What is TRIMIX? | Scuba101
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What is a Rebreather? | SCUBA 101
58 минут бұрын
Thank you for sharing this story. Sadly such complacency is quite common also in "plain" OWD. And comes usually in two forms - pseudo time-experience "I ´ve been diving before your mother could walk" ... or newly graduated "I have passed test, I am invincble". Unfortunately, the attitude is quite similar - pre dive cheks? - boring, pre dive planning - not needed, I know this place. Safety procedure briefing? What for ? .... and then they inflate their BCD in 20 meters (65 ft) and fly away to inspect Sputnik... Just a few days ago I talked to fresh OWD colleague (basic owd) and he was bragging how he and his buddy - also basic owd - went alone to 56 meters (183 ft) - how cool is that? He expected acknowledgement and tap on the back. I just asked him, whether he has his will completed, coffin selected and other arangements made. At first it made me quite mad, and I tried to explain, the dangers, to persuade ... but same as this sad story - I was talking to a wall ... At the end it made me sad, as it is not the first nor the last encounter with such negligence. I am not an instructor, or dive master to feel responsible for him, but still I see it a bit as my failure - failure to explain the need for training and rules ... explain that others died so that we do not have to ... As a part of diving community, I somewhat feel the urge to pass my tiny bit to others. I think we all should take care of each other. Being a recreational OWD diver, I have almost no experience, but I feel lucky, that mine instructor is really demanding and till this day he takes time with me to drill basic and advanced procedures ( now we have quite fun), and he always has time to discuss anything dive related and to probe my theoretical knowledge when we meet. Always comes with some tricky question. In my oppinion diving is safe sport, if diver has appropriate training, obeys rules and dives with humility and awe. There is so much to see even in 20 meters. For me each dive is full of wonders and tranquility, I feel almost spiritually cleansed after each dive.
@stuporspoon 9 сағат бұрын
You only took 45 minutes, but your team already ate all the pizza???? SABOTAGE THE UTTER ANTITHESIS OF "HOT AND READY"
@williamdrake2315 12 сағат бұрын
There are cave divers and then there are serious cave divers. I was recreational. Two seperate tanks each with there own regs and always with fixed lines in and out. Never was a true exploratory diver. Member of DAN and read about the divers who were lost. Did not want to die so I never did any true exploratory dives. Bless him for recovering these lost souls. Most of my cave dives were in the DR.
@chris47374 14 сағат бұрын
Edd is a tru legend, anyone to answer a call at that time of hour and get straight to it tells u alot about type guy Edd is, not all of us are devoted to put our lives on the line for a stranger or for this instance a body recover how he thought.
@in4merATP 16 сағат бұрын
Hearing the lead up to all this just sounds like the most stereotypical aviation error chains.
@11bravo18 19 сағат бұрын
Ed! You're the absolute best. Greatest true life story teller ever. Serious with a sense of humor. I lived in Ebro Fl in Washington County on my Dads farm abutting the Choctawhatchee River and swam in spring runs near there but never dove any. Gorgeous country to live and work in. Much respect for how you live and what you do for others. Best wishes going forward sir.
@cainechance1776 19 сағат бұрын
If there is no visibility in the cave, would a portable glow stick attached to the line work or is that not feasible? Is it possible to use a night vision piece of equipment used on the outside of your head? Thanks.
@anthonywong614 23 сағат бұрын
This is a joke right? If you have unused scrubber time, you can bag it and save it for another dive. Why the hell would you throw it away. And this is like the choptima but without the benefits of a choptima. Trash.
@Navy1977 22 сағат бұрын
What benefits do you think the Choptima has over the GO?
@anthonywong614 22 сағат бұрын
@@Navy1977it’s an eccr for one.
@anthonywong614 21 сағат бұрын
@@Navy1977and way easier to pack sorb
@Navy1977 21 сағат бұрын
@@anthonywong614 thanks for your insight.
@mathewlandu40 Күн бұрын
Great storyteller and humble hero.
@raganusmc Күн бұрын
When things go wrong call Edd I pry I never need him
@11bravo18 Күн бұрын
Great story Edd. Legandary.
@Patrick_Dives Күн бұрын
Seems just like a Choptima, but MCCR.
@tommyshaw8729 Күн бұрын
My question is what is the advantage of the added expense of using this unit recreationally? The yearly cost of cell replacement plus the cost of sorb only to do a dive that you said could be done on an AL80. That's even after the cost of the unit and training. I'm not putting the unit down as I have never used one or even seen one but I am a CCR diver and it comes down to using the right tool for the job. My CCR gives me added time underwater in an overhead to not only see more but also adds a safety margin in case there are problems. Just curious and you did a great job in your video.
@genzlegacy7988 Күн бұрын
Ed's stories deserve at least an animation to go along with them, these are some of the most heroic stories i've ever heard..
@user-hi6rm5vs3w Күн бұрын
Edd, are you related to Ann Sorenson? If so I worked with her at AUTEC.
@johnmiskin4905 Күн бұрын
I would love to try it but as Woody kindly wrote to me Denmark is not in the loop yet, for filming it has to be a wow!! No where near the disturbance when getting close to marine life compared to open circuit. Fantastic rebreather, absolutely crazy about it.
@johnmiskin4905 Күн бұрын
So well explained
@Akira_781 Күн бұрын
Incredible. Thanks for being such a great, mission-oriented and focused individual. The world could only benefit from your knowledge. 🍻💚🇺🇸☮️
@svalexanderpc Күн бұрын
Thanks for a great video Jonathan! Sorry we won't see you at this year's meetup. Last year I tried the KISS Spirit in the pool and really decided that rebreathers aren't for me. The cost, time commitment and difficulty of traveling with them (we're warm water recreational divers who pretty much always get on a plane for dive trips) and lack of support at shops in remote places made it all seem not worth it. However, I do LOVE the idea of quieter diving and the ability to do longer recreational dives. I'm a heavy breather on OC, I typically dive 100's when they're available so I can stay down as long as my friends (and yes, I'm working on it, I'm 102 dives in since the second time I got certified (didn't keep up with my old logs from the 80's and 90's) but I'm still usually one of the first folks that needs to end a dive on an 80 which is incredibly frustrating). I'm going to give it a try in the pool with my regular gear and see if the "never" might move to a "maybe". So yeah, I absolutely think there is a market for this and I'm firmly a member of that market. Even if other rebreathers out there CAN be configured this way, the path to training and the cost and the expectation that I would need to do serious technical training beyond what is needed just for the CCR (because those CCRs are designed for deco and mixed gas and things like serious depth and cave diving, none of which I want to do) is a huge barrier. Woody and Gus are human beings, not perfect of course but they work very hard to be transparent. Mike Young knows what he's doing and his willingness to partner with them says a lot.
@renatogodinhorg 2 күн бұрын
@rrg019000 2 күн бұрын
Completely useless. No use case for a front mount rebreather. Just stupid unless you’re going to be underwater all day
@dal8963 2 күн бұрын
Funding eds missions to recover loved ones for families is such a worthy cause where can people donate?
@WinnieThePugh 2 күн бұрын
You remind me of Robin Williams, thank you
@genzlegacy7988 2 күн бұрын
Wow so the divers helping him were so horrified at the sound of the dead guys legs breaking and then seeing his face come through the opening that they left Ed all alone down there? Mustve been worse than the scene from jaws...
@pricediver 2 күн бұрын
I honestly think that this is a very good effort to introduce a recreational CCR into the market. I am personally certified on a Poseidon seven CCR and I ONLY do recreational dive of it. And I have to say that I will never go back to OC from now on. I don’t see any problem that People who only does OC dives and want to get into CCR and only for recreational purposes.
@Navy1977 2 күн бұрын
That's a beautiful CCR. I even like the handle and stand, well, except for the price. 😔😳🤭🤦The configuration I'd want is only $16K USD. 🤭🤷🤦👍👌🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙
@roelofcoertze9453 2 күн бұрын
I struggle to see a niche market for this device. Recreational diving is done with recreational gear, as soon as you go near a rebreather you need technical training just to use it. Most rec divers don't care about 30 extra minutes, just do another dive from the boat after a snack. Never go near deco anyway. Plus, there are many reasons why a recreational diver would not need this device that extends beyond rebreather advantages. I.e. within an hour rec divers want to pee, get cold, want a beer, get bored... Not to mention if the DM is not using this then you are limited by his/her air anyway in typical rec dive charter situations. From the tec diver perspective, this is probably great because you are familiar with the setup and would love to have a smaller rebreather device. However, they probably already spent an arm and a leg on another rebreather and could just end up using that instead of paying a lot of money for a new device that is marginally smaller and having to pay for additional training. Don't get me wrong, I think it is a very cool innovative device, but I think the target market is not recreational divers. Unless it is universally adapted, people will stick to what is universally taught and used (OC), especially at dive centers (just thinking of traveling and needing an o-ring and stuff like that). What I think they should do is rebrand the device as a technical rebreather bailout. That way you dive with your normal rebreather and remove the cumbersome tanks for one of these strapped to your chest. I'd like that!
@rrg019000 2 күн бұрын
Completely agree. Spend your 4000 on good gear.
@DanielSpielberg 2 күн бұрын
Thank's for this video. As experienced JJ diver, I've 2 main remarks. The 3 cells coaxial wires seems to be very cheap and fragile in a so wet environment. Lots of APD divers are facing to problems with water that path through the electronic head via the wires by capillary action. The second remark is related to the lack of counter lungs protection. A hole in it could easily be made by simple friction against a pointed or sharp object. Do you know the cost of this non CE CCR ?
@AtraxJoe 2 күн бұрын
Is this beauty already on the market? Can't find it anywhere ...
@chrisvanbuggenum871 3 күн бұрын
The future of open water diving?
@rrg019000 2 күн бұрын
People can’t hold a piece of paper up the right side to show the number on it during jury duty. Do you think these people are going to remember to monitor their partial pressure?
@chrisvanbuggenum871 2 күн бұрын
@@rrg019000 not that I've ever been on dury duty but i get your point.
@scrapenbass493 3 күн бұрын
5:02 "entell".....whats that?
@tommurray6613 3 күн бұрын
Hi Jonathan, I know you mentioned near the end of the video of using offboard diluent with a low pressure inflator hose. Would this strategy have to change for deeper more demanding dives and be converted to the QC6 connector? Thanks you for your thoughts!
@MarkAnthonyHawkesSITH 3 күн бұрын
How does Ed, and other brave men and women, have the nerve to go in a fucking cave, with restrictions, no vis, underwater and collect dead bodies, that have been there weeks, with limited capacity for breathing to stay alive??!! 😬🤣 It fucking unnerves me just imagining it ffs! 🤣
@stolfygaming 3 күн бұрын
A bit unfortunate that in reality this unit, while "affordable" (around 3.5k I've heard) is quite weak, and actually will cost more like 4.8k since electronics are not included with the price (a sidewinder is only about 5.8k WITH a display included for comparison). Additionally, its biggest "competition" on paper would be other CM rebreathers like the M3S Triton or the Chop but in reality, this unit is just so much weaker its more comparable to a Mares Horizon in performance (which to be fair "recreational" diving is the intended use of this). I do hope it is successful, and if I had 5-6k just laying around I'd bite for a little unit like this for simpler dives (although there are likely enough people to know the Dive Talk channel to make it at least sell a bit for brand name if nothing else anyways), but I would not be too surprised if it meets a similar fate to all the other "recreational" rebreathers.
@tyesalhus5604 3 күн бұрын
Jesus Edd. You are a gangster. These stories are so inspiring. Makes me want to just help in anyway possible. Like another story where family was so upset with you and you just took it and moved on. Like a goalie in sports it’s on you. Thanks for being who you are.
@AndreaFlorio 3 күн бұрын
What's the price of the unit? can it be purchased in Europe and where could you get certified in Europe?
@venomguysydney 3 күн бұрын
Great review, is there a web site and pricing on these rebreathers?
@jimscott772 3 күн бұрын
Anyone else think it’s hilarious how he sounds like he’s breathing with a regulator in even as he’s sitting there talking.
@rednissan001 3 күн бұрын
12 hours from a 3ltr o2 cylinder is a bit of a push
@Navy1977 2 күн бұрын
Not if you know how to properly do skip breathing, which includes tactical application of breath holding. 😳😉🤷🤦🙃
@Raphael_NYC 3 күн бұрын
Great explanation. I want one. Makes perfect sense.
@sgtoda 3 күн бұрын
It looks like a nice unit but considering that the new KISS Sidewinder 2 will have the ability to be used in a sidemount and back mounted configurations for boat and shore diving I would hold off on buying this rebreather.
@Teampegleg 3 күн бұрын
The SW 1 and Fathom Gemini can already be used backmount. I've seen a couple dudes that do it. You just put the cans between the BP and wing, running the CL there too.
@HKChad 3 күн бұрын
@@Teampegleg I run my SW1 like that on a Scuba Pro Hydros, little heavy but works great.
@joemo1033 4 күн бұрын
Used it. Its perfect and amazing. Buy 2.
@roadboat9216 4 күн бұрын
Very interesting. Thanks.
@rolandonwu2651 4 күн бұрын
You don’t want to flood this rebreather
@Navy1977 4 күн бұрын
You don't want to flood any rebreather.
@philipbonafede7320 4 күн бұрын
Wow! I love it! I want one! Great video!
@MegaFPVFlyer 4 күн бұрын
I might have missed it, does anyone know the rated stack time?
@Navy1977 2 күн бұрын
2.5 hrs?
@marcin.j.wasiak 4 күн бұрын
It is KISS rebreather for a reason unknown with Dive Talk branding. Is this giving more confidence in the technology and reliability/durability of the system? Not in my case. Looking forward to Kiss Sindwinder 2 comming and the total line revamp. As for chest rebs - i love my Triton and would take Choptima or any other reb like Sump UK, etc just not being advertised by Gus and Woody being pure publicity stunt.
@sgtoda 3 күн бұрын
I totally agree. That’s what puts me off from even considering trying this unit
@Navy1977 2 күн бұрын
It's my understanding it's not a KISS. That brand is owned by Darkwaters and they are not involved in the GO.
@harambeexpress 4 күн бұрын
Lots of opinions in these comments... While it is not designed for technical diving it is still capable and has most of the same positive attributes as any rebreather and apparently a much lower price. The closest thing to it would be the Revo/Mares Horizon SCR which is much more expensive, a little more complex and less capable. Only advantage the Horizon has is not needing O2 (also a disadvantage). I'm in one of the few places the world where the Horizon makes any sense and I still haven't bothered. If you are looking to go down the technical diving or exploration path this wouldn't be a good investment IMO. Just go for the unit you need in the long term and do technical OC in the meantime. If you already have a rebreather and some spare cash this might also make sense as it's cheaper to run on recreational dives. Just pick the unit that works for your diving, you can find training for, is reliable and servicable, has a local community that you can team up with and learn from, you can afford... I think once you start taking a hollistic look at the unit it starts making more sense. If being smaller than most others, being cheaper in initial cost and being configured for recreational (plus) diving is not appealing then you simply need a different unit. I'd imagine if you're a reef diver like the majority of the recreational (and photography) market then this thing is the bees knees. You need to run your dives slightly differently to get an advantage but many half-decent operators can accommodate a sensible plan. Many will allow you to stay down during the surface interval where recreational divers change cylinders. One long dive is better than two short ones. You'll need a buddy as few operators allow solo diving but this could possibly be someone on a twinset/sidemount with Nitrox to get more bottom time.
@addohm 4 күн бұрын
JB marketing aside, i love your videos, energy, and narration :)
@TheRedbaron11 4 күн бұрын
How much does this cost and who teaches it?
@rrg019000 2 күн бұрын
Dive talk doesn’t. They aren’t even certified on it.
@Mrveescuba 4 күн бұрын
lol lmfao seriously ?? Birdman come on mate lets be serious big bulky rebreather so we try to keep it simple and compact? you have a scuba unit on your back PLUS you add a chestmount ?? are we serious? but the bail out tank was the problem?? hahahahahahaha..