A few thoughts on Hollow Knight
Rain World: In Defense of the Unusual
@alejandrotorresriquelme8714 9 күн бұрын
This is one of the few videogames I would keep until when I retire. Due to my job schedule I cannot play it, but it will be in my heart to finnish it properly
@assasinsquidkyk742 20 күн бұрын
I like to compare rainworld to minecraft. Rainworld doesnt tell you anything on what to do. Now Imagine playing minecraft for the first time without knowing anything about it. Minecraft explains the basics like basic movement and mechanics but the rest is for you to figure out, like the fact that you need to go to the nether and find a nether fortress etc. If minecraft told you all the steps to get to the end, you'd finish the playthrough in like an hour removing the aspect of exploring, so you likely miss 90% of biomes, structures or other stuff not important to beating the game. But im sure many know that minecraft offers way more than just getting to the end, and you get to experience those things when playing with no idea on what to do and just experimenting. The first blind playthrough of rainworld is kind of the same. If you were told the ideal route to finish the game or more about the movement system or strategies on avoiding hazards, etc. you'd end up finishing your playthrough in like 1 hour. But the way rainworld is, you end up exploring way more than "necessary" and get to discover mechanics yourself. Ofcourse you will probably end up sometimes dying 5 times in a difficult area but during those deaths you, atleast a bit, improve on the movement system or other things. If anyone that read this far wants to try out rainworld, just dont give up when you feel like youre not making progress or just dying alot, because secretly you're actually improving and making progress, although maybe slowly. Expect a playthrough to take anywhere between like 6 to 14 hours.
@jaedonklb603 5 ай бұрын
I think my dropping point with the game had been the leg. That one chameleon would fuck me up everytime I came back to the game a couple years later because i did enjoy the game despite the frustration and found it just interesting. The first game thar tought me patience was supermetroid. Where space jumps had to be properly timed and wall jumps that had a short window of opportunity to perform. It was janky. It was certainly a rather janky feeling game, but it also felt mostly consistent and when something went wrong i could feel it was something i did wrong Movement mechanics in this game requires a confidence in your ability. Any time i second guess myself i misstime my buttons
@fusieisbsi888 6 ай бұрын
I feel like if they had just given it a small area inside of outskirts that was very easy, with tutorial aspects it could have just helped new playerd get into it more easily without disrupting the rest of the game, (i love this game btw)
@GooTheMighty 6 ай бұрын
I struggled with Rain World a bit, genuinely loving it’s world, creatures and even movement, but bumping up against three main things that got me stuck in cycles a few times, namely the One-Hit kills, the length of one Cycle, and areas with zero light. Once I hit a section in the Farm Arrays that I could not feasibly do fast enough to beat the rain, but I could not do any faster than I was, I went mid hunting and found a few things the gently tailor the game to my abilities. There is an easier movement mod out there that just tweaks the input timing for backflips and rolls enough that I could do them consistently whenever I wanted, very helpful. Then there was a Slugcat Stat mod that let me boost my little guy’s jumps by just a couple points, so I didn’t have to play absolutely perfect to make some of the leaps I was missing. Then, in the built in Remix options, you can adjust the cycle time, before a Rain Storm. I initially tweaked this to be way too generous, but tweaked it back so that rain would still be a threat. The light was still an issue tho, until I turned on a neuron glow. Playing a game that’s too dark is kindof like watching a movie or show that’s too dark. After a bit, your immersion is completely broken as you wonder what they were thinking making it that way. Like, it’s realistic, but I can’t SEE anything. I felt this the more so in dark parts of Rain World because their lighting engine is GORGEOUS, there are just places that don’t use it ALL, and that strikes me as a bit baffling. All the dark zones are fully rendered, gorgeous environments, but you can’t see them past your lantern’s glow IF you have a lantern at all. Odd.
@M3hYaa 10 ай бұрын
This is the type of game that make me delete it on my first try, but somehow when i download it back after like a few weeks, it become easier to me. Maybe bc i know the directions, controls and other stuff, ofc i didn’t beat the game yet but it just so much more fun to navigate around 😅
@alexandramartin3329 10 ай бұрын
Ignore my profile, I’m currently grounded and using my mothers profile, I just wanna say this is such a great video. It definitely reminds me of my own experience with this game. I think more people should play this game, at least once, no, it’s not for everyone BUT it’s up to the player to find out if you’re one of the people who it is for, and I’m definitely one of those people. This game is nothing like the games I’m used to (Context, I mostly play ACNH and Minecraft.) but I am SO glad I got it, unlike apparently most people getting it, I was actually aware of how the game was, I heard about it through my brother, he told me that it was hard and probably not for me, but I still bought it, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to refund it if it turned out it wasn’t for me (I don’t have a PC, I play on Nintendo switch.) And luckily, it was for me. I’m so glad that this game exists and that I got to play it, and I’m also glad there’s other people who also like it that I can talk about it with, honestly my favorite game (probably my top three would be Rain World, Portal 2 and then Minecraft.) Thanks for making this, sorry for the long rant lol.
@likeablekiwi6265 10 ай бұрын
They should add a slugcat implanted with an artificial intelligence chip to the campaign for newer players to learn what anything is without backtracking and causing much frustration... make it like a tutorial in a carefully crafted setting where the world is much more sterile and the slugcat always gets rescued, and add it into the lore by making it a post-rain, post-iterator experience where the ancients are still trying to figure out the effects of the void sea by guiding an innocent slugcat into it with a recording device or something similar.
@GoofoliousGoobster 11 ай бұрын
The technique to loving rainworld is to hype yourself up for everything and go in alone I remember dying to the pole plant for the first time and flipping my shit on the fact that exists and hyping myself for all the other wacky creatures considering challenging myself to kill them was one of my favorite parts of the game (Other than Gourmonds/Saints ending in the downpour dlc)
@Juice-pk5mk 11 ай бұрын
Godlike video editing. It is a treat for the eyes
@AmonGus-zx5zr 11 ай бұрын
100 deaths on my first plat through, 150 on my second 😎
@kingoffire105 11 ай бұрын
When I started the game, I was curious and intrigued by the cuteness of the Slugcat's and painful brutality of Rain World. Seems I never knew that it would so brutal, played a few days, died and lived some places, met both Looks to the Moon and Five Pebbles then I was off to Sky Islands. The problem was, I kept on dying to the same thing over and over, after all that, I quit the game. Fast forward 4 months of playing Warframe and Terraria, Downpour had released on Console, and I was excited to play Downpour as I was really looking forward to Gourmand. I picked back up from Survivor and tried again, and again, and again, but after so many deaths I was still determined to make it. And that feeling of getting into that shelter might never be felt again. The game my be brutal, but if you persevere through the struggle and pain, you will make it.
@SourSourSour 11 ай бұрын
This is like, the best video to get people curious and to try out the game. Tickles just enough intrigue without giving anything away (even the map connections, those cuts were SO good) If I ever get a bud who tries and hits that brick wall, this is the vid I'm sending them to hopefully keep em trying such a worth while experience.
@kiyopawn Жыл бұрын
The moment the game fully embraced me was when I was stuck in Industrial Complex, and was near the Scav Treasury. I started trying to escape the shelter but barely kept living, I protected a lot of scavs in the process and I began to know how to kill lizards. I got the chieftain soon enough but I unlocked the red lizard. This was it. This was when I knew this game is for me.
@jairdinh7563 Жыл бұрын
So um rain world downpour it would be great to see your thoughts on it.
@DanzTheGB Жыл бұрын
this game makes me think that maybe im too good at videogames
@adamixziober Жыл бұрын
*and then downpour comes up*
@thomasray Жыл бұрын
Rain World is by favorite game now, and I think it will be forever. Because there's basically no end to the feeling of discovery and progression.
@BogChog Жыл бұрын
After conpleting Hunter and getting all unlocks, I can say, this was an amazing game.
@bitchassmoththing Жыл бұрын
i love slugcat rain world
@jairdinh7563 Жыл бұрын
This is an amazing video I really hope for the downpour video I would love to see your views and opinion on it.
@astrovation3281 Жыл бұрын
banger 🔥
@aarepelaa1142 Жыл бұрын
Though this was an unvoiced unedited playthrough for a small while lmao. Even though I've already watched this
@feathers3411 Жыл бұрын
For me, something just immediately clicked with this game. It was brutally hard, I felt very disempowered and I was frustrated a lot at first, but I simply could not put it down. Something really resonated with me right off the bat and I knew that this game was very special from the moment I booted it up. Several hundred hours later and I almost miss the days when a single green lizard would send me running for my life! Now with experience and knowledge I can take on almost anything with a handful of spears and a can-do attitude haha.
@adamkloc9518 Жыл бұрын
I learned how to use the popcorn plants from the scavengers.
@le-bongaming212 Жыл бұрын
Awesome transition to shoreline: 3:32
@PastelPiku Жыл бұрын
Short answer: Skill Issue
@ibrahimzonbia155 Жыл бұрын
I just chewed off my thumb it’s riving on the floor
@christhefirstxenosian5544 Жыл бұрын
1:50: "everything wants to kill me" Me. *Inhales deeply "over seers. Looks to the moon. Noodle flys. Glow rats. most of the scavengers. Batflys (actually they probably would if they could). Trust me there's more."
@revuman Жыл бұрын
does it run well in Switch?
@Foxett25 Жыл бұрын
Rain world was terrifying at first, i was absolutely horrified by green lizards, scared of even a mere drop of water. Yet now i am murdering my way trough as both Gourmand and Artificer. I am absolutely in love with the game. The AI, the visuals. THE LORE, THE PERSONALITY AND STORY BETWEEN THE TWO CHARACTERS. It's incredibly amazing, and seeing either of them, just... Sitting there... It truly makes me sob. The music is, aswell simply god-tier, especially ones such as “Capitan” or “Bioengeneering” The game is unique, the locations portray emotion in an amazing way, the creatures are diffrent from eachother. The movement tech is great, tough sometimes a little bit... Strange. I myself rate this game: gameplay: 9.3/10 Story: 9.8/10 Secrets: 7.8/10 Devs: 10/10 Uniqueness: 9.6/10 Overall: 9.6/10 In short; amazing game, but not for the faint of heart (And nerves).
@EdMcStinko Жыл бұрын
I dont care about any reward for killing other animals, I kill lizards and scavangers out of a sense of vengeance
@leonysprice1150 Жыл бұрын
bro, i haven't even played half of this game and im already amused by it
@voltorian-minecraft Жыл бұрын
8:46 playing throgh for my first time and didn't notice this wow
@craftykit2242 Жыл бұрын
Rain world is difficult but that’s not because the game is bad, it’s because you have to git gud I kept playing for the gorgeous environment, but also trying again and again in an area was actually part of the fun. Figuring out what does and doesn’t work, getting a clue on how to pass an obstacle, that’s what rain world is about for me I’m only up to garbage wastes in terms of progression, but it’s been a lot of fun so far
@craftykit2242 Жыл бұрын
What i find interesting about rain world’s story is how little it tells you at the beginning, yet it gradually paints a bigger picture. Not just with the more you learn as you progress but through the environment When i started I didn’t know there was any lore outside of you’re a slugcat trying to reunite with your family Maybe my enjoyment benefits from the fact I rarely play 2d platformers as is, so it’s deviation from the norm stood out to me less. But to me rainworld doesn’t feel like just a platformer, but a survival game hybrid
@znoopsy Жыл бұрын
im here to make your comment not as lonely, this is great to see
@spimuru5040 Жыл бұрын
I fucking hate myself for just looking up any problem that I had with this game. Worst mistake of my life. Still a fun as fuck game for me, but god I made a mistake. Now I have to live with people telling me I was playing the wrong way forever. However, even so, I did have a blast learning what I put the time in to learn. Hell, I learned things that are contrary to what I’ve read, such as learning that the common yet dangerous statement of “everything wants to eat you” is absolute bullshit after having an encounter with a noodlefly mother who was pissed at me for killing their child because I thought that it was hostile.
@stewieplayz9744 Жыл бұрын
Something that i feel makes rain world so different and jarring to become accustomed to is that in a world where games and stories are usually built on a chosen one saving the day. Rain world subverts modern game story telling by enforcing the idea. THIS WORLD ISNT YOURS. you arent a hero. You arent powerful. Your not a god. You are isolated and going on your own journey the only thing pushing you the goal of survival powering through and completing you journey for you and you alone. And truth is there are just people out there who cant fight without the promise of a immediate reward. Not fighting for themselves but to be congratulated and rewarded by the game. So its off putting and makes you feel like you really havent done anything. But the truth is every room you find. Enemy you understand. New area you discover. Your growth is the reward and if you cant recognize that without being told then this game can seem like a confusing waste of time.
@stewieplayz9744 Жыл бұрын
You learn. You change. And you fight to accomplish your goal of surviving and finding an end to the pain and torture of the world. And the thing is. The rest of the enemies and characters couldnt care less and you mean nothing to this place and the only person your pushing through for is you. And THATS the beauty of rainworld
@billygreggory7899 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the best Rain World reviews of all time
@fennecky3764 Жыл бұрын
Nobody should listen to IGN reviews
@kundogb Жыл бұрын
If someone guides you at the beginning or at least if the game gave some tiny little hints at least to have an idea, I guess that the more general public would appreciate it more. I'm glad at least I finished it but It's inevitable to get frustrated many times during the process.
@muncher4791 Жыл бұрын
Not the moving camera :( also I absolutely love your video essays I dont know if you have the energy to make more or anything but you are definitely one of the better content creators when it comes to making video essays with substance and with unique points and ideas I would really like it if you made another.
@Endorser1 Жыл бұрын
My exams have finished, so I am hard at work, more or less, don't worry. Thank you for your kind words! 😁
@muncher4791 Жыл бұрын
@@Endorser1 nice ^_^
@jairdinh7563 Жыл бұрын
@@Endorser1 I really hope you do a downpour video no pressure though
@UndermindedVendetta Жыл бұрын
This game is exactly what I was looking for, a very challenging game that doesn't require grinding for xp or some type of in game currency to get better. I love the that there are so many regions and multiple paths to follow. I am absolutely fascinated by the lore, and the music is also pretty damn good. This truly is my favorite game.
@jonaut5705 Жыл бұрын
One thing that I think adds even further to the realism of the creatures is the way that they handle injuries. Unlike most games, as a creature gets damaged it’ll become slower and clearly damaged. At a point it’ll try to run away, bu5 sometimes it’s too late.
@HighLanderPonyYT Жыл бұрын
Punishing, trial and error jank design with lotsa time-wasty segments. Not to mention the hohum story. Something to watch, not to play.
@thatsstoguy Жыл бұрын
sounds like a... skill issue also do you even know the story?
@HorribleMuttonChops Жыл бұрын
You earned yourself a subscription with that "HOWEVER" Dumbledore transition. But seriously, I enjoyed your review and your very thoughtful style. You deserve more subs.
@krellin Жыл бұрын
They could very very easily overcome the issue of rough first impressions and i do not think its because of the games design. For example they could make it so that you meet another slugcat right at the beginning, instead of the guide, and this slug is more experienced and helps you survive your first night, as you follow it you see how it makes the jumps, how it shares some frut and bugs with you. On second/third day it gets ambushed by two lizards, it successfully kills one (showing you how its done and that its possible) and gets brutally killed by the third one. Tutorial is over now and you are on your own. You no longer feel like a walking bbq that everyone wants to eat.
@The_Hollow_King Жыл бұрын
Ive refunded the game, then, after one year, I bought it again from seeing some videos on KZfaq about it, not got lie, playing it and finishing it was an experience that i sincerely loved, now I'm an avid fan who knowns about like 70% of the lore of the game. Not a game for people who arent determined, but for people who like a fair game, to enemies and for you, it's a great game. You aren't the main character, you're just a piece in the cicles, you dying will just be a normal thing, as anything dying in this game is. Alas, play it if you're a true gamer, lol