@AaronBlade92 8 сағат бұрын
Seeing this makes me understand why Kronii and Mumei hasnt had as much collab as well.. but once a teetee moment shows, us fans still gonna gobble it, the thirst is obvious in the last frogiwawa collab😅
@stephenvargas5806 8 сағат бұрын
lol people actually thought this was a real relationship for so long 😂
@gabrielchin4161 8 сағат бұрын
I'm glad they made this decision, because it gave us Flare/Irys and Noel/Subaru.
@srkares 12 сағат бұрын
and its not only getting tiring for the comments, but seeing the same "noel is about to pick up her mace" and similar comments for literal years, from people who only ever watch the lone clip, but feel the need to comment what goes on in their head (as opposed to what the clip is actually about), is getting really damn tiring for fans too. glad that flare brought this up and thanks for making this clip -that can be shoved into peoples faces, should the need arise- also flares cat analogy was funny, but pretty sure cats will just bail out if they have no interest in your or being pet.
@Hojumuju 13 сағат бұрын
Shippers causing troubles once again.
@date5960 13 сағат бұрын
I feel like this also explained for PekoMiko. The shippers took things way too seriously
@andrewidkidc559 20 сағат бұрын
She knows how steer things around and is considerate. I like people like her.
@this.is.k 20 сағат бұрын
So like PekoMiko, just to a lesser degree. Shippers ship too hard and sink their own ship.
@108Fire 20 сағат бұрын
I too am glad the era of yuri baiting is passed us
@Satans_Adopted 23 сағат бұрын
There's also a quite hot debate over Flare X Irys or Flare X Noel... Like, seriously guys....
@Kuroshir0. Күн бұрын
That's why BaeRyS is such a Good modern hololive ship its balanced, and this married/divorce thing helped a lot. FlareRyS is great too bestfriend dynamic
@earthbind83 Күн бұрын
Flare is such an angel! Thanks for the clip!
@ReconCrusader Күн бұрын
Shippers are a cancer of the internet. Always have been.
@darkwar232100 Күн бұрын
Too many***
@BlueKnight_EXE Күн бұрын
Thanks for clipping this! I have seen a lot of HoloFans thinking NoeFure has ended even though they still get along really well with each other just because they don't collab with one another. So I am glad to see that Flare clarified again and for you to clip it for us! Thank you very much! Great job as usual!
@Tahanok2 Күн бұрын
On one hand, I can understand her thinking on the subject, and not wanting so much attention being placed on her relationship with a friend. Kiara and Calli went through something similar and had to explicitly tell their chat to cut it out after a while. On the other, I feel I can understand the shippers ramping up their jokes about the two being a pair, especially after the whole incident with the rings. Things were not helped by corroborations from fellow coworkers and even some non Holo-vtuber friends that mentioned how close the two were outside streams as well. For the most part, I want to believe most of the people making jokes about them cheating on each other were just doing it in good fun, not intending for it to be more than a joke, but quantity often overwhelms quality when it comes to that kind of thing. All that being said...I still see the two as a couple (irl) based on things I remember themselves and others revealing during streams. Their wholesome "friendship" was markedly different than other ships that went on years ago in Holo. However, I do not go around saying those kinds of things in streams since they are obviously uncomfortable with that kind of attention.
@ChriSX13 Күн бұрын
trust me, the cat will let you know if it doesn't like anything
@katacutie Күн бұрын
Shippers ruin everything no matter the fandom
@crumpets8266 Күн бұрын
As much as we like noefure we have to remember they are not characters but people in real life that have their own perceptions and lives. As for her worrywart nature that is what I love about her.Her sincere kindness and consideration for others allows everyone to feel her love and care and her appreciation and affection of those close to her is what makes her such a comfy and fun streamer.
@Agamgunz Күн бұрын
Shes the overthinking type of person, OH MY GOD, SHE JUST LIKE ME FR FR
@rhaven090 2 күн бұрын
I think we should start making unspoken rules about shipping vtubers and that is Not shipping them at all.
@tefras14 2 күн бұрын
Ah the shippers ruined another thing i see...
@spacetator69 2 күн бұрын
Shipping is fun until the "fans" nagging about it or keep talking about the ship excessively
@WindStreak_ 2 күн бұрын
It's not uncommon for a lot of ship pairings to stop collabing just for this reason. The expectations of other just becomes too suffocating, and they lose a bit of their identity too. I'm glad that Noel and Flare were able to smoothly transition out of being only known for NoeFlare and become well known for being themselves instead!
@karza2385 2 күн бұрын
Classic Vtuber community behaviour
@Kramdaddy 2 күн бұрын
It sounds odd but Flare grew on me only after NoeFure started to slow down. I adore her now, but back then all the clips I ever really saw of Flare were the clingy Noel stuff and whatever drummed-up drama there was with her changing her character design. Clickbait crap.
@tm4557 Күн бұрын
Agreed. Flare is very friendly and seems to do well in collabs with everybody. It was a shame she known just for one pairing when she is so great elsewhere
@andresguerrero3347 2 күн бұрын
to me the most rare collab for flare is pekora and they are the same gen, they usually get involved with gen stuff together but 1 on 1 collab those are shiny gacha pull levels of rarity 😅😅
@starwarsman15 2 күн бұрын
For the latter half of the video, I always liked the sympathetic side of her, it makes her very likable.
@Wyrdwad 2 күн бұрын
I've never watched much Noel or especially Flare, so I find it odd that things would've gotten to that point with them when one considers Okakoro. Like, Okakoro seems far more "serious" than Noefure (though granted, I was not present for the height of Noefure, so maybe I just missed the most intense time for it?), yet nobody seems to care when either of them collab or even straight-up flirt with other members. How has Okakoro developed to such a point where they can be self-proclaimed wives with one another yet still play around with other Holomems all they want, yet Noefure was not afforded the same allowances by the fanbase? Up to now, I've largely attributed this to a failing on Flare's part, as it seems like she's the one who decided to actively distance herself from Noel in public and address the obsessive fans rather than just ignore the fans' judgment of her like Okakoro have done -- other clips I've seen of Flare suggest that she's overly sensitive to what fans think and lets it get to her more so than most other members, whereas Noel (like Okayu and Korone) doesn't really seem to care that much if fans start spreading rumors about her or what-not. But I'm not sure if that's an accurate assessment here, being largely unfamiliar with Flare's content in particular. I'd be curious to hear from people more familiar with these two (and, again, Flare in particular) as to why/how you think things got so out of hand that the two of them decided to put a kibosh on their public collab streams like this, when other members have shown that fan obsessiveness like this can easily be ignored and it will eventually go away (or at least fade into irrelevance).
@ExCirkuu Күн бұрын
This is kind of a (possibly inaccurate due to being based off of memory) assessment from someone who watched Hololive around the early formation of Shiraken but was kinda into the Noefure clips back then, if there's something I've learned from watching Flare and a lot of clips with Flare present or mentioned, she has about 2-4 things that really goes against her if she wanted to make the ship tease a performance of sorts: 1) She's just sensitive in general. There's that whole thing with her not playing Among Us because she couldn't handle being lied to (as in, despite knowing it's a game, she takes it harder than she knows she should), and in a rather positive spin on this trait is her Minecraft collab with Coco where she turned on member's chat because of the bots back then. It's generally a boon for her since she seems to get along with anyone she speaks to and can make people talk for hours, but it and the second thing about her has caused misunderstandings in the past. 2) She's actually pretty shy. She may not be known for it, but her collabs up to six months ago (and her standard collab partners in general) will generally consist of at least one person in these group: Shiraken, Bakatare (Circus), Gen 3, and IRyS, with the Minecraft collab with Sora being the odd one out. While stories from Kiara and Subaru implies that she's just as personable and a little mischievous off-stream, her collab partners have remained fairly small. Contrast with Korone, a similar marathon streamer in Hololive that plays a lot of games and is also surprisingly shy, and you have Gamers, Subaru, OKBR, AZKi, Lui, the onyan, the Among Us collab, Nene and Aki for some reason, Towa, the Lethal Company collab that includes IRyS and Pekora and Flare... yeah. 3) There's also kind of the problem where Noefure had this air of legitimacy, with the pair rings and other holomems talking about how close they are, and a few streams where they did basically act like sweethearts and nothing else. One of the Gen 3 anniversaries had one of the two joke about how they got a girlfriend from joining Hololive, leading the other three to tell them to knock it off. There's the fact that unlike Okakoro, Noefure: a) didn't have anything like Shion and Aqua to mix things up; Marine was either third-wheeling comfortably, or failing to threesome, or is paired off with Rushia. b) or someone like Okayu playing into the bit of being a womanizer; Flare had the harem thing going on for a bit, but it didn't last very long. c) or the medium in which the pairing was shown off. Okakoro's popularity also stems from the fact that they're gaming buddies; most of Noefure fuel is zatsuzan-esque tete. In the end, it wasn't just the intensity of the pairing, but the implied exclusivity that the two teased, something that doesn't quite plague Okakoro (Shion and Aqua, gaming buddies) or MiComet ("business partners", StartEnd's Towa and Aqua-- god she's in a lot of these, isn't she). No, Marine doesn't count. 4) Noefure went off around the time when 100k subs was a fairly huge thing in Hololive... in a Gen that shot off like a rocket. Flare was and still is by far the least subscribed in Gen 3, part of it being that the role she initially played was an ikeman-esque elf that ultimately didn't fit her at all (she's charming, but for completely different reasons). She also doesn't have the advantage of having 'universally applicable talents' compared to someone like Korone's noises and goofiness, Fubuki's memes, Suisei's singing and 'psychopathy', and Towa's and Subaru's passion English, amongst others. Her shy and considerate-to-a-fault nature really works against her. IRyS is a godsend. Ironically, Noel was one of the few back then that pointed out how cute Flare is off-stream and vouched for this part of her frequently, long before Flare herself would kinda controversially pivot hard into a persona that actually fits her better. Most people can't put on an act forever, after all. Still remember people being kinda disappointed that Flare pivoted into "yet another cute girl". Miss her outfit, but the change was ultimately good for her. So, yeah. tl;dr from a certain point of view, it is "technically" Flare's fault she has to address it publicly as opposed to everyone else, but it's a mix of her personality, the uncertainty of Hololive back then, and her relatively low sub count compared to everyone else that it basically ended up like this. When Noefure went dark, Flare's small but loyal fanbase took a relatively big hit compared to Noel's. Not sure on Noel's end, but she has already established herself as an ASMR specialist during the early years. If her personality on-stream back then is half of what it is today (and I think it is; she was still a tad hotheaded, a dork, and low-key wacky), that's still less of a change than what Flare went through over the years.
@Wyrdwad Күн бұрын
@@ExCirkuu Really appreciate the long and detailed explanation! Thanks! I genuinely know so very little about Flare that just about everything you mentioned regarding her is news to me -- I didn't even realize she was close with IRyS, since I also don't really watch IRyS. ;) The only English member I knew she had any connection with whatsoever is Ina, because I DO watch Ina and have thus seen a number of the "Ore no Ina" clips at this point. Heheh. I feel like Okakoro is just as serious as what you're describing with Noefure, as they've had a number of zatsudan streams together as well, including ones where Korone has stayed over at Okayu's place or Okayu has stayed over at Korone's and their interactions have been the absolute height of TeTe. But indeed, they don't have that same sense of exclusivity to them as you've suggested -- there's more a sense that they're both in an "open relationship," you might say, where they're permitted to fool around but will ultimately always wind up back with each other in the end. And I guess the fact that they established that general lack of exclusivity early on (admittedly more on Okayu's side than Korone's, as Korone is pretty firmly devoted to just Okayu, but still!), combined with their overall bigger and less idol-centric fanbase, makes their relationship a lot easier to maintain without triggering excessive parasocialism from the fanbase. It's kind of remarkable how widespread the Hololive net is these days, and how much interpersonal history and character lore, both kayfabe and IRL, has been established at this point. I've been in the rabbit hole since 2020, but there's still so much I don't know, since there are simply too many members and too many relationships to really keep track of them all. ;)
@slitization Күн бұрын
@@Wyrdwad I'll add a bit more from the OkaKoro perspective: they're really more like 'extremely close friends who basically treat each other like family members, and occasionally RP-ing being couple mostly for giggles' (as ExCirkuu already explained very well, the differences with Noe Fure are subtle but significant; NoeFure just felt more possessive, serious, and 'in their own world'.) That said, OkaKoro didn't "ignore the fans' judgment', they also had to react to hardcore shippers, just in a more tactful/less clipped way. I kid you not, there was a time when I saw fans not wanting to see Okayu/Korone collab if the other one isn't around. Korone had to say repeatedly that she didn't mind Okayu being close with someone else (as long as they don't hurt her), Okayu when in Real Talk mode with onigirya stated that she sees Korone more as a 'big sister', and both of them had to clarify after they got a bit carried away mentioning about 'kissing each other' (basically, 'not in that way'). You may have noticed, but in the last two years they had much fewer on-stream collabs/moments compared than it used to be. While it's mostly because they're much busier now and it's harder to match schedule, I believe this also played a part in drastically reducing the problematic shipping narrative. A part of me is kinda sad and longing for the good old days when you can expect at least weekly OkaKoro (instead of once in several months like now), but I do believe that it's good for both of them long-run. Okayu can pursue projects with other close partners (Retro Game Club w/ Subaru, Doroken with Lui, etc.) without said partner being spammed by the increasingly unfunny 'Korone will come for your fingers' joke, and Korone can advance on her own w/ her own sponsorship projects while being much less Okayu-reliant like she was in the very beginning~
@Wyrdwad Күн бұрын
@@slitization I suppose they have stepped back a bit, but I always saw that as a natural progression from them -- it didn't feel like a response to fan backlash, but rather just the two of them getting involved in more projects and getting busier in general due to their ever-increasing popularity, making it harder for them to find the time to collab. Korone has stated, though, that she and Okayu still meet for dinner dates all the time, however, and still talk to each other online quite frequently. I also find it hard to believe they're trying to distance themselves from the allegations when they literally had a marriage scene in the Shuffle Medley this year. ;) That feels more like they're just straight-up leaning into it! Was definitely the biggest, boldest statement yet from them. As for their response to the kissing thing and all that, it was kind of a weak response that didn't really come across as "not in that way," but rather more "we're not talking about this anymore, so stop asking." ;) It was dismissive, yet denied nothing and basically said nothing. Heheh. According to Okayu, they very much do kiss, on the mouth, and Korone is the ONLY Holomem she kisses, despite all her flirting. Which is a pretty bold statement on its own that has never been retracted. It was the "beyond kissing" part that got retracted/corrected, but the retraction was... that they just meant they "clean each other's tails." Which is an in-character answer to what was previously an out-of-character statement, and can also be interpreted... interestingly. Heheh. I'm still of the opinion that there's more going on between those two than simple friendship, but that's just the feeling I get from their interactions -- and ultimately, it's none of my business, so whether they lean into it or not, and whomever they choose to collab or flirt with, I'm here for it. I'm hoping my gut is right that other fans are more or less in the same boat, and aren't pestering them too much over their "relationship," and I hope the same can eventually be said of Noefure too -- let them be lovey-dovey if they wanna be, or not if they don't! It's sweet and charming to see, but we're not the ones in charge of them, so we really need to just sit back, watch, and enjoy -- no comments, no demands.
@cyrene03 2 күн бұрын
Love that they're still as close as ever
@Ahhthur 2 күн бұрын
NoeFure clips were one of the things that really pulled me into Hololive. Their dynamic was fun to watch. I'm glad they made this decision in the end since it lead to many fun collabs for both of them. FlaRyS, FAIL, Bakatare(Circus), Noel ahijo, Noel Subaru, Noel Kanatan and of course Shiraken! We would have missed on all those great streams if they limited who they did collabs with.
@TheDrexxus 2 күн бұрын
Japanese culture is wild. The JP viewers are so much more parasocial and weird about stuff like this. EN viewers say stuff like this sometimes but 99% of the time it's a joke and sarcasm, not serious, but the JP bros actually mean it and that is unhinged. But even worse than that, the JP talents won't even speak out against it or correct their fanbases or even simply ignore it, they want to keep that parasocial crap running. Absolutely nuts. Glad EN doesn't roll that way and will readily call anyone out for being weird.
@slitization Күн бұрын
....what? Lol, Takamori fiasco happened, and even Kronii hanging out with the boys incited the kind of weird unhinged behavior that's just as bad as those JP fans. Let's not act as if it's country-specific phenomenon.
@mirukutea734 Күн бұрын
just tell me you're racist without telling me
@Candlemancer 16 сағат бұрын
​@@slitization To be fair Takamori was like 60% driven by Kiara. She encouraged it massively and then acted like it was something the fans did all on their own. The Kronii shit though, yeah that's just naturally occuring weirdness. She never created and expectation or did anything to cultivate am audience that you would expect to act that way, and I actually suspect it was more anti-fan bad actors than actual creepy obsessive fans. People looking for any reason to attack someone.
@SilverMystes1 2 күн бұрын
I was grinning so hard during this clip lol. Flare is so sweet. She’s like the person that any men will fall in love to.
@Windyyyyyyyyy 2 күн бұрын
They both are truly amazing members. Even if NoeFlare isn't as often, I appreciate how much those two just have fun during their streams, and during Shiraken collabs.
@HungTran-jo5vv 2 күн бұрын
This is what happened to Crossick and OreApo, where shipper goes to hard, some even send threats on marshmallow...What worse is Crossick is an actual couple but since then no one know what their current relationship is right now.
@bourbon7455 Күн бұрын
what happened to oreapo?
@zorblogz Күн бұрын
Well they don't play together anymore and try to not speak about each other on stream to not feed the shippers
@HungTran-jo5vv Күн бұрын
@@bourbon7455 like the guy above said, but sometimes their friends in vspo still tease them about it so it's cool. They also still play off-stream
@czarkusa2018 2 күн бұрын
Yeahhh, we did this to Calli and Kiara too
@niconojuegos Күн бұрын
They are a lot more chill about it now for sure. I mean they still reference takamori often enough surprisingly like the most recent thing was Kiara’s birthday stream which was earlier this month so it’s still around
@SC_3 2 күн бұрын
Hololive fans pushing a joke too far? Next up, the sky is BLUE! lol
@deanthomas2305 2 күн бұрын
i'm actually liking it better now. not that i dislike Noel being clingy (i kinda like it) but knowing Flare, she worries a lot.
@DyingIsFunny 2 күн бұрын
We all know Flare's husband is IRyS anyways
@SEPHiRODMusic 2 күн бұрын
Shippers made me stop engaging with several fandoms because it's the cringiest thing in any fandom, it got so much worse in the last few years too. So I'm glad they stop feeding them instead of going against how they feel about it. Holo fandom is very gifted in running everything into the ground so that's a very fertile ground for shippers.
@hideharu-xiii8852 2 күн бұрын
Before seeing the video: Probably because of the fans, right? After seeing the video: Yeah, even Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming.
@westleyhunt8282 2 күн бұрын
can't have nice things because of stupid fans, is it so difficult not to be weird, just support them whatever they want to do?
@edgelordoompaloompa 2 күн бұрын
People are very extreme but that doesn't mean that it's all their fault. Both of them encouraged that relationship with romantic overtones. Noel perhaps being the most committed. She even considered living with Flare, something that Flare denied from the beginning. Everything fell apart when they bought engagement rings. It's something similar to Rushia, she had a toxic fandom but because she also encouraged merchandise related to a virtual girlfriend/wife. You reap what you sow, it's always like that and this case is no different. I feel sorry for NoeFure but it is what it is.
@Fishman465 2 күн бұрын
@edgelordoompaloompa not wrong, feed a ship past a certain point if not doing so period, and the fans go nutty. They've managed to put the genie back in the lamp to a great degree, though it's fortunate that they have no real interest in co-ed collabs
@TF_NowWithExtraCharacters 2 күн бұрын
IMO shippers treating it as real isn't the main problem. The problem is that the shippers act as if the of them can ONLY interact with each other one on one. The moment they have fun with others it's all "X cheating on Y!" and "Oh no, Y is going to cry!" And if they don't interact for a while, shippers go "they broke up!" All made worse no thanks to meme brain and people spamming it at every opportunity cos they think it's a funny meme. That's the IRL equivalent of seeing someone you know who is married just talking to someone and running to their partner saying they cheated. What, married people can't have friends?
@edgelordoompaloompa 2 күн бұрын
@@TF_NowWithExtraCharacters Sorry, but I barely understood the first part of your comment. And answering that, like I said, fans are extreme and nothing excuses them. If you were already part of the Holo world at that time, you would know that most of the collabs were between them. The two of them collaborated with other members but it was not a common thing. In fact, Flare was the one who did the least collabs, most of them included Noel. I repeat, nothing excuses extreme fans. But if you get used to both of them doing several things together, I think it's normal for their fans to ask about the other person when they're not there. I understand that it can become spam very quickly and become annoying. I don't think they did it for memes or because they thought it was funny, it just became annoying. Noel wasn't too bothered by it but Flare got tired of it and that's why they cleared things up.
@TF_NowWithExtraCharacters 2 күн бұрын
@@edgelordoompaloompa ok lemme rephrase, hope it's clearer this way. I think shipping itself ("NoeFure is a couple!") isn't a problem. The problem is people start expecting that they must always be together. If they're not, people start asking about the other person. If they collab with others, people start "OMG cheating". They're no longer treated as 2 separate people, they're treated as halves of a unit. "Normal for fans to ask about the other person" - maybe if it's months since the previous collab, that's a fair question, but knowing how the fanbase is, they probably started pestering them after a few weeks. "It just became annoying" - totally agree, but I don't think people were doing it to be annoying. I think joking about ships became acceptable meme material, and the whole format of memes is to repeat it until a new meme comes along (for another example, see all the wall/cutting board jokes). That's what I mean by meme brain, people repeating the same comments over and over again. For the record, I started around Myth's debut. I didn't get to see NoeFure in action, though I saw quite a lot of clips of other members talking about their offline interactions. I did see Takamori though, and that also had problems with the annoying fans that pushed too far (IMO Kiara had it worse, Calli was mostly fine).
@Candlemancer 16 сағат бұрын
​@@TF_NowWithExtraCharacters I agree with you here. Treating the ship as real actually isn't that big an issue, the problem is that toxic shippers habe wildly unreasonable amd unhealthy expectations from two people in a relationship, real or not. If I play a video game with someone that isn't my wife, even another woman, that's not cheating. That's just having other friends besides her.
@SDE1994 2 күн бұрын
ive already been thinking this for a long while, they already together or chatting nearly everyday so dont feel the need to collab to be together
@RickiTikkiTavi 2 күн бұрын
And shippers still never learn. PekoMiko went away for the same reason, and almost anyone else that shows the slightest in common during a collab.
@TF_NowWithExtraCharacters 2 күн бұрын
For a more recent example: see Takamori 1.0
@DinnerForkTongue 2 күн бұрын
Luckily they haven't managed to ruin MiComet, OkaKoro or BaeRys. Not yet at least.
@jaycepentad9535 2 күн бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongue NoeFlare isn't ruined, per se, but OkaKoro isn't much more commonly seen nowadays is it? BaeRys feels a bit less prominent for sure. MiComet is a pretty strong unit and has always had ship denial. Business!
@mathieul4303 18 сағат бұрын
@@TF_NowWithExtraCharactersKiara forced that one to be fair 😐
@mathieul4303 18 сағат бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongueFlaRys (not shipping for me) chemistry is ahead of Baerys imo
@kurisuw30 2 күн бұрын
This is also why why don't have Pekora and MIko collabs anymore. Shippers are the worst.
@dxxdify 2 күн бұрын
lol shippers has nothing to do with those two.Something just has happened between them since they're completely avoiding each other. Plus, cmon, people has been shipping Miko and Suisei/Pekora and Marine for year now (even harder than PekoMiko btw), and that, for some reason, didn't stop them from interacting and collabing with each other.
@edgelordoompaloompa 2 күн бұрын
@@dxxdify Explain pekomiko
@Fishman465 2 күн бұрын
@dxxdify some seem worse than others is my guess and "shippers" was the reason Miko gave for why such collabs stopped
@kiaconkbodho9987 5 сағат бұрын
Lets just think it positively, PekoMiko is too strong so they go on their own way
@Faron93 2 күн бұрын
Leave it to every fandom ever to make it weird after a while.
@perotekku 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the clip! Just proof we can't have nice things, some people will always take things too far.
@Bunniest 2 күн бұрын
Even though she already stated this a long time ago, some people still don't know. I feel bad for her sometimes because she has to explain this over and over again. P.S. Yes, I know this clip is from a stream two months ago, but I recently saw some comments talking about NoeFlare breaking up, and it felt a bit weird.
@hayatojin2886 2 күн бұрын
Flare is being nice as always, in other words shippers are annoying as hell! Stop shipping real people, it sucks!