2 ай бұрын
So, NGC is now a woke church. Matt Chandler, preaches CRT Sam Alberry, started Living Out, calls himself a Gay Christian Joby Martin and John Piper, full on continuists, and most are egalitarian. Best Conference ever! Then own it. Tell the congregation what is really going on. You align with Preston Sprinkle.
@acarb4072 3 ай бұрын
Are you promoting Joel Olesteen?
@acarb4072 3 ай бұрын
I’m a little confused. Just came to channel called “To be the church” and the first thing seen is an alcoholic beverage. 🤔 It’s not that having a hard seltzer is a sin, but it certainly wouldn’t be something to promote to the church…? I’m still subscribing after this video, though. Good stuff
@user-rv7pd2lm2c 3 ай бұрын
Over the years, Svetlana and I have found ourselves getting our eyes off ourselves, and what we want and focusing more on what is God doing in the community. We don’t always like the worship style, but the words of the songs are biblically based and not just love songs to Jesus, we have to remember it’s not about us. We love where we gather and worship and those that gather with us.
@spweber54 3 ай бұрын
Thoroughly enjoyed this podcast and the question asked. You both dealt with this topic in a loving, straightforward and truthful manner. This topic, worship music in the church gathering, can often be a divisive element that the Enemy of our souls would love to exploit. Thank you for striving to keep a wonderful balance of 'singability' and 'musical instrument excellence'.
@TrnsltLife 3 ай бұрын
BTW, the best verse I know of that seems to speak against pornography is in Ezekiel 23, where it talks about a woman (Judah personified) lusting after pictures drawn on a wall: 14 But she increased her promiscuity when she saw male figures carved on the wall, images of the Chaldeans, engraved in bright red, 15 wearing belts on their waists and flowing turbans on their heads; all of them looked like officers, a depiction of the Babylonians in Chaldea, their native land. 16 At the sight of them she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea. 17 Then the Babylonians came to her, to the bed of love, and defiled her with their lust.
@TrnsltLife 3 ай бұрын
There are a few common mistakes being made here: 1. "Lust" is not a good translation in Matthew 5. It should be "covet". The word in Greek in Matthew 5 is the same word as in the "do not covet" passage in the Greek Septuagint. Jesus' sermon is dealing with the 10 Commandments one after another, and there is no commandment not to lust, but there is a commandment not to covet. "You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s." And then Jesus is tying not coveting your neighbor's wife into not committing adultery with your neighbor's wife. And I'm not exactly sure that looking at pictures on the internet relates exactly to coveting your neighbor's wife, or could actually lead to actual adultery because where would you ever meet that woman? 2. Today we tend to see a man's pornography or actual adultery as a sin against his wife. That's nowhere in view in the 10 Commandments. The sin of adultery was a sin against another married man. Man A (married or unmarried) sleeping with Man B's wife. Man A and Man B's wife were the adulterous sinners. If Man A had a wife, he wasn't committing adultery against her, he was committing adultery against Man B. We can clearly comprehend this from the story of King David. He had multiple legitimate wives including Michal, Abigail, Maacah, Ahinoam, Abital, Haggith, and Eglah. God never said anything to him about any of those wives, and never punished him for adultery against his first wife Michal; because it wasn't adultery. God sent the prophet Nathan and punished David only when David took Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah. Then it was adultery. 3. You fail to note, or care, that the Torah and Jesus state a man can divorce his wife legitimately and remarry for the case of porneia. Nowhere is it said that a woman can divorce her husband. That was simply not allowed in God's Law. Jesus recognizes it can happen when he talks about a woman divorcing her husband (perhaps referring to the case of Herodias who applied to Rome to divorce her husband Philip and then married Herod who later killed John the Baptist). But that is under Roman law and not under Torah Law or Church Law. Paul likewise in 1 Corinthians 7 says that a woman *must not* divorce her husband. 1 Peter 3 tells wives even of unbelievers not to leave their husbands but to submit to them. So the whole question from a woman asking when she can divorce her husband or separate from him should be thrown out. The fact that you even countenance it shows how influenced you've become by the prevailing feminist and egalitarian culture.
@dragoncomosaics9282 3 ай бұрын
It seems U need to see this: Who need second chance from God to be Saved when we actually need limitless chances and 100 percent guarantee from Him? U speaking about condemnation to Lake of Fire yet expect that people only take a chance with Jesus Christ, and in turn sacrifice all what they have. Discipleship+Grace=No Grace+Condemnation=Lake of Fire, Unless Free Grace. Bad advise to say to Jesus Christ 'I tried' regarding Eternal Salvation. That is might right only to do during Bema Seat, as it concerns Eternal Rewards and not Eternal Salvation. There is no hope if it is not Free Grace but Lordship Salvation. Judas Iscariot had at least one big anointing and still appear both in the history of God and history of mankind, yet he never believed and end up in a bad place. Choose: Works or Grace. Bible state that if works+grace=no grace. Since U know not what future will bring U trusting Urself but calling it help from God if U reject Free Grace. And following Jesus Christ each day within the context of Lottery of Ur soul, life, and Eternity U call Good news? There is no Good news without 100 percent Eternal Salvation and Security. How Ur life would change if U truly know that U end up in Heaven? How Ur life would change if U truly know that U end up in Lake of Fire? Here is the Good News: Jesus Christ love U and died for Ur all sins (past, present and future) that U would be reconciled with God if U just believe that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead according scriptures for U sinner. It is Free Gift so God expects that after U accept it then U act as He wants but it is up to U and once U have Eternal Life then U will never end up in Lake of Fire irrespective what U do or don't do. In other words, God give U Eternal Life (Hell Insurance) if U just believe and allow U to do what U want, and just face consequences for Ur bad actions in life. Should U submit Ur life for spreading of God Kingdom, be disciple of Jesus Christ? Yes, U should but not must for Eternal Salvation. Bad News: In case it is not enough to just believe (according mainstream christianity word 'believe' includes total, or at least almost total, obedience to God) once the Gospel but in reality it is as proponents of Lordship Salvation claim (discipleship is not should but must, saving faith and etc), then there is little or no hope for U sinner, as then U have to sacrifice everything each day, tremble, have no Eternal Security, just hope to be saved by Ur faith+good works+relationship with God, and it would be still considered Free Gift. Ask Urself honestly: Would U serve God willingly, obey, sacrifice, share Ur testimony, including intimate details, without 100 percent guarantees from God itself that U will never end up in a Lake of Fire no matter what U do or don't do? If not, make sure to get this 100 percent guarantee from God as soon as U can. In case U would have 100 percent guarantee from God that no matter what U will be in Heaven (because Jesus Christ done everything and U believe it, this simple Truth), would U obey Him, sacrifice everything (it is still a process and one day is not equal to another day) so other people will be saved or just live as U want? Would U do that only for Eternal Salvation of all Ur family members? Relatives, community? Or even for Eternal Salvation of many people in Ur city, country, continent, world? Remember and don't stop: Even falling into temptations and after that to huge willful sins week after week is not a reason for U to stop trusting God and give up on Him. Jesus Christ holy blood > all Ur sins. Think about this: So, let's say person try to serve God and then do something important for Kingdom of God, and instantly after that get many arrows from the devil and co, and then is tempted, fall in temptation, for instance fornication, and commit huge sin/s. After that he/she want to abandon everything what associates with God, as everything looks pointless and painful, but God bring this person back on good road, and even saying that he/she is a good and faithful servant when this person expects something like 'I spew U from my mouth', 'wicked servant I will send U to Hell' words. However, after this wonderful work of God and His redemption everything repeats to this person again, and that happening many weeks. It looks like cycle is never ending. Is this person is forgiven or not? Yes, forgiven. Which testimony have greater power to destroy kingdom of darkness? Testimonies like worst sinners sudden salvation and changed lifestyle because of Jesus Christ or testimonies of those that were saved by God, have relationship with God each day, good reputation among people, yet behind close doors can not control and do fornication or other huge sins, then are forgiven by God and fall again and again to this cycle, and this continue week after week? Who is bigger sinners requiring greater abundance of Grace from God? Let God use Ur tesitimony for Eternal Salvation, or at least restoration, of many. Regarding proponents of Lordship Salvation: To the hypocrites like Urself ofc Jesus Christ suffering, death and resurrection from the dead for Ur sins by just believing is cheap grace, as Ur works+Obedience (Hard Grace) > Jesus Christ work (Cheap Grace). U promoting 'Lottery gospel': works will not Save U, U need Saving Faith (calvinistic idea), believing is no enough without actions, U can't have any Eternal Security, Trust Jesus Christ and if U obey Him enough in particular space/time then U might be Saved and win 'Jackpot'. That is trusting Urself, no peace and great contradiction to real Gospel where Jesus Christ states that His yoke is easy and He will not cast anyone that will come to Him. Think this way. In case, U are wrong regarding Gospel, U now on Ur way to Lake of fire. If U would believe Free Grace once now then U still could live as U live now (Lordship Salvation) for God all Ur life (or then U do what U want because only fear of punishment now hold U back, and actually Ur love for God is dead?). In case, U are right what U believe then U play in Lottery and expect to be Saved in the end. Final questions: Can at least one of 144 000 perish? No or Yes? If No, then why do U think that children of God can perish but not one of special servants, like 144K, of God cannot perish? Can child of God decide to ask God that he/she now want that God will never let him/her go even if in the future they really decide to do it, as God knows future? Similar situation as greek Odisey myth, where king wanted to hear sirens songs but survived, as he was restrained with ropes by his own order to his crew. Similarly, can he/she obtain a clear answer and confirmation from God that he/she will never hear from Jesus Christ 'I never knew U', and never be in Lake of Fire no matter what? If U believe that Eternal Salvation of at least one child of God can be lost then what makes U think U will not be one of those child of God?
@Beerpowered 3 ай бұрын
We are in the process of being saved through what is known as Sanctification. Step 1 is John 3:16; Steps 2-11 is using the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus and give up the world and its teachings. Step 12 is letting Jesus examine your heart and sending you up or down. There will be self-identified Christians trying to get to Heaven, shouting their works through the Gate and Jesus will tell them he never knew them. These people thought they were saved but they didn't follow the 12 steps. When Jesus speaks about being Born of Water, he isn't talking about Baptism by a Church or a Priest/Pastor. He is talking about himself saving and purifying you as Jesus is the Water of Life, but in order to reach that point your Spirit has to be regenerated by receiving the Holy Spirit which will guide you down the path of Sanctification.
@OSWCrosshair2002 3 ай бұрын
This story about the closet did not surprise me. You heart has been sensitive since the day I met you-Jesus.
@ChlomoBear 3 ай бұрын
I don't think it is simply a conscious issue when it comes to enjoying disney theme parks and movies and shows that promote and glorify ungodly messages and images as a christian. Buying and using a phone from a company that has an ungodly perspective on topics may be more of a conscious choice since the end result is a phone for use verses the enjoyment of ungodly entertainment. God bless you all
@kathyjwistert3647 4 ай бұрын
@sonamjyrwa8047 4 ай бұрын
isnt talking about the elements of christian worldview....
@user-rv7pd2lm2c 4 ай бұрын
Motive of this pure manipulation 😳
@johnmeyer8812 4 ай бұрын
Vote your conscience after that it is still up to the Will of God.
@johnmeyer8812 4 ай бұрын
It's not a by any thing but by a direction we want the country to travel VS the opposite direction.
@johnmeyer8812 4 ай бұрын
Who wins by real legitimate votes Trump.
@johnmeyer8812 4 ай бұрын
As it currently stands Trump! I would have preferred DeSantis.
@JoMama-ub5wb 4 ай бұрын
@johnpetry5321 4 ай бұрын
The rapture is a made-up concept created by a preacher who had no idea what Paul was talking about. It is a classic example of silliness engaged in by people who read their own beliefs into a bit of scripture. IOW, they renegotiate the text imposing a meaning on it other than the original author's meaning.
@00volcom00diesel00 5 ай бұрын
On the topic of spiritual gifts, Are the sign gifts still active (tongues, prophesy) and is Northwest Gospel functionally a cessationist church?
@IHIuddy 5 ай бұрын
We are required to be baptized in order to become members of the kingdom. The thief was the exception to that rule… well because it’s hard to come down from the cross…. Kinda like death bed people coming to faith. It’s the exception not the standard. Every single conversion in the New Testament was directly followed by baptism. Baptism does not just have one meaning.