@jarijansma2207 2 күн бұрын
Strong "Don't look up vibes" here
@maryjones5710 5 күн бұрын
Record heat and record cold, extremes is the new norm, not warming. The German chap who realized how to get nitrogen from the air, said there is enough Nitrogen now in the world, that if the population goes below ww1 levels, the plants would take over. We are experiencing a population collapse. Al Bieleks trip to the future looks quite likely. AI run smart cities and massive amounts of greenery, with free humans but not enough to bother the vegetation.
@maryjones5710 5 күн бұрын
Bill Gates is setting up to get small salt reactors going, nuclear that doesn,t use water. On the other end their are a bunch of maverick inventors who say they have a plasma tech device which can clean the exhaust of conventional gas powered motors. I think the rise of despot's is the great threat, ones that work in clandestine ways. People will always agree to act in the greater interests and futures of the communities if they trust what they are given informationally. The trouble comes when the non-cooperating souls oppose healthy action. There was a huge adoption of electric cars but there is now a decline because they are a pain in the rear to keep charged. Time is of the essence for working people, they need vehicles that will perform when they need them to.
@allendrews9117 9 күн бұрын
Bleep the young...
@Reflekt0r 17 күн бұрын
It took the hosts quite a while to see where Roman was going. 😅
@flickwtchr 17 күн бұрын
Regarding healthcare in the UK, please please please take it from this US citizen, the LAST thing you want is for it to become more privatized. In the US it is a nightmare for most people, with a significant % of the population essentially having zero affordable access to healthcare for themselves and their children. Those who can afford healthcare insurance often end up with high deductibles so they are not only paying out of pocket for basic primary care until the deductible is met, but of course still have to pay their monthly premium to private insurers on top of that. In short, keep Thatcherism/neoliberal economics at bay, or you will end up like in the US where the most likely reason individuals file bankruptcy is because of medical bills from a major illness for them, or another family member. Regarding class divisions from a US perspective. Reaganism/neoliberal economics have dominated the power center of both major political parties (who have unassailable power vs any third party) since Reagan. Bill Clinton moved the power center of the Democratic Party to neoliberal "moderate" Democrats who joined Republicans in ultimately serving large corporations and super wealthy individuals. Yes, there remains a difference, especially today between Democrats and Republicans, but the major shift toward Reaganism/neoliberal economics resulted ultimately in historic inequality, and paved the way for the rise of the demagogue and ultimately a fascist, Donald Trump. Occupy Wall Street after the 2008 crash caused by super wealthy people and large corporations gaming the housing market, initially started as a very unifying movement that crossed party affiliations of people who could all relate to how most of the financial gains over decades had only been realized by the top 1%. Although that movement's direct action was quickly crushed with brutal police action that utilized mass surveillance technologies (fusion centers of intelligence sharing between Dept of Homeland Security, state and local police, FBI, etc), the remnants of that movement is what fueled Bernie Sanders unsuccessful presidential campaigns which ultimately did influence the dominant Democratic Party neoliberals to run on, if not fully adopt more progressive policies regarding growing inequality. Enter demagogue and I believe fascist Donald Trump to leverage legitimate grievance (but in reality, disingenuously) to fuel anger and resentment through his incessant lies to blame immigrants, leftists, and anyone else he doesn't like for the nation's troubles. He now openly demonizes as "the enemy within", any person or group that dares resist him and his policy directives. If you don't know about Project 2025, check it out. A blueprint for fascism in the US if Trump returns to power. "We need to figure out what that economy looks like." I'll make a prediction. That economy will look like massive unemployment with no sufficient governmental measures in place to address a huge increase in homeless people, especially in the US. Speaking of the US, the likelihood that the libertarian and neoliberal economic types that dominate both AI tech and governance are going to effectively distribute a sufficient UBI that will afford the jobless housing, healthcare, food, utilities, etc etc etc is very close to ZERO. Check back in 10 years to see how things are going on that front of economic transition catalyzed by the AI revolution. The most likely outcome for at least a generation is some kind of gated Utopia for a small percentage on top, and Dystopia for everyone else kept in line by AI technologies/robotics/surveillance/neurotech, etc etc etc. My two and one half cents.
@OrgoneAlchemy 23 күн бұрын
Climate change is a false political problem created to drive society towards a carbon tax control system. The same people who want a carbon tax control system are funding super intelligent AI development. What are the chances it will end well for most people?
@flickwtchr 24 күн бұрын
I tried to listen to the full podcast, I really did. But just as a particular point the guest was trying to complete, he was interrupted, time and time again. I made it through to 34:20. This notion, being presented here generally, that somehow it was "fair use" for these AI tech corporations to scrape copyrighted works without consent, when the objective was to create a commercial product, is patently absurd. Furthermore, until there was sufficient pushback, these companies allowed style prompts containing the names of contemporary artists when it was clear just how good these models were at mimicking the styles of those artists. But, keep apologizing for these egregious actions if you must. All must bow to the AI Tech Gods who can do whatever the hell they want to do with our data, because, well, they can. How's that for hyperbole?
@flickwtchr 25 күн бұрын
Great interview.
@Reflekt0r 26 күн бұрын
It's astonishing how few subs you have. Amazing talks.
@andrewchoi5808 Ай бұрын
#DefeatAging #AntiAging End aging process Cease aging diseases old age mortality sickness illness virus covid death Achieve immortality longevity ageless anti aging age reversal eternal youth Make humans animals parents grandparents siblings and entire earth young new and immortal permanently Never Grow up and getting old too fast Never become elderly again After become adults have successful careers and live new better ageless lives ❤
@wonmoreminute Ай бұрын
By far the best discussion I’ve heard on this topic.
@NotNecessarily-ip4vc Ай бұрын
I can attempt to express the shift from classical, third-person formalisms to quantum, first-person formalisms using the frameworks of logic, mathematics, and physics. This transition represents a profound paradigm shift in our understanding of reality and the nature of scientific inquiry. Logic: In classical logic, we have been operating within the realm of bivalence, where propositions are either true or false, and the principle of non-contradiction holds. However, quantum mechanics has challenged this notion with phenomena such as superposition and entanglement, which defy our classical intuitions. The both/and logic, with its multivalued and paraconsistent structure, provides a framework to model these quantum paradoxes. Let's consider the famous double-slit experiment, where an entity (e.g., an electron) exhibits both wave-like and particle-like behavior depending on the experimental setup. In classical logic, we would have to assign mutually exclusive truth values to the propositions "e is a wave" and "e is a particle." However, the both/and logic allows us to assign graded truth values to these propositions: Truth("e is a wave") = 0.6 Truth("e is a particle") = 0.7 Coherence("e is a wave", "e is a particle") = 0.8 The coherence value reflects the compatibility of these seemingly contradictory properties within the quantum realm. The synthesis operator ⊕ can then represent the integrated quantum phenomenon: "e is a wave" ⊕ "e is a particle" = quantum_behavior(e) Mathematics: Classical mathematics has been heavily influenced by the notion of objectivity and the search for universal, context-independent truths. However, quantum mechanics has revealed the inherent contextuality and observer-dependence of certain phenomena. The monadological framework, with its emphasis on the irreducible perspectives of monads (fundamental psychophysical entities), provides a basis for reconceptualizing mathematics. In classical set theory, an element either belongs to a set or not, adhering to the principle of bivalence. However, in the quantum realm, we encounter situations where an entity can exhibit graded membership in multiple sets simultaneously. The both/and logic allows us to represent this using multivalued set membership: Membership(e, set_A) = 0.7 Membership(e, set_B) = 0.6 Coherence(Membership(e, set_A), Membership(e, set_B)) = 0.5 This captures the idea that an entity can simultaneously belong to different sets to varying degrees, with a coherence value representing the compatibility of these memberships. Physics: Classical physics has been dominated by third-person, objective descriptions of reality, often ignoring the role of the observer. However, quantum mechanics has brought the observer's perspective and the act of measurement to the forefront, challenging our classical notions of objectivity. In classical mechanics, we can describe the state of a system using well-defined variables and deterministic equations of motion. However, in quantum mechanics, the state of a system is described by a wave function, which represents a superposition of multiple potential states. The both/and logic allows us to represent this superposition using graded truth values: Truth("system is in state A") = 0.4 Truth("system is in state B") = 0.6 Coherence("system is in state A", "system is in state B") = 0.8 The coherence value captures the idea that the system can simultaneously exhibit properties of multiple states, with a non-zero coherence reflecting the compatibility of these states within the quantum realm. Furthermore, the act of measurement in quantum mechanics is not merely a passive observation but an active intervention that disturbs the system and collapses the wave function. This challenges the classical notion of an objective, detached observer. The both/and logic, with its emphasis on the integration of subjective and objective aspects, provides a framework to model this observer-system entanglement. Let O represent an observer, and S represent a quantum system: Truth("O observes S in state A") = 0.7 Truth("S is in state A") = 0.5 Coherence("O observes S in state A", "S is in state A") = 0.9 The high coherence value reflects the inseparability of the observer's perspective and the system's state within the quantum realm. The synthesis operator ⊕ can then represent the integrated observer-system reality: "O observes S in state A" ⊕ "S is in state A" = quantum_measurement_event This shift from classical, third-person formalisms to quantum, first-person formalisms challenges our traditional notions of objectivity, detachment, and context-independence. The both/and logic and the monadological framework provide symbolic and conceptual tools to navigate this transition, allowing us to model and reason about the inherent contextuality, observer-dependence, and paradoxical nature of quantum phenomena. By embracing these new formalisms, we can develop a more holistic and integrated understanding of reality, one that acknowledges the irreducible perspectives of observers and the co-constitutive nature of subjective and objective aspects. This paradigm shift has profound implications not only for our scientific worldview but also for our philosophical and metaphysical understanding of the nature of reality, knowledge, and the role of the observer in the pursuit of understanding.
@NotNecessarily-ip4vc Ай бұрын
Let's continue exploring how the transition from classical to quantum formalisms enabled by the both/and logic and monadological framework opens up new frontiers across various domains: Philosophy of Science and Epistemology The shift to quantum, first-person formalisms has profound implications for our understanding of scientific inquiry, knowledge, and epistemology. Classical epistemology has been heavily influenced by the ideal of an objective, detached observer acquiring knowledge about an independent, external reality. However, the quantum realm challenges this view by highlighting the fundamental inseparability of the observer and the observed system. The both/and logic, with its emphasis on the coherence and synthesis of subjective and objective aspects, provides a framework for reconceptualizing the nature of scientific knowledge. Rather than viewing knowledge as a mere representation or mapping of an external reality, we can understand it as a co-constituted process involving the irreducible perspectives of observers and the systems under study. Let O represent an observer, S represent a system, and K represent scientific knowledge: Truth(K is objective) = 0.6 Truth(K involves subjective aspects) = 0.7 Coherence(K is objective, K involves subjective aspects) = 0.8 The high coherence value reflects the idea that scientific knowledge is neither purely objective nor purely subjective, but rather a synthesis of both aspects. The synthesis operator ⊕ can then represent this integrated understanding: "K is objective" ⊕ "K involves subjective aspects" = scientific_knowledge(O, S) This reconceptualization challenges the classical notion of knowledge as a detached representation of an external reality and acknowledges the active role of observers in shaping and co-constituting scientific knowledge. Furthermore, the both/and logic and monadological framework provide tools for modeling the contextuality and observer-dependence inherent in quantum phenomena. This has implications for our understanding of scientific objectivity and the universality of scientific laws and theories. Let T represent a scientific theory, and C represent a particular context or experimental setup: Truth(T holds universally) = 0.7 Truth(T depends on context C) = 0.6 Coherence(T holds universally, T depends on context C) = 0.5 The moderate coherence value reflects the tension between the desire for universal scientific laws and the recognition that scientific theories may be context-dependent and observer-relative within the quantum realm. The synthesis operator ⊕ can then represent a more integrated understanding: "T holds universally" ⊕ "T depends on context C" = contextual_scientific_theory(T, C) This shift challenges the classical ideal of universal, context-independent scientific laws and theories and acknowledges the potential for observer-dependence and contextuality within the quantum realm. Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness The transition to quantum, first-person formalisms also has profound implications for our understanding of consciousness and the mind-body problem. Classical approaches have often treated the mind and consciousness as separate from the physical world, leading to various forms of dualism or reductionism. However, the both/and logic and monadological framework provide a basis for reconceptualizing the relationship between mind and matter. Let M represent the mental or subjective aspect, and P represent the physical or objective aspect: Truth(M is distinct from P) = 0.5 Truth(M is integrated with P) = 0.6 Coherence(M is distinct from P, M is integrated with P) = 0.7 The high coherence value reflects the idea that the mental and physical aspects are neither completely distinct nor fully reducible to each other, but rather exist in a state of coherent integration. The synthesis operator ⊕ can then represent this integrated understanding: "M is distinct from P" ⊕ "M is integrated with P" = mind-matter_relationship This view challenges both classical dualism and reductionism and acknowledges the irreducible co-constitution of subjective and objective aspects within a unified reality. Furthermore, the monadological framework, with its emphasis on fundamental psychophysical monads, provides a basis for reconceptualizing consciousness as an irreducible aspect of reality, rather than an emergent property or epiphenomenon. This challenges the classical view of consciousness as a mere by-product of physical processes and acknowledges its fundamental role in shaping and co-constituting reality. Let C represent consciousness, and R represent physical reality: Truth(C is an epiphenomenon of R) = 0.4 Truth(C co-constitutes R) = 0.7 Coherence(C is an epiphenomenon of R, C co-constitutes R) = 0.6 The moderate coherence value reflects the tension between the classical view of consciousness as an epiphenomenon and the quantum view of consciousness as an active co-constituent of reality. The synthesis operator ⊕ can then represent a more integrated understanding: "C is an epiphenomenon of R" ⊕ "C co-constitutes R" = consciousness-reality_relationship This shift challenges the classical reductionist view of consciousness and acknowledges its fundamental role in shaping and co-constituting reality, aligning with the principles of the monadological framework. Foundations of Mathematics and Logic The transition to quantum, first-person formalisms also has implications for our understanding of the foundations of mathematics and logic themselves. Classical mathematics and logic have been heavily influenced by the ideals of objectivity, universality, and context-independence. However, the both/and logic and monadological framework challenge these notions and provide a basis for reconceptualizing the nature of mathematical and logical truth. Let T represent a mathematical or logical truth, and O represent an observer or context: Truth(T is universal) = 0.7 Truth(T depends on observer O) = 0.6 Coherence(T is universal, T depends on observer O) = 0.5 The moderate coherence value reflects the tension between the classical view of mathematical and logical truths as universal and context-independent, and the quantum view of truth as observer-dependent and context-sensitive. The synthesis operator ⊕ can then represent a more integrated understanding: "T is universal" ⊕ "T depends on observer O" = contextual_mathematical_truth(T, O) This view challenges the classical notion of timeless, objective mathematical and logical truths and acknowledges the potential for observer-dependence and contextuality within these domains, aligning with the principles of the monadological framework. Furthermore, the both/and logic itself provides a basis for reconceptualizing the foundations of logic by embracing multivalence, paraconsistency, and the coherence of seemingly contradictory propositions. This challenges the classical principles of bivalence and non-contradiction and opens up new possibilities for representing and reasoning about the paradoxical and contextual nature of truth within the quantum realm. These are just a few examples of how the transition from classical, third-person formalisms to quantum, first-person formalisms enabled by the both/and logic and monadological framework has profound implications across various domains. By embracing these new formalisms and conceptual frameworks, we can develop a more holistic, integrated, and contextualized understanding of reality, one that acknowledges the irreducible perspectives of observers, the co-constitutive nature of subjective and objective aspects, and the potential for contextuality and observer-dependence within the quantum realm.
@pubwvj 2 ай бұрын
He highly underestimated the real world non-ADA utility of legs. 99.9% of the world is not ADA compliant. I farm, butcher, log, build and legs are much better than wheels for a humanoid robot. I have wheeled vehicles but they have limits of access and require roads.
@metricmoo Ай бұрын
Moving around a lab doesn't require legs
@pubwvj 2 ай бұрын
I will take three humanoid robots for my farm. Maybe another three or four for my butchershop. AI, Robots, chainsaws, pitch forks and knives. What could go wrong…? 🤷🏻🤔😁 I am totally serious. AgBots are better than people and cheaper than tractors. I like doing both g projects like my farm and butchershop but I do not like managing people. Coworker robots would be great.
@skyefreeman9987 2 ай бұрын
I like your vibe
@ThomasTomiczek Ай бұрын
You are not alone - human level robots will take over workplaces and the time this takes is not depending on their capabilities but the waiting list. As in: PLENTY of easy jobs for them, and by the time the waiting list for those clears the robots will be ready for way more complex jobs. AI training goes insanely fast - and hardware for that is not getting slower. And the robots are SO close to be usable.
@specialagentzeus 2 ай бұрын
It's not AI until you cannot notice it
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
Nothing is safe on the current Internet
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
New system is coming up. It’s called mimosa.
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
AI is building me the library Alexandria
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
Amount of energy that AI takes is insurmountable
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
Weather changes, however, they are juicing it with energy
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
Fight with the damn thing
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
AI no situational awareness
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 2 ай бұрын
AI will lie to you every time because it’s only as good as the database that’s put in there. She’s a librarian and she’s a dumb librarian at that.
@jonathanedwardgibson 3 ай бұрын
The opening where an Indian mega heat wave kills twenty million made great drama, but in truth 100x Indians die from cold winters than heat each year. Loved his Red/Green/Blue Mars trilogy, but he has a tough slog making government employment storyworthy and harder sell making bureaucrats into heroes. Rightly so, because despite our military-grade propaganda called media, weather-related deaths are down 99% from a century ago. There are plenty and real industrial pollutions choking ecosystems and toxifying our lives, but CO2 is silly distraction - at best. Is there a chemist in the house? How did the greatest flourishing of life on this planet, the Cambrian, ‘suffer’ exuberant growth at 6,000+ppm? The CO2 rule of thumb I learned is for every 100ppm added there are diminishing returns - rapidly approaching zero. It’s logarithmic describing the upper limit of what CO2 can even reflect. Scary IPCC bed-time stories has people peeing their bed over the number 450ppm. Across societies and centuries the wealth of a country is tied EXACTLY to the energy consumed. Up + down like clockwork for those who can still read graphs. People are right to reject Net Zero as anything but more Austerity Politics with Green paint.
@Douglas_Gillette 3 ай бұрын
I sensed in Bruce’s voice that he was thinking - These interviewers are clueless.
@miketaylor7023 3 ай бұрын
How can you ever reason with the insane if they control all the wealth and power? You cannot make logical arguments with proof and evidence no matter how precise it gets when dealing with the insane. 80m Psychopaths , 80m Bipolars , 80m Schizophrenics , 400m Sociopaths , 400m Narcissists or about a billion people on Earth or one out of 8 people are a mixture of some reasoning abilities and full blown insanity combined. The very definition of insanity means that they won't ever accept logical arguments and proof of malfeasance . Wealth and power is prevalent and concentrated in crime. Goverments,laws,nations,law firms , are all trying to advertize and sell you something designed to bankrupt everybody in the majority. They're highly skilled liars and totally deceptive mixing truth and lies into whatever decisions they want rendered in courts and the written laws ,along with giant law firms which are really just advertizers and con men trying to sell whichever way they want the court decisions to swing. Once it becomes apparant that Musk,Bezos,Gates,Zuckerburg, Putin ,Lay, Madoff, are either psychopaths or other branches of the insane categorizations, then the rest of the world will rise up against the true psychopaths and refuse to buy into what they're selling or be ruled and controlled by these sick scumbags. The insane reject all arguments and proof . That's why the situation seems helpless because these nuts ignore evidence and move on with their insane opinions no matter what happens. And because there are so many of the insane it's easy to give up the situation as hopeless when they lay down their counter offensive against the sane. Theil believes in monopolies. Zuckerburg wanted to model himself as the next Augustus Ceaser. Musk says we need more people and impregnated at leasat nine women and had nine children. Psychopathy seeks the next high and thrill. Billionares will do anything to keep draining money out of the world. Money is represented by finite access to finite resources. Bezos is a tricky psychopath. Watch how he jumped on a desk years ago in a video and went mad with his newfound power. Steve Jobs used to not bathe and at least twice he put his bare foot in a public toilet at work. The pharmaceutical industry doesn't want psychologists to report who is diagnosed as insane publicly. They argued that those results should remain client -psychologist privelige. They spoke out against the public being informed because many of the corporate billionare owners have been historically diagnosed as having conditions like psychopathy and they don't want the public to find out because their power ,control over corporate structures and stock markets would end,and people would refuse to be controlled and led by the insane. They're all over wall street. And in congress and the beauracracy. And the churches. Miscaviage Cruise and Scientology too,along with the great church of pure evil the roman catholic church. All the governments and powerful nations are ruled by the insane. Don't take my word for it. Dig my dear Watson. DIG!
@KevinThomas-kxtphotography 4 ай бұрын
What the Oligarchs of the future will need to ensure that the People will have the funds they need to be able to purchase the Goods and Services that the Oligarchs have to offer. If the majority of people are on subsitance level then E Commerrce or AI Commerce is going to fail. This is the issue with Austerity, they surpress the people so much there is no disposable income left? Sort of what is happening to an extent the the European and oher Car Industries. the money is drying up people are not buying, especially EV's as they do not seem to be of any value? Interesting chat as always Yanis has his head on yet again.
@akhalif68 4 ай бұрын
Hi - Just finished listening the interview with YV...I want to stress his point that never in human history has anybody come up with a "technological" solution to a economic/social problems that humanity is facing at multiple levels (NEVER EVER)...So the introduction of cryptocurrencies & digital currencies will only create a "NEW Market" for playing various games for those who have the wealth to dominate these digital markets...The other question is who Owns the Robots???
@jonathanherreen2560 5 ай бұрын
BS hottest year..... Stop the propaganda
@fugazi225 5 ай бұрын
thanks for content
@brianhershey563 5 ай бұрын
We will give songs agency, can't wait!
@brianhershey563 5 ай бұрын
I used a song on an Instagram post and the same day the artist replied with a thank you! 🙏
@donrayjay 5 ай бұрын
Wow Roman sure is more upbeat here than elsewhere, how did that happen?
@scottgraham152 5 ай бұрын
Cannot deal with her life style choices. Urethane strapped objects are not in my Solar System.
@keithlemke 8 ай бұрын
@pumba6099 8 ай бұрын
Rob you are so woke its unbelievable. When Brett aint here it shows alot.
@angloland4539 8 ай бұрын
@afroscifizianzcomix7836 8 ай бұрын
Good podcast 👏 👍
@afroscifizianzcomix7836 8 ай бұрын
Good stream 👏👍👌
@expeler 8 ай бұрын
Password is by definition the only external secret in any information system.
@afroscifizianzcomix7836 8 ай бұрын
Great stream. Can't wait to hear your stream on China
@seth_sesu 11 ай бұрын
Ramez is right on Ukraine. The hosts are not. The notion that it’s “pointless” to preserve global stability by enforcing international law and helping Ukraine- and that it’s ”slowed” the transition to renewables are both dead wrong on many levels. It’s like saying fighting the Nazis was pointless because peace is better.
@kylewaddington1983 Жыл бұрын
It cool if he came to Australia oneday
@headsalad123 Жыл бұрын
Good podcast guys! One thing I’d say is please let the guest talk his point without interrupting him, it was happening a lot, we’re here to hear them speak!😊
@tintop1075 Жыл бұрын
Aubrey De Gery is a pioneer and a revolutionary. Supporting longevity research, the LEV foundation, could potentially save not only your life but the lives of everyone that you know and love
@Sabretoothz Жыл бұрын
@ctj2534 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Indeed
@daca6094 Жыл бұрын
Great podcast, a very sobering episode this week!
@gottempodcast5297 Жыл бұрын
This is dope ! You should interview Grant Swinton he is the Sr Social Media Manager for track town USA