Most EPIC boss fight ever?!?
11 ай бұрын
@xanonblade 7 күн бұрын
That death and having to refight the boss has definitely taught me some stuff about SMT. That's probably not even the worst of it... Hope y'all had fun watching though... at the expense of my suffering lollll
@xanonblade 10 күн бұрын
Just as a note for the next stream, I'll make sure to adjust the sound settings. The background music was still too loud here...
@lemmyxpro 27 күн бұрын
I (& the rest of the Xeno(blade) community) greatly appreciate you trying your hardest to avoid spoiling people, but at least one of the heroes who you were trying to avoid showing kinda gets spoiled anyways, because of Mio's outfit, and most stupidly, because of an art that you are using, which is directly gotten from one of the main big spoiler classes you were trying to avoid showing the heroes for. And (possibly) the worst part?!?? The art (Hydro Blast) isn't even super optimal with the Lapidarist class, let alone, your current setup for it... so SOME people (a rare bunch, but still some, basically anybody who's played XC2 before but hasn't totally finished XC3's main story, and is watching this video) could get spoiled for nothing...
@Zxanonblade Ай бұрын
Ok so I've checked the recording and it has no visual issues... and I also didn't know that 2 other people were downloading stuff at the same time as I was streaming. So basically, next stream should be fine as long as no heavy downloads are happening, and I'll just reinstall the old driver to fix the flashing issue in the text sections.
@JustJulyo 2 ай бұрын
@AllenWu-pw4so 2 ай бұрын
really nice video, and I could see the analysis and time you took producing it
@andrewteifke422 2 ай бұрын
is this series still happening? I'm only just got done with this game and was more some more indepth stuff. Like Zed, like who or what he is? Is he connect to Ontos or an actual person fill with fear/hate?
@xanonblade 2 ай бұрын
Yeah the series is still happening, just had a lot of things in real life to deal with. I've had the script for the next video done for some time now and I plan on getting back into things soon.
@andrewteifke422 2 ай бұрын
@@xanonblade OK cool! I'll keep a watch out, then.
@theTIPSYGECKO 2 ай бұрын
“It’s not new game +”….. but you do need to beat the game. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@xanonblade 2 ай бұрын
You need to beat the game on the account. Say you want to play the game again but using Shulk and Fiora after coming back to the game after some time, then this video's for you. Still better than anyone else has been able to do.
@sonnitude 3 ай бұрын
I actually AM the type that likes to make the ultimate persona as strong as I can. (P4G is the exception, since you cannot register it AND you have to regrind to 91 before you can make it) Persona 3 Portable? Thunder Reign Telos. Reload? Morning Star Telos (Getting almighty amp was a PAIN.) . I’ll just have to decide between Almighty and Gun Satanael when it comes to making a persona for the super bosses.
@xanonblade 3 ай бұрын
Probably the best quality that I can get. It could be worse but I'm pretty sure youtube's own compression is the reason for why it looks kinda blurry.
@pedrobeckup456 6 ай бұрын
You didnt get any Xp?? You were stoled!!! It should be at least 1 milion Xp
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
Challenge mode doesn't give exp, from what I remember.
@pedrobeckup456 6 ай бұрын
@@xanonblade Ohh, I didnt know, I have never played in challenge mode. At least you managed to win 👏👏 In easy mode I had difficulty 😅 Now I am getting better finally, playing Torna and understanding better the combat
@pedrobeckup456 6 ай бұрын
35 minutes fighting against a dinosaur..... Cool this new Monster Hunter Game
@ZaiDrizzleDrop 6 ай бұрын
Edit: I hope this comment didn't sound rude, its possible that I didn't understand Xenoblade 3, and maybe a lot of the messages flew over my head, you probably love this game, so I dont want to shit on anyone for liking it, this comment is mainly just how I felt I guess. This video was awesome though , I love Xenoblade, and analysis on them. I hope you keep making them! It definetly helped e see things I didnt before. I'm about 1/3 through the video, and I really like it so far, and can't help but wonder, are you perhaps talking about how the Xeno series seems to have stagnated with using anime tropes, and not going as hard and deep as Xenogears did? Personally Xenoblade 3 didn't hit me that hard because I feel that the characters didn't get enough devlopment, and I didn't care for Noah or his relationship with Mio. I was waiting for some hard development, but I feel I never got it. I do think Eunie was done pretty well, because she's got a very strong and biting personality but she clearly has Ptsd from her past life , and seeing that sense of fear that she holds was really awesome, and seeing her get through it while fighting D was great too. I also really liked when we went to Klaus's world in Future connected. I liked Matthew and A's dynamic The only moments that hit me were the attempts to break out of prison, the part when N was screaming, the and the ending when they were all running after each other. Oh and seeing Nia again made me extremely happy. One of the scenes that really bugged me was Shania, she had this huge speech going on about how unfair her life was, with all this incredible voice acting and facial animations, it really was awesome. But I felt nothing because we JUST met Shania and we barely knew anything about her, she kind of just moped about. People kept saying to play her sidequest for context, but I really dont think it was smart to have such an emotional cutscene BEFORE learning more about her. I also didn't care for Mio and Noah's relationship, they kind of just "loved" eachother because they were both nice people that were male and female. There weren't any silly or flirty moments aside from the hair conversation. I guess it would have been nice if they had moments where they messed with eachother or noticed their attraction, complimented one another. But they kind of jsut love each other. It kind of felt weird hearing Noah's young self tell him that "Mio was the one who was dearest to him" even though he knew Lanz and Eunie way longer, and fought and lost friends with them. He just met Mio. I'm not against them being a couple but it really just feels like "I am Man, you are Woman, we MUST BE ROMANTIC". I just don't see it. Like you said, it feels like its just reusing past elements, and kind of just for the sake of them going "THEY ARE LIKE ELLIE AND FEY". I feel the concept of XC3's story was awesome, but I don't think it went hard enough. And I REALLY didn't care for Zed. And I was TOTALLY expecting D to have a deeper, more interesting backstory or connection to the characters, but no, he was just a psychopath, and a Mumkhar 2.0. I just remembered Joran too, he was pretty lame and boring, like I honestly wonder if anyone cared about that guy. Almost seemed like the main cast didnt care for him. And him trying to redeem himself felt weak, because we just didnt know much about him. Its kind of awful that the guy just appears in flashbacks. Its like demon slayer, where a character is clearly evil, but we see flashbacks right before they are about to get their head cut off, and suddenly we are expected to feel sad. I still liked Xc3 overall, but I probably won't play it again, while the character writing was better than 2, and it relied less on anime tropes "Like I totally expected Eunie to be a tsundere, and I expected to hate her", but shes actually my favorite character in the game, next to Sena. She's actually really chill and reasonable, she's just got a nasty mouth, which is awesome. But the world doesn't have as much of an interesting identity as 1 or 2 (especially 2, HOLY SHIT URAYA WAS AWESOME!!!) And the combat isnt as satisfying. Building up and bursting those orbs in XC2 was BEYOND satisfying. I'm mostly talking about story though. If your talking about what I think you are. I also had this theory in my head, that Monolith, specifically Tetsuya Takahashi has been making games that were less and less deep and hard hitting as Xenogears, following easy plotlines and anime tropes, in order to reach out to a broader audience who eats up this anime stuff. The stories are still deep, but seem to be executeed at a surface level in my opinion. XC1 was the only one that I think was really RAW. So MAYBE, monolith was simply building up money and resources, making their studio more well known, in order to create a game that has a story Takahashi truly wants to tell, in order to make perfect works ACTUALLY HAPPEN. It would be so awesome because Perfect Works is INSANE, and I havent even read it all, but theres some insanely complex shit having to do with Zohar. Man the Zohar is so interesting. I mean I figured this has to be it, because I find it so odd that a man like Takahashi, who made Xenogears, something so insanely complex and deep, would go on to make Xc2, (which is my favorite game, gameplay and worldwise in the blade series, but in my opinion weakest story and character wise.) which follows a ton of anime tropes that have been done to death. It seriously felt like he was far mor capable than this. If you watch Resonant Arc podcast, they feel this same way. Perhaps the Blade series is simply an experiment. If so ,I'm excited, because I seriously want to play a modern game with the RAW and complex energy like Xenogears, XC1 with modern technology. I want to have a game where the characters get proper development and not just stupid flashbacks.
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
Going to respond to this properly when I get on my computer (currently on my phone) but don't worry, it didn't come off as rude. A lot of what you're saying is actually along the lines of what I was getting at.
@ZaiDrizzleDrop 6 ай бұрын
@@xanonblade Awesome! I’m really glad, it was a growing feeling that I felt. And I think it’s interesting that your saying, the story of the series, feeling stagnant, is also kind of a representation of the characters’ lives. It makes sense, and it lends to the idea that Monolith has something truly big in the works, the thing they’ve been trying to create this whole time. Perhaps the 15,000 year old story of Xenogears told in Perfect works. Although maybe I misunderstood. Anyways this was an interesting look at the series. I subscribed! Excited for more!!
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
I'm on my computer now so I'll leave my full response to your original comment here. As I said, I was thinking a lot of similar ideas as to what you said in your comment, there's just a few points I want to address. With characters like Z, Joran, and Shania, I actually think they're pretty good characters for what they represent (future videos in this series will explain that), they just have some problems with how they're written into Xenoblade 3's story. I'd guess Monolith probably just didn't have the time or budget to improve their implementation in the story, maybe due to being too ambitious with other aspects of the game (a common trend from them)? I personally think 3 is my favorite of the 3 xenoblade games. Partly because it's the only one I experienced without any prior knowledge, but also because of all the connections and details I've been able to find in the game. That's really what this video series I'm making is about; sharing those connections and ideas to everyone else. Xenoblade 1 and 2 personally didn't do the same thing for me, even though I still like their stories a lot. Definitely agree with "The stories are still deep, but seem to be executeed at a surface level in my opinion.". It's my favorite game because I've been able to really find those deep connections, but if someone can only see the surface, they won't enjoy it as much. All the Xenoblade games do this to some extent, compared to gears and saga just spewing deep story everywhere they go, but Xenoblade 3's execution makes it harder to find the real depths of it's story. Yeah Perfect Works is pretty nuts, lots of crazy ideas there. I think the only way we'll get a game with that "RAW and complex energy" is by Monolith moving on from its foundation. The stagnation I was referring to was more with the usage of elements from Perfect Works rather than the anime tropes. This can be seen the most with Xenoblade 3 where when the trailers were releasing, a lot of analysis videos were drawing multiple comparisons to Xenogears. As a whole, Xenoblade 3 has a kind of "familiar" feeling if you've played all the games and know a lot about Perfect Works. That's why I'm hoping Monolith takes what they've learned from this "experiment" and makes something even better and completely unique out of it for their next game (what I was referring to in the conclusion section of this video). One final note on your very last note. Remember how the world of Xenoblade starts? With Klaus using the conduit/zohar, and "letting the experiment begin", creating an entirely new universe. This is just me, but it almost seems like Xenoblade as a whole might have been an experiment from the start.
@ShallBePurified 6 ай бұрын
Fun fact: You only need 3 letters to spell Zanza. A, Z, and N.
@kyurei4478 6 ай бұрын
A N Z.
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
Exactly, big brain moment
@grantsheep2774 6 ай бұрын
well now im getting my hopes up for xeno 4
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
Yeah same! I'm hoping it's more sci-fi like Xenoblade X, with mechs and stuff like that.
@Diamoondust 6 ай бұрын
ooh cool
@cronical246 6 ай бұрын
M and N are smack dab in the middle of the alphabet. How did I overlook this?!
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
Exactly what I was saying when I started making this video!
@nicovoth7243 6 ай бұрын
Here is something even crazier. Zanza's name. Z(end of the alphabet)A(beginning of the alphabet)N(middle of the alphabet)Z(end of the alphabet)A(beginning of the alphabet) It's basically two loops of the alphabet meeting eachother in the middle, like a infinite symbole
@NurioMarayana 6 ай бұрын
Oh, that's a shame. The trailer for this series was recommended to me yesterday and I was excited to check it out. But because of spoilers for games I have yet to play, I can't. I'll try to finish them asap
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
Yeah definitely don't get spoiled for these games, the stories and twists are so good! Thanks for at least checking the video out though!
@NurioMarayana 6 ай бұрын
@@xanonblade I promise I will be back someday! To clarify, the games I haven't played are all the Xenogears and Xenosaga games
@nicovoth7243 6 ай бұрын
When it comes to Noah and N splitting... I think it's pretty simple. We know X, Y and Z are all born from the ppl in Origin feelings. When Mio and Noah talk to eachother about how they came to be, they said that they are N and M's regrets manifest. Origin more than likely holds Core Crystals as a data bank while being powered by the Ontos core and we know Core Crystals when resonated to summon a Blade are based on the respective Drivers emotions and feelings. Noah and Mio post Consules, and even X, Y and Z can be explained by this without even the need of Future Redeemed. When it comes to Noah's Blade being red. Before he layers Lucky Seven on it, we see it is already red, however, unlike all other Blades in Keves, you can see that it is painted in red. You can look up the model of it up and see how roughly it was painted and the usual kevesi black can be seen. I think N walking the road between the two isn't supposed to represent him just going into the future, but the middle road between past and future. His choice was essentially either staying with Mio, his past, or to let the City ppl thrive, his future (legacy). But this road seems to take aspects of both, which is why I think both paths represent a balance between Ouroboros and Moebius. This is also why I believe that Moebius represents the past more generally than the present. Hence Mio and Noah become both part Moebius during the story with their iris and this is what helps them to beat Z at last.
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
First paragraph is definitely a much better explanation for why a second Noah and Mio exist, I kinda forgot about the core crystals in Origin because it's been a while since I did a full playthrough of the game. The reason I didn't mention Noah's original sword is just because I couldn't see any significance to it in the story, especially for what this video was supposed to be about. Also for your last paragraph about the middle road being the road between the past and the future, that is just what I was saying in the video. The only reason I said that Noah was moving towards the future with his past is because really, time only moves towards the future. You have to either choose to abandon your past or carry it with you. The balance between ouroboros and moebius is kinda what I was hinting at but I was more focused on the balance between Alpha (referred to as A because it makes a better title) and Z. The title of this video is essentially just that idea, the road between A and Z, or the extreme ouroboros and extreme moebius. Not going to say more than that though, as that'll be part of future videos.
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
If you were interested in this video and had fun watching it, please consider sharing it, leaving a comment, or liking the video! Longer videos like these don't usually do as well on youtube so the extra support will help it do better with the algorithm!
@MexicanRaiden 7 ай бұрын
I always wanted to see character analysis videos about xenoblade 3, there are a few but theyre really "general" and dont really go into detail, especially about specific characters. Glad to see you actually doing these videos. Have my subscribe.
@xanonblade 6 ай бұрын
Thanks dude, really hope these videos live up to those expectations!
@JustJulyo 7 ай бұрын
2024 about to get a lot meatier in Xenoblade Content
@xanonblade 7 ай бұрын
Yep, as well as other rpgs too! There are so many releasing in 2024, like FF7 Rebirth, Persona 3 Reload, and Metaphor: ReFantazio, just to name the ones that I'm really hyped for.
@xanonblade 7 ай бұрын
It's been a while but I'm back, this time with a complete revolution in the type of content I'll be making on this channel! Welcome... to Xenoblade Chronicles: A - Z! ------------- What is this series? This series will be a collection of videos analyzing different concepts/symbols/ideas in the Xenoblade games, with each one corresponding to a letter of the alphabet. What is the first episode? The first episode will be titled "N: The Road Between" and will be focusing on Noah's journey throughout Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and how it represents the journey Monolithsoft has taken with the Xeno series as a whole. This video will be releasing on December 29th, later next week! How often will videos release? These videos take a long time to make and I have other things I want to make videos on still, so expect this series to be one that runs far into the future. Episodes will take less time in the future as the focus grows smaller and I get better at editing but don't expect these just every few weeks. If you're excited for this series, I would really appreciate if you like the video, share it with others who might be interested, and even subscribe if you're super excited! This series is going to take a lot of work, as will all the videos that I want to make from now on, so getting feedback and seeing people enjoying the videos really helps!
@rpnbarecaps4883 7 ай бұрын
@mochie9360 8 ай бұрын
Issent the 100% boost cap only becuse of pegan allure?
@xanonblade 8 ай бұрын
The research I did found that damage boosts just cap out at an extra 100% (so 2x damage) for any damage type. This applies to nearly all damage boosters, including Pagan Allure. The exception, as seen in the video, is that Tyrant's Mind (1.25x damage) is able to exceed this 2x damage cap. All of this info is sourced from the SMT/Persona wiki, some reddit threads that I don't remember anymore, and a P5R Skill/Fusion calculator I found , with all three of these confirming the same info. Basically, the 100% boost cap isn't just with Pagan Allure
@mochie9360 8 ай бұрын
oh I did not know i thought it was just with pegan allure good to know
@ZX-Gear 8 ай бұрын
Yeah. The Defender Lucky Seven is amazing for first timers. The ability to chain Invincibility helps a lot. Later on with more offensive Talent Art Spam builds it is better to go full offense and Full Combo Talent Art to more quickly finish off enemies.
@xanonblade 8 ай бұрын
Agreed, it's been nearly a year since this video so I could definitely do better with the attacker and healer forms now (actually found healer form to be amazing in challenge gauntlets) but defender is easily the best for people playing the game for the first time.
@Akaishu294 9 ай бұрын
The best class for tank lucky 7 is definetely lone exalt all those multihit aggroed+ hit full the talent art in no comma
@yngdo3867 9 ай бұрын
how were u able to put 2 break skills? glitter stream and sword strike wth
@xanonblade 9 ай бұрын
You need the "Positioning Pro" skill (shown in the skill section around 2:37) from Full Metal Jaguar. This lets you use an extra positional art (glitter stream).
@yngdo3867 9 ай бұрын
@@xanonblade ahh i see thank u
@xanonblade 9 ай бұрын
@@yngdo3867Yeah no problem!
@JustJulyo 9 ай бұрын
Imagine how much longer it would take without the running speed up
@Fatalordi 9 ай бұрын
Thank you !
@xanonblade 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, no problem, glad you enjoyed the video!
@Fatalordi 10 ай бұрын
If you do the sidequests you unlock skills which make you run and swim faster. What about the backward loop ? Would it be longer or quicker ?
@xanonblade 10 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the skills to run and swim faster are applied here. Since those skills add up to 2x for both running and swimming (pretty sure those were the numbers), you can just do the math to get the time without skills. The backwards loop is interesting, though it wouldn't be possible to fully loop as you can only get right below the lake with Perilwing Ryuho. The rest of it should be possible though. Probably also faster, since you can skip most of the climbing sections and a few areas like Ligarte Prison Camp. I'll test and see if there's enough variation to do a follow up video so thanks for the idea!
@LifeMushroom 10 ай бұрын
Nice vid!
@xanonblade 10 ай бұрын
@xanonblade 11 ай бұрын
This video is pretty short because I'm trying to make smaller videos in between the larger ones. For example, small Persona build showcases (which I wanted to make in the first place) between large videos like the last one about totk and my next one about how long it takes to run a loop around Xenoblade 3's map!
@xanonblade 11 ай бұрын
This was my longest video to make, reaching over 30 hours in production time, so I hope you guys enjoy!
@xanonblade 11 ай бұрын
This isn't the planned video I've been working on for a few weeks, just a clip I recorded for it. The video I've been working on for longer will be done in a few days... I think.
@catalyst539 Жыл бұрын
The 14K damage against that one enemy from one hit of Hassou Tobi was probably due to said enemy being weak to physical.
@catalyst539 Жыл бұрын
The only time Izanagi dies is when the Reaper uses an instakill on him, which makes Enduring Soul useful But Bleeding Dry Brush nullifies instakills anyway
@Zxanonblade Жыл бұрын
bruh youtube compression 💀
@ZX-Gear Жыл бұрын
Yeah. I have a new game so I don't think this will be for me.
@xanonblade Жыл бұрын
Yeah it only works if you already beat the game once on that account :/. The main appeal is that you can at least use them really early on if you ever do a second playthrough and it doesn't have to be new game +.
@ZX-Gear Жыл бұрын
@xanonblade Yeah. Well I am just finishing up and cleaning out Quests and leveling up my Blades. The only Blade I need to unlock is Dahlia. The others I need to level up and I am also grinding for late game Core Chips as well.
@ScummyScumScum 8 ай бұрын
​@@ZX-GearI'm late but I just got DLC last week and beat this today. Crit heal build works wonders with mythra and t elos, wulfric was my 3rd just bcuz I like him and his crit is high but yea this challenge is a breeze with crit heals.
@ZX-Gear 8 ай бұрын
@thenuttyprofessor7519 Yeah. Managed to play a New Game+ as well as got all the Blades now including Dahlia. Getting Elma for real this time took some doing but I did it. I now really need a Blade with both Orb Master and Ultimate Combo in either Great Lance or Katana Class with a good Element.
@catalyst539 Жыл бұрын
*casually has the 7th party member shown in first few seconds*
@xanonblade Жыл бұрын
I didn't have a file without her :/. If I make other videos about future redeemed, I'll definitely try to make it less obvious that she's there.
@catalyst539 Жыл бұрын
what is strongest almighty art? (ik it’s not an art but too used to xenoblade lmao) specifically one that joker can use but not exclusive to a specific persona, so no morningstar
@xanonblade Жыл бұрын
Strongest almighty skill is just normal Megidolaon, though you can put buff skills like almighty amp/boost, magic ability, and traits like Pagan Allure on any persona to buff it. Megidolaon on its own isn't as strong as morningstar, black viper, or abyssal eye.
@catalyst539 Жыл бұрын
The dude doesn’t need Drain Bless, one of his affinities is Repel Bless. He should take: Hassou Tobi Arms Master Apt Pupil Drain Fire Drain Nuke Drain Ice Drain Wind Drain Curse Alternatively, you could swap out Apt Pupil for Drain Psy, but Apt Pupil helps against Lavenza’s crit phase Also you notice I don’t have Charge on him, because my Joker has Ring of Pride. Potential Spoilers: Joker: Hassou Tobi Lavenza: What? What? What? What? What? What?