Understanding God's Love
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Seek to Serve, Not to Be Served
Seeking Breakthrough? Watch This!
We Must Resist THIS Temptation
Promotion Comes When You Do THIS
God Rewards Those Who Multiply
This Is REQUIRED to Be a Steward
Indicators of Your Calling
3 ай бұрын
@solidtruthministries 14 минут бұрын
We have the Holy Spirit in us... the Spirit who joins our spirit with the Spirit of God. He prays for us when don't know what to pray. The Bible is clear that we need to exalt love above all the gifts, including tongues (1 Cor. 13).
@TrustinJC 27 минут бұрын
Speaking/praying in tongues as it is practiced in the church today is of the devil. It was first notably practiced by Greek oracles who spoke gibberish and priests then supposedly interpreted the murrmurings and blabbering they made.
@alfredagreen336 2 сағат бұрын
Spending time with Jesus, spending time to help others in need,, developing relationship to others -teaching about love of Jesus
@Helen-bf7ze 3 сағат бұрын
Gods grace, are His revelations poured out on you, revelations of spiritual understandings, because He is a spiritual God, and He wants you to understand His Word, the Scriptures, spiritually....
@veronicahudson3041 7 сағат бұрын
It is actually so interesting because God gives three different "steps" to spiritual growth in Leviticus 24. Your spiritual growth that not only brings you closer to God but in a "higher" form. It is the same as with Leviticus 25, where all the promises of God comes together ALL BY Spending TIME with God. Obedience and relationship. His Covenants comes true to us if only we know what Jesus promised all in RELATIONSHIP! Already all of these things were promised to the Jews but in Type and Shadow of the NT - Jesus on the cross - Covenant Promises. He is REAL and should not be ignored. He LIVES in us! Is God not just SO AMAZING!? There are so many people who wants to see God, see angels etc but here....wow!!!
@benitavanaswegen2630 9 сағат бұрын
Introspection to God's kids.... Who sat down and have done introspection... Ask God, please Lord show me where I need to do more work so that I can be spotless in your presence. Words, thoughts, actions, habits, pride, division, perseption, status - to think you are better than others, the love of money, parental in print that does not glorify God.. Change me Abba Father for I am a sinner and please wash me clean and spotless so I can be more of You and less of me.... In Jesus name.
@benitavanaswegen2630 9 сағат бұрын
Love the topic but as a preacher you CANNOT! Use the word Oh my G! It's not right.. It's against everything you stand for! America is so used to saying it you don't realise the curse you put on your life or country! Oh my G has no place in God's children!
@CoffeeBreak654 9 сағат бұрын
I know people who want to go to church but the music is so loud they can’t stay in the building & can’t sing it, it has no anointing (like David played music before King Saul & calmed Saul’s troubled spirit.) Make my ears hurt & When the drums go into my body cavity & my body reverberates I won’t be back but I’ll watch Elijah Streams & be encouraged & I can sing songs of the “Brownsville Revival”.
@darrenhigh1451 10 сағат бұрын
A great one! Thank you!
@perspicacity89 10 сағат бұрын
Pastor John, thank you for this incredible sermon. God put this video in my KZfaq newsfeed EXACTLY when I needed it, and gave me the courage to click on it and watch. Thank you so much!! Be blessed, my brother in Christ!
@RobbDepp 11 сағат бұрын
@RodAmth 11 сағат бұрын
If you have a daily relationship with the Holy Spirit, he teaches you, sanctifies you, prepares you, enables you more and more. There is no limit as long as you are humble and don't think you know everything. The day you think you know everything you are going to sadden the Holy Spirit. The mysteries of God are unfathomable, infinite, just think of Enoch who walked with God for more than 300 years, how long have you been growing up? The secret of Christ is to go deeper and deeper, straightening our thoughts, feelings and calling us to action. To the extent that we are more aligned with the way of Christ, more gifts will be entrusted to us and they will be more powerful. The hours you spend with the Holy Spirit matter. Faith in Christ, redemption is the beginning of a relationship that lasts until eternity. We are responsible for maintaining a personal relationship with Christ, choosing Him every day, over the entertainment of the world. Jesus gives us his daily bread, that is, a teaching that we are going to internalize. The apostles told him, increase our faith, Jesus taught them for three years every day. Then he said to them, You are now clean, because of the word that I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; He who remains in Me and I in him, that one bears much fruit, because apart from Me you can do nothing. With the help of Christ you can be more holy, kind, merciful, powerful, just, wise, patient and loving. There is no ceiling for these things and time is short. Jesus can continue to find deficiencies in us, to depths that we do not even imagine. It is a mistake to settle or think that we have reached the maximum of holiness.
@JacquelineHahn1 12 сағат бұрын
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself unto him. This verse tells us how to see Yeshua more clearly and have a greater manifestation of Him in our lives. When we actually live out His commandments in our daily lives we will see more of Him. When I love my brothers and sisters in Messiah I learn lots about how Yeshua loves us and me. When I love my neighbour I come to understand just how much God loves this world and when I love my enemies I see the love of Yeshua on the cross in a far more profound way. In Hebrew thinking it is in the doing that comes the real knowing. Until you do, you only have text book knowledge. To understand just how patient God is I too must learn to actually bear fruit of patience - how is that to come about I must practice patience with my circumstances, my brothers and sisters in Messiah and also be patient with God’s timing . The greek philosophical mind seeks ideas and essences and the Hebrew outlook is to do what is required. Long story short if you want more grace, if you want to see our Redeemer more clearly and walk more closely keep His commandments and do it out of love. Then God will manifest Himself more and more as you walk out your sanctification.
@DPforChristGod 12 сағат бұрын
Earn is a very nuanced term. 1 use of it is, in a employer/employee relationship. If an employee works, he has earned his pay. This is what Paul condemns in Ephesians 2:8-10. The Jews believed Gentiles were required to keep the Law of Moses to be saved which is wrong. The second use of it is, in a father/son relationship. If I my son mows the lawn, I am not required to pay. But if I were to pay him, it will be because he chose to please me by helping me as my son. This is what God does for us. When we choose to honor him by keeping his commands, he rewards us with heaven. BUT this is not the same as us working and then he's REQUIRED to pay us.
@peggygivler2469 13 сағат бұрын
Why X? Symbol of Anti Christ😢
@nataliebotelho7794 13 сағат бұрын
How is it a gift if it is earned through conversation though?
@jamesngomomve9591 5 сағат бұрын
I don't think he's talking about earning grace, it is more about an increase of grace in your life. Jesus is literally our grace, we should go to Him to experience more grace, not earning it.
@ahoraateh1253 3 сағат бұрын
How are you going to know there is a gift for you, if you have no knowledge of the gift or gift-giver? The thing is though, right now you are living in the grace of God, the fact that you're breathing is proof that God's grace is divinely un-deserving. Our very nature it to reject God, to our core we are prideful and want to be the God's of our own lives and yet, God still allows the sun to shine on you. In the bible, it says that "God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble", why? Because a prideful heart cannot recieve something they themselves cannot earn, but only someone who is willing to put aside their own ego and trust in God, can recieve the knowledge of the free gift of grace, and yes this requires actually acknowledging your creator which would involve talking. If you're in a loving relationship with someone, talking to that person shouldn't feel like a chore or duty.
@isaacisyo8338 14 сағат бұрын
@deverickduplessis6370 15 сағат бұрын
Amen, I am a bondservant of Jesus Christ my lord and King.
@BirthingBravelyandBeyond 17 сағат бұрын
I might be hearing God but I’m constantly second guessing myself and feeling unworthy of His presence. Sometimes I’m on my knees sobbing, begging Him to make Himself so obvious to me because I feel so distracted. I have 4 sons so I’m sure you understand but they are all under the age of 6. My husband works all week and it’s just me. I feel so blessed but I just struggle to know if it’s God or not. I’m so desperate to be with Him. I pray all day, through everything, without ceasing. I’m in the word every morning for an hour, always. I feel like a lot of my prayers are answered but when I hear people say they spoke in tongues or they actually experienced God, I feel so so so so badly that I want that. I just don’t understand how…or if that’s happened. I feel like I would know 😢
@A-uz3uj 19 сағат бұрын
Being saved or justified is supposed to be only the beginning. The goal is to be sanctified and be like Christ as much as possible when we die.
@nyconycorex4566 20 сағат бұрын
Without practice faith is dead.I can't believe you are saying you get more grace by knowledge.Imagine a guy trying to go to olimpics only with knowledge not practicing till he drops death.Amazing!
@penzilt6090 20 сағат бұрын
Thank you JESUS! I needed this message🙏🏾
@contritionisgood 21 сағат бұрын
How do we get to the podcast? Where is the link?
@helendunn7915 21 сағат бұрын
People are leaving because of false teachings as this. First you put all the blame on others then you teach babel. Yes, there is a heavenly language but it is not what you and others spew. Repent from your teaching. Shalom.
@justingsanders2141 22 сағат бұрын
We are all called to spread the gospel
@jubil555 22 сағат бұрын
So precious thank you for being so so earnest that we hear and receive God’s precious truth that bring us closer to God.
@backtothebasics1598 22 сағат бұрын
I got offended by a co worker who lied on me and my supervisor knew she was lying and it wasn't the first time she did this. I carried the weight of offense for months seeing her daily and how could she lie on me. We were close when she started but knowing her story she was just trying to fit in with everyone else but doing things to hurt ppl. One day she told me. I know who u are u win souls for Jesus. She's a nonbeliever I never go to work angry or belittle ppl I pray over my job and ask God to use me to minister to ppl at my job and for me to be a light in dark places. I knew then when she said this, I'm not wrestling against flesh and blood. In the book of Acts It said Jesus i know, Paul I know but who are you? Through her I knew that the kingdom of darkness knows my name. Still offended but i try and brush it off until I sat down and dive into this message and knowing I am offended by her words and actions. I've been offended many times, but why did this offense hit harder than the others? Because I didn't like when ppl lie on me. I always been the type to admit to my own wrong doings and tell on myself even growing up as a child doing something wrong and exposing myself and if my sisters and I do something wrong I would tell my mom the truth on why we came back home late or where we been. It never sat right with me to be off the hook by telling lies. The lord lead me to Genesis 39 I was reading about Joseph and how Potiphar's wife lied on him and got him sent to jail. The bible said " And God was with him" Joseph prospered and took care everything in the prison just as he did in the house of Potiphar. I ask God how is this guy not offended?? But he was! Because the name of his children and the meanings. The root cause wasn't Potiphar's wife.. it was his brothers who sold him into slavery the ppl who were close to him who did him so wrong. Finding the root cause is important! We have to get healed from the pain of trauma and offense from our childhood, bad relationships, etc. 3 John say thou may prosper and be in health even as our soul prosper. Being offended makes us sick in our soul which is carried out in our physical bodies. God I pray and forgive those ppl who lied on me and done me wrong. Heal me in my soul so i may prosper and be in health even as my soul prosper. Lord heal those who offended me as well let them have a renewed mind and help them forgive those ppl who done them wrong. Thank u for this message! ❤
@doctordishes2es 23 сағат бұрын
@s.s12687 18 сағат бұрын
Mashiach 😊
@user-ts4cj3bd2v 23 сағат бұрын
Amen, Glory to God. God bless you and peace will be with you.
@Nosedive81 Күн бұрын
Your Bible could have told you that
@shanerutherford2249 Күн бұрын
This teaching is in serious error. There is just ONE heavenly tongue. Paul explains pentecost when he admonishes tongue-speaking faithful to NOT speak in tongues in worship teaching UNLESS another person is given the gift of interpreting the tongue being spoken so that the message God is speaking can be delivered to the assembly.
@FindingNeli Күн бұрын
Ooofffffffff 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 the Lord knows how to reach me 🤞🏾🙌🏾 I’m convinced- exercise (physical and spiritual) and forgiveness of the one who offended you. Wow.
@MinisterChanciMiller Күн бұрын
How can you feel the weight of the ones who’ve turned away from God and denies that He even exists when the Word tells us that it will be a great falling away. It is impossible to experience the existence of someone then come right back and deny their existence. That means they never came to a saving knowledge of the truth. Plus you are declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and discipline is through your spots and sermons!! You are dimming what Paul did my brother!! Cast that unhealthy burden on Christ. It is not God’s will for you to experience the burden of those who turn away. God knows those who are His and of they turn away, they were never His to begin with.
@johnmoorman6482 Күн бұрын
The holy Spirit is your comforter he ahall give you peace...
@perfumeandbeauty6965 Күн бұрын
Where can we get your books in Nigeria?
@keithbossard9022 Күн бұрын
2peter1 If any scripture needs to be emphasized after one is born again it's right here. I keep going back to this chapter. After coming to the knowledge of God one needs to grow in grace and in that knowledge adding to our faith these things mentioned that we may be fruitful, Peter reminds us constantly even though we think we know it already, we must attend to this word keep it in the midst of our hearts.
@KingdomcomeJesus Күн бұрын
20:40💌 #1 I forgive 🙏 them all... 21:15 PRAYER
@KingdomcomeJesus Күн бұрын
12:01 Lord take me there.
@yaderblen2890 Күн бұрын
There isn't a secret above Grace
@yaderblen2890 Күн бұрын
How many time can you be forgiving???
@allenstewart5624 Күн бұрын
@user-ge9yv8rn8t Күн бұрын
You only receive tongues when you have been Baptized in the spirit. Tongues is a gift from God. But the Bible does say that tongues is evidence that you have been baptized in the spirit. When you speak in tongues the Holy Spirit within is praying for you in this heavenly language. Satan can’t understand what is being said. My dad said he received it when he got saved but I didn’t. I prayed for several years for this gift before I received it. If you go to a church that does not accept or believe in this gift get out. Because you will never grow closer to God without this one gift. Actually speaking in tongues is the least of the gifts.
@shaunl3757 Күн бұрын
Jesus saves the world of our sins. The Holy Spirit and being seals is given by the Father once he searches our hearts. If a man has not the Holy Spirit. He curses the name of the Lord (the word of God.)
@JS-jh9qw Күн бұрын
The series is awsome, recharged my fire!😊
@StanleypeterDickinson Күн бұрын
Psalm 91
@alias_M Күн бұрын
7:40 Yeah...no.. you dont have dementia...
@KingdomcomeJesus Күн бұрын
@omega36001 Күн бұрын
I try to do prayer language 5 to 15+ minutes/day usually in my car or power walking etc. (with a God clicker (counter) that counts visual prayer scenes of anything - fun and easy))
@brettm41 Күн бұрын
How do i stay clean and be accountable when most people dont understand this addiction?
@user-ep3bj8bb3u Күн бұрын
It's a shame how people have trashed the Gift of Tongues and I had my mom say to me I shouldn't speak in tongues, because it's of the Devil ! and I was in my bedroom behind closed door praying she would stand at my door with her ear against it to hear me 🙄 I didn't pray in tongues in public
@reginaford8575 Күн бұрын
John 15:1-4. Continue to abide in Christ!!!
@tandychiles474 8 сағат бұрын